xref: /freebsd/crypto/openssh/umac.c (revision 1aaed33edb24c98a09130cd66667d6a795b6b2a8)
1 /* $OpenBSD: umac.c,v 1.3 2008/05/12 20:52:20 pvalchev Exp $ */
2 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
3  *
4  * umac.c -- C Implementation UMAC Message Authentication
5  *
6  * Version 0.93b of rfc4418.txt -- 2006 July 18
7  *
8  * For a full description of UMAC message authentication see the UMAC
9  * world-wide-web page at http://www.cs.ucdavis.edu/~rogaway/umac
10  * Please report bugs and suggestions to the UMAC webpage.
11  *
12  * Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Ted Krovetz
13  *
14  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
15  * its documentation for any purpose and with or without fee, is hereby
16  * granted provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies
17  * and in supporting documentation, and that the name of the copyright
18  * holder not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
19  * distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission.
20  *
21  * Comments should be directed to Ted Krovetz (tdk@acm.org)
22  *
23  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
25  /* ////////////////////// IMPORTANT NOTES /////////////////////////////////
26   *
27   * 1) This version does not work properly on messages larger than 16MB
28   *
29   * 2) If you set the switch to use SSE2, then all data must be 16-byte
30   *    aligned
31   *
32   * 3) When calling the function umac(), it is assumed that msg is in
33   * a writable buffer of length divisible by 32 bytes. The message itself
34   * does not have to fill the entire buffer, but bytes beyond msg may be
35   * zeroed.
36   *
37   * 4) Three free AES implementations are supported by this implementation of
38   * UMAC. Paulo Barreto's version is in the public domain and can be found
39   * at http://www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/~rijmen/rijndael/ (search for
40   * "Barreto"). The only two files needed are rijndael-alg-fst.c and
41   * rijndael-alg-fst.h. Brian Gladman's version is distributed with the GNU
42   * Public lisence at http://fp.gladman.plus.com/AES/index.htm. It
43   * includes a fast IA-32 assembly version. The OpenSSL crypo library is
44   * the third.
45   *
46   * 5) With FORCE_C_ONLY flags set to 0, incorrect results are sometimes
47   * produced under gcc with optimizations set -O3 or higher. Dunno why.
48   *
49   /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
51 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
52 /* --- User Switches ---------------------------------------------------- */
53 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
55 #define UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN     8  /* Alowable: 4, 8, 12, 16                  */
56 /* #define FORCE_C_ONLY        1  ANSI C and 64-bit integers req'd        */
57 /* #define AES_IMPLEMENTAION   1  1 = OpenSSL, 2 = Barreto, 3 = Gladman   */
58 /* #define SSE2                0  Is SSE2 is available?                   */
59 /* #define RUN_TESTS           0  Run basic correctness/speed tests       */
60 /* #define UMAC_AE_SUPPORT     0  Enable auhthenticated encrytion         */
62 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
63 /* -- Global Includes --------------------------------------------------- */
64 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
66 #include "includes.h"
67 #include <sys/types.h>
69 #include "xmalloc.h"
70 #include "umac.h"
71 #include <string.h>
72 #include <stdlib.h>
73 #include <stddef.h>
75 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
76 /* --- Primitive Data Types ---                                           */
77 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
79 /* The following assumptions may need change on your system */
80 typedef u_int8_t	UINT8;  /* 1 byte   */
81 typedef u_int16_t	UINT16; /* 2 byte   */
82 typedef u_int32_t	UINT32; /* 4 byte   */
83 typedef u_int64_t	UINT64; /* 8 bytes  */
84 typedef unsigned int	UWORD;  /* Register */
86 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
87 /* --- Constants -------------------------------------------------------- */
88 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
90 #define UMAC_KEY_LEN           16  /* UMAC takes 16 bytes of external key */
92 /* Message "words" are read from memory in an endian-specific manner.     */
93 /* For this implementation to behave correctly, __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ must    */
94 /* be set true if the host computer is little-endian.                     */
97 #define __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ 1
98 #else
99 #define __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ 0
100 #endif
102 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
103 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
104 /* ----- Architecture Specific ------------------------------------------ */
105 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
106 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
109 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
110 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
111 /* ----- Primitive Routines --------------------------------------------- */
112 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
113 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
116 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
117 /* --- 32-bit by 32-bit to 64-bit Multiplication ------------------------ */
118 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
120 #define MUL64(a,b) ((UINT64)((UINT64)(UINT32)(a) * (UINT64)(UINT32)(b)))
122 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
123 /* --- Endian Conversion --- Forcing assembly on some platforms           */
124 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
126 #if HAVE_SWAP32
127 #define LOAD_UINT32_REVERSED(p)		(swap32(*(UINT32 *)(p)))
128 #define STORE_UINT32_REVERSED(p,v) 	(*(UINT32 *)(p) = swap32(v))
129 #else /* HAVE_SWAP32 */
131 static UINT32 LOAD_UINT32_REVERSED(void *ptr)
132 {
133     UINT32 temp = *(UINT32 *)ptr;
134     temp = (temp >> 24) | ((temp & 0x00FF0000) >> 8 )
135          | ((temp & 0x0000FF00) << 8 ) | (temp << 24);
136     return (UINT32)temp;
137 }
139 # if (__LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
140 static void STORE_UINT32_REVERSED(void *ptr, UINT32 x)
141 {
142     UINT32 i = (UINT32)x;
143     *(UINT32 *)ptr = (i >> 24) | ((i & 0x00FF0000) >> 8 )
144                    | ((i & 0x0000FF00) << 8 ) | (i << 24);
145 }
146 # endif /* __LITTLE_ENDIAN */
147 #endif /* HAVE_SWAP32 */
149 /* The following definitions use the above reversal-primitives to do the right
150  * thing on endian specific load and stores.
151  */
153 #if (__LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
154 #define LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(ptr)     (*(UINT32 *)(ptr))
155 #define STORE_UINT32_BIG(ptr,x)     STORE_UINT32_REVERSED(ptr,x)
156 #else
157 #define LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(ptr)     LOAD_UINT32_REVERSED(ptr)
158 #define STORE_UINT32_BIG(ptr,x)     (*(UINT32 *)(ptr) = (UINT32)(x))
159 #endif
161 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
162 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
163 /* ----- Begin KDF & PDF Section ---------------------------------------- */
164 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
165 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
167 /* UMAC uses AES with 16 byte block and key lengths */
168 #define AES_BLOCK_LEN  16
170 /* OpenSSL's AES */
171 #include "openbsd-compat/openssl-compat.h"
173 # include <openssl/aes.h>
174 #endif
175 typedef AES_KEY aes_int_key[1];
176 #define aes_encryption(in,out,int_key)                  \
177   AES_encrypt((u_char *)(in),(u_char *)(out),(AES_KEY *)int_key)
178 #define aes_key_setup(key,int_key)                      \
179   AES_set_encrypt_key((u_char *)(key),UMAC_KEY_LEN*8,int_key)
181 /* The user-supplied UMAC key is stretched using AES in a counter
182  * mode to supply all random bits needed by UMAC. The kdf function takes
183  * an AES internal key representation 'key' and writes a stream of
184  * 'nbytes' bytes to the memory pointed at by 'bufp'. Each distinct
185  * 'ndx' causes a distinct byte stream.
