1#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w 2 3my $config = "crypto/err/openssl.ec"; 4my $debug = 0; 5my $rebuild = 0; 6my $static = 1; 7my $recurse = 0; 8my $reindex = 0; 9my $dowrite = 0; 10my $staticloader = ""; 11 12my $pack_errcode; 13my $load_errcode; 14 15while (@ARGV) { 16 my $arg = $ARGV[0]; 17 if($arg eq "-conf") { 18 shift @ARGV; 19 $config = shift @ARGV; 20 } elsif($arg eq "-debug") { 21 $debug = 1; 22 shift @ARGV; 23 } elsif($arg eq "-rebuild") { 24 $rebuild = 1; 25 shift @ARGV; 26 } elsif($arg eq "-recurse") { 27 $recurse = 1; 28 shift @ARGV; 29 } elsif($arg eq "-reindex") { 30 $reindex = 1; 31 shift @ARGV; 32 } elsif($arg eq "-nostatic") { 33 $static = 0; 34 shift @ARGV; 35 } elsif($arg eq "-staticloader") { 36 $staticloader = "static "; 37 shift @ARGV; 38 } elsif($arg eq "-write") { 39 $dowrite = 1; 40 shift @ARGV; 41 } else { 42 last; 43 } 44} 45 46if($recurse) { 47 @source = ( <crypto/*.c>, <crypto/*/*.c>, <ssl/*.c>, 48 <fips/*.c>, <fips/*/*.c>); 49} else { 50 @source = @ARGV; 51} 52 53# Read in the config file 54 55open(IN, "<$config") || die "Can't open config file $config"; 56 57# Parse config file 58 59while(<IN>) 60{ 61 if(/^L\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) { 62 $hinc{$1} = $2; 63 $libinc{$2} = $1; 64 $cskip{$3} = $1; 65 if($3 ne "NONE") { 66 $csrc{$1} = $3; 67 $fmax{$1} = 99; 68 $rmax{$1} = 99; 69 $fassigned{$1} = ":"; 70 $rassigned{$1} = ":"; 71 $fnew{$1} = 0; 72 $rnew{$1} = 0; 73 } 74 } elsif (/^F\s+(\S+)/) { 75 # Add extra function with $1 76 } elsif (/^R\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) { 77 $rextra{$1} = $2; 78 $rcodes{$1} = $2; 79 } 80} 81 82close IN; 83 84# Scan each header file in turn and make a list of error codes 85# and function names 86 87while (($hdr, $lib) = each %libinc) 88{ 89 next if($hdr eq "NONE"); 90 print STDERR "Scanning header file $hdr\n" if $debug; 91 my $line = "", $def= "", $linenr = 0, $gotfile = 0; 92 if (open(IN, "<$hdr")) { 93 $gotfile = 1; 94 while(<IN>) { 95 $linenr++; 96 print STDERR "line: $linenr\r" if $debug; 97 98 last if(/BEGIN\s+ERROR\s+CODES/); 99 if ($line ne '') { 100 $_ = $line . $_; 101 $line = ''; 102 } 103 104 if (/\\$/) { 105 $line = $_; 106 next; 107 } 108 109 if(/\/\*/) { 110 if (not /\*\//) { # multiline comment... 111 $line = $_; # ... just accumulate 112 next; 113 } else { 114 s/\/\*.*?\*\///gs; # wipe it 115 } 116 } 117 118 if ($cpp) { 119 $cpp++ if /^#\s*if/; 120 $cpp-- if /^#\s*endif/; 121 next; 122 } 123 $cpp = 1 if /^#.*ifdef.*cplusplus/; # skip "C" declaration 124 125 next if (/^\#/); # skip preprocessor directives 126 127 s/{[^{}]*}//gs; # ignore {} blocks 128 129 if (/\{|\/\*/) { # Add a } so editor works... 130 $line = $_; 131 } else { 132 $def .= $_; 133 } 134 } 135 } 136 137 print STDERR " \r" if $debug; 138 $defnr = 0; 139 # Delete any DECLARE_ macros 140 $def =~ s/DECLARE_\w+\([\w,\s]+\)//gs; 141 foreach (split /;/, $def) { 142 $defnr++; 143 print STDERR "def: $defnr\r" if $debug; 144 145 # The goal is to collect function names from function declarations. 146 147 s/^[\n\s]*//g; 148 s/[\n\s]*$//g; 149 150 # Skip over recognized non-function declarations 151 next if(/typedef\W/ or /DECLARE_STACK_OF/ or /TYPEDEF_.*_OF/); 152 153 # Remove STACK_OF(foo) 154 s/STACK_OF\(\w+\)/void/; 155 156 # Reduce argument lists to empty () 157 # fold round brackets recursively: (t(*v)(t),t) -> (t{}{},t) -> {} 158 while(/\(.*\)/s) { 159 s/\([^\(\)]+\)/\{\}/gs; 160 s/\(\s*\*\s*(\w+)\s*\{\}\s*\)/$1/gs; #(*f{}) -> f 161 } 162 # pretend as we didn't use curly braces: {} -> () 163 s/\{\}/\(\)/gs; 164 165 if (/(\w+)\s*\(\).*/s) { # first token prior [first] () is 166 my $name = $1; # a function name! 167 $name =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/; 168 $ftrans{$name} = $1; 169 } elsif (/[\(\)]/ and not (/=/)) { 170 print STDERR "Header $hdr: cannot parse: $_;\n"; 171 } 172 } 173 174 print STDERR " \r" if $debug; 175 176 next if $reindex; 177 178 # Scan function and reason codes and store them: keep a note of the 179 # maximum code used. 180 181 if ($gotfile) { 182 while(<IN>) { 183 if(/^\#define\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) { 184 $name = $1; 185 $code = $2; 186 next if $name =~ /^${lib}err/; 187 unless($name =~ /^${lib}_([RF])_(\w+)$/) { 188 print STDERR "Invalid error code $name\n"; 189 next; 190 } 191 if($1 eq "R") { 192 $rcodes{$name} = $code; 193 if ($rassigned{$lib} =~ /:$code:/) { 194 print STDERR "!! ERROR: $lib reason code $code assigned twice\n"; 195 } 196 $rassigned{$lib} .