xref: /freebsd/contrib/wpa/src/ap/fils_hlp.c (revision 66df505066f51e6d8411b966765d828817f88971)
1 /*
2  * FILS HLP request processing
3  * Copyright (c) 2017, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.
4  *
5  * This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
6  * See README for more details.
7  */
9 #include "utils/includes.h"
11 #include "utils/common.h"
12 #include "utils/eloop.h"
13 #include "common/dhcp.h"
14 #include "hostapd.h"
15 #include "sta_info.h"
16 #include "ieee802_11.h"
17 #include "fils_hlp.h"
20 static be16 ip_checksum(const void *buf, size_t len)
21 {
22 	u32 sum = 0;
23 	const u16 *pos;
25 	for (pos = buf; len >= 2; len -= 2)
26 		sum += ntohs(*pos++);
27 	if (len)
28 		sum += ntohs(*pos << 8);
30 	sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff);
31 	sum += sum >> 16;
32 	return htons(~sum);
33 }
36 static int fils_dhcp_request(struct hostapd_data *hapd, struct sta_info *sta,
37 			     struct dhcp_data *dhcpoffer, u8 *dhcpofferend)
38 {
39 	u8 *pos, *end;
40 	struct dhcp_data *dhcp;
41 	struct sockaddr_in addr;
42 	ssize_t res;
43 	const u8 *server_id = NULL;
45 	if (!sta->hlp_dhcp_discover) {
46 		wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
47 			   "FILS: No pending HLP DHCPDISCOVER available");
48 		return -1;
49 	}
51 	/* Convert to DHCPREQUEST, remove rapid commit option, replace requested
52 	 * IP address option with yiaddr. */
53 	pos = wpabuf_mhead(sta->hlp_dhcp_discover);
54 	end = pos + wpabuf_len(sta->hlp_dhcp_discover);
55 	dhcp = (struct dhcp_data *) pos;
56 	pos = (u8 *) (dhcp + 1);
57 	pos += 4; /* skip magic */
58 	while (pos < end && *pos != DHCP_OPT_END) {
59 		u8 opt, olen;
61 		opt = *pos++;
62 		if (opt == DHCP_OPT_PAD)
63 			continue;
64 		if (pos >= end)
65 			break;
66 		olen = *pos++;
67 		if (olen > end - pos)
68 			break;
70 		switch (opt) {
71 		case DHCP_OPT_MSG_TYPE:
72 			if (olen > 0)
73 				*pos = DHCPREQUEST;
74 			break;
78 			/* Remove option */
79 			pos -= 2;
80 			os_memmove(pos, pos + 2 + olen, end - pos - 2 - olen);
81 			end -= 2 + olen;
82 			olen = 0;
83 			break;
84 		}
85 		pos += olen;
86 	}
87 	if (pos >= end || *pos != DHCP_OPT_END) {
88 		wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "FILS: Could not update DHCPDISCOVER");
89 		return -1;
90 	}
91 	sta->hlp_dhcp_discover->used = pos - (u8 *) dhcp;
93 	/* Copy Server ID option from DHCPOFFER to DHCPREQUEST */
94 	pos = (u8 *) (dhcpoffer + 1);
95 	end = dhcpofferend;
96 	pos += 4; /* skip magic */
97 	while (pos < end && *pos != DHCP_OPT_END) {
98 		u8 opt, olen;
100 		opt = *pos++;
101 		if (opt == DHCP_OPT_PAD)
102 			continue;
103 		if (pos >= end)
104 			break;
105 		olen = *pos++;
106 		if (olen > end - pos)
107 			break;
109 		switch (opt) {
110 		case DHCP_OPT_SERVER_ID:
111 			server_id = pos - 2;
112 			break;
113 		}
114 		pos += olen;
115 	}
117 	if (wpabuf_resize(&sta->hlp_dhcp_discover,
118 			  6 + 1 + (server_id ? 2 + server_id[1] : 0)))
119 		return -1;
120 	if (server_id)
121 		wpabuf_put_data(sta->hlp_dhcp_discover, server_id,
122 				2 + server_id[1]);
123 	wpabuf_put_u8(sta->hlp_dhcp_discover, DHCP_OPT_REQUESTED_IP_ADDRESS);
124 	wpabuf_put_u8(sta->hlp_dhcp_discover, 4);
