xref: /freebsd/contrib/tzdata/theory.html (revision 59c8e88e72633afbc47a4ace0d2170d00d51f7dc)
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4  <title>Theory and pragmatics of the tz code and data</title>
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12<h1>Theory and pragmatics of the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> code and data</h1>
13  <h3>Outline</h3>
14  <nav>
15    <ul>
16      <li><a href="#scope">Scope of the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code>
17	  database</a></li>
18      <li><a href="#naming">Timezone identifiers</a></li>
19      <li><a href="#abbreviations">Time zone abbreviations</a></li>
20      <li><a href="#accuracy">Accuracy of the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code>
21	  database</a></li>
22      <li><a href="#functions">Time and date functions</a></li>
23      <li><a href="#stability">Interface stability</a></li>
24      <li><a href="#leapsec">Leap seconds</a></li>
25      <li><a href="#calendar">Calendrical issues</a></li>
26      <li><a href="#planets">Time and time zones off earth</a></li>
27    </ul>
28  </nav>
31  <h2 id="scope">Scope of the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database</h2>
33The <a
35database</a> attempts to record the history and predicted future of
36civil time scales.
37It organizes <a href="tz-link.html">time zone and daylight saving time
38data</a> by partitioning the world into <a
40whose clocks all agree about timestamps that occur after the <a
41href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time">POSIX Epoch</a>
42(1970-01-01 00:00:00 <a
44title="Coordinated Universal Time">UTC</abbr></a>).
45Although 1970 is a somewhat-arbitrary cutoff, there are significant
46challenges to moving the cutoff earlier even by a decade or two, due
47to the wide variety of local practices before computer timekeeping
48became prevalent.
49Most timezones correspond to a notable location and the database
50records all known clock transitions for that location;
51some timezones correspond instead to a fixed <abbr>UTC</abbr> offset.
55Each timezone typically corresponds to a geographical region that is
56smaller than a traditional time zone, because clocks in a timezone
57all agree after 1970 whereas a traditional time zone merely
58specifies current standard time. For example, applications that deal
59with current and future timestamps in the traditional North
60American mountain time zone can choose from the timezones
61<code>America/Denver</code> which observes US-style daylight saving
62time (<abbr>DST</abbr>),
63and <code>America/Phoenix</code> which does not observe <abbr>DST</abbr>.
64Applications that also deal with past timestamps in the mountain time
65zone can choose from over a dozen timezones, such as
66<code>America/Boise</code>, <code>America/Edmonton</code>, and
67<code>America/Hermosillo</code>, each of which currently uses mountain
68time but differs from other timezones for some timestamps after 1970.
72Clock transitions before 1970 are recorded for location-based timezones,
73because most systems support timestamps before 1970 and could
74misbehave if data entries were omitted for pre-1970 transitions.
75However, the database is not designed for and does not suffice for
76applications requiring accurate handling of all past times everywhere,
77as it would take far too much effort and guesswork to record all
78details of pre-1970 civil timekeeping.
79Although some information outside the scope of the database is
80collected in a file <code>backzone</code> that is distributed along
81with the database proper, this file is less reliable and does not
82necessarily follow database guidelines.
86As described below, reference source code for using the
87<code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database is also available.
88The <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> code is upwards compatible with <a
89href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POSIX">POSIX</a>, an international
90standard for <a
91href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix">UNIX</a>-like systems.
92As of this writing, the current edition of POSIX is: <a
93href="https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/"> The Open
94Group Base Specifications Issue 7</a>, IEEE Std 1003.1-2017, 2018
96Because the database's scope encompasses real-world changes to civil
97timekeeping, its model for describing time is more complex than the
98standard and daylight saving times supported by POSIX.1-2017.
99A <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> timezone corresponds to a ruleset that can
100have more than two changes per year, these changes need not merely
101flip back and forth between two alternatives, and the rules themselves
102can change at times.
103Whether and when a timezone changes its clock,
104and even the timezone's notional base offset from <abbr>UTC</abbr>,
105are variable.
106It does not always make sense to talk about a timezone's
107"base offset", which is not necessarily a single number.
113  <h2 id="naming">Timezone identifiers</h2>
115Each timezone has a name that uniquely identifies the timezone.
116Inexperienced users are not expected to select these names unaided.
117Distributors should provide documentation and/or a simple selection
118interface that explains each name via a map or via descriptive text like
119"Czech Republic" instead of the timezone name "<code>Europe/Prague</code>".
120If geolocation information is available, a selection interface can
121locate the user on a timezone map or prioritize names that are
122geographically close. For an example selection interface, see the
123<code>tzselect</code> program in the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> code.
124The <a href="https://cldr.unicode.org">Unicode Common Locale Data
125Repository</a> contains data that may be useful for other selection
126interfaces; it maps timezone names like <code>Europe/Prague</code> to
127locale-dependent strings like "Prague", "Praha", "Прага", and "布拉格".
131The naming conventions attempt to strike a balance
132among the following goals:
136  <li>
137    Uniquely identify every timezone where clocks have agreed since 1970.
138    This is essential for the intended use: static clocks keeping local
139    civil time.
140  </li>
141  <li>
142    Indicate to experts where the timezone's clocks typically are.
143  </li>
144  <li>
145    Be robust in the presence of political changes.
146    For example, names are typically not tied to countries, to avoid
147    incompatibilities when countries change their name (e.g.,
148    Swaziland&rarr;Eswatini) or when locations change countries (e.g., Hong
149    Kong from UK colony to China).
150    There is no requirement that every country or national
151    capital must have a timezone name.
152  </li>
153  <li>
154    Be portable to a wide variety of implementations.
155  </li>
156  <li>
157    Use a consistent naming conventions over the entire world.
158  </li>
162Names normally have the form
163<var>AREA</var><code>/</code><var>LOCATION</var>, where
164<var>AREA</var> is a continent or ocean, and
165<var>LOCATION</var> is a specific location within the area.
166North and South America share the same area, '<code>America</code>'.
167Typical names are '<code>Africa/Cairo</code>',
168'<code>America/New_York</code>', and '<code>Pacific/Honolulu</code>'.
169Some names are further qualified to help avoid confusion; for example,
170'<code>America/Indiana/Petersburg</code>' distinguishes Petersburg,
171Indiana from other Petersburgs in America.
175Here are the general guidelines used for
176choosing timezone names,
177in decreasing order of importance:
181  <li>
182    Use only valid POSIX file name components (i.e., the parts of
183    names other than '<code>/</code>').
184    Do not use the file name components '<code>.</code>' and
185    '<code>..</code>'.
186    Within a file name component, use only <a
187    href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII">ASCII</a> letters,
188    '<code>.</code>', '<code>-</code>' and '<code>_</code>'.
189    Do not use digits, as that might create an ambiguity with <a
190    href="https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/V1_chap08.html#tag_08_03">POSIX.1-2017
191    <code>TZ</code> strings</a>.
192    A file name component must not exceed 14 characters or start with
193    '<code>-</code>'.
194    E.g., prefer <code>America/Noronha</code> to
195    <code>America/Fernando_de_Noronha</code>.
196    Exceptions: see the discussion of legacy names below.
197  </li>
198  <li>
199    A name must not be empty, or contain '<code>//</code>', or
200    start or end with '<code>/</code>'.
201  </li>
202  <li>
203    Do not use names that differ only in case.
204    Although the reference implementation is case-sensitive, some
205    other implementations are not, and they would mishandle names
206    differing only in case.
207  </li>
208  <li>
209    If one name <var>A</var> is an initial prefix of another
210    name <var>AB</var> (ignoring case), then <var>B</var> must not
211    start with '<code>/</code>', as a regular file cannot have the
212    same name as a directory in POSIX.
