xref: /freebsd/crypto/libecc/src/sig/ecrdsa.c (revision 86077f4fd11070518a6d04eee7fdb93cbbfb1b52)
1 /*
2  *  Copyright (C) 2017 - This file is part of libecc project
3  *
4  *  Authors:
5  *	Ryad BENADJILA <ryadbenadjila@gmail.com>
6  *	Arnaud EBALARD <arnaud.ebalard@ssi.gouv.fr>
7  *	Jean-Pierre FLORI <jean-pierre.flori@ssi.gouv.fr>
8  *
9  *  Contributors:
10  *	Nicolas VIVET <nicolas.vivet@ssi.gouv.fr>
11  *	Karim KHALFALLAH <karim.khalfallah@ssi.gouv.fr>
12  *
13  *  This software is licensed under a dual BSD and GPL v2 license.
14  *  See LICENSE file at the root folder of the project.
15  */
16 #include <libecc/lib_ecc_config.h>
19 #include <libecc/nn/nn_rand.h>
20 #include <libecc/nn/nn_mul_public.h>
21 #include <libecc/nn/nn_logical.h>
23 #include <libecc/sig/sig_algs_internal.h>
24 #include <libecc/sig/ec_key.h>
26 #define EC_SIG_ALG "ECRDSA"
27 #endif
28 #include <libecc/utils/dbg_sig.h>
31 /*
32  * NOTE: ISO/IEC 14888-3 standard seems to diverge from the existing implementations
33  * of ECRDSA when treating the message hash, and from the examples of certificates provided
34  * in RFC 7091 and draft-deremin-rfc4491-bis. While in ISO/IEC 14888-3 it is explicitely asked
35  * to proceed with the hash of the message as big endian, the RFCs derived from the Russian
36  * standard expect the hash value to be treated as little endian when importing it as an integer
37  * (this discrepancy is exhibited and confirmed by test vectors present in ISO/IEC 14888-3, and
38  * by X.509 certificates present in the RFCs). This seems (to be confirmed) to be a discrepancy of
39  * ISO/IEC 14888-3 algorithm description that must be fixed there.
40  *
41  * In order to be conservative, libecc uses the Russian standard behavior as expected to be in line with
42  * other implemetations, but keeps the ISO/IEC 14888-3 behavior if forced/asked by the user using
43  * the USE_ISO14888_3_ECRDSA toggle. This allows to keep backward compatibility with previous versions of the
44  * library if needed.
45  *
46  */
47 #ifndef USE_ISO14888_3_ECRDSA
48 /* Reverses the endiannes of a buffer in place */
49 ATTRIBUTE_WARN_UNUSED_RET static inline int _reverse_endianness(u8 *buf, u16 buf_size)
50 {
51 	u16 i;
52 	u8 tmp;
53 	int ret;
55 	MUST_HAVE((buf != NULL), ret, err);
57 	if(buf_size > 1){
58 		for(i = 0; i < (buf_size / 2); i++){
59 			tmp = buf[i];
60 			buf[i] = buf[buf_size - 1 - i];
61 			buf[buf_size - 1 - i] = tmp;
62 		}
63 	}
65 	ret = 0;
66 err:
67 	return ret;
68 }
69 #endif
71 int ecrdsa_init_pub_key(ec_pub_key *out_pub, const ec_priv_key *in_priv)
72 {
73 	int ret, cmp;
74 	prj_pt_src_t G;
75 	nn_src_t q;
77 	MUST_HAVE((out_pub != NULL), ret, err);
79 	/* Zero init public key to be generated */
80 	ret = local_memset(out_pub, 0, sizeof(ec_pub_key)); EG(ret, err);
82 	ret = priv_key_check_initialized_and_type(in_priv, ECRDSA); EG(ret, err);
83 	q = &(in_priv->params->ec_gen_order);
85 	/* Sanity check on key */
86 	MUST_HAVE((!nn_cmp(&(in_priv->x), q, &cmp)) && (cmp < 0), ret, err);
88 	/* Y = xG */
89 	G = &(in_priv->params->ec_gen);
90 	/* Use blinding when computing point scalar multiplication */
91 	ret = prj_pt_mul_blind(&(out_pub->y), &(in_priv->x), G); EG(ret, err);
93 	out_pub->key_type = ECRDSA;
94 	out_pub->params = in_priv->params;
95 	out_pub->magic = PUB_KEY_MAGIC;
97 err:
98 	return ret;
99 }
101 int ecrdsa_siglen(u16 p_bit_len, u16 q_bit_len, u8 hsize, u8 blocksize, u8 *siglen)
102 {
103 	int ret;
105 	MUST_HAVE((siglen != NULL), ret, err);
106 	MUST_HAVE((p_bit_len <= CURVES_MAX_P_BIT_LEN) &&
107 		  (q_bit_len <= CURVES_MAX_Q_BIT_LEN) &&
108 		  (hsize <= MAX_DIGEST_SIZE) && (blocksize <= MAX_BLOCK_SIZE), ret, err);
109 	(*siglen) = (u8)ECRDSA_SIGLEN(q_bit_len);
110 	ret = 0;
112 err:
113 	return ret;
114 }
116 /*
117  * Generic *internal* EC-RDSA signature functions (init, update and finalize).