= "$code:"; 197 if(!(exists $rextra{$name}) && 198 ($code > $rmax{$lib}) ) { 199 $rmax{$lib} = $code; 200 } 201 } else { 202 if ($fassigned{$lib} =~ /:$code:/) { 203 print STDERR "!! ERROR: $lib function code $code assigned twice\n"; 204 } 205 $fassigned{$lib} .= "$code:"; 206 if($code > $fmax{$lib}) { 207 $fmax{$lib} = $code; 208 } 209 $fcodes{$name} = $code; 210 } 211 } 212 } 213 } 214 215 if ($debug) { 216 if (defined($fmax{$lib})) { 217 print STDERR "Max function code fmax" . "{" . "$lib" . "} = $fmax{$lib}\n"; 218 $fassigned{$lib} =~ m/^:(.*):$/; 219 @fassigned = sort {$a <=> $b} split(":", $1); 220 print STDERR " @fassigned\n"; 221 } 222 if (defined($rmax{$lib})) { 223 print STDERR "Max reason code rmax" . "{" . "$lib" . "} = $rmax{$lib}\n"; 224 $rassigned{$lib} =~ m/^:(.*):$/; 225 @rassigned = sort {$a <=> $b} split(":", $1); 226 print STDERR " @rassigned\n"; 227 } 228 } 229 230 if ($lib eq "SSL") { 231 if ($rmax{$lib} >= 1000) { 232 print STDERR "!! ERROR: SSL error codes 1000+ are reserved for alerts.\n"; 233 print STDERR "!! Any new alerts must be added to $config.\n"; 234 print STDERR "\n"; 235 } 236 } 237 close IN; 238} 239 240# Scan each C source file and look for function and reason codes 241# This is done by looking for strings that "look like" function or 242# reason codes: basically anything consisting of all upper case and 243# numerics which has _F_ or _R_ in it and which has the name of an 244# error library at the start. This seems to work fine except for the 245# oddly named structure BIO_F_CTX which needs to be ignored. 246# If a code doesn't exist in list compiled from headers then mark it 247# with the value "X" as a place holder to give it a value later. 248# Store all function and reason codes found in %ufcodes and %urcodes 249# so all those unreferenced can be printed out. 250 251 252foreach $file (@source) { 253 # Don't parse the error source file. 254 next if exists $cskip{$file}; 255 print STDERR "File loaded: ".$file."\r" if $debug; 256 open(IN, "<$file") || die "Can't open source file $file\n"; 257 while(<IN>) { 258 if(/(([A-Z0-9]+)_F_([A-Z0-9_]+))/) { 259 next unless exists $csrc{$2}; 260 next if($1 eq "BIO_F_BUFFER_CTX"); 261 $ufcodes{$1} = 1; 262 if(!exists $fcodes{$1}) { 263 $fcodes{$1} = "X"; 264 $fnew{$2}++; 265 } 266 $notrans{$1} = 1 unless exists $ftrans{$3}; 267 } 268 if(/(([A-Z0-9]+)_R_[A-Z0-9_]+)/) { 269 next unless exists $csrc{$2}; 270 $urcodes{$1} = 1; 271 if(!exists $rcodes{$1}) { 272 $rcodes{$1} = "X"; 273 $rnew{$2}++; 274 } 275 } 276 } 277 close IN; 278} 279print STDERR " \n" if $debug; 280 281# Now process each library in turn. 282 283foreach $lib (keys %csrc) 284{ 285 my $hfile = $hinc{$lib}; 286 my $cfile = $csrc{$lib}; 287 if(!$fnew{$lib} && !$rnew{$lib}) { 288 print STDERR "$lib:\t\tNo new error codes\n"; 289 next unless $rebuild; 290 } else { 291 print STDERR "$lib:\t\t$fnew{$lib} New Functions,"; 292 print STDERR " $rnew{$lib} New Reasons.\n"; 293 next unless $dowrite; 294 } 295 296 # If we get here then we have some new error codes so we 297 # need to rebuild the header file and C file. 298 299 # Make a sorted list of error and reason codes for later use. 300 301 my @function = sort grep(/^${lib}_/,keys %fcodes); 302 my @reasons = sort grep(/^${lib}_/,keys %rcodes); 303 304 # Rewrite the header file 305 306 if (open(IN, "<$hfile")) { 307 # Copy across the old file 308 while(<IN>) { 309 push @out, $_; 310 last if (/BEGIN ERROR CODES/); 311 } 312 close IN; 313 } else { 314 push @out, 315"/* ====================================================================\n", 316" * Copyright (c) 2001-2008 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.