xref: /freebsd/crypto/openssh/regress/cert-userkey.sh (revision 6be3386466ab79a84b48429ae66244f21526d3df)
1#	$OpenBSD: cert-userkey.sh,v 1.19 2018/03/12 00:54:04 djm Exp $
2#	Placed in the Public Domain.
4tid="certified user keys"
6rm -f $OBJ/authorized_keys_$USER $OBJ/user_ca_key* $OBJ/cert_user_key*
7cp $OBJ/sshd_proxy $OBJ/sshd_proxy_bak
8cp $OBJ/ssh_proxy $OBJ/ssh_proxy_bak
10PLAIN_TYPES=`$SSH -Q key-plain | sed 's/^ssh-dss/ssh-dsa/;s/^ssh-//'`
13if echo "$PLAIN_TYPES" | grep '^rsa$' >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
14	PLAIN_TYPES="$PLAIN_TYPES rsa-sha2-256 rsa-sha2-512"
17kname() {
18	case $ktype in
19	rsa-sha2-*) n="$ktype" ;;
20	# subshell because some seds will add a newline
21	*) n=$(echo $1 | sed 's/^dsa/ssh-dss/;s/^rsa/ssh-rsa/;s/^ed/ssh-ed/') ;;
22	esac
23	echo "$n*,ssh-rsa*,ssh-ed25519*"
26# Create a CA key
27${SSHKEYGEN} -q -N '' -t rsa  -f $OBJ/user_ca_key ||\
28	fail "ssh-keygen of user_ca_key failed"
30# Generate and sign user keys
31for ktype in $PLAIN_TYPES $EXTRA_TYPES ; do
32	verbose "$tid: sign user ${ktype} cert"
33	${SSHKEYGEN} -q -N '' -t ${ktype} \
34	    -f $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype} || \
35		fatal "ssh-keygen of cert_user_key_${ktype} failed"
36	# Generate RSA/SHA2 certs for rsa-sha2* keys.
37	case $ktype in
38	rsa-sha2-*)	tflag="-t $ktype" ;;
39	*)		tflag="" ;;
40	esac
41	${SSHKEYGEN} -q -s $OBJ/user_ca_key -z $$ \
42	    -I "regress user key for $USER" \
43	    -n ${USER},mekmitasdigoat $tflag $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype} || \
44		fatal "couldn't sign cert_user_key_${ktype}"
47# Test explicitly-specified principals
48for ktype in $EXTRA_TYPES $PLAIN_TYPES ; do
49	t=$(kname $ktype)
50	for privsep in yes no ; do
51		_prefix="${ktype} privsep $privsep"
53		# Setup for AuthorizedPrincipalsFile
54		rm -f $OBJ/authorized_keys_$USER
55		(
56			cat $OBJ/sshd_proxy_bak
57			echo "UsePrivilegeSeparation $privsep"
58			echo "AuthorizedPrincipalsFile " \
59			    "$OBJ/authorized_principals_%u"
60			echo "TrustedUserCAKeys $OBJ/user_ca_key.pub"
61			echo "PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes ${t}"
62		) > $OBJ/sshd_proxy
63		(
64			cat $OBJ/ssh_proxy_bak
65			echo "PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes ${t}"
66		) > $OBJ/ssh_proxy
68		# Missing authorized_principals
69		verbose "$tid: ${_prefix} missing authorized_principals"
70		rm -f $OBJ/authorized_principals_$USER
71		${SSH} -i $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype} \
72		    -F $OBJ/ssh_proxy somehost true >/dev/null 2>&1
73		if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
74			fail "ssh cert connect succeeded unexpectedly"
75		fi
77		# Empty authorized_principals
78		verbose "$tid: ${_prefix} empty authorized_principals"
79		echo > $OBJ/authorized_principals_$USER
80		${SSH} -i $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype} \
81		    -F $OBJ/ssh_proxy somehost true >/dev/null 2>&1
82		if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
83			fail "ssh cert connect succeeded unexpectedly"
84		fi
86		# Wrong authorized_principals
87		verbose "$tid: ${_prefix} wrong authorized_principals"
88		echo gregorsamsa > $OBJ/authorized_principals_$USER
89		${SSH} -i $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype} \
90		    -F $OBJ/ssh_proxy somehost true >/dev/null 2>&1
91		if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
92			fail "ssh cert connect succeeded unexpectedly"
93		fi
95		# Correct authorized_principals
96		verbose "$tid: ${_prefix} correct authorized_principals"
97		echo mekmitasdigoat > $OBJ/authorized_principals_$USER
98		${SSH} -i $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype} \
99		    -F $OBJ/ssh_proxy somehost true >/dev/null 2>&1
100		if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
101			fail "ssh cert connect failed"