118  * Their purpose is to allow passing a specific hash function (along with
119  * its output size) and the random ephemeral key k, so that compliance
120  * tests against test vectors can be made without ugly hack in the code
121  * itself.
122  *
123  * Global EC-RDSA signature process is as follows (I,U,F provides
124  * information in which function(s) (init(), update() or finalize())
125  * a specific step is performed):
126  *
127  *| IUF - EC-RDSA signature
128  *|
129  *|  UF	 1. Compute h = H(m)
130  *|   F	 2. Get a random value k in ]0,q[
131  *|   F	 3. Compute W = (W_x,W_y) = kG
132  *|   F	 4. Compute r = W_x mod q
133  *|   F	 5. If r is 0, restart the process at step 2.
134  *|   F	 6. Compute e = OS2I(h) mod q. If e is 0, set e to 1.
135  *|         NOTE: here, ISO/IEC 14888-3 and RFCs differ in the way e treated.
136  *|         e = OS2I(h) for ISO/IEC 14888-3, or e = OS2I(reversed(h)) when endianness of h
137  *|         is reversed for RFCs.
138  *|   F	 7. Compute s = (rx + ke) mod q
139  *|   F	 8. If s is 0, restart the process at step 2.
140  *|   F 11. Return (r,s)
141  *
142  */
144 #define ECRDSA_SIGN_MAGIC ((word_t)(0xcc97bbc8ada8973cULL))
145 #define ECRDSA_SIGN_CHECK_INITIALIZED(A, ret, err) \
146 	MUST_HAVE((((void *)(A)) != NULL) && \
147 		  ((A)->magic == ECRDSA_SIGN_MAGIC), ret, err)
149 int _ecrdsa_sign_init(struct ec_sign_context *ctx)
150 {
151 	int ret;
153 	/* First, verify context has been initialized */
154 	ret = sig_sign_check_initialized(ctx); EG(ret, err);
156 	/* Additional sanity checks on input params from context */
157 	ret = key_pair_check_initialized_and_type(ctx->key_pair, ECRDSA); EG(ret, err);
158 	MUST_HAVE((ctx->h != NULL) && (ctx->h->digest_size <= MAX_DIGEST_SIZE) &&
159 		  (ctx->h->block_size <= MAX_BLOCK_SIZE), ret, err);
161 	/*
162 	 * Initialize hash context stored in our private part of context
163 	 * and record data init has been done
164 	 */
165 	/* Since we call a callback, sanity check our mapping */
166 	ret = hash_mapping_callbacks_sanity_check(ctx->h); EG(ret, err);
167 	ret = ctx->h->hfunc_init(&(ctx->sign_data.ecrdsa.h_ctx)); EG(ret, err);
169 	ctx->sign_data.ecrdsa.magic = ECRDSA_SIGN_MAGIC;
171 err:
172 	return ret;
173 }
175 int _ecrdsa_sign_update(struct ec_sign_context *ctx,
176 			const u8 *chunk, u32 chunklen)
177 {
178 	int ret;
179 	/*
180 	 * First, verify context has been initialized and private
181 	 * part too. This guarantees the context is an EC-RDSA
182 	 * signature one and we do not update() or finalize()
183 	 * before init().