\n", 317" *\n", 318" * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n", 319" * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions\n", 320" * are met:\n", 321" *\n", 322" * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n", 323" * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. \n", 324" *\n", 325" * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\n", 326" * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in\n", 327" * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the\n", 328" * distribution.\n", 329" *\n", 330" * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this\n", 331" * software must display the following acknowledgment:\n", 332" * \"This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project\n", 333" * for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)\"\n", 334" *\n", 335" * 4. The names \"OpenSSL Toolkit\" and \"OpenSSL Project\" must not be used to\n", 336" * endorse or promote products derived from this software without\n", 337" * prior written permission. For written permission, please contact\n", 338" * openssl-core\@openssl.org.\n", 339" *\n", 340" * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called \"OpenSSL\"\n", 341" * nor may \"OpenSSL\" appear in their names without prior written\n", 342" * permission of the OpenSSL Project.\n", 343" *\n", 344" * 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following\n", 345" * acknowledgment:\n", 346" * \"This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project\n", 347" * for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/)\"\n", 348" *\n", 349" * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE OpenSSL PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY\n", 350" * EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\n", 351" * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n", 352" * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OpenSSL PROJECT OR\n", 353" * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,\n", 354" * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT\n", 355" * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;\n", 356" * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION)\n", 357" * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT,\n", 358" * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)\n", 359" * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED\n", 360" * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n", 361" * ====================================================================\n", 362" *\n", 363" * This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young\n", 364" * (eay\@cryptsoft.com). This product includes software written by Tim\n", 365" * Hudson (tjh\@cryptsoft.com).\n", 366" *\n", 367" */\n", 368"\n", 369"#ifndef HEADER_${lib}_ERR_H\n", 370"#define HEADER_${lib}_ERR_H\n", 371"\n", 372"/* BEGIN ERROR CODES */\n"; 373 } 374 open (OUT, ">$hfile") || die "Can't Open File $hfile for writing\n"; 375 376 print OUT @out; 377 undef @out; 378 print OUT <<"EOF"; 379/* The following lines are auto generated by the script mkerr.pl. Any changes 380 * made after this point may be overwritten when the script is next run. 381 */ 382EOF 383 if($static) { 384 print OUT <<"EOF"; 385${staticloader}void ERR_load_${lib}_strings(void); 386 387EOF 388 } else { 389 print OUT <<"EOF"; 390${staticloader}void ERR_load_${lib}_strings(void); 391${staticloader}void ERR_unload_${lib}_strings(void); 392${staticloader}void ERR_${lib}_error(int function, int reason, char *file, int line); 393#define ${lib}err(f,r) ERR_${lib}_error((f),(r),__FILE__,__LINE__) 394 395EOF 396 } 397 print OUT <<"EOF"; 398/* Error codes for the $lib functions. */ 399 400/* Function codes. */ 401EOF 402 403 foreach $i (@function) { 404 $z=6-int(length($i)/8); 405 if($fcodes{$i} eq "X") { 406 $fassigned{$lib} =~ m/^:([^:]*):/; 407 $findcode = $1; 408 if (!defined($findcode)) { 409 $findcode = $fmax{$lib}; 410 } 411 while ($fassigned{$lib} =~ m/:$findcode:/) { 412 $findcode++; 413 } 414 $fcodes{$i} = $findcode; 415 $fassigned{$lib} .