186  */
187 static void kdf(void *bufp, aes_int_key key, UINT8 ndx, int nbytes)
188 {
189     UINT8 in_buf[AES_BLOCK_LEN] = {0};
190     UINT8 out_buf[AES_BLOCK_LEN];
191     UINT8 *dst_buf = (UINT8 *)bufp;
192     int i;
194     /* Setup the initial value */
195     in_buf[AES_BLOCK_LEN-9] = ndx;
196     in_buf[AES_BLOCK_LEN-1] = i = 1;
198     while (nbytes >= AES_BLOCK_LEN) {
199         aes_encryption(in_buf, out_buf, key);
200         memcpy(dst_buf,out_buf,AES_BLOCK_LEN);
201         in_buf[AES_BLOCK_LEN-1] = ++i;
202         nbytes -= AES_BLOCK_LEN;
203         dst_buf += AES_BLOCK_LEN;
204     }
205     if (nbytes) {
206         aes_encryption(in_buf, out_buf, key);
207         memcpy(dst_buf,out_buf,nbytes);
208     }
209 }
211 /* The final UHASH result is XOR'd with the output of a pseudorandom
212  * function. Here, we use AES to generate random output and
213  * xor the appropriate bytes depending on the last bits of nonce.
214  * This scheme is optimized for sequential, increasing big-endian nonces.
215  */
217 typedef struct {
218     UINT8 cache[AES_BLOCK_LEN];  /* Previous AES output is saved      */
219     UINT8 nonce[AES_BLOCK_LEN];  /* The AES input making above cache  */
220     aes_int_key prf_key;         /* Expanded AES key for PDF          */
221 } pdf_ctx;
223 static void pdf_init(pdf_ctx *pc, aes_int_key prf_key)
224 {
225     UINT8 buf[UMAC_KEY_LEN];
227     kdf(buf, prf_key, 0, UMAC_KEY_LEN);
228     aes_key_setup(buf, pc->prf_key);
230     /* Initialize pdf and cache */
231     memset(pc->nonce, 0, sizeof(pc->nonce));
232     aes_encryption(pc->nonce, pc->cache, pc->prf_key);
233 }
235 static void pdf_gen_xor(pdf_ctx *pc, UINT8 nonce[8], UINT8 buf[8])
236 {
237     /* 'ndx' indicates that we'll be using the 0th or 1st eight bytes
238      * of the AES output. If last time around we returned the ndx-1st
239      * element, then we may have the result in the cache already.
240      */
242 #if (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN == 4)
243 #define LOW_BIT_MASK 3
244 #elif (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN == 8)
245 #define LOW_BIT_MASK 1
246 #elif (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN > 8)
247 #define LOW_BIT_MASK 0
248 #endif
250     UINT8 tmp_nonce_lo[4];
251 #if LOW_BIT_MASK != 0
252     int ndx = nonce[7] & LOW_BIT_MASK;
253 #endif
254     *(UINT32 *)tmp_nonce_lo = ((UINT32 *)nonce)[1];
255     tmp_nonce_lo[3] &= ~LOW_BIT_MASK; /* zero last bit */
257     if ( (((UINT32 *)tmp_nonce_lo)[0] != ((UINT32 *)pc->nonce)[1]) ||
258          (((UINT32 *)nonce)[0] != ((UINT32 *)pc->nonce)[0]) )
259     {
260         ((UINT32 *)pc->nonce)[0] = ((UINT32 *)nonce)[0];
261         ((UINT32 *)pc->nonce)[1] = ((UINT32 *)tmp_nonce_lo)[0];
262         aes_encryption(pc->nonce, pc->cache, pc->prf_key);
263     }
265 #if (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN == 4)
266     *((UINT32 *)buf) ^= ((UINT32 *)pc->cache)[ndx];
267 #elif (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN == 8)
268     *((UINT64 *)buf) ^= ((UINT64 *)pc->cache)[ndx];
269 #elif (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN == 12)
270     ((UINT64 *)buf)[0] ^= ((UINT64 *)pc->cache)[0];
271     ((UINT32 *)buf)[2] ^= ((UINT32 *)pc->cache)[2];
272 #elif (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN == 16)
273     ((UINT64 *)buf)[0] ^= ((UINT64 *)pc->cache)[0];
274     ((UINT64 *)buf)[1] ^= ((UINT64 *)pc->cache)[1];
275 #endif
276 }
278 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
279 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
280 /* ----- Begin NH Hash Section ------------------------------------------ */
281 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
282 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
284 /* The NH-based hash functions used in UMAC are described in the UMAC paper
285  * and specification, both of which can be found at the UMAC website.
286  * The interface to this implementation has two
287  * versions, one expects the entire message being hashed to be passed
288  * in a single buffer and returns the hash result immediately. The second
289  * allows the message to be passed in a sequence of buffers. In the
290  * muliple-buffer interface, the client calls the routine nh_update() as
291  * many times as necessary. When there is no more data to be fed to the
292  * hash, the client calls nh_final() which calculates the hash output.
293  * Before beginning another hash calculation the nh_reset() routine
294  * must be called. The single-buffer routine, nh(), is equivalent to
295  * the sequence of calls nh_update() and nh_final(); however it is
296  * optimized and should be prefered whenever the multiple-buffer interface
297  * is not necessary. When using either interface, it is the client's
298  * responsability to pass no more than L1_KEY_LEN bytes per hash result.
299  *
300  * The routine nh_init() initializes the nh_ctx data structure and
301  * must be called once, before any other PDF routine.
302  */
304  /* The "nh_aux" routines do the actual NH hashing work. They
305   * expect buffers to be multiples of L1_PAD_BOUNDARY. These routines
306   * produce output for all STREAMS NH iterations in one call,
307   * allowing the parallel implementation of the streams.