184 	 */
185 	ret = sig_sign_check_initialized(ctx); EG(ret, err);
186 	ECRDSA_SIGN_CHECK_INITIALIZED(&(ctx->sign_data.ecrdsa), ret, err);
188 	/* Since we call a callback, sanity check our mapping */
189 	ret = hash_mapping_callbacks_sanity_check(ctx->h); EG(ret, err);
190 	ret = ctx->h->hfunc_update(&(ctx->sign_data.ecrdsa.h_ctx), chunk, chunklen);
192 err:
193 	return ret;
194 }
196 int _ecrdsa_sign_finalize(struct ec_sign_context *ctx, u8 *sig, u8 siglen)
197 {
198 	bitcnt_t q_bit_len, p_bit_len;
199 	const ec_priv_key *priv_key;
200 	u8 h_buf[MAX_DIGEST_SIZE];
201 	prj_pt_src_t G;
202 	prj_pt kG;
203 	nn_src_t q, x;
204 	u8 hsize, r_len, s_len;
205 	int ret, iszero, cmp;
206 	nn s, rx, ke, k, r, e;
208 	/* b is the blinding mask */
209 	nn b, binv;
210 	b.magic = binv.magic = WORD(0);
211 #endif /* USE_SIG_BLINDING */
213 	kG.magic = WORD(0);
214 	s.magic = rx.magic = ke.magic = WORD(0);
215 	k.magic = r.magic = e.magic = WORD(0);
217 	/*
218 	 * First, verify context has been initialized and private
219 	 * part too. This guarantees the context is an EC-RDSA
220 	 * signature one and we do not finalize() before init().
221 	 */
222 	ret = sig_sign_check_initialized(ctx); EG(ret, err);
223 	ECRDSA_SIGN_CHECK_INITIALIZED(&(ctx->sign_data.ecrdsa), ret, err);
225 	/* Zero init points */
226 	ret = local_memset(&kG, 0, sizeof(prj_pt)); EG(ret, err);
228 	/* Make things more readable */
229 	priv_key = &(ctx->key_pair->priv_key);
230 	G = &(priv_key->params->ec_gen);
231 	q = &(priv_key->params->ec_gen_order);
232 	p_bit_len = priv_key->params->ec_fp.p_bitlen;
233 	q_bit_len = priv_key->params->ec_gen_order_bitlen;
234 	x = &(priv_key->x);
235 	r_len = (u8)ECRDSA_R_LEN(q_bit_len);
236 	s_len = (u8)ECRDSA_S_LEN(q_bit_len);
237 	hsize = ctx->h->digest_size;
239 	/* Sanity check */
240 	ret = nn_cmp(x, q, &cmp); EG(ret, err);
241 	/* This should not happen and means that our
242 	 * private key is not compliant!
243 	 */
244 	MUST_HAVE((cmp < 0) && (p_bit_len <= NN_MAX_BIT_LEN) && (siglen == ECRDSA_SIGLEN(q_bit_len)), ret, err);
246 	dbg_nn_print("p", &(priv_key->params->ec_fp.p));
247 	dbg_nn_print("q", q);
248 	dbg_priv_key_print("x", priv_key);
249 	dbg_pub_key_print("Y", &(ctx->key_pair->pub_key));
250 	dbg_ec_point_print("G", G);
252  restart:
253 	/* 2. Get a random value k in ]0, q[ ... */
255 	/* NOTE: when we do not need self tests for known vectors,
256 	 * we can be strict about random function handler!
257 	 * This allows us to avoid the corruption of such a pointer.