213    For example, <code>America/New_York</code> precludes
214    <code>America/New_York/Bronx</code>.
215  </li>
216  <li>
217    Uninhabited regions like the North Pole and Bouvet Island
218    do not need locations, since local time is not defined there.
219  </li>
220  <li>
221    If all the clocks in a timezone have agreed since 1970,
222    do not bother to include more than one timezone
223    even if some of the clocks disagreed before 1970.
224    Otherwise these tables would become annoyingly large.
225  </li>
226  <li>
227    If boundaries between regions are fluid, such as during a war or
228    insurrection, do not bother to create a new timezone merely
229    because of yet another boundary change. This helps prevent table
230    bloat and simplifies maintenance.
231  </li>
232  <li>
233    If a name is ambiguous, use a less ambiguous alternative;
234    e.g., many cities are named San José and Georgetown, so
235    prefer <code>America/Costa_Rica</code> to
236    <code>America/San_Jose</code> and <code>America/Guyana</code>
237    to <code>America/Georgetown</code>.
238  </li>
239  <li>
240    Keep locations compact.
241    Use cities or small islands, not countries or regions, so that any
242    future changes do not split individual locations into different
243    timezones.
244    E.g., prefer <code>Europe/Paris</code> to <code>Europe/France</code>,
245    since
246    <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_in_France#History">France
247    has had multiple time zones</a>.
248  </li>
249  <li>
250    Use mainstream English spelling, e.g., prefer
251    <code>Europe/Rome</code> to <code>Europa/Roma</code>, and
252    prefer <code>Europe/Athens</code> to the Greek
253    <code>Ευρώπη/Αθήνα</code> or the Romanized
254    <code>Evrópi/Athína</code>.
255    The POSIX file name restrictions encourage this guideline.
256  </li>
257  <li>
258    Use the most populous among locations in a region,
259    e.g., prefer <code>Asia/Shanghai</code> to
260    <code>Asia/Beijing</code>.
261    Among locations with similar populations, pick the best-known
262    location, e.g., prefer <code>Europe/Rome</code> to
263    <code>Europe/Milan</code>.
264  </li>
265  <li>
266    Use the singular form, e.g., prefer <code>Atlantic/Canary</code> to
267    <code>Atlantic/Canaries</code>.
268  </li>
269  <li>
270    Omit common suffixes like '<code>_Islands</code>' and
271    '<code>_City</code>', unless that would lead to ambiguity.
272    E.g., prefer <code>America/Cayman</code> to
273    <code>America/Cayman_Islands</code> and
274    <code>America/Guatemala</code> to
275    <code>America/Guatemala_City</code>, but prefer
276    <code>America/Mexico_City</code> to
277    <code>America/Mexico</code>
278    because <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_in_Mexico">the
279    country of Mexico has several time zones</a>.
280  </li>
281  <li>
282    Use '<code>_</code>' to represent a space.
283  </li>
284  <li>
285    Omit '<code>.</code>' from abbreviations in names.
286    E.g., prefer <code>Atlantic/St_Helena</code> to
287    <code>Atlantic/St._Helena</code>.
288  </li>
289  <li>
290    Do not change established names if they only marginally violate
291    the above guidelines.
292    For example, do not change the existing name <code>Europe/Rome</code> to
293    <code>Europe/Milan</code> merely because Milan's population has grown
294    to be somewhat greater than Rome's.
295  </li>
296  <li>
297    If a name is changed, put its old spelling in the
298    '<code>backward</code>' file as a link to the new spelling.
299    This means old spellings will continue to work.
300    Ordinarily a name change should occur only in the rare case when
301    a location's consensus English-language spelling changes; for example,
302    in 2008 <code>Asia/Calcutta</code> was renamed to <code>Asia/Kolkata</code>
303    due to long-time widespread use of the new city name instead of the old.
304  </li>
308Guidelines have evolved with time, and names following old versions of
309these guidelines might not follow the current version. When guidelines
310have changed, old names continue to be supported. Guideline changes
311have included the following:
316Older versions of this package used a different naming scheme.
317See the file '<code>backward</code>' for most of these older names
318(e.g., '<code>US/Eastern</code>' instead of '<code>America/New_York</code>').
319The other old-fashioned names still supported are
320'<code>WET</code>', '<code>CET</code>', '<code>MET</code>', and
321'<code>EET</code>' (see the file '<code>europe</code>').
325Older versions of this package defined legacy names that are
326incompatible with the first guideline of location names, but which are
327still supported.
328These legacy names are mostly defined in the file
330Also, the file '<code>backward</code>' defines the legacy names
331'<code>Etc/GMT0</code>', '<code>Etc/GMT-0</code>', '<code>Etc/GMT+0</code>',
332'<code>GMT0</code>', '<code>GMT-0</code>' and '<code>GMT+0</code>',
333and the file '<code>northamerica</code>' defines the legacy names
334'<code>EST5EDT</code>', '<code>CST6CDT</code>',
335'<code>MST7MDT</code>', and '<code>PST8PDT</code>'.
339Older versions of these guidelines said that
340there should typically be at least one name for each <a
342title="International Organization for Standardization">ISO</abbr>
3433166-1</a> officially assigned two-letter code for an inhabited
344country or territory.
345This old guideline has been dropped, as it was not needed to handle
346timestamps correctly and it increased maintenance burden.
351The file <code>zone1970.tab</code> lists geographical locations used
352to name timezones.
353It is intended to be an exhaustive list of names for geographic
354regions as described above; this is a subset of the timezones in the data.
355Although a <code>zone1970.tab</code> location's
356<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longitude">longitude</a>
357corresponds to
358its <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_mean_time">local mean
359time (<abbr>LMT</abbr>)</a> offset with one hour for every 15&deg;
360east longitude, this relationship is not exact.
361The backward-compatibility file <code>zone.tab</code> is similar
362but conforms to the older-version guidelines related to <abbr>ISO</abbr> 3166-1;
363it lists only one country code per entry and unlike <code>zone1970.tab</code>
364it can list names defined in <code>backward</code>.
365Applications that process only timestamps from now on can instead use the file
366<code>zonenow.tab</code>, which partitions the world more coarsely,
367into regions where clocks agree now and in the predicted future;
368this file is smaller and simpler than <code>zone1970.tab</code>
369and <code>zone.tab</code>.
373The database defines each timezone name to be a zone, or a link to a zone.
374The source file <code>backward</code> defines links for backward
375compatibility; it does not define zones.
376Although <code>backward</code> was originally designed to be optional,
377nowadays distributions typically use it
378and no great weight should be attached to whether a link
379is defined in <code>backward</code> or in some other file.
380The source file <code>etcetera</code> defines names that may be useful
381on platforms that do not support POSIX.1-2017-style <code>TZ</code> strings;
382no other source file other than <code>backward</code>
383contains links to its zones.
384One of <code>etcetera</code>'s names is <code>Etc/UTC</code>,
385used by functions like <code>gmtime</code> to obtain leap
386second information on platforms that support leap seconds.
387Another <code>etcetera</code> name, <code>GMT</code>,
388is used by older code releases.
393  <h2 id="abbreviations">Time zone abbreviations</h2>
395When this package is installed, it generates time zone abbreviations
396like '<code>EST</code>' to be compatible with human tradition and POSIX.
397Here are the general guidelines used for choosing time zone abbreviations,
398in decreasing order of importance:
402  <li>
403    Use three to six characters that are ASCII alphanumerics or
404    '<code>+</code>' or '<code>-</code>'.