308   */
310 #define STREAMS (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN / 4) /* Number of times hash is applied  */
311 #define L1_KEY_LEN         1024     /* Internal key bytes                 */
312 #define L1_KEY_SHIFT         16     /* Toeplitz key shift between streams */
313 #define L1_PAD_BOUNDARY      32     /* pad message to boundary multiple   */
314 #define ALLOC_BOUNDARY       16     /* Keep buffers aligned to this       */
315 #define HASH_BUF_BYTES       64     /* nh_aux_hb buffer multiple          */
317 typedef struct {
318     UINT8  nh_key [L1_KEY_LEN + L1_KEY_SHIFT * (STREAMS - 1)]; /* NH Key */
319     UINT8  data   [HASH_BUF_BYTES];    /* Incomming data buffer           */
320     int next_data_empty;    /* Bookeeping variable for data buffer.       */
321     int bytes_hashed;        /* Bytes (out of L1_KEY_LEN) incorperated.   */
322     UINT64 state[STREAMS];               /* on-line state     */
323 } nh_ctx;
326 #if (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN == 4)
328 static void nh_aux(void *kp, void *dp, void *hp, UINT32 dlen)
329 /* NH hashing primitive. Previous (partial) hash result is loaded and
330 * then stored via hp pointer. The length of the data pointed at by "dp",
331 * "dlen", is guaranteed to be divisible by L1_PAD_BOUNDARY (32).  Key
332 * is expected to be endian compensated in memory at key setup.
333 */
334 {
335     UINT64 h;
336     UWORD c = dlen / 32;
337     UINT32 *k = (UINT32 *)kp;
338     UINT32 *d = (UINT32 *)dp;
339     UINT32 d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7;
340     UINT32 k0,k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,k7;
342     h = *((UINT64 *)hp);
343     do {
344         d0 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+0); d1 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+1);
345         d2 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+2); d3 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+3);
346         d4 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+4); d5 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+5);
347         d6 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+6); d7 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+7);
348         k0 = *(k+0); k1 = *(k+1); k2 = *(k+2); k3 = *(k+3);
349         k4 = *(k+4); k5 = *(k+5); k6 = *(k+6); k7 = *(k+7);
350         h += MUL64((k0 + d0), (k4 + d4));
351         h += MUL64((k1 + d1), (k5 + d5));
352         h += MUL64((k2 + d2), (k6 + d6));
353         h += MUL64((k3 + d3), (k7 + d7));
355         d += 8;
356         k += 8;
357     } while (--c);
358   *((UINT64 *)hp) = h;
359 }
361 #elif (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN == 8)
363 static void nh_aux(void *kp, void *dp, void *hp, UINT32 dlen)
364 /* Same as previous nh_aux, but two streams are handled in one pass,
365  * reading and writing 16 bytes of hash-state per call.
366  */
367 {
368   UINT64 h1,h2;
369   UWORD c = dlen / 32;
370   UINT32 *k = (UINT32 *)kp;
371   UINT32 *d = (UINT32 *)dp;
372   UINT32 d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7;
373   UINT32 k0,k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,k7,
374         k8,k9,k10,k11;
376   h1 = *((UINT64 *)hp);
377   h2 = *((UINT64 *)hp + 1);
378   k0 = *(k+0); k1 = *(k+1); k2 = *(k+2); k3 = *(k+3);
379   do {
380     d0 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+0); d1 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+1);
381     d2 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+2); d3 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+3);
382     d4 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+4); d5 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+5);
383     d6 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+6); d7 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+7);
384     k4 = *(k+4); k5 = *(k+5); k6 = *(k+6); k7 = *(k+7);
385     k8 = *(k+8); k9 = *(k+9); k10 = *(k+10); k11 = *(k+11);
387     h1 += MUL64((k0 + d0), (k4 + d4));
388     h2 += MUL64((k4 + d0), (k8 + d4));
390     h1 += MUL64((k1 + d1), (k5 + d5));
391     h2 += MUL64((k5 + d1), (k9 + d5));
393     h1 += MUL64((k2 + d2), (k6 + d6));
394     h2 += MUL64((k6 + d2), (k10 + d6));
396     h1 += MUL64((k3 + d3), (k7 + d7));
397     h2 += MUL64((k7 + d3), (k11 + d7));
399     k0 = k8; k1 = k9; k2 = k10; k3 = k11;
401     d += 8;
402     k += 8;
403   } while (--c);
404   ((UINT64 *)hp)[0] = h1;
405   ((UINT64 *)hp)[1] = h2;
406 }
408 #elif (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN == 12)
410 static void nh_aux(void *kp, void *dp, void *hp, UINT32 dlen)
411 /* Same as previous nh_aux, but two streams are handled in one pass,
412  * reading and writing 24 bytes of hash-state per call.
413 */
414 {
415     UINT64 h1,h2,h3;
416     UWORD c = dlen / 32;
417     UINT32 *k = (UINT32 *)kp;
418     UINT32 *d = (UINT32 *)dp;
419     UINT32 d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7;
420     UINT32 k0,k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,k7,
421         k8,k9,k10,k11,k12,k13,k14,k15;
423     h1 = *((UINT64 *)hp);
424     h2 = *((UINT64 *)hp + 1);
425     h3 = *((UINT64 *)hp + 2);
426     k0 = *(k+0); k1 = *(k+1); k2 = *(k+2); k3 = *(k+3);
427     k4 = *(k+4); k5 = *(k+5); k6 = *(k+6); k7 = *(k+7);
428     do {
429         d0 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+0); d1 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+1);
430         d2 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+2); d3 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+3);
431         d4 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+4); d5 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+5);
432         d6 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+6); d7 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+7);
433         k8 = *(k+8); k9 = *(k+9); k10 = *(k+10); k11 = *(k+11);
434         k12 = *(k+12); k13 = *(k+13); k14 = *(k+14); k15 = *(k+15);
436         h1 += MUL64((k0 + d0), (k4 + d4));
437         h2 += MUL64((k4 + d0), (k8 + d4));
438         h3 += MUL64((k8 + d0), (k12 + d4));
440         h1 += MUL64((k1 + d1), (k5 + d5));
441         h2 += MUL64((k5 + d1), (k9 + d5));
442         h3 += MUL64((k9 + d1), (k13 + d5));
444         h1 += MUL64((k2 + d2), (k6 + d6));
445         h2 += MUL64((k6 + d2), (k10 + d6));
446         h3 += MUL64((k10 + d2), (k14 + d6));
448         h1 += MUL64((k3 + d3), (k7 + d7));
449         h2 += MUL64((k7 + d3), (k11 + d7));
450         h3 += MUL64((k11 + d3), (k15 + d7));
452         k0 = k8; k1 = k9; k2 = k10; k3 = k11;
453         k4 = k12; k5 = k13; k6 = k14; k7 = k15;
455         d += 8;
456         k += 8;
457     } while (--c);
458     ((UINT64 *)hp)[0] = h1;
459     ((UINT64 *)hp)[1] = h2;
460     ((UINT64 *)hp)[2] = h3;
461 }
463 #elif (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN == 16)
465 static void nh_aux(void *kp, void *dp, void *hp, UINT32 dlen)
466 /* Same as previous nh_aux, but two streams are handled in one pass,
467  * reading and writing 24 bytes of hash-state per call.
