xref: /freebsd/etc/mtree/README (revision 0a41a6681dade4d22760e077db029cb5209a0917)
176629441SRuslan ErmilovNote: If you modify these files, please keep hier(7) updated!
20db47a7cSRuslan Ermilov
39998ec0eSRodney W. GrimesThese files are used to create empty file hierarchies for building the
49998ec0eSRodney W. Grimessystem into.  Some notes about working with them are placed here to try
59998ec0eSRodney W. Grimesand keep them in good working order.
69998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes
79998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes    a)  The files use 4 space indentation, and other than in the header
89998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes        comments, should not contain any tabs.  An indentation of 4 is
99998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes        preferable to the standard indentation of 8 because the indentation
109998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes        of levels in these files can become quite deep causing the line to
119998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes        overflow 80 characters.
129998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes
139998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes        This also matches with the files generated when using the
149998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes        mtree -c option, which was implemented that way for the same reason.
159998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes
169998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes    b)  Only directories should be listed here.
179998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes
185ed41602SDoug Barton    c)  The listing should be kept in filename sorted order.
199998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes
209998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes    d)  Sanity checking changes to these files can be done by following
21f10c8263SRodney W. Grimes        this procedure (the sed -e is ugly, but fixing mtree -c to
229998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes        not emit the trailing white space would be even uglier):
239998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes
249998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes            mkdir /tmp/MTREE
259998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes            mtree -deU -f BSD.X.dist -p /tmp/MTREE
26*0a41a668SJose Luis Duran            mtree -bcdjn -F freebsd9 -k uname,gname,mode -p /tmp/MTREE | \
2751a8a564SRuslan Ermilov                sed -e 's/ *$//' >BSD.X.new
289998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes            diff -u BSD.X.dist BSD.X.new
299998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes            rm -r /tmp/MTREE
309998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes
319998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes        Note that you will get some differences about /set lines,
329998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes        and uname= gname= on certain directory areas, mainly man page
339998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes        sections.  This is caused by mtree not having a look ahead
349998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes        mechanism for making better selections for these as it
359998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes        traverses the hierarchy.
369998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes
37e17b9e4aSUlrich Spörlein        The BSD.X.new file should NOT be committed, as it will be missing
38e17b9e4aSUlrich Spörlein        the correct header, and important keywords like ``nochange''.
39e17b9e4aSUlrich Spörlein        Simply use the diff for a sanity check to make sure things are in
40e17b9e4aSUlrich Spörlein        the correct order and correctly indented.
419998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes
429998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes    e)  Further sanity checking of the system builds with DESTDIR=/someplace
439998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes        are more complicated, but can often catch missing entries in these
449998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes        files.  I tend to run this more complete sanity check shortly after
459998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes        the target date for a new release is announced.
469998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes
479998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes        If you want details on it bug me about it via email to
489998ec0eSRodney W. Grimes        rgrimes@FreeBSD.org.