405    Previous editions of this database also used characters like
406    space and '<code>?</code>', but these characters have a
407    special meaning to the
408    <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_shell">UNIX shell</a>
409    and cause commands like
410    '<code><a href="https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/V3_chap02.html#set">set</a>
411    `<a href="https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/date.html">date</a>`</code>'
412    to have unexpected effects.
413    Previous editions of this guideline required upper-case letters, but the
414    Congressman who introduced
415    <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamorro_Time_Zone">Chamorro
416    Standard Time</a> preferred "ChST", so lower-case letters are now
417    allowed.
418    Also, POSIX from 2001 on relaxed the rule to allow '<code>-</code>',
419    '<code>+</code>', and alphanumeric characters from the portable
420    character set in the current locale.
421    In practice ASCII alphanumerics and '<code>+</code>' and
422    '<code>-</code>' are safe in all locales.
424    <p>
425    In other words, in the C locale the POSIX extended regular
426    expression <code>[-+[:alnum:]]{3,6}</code> should match the
427    abbreviation.
428    This guarantees that all abbreviations could have been specified by a
429    POSIX.1-2017 <code>TZ</code> string.
430    </p>
431  </li>
432  <li>
433    Use abbreviations that are in common use among English-speakers,
434    e.g., 'EST' for Eastern Standard Time in North America.
435    We assume that applications translate them to other languages
436    as part of the normal localization process; for example,
437    a French application might translate 'EST' to 'HNE'.
439    <p>
440    <small>These abbreviations (for standard/daylight/etc. time) are:
441      ACST/ACDT Australian Central,
442      AST/ADT/APT/AWT/ADDT Atlantic,
443      AEST/AEDT Australian Eastern,
444      AHST/AHDT Alaska-Hawaii,
445      AKST/AKDT Alaska,
446      AWST/AWDT Australian Western,
447      BST/BDT Bering,
448      CAT/CAST Central Africa,
449      CET/CEST/CEMT Central European,
450      ChST Chamorro,
451      CST/CDT/CWT/CPT Central [North America],
452      CST/CDT China,
453      GMT/BST/IST/BDST Greenwich,
454      EAT East Africa,
455      EST/EDT/EWT/EPT Eastern [North America],
456      EET/EEST Eastern European,
457      GST/GDT Guam,
458      HST/HDT/HWT/HPT Hawaii,
459      HKT/HKST/HKWT Hong Kong,
460      IST India,
461      IST/GMT Irish,
462      IST/IDT/IDDT Israel,
463      JST/JDT Japan,
464      KST/KDT Korea,
465      MET/MEST Middle European (a backward-compatibility alias for
466	Central European),
467      MSK/MSD Moscow,
468      MST/MDT/MWT/MPT Mountain,
469      NST/NDT/NWT/NPT/NDDT Newfoundland,
470      NST/NDT/NWT/NPT Nome,
471      NZMT/NZST New Zealand through 1945,
472      NZST/NZDT New Zealand 1946&ndash;present,
473      PKT/PKST Pakistan,
474      PST/PDT/PWT/PPT Pacific,
475      PST/PDT Philippine,
476      SAST South Africa,
477      SST Samoa,
478      UTC Universal,
479      WAT/WAST West Africa,
480      WET/WEST/WEMT Western European,
481      WIB Waktu Indonesia Barat,
482      WIT Waktu Indonesia Timur,
483      WITA Waktu Indonesia Tengah,
484      YST/YDT/YWT/YPT/YDDT Yukon</small>.
485    </p>
486  </li>
487  <li>
488    <p>
489    For times taken from a city's longitude, use the
490    traditional <var>x</var>MT notation.
491    The only abbreviation like this in current use is '<abbr>GMT</abbr>'.
492    The others are for timestamps before 1960,
493    except that Monrovia Mean Time persisted until 1972.
494    Typically, numeric abbreviations (e.g., '<code>-</code>004430' for
495    MMT) would cause trouble here, as the numeric strings would exceed
496    the POSIX length limit.
497    </p>
499    <p>
500    <small>These abbreviations are:
501      AMT Asunción, Athens;
502      BMT Baghdad, Bangkok, Batavia, Bermuda, Bern, Bogotá,
503        Brussels, Bucharest;
504      CMT Calamarca, Caracas, Chisinau, Colón, Córdoba;
505      DMT Dublin/Dunsink;
506      EMT Easter;
507      FFMT Fort-de-France;
508      FMT Funchal;
509      GMT Greenwich;
510      HMT Havana, Helsinki, Horta, Howrah;
511      IMT Irkutsk, Istanbul;
512      JMT Jerusalem;
513      KMT Kaunas, Kyiv, Kingston;
514      LMT Lima, Lisbon, local;
515      MMT Macassar, Madras, Malé, Managua, Minsk, Monrovia, Montevideo,
516	Moratuwa, Moscow;
517      PLMT Phù Liễn;
518      PMT Paramaribo, Paris, Perm, Pontianak, Prague;
519      PMMT Port Moresby;
520      PPMT Port-au-Prince;
521      QMT Quito;
522      RMT Rangoon, Riga, Rome;
523      SDMT Santo Domingo;
524      SJMT San José;
525      SMT Santiago, Simferopol, Singapore, Stanley;
526      TBMT Tbilisi;
527      TMT Tallinn, Tehran;
528      WMT Warsaw.</small>
529    </p>
531    <p>
532    <small>A few abbreviations also follow the pattern that
533    <abbr>GMT</abbr>/<abbr>BST</abbr> established for time in the UK.
534    They are:
535      BMT/BST for Bermuda 1890&ndash;1930,
536      CMT/BST for Calamarca Mean Time and Bolivian Summer Time
537	1890&ndash;1932,
538      DMT/IST for Dublin/Dunsink Mean Time and Irish Summer Time
539	1880&ndash;1916,
540      MMT/MST/MDST for Moscow 1880&ndash;1919, and
541      RMT/LST for Riga Mean Time and Latvian Summer time 1880&ndash;1926.
542    </small>
543    </p>
544  </li>
545  <li>
546    Use '<abbr>LMT</abbr>' for local mean time of locations before the
547    introduction of standard time; see "<a href="#scope">Scope of the
548    <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database</a>".
549  </li>
550  <li>
551    If there is no common English abbreviation, use numeric offsets like
552    <code>-</code>05 and <code>+</code>0530 that are generated
553    by <code>zic</code>'s <code>%z</code> notation.
554  </li>
555  <li>
556    Use current abbreviations for older timestamps to avoid confusion.
557    For example, in 1910 a common English abbreviation for time
558    in central Europe was 'MEZ' (short for both "Middle European
559    Zone" and for "Mitteleuropäische Zeit" in German).
560    Nowadays 'CET' ("Central European Time") is more common in
561    English, and the database uses 'CET' even for circa-1910
562    timestamps as this is less confusing for modern users and avoids
563    the need for determining when 'CET' supplanted 'MEZ' in common
564    usage.
565  </li>
566  <li>
567    Use a consistent style in a timezone's history.
568    For example, if a history tends to use numeric
569    abbreviations and a particular entry could go either way, use a
570    numeric abbreviation.
571  </li>
572  <li>
573    Use
574    <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Time">Universal Time</a>
575    (<abbr>UT</abbr>) (with time zone abbreviation '<code>-</code>00') for
576    locations while uninhabited.
577    The leading '<code>-</code>' is a flag that the <abbr>UT</abbr> offset is in
578    some sense undefined; this notation is derived
579    from <a href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3339">Internet
580    <abbr title="Request For Comments">RFC</abbr> 3339</a>.