258 	 */
259 	/* Sanity check on the handler before calling it */
260 	MUST_HAVE((ctx->rand == nn_get_random_mod), ret, err);
261 #endif
262 	MUST_HAVE((ctx->rand != NULL), ret, err);
263 	ret = ctx->rand(&k, q); EG(ret, err);
265 	dbg_nn_print("k", &k);
267 	/* Note: if we use blinding, k and e are multiplied by
268 	 * a random value b in ]0,q[ */
269 	ret = nn_get_random_mod(&b, q); EG(ret, err);
270 	dbg_nn_print("b", &b);
271 #endif /* USE_SIG_BLINDING */
273 	/* 3. Compute W = kG = (Wx, Wy) */
275 	/* We use blinding for the scalar multiplication */
276 	ret = prj_pt_mul_blind(&kG, &k, G); EG(ret, err);
277 #else
278 	ret = prj_pt_mul(&kG, &k, G); EG(ret, err);
279 #endif /* USE_SIG_BLINDING */
280 	ret = prj_pt_unique(&kG, &kG); EG(ret, err);
281 	dbg_nn_print("W_x", &(kG.X.fp_val));
282 	dbg_nn_print("W_y", &(kG.Y.fp_val));
284 	/* 4. Compute r = Wx mod q */
285 	ret = nn_mod(&r, &(kG.X.fp_val), q); EG(ret, err);
287 	/* 5. If r is 0, restart the process at step 2. */
288 	ret = nn_iszero(&r, &iszero); EG(ret, err);
289 	if (iszero) {
290 		goto restart;
291 	}
292 	dbg_nn_print("r", &r);
294 	/* Export r */
295 	ret = nn_export_to_buf(sig, r_len, &r); EG(ret, err);
297 	/* 6. Compute e = OS2I(h) mod q. If e is 0, set e to 1. */
298 	ret = local_memset(h_buf, 0, hsize); EG(ret, err);
299 	/* Since we call a callback, sanity check our mapping */
300 	ret = hash_mapping_callbacks_sanity_check(ctx->h); EG(ret, err);
301 	ret = ctx->h->hfunc_finalize(&(ctx->sign_data.ecrdsa.h_ctx), h_buf); EG(ret, err);
302 	dbg_buf_print("H(m)", h_buf, hsize);
303 	/* NOTE: this handles a discrepancy between ISO/IEC 14888-3 and
304 	 * Russian standard based RFCs.
305 	 */
306 #ifndef USE_ISO14888_3_ECRDSA
307 	ret = _reverse_endianness(h_buf, hsize); EG(ret, err);
308 #endif
309 	ret = nn_init_from_buf(&e, h_buf, hsize); EG(ret, err);
310 	ret = local_memset(h_buf, 0, hsize); EG(ret, err);
311 	ret = nn_mod(&e, &e, q); EG(ret, err);
312 	ret = nn_iszero(&e, &iszero); EG(ret, err);
313 	if (iszero) {
314 		ret = nn_inc(&e, &e); EG(ret, err);
315 	}
316 	dbg_nn_print("e", &e);
319 	/* In case of blinding, we blind r and e */
320 	ret = nn_mod_mul(&r, &r, &b, q); EG(ret, err);
321 	ret = nn_mod_mul(&e, &e, &b, q); EG(ret, err);
322 #endif /* USE_SIG_BLINDING */
324 	/* Compute s = (rx + ke) mod q */
325 	ret = nn_mod_mul(&rx, &r, x, q); EG(ret, err);
326 	ret = nn_mod_mul(&ke, &k, &e, q); EG(ret, err);
327 	ret = nn_mod_add(&s, &rx, &ke, q); EG(ret, err);
329 	/* Unblind s */
330         /* NOTE: we use Fermat's little theorem inversion for
331          * constant time here. This is possible since q is prime.
332          */
333 	ret = nn_modinv_fermat(&binv, &b, q); EG(ret, err);
334 	ret = nn_mod_mul(&s, &s, &binv, q); EG(ret, err);
335 #endif /* USE_SIG_BLINDING */
337 	/* If s is 0, restart the process at step 2. */
338 	ret = nn_iszero(&s, &iszero); EG(ret, err);
339 	if (iszero) {
340 		goto restart;
341 	}
343 	dbg_nn_print("s", &s);
345 	/* Return (r,s) */
346 	ret = nn_export_to_buf(sig + r_len, s_len, &s);
348  err:
349 	prj_pt_uninit(&kG);
350 	nn_uninit(&r);
351 	nn_uninit(&s);
352 	nn_uninit(&s);
353 	nn_uninit(&rx);
354 	nn_uninit(&ke);
355 	nn_uninit(&k);
356 	nn_uninit(&r);
357 	nn_uninit(&e);
359 	nn_uninit(&b);
360 	nn_uninit(&binv);
361 #endif
363 	/*
364 	 * We can now clear data part of the context. This will clear
365 	 * magic and avoid further reuse of the whole context.