125 	wpabuf_put_data(sta->hlp_dhcp_discover, &dhcpoffer->your_ip, 4);
126 	wpabuf_put_u8(sta->hlp_dhcp_discover, DHCP_OPT_END);
128 	os_memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
129 	addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
130 	addr.sin_addr.s_addr = hapd->conf->dhcp_server.u.v4.s_addr;
131 	addr.sin_port = htons(hapd->conf->dhcp_server_port);
132 	res = sendto(hapd->dhcp_sock, wpabuf_head(sta->hlp_dhcp_discover),
133 		     wpabuf_len(sta->hlp_dhcp_discover), 0,
134 		     (const struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr));
135 	if (res < 0) {
136 		wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "FILS: DHCP sendto failed: %s",
137 			   strerror(errno));
138 		return -1;
139 	}
140 	wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
141 		   "FILS: Acting as DHCP rapid commit proxy for %s:%d",
142 		   inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr), ntohs(addr.sin_port));
143 	wpabuf_free(sta->hlp_dhcp_discover);
144 	sta->hlp_dhcp_discover = NULL;
145 	sta->fils_dhcp_rapid_commit_proxy = 1;
146 	return 0;
147 }
150 static void fils_dhcp_handler(int sd, void *eloop_ctx, void *sock_ctx)
151 {
152 	struct hostapd_data *hapd = sock_ctx;
153 	struct sta_info *sta;
154 	u8 buf[1500], *pos, *end, *end_opt = NULL;
155 	struct dhcp_data *dhcp;
156 	struct sockaddr_in addr;
157 	socklen_t addr_len;
158 	ssize_t res;
159 	u8 msgtype = 0;
160 	int rapid_commit = 0;
161 	struct ip *iph;
162 	struct udphdr *udph;
163 	struct wpabuf *resp;
164 	const u8 *rpos;
165 	size_t left, len;
167 	addr_len = sizeof(addr);
168 	res = recvfrom(sd, buf, sizeof(buf), 0,
169 		       (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &addr_len);
170 	if (res < 0) {
171 		wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "FILS: DHCP read failed: %s",
172 			   strerror(errno));
173 		return;
174 	}
175 	wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "FILS: DHCP response from server %s:%d (len=%d)",
176 		   inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr), ntohs(addr.sin_port), (int) res);
177 	wpa_hexdump(MSG_MSGDUMP, "FILS: HLP - DHCP server response", buf, res);
178 	if ((size_t) res < sizeof(*dhcp))
179 		return;
180 	dhcp = (struct dhcp_data *) buf;
181 	if (dhcp->op != 2)
182 		return; /* Not a BOOTREPLY */
183 	if (dhcp->relay_ip != hapd->conf->own_ip_addr.u.v4.s_addr) {
184 		wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
185 			   "FILS: HLP - DHCP response to unknown relay address 0x%x",
186 			   dhcp->relay_ip);
187 		return;
188 	}
189 	dhcp->relay_ip = 0;
190 	pos = (u8 *) (dhcp + 1);
191 	end = &buf[res];
193 	if (end - pos < 4 || WPA_GET_BE32(pos) != DHCP_MAGIC) {
194 		wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "FILS: HLP - no DHCP magic in response");
195 		return;
196 	}
197 	pos += 4;
199 	wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "FILS: HLP - DHCP options in response",
200 		    pos, end - pos);
201 	while (pos < end && *pos != DHCP_OPT_END) {
202 		u8 opt, olen;
204 		opt = *pos++;
205 		if (opt == DHCP_OPT_PAD)
206 			continue;
207 		if (pos >= end)
208 			break;
209 		olen = *pos++;
210 		if (olen > end - pos)
211 			break;
213 		switch (opt) {
214 		case DHCP_OPT_MSG_TYPE:
215 			if (olen > 0)
216 				msgtype = pos[0];
217 			break;
219 			rapid_commit = 1;
220 			break;
221 		}
222 		pos += olen;
223 	}
224 	if (pos < end && *pos == DHCP_OPT_END)
225 		end_opt = pos;
227 	wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
228 		   "FILS: HLP - DHCP message type %u (rapid_commit=%d hw_addr="
229 		   MACSTR ")",
230 		   msgtype, rapid_commit, MAC2STR(dhcp->hw_addr));
232 	sta = ap_get_sta(hapd, dhcp->hw_addr);
233 	if (!sta || !sta->fils_pending_assoc_req) {
234 		wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
235 			   "FILS: No pending HLP DHCP exchange with hw_addr "
236 			   MACSTR, MAC2STR(dhcp->hw_addr));
237 		return;
238 	}
240 	if (hapd->conf->dhcp_rapid_commit_proxy && msgtype == DHCPOFFER &&
241 	    !rapid_commit) {
242 		/* Use hostapd to take care of 4-message exchange and convert
243 		 * the final DHCPACK to rapid commit version. */
244 		if (fils_dhcp_request(hapd, sta, dhcp, end) == 0)
245 			return;
246 		/* failed, so send the server response as-is */
247 	} else if (msgtype != DHCPACK) {
248 		wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
249 			   "FILS: No DHCPACK available from the server and cannot do rapid commit proxying");
250 	}
252 	pos = buf;
253 	resp = wpabuf_alloc(2 * ETH_ALEN + 6 + 2 +
254 			    sizeof(*iph) + sizeof(*udph) + (end - pos) + 2);
255 	if (!resp)
256 		return;
257 	wpabuf_put_data(resp, sta->addr, ETH_ALEN);
258 	wpabuf_put_data(resp, hapd->own_addr, ETH_ALEN);
259 	wpabuf_put_data(resp, "\xaa\xaa\x03\x00\x00\x00", 6);
260 	wpabuf_put_be16(resp, ETH_P_IP);
261 	iph = wpabuf_put(resp, sizeof(*iph));
262 	iph->ip_v = 4;
263 	iph->ip_hl = sizeof(*iph) / 4;
264 	iph->ip_len = htons(sizeof(*iph) + sizeof(*udph) + (end - pos));
265 	iph->ip_ttl = 1;
266 	iph->ip_p = 17; /* UDP */
267 	iph->ip_src.s_addr = hapd->conf->dhcp_server.u.v4.s_addr;
268 	iph->ip_dst.s_addr = dhcp->client_ip;
269 	iph->ip_sum = ip_checksum(iph, sizeof(*iph));
270 	udph = wpabuf_put(resp, sizeof(*udph));
271 	udph->uh_sport = htons(DHCP_SERVER_PORT);
272 	udph->uh_dport = htons(DHCP_CLIENT_PORT);
273 	udph->uh_ulen = htons(sizeof(*udph) + (end - pos));
274 	udph->uh_sum = htons(0x0000); /* TODO: calculate checksum */
275 	if (hapd->conf->dhcp_rapid_commit_proxy && msgtype == DHCPACK &&
276 	    !rapid_commit && sta->fils_dhcp_rapid_commit_proxy && end_opt) {
277 		/* Add rapid commit option */
278 		wpabuf_put_data(resp, pos, end_opt - pos);
279 		wpabuf_put_u8(resp, DHCP_OPT_RAPID_COMMIT);
280 		wpabuf_put_u8(resp, 0);
281 		wpabuf_put_data(resp, end_opt, end - end_opt);
282 	} else {
283 		wpabuf_put_data(resp, pos, end - pos);
284 	}
285 	if (wpabuf_resize(&sta->fils_hlp_resp, wpabuf_len(resp) +
286 			  2 * wpabuf_len(resp) / 255 + 100)) {
287 		wpabuf_free(resp);
288 		return;
289 	}
291 	rpos = wpabuf_head(resp);
292 	left = wpabuf_len(resp);
294 	wpabuf_put_u8(sta->fils_hlp_resp, WLAN_EID_EXTENSION); /* Element ID */
295 	if (left <= 254)
296 		len = 1 + left;
297 	else
298 		len = 255;
299 	wpabuf_put_u8(sta->fils_hlp_resp, len); /* Length */
300 	/* Element ID Extension */
301 	wpabuf_put_u8(sta->fils_hlp_resp, WLAN_EID_EXT_FILS_HLP_CONTAINER);
302 	/* Destination MAC Address, Source MAC Address, HLP Packet.