581  </li>
585Application writers should note that these abbreviations are ambiguous
586in practice: e.g., 'CST' means one thing in China and something else
587in North America, and 'IST' can refer to time in India, Ireland or
589To avoid ambiguity, use numeric <abbr>UT</abbr> offsets like
590'<code>-</code>0600' instead of time zone abbreviations like 'CST'.
595  <h2 id="accuracy">Accuracy of the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database</h2>
597The <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database is not authoritative, and it
598surely has errors.
599Corrections are welcome and encouraged; see the file <code>CONTRIBUTING</code>.
600Users requiring authoritative data should consult national standards
601bodies and the references cited in the database's comments.
605Errors in the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database arise from many sources:
609  <li>
610    The <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database predicts future
611    timestamps, and current predictions
612    will be incorrect after future governments change the rules.
613    For example, if today someone schedules a meeting for 13:00 next
614    October 1, Casablanca time, and tomorrow Morocco changes its
615    daylight saving rules, software can mess up after the rule change
616    if it blithely relies on conversions made before the change.
617  </li>
618  <li>
619    The pre-1970 entries in this database cover only a tiny sliver of how
620    clocks actually behaved; the vast majority of the necessary
621    information was lost or never recorded.
622    Thousands more timezones would be needed if
623    the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database's scope were extended to
624    cover even just the known or guessed history of standard time; for
625    example, the current single entry for France would need to split
626    into dozens of entries, perhaps hundreds.
627    And in most of the world even this approach would be misleading
628    due to widespread disagreement or indifference about what times
629    should be observed.
630    In her 2015 book
631    <cite><a
632    href="https://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674286146">The
633    Global Transformation of Time, 1870&ndash;1950</a></cite>,
634    Vanessa Ogle writes
635    "Outside of Europe and North America there was no system of time
636    zones at all, often not even a stable landscape of mean times,
637    prior to the middle decades of the twentieth century".
638    See: Timothy Shenk, <a
640      A Global History of Time</a>. <cite>Dissent</cite> 2015-12-17.
641  </li>
642  <li>
643    Most of the pre-1970 data entries come from unreliable sources, often
644    astrology books that lack citations and whose compilers evidently
645    invented entries when the true facts were unknown, without
646    reporting which entries were known and which were invented.
647    These books often contradict each other or give implausible entries,
648    and on the rare occasions when they are checked they are
649    typically found to be incorrect.
650  </li>
651  <li>
652    For the UK the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database relies on
653    years of first-class work done by
654    Joseph Myers and others; see
655    "<a href="https://www.polyomino.org.uk/british-time/">History of
656    legal time in Britain</a>".
657    Other countries are not done nearly as well.
658  </li>
659  <li>
660    Sometimes, different people in the same city maintain clocks
661    that differ significantly.
662    Historically, railway time was used by railroad companies (which
663    did not always
664    agree with each other), church-clock time was used for birth
665    certificates, etc.
666    More recently, competing political groups might disagree about
667    clock settings. Often this is merely common practice, but
668    sometimes it is set by law.
669    For example, from 1891 to 1911 the <abbr>UT</abbr> offset in France
670    was legally <abbr>UT</abbr> +00:09:21 outside train stations and
671    <abbr>UT</abbr> +00:04:21 inside. Other examples include
672    Chillicothe in 1920, Palm Springs in 1946/7, and Jerusalem and
673    Ürümqi to this day.
674  </li>
675  <li>
676    Although a named location in the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code>
677    database stands for the containing region, its pre-1970 data
678    entries are often accurate for only a small subset of that region.
679    For example, <code>Europe/London</code> stands for the United
680    Kingdom, but its pre-1847 times are valid only for locations that
681    have London's exact meridian, and its 1847 transition
682    to <abbr>GMT</abbr> is known to be valid only for the L&amp;NW and
683    the Caledonian railways.
684  </li>
685  <li>
686    The <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database does not record the
687    earliest time for which a timezone's
688    data entries are thereafter valid for every location in the region.
689    For example, <code>Europe/London</code> is valid for all locations
690    in its region after <abbr>GMT</abbr> was made the standard time,
691    but the date of standardization (1880-08-02) is not in the
692    <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database, other than in commentary.
693    For many timezones the earliest time of
694    validity is unknown.
695  </li>
696  <li>
697    The <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database does not record a
698    region's boundaries, and in many cases the boundaries are not known.
699    For example, the timezone
700    <code>America/Kentucky/Louisville</code> represents a region
701    around the city of Louisville, the boundaries of which are
702    unclear.
703  </li>
704  <li>
705    Changes that are modeled as instantaneous transitions in the
706    <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code>
707    database were often spread out over hours, days, or even decades.
708  </li>
709  <li>
710    Even if the time is specified by law, locations sometimes
711    deliberately flout the law.
712  </li>
713  <li>
714    Early timekeeping practices, even assuming perfect clocks, were
715    often not specified to the accuracy that the
716    <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database requires.
717  </li>
718  <li>
719    The <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database cannot represent stopped clocks.
720    However, on 1911-03-11 at 00:00, some public-facing French clocks
721    were changed by stopping them for a few minutes to effect a transition.
722    The <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database models this via a
723    backward transition; the relevant French legislation does not
724    specify exactly how the transition was to occur.
725  </li>
726  <li>
727    Sometimes historical timekeeping was specified more precisely
728    than what the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> code can handle.
729    For example, from 1880 to 1916 clocks in Ireland observed Dublin Mean
730    Time (estimated to be <abbr>UT</abbr>
731    &minus;00:25:21.1); although the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code>
732    source data can represent the .1 second, TZif files and the code cannot.
733    In practice these old specifications were rarely if ever
734    implemented to subsecond precision.
735  </li>
736  <li>
737    Even when all the timestamp transitions recorded by the
738    <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database are correct, the
739    <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> rules that generate them may not
740    faithfully reflect the historical rules.
741    For example, from 1922 until World War II the UK moved clocks
742    forward the day following the third Saturday in April unless that
743    was Easter, in which case it moved clocks forward the previous
744    Sunday.
745    Because the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database has no
746    way to specify Easter, these exceptional years are entered as
747    separate <code><abbr>tz</abbr> Rule</code> lines, even though the
748    legal rules did not change.
749    When transitions are known but the historical rules behind them are not,
750    the database contains <code>Zone</code> and <code>Rule</code>
751    entries that are intended to represent only the generated
752    transitions, not any underlying historical rules; however, this
753    intent is recorded at best only in commentary.
754  </li>
755  <li>
756    The <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database models time
757    using the <a
758    href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proleptic_Gregorian_calendar">proleptic
759    Gregorian calendar</a> with days containing 24 equal-length hours
760    numbered 00 through 23, except when clock transitions occur.
761    Pre-standard time is modeled as local mean time.
762    However, historically many people used other calendars and other timescales.
763    For example, the Roman Empire used
764    the <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_calendar">Julian
765    calendar</a>,
766    and <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_timekeeping">Roman
767    timekeeping</a> had twelve varying-length daytime hours with a
768    non-hour-based system at night.
769    And even today, some local practices diverge from the Gregorian
770    calendar with 24-hour days. These divergences range from
771    relatively minor, such as Japanese bars giving times like "24:30" for the
772    wee hours of the morning, to more-significant differences such as <a
773    href="https://theworld.org/stories/2015-01-30/if-you-have-meeting-ethiopia-you-better-double-check-time">the
774    east African practice of starting the day at dawn</a>, renumbering
775    the Western 06:00 to be 12:00. These practices are largely outside
776    the scope of the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> code and data, which
777    provide only limited support for date and time localization
778    such as that required by POSIX.1-2017.
779    If <abbr>DST</abbr> is not used a different time zone
780    can often do the trick; for example, in Kenya a <code>TZ</code> setting
781    like <code>&lt;-03&gt;3</code> or <code>America/Cayenne</code> starts
782    the day six hours later than <code>Africa/Nairobi</code> does.