102		fi
104		# authorized_principals with bad key option
105		verbose "$tid: ${_prefix} authorized_principals bad key opt"
106		echo 'blah mekmitasdigoat' > $OBJ/authorized_principals_$USER
107		${SSH} -i $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype} \
108		    -F $OBJ/ssh_proxy somehost true >/dev/null 2>&1
109		if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
110			fail "ssh cert connect succeeded unexpectedly"
111		fi
113		# authorized_principals with command=false
114		verbose "$tid: ${_prefix} authorized_principals command=false"
115		echo 'command="false" mekmitasdigoat' > \
116		    $OBJ/authorized_principals_$USER
117		${SSH} -i $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype} \
118		    -F $OBJ/ssh_proxy somehost true >/dev/null 2>&1
119		if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
120			fail "ssh cert connect succeeded unexpectedly"
121		fi
124		# authorized_principals with command=true
125		verbose "$tid: ${_prefix} authorized_principals command=true"
126		echo 'command="true" mekmitasdigoat' > \
127		    $OBJ/authorized_principals_$USER
128		${SSH} -i $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype} \
129		    -F $OBJ/ssh_proxy somehost false >/dev/null 2>&1
130		if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
131			fail "ssh cert connect failed"
132		fi
134		# Setup for principals= key option
135		rm -f $OBJ/authorized_principals_$USER
136		(
137			cat $OBJ/sshd_proxy_bak
138			echo "UsePrivilegeSeparation $privsep"
139			echo "PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes ${t}"
140		) > $OBJ/sshd_proxy
141		(
142			cat $OBJ/ssh_proxy_bak
143			echo "PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes ${t}"
144		) > $OBJ/ssh_proxy
146		# Wrong principals list
147		verbose "$tid: ${_prefix} wrong principals key option"
148		(
149			printf 'cert-authority,principals="gregorsamsa" '
150			cat $OBJ/user_ca_key.pub
151		) > $OBJ/authorized_keys_$USER
152		${SSH} -i $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype} \
153		    -F $OBJ/ssh_proxy somehost true >/dev/null 2>&1
154		if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
155			fail "ssh cert connect succeeded unexpectedly"
156		fi
158		# Correct principals list
159		verbose "$tid: ${_prefix} correct principals key option"
160		(
161			printf 'cert-authority,principals="mekmitasdigoat" '
162			cat $OBJ/user_ca_key.pub
163		) > $OBJ/authorized_keys_$USER
164		${SSH} -i $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype} \
165		    -F $OBJ/ssh_proxy somehost true >/dev/null 2>&1
166		if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
167			fail "ssh cert connect failed"
168		fi
169	done
172basic_tests() {
173	auth=$1
174	if test "x$auth" = "xauthorized_keys" ; then
175		# Add CA to authorized_keys
176		(
177			printf 'cert-authority '
178			cat $OBJ/user_ca_key.pub
179		) > $OBJ/authorized_keys_$USER
180	else
181		echo > $OBJ/authorized_keys_$USER
182		extra_sshd="TrustedUserCAKeys $OBJ/user_ca_key.pub"
183	fi
185	for ktype in $PLAIN_TYPES ; do
186		t=$(kname $ktype)
187		for privsep in yes no ; do
188			_prefix="${ktype} privsep $privsep $auth"
189			# Simple connect
190			verbose "$tid: ${_prefix} connect"
191			(
192				cat $OBJ/sshd_proxy_bak
193				echo "UsePrivilegeSeparation $privsep"
194				echo "PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes ${t}"
195				echo "$extra_sshd"
196			) > $OBJ/sshd_proxy
197			(
198				cat $OBJ/ssh_proxy_bak
199				echo "PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes ${t}"
200			) > $OBJ/ssh_proxy
202			${SSH} -i $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype} \
203			    -F $OBJ/ssh_proxy somehost true
204			if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
205				fail "ssh cert connect failed"
206			fi
208			# Revoked keys
209			verbose "$tid: ${_prefix} revoked key"