366 	 */
367 	if(ctx != NULL){
368 		IGNORE_RET_VAL(local_memset(&(ctx->sign_data.ecrdsa), 0, sizeof(ecrdsa_sign_data)));
369 	}
371 	/* Clean what remains on the stack */
372 	VAR_ZEROIFY(r_len);
373 	VAR_ZEROIFY(s_len);
374 	VAR_ZEROIFY(q_bit_len);
375 	VAR_ZEROIFY(p_bit_len);
376 	VAR_ZEROIFY(hsize);
377 	PTR_NULLIFY(priv_key);
379 	PTR_NULLIFY(q);
380 	PTR_NULLIFY(x);
382 	return ret;
383 }
385 #define ECRDSA_VERIFY_MAGIC ((word_t)(0xa8e16b7e8180cb9aULL))
386 #define ECRDSA_VERIFY_CHECK_INITIALIZED(A, ret, err) \
387 	MUST_HAVE((((void *)(A)) != NULL) && \
388 		  ((A)->magic == ECRDSA_VERIFY_MAGIC), ret, err)
390 /*
391  * Generic *internal* EC-RDSA verification functions (init, update and finalize).
392  * Their purpose is to allow passing a specific hash function (along with
393  * their output size) and the random ephemeral key k, so that compliance
394  * tests against test vectors can be made without ugly hack in the code
395  * itself.
396  *
397  * Global EC-RDSA verification process is as follows (I,U,F provides
398  * information in which function(s) (init(), update() or finalize())
399  * a specific step is performed):
400  *
401  *| IUF - EC-RDSA verification
402  *|
403  *|  UF 1. Check that r and s are both in ]0,q[
404  *|   F 2. Compute h = H(m)
405  *|   F 3. Compute e = OS2I(h)^-1 mod q
406  *|         NOTE: here, ISO/IEC 14888-3 and RFCs differ in the way e treated.
407  *|         e = OS2I(h) for ISO/IEC 14888-3, or e = OS2I(reversed(h)) when endianness of h
408  *|         is reversed for RFCs.
409  *|   F 4. Compute u = es mod q
410  *|   F 5. Compute v = -er mod q
411  *|   F 6. Compute W' = uG + vY = (W'_x, W'_y)
412  *|   F 7. Compute r' = W'_x mod q
413  *|   F 8. Check r and r' are the same
414  *
415  */
417 int _ecrdsa_verify_init(struct ec_verify_context *ctx,
418 			const u8 *sig, u8 siglen)
419 {
420 	bitcnt_t q_bit_len;
421 	u8 r_len, s_len;
422 	nn_src_t q;
423 	nn s, r;
424 	int ret, iszero1, iszero2, cmp1, cmp2;
425 	s.magic = r.magic = WORD(0);
427 	/* First, verify context has been initialized */
428 	ret = sig_verify_check_initialized(ctx); EG(ret, err);
430 	/* Do some sanity checks on input params */
431 	ret = pub_key_check_initialized_and_type(ctx->pub_key, ECRDSA); EG(ret, err);
432 	MUST_HAVE((ctx->h != NULL) && (ctx->h->digest_size <= MAX_DIGEST_SIZE) &&
433 		  (ctx->h->block_size <= MAX_BLOCK_SIZE), ret, err);
435 	/* Make things more readable */
436 	q = &(ctx->pub_key->params->ec_gen_order);
437 	q_bit_len = ctx->pub_key->params->ec_gen_order_bitlen;
438 	r_len = (u8)ECRDSA_R_LEN(q_bit_len);
439 	s_len = (u8)ECRDSA_S_LEN(q_bit_len);
441 	MUST_HAVE(siglen == ECRDSA_SIGLEN(q_bit_len), ret, err);
443 	/* 1. Check that r and s are both in ]0,q[ */
444 	ret = nn_init_from_buf(&r, sig, r_len); EG(ret, err);
445 	ret = nn_init_from_buf(&s, sig + r_len, s_len); EG(ret, err);
446 	ret = nn_iszero(&s, &iszero1); EG(ret, err);
447 	ret = nn_iszero(&r, &iszero2); EG(ret, err);
448 	ret = nn_cmp(&s, q, &cmp1); EG(ret, err);
449 	ret = nn_cmp(&s, q, &cmp2); EG(ret, err);
450 	MUST_HAVE((!iszero1) && (cmp1 < 0) && (!iszero2) && (cmp2 < 0), ret, err);