783  </li>
784  <li>
785    Early clocks were less reliable, and data entries do not represent
786    clock error.
787  </li>
788  <li>
789    The <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database assumes Universal Time
790    (<abbr>UT</abbr>) as an origin, even though <abbr>UT</abbr> is not
791    standardized for older timestamps.
792    In the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database commentary,
793    <abbr>UT</abbr> denotes a family of time standards that includes
794    Coordinated Universal Time (<abbr>UTC</abbr>) along with other
795    variants such as <abbr>UT1</abbr> and <abbr>GMT</abbr>,
796    with days starting at midnight.
797    Although <abbr>UT</abbr> equals <abbr>UTC</abbr> for modern
798    timestamps, <abbr>UTC</abbr> was not defined until 1960, so
799    commentary uses the more general abbreviation <abbr>UT</abbr> for
800    timestamps that might predate 1960.
801    Since <abbr>UT</abbr>, <abbr>UT1</abbr>, etc. disagree slightly,
802    and since pre-1972 <abbr>UTC</abbr> seconds varied in length,
803    interpretation of older timestamps can be problematic when
804    subsecond accuracy is needed.
805  </li>
806  <li>
807    Civil time was not based on atomic time before 1972, and we do not
808    know the history of
809    <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth's_rotation">earth's
810    rotation</a> accurately enough to map <a
811    href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_System_of_Units"><abbr
812    title="International System of Units">SI</abbr></a> seconds to
813    historical <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_time">solar time</a>
814    to more than about one-hour accuracy.
815    See: Stephenson FR, Morrison LV, Hohenkerk CY.
816    <a href="https://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspa.2016.0404">Measurement of
817    the Earth's rotation: 720 BC to AD 2015</a>.
818    <cite>Proc Royal Soc A</cite>. 2016;472:20160404.
819    Also see: Espenak F. <a
820    href="https://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEhelp/uncertainty2004.html">Uncertainty
821    in Delta T (ΔT)</a>.
822  </li>
823  <li>
824    The relationship between POSIX time (that is, <abbr>UTC</abbr> but
825    ignoring <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leap_second">leap
826    seconds</a>) and <abbr>UTC</abbr> is not agreed upon.
827    This affects time stamps during the leap second era (1972&ndash;2035).
828    Although the POSIX
829    clock officially stops during an inserted leap second, at least one
830    proposed standard has it jumping back a second instead; and in
831    practice POSIX clocks more typically either progress glacially during
832    a leap second, or are slightly slowed while near a leap second.
833  </li>
834  <li>
835    The <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database does not represent how
836    uncertain its information is.
837    Ideally it would contain information about when data entries are
838    incomplete or dicey.
839    Partial temporal knowledge is a field of active research, though,
840    and it is not clear how to apply it here.
841  </li>
845In short, many, perhaps most, of the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code>
846database's pre-1970 and future timestamps are either wrong or
848Any attempt to pass the
849<code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database off as the definition of time
850should be unacceptable to anybody who cares about the facts.
851In particular, the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database's
852<abbr>LMT</abbr> offsets should not be considered meaningful, and
853should not prompt creation of timezones
854merely because two locations
855differ in <abbr>LMT</abbr> or transitioned to standard time at
856different dates.
861  <h2 id="functions">Time and date functions</h2>
863The <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> code contains time and date functions
864that are upwards compatible with those of POSIX.
865Code compatible with this package is already
866<a href="tz-link.html#tzdb">part of many platforms</a>, where the
867primary use of this package is to update obsolete time-related files.
868To do this, you may need to compile the time zone compiler
869'<code>zic</code>' supplied with this package instead of using the
870system '<code>zic</code>', since the format of <code>zic</code>'s
871input is occasionally extended, and a platform may still be shipping
872an older <code>zic</code>.
875<h3 id="POSIX">POSIX.1-2017 properties and limitations</h3>
877  <li>
878    <p>
879    In POSIX.1-2017, time display in a process is controlled by the
880    environment variable <code>TZ</code>.
881    Unfortunately, the POSIX.1-2017
882    <code>TZ</code> string takes a form that is hard to describe and
883    is error-prone in practice.
884    Also, POSIX.1-2017 <code>TZ</code> strings cannot deal with daylight
885    saving time rules not based on the Gregorian calendar (as in
886    Morocco), or with situations where more than two time zone
887    abbreviations or <abbr>UT</abbr> offsets are used in an area.
888    </p>
890    <p>
891    The POSIX.1-2017 <code>TZ</code> string takes the following form:
892    </p>
894    <p>
895    <var>stdoffset</var>[<var>dst</var>[<var>offset</var>][<code>,</code><var>date</var>[<code>/</code><var>time</var>]<code>,</code><var>date</var>[<code>/</code><var>time</var>]]]
896    </p>
898    <p>
899    where:
900    </p>
902    <dl>
903      <dt><var>std</var> and <var>dst</var></dt><dd>
904	are 3 or more characters specifying the standard
905	and daylight saving time (<abbr>DST</abbr>) zone abbreviations.
906	Starting with POSIX.1-2001, <var>std</var> and <var>dst</var>
907	may also be in a quoted form like '<code>&lt;+09&gt;</code>';
908	this allows "<code>+</code>" and "<code>-</code>" in the names.
909      </dd>
910      <dt><var>offset</var></dt><dd>
911	is of the form
912	'<code>[&plusmn;]<var>hh</var>:[<var>mm</var>[:<var>ss</var>]]</code>'
913	and specifies the offset west of <abbr>UT</abbr>.
914	'<var>hh</var>' may be a single digit;
915	0&le;<var>hh</var>&le;24.
916	The default <abbr>DST</abbr> offset is one hour ahead of
917	standard time.
918      </dd>
919      <dt><var>date</var>[<code>/</code><var>time</var>]<code>,</code><var>date</var>[<code>/</code><var>time</var>]</dt><dd>
920	specifies the beginning and end of <abbr>DST</abbr>.
921	If this is absent, the system supplies its own ruleset
922	for <abbr>DST</abbr>, typically	current <abbr>US</abbr>
923	<abbr>DST</abbr> rules.
924      </dd>
925      <dt><var>time</var></dt><dd>
926	takes the form
927	'<var>hh</var><code>:</code>[<var>mm</var>[<code>:</code><var>ss</var>]]'
928	and defaults to 02:00.
929	This is the same format as the offset, except that a
930	leading '<code>+</code>' or '<code>-</code>' is not allowed.
931      </dd>
932      <dt><var>date</var></dt><dd>
933	takes one of the following forms:
934	<dl>
935	  <dt>J<var>n</var> (1&le;<var>n</var>&le;365)</dt><dd>
936	    origin-1 day number not counting February 29
937	  </dd>
938	  <dt><var>n</var> (0&le;<var>n</var>&le;365)</dt><dd>
939	    origin-0 day number counting February 29 if present
940	  </dd>
941	  <dt><code>M</code><var>m</var><code>.</code><var>n</var><code>.</code><var>d</var>
942	    (0[Sunday]&le;<var>d</var>&le;6[Saturday], 1&le;<var>n</var>&le;5,
943	    1&le;<var>m</var>&le;12)</dt><dd>
944	    for the <var>d</var>th day of week <var>n</var> of
945	    month <var>m</var> of the year, where week 1 is the first
946	    week in which day <var>d</var> appears, and
947	    '<code>5</code>' stands for the last week in which
948	    day <var>d</var> appears (which may be either the 4th or
949	    5th week).