468 */
469 {
470     UINT64 h1,h2,h3,h4;
471     UWORD c = dlen / 32;
472     UINT32 *k = (UINT32 *)kp;
473     UINT32 *d = (UINT32 *)dp;
474     UINT32 d0,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7;
475     UINT32 k0,k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,k7,
476         k8,k9,k10,k11,k12,k13,k14,k15,
477         k16,k17,k18,k19;
479     h1 = *((UINT64 *)hp);
480     h2 = *((UINT64 *)hp + 1);
481     h3 = *((UINT64 *)hp + 2);
482     h4 = *((UINT64 *)hp + 3);
483     k0 = *(k+0); k1 = *(k+1); k2 = *(k+2); k3 = *(k+3);
484     k4 = *(k+4); k5 = *(k+5); k6 = *(k+6); k7 = *(k+7);
485     do {
486         d0 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+0); d1 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+1);
487         d2 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+2); d3 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+3);
488         d4 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+4); d5 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+5);
489         d6 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+6); d7 = LOAD_UINT32_LITTLE(d+7);
490         k8 = *(k+8); k9 = *(k+9); k10 = *(k+10); k11 = *(k+11);
491         k12 = *(k+12); k13 = *(k+13); k14 = *(k+14); k15 = *(k+15);
492         k16 = *(k+16); k17 = *(k+17); k18 = *(k+18); k19 = *(k+19);
494         h1 += MUL64((k0 + d0), (k4 + d4));
495         h2 += MUL64((k4 + d0), (k8 + d4));
496         h3 += MUL64((k8 + d0), (k12 + d4));
497         h4 += MUL64((k12 + d0), (k16 + d4));
499         h1 += MUL64((k1 + d1), (k5 + d5));
500         h2 += MUL64((k5 + d1), (k9 + d5));
501         h3 += MUL64((k9 + d1), (k13 + d5));
502         h4 += MUL64((k13 + d1), (k17 + d5));
504         h1 += MUL64((k2 + d2), (k6 + d6));
505         h2 += MUL64((k6 + d2), (k10 + d6));
506         h3 += MUL64((k10 + d2), (k14 + d6));
507         h4 += MUL64((k14 + d2), (k18 + d6));
509         h1 += MUL64((k3 + d3), (k7 + d7));
510         h2 += MUL64((k7 + d3), (k11 + d7));
511         h3 += MUL64((k11 + d3), (k15 + d7));
512         h4 += MUL64((k15 + d3), (k19 + d7));
514         k0 = k8; k1 = k9; k2 = k10; k3 = k11;
515         k4 = k12; k5 = k13; k6 = k14; k7 = k15;
516         k8 = k16; k9 = k17; k10 = k18; k11 = k19;
518         d += 8;
519         k += 8;
520     } while (--c);
521     ((UINT64 *)hp)[0] = h1;
522     ((UINT64 *)hp)[1] = h2;
523     ((UINT64 *)hp)[2] = h3;
524     ((UINT64 *)hp)[3] = h4;
525 }
527 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
528 #endif  /* UMAC_OUTPUT_LENGTH */
529 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
532 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
534 static void nh_transform(nh_ctx *hc, UINT8 *buf, UINT32 nbytes)
535 /* This function is a wrapper for the primitive NH hash functions. It takes
536  * as argument "hc" the current hash context and a buffer which must be a
537  * multiple of L1_PAD_BOUNDARY. The key passed to nh_aux is offset
538  * appropriately according to how much message has been hashed already.
539  */
540 {
541     UINT8 *key;
543     key = hc->nh_key + hc->bytes_hashed;
544     nh_aux(key, buf, hc->state, nbytes);
545 }
547 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
549 #if (__LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
550 static void endian_convert(void *buf, UWORD bpw, UINT32 num_bytes)
551 /* We endian convert the keys on little-endian computers to               */
552 /* compensate for the lack of big-endian memory reads during hashing.     */
553 {
554     UWORD iters = num_bytes / bpw;
555     if (bpw == 4) {
556         UINT32 *p = (UINT32 *)buf;
557         do {
558             *p = LOAD_UINT32_REVERSED(p);
559             p++;
560         } while (--iters);
561     } else if (bpw == 8) {
562         UINT32 *p = (UINT32 *)buf;
563         UINT32 t;
564         do {
565             t = LOAD_UINT32_REVERSED(p+1);
566             p[1] = LOAD_UINT32_REVERSED(p);
567             p[0] = t;
568             p += 2;
569         } while (--iters);
570     }
571 }
572 #define endian_convert_if_le(x,y,z) endian_convert((x),(y),(z))
573 #else
574 #define endian_convert_if_le(x,y,z) do{}while(0)  /* Do nothing */
575 #endif
577 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
579 static void nh_reset(nh_ctx *hc)
580 /* Reset nh_ctx to ready for hashing of new data */
581 {
582     hc->bytes_hashed = 0;
583     hc->next_data_empty = 0;
584     hc->state[0] = 0;
585 #if (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN >= 8)
586     hc->state[1] = 0;
587 #endif
588 #if (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN >= 12)
589     hc->state[2] = 0;
590 #endif
591 #if (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN == 16)
592     hc->state[3] = 0;
593 #endif
595 }
597 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
599 static void nh_init(nh_ctx *hc, aes_int_key prf_key)
600 /* Generate nh_key, endian convert and reset to be ready for hashing.   */
601 {
602     kdf(hc->nh_key, prf_key, 1, sizeof(hc->nh_key));
603     endian_convert_if_le(hc->nh_key, 4, sizeof(hc->nh_key));
604     nh_reset(hc);
605 }
607 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
609 static void nh_update(nh_ctx *hc, UINT8 *buf, UINT32 nbytes)
610 /* Incorporate nbytes of data into a nh_ctx, buffer whatever is not an    */
611 /* even multiple of HASH_BUF_BYTES.                                       */
612 {
613     UINT32 i,j;
615     j = hc->next_data_empty;
616     if ((j + nbytes) >= HASH_BUF_BYTES) {
617         if (j) {
618             i = HASH_BUF_BYTES - j;
619             memcpy(hc->data+j, buf, i);
620             nh_transform(hc,hc->data,HASH_BUF_BYTES);
621             nbytes -= i;
622             buf += i;
623             hc->bytes_hashed += HASH_BUF_BYTES;
624         }
625         if (nbytes >= HASH_BUF_BYTES) {
626             i = nbytes & ~(HASH_BUF_BYTES - 1);
627             nh_transform(hc, buf, i);
628             nbytes -= i;
629             buf += i;
630             hc->bytes_hashed += i;
631         }
632         j = 0;
633     }
634     memcpy(hc->data + j, buf, nbytes);
635     hc->next_data_empty = j + nbytes;
636 }
638 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
640 static void zero_pad(UINT8 *p, int nbytes)
641 {
642 /* Write "nbytes" of zeroes, beginning at "p" */
643     if (nbytes >= (int)sizeof(UWORD)) {
644         while ((ptrdiff_t)p % sizeof(UWORD)) {