452 	/* Initialize the remaining of verify context. */
453 	ret = nn_copy(&(ctx->verify_data.ecrdsa.r), &r); EG(ret, err);
454 	ret = nn_copy(&(ctx->verify_data.ecrdsa.s), &s); EG(ret, err);
455 	/* Since we call a callback, sanity check our mapping */
456 	ret = hash_mapping_callbacks_sanity_check(ctx->h); EG(ret, err);
457 	ret = ctx->h->hfunc_init(&(ctx->verify_data.ecrdsa.h_ctx)); EG(ret, err);
459 	ctx->verify_data.ecrdsa.magic = ECRDSA_VERIFY_MAGIC;
461  err:
462 	nn_uninit(&s);
463 	nn_uninit(&r);
465 	/* Clean what remains on the stack */
466 	VAR_ZEROIFY(q_bit_len);
467 	VAR_ZEROIFY(r_len);
468 	VAR_ZEROIFY(s_len);
469 	PTR_NULLIFY(q);
471 	return ret;
472 }
474 int _ecrdsa_verify_update(struct ec_verify_context *ctx,
475 			  const u8 *chunk, u32 chunklen)
476 {
477 	int ret;
479 	/*
480 	 * First, verify context has been initialized and public
481 	 * part too. This guarantees the context is an EC-RDSA
482 	 * verification one and we do not update() or finalize()
483 	 * before init().
484 	 */
485 	ret = sig_verify_check_initialized(ctx); EG(ret, err);
486 	ECRDSA_VERIFY_CHECK_INITIALIZED(&(ctx->verify_data.ecrdsa), ret, err);
488 	/* 2. Compute h = H(m) */
489 	/* Since we call a callback, sanity check our mapping */
490 	ret = hash_mapping_callbacks_sanity_check(ctx->h); EG(ret, err);
491 	ret = ctx->h->hfunc_update(&(ctx->verify_data.ecrdsa.h_ctx), chunk,
492 			     chunklen);
494 err:
495 	return ret;
496 }
498 int _ecrdsa_verify_finalize(struct ec_verify_context *ctx)
499 {
500 	prj_pt_src_t G, Y;
501 	nn_src_t q;
502 	nn h, r_prime, e, v, u;
503 	prj_pt vY, uG;
504 	prj_pt_t Wprime;
505 	u8 h_buf[MAX_DIGEST_SIZE];
506 	nn *r, *s;
507 	u8 hsize;
508 	int ret, iszero, cmp;
510 	h.magic = r_prime.magic = e.magic = v.magic = u.magic = WORD(0);
511 	vY.magic = uG.magic = WORD(0);
513 	/* NOTE: we reuse uG for Wprime to optimize local variables */
514 	Wprime = &uG;
516 	/*
517 	 * First, verify context has been initialized and public
518 	 * part too. This guarantees the context is an EC-RDSA
519 	 * verification one and we do not finalize() before init().
520 	 */
521 	ret = sig_verify_check_initialized(ctx); EG(ret, err);
522 	ECRDSA_VERIFY_CHECK_INITIALIZED(&(ctx->verify_data.ecrdsa), ret, err);
524 	/* Zero init points */
525 	ret = local_memset(&uG, 0, sizeof(prj_pt)); EG(ret, err);
526 	ret = local_memset(&vY, 0, sizeof(prj_pt)); EG(ret, err);
528 	/* Make things more readable */
529 	G = &(ctx->pub_key->params->ec_gen);
530 	Y = &(ctx->pub_key->y);
531 	q = &(ctx->pub_key->params->ec_gen_order);
532 	r = &(ctx->verify_data.ecrdsa.r);
533 	s = &(ctx->verify_data.ecrdsa.s);
534 	hsize = ctx->h->digest_size;
536 	/* 2. Compute h = H(m) */
537 	ret = local_memset(h_buf, 0, hsize); EG(ret, err);
538 	/* Since we call a callback, sanity check our mapping */
539 	ret = hash_mapping_callbacks_sanity_check(ctx->h); EG(ret, err);
540 	ret = ctx->h->hfunc_finalize(&(ctx->verify_data.ecrdsa.h_ctx), h_buf); EG(ret, err);
541 	dbg_buf_print("H(m)", h_buf, hsize);
542 	/* NOTE: this handles a discrepancy between ISO/IEC 14888-3 and
543 	 * Russian standard based RFCs.