950	    Typically, this is the only useful form; the <var>n</var>
951	    and <code>J</code><var>n</var> forms are rarely used.
952	  </dd>
953	</dl>
954      </dd>
955    </dl>
957    <p>
958    Here is an example POSIX.1-2017 <code>TZ</code> string for New
959    Zealand after 2007.
960    It says that standard time (<abbr>NZST</abbr>) is 12 hours ahead
961    of <abbr>UT</abbr>, and that daylight saving time
962    (<abbr>NZDT</abbr>) is observed from September's last Sunday at
963    02:00 until April's first Sunday at 03:00:
964    </p>
966    <pre><code>TZ='NZST-12NZDT,M9.5.0,M4.1.0/3'</code></pre>
968    <p>
969    This POSIX.1-2017 <code>TZ</code> string is hard to remember, and
970    mishandles some timestamps before 2008.
971    With this package you can use this instead:
972    </p>
974    <pre><code>TZ='Pacific/Auckland'</code></pre>
975  </li>
976  <li>
977    POSIX does not define the <abbr>DST</abbr> transitions
978    for <code>TZ</code> values like
979    "<code>EST5EDT</code>".
980    Traditionally the current <abbr>US</abbr> <abbr>DST</abbr> rules
981    were used to interpret such values, but this meant that the
982    <abbr>US</abbr> <abbr>DST</abbr> rules were compiled into each
983    time conversion package, and when
984    <abbr>US</abbr> time conversion rules changed (as in the United
985    States in 1987 and again in 2007), all packages that
986    interpreted <code>TZ</code> values had to be updated
987    to ensure proper results.
988  </li>
989  <li>
990    The <code>TZ</code> environment variable is process-global, which
991    makes it hard to write efficient, thread-safe applications that
992    need access to multiple timezones.
993  </li>
994  <li>
995    In POSIX, there is no tamper-proof way for a process to learn the
996    system's best idea of local (wall clock) time.
997    This is important for applications that an administrator wants
998    used only at certain times &ndash; without regard to whether the
999    user has fiddled the
1000    <code>TZ</code> environment variable.
1001    While an administrator can "do everything in <abbr>UT</abbr>" to
1002    get around the problem, doing so is inconvenient and precludes
1003    handling daylight saving time shifts &ndash; as might be required to
1004    limit phone calls to off-peak hours.
1005  </li>
1006  <li>
1007    POSIX.1-2017 provides no convenient and efficient way to determine
1008    the <abbr>UT</abbr> offset and time zone abbreviation of arbitrary
1009    timestamps, particularly for timezones
1010    that do not fit into the POSIX model.
1011  </li>
1012  <li>
1013    POSIX requires that <code>time_t</code> clock counts exclude leap
1014    seconds.
1015  </li>
1016  <li>
1017    The <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> code attempts to support all the
1018    <code>time_t</code> implementations allowed by POSIX.
1019    The <code>time_t</code> type represents a nonnegative count of seconds
1020    since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 <abbr>UTC</abbr>, ignoring leap seconds.
1021    In practice, <code>time_t</code> is usually a signed 64- or 32-bit
1022    integer; 32-bit signed <code>time_t</code> values stop working after
1023    2038-01-19 03:14:07 <abbr>UTC</abbr>, so new implementations these
1024    days typically use a signed 64-bit integer.
1025    Unsigned 32-bit integers are used on one or two platforms, and 36-bit
1026    and 40-bit integers are also used occasionally.
1027    Although earlier POSIX versions allowed <code>time_t</code> to be a
1028    floating-point type, this was not supported by any practical system,
1029    and POSIX.1-2013 and the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> code both
1030    require <code>time_t</code> to be an integer type.
1031  </li>
1034<h3 id="POSIX-extensions">Extensions to POSIX.1-2017 in the
1035<code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> code</h3>
1037  <li>
1038    <p>
1039    The <code>TZ</code> environment variable is used in generating
1040    the name of a file from which time-related information is read
1041    (or is interpreted à la POSIX.1-2017); <code>TZ</code> is no longer
1042    constrained to be a string containing abbreviations
1043    and numeric data as described <a href="#POSIX">above</a>.
1044    The file's format is <dfn><abbr>TZif</abbr></dfn>,
1045    a timezone information format that contains binary data; see
1046    <a href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/8536">Internet
1047    <abbr>RFC</abbr> 8536</a>.
1048    The daylight saving time rules to be used for a
1049    particular timezone are encoded in the
1050    <abbr>TZif</abbr> file; the format of the file allows <abbr>US</abbr>,
1051    Australian, and other rules to be encoded, and
1052    allows for situations where more than two time zone
1053    abbreviations are used.
1054    </p>
1055    <p>
1056    It was recognized that allowing the <code>TZ</code> environment
1057    variable to take on values such as '<code>America/New_York</code>'
1058    might cause "old" programs (that expect <code>TZ</code> to have a
1059    certain form) to operate incorrectly; consideration was given to using
1060    some other environment variable (for example, <code>TIMEZONE</code>)
1061    to hold the string used to generate the <abbr>TZif</abbr> file's name.
1062    In the end, however, it was decided to continue using
1063    <code>TZ</code>: it is widely used for time zone purposes;
1064    separately maintaining both <code>TZ</code>
1065    and <code>TIMEZONE</code> seemed a nuisance; and systems where
1066    "new" forms of <code>TZ</code> might cause problems can simply
1067    use legacy <code>TZ</code> values such as "<code>EST5EDT</code>" which
1068    can be used by "new" programs as well as by "old" programs that
1069    assume pre-POSIX <code>TZ</code> values.
1070    </p>
1071  </li>
1072  <li>
1073    The code supports platforms with a <abbr>UT</abbr> offset member
1074    in <code>struct tm</code>, e.g., <code>tm_gmtoff</code>,
1075    or with a time zone abbreviation member in
1076    <code>struct tm</code>, e.g., <code>tm_zone</code>. As noted
1077    in <a href="https://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=1533">Austin
1078    Group defect 1533</a>, a future version of POSIX is planned to
1079    require <code>tm_gmtoff</code> and <code>tm_zone</code>.
1080  </li>
1081  <li>
1082    Functions <code>tzalloc</code>, <code>tzfree</code>,
1083    <code>localtime_rz</code>, and <code>mktime_z</code> for
1084    more-efficient thread-safe applications that need to use multiple
1085    timezones.
1086    The <code>tzalloc</code> and <code>tzfree</code> functions
1087    allocate and free objects of type <code>timezone_t</code>,
1088    and <code>localtime_rz</code> and <code>mktime_z</code> are
1089    like <code>localtime_r</code> and <code>mktime</code> with an
1090    extra <code>timezone_t</code> argument.
1091    The functions were inspired by <a href="https://netbsd.org/">NetBSD</a>.
1092  </li>
1093  <li>
1094    Negative <code>time_t</code> values are supported, on systems
1095    where <code>time_t</code> is signed.
1096  </li>
1097  <li>
1098    These functions can account for leap seconds;
1099    see <a href="#leapsec">Leap seconds</a> below.
1100  </li>
1103<h3 id="vestigial">POSIX features no longer needed</h3>
1105POSIX and <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_C"><abbr>ISO</abbr> C</a>
1106define some <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/API"><abbr
1107title="application programming interface">API</abbr>s</a> that are vestigial:
1108they are not needed, and are relics of a too-simple model that does
1109not suffice to handle many real-world timestamps.
1110Although the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> code supports these
1111vestigial <abbr>API</abbr>s for backwards compatibility, they should
1112be avoided in portable applications.
1113The vestigial <abbr>API</abbr>s are:
1116  <li>
1117    The POSIX <code>tzname</code> variable does not suffice and is no
1118    longer needed.