= "$findcode:"; 416 print STDERR "New Function code $i\n" if $debug; 417 } 418 printf OUT "#define $i%s $fcodes{$i}\n","\t" x $z; 419 } 420 421 print OUT "\n/* Reason codes. */\n"; 422 423 foreach $i (@reasons) { 424 $z=6-int(length($i)/8); 425 if($rcodes{$i} eq "X") { 426 $rassigned{$lib} =~ m/^:([^:]*):/; 427 $findcode = $1; 428 if (!defined($findcode)) { 429 $findcode = $rmax{$lib}; 430 } 431 while ($rassigned{$lib} =~ m/:$findcode:/) { 432 $findcode++; 433 } 434 $rcodes{$i} = $findcode; 435 $rassigned{$lib} .= "$findcode:"; 436 print STDERR "New Reason code $i\n" if $debug; 437 } 438 printf OUT "#define $i%s $rcodes{$i}\n","\t" x $z; 439 } 440 print OUT <<"EOF"; 441 442#ifdef __cplusplus 443} 444#endif 445#endif 446EOF 447 close OUT; 448 449 # Rewrite the C source file containing the error details. 450 451 # First, read any existing reason string definitions: 452 my %err_reason_strings; 453 if (open(IN,"<$cfile")) { 454 while (<IN>) { 455 if (/\b(${lib}_R_\w*)\b.*\"(.*)\"/) { 456 $err_reason_strings{$1} = $2; 457 } 458 } 459 close(IN); 460 } 461 462 my $hincf; 463 if($static) { 464 $hfile =~ /([^\/]+)$/; 465 $hincf = "<openssl/$1>"; 466 } else { 467 $hincf = "\"$hfile\""; 468 } 469 470 # If static we know the error code at compile time so use it 471 # in error definitions. 472 473 if ($static) 474 { 475 $pack_errcode = "ERR_LIB_${lib}"; 476 $load_errcode = "0"; 477 } 478 else 479 { 480 $pack_errcode = "0"; 481 $load_errcode = "ERR_LIB_${lib}"; 482 } 483 484 485 open (OUT,">$cfile") || die "Can't open $cfile for writing"; 486 487 print OUT <<"EOF"; 488/* $cfile */ 489/* ==================================================================== 490 * Copyright (c) 1999-2008 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved. 491 * 492 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 493 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 494 * are met: 495 * 496 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 497 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 498 * 499 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 500 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 501 * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 502 * distribution. 503 * 504 * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this 505 * software must display the following acknowledgment: 506 * "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project 507 * for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.OpenSSL.org/)" 508 * 509 * 4. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to 510 * endorse or promote products derived from this software without 511 * prior written permission. For written permission, please contact 512 * openssl-core\@OpenSSL.org. 513 * 514 * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL" 515 * nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written 516 * permission of the OpenSSL Project. 517 * 518 * 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following 519 * acknowledgment: 520 * "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project 521 * for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.OpenSSL.org/)" 522 * 523 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE OpenSSL PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY 524 * EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 525 * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 526 * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OpenSSL PROJECT OR 527 * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, 528 * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT 529 * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 530 * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) 531 * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, 532 * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) 533 * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED 534 * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 535 * ==================================================================== 536 * 537 * This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young 538 * (eay\@cryptsoft.com). This product includes software written by Tim 539 * Hudson (tjh\@cryptsoft.com). 