645             *p = 0;
646             nbytes--;
647             p++;
648         }
649         while (nbytes >= (int)sizeof(UWORD)) {
650             *(UWORD *)p = 0;
651             nbytes -= sizeof(UWORD);
652             p += sizeof(UWORD);
653         }
654     }
655     while (nbytes) {
656         *p = 0;
657         nbytes--;
658         p++;
659     }
660 }
662 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
664 static void nh_final(nh_ctx *hc, UINT8 *result)
665 /* After passing some number of data buffers to nh_update() for integration
666  * into an NH context, nh_final is called to produce a hash result. If any
667  * bytes are in the buffer hc->data, incorporate them into the
668  * NH context. Finally, add into the NH accumulation "state" the total number
669  * of bits hashed. The resulting numbers are written to the buffer "result".
670  * If nh_update was never called, L1_PAD_BOUNDARY zeroes are incorporated.
671  */
672 {
673     int nh_len, nbits;
675     if (hc->next_data_empty != 0) {
676         nh_len = ((hc->next_data_empty + (L1_PAD_BOUNDARY - 1)) &
677                                                 ~(L1_PAD_BOUNDARY - 1));
678         zero_pad(hc->data + hc->next_data_empty,
679                                           nh_len - hc->next_data_empty);
680         nh_transform(hc, hc->data, nh_len);
681         hc->bytes_hashed += hc->next_data_empty;
682     } else if (hc->bytes_hashed == 0) {
683     	nh_len = L1_PAD_BOUNDARY;
684         zero_pad(hc->data, L1_PAD_BOUNDARY);
685         nh_transform(hc, hc->data, nh_len);
686     }
688     nbits = (hc->bytes_hashed << 3);
689     ((UINT64 *)result)[0] = ((UINT64 *)hc->state)[0] + nbits;
690 #if (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN >= 8)
691     ((UINT64 *)result)[1] = ((UINT64 *)hc->state)[1] + nbits;
692 #endif
693 #if (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN >= 12)
694     ((UINT64 *)result)[2] = ((UINT64 *)hc->state)[2] + nbits;
695 #endif
696 #if (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN == 16)
697     ((UINT64 *)result)[3] = ((UINT64 *)hc->state)[3] + nbits;
698 #endif
699     nh_reset(hc);
700 }
702 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
704 static void nh(nh_ctx *hc, UINT8 *buf, UINT32 padded_len,
705                UINT32 unpadded_len, UINT8 *result)
706 /* All-in-one nh_update() and nh_final() equivalent.
707  * Assumes that padded_len is divisible by L1_PAD_BOUNDARY and result is
708  * well aligned
709  */
710 {
711     UINT32 nbits;
713     /* Initialize the hash state */
714     nbits = (unpadded_len << 3);
716     ((UINT64 *)result)[0] = nbits;
717 #if (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN >= 8)
718     ((UINT64 *)result)[1] = nbits;
719 #endif
720 #if (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN >= 12)
721     ((UINT64 *)result)[2] = nbits;
722 #endif
723 #if (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN == 16)
724     ((UINT64 *)result)[3] = nbits;
725 #endif
727     nh_aux(hc->nh_key, buf, result, padded_len);
728 }
730 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
731 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
732 /* ----- Begin UHASH Section -------------------------------------------- */
733 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
734 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
736 /* UHASH is a multi-layered algorithm. Data presented to UHASH is first
737  * hashed by NH. The NH output is then hashed by a polynomial-hash layer
738  * unless the initial data to be hashed is short. After the polynomial-
739  * layer, an inner-product hash is used to produce the final UHASH output.
740  *
741  * UHASH provides two interfaces, one all-at-once and another where data
742  * buffers are presented sequentially. In the sequential interface, the
743  * UHASH client calls the routine uhash_update() as many times as necessary.
744  * When there is no more data to be fed to UHASH, the client calls
745  * uhash_final() which
746  * calculates the UHASH output. Before beginning another UHASH calculation
747  * the uhash_reset() routine must be called. The all-at-once UHASH routine,
748  * uhash(), is equivalent to the sequence of calls uhash_update() and
749  * uhash_final(); however it is optimized and should be
750  * used whenever the sequential interface is not necessary.
751  *
752  * The routine uhash_init() initializes the uhash_ctx data structure and
753  * must be called once, before any other UHASH routine.
754  */
756 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
757 /* ----- Constants and uhash_ctx ---------------------------------------- */
758 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
760 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
761 /* ----- Poly hash and Inner-Product hash Constants --------------------- */
762 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
764 /* Primes and masks */
765 #define p36    ((UINT64)0x0000000FFFFFFFFBull)              /* 2^36 -  5 */
766 #define p64    ((UINT64)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC5ull)              /* 2^64 - 59 */
767 #define m36    ((UINT64)0x0000000FFFFFFFFFull)  /* The low 36 of 64 bits */
770 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
772 typedef struct uhash_ctx {
773     nh_ctx hash;                          /* Hash context for L1 NH hash  */
774     UINT64 poly_key_8[STREAMS];           /* p64 poly keys                */
775     UINT64 poly_accum[STREAMS];           /* poly hash result             */
776     UINT64 ip_keys[STREAMS*4];            /* Inner-product keys           */
777     UINT32 ip_trans[STREAMS];             /* Inner-product translation    */
778     UINT32 msg_len;                       /* Total length of data passed  */
779                                           /* to uhash */
780 } uhash_ctx;
781 typedef struct uhash_ctx *uhash_ctx_t;
783 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
786 /* The polynomial hashes use Horner's rule to evaluate a polynomial one
787  * word at a time. As described in the specification, poly32 and poly64
788  * require keys from special domains. The following implementations exploit
789  * the special domains to avoid overflow. The results are not guaranteed to
790  * be within Z_p32 and Z_p64, but the Inner-Product hash implementation
791  * patches any errant values.