1119    To get a timestamp's time zone abbreviation, consult
1120    the <code>tm_zone</code> member if available; otherwise,
1121    use <code>strftime</code>'s <code>"%Z"</code> conversion
1122    specification.
1123  </li>
1124  <li>
1125    The POSIX <code>daylight</code> and <code>timezone</code>
1126    variables do not suffice and are no longer needed.
1127    To get a timestamp's <abbr>UT</abbr> offset, consult
1128    the <code>tm_gmtoff</code> member if available; otherwise,
1129    subtract values returned by <code>localtime</code>
1130    and <code>gmtime</code> using the rules of the Gregorian calendar,
1131    or use <code>strftime</code>'s <code>"%z"</code> conversion
1132    specification if a string like <code>"+0900"</code> suffices.
1133  </li>
1134  <li>
1135    The <code>tm_isdst</code> member is almost never needed and most of
1136    its uses should be discouraged in favor of the abovementioned
1137    <abbr>API</abbr>s.
1138    Although it can still be used in arguments to
1139    <code>mktime</code> to disambiguate timestamps near
1140    a <abbr>DST</abbr> transition when the clock jumps back on
1141    platforms lacking <code>tm_gmtoff</code>, this
1142    disambiguation does not work when standard time itself jumps back,
1143    which can occur when a location changes to a time zone with a
1144    lesser <abbr>UT</abbr> offset.
1145  </li>
1148<h3 id="other-portability">Other portability notes</h3>
1150  <li>
1151    The <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Version_7_Unix">7th Edition
1152    UNIX</a> <code>timezone</code> function is not present in this
1153    package; it is impossible to reliably map <code>timezone</code>'s
1154    arguments (a "minutes west of <abbr>GMT</abbr>" value and a
1155    "daylight saving time in effect" flag) to a time zone
1156    abbreviation, and we refuse to guess.
1157    Programs that in the past used the <code>timezone</code> function
1158    may now examine <code>localtime(&amp;clock)-&gt;tm_zone</code>
1159    (if <code>TM_ZONE</code> is defined) or
1160    <code>tzname[localtime(&amp;clock)-&gt;tm_isdst]</code>
1161    (if <code>HAVE_TZNAME</code> is nonzero) to learn the correct time
1162    zone abbreviation to use.
1163  </li>
1164  <li>
1165    The <a
1166    href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Berkeley_Software_Distribution#4.2BSD"><abbr>4.2BSD</abbr></a>
1167    <code>gettimeofday</code> function is not
1168    used in this package.
1169    This formerly let users obtain the current <abbr>UTC</abbr> offset
1170    and <abbr>DST</abbr> flag, but this functionality was removed in
1171    later versions of <abbr>BSD</abbr>.
1172  </li>
1173  <li>
1174    In <abbr>SVR2</abbr>, time conversion fails for near-minimum or
1175    near-maximum <code>time_t</code> values when doing conversions
1176    for places that do not use <abbr>UT</abbr>.
1177    This package takes care to do these conversions correctly.
1178    A comment in the source code tells how to get compatibly wrong
1179    results.
1180  </li>
1181  <li>
1182    The functions that are conditionally compiled
1183    if <code>STD_INSPIRED</code> is nonzero should, at this point, be
1184    looked on primarily as food for thought.
1185    They are not in any sense "standard compatible" &ndash; some are
1186    not, in fact, specified in <em>any</em> standard.
1187    They do, however, represent responses of various authors to
1188    standardization proposals.
1189  </li>
1190  <li>
1191    Other time conversion proposals, in particular those supported by the
1192    <a href="https://howardhinnant.github.io/date/tz.html">Time Zone
1193    Database Parser</a>, offer a wider selection of functions
1194    that provide capabilities beyond those provided here.
1195    The absence of such functions from this package is not meant to
1196    discourage the development, standardization, or use of such
1197    functions.
1198    Rather, their absence reflects the decision to make this package
1199    contain valid extensions to POSIX, to ensure its broad
1200    acceptability.
1201    If more powerful time conversion functions can be standardized, so
1202    much the better.
1203  </li>
1208  <h2 id="stability">Interface stability</h2>
1210The <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> code and data supply the following interfaces:
1214  <li>
1215    A set of timezone names as per
1216      "<a href="#naming">Timezone identifiers</a>" above.
1217  </li>
1218  <li>
1219    Library functions described in "<a href="#functions">Time and date
1220      functions</a>" above.
1221  </li>
1222  <li>
1223    The programs <code>tzselect</code>, <code>zdump</code>,
1224    and <code>zic</code>, documented in their man pages.
1225  </li>
1226  <li>
1227    The format of <code>zic</code> input files, documented in
1228    the <code>zic</code> man page.
1229  </li>
1230  <li>
1231    The format of <code>zic</code> output files, documented in
1232    the <code>tzfile</code> man page.
1233  </li>
1234  <li>
1235    The format of zone table files, documented in <code>zone1970.tab</code>.
1236  </li>
1237  <li>
1238    The format of the country code file, documented in <code>iso3166.tab</code>.
1239  </li>
1240  <li>
1241    The version number of the code and data, as the first line of
1242    the text file '<code>version</code>' in each release.
1243  </li>
1247Interface changes in a release attempt to preserve compatibility with
1248recent releases.
1249For example, <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> data files typically do not
1250rely on recently added <code>zic</code> features, so that users can
1251run older <code>zic</code> versions to process newer data files.
1252<a href="tz-link.html#download">Downloading
1253the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database</a> describes how releases
1254are tagged and distributed.
1258Interfaces not listed above are less stable.
1259For example, users should not rely on particular <abbr>UT</abbr>
1260offsets or abbreviations for timestamps, as data entries are often
1261based on guesswork and these guesses may be corrected or improved.
1265Timezone boundaries are not part of the stable interface.
1266For example, even though the <samp>Asia/Bangkok</samp> timezone
1267currently includes Chang Mai, Hanoi, and Phnom Penh, this is not part
1268of the stable interface and the timezone can split at any time.
1269If a calendar application records a future event in some location other
1270than Bangkok by putting "<samp>Asia/Bangkok</samp>" in the event's record,
1271the application should be robust in the presence of timezone splits
1272between now and the future time.
1277  <h2 id="leapsec">Leap seconds</h2>
1279Leap seconds were introduced in 1972 to accommodate the
1280difference between atomic time and the less regular rotation of the earth.
1281Unfortunately they caused so many problems with civil
1282timekeeping that they
1283are <a href="https://www.bipm.org/en/cgpm-2022/resolution-4">planned
1284to be discontinued by 2035</a>, with some as-yet-undetermined
1285mechanism replacing them, perhaps after the year 2135.
1286Despite their impending obsolescence, a record of leap seconds is still
1287needed to resolve timestamps from 1972 through 2035.
1291The <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> code and data can account for leap seconds,
1292thanks to code contributed by Bradley White.
1293However, the leap second support of this package is rarely used directly
1294because POSIX requires leap seconds to be excluded and many
1295software packages would mishandle leap seconds if they were present.
1296Instead, leap seconds are more commonly handled by occasionally adjusting
1297the operating system kernel clock as described in
1298<a href="tz-link.html#precision">Precision timekeeping</a>,
1299and this package by default installs a <samp>leapseconds</samp> file
1300commonly used by
1301<a href="https://www.ntp.org"><abbr title="Network Time Protocol">NTP</abbr></a>
1302software that adjusts the kernel clock.
1303However, kernel-clock twiddling approximates UTC only roughly,
1304and systems needing more precise UTC can use this package's leap
1305second support directly.