210			(
211				cat $OBJ/sshd_proxy_bak
212				echo "UsePrivilegeSeparation $privsep"
213				echo "RevokedKeys $OBJ/cert_user_key_revoked"
214				echo "PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes ${t}"
215				echo "$extra_sshd"
216			) > $OBJ/sshd_proxy
217			cp $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype}.pub \
218			    $OBJ/cert_user_key_revoked
219			${SSH} -i $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype} \
220			    -F $OBJ/ssh_proxy somehost true >/dev/null 2>&1
221			if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
222				fail "ssh cert connect succeeded unexpecedly"
223			fi
224			verbose "$tid: ${_prefix} revoked via KRL"
225			rm $OBJ/cert_user_key_revoked
226			${SSHKEYGEN} -kqf $OBJ/cert_user_key_revoked \
227			    $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype}.pub
228			${SSH} -i $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype} \
229			    -F $OBJ/ssh_proxy somehost true >/dev/null 2>&1
230			if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
231				fail "ssh cert connect succeeded unexpecedly"
232			fi
233			verbose "$tid: ${_prefix} empty KRL"
234			${SSHKEYGEN} -kqf $OBJ/cert_user_key_revoked
235			${SSH} -i $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype} \
236			    -F $OBJ/ssh_proxy somehost true >/dev/null 2>&1
237			if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
238				fail "ssh cert connect failed"
239			fi
240		done
242		# Revoked CA
243		verbose "$tid: ${ktype} $auth revoked CA key"
244		(
245			cat $OBJ/sshd_proxy_bak
246			echo "RevokedKeys $OBJ/user_ca_key.pub"
247			echo "PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes ${t}"
248			echo "$extra_sshd"
249		) > $OBJ/sshd_proxy
250		${SSH} -i $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype} -F $OBJ/ssh_proxy \
251		    somehost true >/dev/null 2>&1
252		if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
253			fail "ssh cert connect succeeded unexpecedly"
254		fi
255	done
257	verbose "$tid: $auth CA does not authenticate"
258	(
259		cat $OBJ/sshd_proxy_bak
260		echo "PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes ${t}"
261		echo "$extra_sshd"
262	) > $OBJ/sshd_proxy
263	verbose "$tid: ensure CA key does not authenticate user"
264	${SSH} -i $OBJ/user_ca_key \
265	    -F $OBJ/ssh_proxy somehost true >/dev/null 2>&1
266	if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
267		fail "ssh cert connect with CA key succeeded unexpectedly"
268	fi
271basic_tests authorized_keys
272basic_tests TrustedUserCAKeys
274test_one() {
275	ident=$1
276	result=$2
277	sign_opts=$3
278	auth_choice=$4
279	auth_opt=$5
281	if test "x$auth_choice" = "x" ; then
282		auth_choice="authorized_keys TrustedUserCAKeys"
283	fi
285	for auth in $auth_choice ; do
286		for ktype in rsa ed25519 ; do
287			cat $OBJ/sshd_proxy_bak > $OBJ/sshd_proxy
288			if test "x$auth" = "xauthorized_keys" ; then
289				# Add CA to authorized_keys
290				(
291					printf "cert-authority${auth_opt} "
292					cat $OBJ/user_ca_key.pub
293				) > $OBJ/authorized_keys_$USER
294			else
295				echo > $OBJ/authorized_keys_$USER
296				echo "TrustedUserCAKeys $OBJ/user_ca_key.pub" \
297				    >> $OBJ/sshd_proxy
298				echo "PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes ${t}*" \
299				    >> $OBJ/sshd_proxy
300				if test "x$auth_opt" != "x" ; then
301					echo $auth_opt >> $OBJ/sshd_proxy
302				fi
303			fi
305			verbose "$tid: $ident auth $auth expect $result $ktype"
306			${SSHKEYGEN} -q -s $OBJ/user_ca_key \
307			    -I "regress user key for $USER" \
308			    $sign_opts $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype} ||
309				fail "couldn't sign cert_user_key_${ktype}"
311			${SSH} -i $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype} \
312			    -F $OBJ/ssh_proxy somehost true >/dev/null 2>&1
313			rc=$?