540 * 541 */ 542 543/* NOTE: this file was auto generated by the mkerr.pl script: any changes 544 * made to it will be overwritten when the script next updates this file, 545 * only reason strings will be preserved. 546 */ 547 548#include <stdio.h> 549#include <openssl/err.h> 550#include $hincf 551 552/* BEGIN ERROR CODES */ 553#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ERR 554 555#define ERR_FUNC(func) ERR_PACK($pack_errcode,func,0) 556#define ERR_REASON(reason) ERR_PACK($pack_errcode,0,reason) 557 558static ERR_STRING_DATA ${lib}_str_functs[]= 559 { 560EOF 561 # Add each function code: if a function name is found then use it. 562 foreach $i (@function) { 563 my $fn; 564 $i =~ /^${lib}_F_(\S+)$/; 565 $fn = $1; 566 if(exists $ftrans{$fn}) { 567 $fn = $ftrans{$fn}; 568 } 569# print OUT "{ERR_PACK($pack_errcode,$i,0),\t\"$fn\"},\n"; 570 print OUT "{ERR_FUNC($i),\t\"$fn\"},\n"; 571 } 572 print OUT <<"EOF"; 573{0,NULL} 574 }; 575 576static ERR_STRING_DATA ${lib}_str_reasons[]= 577 { 578EOF 579 # Add each reason code. 580 foreach $i (@reasons) { 581 my $rn; 582 my $rstr = "ERR_REASON($i)"; 583 my $nspc = 0; 584 if (exists $err_reason_strings{$i}) { 585 $rn = $err_reason_strings{$i}; 586 } else { 587 $i =~ /^${lib}_R_(\S+)$/; 588 $rn = $1; 589 $rn =~ tr/_[A-Z]/ [a-z]/; 590 } 591 $nspc = 40 - length($rstr) unless length($rstr) > 40; 592 $nspc = " " x $nspc; 593 print OUT "{${rstr}${nspc},\"$rn\"},\n"; 594 } 595if($static) { 596 print OUT <<"EOF"; 597{0,NULL} 598 }; 599 600#endif 601 602${staticloader}void ERR_load_${lib}_strings(void) 603 { 604#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ERR 605 606 if (ERR_func_error_string(${lib}_str_functs[0].error) == NULL) 607 { 608 ERR_load_strings($load_errcode,${lib}_str_functs); 609 ERR_load_strings($load_errcode,${lib}_str_reasons); 610 } 611#endif 612 } 613EOF 614} else { 615 print OUT <<"EOF"; 616{0,NULL} 617 }; 618 619#endif 620 621#ifdef ${lib}_LIB_NAME 622static ERR_STRING_DATA ${lib}_lib_name[]= 623 { 624{0 ,${lib}_LIB_NAME}, 625{0,NULL} 626 }; 627#endif 628 629 630static int ${lib}_lib_error_code=0; 631static int ${lib}_error_init=1; 632 633${staticloader}void ERR_load_${lib}_strings(void) 634 { 635 if (${lib}_lib_error_code == 0) 636 ${lib}_lib_error_code=ERR_get_next_error_library(); 637 638 if (${lib}_error_init) 639 { 640 ${lib}_error_init=0; 641#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ERR 642 ERR_load_strings(${lib}_lib_error_code,${lib}_str_functs); 643 ERR_load_strings(${lib}_lib_error_code,${lib}_str_reasons); 644#endif 645 646#ifdef ${lib}_LIB_NAME 647 ${lib}_lib_name->error = ERR_PACK(${lib}_lib_error_code,0,0); 648 ERR_load_strings(0,${lib}_lib_name); 649#endif 650 } 651 } 652 653${staticloader}void ERR_unload_${lib}_strings(void) 654 { 655 if (${lib}_error_init == 0) 656 { 657#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_ERR 658 ERR_unload_strings(${lib}_lib_error_code,${lib}_str_functs); 659 ERR_unload_strings(${lib}_lib_error_code,${lib}_str_reasons); 660#endif 661 662#ifdef ${lib}_LIB_NAME 663 ERR_unload_strings(0,${lib}_lib_name); 664#endif 665 ${lib}_error_init=1; 666 } 667 } 668 669${staticloader}void ERR_${lib}_error(int function, int reason, char *file, int line) 670 { 671 if (${lib}_lib_error_code == 0) 672 ${lib}_lib_error_code=ERR_get_next_error_library(); 673 ERR_PUT_error(${lib}_lib_error_code,function,reason,file,line); 674 } 675EOF 676 677} 678 679 close OUT; 680 undef %err_reason_strings; 681} 682 683if($debug && defined(%notrans)) { 684 print STDERR "The following function codes were not translated:\n"; 685 foreach(sort keys %notrans) 686 { 687 print STDERR "$_\n"; 688 } 689} 690 691# Make a list of unreferenced function and reason codes 692 693foreach (keys %fcodes) { 694 push (@funref, $_) unless exists $ufcodes{$_}; 695} 696 697foreach (keys %rcodes) { 698 push (@runref, $_) unless exists $urcodes{$_}; 699} 700 701if($debug && defined(@funref) ) { 702 print STDERR "The following function codes were not referenced:\n"; 703 foreach(sort @funref) 704 { 705 print STDERR "$_\n"; 706 } 707} 708 709if($debug && defined(@runref) ) { 710 print STDERR "The following reason codes were not referenced:\n"; 711 foreach(sort @runref) 712 { 713 print STDERR "$_\n"; 714 } 715} 716