xref: /freebsd/crypto/libecc/.github/workflows/libecc_python_tests.yml (revision 05427f4639bcf2703329a9be9d25ec09bb782742)
1name: libecc
3# Run this workflow every time a new commit pushed to your repository
4on: push
7  runtime_tests:
8    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
9    strategy:
10      #max-parallel: 10
11      matrix:
12        cc: [gcc, clang]
13        blinding: [0, 1]
14        cryptofuzz: [1]
15    steps:
16      # Checkout repository
17      - name: checkout repository
18        uses: actions/checkout@v2
19      # Run actions
20      # libecc python tests
21      - name: libecc python tests
22        env:
23          CC: ${{ matrix.cc }}
24          BLINDING: ${{ matrix.blinding }}
25          CRYPTOFUZZ: ${{ matrix.cryptofuzz }}
26          ASSERT_PRINT: 1
27          # We want to parallelize self tests
28          OPENMP_SELF_TESTS: 1
29        shell: bash
30        run: |
31          # Install Python2 and OpenMP
32          sudo apt-get update;
33          sudo apt-get -y install python2 libomp-dev;
34          # Test our Python libecc expanding script
35          # Python3
36          echo "y" | python3 scripts/expand_libecc.py --remove-all && PYTHON=python3 sh scripts/gen_curves_tests.sh && make clean && make && ./build/ec_self_tests vectors rand;
37          # Clean
38          echo "y" | python3 scripts/expand_libecc.py --remove-all && make clean;
39          # Python2
40          echo "y" | python2 scripts/expand_libecc.py --remove-all && PYTHON=python2 sh scripts/gen_curves_tests.sh && make clean && make && ./build/ec_self_tests vectors rand;
41          # Clean
42          echo "y" | python2 scripts/expand_libecc.py --remove-all && make clean;
43        continue-on-error: false