1309The directly supported mechanism assumes that <code>time_t</code>
1310counts of seconds since the POSIX epoch normally include leap seconds,
1311as opposed to POSIX <code>time_t</code> counts which exclude leap seconds.
1312This modified timescale is converted to <abbr>UTC</abbr>
1313at the same point that time zone and <abbr>DST</abbr>
1314adjustments are applied &ndash;
1315namely, at calls to <code>localtime</code> and analogous functions &ndash;
1316and the process is driven by leap second information
1317stored in alternate versions of the <abbr>TZif</abbr> files.
1318Because a leap second adjustment may be needed even
1319if no time zone correction is desired,
1320calls to <code>gmtime</code>-like functions
1321also need to consult a <abbr>TZif</abbr> file,
1322conventionally named <samp><abbr>Etc/UTC</abbr></samp>
1323(<samp><abbr>GMT</abbr></samp> in previous versions),
1324to see whether leap second corrections are needed.
1325To convert an application's <code>time_t</code> timestamps to or from
1326POSIX <code>time_t</code> timestamps (for use when, say,
1327embedding or interpreting timestamps in portable
1328<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tar_(computing)"><code>tar</code></a>
1330the application can call the utility functions
1331<code>time2posix</code> and <code>posix2time</code>
1332included with this package.
1336If the POSIX-compatible <abbr>TZif</abbr> file set is installed
1337in a directory whose basename is <samp>zoneinfo</samp>, the
1338leap-second-aware file set is by default installed in a separate
1339directory <samp>zoneinfo-leaps</samp>.
1340Although each process can have its own time zone by setting
1341its <code>TZ</code> environment variable, there is no support for some
1342processes being leap-second aware while other processes are
1343POSIX-compatible; the leap-second choice is system-wide.
1344So if you configure your kernel to count leap seconds, you should also
1345discard <samp>zoneinfo</samp> and rename <samp>zoneinfo-leaps</samp>
1346to <samp>zoneinfo</samp>.
1347Alternatively, you can install just one set of <abbr>TZif</abbr> files
1348in the first place; see the <code>REDO</code> variable in this package's
1349<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makefile">makefile</a>.
1354  <h2 id="calendar">Calendrical issues</h2>
1356Calendrical issues are a bit out of scope for a time zone database,
1357but they indicate the sort of problems that we would run into if we
1358extended the time zone database further into the past.
1359An excellent resource in this area is Edward M. Reingold
1360and Nachum Dershowitz, <cite><a
1362Calculations: The Ultimate Edition</a></cite>, Cambridge University Press (2018).
1363Other information and sources are given in the file '<code>calendars</code>'
1364in the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> distribution.
1365They sometimes disagree.
1370  <h2 id="planets">Time and time zones off Earth</h2>
1372The European Space Agency is <a
1374the establishment of a reference timescale for the Moon, which has
1375days roughly equivalent to 29.5 Earth days, and where relativistic
1376effects cause clocks to tick slightly faster than on Earth.
1380Some people's work schedules have used
1381<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timekeeping_on_Mars">Mars time</a>.
1382Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) coordinators kept Mars time on
1383and off during the
1384<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_Pathfinder">Mars
1385Pathfinder</a> mission (1997).
1386Some of their family members also adapted to Mars time.
1387Dozens of special Mars watches were built for JPL workers who kept
1388Mars time during the
1389<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_Exploration_Rover">Mars
1390Exploration Rovers (MER)</a> mission (2004&ndash;2018).
1391These timepieces looked like normal Seikos and Citizens but were adjusted
1392to use Mars seconds rather than terrestrial seconds, although
1393unfortunately the adjusted watches were unreliable and appear to have
1394had only limited use.
1398A Mars solar day is called a "sol" and has a mean period equal to
1399about 24 hours 39 minutes 35.244 seconds in terrestrial time.
1400It is divided into a conventional 24-hour clock, so each Mars second
1401equals about 1.02749125 terrestrial seconds.
1402(One MER worker noted, "If I am working Mars hours, and Mars hours are
14032.5% more than Earth hours, shouldn't I get an extra 2.5% pay raise?")
1407The <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_meridian">prime
1408meridian</a> of Mars goes through the center of the crater
1409<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airy-0">Airy-0</a>, named in
1410honor of the British astronomer who built the Greenwich telescope that
1411defines Earth's prime meridian.
1412Mean solar time on the Mars prime meridian is
1413called Mars Coordinated Time (<abbr>MTC</abbr>).
1417Each landed mission on Mars has adopted a different reference for
1418solar timekeeping, so there is no real standard for Mars time zones.
1419For example, the MER mission defined two time zones "Local
1420Solar Time A" and "Local Solar Time B" for its two missions, each zone
1421designed so that its time equals local true solar time at
1422approximately the middle of the nominal mission.
1423The A and B zones differ enough so that an MER worker assigned to
1424the A zone might suffer "Mars lag" when switching to work in the B zone.
1425Such a "time zone" is not particularly suited for any application
1426other than the mission itself.
1430Many calendars have been proposed for Mars, but none have achieved
1431wide acceptance.
1432Astronomers often use Mars Sol Date (<abbr>MSD</abbr>) which is a
1433sequential count of Mars solar days elapsed since about 1873-12-29
143412:00 <abbr>GMT</abbr>.
1438In our solar system, Mars is the planet with time and calendar most
1439like Earth's.
1440On other planets, Sun-based time and calendars would work quite
1442For example, although Mercury's
1443<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_period">sidereal
1444rotation period</a> is 58.646 Earth days, Mercury revolves around the
1445Sun so rapidly that an observer on Mercury's equator would see a
1446sunrise only every 175.97 Earth days, i.e., a Mercury year is 0.5 of a
1447Mercury day.
1448Venus is more complicated, partly because its rotation is slightly
1449<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retrograde_motion">retrograde</a>:
1450its year is 1.92 of its days.
1451Gas giants like Jupiter are trickier still, as their polar and
1452equatorial regions rotate at different rates, so that the length of a
1453day depends on latitude.
1454This effect is most pronounced on Neptune, where the day is about 12
1455hours at the poles and 18 hours at the equator.
1459Although the <code><abbr>tz</abbr></code> database does not support
1460time on other planets, it is documented here in the hopes that support
1461will be added eventually.
1465Sources for time on other planets:
1469  <li>
1470    Michael Allison and Robert Schmunk,
1471    "<a href="https://www.giss.nasa.gov/tools/mars24/help/notes.html">Technical
1472      Notes on Mars Solar Time as Adopted by the Mars24 Sunclock</a>"
1473    (2020-03-08).
1474  </li>
1475  <li>
1476    Zara Mirmalek,
1477    <em><a href="https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/making-time-mars">Making
1478	Time on Mars</a></em>, MIT Press (March 2020), ISBN 978-0262043854.
1479  </li>
1480  <li>
1481    Jia-Rui Chong,
1482    "<a href="https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2004-jan-14-sci-marstime14-story.html">Workdays
1483    Fit for a Martian</a>", <cite>Los Angeles Times</cite>
1484    (2004-01-14), pp A1, A20&ndash;A21.
1485  </li>
1486  <li>
1487    Tom Chmielewski,
1488    "<a href="https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2015/02/jet-lag-is-worse-on-mars/386033/">Jet
1489    Lag Is Worse on Mars</a>", <cite>The Atlantic</cite> (2015-02-26)
1490  </li>
1491  <li>
1492    Matt Williams,
1493    "<a href="https://www.universetoday.com/37481/days-of-the-planets/">How
1494    long is a day on the other planets of the solar system?</a>"
1495    (2016-01-20).
1496  </li>
1501  <hr>
1502  This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of 2009-05-17 by
1503  Arthur David Olson.