792  */
794 static UINT64 poly64(UINT64 cur, UINT64 key, UINT64 data)
795 {
796     UINT32 key_hi = (UINT32)(key >> 32),
797            key_lo = (UINT32)key,
798            cur_hi = (UINT32)(cur >> 32),
799            cur_lo = (UINT32)cur,
800            x_lo,
801            x_hi;
802     UINT64 X,T,res;
804     X =  MUL64(key_hi, cur_lo) + MUL64(cur_hi, key_lo);
805     x_lo = (UINT32)X;
806     x_hi = (UINT32)(X >> 32);
808     res = (MUL64(key_hi, cur_hi) + x_hi) * 59 + MUL64(key_lo, cur_lo);
810     T = ((UINT64)x_lo << 32);
811     res += T;
812     if (res < T)
813         res += 59;
815     res += data;
816     if (res < data)
817         res += 59;
819     return res;
820 }
823 /* Although UMAC is specified to use a ramped polynomial hash scheme, this
824  * implementation does not handle all ramp levels. Because we don't handle
825  * the ramp up to p128 modulus in this implementation, we are limited to
826  * 2^14 poly_hash() invocations per stream (for a total capacity of 2^24
827  * bytes input to UMAC per tag, ie. 16MB).
828  */
829 static void poly_hash(uhash_ctx_t hc, UINT32 data_in[])
830 {
831     int i;
832     UINT64 *data=(UINT64*)data_in;
834     for (i = 0; i < STREAMS; i++) {
835         if ((UINT32)(data[i] >> 32) == 0xfffffffful) {
836             hc->poly_accum[i] = poly64(hc->poly_accum[i],
837                                        hc->poly_key_8[i], p64 - 1);
838             hc->poly_accum[i] = poly64(hc->poly_accum[i],
839                                        hc->poly_key_8[i], (data[i] - 59));
840         } else {
841             hc->poly_accum[i] = poly64(hc->poly_accum[i],
842                                        hc->poly_key_8[i], data[i]);
843         }
844     }
845 }
848 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
851 /* The final step in UHASH is an inner-product hash. The poly hash
852  * produces a result not neccesarily WORD_LEN bytes long. The inner-
853  * product hash breaks the polyhash output into 16-bit chunks and
854  * multiplies each with a 36 bit key.
855  */
857 static UINT64 ip_aux(UINT64 t, UINT64 *ipkp, UINT64 data)
858 {
859     t = t + ipkp[0] * (UINT64)(UINT16)(data >> 48);
860     t = t + ipkp[1] * (UINT64)(UINT16)(data >> 32);
861     t = t + ipkp[2] * (UINT64)(UINT16)(data >> 16);
862     t = t + ipkp[3] * (UINT64)(UINT16)(data);
864     return t;
865 }
867 static UINT32 ip_reduce_p36(UINT64 t)
868 {
869 /* Divisionless modular reduction */
870     UINT64 ret;
872     ret = (t & m36) + 5 * (t >> 36);
873     if (ret >= p36)
874         ret -= p36;
876     /* return least significant 32 bits */
877     return (UINT32)(ret);
878 }
881 /* If the data being hashed by UHASH is no longer than L1_KEY_LEN, then
882  * the polyhash stage is skipped and ip_short is applied directly to the
883  * NH output.
884  */
885 static void ip_short(uhash_ctx_t ahc, UINT8 *nh_res, u_char *res)
886 {
887     UINT64 t;
888     UINT64 *nhp = (UINT64 *)nh_res;
890     t  = ip_aux(0,ahc->ip_keys, nhp[0]);
891     STORE_UINT32_BIG((UINT32 *)res+0, ip_reduce_p36(t) ^ ahc->ip_trans[0]);
892 #if (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN >= 8)
893     t  = ip_aux(0,ahc->ip_keys+4, nhp[1]);
894     STORE_UINT32_BIG((UINT32 *)res+1, ip_reduce_p36(t) ^ ahc->ip_trans[1]);
895 #endif
896 #if (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN >= 12)
897     t  = ip_aux(0,ahc->ip_keys+8, nhp[2]);
898     STORE_UINT32_BIG((UINT32 *)res+2, ip_reduce_p36(t) ^ ahc->ip_trans[2]);
899 #endif
900 #if (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN == 16)
901     t  = ip_aux(0,ahc->ip_keys+12, nhp[3]);
902     STORE_UINT32_BIG((UINT32 *)res+3, ip_reduce_p36(t) ^ ahc->ip_trans[3]);
903 #endif
904 }
906 /* If the data being hashed by UHASH is longer than L1_KEY_LEN, then
907  * the polyhash stage is not skipped and ip_long is applied to the
908  * polyhash output.
909  */
910 static void ip_long(uhash_ctx_t ahc, u_char *res)
911 {
912     int i;
913     UINT64 t;
915     for (i = 0; i < STREAMS; i++) {
916         /* fix polyhash output not in Z_p64 */
917         if (ahc->poly_accum[i] >= p64)
918             ahc->poly_accum[i] -= p64;
919         t  = ip_aux(0,ahc->ip_keys+(i*4), ahc->poly_accum[i]);
920         STORE_UINT32_BIG((UINT32 *)res+i,
921                          ip_reduce_p36(t) ^ ahc->ip_trans[i]);
922     }
923 }
926 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
928 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
930 /* Reset uhash context for next hash session */
931 static int uhash_reset(uhash_ctx_t pc)
932 {
933     nh_reset(&pc->hash);
934     pc->msg_len = 0;
935     pc->poly_accum[0] = 1;
936 #if (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN >= 8)
937     pc->poly_accum[1] = 1;
938 #endif
939 #if (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN >= 12)
940     pc->poly_accum[2] = 1;
941 #endif
942 #if (UMAC_OUTPUT_LEN == 16)
943     pc->poly_accum[3] = 1;
944 #endif
945     return 1;
946 }
948 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
950 /* Given a pointer to the internal key needed by kdf() and a uhash context,
951  * initialize the NH context and generate keys needed for poly and inner-
952  * product hashing. All keys are endian adjusted in memory so that native
953  * loads cause correct keys to be in registers during calculation.
