xref: /freebsd/crypto/heimdal/doc/doxyout/gssapi/man/man3/gssapi.3 (revision 0c16b53773565120a8f80a31a0af2ef56ccd368e)
"Heimdal GSS-API functions" 3 "11 Jan 2012" "Version 1.5.2" "HeimdalGSS-APIlibrary" \" -*- nroff -*-
Heimdal GSS-API functions -
"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_add_oid_set_member (OM_uint32 *minor_status, const gss_OID member_oid, gss_OID_set *oid_set)"

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_wrap_iov (OM_uint32 *minor_status, gss_ctx_id_t context_handle, int conf_req_flag, gss_qop_t qop_req, int *conf_state, gss_iov_buffer_desc *iov, int iov_count)"

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_unwrap_iov (OM_uint32 *minor_status, gss_ctx_id_t context_handle, int *conf_state, gss_qop_t *qop_state, gss_iov_buffer_desc *iov, int iov_count)"

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_wrap_iov_length (OM_uint32 *minor_status, gss_ctx_id_t context_handle, int conf_req_flag, gss_qop_t qop_req, int *conf_state, gss_iov_buffer_desc *iov, int iov_count)"

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_release_iov_buffer (OM_uint32 *minor_status, gss_iov_buffer_desc *iov, int iov_count)"

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_canonicalize_name (OM_uint32 *minor_status, const gss_name_t input_name, const gss_OID mech_type, gss_name_t *output_name)"

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_import_name (OM_uint32 *minor_status, const gss_buffer_t input_name_buffer, const gss_OID input_name_type, gss_name_t *output_name)"

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_init_sec_context (OM_uint32 *minor_status, const gss_cred_id_t initiator_cred_handle, gss_ctx_id_t *context_handle, const gss_name_t target_name, const gss_OID input_mech_type, OM_uint32 req_flags, OM_uint32 time_req, const gss_channel_bindings_t input_chan_bindings, const gss_buffer_t input_token, gss_OID *actual_mech_type, gss_buffer_t output_token, OM_uint32 *ret_flags, OM_uint32 *time_rec)"

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_inquire_saslname_for_mech (OM_uint32 *minor_status, const gss_OID desired_mech, gss_buffer_t sasl_mech_name, gss_buffer_t mech_name, gss_buffer_t mech_description)"

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_inquire_attrs_for_mech (OM_uint32 *minor_status, gss_const_OID mech, gss_OID_set *mech_attr, gss_OID_set *known_mech_attrs)"

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION int GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_oid_equal (gss_const_OID a, gss_const_OID b)"

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_release_cred (OM_uint32 *minor_status, gss_cred_id_t *cred_handle)"

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_release_name (OM_uint32 *minor_status, gss_name_t *input_name)"

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_wrap (OM_uint32 *minor_status, const gss_ctx_id_t context_handle, int conf_req_flag, gss_qop_t qop_req, const gss_buffer_t input_message_buffer, int *conf_state, gss_buffer_t output_message_buffer)"

"gss_OID_desc GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION __gss_c_attr_stream_sizes_oid_desc"

"Detailed Description"

"Function Documentation"

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_add_oid_set_member (OM_uint32 * minor_status, const gss_OID member_oid, gss_OID_set * oid_set)"

Add a oid to the oid set, function does not make a copy of the oid, so the pointer to member_oid needs to be stable for the whole time oid_set is used.

If there is a duplicate member of the oid, the new member is not added to to the set.


minor_status minor status code.

member_oid member to add to the oid set

oid_set oid set to add the member too


a gss_error code, see gss_display_status() about printing the error code.

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_canonicalize_name (OM_uint32 * minor_status, const gss_name_t input_name, const gss_OID mech_type, gss_name_t * output_name)"

gss_canonicalize_name takes a Internal Name (IN) and converts in into a mechanism specific Mechanism Name (MN).

The input name may multiple name, or generic name types.

If the input_name if of the GSS_C_NT_USER_NAME, and the Kerberos mechanism is specified, the resulting MN type is a GSS_KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL_NAME.

For more information about internalVSmechname.


minor_status minor status code.

input_name name to covert, unchanged by gss_canonicalize_name().

mech_type the type to convert Name too.

output_name the resulting type, release with gss_release_name(), independent of input_name.


a gss_error code, see gss_display_status() about printing the error code.