544 	 */
545 #ifndef USE_ISO14888_3_ECRDSA
546 	ret = _reverse_endianness(h_buf, hsize); EG(ret, err);
547 #endif
549 	/* 3. Compute e = OS2I(h)^-1 mod q */
550 	ret = nn_init_from_buf(&h, h_buf, hsize); EG(ret, err);
551 	ret = local_memset(h_buf, 0, hsize); EG(ret, err);
552 	ret = nn_mod(&h, &h, q); EG(ret, err); /* h = OS2I(h) mod q */
553 	ret = nn_iszero(&h, &iszero); EG(ret, err);
554 	if (iszero) {	/* If h is equal to 0, set it to 1 */
555 		ret = nn_inc(&h, &h); EG(ret, err);
556 	}
557 	ret = nn_modinv(&e, &h, q); EG(ret, err); /* e = h^-1 mod q */
559 	/* 4. Compute u = es mod q */
560 	ret = nn_mod_mul(&u, &e, s, q); EG(ret, err);
562 	/* 5. Compute v = -er mod q
563 	 *
564 	 * Because we only support positive integers, we compute
565 	 * v = -er mod q = q - (er mod q) (except when er is 0).
566 	 * NOTE: we reuse e for er computation to avoid losing
567 	 * a variable.
568 	 */
569 	ret = nn_mod_mul(&e, &e, r, q); EG(ret, err);
570 	ret = nn_mod_neg(&v, &e, q); EG(ret, err);
572 	/* 6. Compute W' = uG + vY = (W'_x, W'_y) */
573 	ret = prj_pt_mul(&uG, &u, G); EG(ret, err);
574 	ret = prj_pt_mul(&vY, &v, Y); EG(ret, err);
575 	ret = prj_pt_add(Wprime, &uG, &vY); EG(ret, err);
576 	ret = prj_pt_unique(Wprime, Wprime); EG(ret, err);
577 	dbg_nn_print("W'_x", &(Wprime->X.fp_val));
578 	dbg_nn_print("W'_y", &(Wprime->Y.fp_val));
580 	/* 7. Compute r' = W'_x mod q */
581 	ret = nn_mod(&r_prime, &(Wprime->X.fp_val), q); EG(ret, err);
583 	/* 8. Check r and r' are the same */
584 	ret = nn_cmp(r, &r_prime, &cmp); EG(ret, err);
585 	ret = (cmp == 0) ? 0 : -1;
587 err:
588 	nn_uninit(&h);
589 	nn_uninit(&r_prime);
590 	nn_uninit(&e);
591 	nn_uninit(&v);
592 	nn_uninit(&u);
593 	prj_pt_uninit(&vY);
594 	prj_pt_uninit(&uG);
596 	/*
597 	 * We can now clear data part of the context. This will clear
598 	 * magic and avoid further reuse of the whole context.
599 	 */
600 	if(ctx != NULL){
601 		IGNORE_RET_VAL(local_memset(&(ctx->verify_data.ecrdsa), 0,
602 			     sizeof(ecrdsa_verify_data)));
603 	}
605 	/* Clean what remains on the stack */
606 	PTR_NULLIFY(Wprime);
609 	PTR_NULLIFY(q);
610 	PTR_NULLIFY(r);
611 	PTR_NULLIFY(s);
612 	VAR_ZEROIFY(hsize);
614 	return ret;
615 }
617 #else /* WITH_SIG_ECRDSA */
619 /*
620  * Dummy definition to avoid the empty translation unit ISO C warning
621  */
622 typedef int dummy;
623 #endif /* WITH_SIG_ECRDSA */