954  */
955 static void uhash_init(uhash_ctx_t ahc, aes_int_key prf_key)
956 {
957     int i;
958     UINT8 buf[(8*STREAMS+4)*sizeof(UINT64)];
960     /* Zero the entire uhash context */
961     memset(ahc, 0, sizeof(uhash_ctx));
963     /* Initialize the L1 hash */
964     nh_init(&ahc->hash, prf_key);
966     /* Setup L2 hash variables */
967     kdf(buf, prf_key, 2, sizeof(buf));    /* Fill buffer with index 1 key */
968     for (i = 0; i < STREAMS; i++) {
969         /* Fill keys from the buffer, skipping bytes in the buffer not
970          * used by this implementation. Endian reverse the keys if on a
971          * little-endian computer.
972          */
973         memcpy(ahc->poly_key_8+i, buf+24*i, 8);
974         endian_convert_if_le(ahc->poly_key_8+i, 8, 8);
975         /* Mask the 64-bit keys to their special domain */
976         ahc->poly_key_8[i] &= ((UINT64)0x01ffffffu << 32) + 0x01ffffffu;
977         ahc->poly_accum[i] = 1;  /* Our polyhash prepends a non-zero word */
978     }
980     /* Setup L3-1 hash variables */
981     kdf(buf, prf_key, 3, sizeof(buf)); /* Fill buffer with index 2 key */
982     for (i = 0; i < STREAMS; i++)
983           memcpy(ahc->ip_keys+4*i, buf+(8*i+4)*sizeof(UINT64),
984                                                  4*sizeof(UINT64));
985     endian_convert_if_le(ahc->ip_keys, sizeof(UINT64),
986                                                   sizeof(ahc->ip_keys));
987     for (i = 0; i < STREAMS*4; i++)
988         ahc->ip_keys[i] %= p36;  /* Bring into Z_p36 */
990     /* Setup L3-2 hash variables    */
991     /* Fill buffer with index 4 key */
992     kdf(ahc->ip_trans, prf_key, 4, STREAMS * sizeof(UINT32));
993     endian_convert_if_le(ahc->ip_trans, sizeof(UINT32),
994                          STREAMS * sizeof(UINT32));
995 }
997 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
999 #if 0
1000 static uhash_ctx_t uhash_alloc(u_char key[])
1001 {
1002 /* Allocate memory and force to a 16-byte boundary. */
1003     uhash_ctx_t ctx;
1004     u_char bytes_to_add;
1005     aes_int_key prf_key;
1007     ctx = (uhash_ctx_t)malloc(sizeof(uhash_ctx)+ALLOC_BOUNDARY);
1008     if (ctx) {
1009         if (ALLOC_BOUNDARY) {
1010             bytes_to_add = ALLOC_BOUNDARY -
1011                               ((ptrdiff_t)ctx & (ALLOC_BOUNDARY -1));
1012             ctx = (uhash_ctx_t)((u_char *)ctx + bytes_to_add);
1013             *((u_char *)ctx - 1) = bytes_to_add;
1014         }
1015         aes_key_setup(key,prf_key);
1016         uhash_init(ctx, prf_key);
1017     }
1018     return (ctx);
1019 }
1020 #endif
1022 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1024 #if 0
1025 static int uhash_free(uhash_ctx_t ctx)
1026 {
1027 /* Free memory allocated by uhash_alloc */
1028     u_char bytes_to_sub;
1030     if (ctx) {
1031         if (ALLOC_BOUNDARY) {
1032             bytes_to_sub = *((u_char *)ctx - 1);
1033             ctx = (uhash_ctx_t)((u_char *)ctx - bytes_to_sub);
1034         }
1035         free(ctx);
1036     }
1037     return (1);
1038 }
1039 #endif
1040 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1042 static int uhash_update(uhash_ctx_t ctx, u_char *input, long len)
1043 /* Given len bytes of data, we parse it into L1_KEY_LEN chunks and
1044  * hash each one with NH, calling the polyhash on each NH output.
1045  */
1046 {
1047     UWORD bytes_hashed, bytes_remaining;
1048     UINT64 result_buf[STREAMS];
1049     UINT8 *nh_result = (UINT8 *)&result_buf;
1051     if (ctx->msg_len + len <= L1_KEY_LEN) {
1052         nh_update(&ctx->hash, (UINT8 *)input, len);
1053         ctx->msg_len += len;
1054     } else {
1056          bytes_hashed = ctx->msg_len % L1_KEY_LEN;
1057          if (ctx->msg_len == L1_KEY_LEN)
1058              bytes_hashed = L1_KEY_LEN;
1060          if (bytes_hashed + len >= L1_KEY_LEN) {
1062              /* If some bytes have been passed to the hash function      */
1063              /* then we want to pass at most (L1_KEY_LEN - bytes_hashed) */
1064              /* bytes to complete the current nh_block.                  */
1065              if (bytes_hashed) {
1066                  bytes_remaining = (L1_KEY_LEN - bytes_hashed);
1067                  nh_update(&ctx->hash, (UINT8 *)input, bytes_remaining);
1068                  nh_final(&ctx->hash, nh_result);
1069                  ctx->msg_len += bytes_remaining;
1070                  poly_hash(ctx,(UINT32 *)nh_result);
1071                  len -= bytes_remaining;
1072                  input += bytes_remaining;
1073              }
1075              /* Hash directly from input stream if enough bytes */
1076              while (len >= L1_KEY_LEN) {
1077                  nh(&ctx->hash, (UINT8 *)input, L1_KEY_LEN,
1078                                    L1_KEY_LEN, nh_result);
1079                  ctx->msg_len += L1_KEY_LEN;
1080                  len -= L1_KEY_LEN;
1081                  input += L1_KEY_LEN;
1082                  poly_hash(ctx,(UINT32 *)nh_result);
1083              }
1084          }
1086          /* pass remaining < L1_KEY_LEN bytes of input data to NH */
1087          if (len) {
1088              nh_update(&ctx->hash, (UINT8 *)input, len);
1089              ctx->msg_len += len;
1090          }
1091      }
1093     return (1);
1094 }
1096 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1098 static int uhash_final(uhash_ctx_t ctx, u_char *res)
1099 /* Incorporate any pending data, pad, and generate tag */
1100 {
1101     UINT64 result_buf[STREAMS];
1102     UINT8 *nh_result = (UINT8 *)&result_buf;
1104     if (ctx->msg_len > L1_KEY_LEN) {
1105         if (ctx->msg_len % L1_KEY_LEN) {
1106             nh_final(&ctx->hash, nh_result);
1107             poly_hash(ctx,(UINT32 *)nh_result);
1108         }
1109         ip_long(ctx, res);
1110     } else {
1111         nh_final(&ctx->hash, nh_result);
1112         ip_short(ctx,nh_result, res);
1113     }
1114     uhash_reset(ctx);
1115     return (1);
1116 }
1118 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1120 #if 0
1121 static int uhash(uhash_ctx_t ahc, u_char *msg, long len, u_char *res)
1122 /* assumes that msg is in a writable buffer of length divisible by */
1123 /* L1_PAD_BOUNDARY. Bytes beyond msg[len] may be zeroed.           */
1124 {
1125     UINT8 nh_result[STREAMS*sizeof(UINT64)];
1126     UINT32 nh_len;
1127     int extra_zeroes_needed;
1129     /* If the message to be hashed is no longer than L1_HASH_LEN, we skip
1130      * the polyhash.