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_import_name (OM_uint32 * minor_status, const gss_buffer_t input_name_buffer, const gss_OID input_name_type, gss_name_t * output_name)"

Import a name internal or mechanism name

Type of name and their format:

"\(bu" 2
"\(bu" 2
"\(bu" 2
"\(bu" 2
"\(bu" 2
"\(bu" 2

For more information about internalVSmechname.


minor_status minor status code

input_name_buffer import name buffer

input_name_type type of the import name buffer

output_name the resulting type, release with gss_release_name(), independent of input_name


a gss_error code, see gss_display_status() about printing the error code.

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_init_sec_context (OM_uint32 * minor_status, const gss_cred_id_t initiator_cred_handle, gss_ctx_id_t * context_handle, const gss_name_t target_name, const gss_OID input_mech_type, OM_uint32 req_flags, OM_uint32 time_req, const gss_channel_bindings_t input_chan_bindings, const gss_buffer_t input_token, gss_OID * actual_mech_type, gss_buffer_t output_token, OM_uint32 * ret_flags, OM_uint32 * time_rec)"

As the initiator build a context with an acceptor.

Returns in the major

"\(bu" 2
GSS_S_COMPLETE - if the context if build
"\(bu" 2
GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED - if the caller needs to continue another round of gss_i nit_sec_context
"\(bu" 2
error code - any other error code


minor_status minor status code.

initiator_cred_handle the credential to use when building the context, if GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL is passed, the default credential for the mechanism will be used.

context_handle a pointer to a context handle, will be returned as long as there is not an error.

target_name the target name of acceptor, created using gss_import_name(). The name is can be of any name types the mechanism supports, check supported name types with gss_inquire_names_for_mech().

input_mech_type mechanism type to use, if GSS_C_NO_OID is used, Kerberos (GSS_KRB5_MECHANISM) will be tried. Other available mechanism are listed in the GSS-API mechanisms section.

req_flags flags using when building the context, see Context creation flags

time_req time requested this context should be valid in seconds, common used value is GSS_C_INDEFINITE

input_chan_bindings Channel bindings used, if not exepected otherwise, used GSS_C_NO_CHANNEL_BINDINGS

input_token input token sent from the acceptor, for the initial packet the buffer of { NULL, 0 } should be used.

actual_mech_type the actual mech used, MUST NOT be freed since it pointing to static memory.

output_token if there is an output token, regardless of complete, continue_needed, or error it should be sent to the acceptor

ret_flags return what flags was negotitated, caller should check if they are accetable. For example, if GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG was negotiated with the acceptor or not.

time_rec amount of time this context is valid for


a gss_error code, see gss_display_status() about printing the error code.

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_inquire_attrs_for_mech (OM_uint32 * minor_status, gss_const_OID mech, gss_OID_set * mech_attr, gss_OID_set * known_mech_attrs)"

List support attributes for a mech and/or all mechanisms.


minor_status minor status code

mech given together with mech_attr will return the list of attributes for mechanism, can optionally be GSS_C_NO_OID.

mech_attr see mech parameter, can optionally be NULL, release with gss_release_oid_set().

known_mech_attrs all attributes for mechanisms supported, release with gss_release_oid_set().

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_inquire_saslname_for_mech (OM_uint32 * minor_status, const gss_OID desired_mech, gss_buffer_t sasl_mech_name, gss_buffer_t mech_name, gss_buffer_t mech_description)"

Returns different protocol names and description of the mechanism.


minor_status minor status code

desired_mech mech list query

sasl_mech_name SASL GS2 protocol name

mech_name gssapi protocol name

mech_description description of gssapi mech


returns GSS_S_COMPLETE or a error code.

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION int GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_oid_equal (gss_const_OID a, gss_const_OID b)"

Compare two GSS-API OIDs with each other.

GSS_C_NO_OID matches nothing, not even it-self.


a first oid to compare

b second oid to compare


non-zero when both oid are the same OID, zero when they are not the same.