303 	 * HLP Packet is in MSDU format (i.e., including the LLC/SNAP header
304 	 * when LPD is used). */
305 	wpabuf_put_data(sta->fils_hlp_resp, rpos, len - 1);
306 	rpos += len - 1;
307 	left -= len - 1;
308 	while (left) {
309 		wpabuf_put_u8(sta->fils_hlp_resp, WLAN_EID_FRAGMENT);
310 		len = left > 255 ? 255 : left;
311 		wpabuf_put_u8(sta->fils_hlp_resp, len);
312 		wpabuf_put_data(sta->fils_hlp_resp, rpos, len);
313 		rpos += len;
314 		left -= len;
315 	}
316 	wpabuf_free(resp);
318 	if (sta->fils_drv_assoc_finish)
319 		hostapd_notify_assoc_fils_finish(hapd, sta);
320 	else
321 		fils_hlp_finish_assoc(hapd, sta);
322 }
325 static int fils_process_hlp_dhcp(struct hostapd_data *hapd,
326 				 struct sta_info *sta,
327 				 const u8 *msg, size_t len)
328 {
329 	const struct dhcp_data *dhcp;
330 	struct wpabuf *dhcp_buf;
331 	struct dhcp_data *dhcp_msg;
332 	u8 msgtype = 0;
333 	int rapid_commit = 0;
334 	const u8 *pos = msg, *end;
335 	struct sockaddr_in addr;
336 	ssize_t res;
338 	if (len < sizeof(*dhcp))
339 		return 0;
340 	dhcp = (const struct dhcp_data *) pos;
341 	end = pos + len;
342 	wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
343 		   "FILS: HLP request DHCP: op=%u htype=%u hlen=%u hops=%u xid=0x%x",
344 		   dhcp->op, dhcp->htype, dhcp->hlen, dhcp->hops,
345 		   ntohl(dhcp->xid));
346 	pos += sizeof(*dhcp);
347 	if (dhcp->op != 1)
348 		return 0; /* Not a BOOTREQUEST */
350 	if (end - pos < 4)
351 		return 0;
352 	if (WPA_GET_BE32(pos) != DHCP_MAGIC) {
353 		wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "FILS: HLP - no DHCP magic");
354 		return 0;
355 	}
356 	pos += 4;
358 	wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "FILS: HLP - DHCP options", pos, end - pos);
359 	while (pos < end && *pos != DHCP_OPT_END) {
360 		u8 opt, olen;
362 		opt = *pos++;
363 		if (opt == DHCP_OPT_PAD)
364 			continue;
365 		if (pos >= end)
366 			break;
367 		olen = *pos++;
368 		if (olen > end - pos)
369 			break;
371 		switch (opt) {
372 		case DHCP_OPT_MSG_TYPE:
373 			if (olen > 0)
374 				msgtype = pos[0];
375 			break;
377 			rapid_commit = 1;
378 			break;
379 		}
380 		pos += olen;
381 	}
383 	wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "FILS: HLP - DHCP message type %u", msgtype);
384 	if (msgtype != DHCPDISCOVER)
385 		return 0;
387 	if (hapd->conf->dhcp_server.af != AF_INET ||
388 	    hapd->conf->dhcp_server.u.v4.s_addr == 0) {
389 		wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
390 			   "FILS: HLP - no DHCPv4 server configured - drop request");
391 		return 0;
392 	}
394 	if (hapd->conf->own_ip_addr.af != AF_INET ||
395 	    hapd->conf->own_ip_addr.u.v4.s_addr == 0) {
396 		wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
397 			   "FILS: HLP - no IPv4 own_ip_addr configured - drop request");
398 		return 0;
399 	}
401 	if (hapd->dhcp_sock < 0) {
402 		int s;
404 		s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
405 		if (s < 0) {
406 			wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR,
407 				   "FILS: Failed to open DHCP socket: %s",
408 				   strerror(errno));
409 			return 0;
410 		}
412 		if (hapd->conf->dhcp_relay_port) {
413 			os_memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
414 			addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
415 			addr.sin_addr.s_addr =
416 				hapd->conf->own_ip_addr.u.v4.s_addr;
417 			addr.sin_port = htons(hapd->conf->dhcp_relay_port);
418 			if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr))) {
419 				wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR,
420 					   "FILS: Failed to bind DHCP socket: %s",
421 					   strerror(errno));