314			if [ "x$result" = "xsuccess" ] ; then
315				if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
316					fail "$ident failed unexpectedly"
317				fi
318			else
319				if [ $rc -eq 0 ]; then
320					fail "$ident succeeded unexpectedly"
321				fi
322			fi
323		done
324	done
327test_one "correct principal"	success "-n ${USER}"
328test_one "host-certificate"	failure "-n ${USER} -h"
329test_one "wrong principals"	failure "-n foo"
330test_one "cert not yet valid"	failure "-n ${USER} -V20200101:20300101"
331test_one "cert expired"		failure "-n ${USER} -V19800101:19900101"
332test_one "cert valid interval"	success "-n ${USER} -V-1w:+2w"
333test_one "wrong source-address"	failure "-n ${USER} -Osource-address="
334test_one "force-command"	failure "-n ${USER} -Oforce-command=false"
336# Behaviour is different here: TrustedUserCAKeys doesn't allow empty principals
337test_one "empty principals"	success "" authorized_keys
338test_one "empty principals"	failure "" TrustedUserCAKeys
340# Check explicitly-specified principals: an empty principals list in the cert
341# should always be refused.
343# AuthorizedPrincipalsFile
344rm -f $OBJ/authorized_keys_$USER
345echo mekmitasdigoat > $OBJ/authorized_principals_$USER
346test_one "AuthorizedPrincipalsFile principals" success "-n mekmitasdigoat" \
347    TrustedUserCAKeys "AuthorizedPrincipalsFile $OBJ/authorized_principals_%u"
348test_one "AuthorizedPrincipalsFile no principals" failure "" \
349    TrustedUserCAKeys "AuthorizedPrincipalsFile $OBJ/authorized_principals_%u"
351# principals= key option
352rm -f $OBJ/authorized_principals_$USER
353test_one "principals key option principals" success "-n mekmitasdigoat" \
354    authorized_keys ',principals="mekmitasdigoat"'
355test_one "principals key option no principals" failure "" \
356    authorized_keys ',principals="mekmitasdigoat"'
358# command= options vs. force-command in key
359test_one "force-command match true" success \
360    "-n ${USER} -Oforce-command=true" \
361    authorized_keys ',command="true"'
362test_one "force-command match true" failure \
363    "-n ${USER} -Oforce-command=false" \
364    authorized_keys ',command="false"'
365test_one "force-command mismatch 1" failure \
366    "-n ${USER} -Oforce-command=false" \
367    authorized_keys ',command="true"'
368test_one "force-command mismatch 2" failure \
369    "-n ${USER} -Oforce-command=true" \
370    authorized_keys ',command="false"'
372# Wrong certificate
373cat $OBJ/sshd_proxy_bak > $OBJ/sshd_proxy
374for ktype in $PLAIN_TYPES ; do
375	t=$(kname $ktype)
376	# Self-sign
377	${SSHKEYGEN} -q -s $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype} -I \
378	    "regress user key for $USER" \
379	    -n $USER $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype} ||
380		fatal "couldn't sign cert_user_key_${ktype}"
381	verbose "$tid: user ${ktype} connect wrong cert"
382	${SSH} -i $OBJ/cert_user_key_${ktype} -F $OBJ/ssh_proxy \
383	    somehost true >/dev/null 2>&1
384	if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
385		fail "ssh cert connect $ident succeeded unexpectedly"
386	fi
389rm -f $OBJ/authorized_keys_$USER $OBJ/user_ca_key* $OBJ/cert_user_key*
390rm -f $OBJ/authorized_principals_$USER