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_release_cred (OM_uint32 * minor_status, gss_cred_id_t * cred_handle)"

Release a credentials

Its ok to release the GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL/NULL credential, it will return a GSS_S_COMPLETE error code. On return cred_handle is set ot GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL.


 gss_cred_id_t cred = GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL;
 major = gss_release_cred(&minor, &cred);


minor_status minor status return code, mech specific

cred_handle a pointer to the credential too release


an gssapi error code

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_release_iov_buffer (OM_uint32 * minor_status, gss_iov_buffer_desc * iov, int iov_count)"

Free all buffer allocated by gss_wrap_iov() or gss_unwrap_iov() by looking at the GSS_IOV_BUFFER_FLAG_ALLOCATED flag.

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_release_name (OM_uint32 * minor_status, gss_name_t * input_name)"

Free a name

import_name can point to NULL or be NULL, or a pointer to a gss_name_t structure. If it was a pointer to gss_name_t, the pointer will be set to NULL on success and failure.


minor_status minor status code

input_name name to free


a gss_error code, see gss_display_status() about printing the error code.

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_unwrap_iov (OM_uint32 * minor_status, gss_ctx_id_t context_handle, int * conf_state, gss_qop_t * qop_state, gss_iov_buffer_desc * iov, int iov_count)"

Decrypt or verifies the signature on the data.

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_wrap (OM_uint32 * minor_status, const gss_ctx_id_t context_handle, int conf_req_flag, gss_qop_t qop_req, const gss_buffer_t input_message_buffer, int * conf_state, gss_buffer_t output_message_buffer)"

Wrap a message using either confidentiality (encryption + signature) or sealing (signature).


minor_status minor status code.

context_handle context handle.

conf_req_flag if non zero, confidentiality is requestd.

qop_req type of protection needed, in most cases it GSS_C_QOP_DEFAULT should be passed in.

input_message_buffer messages to wrap

conf_state returns non zero if confidentiality was honoured.

output_message_buffer the resulting buffer, release with gss_release_buffer().

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_wrap_iov (OM_uint32 * minor_status, gss_ctx_id_t context_handle, int conf_req_flag, gss_qop_t qop_req, int * conf_state, gss_iov_buffer_desc * iov, int iov_count)"

Encrypts or sign the data.

This is a more complicated version of gss_wrap(), it allows the caller to use AEAD data (signed header/trailer) and allow greater controll over where the encrypted data is placed.

The maximum packet size is gss_context_stream_sizes.max_msg_size.

The caller needs provide the folloing buffers when using in conf_req_flag=1 mode:

"\(bu" 2
HEADER (of size gss_context_stream_sizes.header) { DATA or SIGN_ONLY } (optional, zero or more) PADDING (of size gss_context_stream_sizes.blocksize, if zero padding is zero, can be omitted) TRAILER (of size gss_context_stream_sizes.trailer)

"\(bu" 2
on DCE-RPC mode, the caller can skip PADDING and TRAILER if the DATA elements is padded to a block bountry and header is of at least size gss_context_stream_sizes.header + gss_context_stream_sizes.trailer.

HEADER, PADDING, TRAILER will be shrunken to the size required to transmit any of them too large.

To generate gss_wrap() compatible packets, use: HEADER | DATA | PADDING | TRAILER

When used in conf_req_flag=0,

"\(bu" 2
HEADER (of size gss_context_stream_sizes.header) { DATA or SIGN_ONLY } (optional, zero or more) PADDING (of size gss_context_stream_sizes.blocksize, if zero padding is zero, can be omitted) TRAILER (of size gss_context_stream_sizes.trailer)

The input sizes of HEADER, PADDING and TRAILER can be fetched using gss_wrap_iov_length() or gss_context_query_attributes().

"GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION OM_uint32 GSSAPI_LIB_CALL gss_wrap_iov_length (OM_uint32 * minor_status, gss_ctx_id_t context_handle, int conf_req_flag, gss_qop_t qop_req, int * conf_state, gss_iov_buffer_desc * iov, int iov_count)"

Update the length fields in iov buffer for the types:

"\(bu" 2
"\(bu" 2
"\(bu" 2

Consider using gss_context_query_attributes() to fetch the data instead.

"Variable Documentation"

"gss_OID_desc GSSAPI_LIB_FUNCTION __gss_c_attr_stream_sizes_oid_desc"

Initial value:

 {10, rk_UNCONST('\x2a\x86\x48\x86\xf7\x12\x01\x02\x01\x03')}
Query the context for parameters.

SSPI equivalent if this function is QueryContextAttributes.

"\(bu" 2
GSS_C_ATTR_STREAM_SIZES data is a gss_context_stream_sizes.