422 				close(s);
423 				return 0;
424 			}
425 		}
426 		if (eloop_register_sock(s, EVENT_TYPE_READ,
427 					fils_dhcp_handler, NULL, hapd)) {
428 			close(s);
429 			return 0;
430 		}
432 		hapd->dhcp_sock = s;
433 	}
435 	dhcp_buf = wpabuf_alloc(len);
436 	if (!dhcp_buf)
437 		return 0;
438 	dhcp_msg = wpabuf_put(dhcp_buf, len);
439 	os_memcpy(dhcp_msg, msg, len);
440 	dhcp_msg->relay_ip = hapd->conf->own_ip_addr.u.v4.s_addr;
441 	os_memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
442 	addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
443 	addr.sin_addr.s_addr = hapd->conf->dhcp_server.u.v4.s_addr;
444 	addr.sin_port = htons(hapd->conf->dhcp_server_port);
445 	res = sendto(hapd->dhcp_sock, dhcp_msg, len, 0,
446 		     (const struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr));
447 	if (res < 0) {
448 		wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "FILS: DHCP sendto failed: %s",
449 			   strerror(errno));
450 		wpabuf_free(dhcp_buf);
451 		/* Close the socket to try to recover from error */
452 		eloop_unregister_read_sock(hapd->dhcp_sock);
453 		close(hapd->dhcp_sock);
454 		hapd->dhcp_sock = -1;
455 		return 0;
456 	}
458 	wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
459 		   "FILS: HLP relayed DHCP request to server %s:%d (rapid_commit=%d)",
460 		   inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr), ntohs(addr.sin_port),
461 		   rapid_commit);
462 	if (hapd->conf->dhcp_rapid_commit_proxy && rapid_commit) {
463 		/* Store a copy of the DHCPDISCOVER for rapid commit proxying
464 		 * purposes if the server does not support the rapid commit
465 		 * option. */
466 		wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
467 			   "FILS: Store DHCPDISCOVER for rapid commit proxy");
468 		wpabuf_free(sta->hlp_dhcp_discover);
469 		sta->hlp_dhcp_discover = dhcp_buf;
470 	} else {
471 		wpabuf_free(dhcp_buf);
472 	}
474 	return 1;
475 }
478 static int fils_process_hlp_udp(struct hostapd_data *hapd,
479 				struct sta_info *sta, const u8 *dst,
480 				const u8 *pos, size_t len)
481 {
482 	const struct ip *iph;
483 	const struct udphdr *udph;
484 	u16 sport, dport, ulen;
486 	if (len < sizeof(*iph) + sizeof(*udph))
487 		return 0;
488 	iph = (const struct ip *) pos;
489 	udph = (const struct udphdr *) (iph + 1);
490 	sport = ntohs(udph->uh_sport);
491 	dport = ntohs(udph->uh_dport);
492 	ulen = ntohs(udph->uh_ulen);
493 	wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
494 		   "FILS: HLP request UDP: sport=%u dport=%u ulen=%u sum=0x%x",
495 		   sport, dport, ulen, ntohs(udph->uh_sum));
496 	/* TODO: Check UDP checksum */
497 	if (ulen < sizeof(*udph) || ulen > len - sizeof(*iph))
498 		return 0;
500 	if (dport == DHCP_SERVER_PORT && sport == DHCP_CLIENT_PORT) {
501 		return fils_process_hlp_dhcp(hapd, sta, (const u8 *) (udph + 1),
502 					     ulen - sizeof(*udph));
503 	}
505 	return 0;
506 }
509 static int fils_process_hlp_ip(struct hostapd_data *hapd,
510 			       struct sta_info *sta, const u8 *dst,
511 			       const u8 *pos, size_t len)
512 {
513 	const struct ip *iph;
514 	uint16_t ip_len;
516 	if (len < sizeof(*iph))
517 		return 0;
518 	iph = (const struct ip *) pos;
519 	if (ip_checksum(iph, sizeof(*iph)) != 0) {
520 		wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
521 			   "FILS: HLP request IPv4 packet had invalid header checksum - dropped");
522 		return 0;
523 	}
524 	ip_len = ntohs(iph->ip_len);
525 	if (ip_len > len)
526 		return 0;
527 	wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
528 		   "FILS: HLP request IPv4: saddr=%08x daddr=%08x protocol=%u",
529 		   iph->ip_src.s_addr, iph->ip_dst.s_addr, iph->ip_p);
530 	switch (iph->ip_p) {
531 	case 17:
532 		return fils_process_hlp_udp(hapd, sta, dst, pos, len);
533 	}
535 	return 0;
536 }
539 static int fils_process_hlp_req(struct hostapd_data *hapd,
540 				struct sta_info *sta,
541 				const u8 *pos, size_t len)
542 {
543 	const u8 *pkt, *end;
545 	wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "FILS: HLP request from " MACSTR " (dst=" MACSTR
546 		   " src=" MACSTR " len=%u)",
547 		   MAC2STR(sta->addr), MAC2STR(pos), MAC2STR(pos + ETH_ALEN),
548 		   (unsigned int) len);
549 	if (os_memcmp(sta->addr, pos + ETH_ALEN, ETH_ALEN) != 0) {
550 		wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
551 			   "FILS: Ignore HLP request with unexpected source address"
552 			   MACSTR, MAC2STR(pos + ETH_ALEN));
553 		return 0;
554 	}
556 	end = pos + len;
557 	pkt = pos + 2 * ETH_ALEN;
558 	if (end - pkt >= 6 &&
559 	    os_memcmp(pkt, "\xaa\xaa\x03\x00\x00\x00", 6) == 0)
560 		pkt += 6; /* Remove SNAP/LLC header */
561 	wpa_hexdump(MSG_MSGDUMP, "FILS: HLP request packet", pkt, end - pkt);
563 	if (end - pkt < 2)
564 		return 0;
566 	switch (WPA_GET_BE16(pkt)) {
567 	case ETH_P_IP:
568 		return fils_process_hlp_ip(hapd, sta, pos, pkt + 2,
569 					   end - pkt - 2);
570 	}
572 	return 0;
573 }
576 int fils_process_hlp(struct hostapd_data *hapd, struct sta_info *sta,
577 		     const u8 *pos, int left)
578 {
579 	const u8 *end = pos + left;
580 	u8 *tmp, *tmp_pos;
581 	int ret = 0;
583 	if (sta->fils_pending_assoc_req &&
584 	    eloop_is_timeout_registered(fils_hlp_timeout, hapd, sta)) {
585 		/* Do not process FILS HLP request again if the station
586 		 * retransmits (Re)Association Request frame before the previous
587 		 * HLP response has either been received or timed out. */
588 		wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG,
589 			   "FILS: Do not relay another HLP request from "
590 			   MACSTR
591 			   " before processing of the already pending one has been completed",
592 			   MAC2STR(sta->addr));
593 		return 1;
594 	}
596 	/* Old DHCPDISCOVER is not needed anymore, if it was still pending */
597 	wpabuf_free(sta->hlp_dhcp_discover);
598 	sta->hlp_dhcp_discover = NULL;
599 	sta->fils_dhcp_rapid_commit_proxy = 0;
601 	/* Check if there are any FILS HLP Container elements */
602 	while (end - pos >= 2) {
603 		if (2 + pos[1] > end - pos)
604 			return 0;
605 		if (pos[0] == WLAN_EID_EXTENSION &&
606 		    pos[1] >= 1 + 2 * ETH_ALEN &&
607 		    pos[2] == WLAN_EID_EXT_FILS_HLP_CONTAINER)
608 			break;
609 		pos += 2 + pos[1];
610 	}
611 	if (end - pos < 2)
612 		return 0; /* No FILS HLP Container elements */
614 	tmp = os_malloc(end - pos);
615 	if (!tmp)
616 		return 0;
618 	while (end - pos >= 2) {
619 		if (2 + pos[1] > end - pos ||
620 		    pos[0] != WLAN_EID_EXTENSION ||
621 		    pos[1] < 1 + 2 * ETH_ALEN ||
622 		    pos[2] != WLAN_EID_EXT_FILS_HLP_CONTAINER)
623 			break;
624 		tmp_pos = tmp;
625 		os_memcpy(tmp_pos, pos + 3, pos[1] - 1);
626 		tmp_pos += pos[1] - 1;
627 		pos += 2 + pos[1];
629 		/* Add possible fragments */
630 		while (end - pos >= 2 && pos[0] == WLAN_EID_FRAGMENT &&
631 		       2 + pos[1] <= end - pos) {
632 			os_memcpy(tmp_pos, pos + 2, pos[1]);
633 			tmp_pos += pos[1];
634 			pos += 2 + pos[1];
635 		}
637 		if (fils_process_hlp_req(hapd, sta, tmp, tmp_pos - tmp) > 0)
638 			ret = 1;
639 	}
641 	os_free(tmp);
643 	return ret;
644 }
647 void fils_hlp_deinit(struct hostapd_data *hapd)
648 {
649 	if (hapd->dhcp_sock >= 0) {
650 		eloop_unregister_read_sock(hapd->dhcp_sock);
651 		close(hapd->dhcp_sock);
652 		hapd->dhcp_sock = -1;
653 	}
654 }