1131      */
1132     if (len <= L1_KEY_LEN) {
1133     	if (len == 0)                  /* If zero length messages will not */
1134     		nh_len = L1_PAD_BOUNDARY;  /* be seen, comment out this case   */
1135     	else
1136         	nh_len = ((len + (L1_PAD_BOUNDARY - 1)) & ~(L1_PAD_BOUNDARY - 1));
1137         extra_zeroes_needed = nh_len - len;
1138         zero_pad((UINT8 *)msg + len, extra_zeroes_needed);
1139         nh(&ahc->hash, (UINT8 *)msg, nh_len, len, nh_result);
1140         ip_short(ahc,nh_result, res);
1141     } else {
1142         /* Otherwise, we hash each L1_KEY_LEN chunk with NH, passing the NH
1143          * output to poly_hash().
1144          */
1145         do {
1146             nh(&ahc->hash, (UINT8 *)msg, L1_KEY_LEN, L1_KEY_LEN, nh_result);
1147             poly_hash(ahc,(UINT32 *)nh_result);
1148             len -= L1_KEY_LEN;
1149             msg += L1_KEY_LEN;
1150         } while (len >= L1_KEY_LEN);
1151         if (len) {
1152             nh_len = ((len + (L1_PAD_BOUNDARY - 1)) & ~(L1_PAD_BOUNDARY - 1));
1153             extra_zeroes_needed = nh_len - len;
1154             zero_pad((UINT8 *)msg + len, extra_zeroes_needed);
1155             nh(&ahc->hash, (UINT8 *)msg, nh_len, len, nh_result);
1156             poly_hash(ahc,(UINT32 *)nh_result);
1157         }
1159         ip_long(ahc, res);
1160     }
1162     uhash_reset(ahc);
1163     return 1;
1164 }
1165 #endif
1167 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1168 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1169 /* ----- Begin UMAC Section --------------------------------------------- */
1170 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1171 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1173 /* The UMAC interface has two interfaces, an all-at-once interface where
1174  * the entire message to be authenticated is passed to UMAC in one buffer,
1175  * and a sequential interface where the message is presented a little at a
1176  * time. The all-at-once is more optimaized than the sequential version and
1177  * should be preferred when the sequential interface is not required.
1178  */
1179 struct umac_ctx {
1180     uhash_ctx hash;          /* Hash function for message compression    */
1181     pdf_ctx pdf;             /* PDF for hashed output                    */
1182     void *free_ptr;          /* Address to free this struct via          */
1183 } umac_ctx;
1185 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1187 #if 0
1188 int umac_reset(struct umac_ctx *ctx)
1189 /* Reset the hash function to begin a new authentication.        */
1190 {
1191     uhash_reset(&ctx->hash);
1192     return (1);
1193 }
1194 #endif
1196 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1198 int umac_delete(struct umac_ctx *ctx)
1199 /* Deallocate the ctx structure */
1200 {
1201     if (ctx) {
1202         if (ALLOC_BOUNDARY)
1203             ctx = (struct umac_ctx *)ctx->free_ptr;
1204         xfree(ctx);
1205     }
1206     return (1);
1207 }
1209 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1211 struct umac_ctx *umac_new(u_char key[])
1212 /* Dynamically allocate a umac_ctx struct, initialize variables,
1213  * generate subkeys from key. Align to 16-byte boundary.
1214  */
1215 {
1216     struct umac_ctx *ctx, *octx;
1217     size_t bytes_to_add;
1218     aes_int_key prf_key;
1220     octx = ctx = xmalloc(sizeof(*ctx) + ALLOC_BOUNDARY);
1221     if (ctx) {
1222         if (ALLOC_BOUNDARY) {
1223             bytes_to_add = ALLOC_BOUNDARY -
1224                               ((ptrdiff_t)ctx & (ALLOC_BOUNDARY - 1));
1225             ctx = (struct umac_ctx *)((u_char *)ctx + bytes_to_add);
1226         }
1227         ctx->free_ptr = octx;
1228         aes_key_setup(key,prf_key);
1229         pdf_init(&ctx->pdf, prf_key);
1230         uhash_init(&ctx->hash, prf_key);
1231     }
1233     return (ctx);
1234 }
1236 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1238 int umac_final(struct umac_ctx *ctx, u_char tag[], u_char nonce[8])
1239 /* Incorporate any pending data, pad, and generate tag */
1240 {
1241     uhash_final(&ctx->hash, (u_char *)tag);
1242     pdf_gen_xor(&ctx->pdf, (UINT8 *)nonce, (UINT8 *)tag);
1244     return (1);
1245 }
1247 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1249 int umac_update(struct umac_ctx *ctx, u_char *input, long len)
1250 /* Given len bytes of data, we parse it into L1_KEY_LEN chunks and   */
1251 /* hash each one, calling the PDF on the hashed output whenever the hash- */
1252 /* output buffer is full.                                                 */
1253 {
1254     uhash_update(&ctx->hash, input, len);
1255     return (1);
1256 }
1258 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1260 #if 0
1261 int umac(struct umac_ctx *ctx, u_char *input,
1262          long len, u_char tag[],
1263          u_char nonce[8])
1264 /* All-in-one version simply calls umac_update() and umac_final().        */
1265 {
1266     uhash(&ctx->hash, input, len, (u_char *)tag);
1267     pdf_gen_xor(&ctx->pdf, (UINT8 *)nonce, (UINT8 *)tag);
1269     return (1);
1270 }
1271 #endif
1273 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1274 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1275 /* ----- End UMAC Section ----------------------------------------------- */
1276 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1277 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */