xref: /freebsd/contrib/sendmail/src/mci.c (revision 7660b554bc59a07be0431c17e0e33815818baa69)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1998-2003 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers.
3  *	All rights reserved.
4  * Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Eric P. Allman.  All rights reserved.
5  * Copyright (c) 1988, 1993
6  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
7  *
8  * By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set
9  * forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of
10  * the sendmail distribution.
11  *
12  * $FreeBSD$
13  */
15 #include <sendmail.h>
17 SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: mci.c,v 2003/03/31 17:35:27 ca Exp $")
20 # include <arpa/inet.h>
21 #endif /* NETINET || NETINET6 */
23 #include <dirent.h>
25 static int	mci_generate_persistent_path __P((const char *, char *,
26 						  int, bool));
27 static bool	mci_load_persistent __P((MCI *));
28 static void	mci_uncache __P((MCI **, bool));
29 static int	mci_lock_host_statfile __P((MCI *));
30 static int	mci_read_persistent __P((SM_FILE_T *, MCI *));
32 /*
33 **  Mail Connection Information (MCI) Caching Module.
34 **
35 **	There are actually two separate things cached.  The first is
36 **	the set of all open connections -- these are stored in a
37 **	(small) list.  The second is stored in the symbol table; it
38 **	has the overall status for all hosts, whether or not there
39 **	is a connection open currently.
40 **
41 **	There should never be too many connections open (since this
42 **	could flood the socket table), nor should a connection be
43 **	allowed to sit idly for too long.
44 **
45 **	MaxMciCache is the maximum number of open connections that
46 **	will be supported.
47 **
48 **	MciCacheTimeout is the time (in seconds) that a connection
49 **	is permitted to survive without activity.
50 **
51 **	We actually try any cached connections by sending a NOOP
52 **	before we use them; if the NOOP fails we close down the
53 **	connection and reopen it.  Note that this means that a
54 **	server SMTP that doesn't support NOOP will hose the
55 **	algorithm -- but that doesn't seem too likely.
56 **
57 **	The persistent MCI code is donated by Mark Lovell and Paul
58 **	Vixie.  It is based on the long term host status code in KJS
59 **	written by Paul but has been adapted by Mark to fit into the
60 **	MCI structure.
61 */
63 static MCI	**MciCache;		/* the open connection cache */
65 /*
66 **  MCI_CACHE -- enter a connection structure into the open connection cache
67 **
68 **	This may cause something else to be flushed.
69 **
70 **	Parameters:
71 **		mci -- the connection to cache.
72 **
73 **	Returns:
74 **		none.
75 */
77 void
78 mci_cache(mci)
79 	register MCI *mci;
80 {
81 	register MCI **mcislot;
83 	/*
84 	**  Find the best slot.  This may cause expired connections
85 	**  to be closed.
86 	*/
88 	mcislot = mci_scan(mci);
89 	if (mcislot == NULL)
90 	{
91 		/* we don't support caching */
92 		return;
93 	}
95 	if (mci->mci_host == NULL)
96 		return;
98 	/* if this is already cached, we are done */
99 	if (bitset(MCIF_CACHED, mci->mci_flags))
100 		return;
102 	/* otherwise we may have to clear the slot */
103 	if (*mcislot != NULL)
104 		mci_uncache(mcislot, true);
106 	if (tTd(42, 5))
107 		sm_dprintf("mci_cache: caching %p (%s) in slot %d\n",
108 			   mci, mci->mci_host, (int) (mcislot - MciCache));
109 	if (tTd(91, 100))
110 		sm_syslog(LOG_DEBUG, CurEnv->e_id,
111 			  "mci_cache: caching %lx (%.100s) in slot %d",
112 			  (unsigned long) mci, mci->mci_host,
113 			  (int) (mcislot - MciCache));
115 	*mcislot = mci;
116 	mci->mci_flags |= MCIF_CACHED;
117 }
118 /*
119 **  MCI_SCAN -- scan the cache, flush junk, and return best slot
120 **
121 **	Parameters:
122 **		savemci -- never flush this one.  Can be null.
123 **
124 **	Returns:
125 **		The LRU (or empty) slot.
126 */
128 MCI **
129 mci_scan(savemci)
130 	MCI *savemci;
131 {
132 	time_t now;
133 	register MCI **bestmci;
134 	register MCI *mci;
135 	register int i;
137 	if (MaxMciCache <= 0)
138 	{
139 		/* we don't support caching */
140 		return NULL;
141 	}
143 	if (MciCache == NULL)
144 	{
145 		/* first call */
146 		MciCache = (MCI **) sm_pmalloc_x(MaxMciCache * sizeof *MciCache);
147 		memset((char *) MciCache, '\0', MaxMciCache * sizeof *MciCache);
148 		return &MciCache[0];
149 	}
151 	now = curtime();
152 	bestmci = &MciCache[0];
153 	for (i = 0; i < MaxMciCache; i++)
154 	{
155 		mci = MciCache[i];
156 		if (mci == NULL || mci->mci_state == MCIS_CLOSED)
157 		{
158 			bestmci = &MciCache[i];
159 			continue;
160 		}
161 		if ((mci->mci_lastuse + MciCacheTimeout <= now ||
162 		     (mci->mci_mailer != NULL &&
163 		      mci->mci_mailer->m_maxdeliveries > 0 &&
164 		      mci->mci_deliveries + 1 >= mci->mci_mailer->m_maxdeliveries))&&
165 		    mci != savemci)
166 		{
167 			/* connection idle too long or too many deliveries */
168 			bestmci = &MciCache[i];
170 			/* close it */
171 			mci_uncache(bestmci, true);
172 			continue;
173 		}
174 		if (*bestmci == NULL)
175 			continue;
176 		if (mci->mci_lastuse < (*bestmci)->mci_lastuse)
177 			bestmci = &MciCache[i];
178 	}
179 	return bestmci;
180 }
181 /*
182 **  MCI_UNCACHE -- remove a connection from a slot.
183 **
184 **	May close a connection.
185 **
186 **	Parameters:
187 **		mcislot -- the slot to empty.
188 **		doquit -- if true, send QUIT protocol on this connection.
189 **			  if false, we are assumed to be in a forked child;
190 **				all we want to do is close the file(s).
191 **
192 **	Returns:
193 **		none.
194 */
196 static void
197 mci_uncache(mcislot, doquit)
198 	register MCI **mcislot;
199 	bool doquit;
200 {
201 	register MCI *mci;
202 	extern ENVELOPE BlankEnvelope;
204 	mci = *mcislot;
205 	if (mci == NULL)
206 		return;
207 	*mcislot = NULL;
208 	if (mci->mci_host == NULL)
209 		return;
211 	mci_unlock_host(mci);
213 	if (tTd(42, 5))
214 		sm_dprintf("mci_uncache: uncaching %p (%s) from slot %d (%d)\n",
215 			   mci, mci->mci_host, (int) (mcislot - MciCache),
216 			   doquit);
217 	if (tTd(91, 100))
218 		sm_syslog(LOG_DEBUG, CurEnv->e_id,
219 			  "mci_uncache: uncaching %lx (%.100s) from slot %d (%d)",
220 			  (unsigned long) mci, mci->mci_host,
221 			  (int) (mcislot - MciCache), doquit);
223 	mci->mci_deliveries = 0;
224 	if (doquit)
225 	{
226 		message("Closing connection to %s", mci->mci_host);
228 		mci->mci_flags &= ~MCIF_CACHED;
230 		/* only uses the envelope to flush the transcript file */
231 		if (mci->mci_state != MCIS_CLOSED)
232 			smtpquit(mci->mci_mailer, mci, &BlankEnvelope);
233 #if XLA
234 		xla_host_end(mci->mci_host);
235 #endif /* XLA */
236 	}
237 	else
238 	{
239 		if (mci->mci_in != NULL)
240 			(void) sm_io_close(mci->mci_in, SM_TIME_DEFAULT);
241 		if (mci->mci_out != NULL)
242 			(void) sm_io_close(mci->mci_out, SM_TIME_DEFAULT);
243 		mci->mci_in = mci->mci_out = NULL;
244 		mci->mci_state = MCIS_CLOSED;
245 		mci->mci_exitstat = EX_OK;
246 		mci->mci_errno = 0;
247 		mci->mci_flags = 0;
249 		mci->mci_retryrcpt = false;
250 		mci->mci_tolist = NULL;
252 		mci->mci_okrcpts = 0;
253 #endif /* PIPELINING */
254 	}
256 	SM_FREE_CLR(mci->mci_status);
257 	SM_FREE_CLR(mci->mci_rstatus);
258 	SM_FREE_CLR(mci->mci_heloname);
259 	if (mci->mci_rpool != NULL)
260 	{
261 		sm_rpool_free(mci->mci_rpool);
262 		mci->mci_macro.mac_rpool = NULL;
263 		mci->mci_rpool = NULL;
264 	}
265 }
266 /*
267 **  MCI_FLUSH -- flush the entire cache
268 **
269 **	Parameters:
270 **		doquit -- if true, send QUIT protocol.
271 **			  if false, just close the connection.
272 **		allbut -- but leave this one open.
273 **
274 **	Returns:
275 **		none.
276 */
278 void
279 mci_flush(doquit, allbut)
280 	bool doquit;
281 	MCI *allbut;
282 {
283 	register int i;
285 	if (MciCache == NULL)
286 		return;
288 	for (i = 0; i < MaxMciCache; i++)
289 	{
290 		if (allbut != MciCache[i])
291 			mci_uncache(&MciCache[i], doquit);
292 	}
293 }
294 /*
295 **  MCI_GET -- get information about a particular host
296 **
297 **	Parameters:
298 **		host -- host to look for.
299 **		m -- mailer.
300 **
301 **	Returns:
302 **		mci for this host (might be new).
303 */
305 MCI *
306 mci_get(host, m)
307 	char *host;
308 	MAILER *m;
309 {
310 	register MCI *mci;
311 	register STAB *s;
312 	extern SOCKADDR CurHostAddr;
314 	/* clear CurHostAddr so we don't get a bogus address with this name */
315 	memset(&CurHostAddr, '\0', sizeof CurHostAddr);
317 	/* clear out any expired connections */
318 	(void) mci_scan(NULL);
320 	if (m->m_mno < 0)
321 		syserr("!negative mno %d (%s)", m->m_mno, m->m_name);
323 	s = stab(host, ST_MCI + m->m_mno, ST_ENTER);
324 	mci = &s->s_mci;
326 	/* initialize per-message data */
327 	mci->mci_retryrcpt = false;
328 	mci->mci_tolist = NULL;
330 	mci->mci_okrcpts = 0;
331 #endif /* PIPELINING */
333 	if (mci->mci_rpool == NULL)
334 		mci->mci_rpool = sm_rpool_new_x(NULL);
336 	if (mci->mci_macro.mac_rpool == NULL)
337 		mci->mci_macro.mac_rpool = mci->mci_rpool;
339 	/*
340 	**  We don't need to load the persistent data if we have data
341 	**  already loaded in the cache.
342 	*/
344 	if (mci->mci_host == NULL &&
345 	    (mci->mci_host = s->s_name) != NULL &&
346 	    !mci_load_persistent(mci))
347 	{
348 		if (tTd(42, 2))
349 			sm_dprintf("mci_get(%s %s): lock failed\n",
350 				host, m->m_name);
351 		mci->mci_exitstat = EX_TEMPFAIL;
352 		mci->mci_state = MCIS_CLOSED;
353 		mci->mci_statfile = NULL;
354 		return mci;
355 	}
357 	if (tTd(42, 2))
358 	{
359 		sm_dprintf("mci_get(%s %s): mci_state=%d, _flags=%lx, _exitstat=%d, _errno=%d\n",
360 			host, m->m_name, mci->mci_state, mci->mci_flags,
361 			mci->mci_exitstat, mci->mci_errno);
362 	}
364 	if (mci->mci_state == MCIS_OPEN)
365 	{
366 		/* poke the connection to see if it's still alive */
367 		(void) smtpprobe(mci);
369 		/* reset the stored state in the event of a timeout */
370 		if (mci->mci_state != MCIS_OPEN)
371 		{
372 			mci->mci_errno = 0;
373 			mci->mci_exitstat = EX_OK;
374 			mci->mci_state = MCIS_CLOSED;
375 		}
376 		else
377 		{
378 			/* get peer host address */
379 			/* (this should really be in the mci struct) */
380 			SOCKADDR_LEN_T socklen = sizeof CurHostAddr;
382 			(void) getpeername(sm_io_getinfo(mci->mci_in,
383 							 SM_IO_WHAT_FD, NULL),
384 				(struct sockaddr *) &CurHostAddr, &socklen);
385 		}
386 	}
387 	if (mci->mci_state == MCIS_CLOSED)
388 	{
389 		time_t now = curtime();
391 		/* if this info is stale, ignore it */
392 		if (mci->mci_lastuse + MciInfoTimeout <= now)
393 		{
394 			mci->mci_lastuse = now;
395 			mci->mci_errno = 0;
396 			mci->mci_exitstat = EX_OK;
397 		}
398 	}
400 	return mci;
401 }
402 /*
403 **  MCI_NEW -- allocate new MCI structure
404 **
405 **	Parameters:
406 **		rpool -- if non-NULL: allocate from that rpool.
407 **
408 **	Returns:
409 **		mci (new).
410 */
412 MCI *
413 mci_new(rpool)
414 	SM_RPOOL_T *rpool;
415 {
416 	register MCI *mci;
418 	if (rpool == NULL)
419 		mci = (MCI *) sm_malloc_x(sizeof *mci);
420 	else
421 		mci = (MCI *) sm_rpool_malloc_x(rpool, sizeof *mci);
422 	memset((char *) mci, '\0', sizeof *mci);
423 	mci->mci_rpool = sm_rpool_new_x(NULL);
424 	mci->mci_macro.mac_rpool = mci->mci_rpool;
425 	return mci;
426 }
427 /*
428 **  MCI_MATCH -- check connection cache for a particular host
429 **
430 **	Parameters:
431 **		host -- host to look for.
432 **		m -- mailer.
433 **
434 **	Returns:
435 **		true iff open connection exists.
436 */
438 bool
439 mci_match(host, m)
440 	char *host;
441 	MAILER *m;
442 {
443 	register MCI *mci;
444 	register STAB *s;
446 	if (m->m_mno < 0 || m->m_mno > MAXMAILERS)
447 		return false;
448 	s = stab(host, ST_MCI + m->m_mno, ST_FIND);
449 	if (s == NULL)
450 		return false;
452 	mci = &s->s_mci;
453 	return mci->mci_state == MCIS_OPEN;
454 }
455 /*
456 **  MCI_SETSTAT -- set status codes in MCI structure.
457 **
458 **	Parameters:
459 **		mci -- the MCI structure to set.
460 **		xstat -- the exit status code.
461 **		dstat -- the DSN status code.
462 **		rstat -- the SMTP status code.
463 **
464 **	Returns:
465 **		none.
466 */
468 void
469 mci_setstat(mci, xstat, dstat, rstat)
470 	MCI *mci;
471 	int xstat;
472 	char *dstat;
473 	char *rstat;
474 {
475 	/* protocol errors should never be interpreted as sticky */
476 	if (xstat != EX_NOTSTICKY && xstat != EX_PROTOCOL)
477 		mci->mci_exitstat = xstat;
479 	SM_FREE_CLR(mci->mci_status);
480 	if (dstat != NULL)
481 		mci->mci_status = sm_strdup_x(dstat);
483 	SM_FREE_CLR(mci->mci_rstatus);
484 	if (rstat != NULL)
485 		mci->mci_rstatus = sm_strdup_x(rstat);
486 }
487 /*
488 **  MCI_DUMP -- dump the contents of an MCI structure.
489 **
490 **	Parameters:
491 **		mci -- the MCI structure to dump.
492 **
493 **	Returns:
494 **		none.
495 **
496 **	Side Effects:
497 **		none.
498 */
500 struct mcifbits
501 {
502 	int	mcif_bit;	/* flag bit */
503 	char	*mcif_name;	/* flag name */
504 };
505 static struct mcifbits	MciFlags[] =
506 {
507 	{ MCIF_VALID,		"VALID"		},
508 	{ MCIF_CACHED,		"CACHED"	},
509 	{ MCIF_ESMTP,		"ESMTP"		},
510 	{ MCIF_EXPN,		"EXPN"		},
511 	{ MCIF_SIZE,		"SIZE"		},
513 	{ MCIF_7BIT,		"7BIT"		},
515 	{ MCIF_CVT8TO7,		"CVT8TO7"	},
516 	{ MCIF_DSN,		"DSN"		},
517 	{ MCIF_8BITOK,		"8BITOK"	},
518 	{ MCIF_CVT7TO8,		"CVT7TO8"	},
519 	{ MCIF_INMIME,		"INMIME"	},
520 	{ MCIF_AUTH,		"AUTH"		},
524 #if STARTTLS
525 	{ MCIF_TLS,		"TLS"		},
526 	{ MCIF_TLSACT,		"TLSACT"	},
527 #endif /* STARTTLS */
528 	{ MCIF_DLVR_BY,		"DLVR_BY"	},
529 	{ 0,			NULL		}
530 };
532 void
533 mci_dump(mci, logit)
534 	register MCI *mci;
535 	bool logit;
536 {
537 	register char *p;
538 	char *sep;
539 	char buf[4000];
541 	sep = logit ? " " : "\n\t";
542 	p = buf;
543 	(void) sm_snprintf(p, SPACELEFT(buf, p), "MCI@%p: ", mci);
544 	p += strlen(p);
545 	if (mci == NULL)
546 	{
547 		(void) sm_snprintf(p, SPACELEFT(buf, p), "NULL");
548 		goto printit;
549 	}
550 	(void) sm_snprintf(p, SPACELEFT(buf, p), "flags=%lx", mci->mci_flags);
551 	p += strlen(p);
553 	/*
554 	**  The following check is just for paranoia.  It protects the
555 	**  assignment in the if() clause. If there's not some minimum
556 	**  amount of space we can stop right now. The check will not
557 	**  trigger as long as sizeof(buf)=4000.
558 	*/
560 	if (p >= buf + sizeof(buf) - 4)
561 		goto printit;
562 	if (mci->mci_flags != 0)
563 	{
564 		struct mcifbits *f;
566 		*p++ = '<';	/* protected above */
567 		for (f = MciFlags; f->mcif_bit != 0; f++)
568 		{
569 			if (!bitset(f->mcif_bit, mci->mci_flags))
570 				continue;
571 			(void) sm_strlcpyn(p, SPACELEFT(buf, p), 2,
572 					   f->mcif_name, ",");
573 			p += strlen(p);
574 		}
575 		p[-1] = '>';
576 	}
578 	/* Note: sm_snprintf() takes care of NULL arguments for %s */
579 	(void) sm_snprintf(p, SPACELEFT(buf, p),
580 		",%serrno=%d, herrno=%d, exitstat=%d, state=%d, pid=%d,%s",
581 		sep, mci->mci_errno, mci->mci_herrno,
582 		mci->mci_exitstat, mci->mci_state, (int) mci->mci_pid, sep);
583 	p += strlen(p);
584 	(void) sm_snprintf(p, SPACELEFT(buf, p),
585 		"maxsize=%ld, phase=%s, mailer=%s,%s",
586 		mci->mci_maxsize, mci->mci_phase,
587 		mci->mci_mailer == NULL ? "NULL" : mci->mci_mailer->m_name,
588 		sep);
589 	p += strlen(p);
590 	(void) sm_snprintf(p, SPACELEFT(buf, p),
591 		"status=%s, rstatus=%s,%s",
592 		mci->mci_status, mci->mci_rstatus, sep);
593 	p += strlen(p);
594 	(void) sm_snprintf(p, SPACELEFT(buf, p),
595 		"host=%s, lastuse=%s",
596 		mci->mci_host, ctime(&mci->mci_lastuse));
597 printit:
598 	if (logit)
599 		sm_syslog(LOG_DEBUG, CurEnv->e_id, "%.1000s", buf);
600 	else
601 		(void) sm_io_fprintf(smioout, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, "%s\n", buf);
602 }
603 /*
604 **  MCI_DUMP_ALL -- print the entire MCI cache
605 **
606 **	Parameters:
607 **		logit -- if set, log the result instead of printing
608 **			to stdout.
609 **
610 **	Returns:
611 **		none.
612 */
614 void
615 mci_dump_all(logit)
616 	bool logit;
617 {
618 	register int i;
620 	if (MciCache == NULL)
621 		return;
623 	for (i = 0; i < MaxMciCache; i++)
624 		mci_dump(MciCache[i], logit);
625 }
626 /*
627 **  MCI_LOCK_HOST -- Lock host while sending.
628 **
629 **	If we are contacting a host, we'll need to
630 **	update the status information in the host status
631 **	file, and if we want to do that, we ought to have
632 **	locked it. This has the (according to some)
633 **	desirable effect of serializing connectivity with
634 **	remote hosts -- i.e.: one connection to a given
635 **	host at a time.
636 **
637 **	Parameters:
638 **		mci -- containing the host we want to lock.
639 **
640 **	Returns:
641 **		EX_OK	    -- got the lock.
642 **		EX_TEMPFAIL -- didn't get the lock.
643 */
645 int
646 mci_lock_host(mci)
647 	MCI *mci;
648 {
649 	if (mci == NULL)
650 	{
651 		if (tTd(56, 1))
652 			sm_dprintf("mci_lock_host: NULL mci\n");
653 		return EX_OK;
654 	}
656 	if (!SingleThreadDelivery)
657 		return EX_OK;
659 	return mci_lock_host_statfile(mci);
660 }
662 static int
663 mci_lock_host_statfile(mci)
664 	MCI *mci;
665 {
666 	int save_errno = errno;
667 	int retVal = EX_OK;
668 	char fname[MAXPATHLEN];
670 	if (HostStatDir == NULL || mci->mci_host == NULL)
671 		return EX_OK;
673 	if (tTd(56, 2))
674 		sm_dprintf("mci_lock_host: attempting to lock %s\n",
675 			   mci->mci_host);
677 	if (mci_generate_persistent_path(mci->mci_host, fname, sizeof fname,
678 					 true) < 0)
679 	{
680 		/* of course this should never happen */
681 		if (tTd(56, 2))
682 			sm_dprintf("mci_lock_host: Failed to generate host path for %s\n",
683 				   mci->mci_host);
685 		retVal = EX_TEMPFAIL;
686 		goto cleanup;
687 	}
689 	mci->mci_statfile = safefopen(fname, O_RDWR, FileMode,
692 	if (mci->mci_statfile == NULL)
693 	{
694 		syserr("mci_lock_host: cannot create host lock file %s", fname);
695 		goto cleanup;
696 	}
698 	if (!lockfile(sm_io_getinfo(mci->mci_statfile, SM_IO_WHAT_FD, NULL),
699 		      fname, "", LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB))
700 	{
701 		if (tTd(56, 2))
702 			sm_dprintf("mci_lock_host: couldn't get lock on %s\n",
703 				fname);
704 		(void) sm_io_close(mci->mci_statfile, SM_TIME_DEFAULT);
705 		mci->mci_statfile = NULL;
706 		retVal = EX_TEMPFAIL;
707 		goto cleanup;
708 	}
710 	if (tTd(56, 12) && mci->mci_statfile != NULL)
711 		sm_dprintf("mci_lock_host: Sanity check -- lock is good\n");
713 cleanup:
714 	errno = save_errno;
715 	return retVal;
716 }
717 /*
718 **  MCI_UNLOCK_HOST -- unlock host
719 **
720 **	Clean up the lock on a host, close the file, let
721 **	someone else use it.
722 **
723 **	Parameters:
724 **		mci -- us.
725 **
726 **	Returns:
727 **		nothing.
728 */
730 void
731 mci_unlock_host(mci)
732 	MCI *mci;
733 {
734 	int save_errno = errno;
736 	if (mci == NULL)
737 	{
738 		if (tTd(56, 1))
739 			sm_dprintf("mci_unlock_host: NULL mci\n");
740 		return;
741 	}
743 	if (HostStatDir == NULL || mci->mci_host == NULL)
744 		return;
746 	if (!SingleThreadDelivery && mci_lock_host_statfile(mci) == EX_TEMPFAIL)
747 	{
748 		if (tTd(56, 1))
749 			sm_dprintf("mci_unlock_host: stat file already locked\n");
750 	}
751 	else
752 	{
753 		if (tTd(56, 2))
754 			sm_dprintf("mci_unlock_host: store prior to unlock\n");
755 		mci_store_persistent(mci);
756 	}
758 	if (mci->mci_statfile != NULL)
759 	{
760 		(void) sm_io_close(mci->mci_statfile, SM_TIME_DEFAULT);
761 		mci->mci_statfile = NULL;
762 	}
764 	errno = save_errno;
765 }
766 /*
767 **  MCI_LOAD_PERSISTENT -- load persistent host info
768 **
769 **	Load information about host that is kept
770 **	in common for all running sendmails.
771 **
772 **	Parameters:
773 **		mci -- the host/connection to load persistent info for.
774 **
775 **	Returns:
776 **		true -- lock was successful
777 **		false -- lock failed
778 */
780 static bool
781 mci_load_persistent(mci)
782 	MCI *mci;
783 {
784 	int save_errno = errno;
785 	bool locked = true;
786 	SM_FILE_T *fp;
787 	char fname[MAXPATHLEN];
789 	if (mci == NULL)
790 	{
791 		if (tTd(56, 1))
792 			sm_dprintf("mci_load_persistent: NULL mci\n");
793 		return true;
794 	}
796 	if (IgnoreHostStatus || HostStatDir == NULL || mci->mci_host == NULL)
797 		return true;
799 	/* Already have the persistent information in memory */
800 	if (SingleThreadDelivery && mci->mci_statfile != NULL)
801 		return true;
803 	if (tTd(56, 1))
804 		sm_dprintf("mci_load_persistent: Attempting to load persistent information for %s\n",
805 			   mci->mci_host);
807 	if (mci_generate_persistent_path(mci->mci_host, fname, sizeof fname,
808 					 false) < 0)
809 	{
810 		/* Not much we can do if the file isn't there... */
811 		if (tTd(56, 1))
812 			sm_dprintf("mci_load_persistent: Couldn't generate host path\n");
813 		goto cleanup;
814 	}
816 	fp = safefopen(fname, O_RDONLY, FileMode,
818 	if (fp == NULL)
819 	{
820 		/* I can't think of any reason this should ever happen */
821 		if (tTd(56, 1))
822 			sm_dprintf("mci_load_persistent: open(%s): %s\n",
823 				fname, sm_errstring(errno));
824 		goto cleanup;
825 	}
827 	FileName = fname;
828 	locked = lockfile(sm_io_getinfo(fp, SM_IO_WHAT_FD, NULL), fname, "",
829 			  LOCK_SH|LOCK_NB);
830 	if (locked)
831 	{
832 		(void) mci_read_persistent(fp, mci);
833 		(void) lockfile(sm_io_getinfo(fp, SM_IO_WHAT_FD, NULL), fname,
834 				"", LOCK_UN);
835 	}
836 	FileName = NULL;
837 	(void) sm_io_close(fp, SM_TIME_DEFAULT);
839 cleanup:
840 	errno = save_errno;
841 	return locked;
842 }
843 /*
844 **  MCI_READ_PERSISTENT -- read persistent host status file
845 **
846 **	Parameters:
847 **		fp -- the file pointer to read.
848 **		mci -- the pointer to fill in.
849 **
850 **	Returns:
851 **		-1 -- if the file was corrupt.
852 **		0 -- otherwise.
853 **
854 **	Warning:
855 **		This code makes the assumption that this data
856 **		will be read in an atomic fashion, and that the data
857 **		was written in an atomic fashion.  Any other functioning
858 **		may lead to some form of insanity.  This should be
859 **		perfectly safe due to underlying stdio buffering.
860 */
862 static int
863 mci_read_persistent(fp, mci)
864 	SM_FILE_T *fp;
865 	register MCI *mci;
866 {
867 	int ver;
868 	register char *p;
869 	int saveLineNumber = LineNumber;
870 	char buf[MAXLINE];
872 	if (fp == NULL)
873 		syserr("mci_read_persistent: NULL fp");
874 	if (mci == NULL)
875 		syserr("mci_read_persistent: NULL mci");
876 	if (tTd(56, 93))
877 	{
878 		sm_dprintf("mci_read_persistent: fp=%lx, mci=",
879 			   (unsigned long) fp);
880 	}
882 	SM_FREE_CLR(mci->mci_status);
883 	SM_FREE_CLR(mci->mci_rstatus);
885 	sm_io_rewind(fp, SM_TIME_DEFAULT);
886 	ver = -1;
887 	LineNumber = 0;
888 	while (sm_io_fgets(fp, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, buf, sizeof buf) != NULL)
889 	{
890 		LineNumber++;
891 		p = strchr(buf, '\n');
892 		if (p != NULL)
893 			*p = '\0';
894 		switch (buf[0])
895 		{
896 		  case 'V':		/* version stamp */
897 			ver = atoi(&buf[1]);
898 			if (ver < 0 || ver > 0)
899 				syserr("Unknown host status version %d: %d max",
900 					ver, 0);
901 			break;
903 		  case 'E':		/* UNIX error number */
904 			mci->mci_errno = atoi(&buf[1]);
905 			break;
907 		  case 'H':		/* DNS error number */
908 			mci->mci_herrno = atoi(&buf[1]);
909 			break;
911 		  case 'S':		/* UNIX exit status */
912 			mci->mci_exitstat = atoi(&buf[1]);
913 			break;
915 		  case 'D':		/* DSN status */
916 			mci->mci_status = newstr(&buf[1]);
917 			break;
919 		  case 'R':		/* SMTP status */
920 			mci->mci_rstatus = newstr(&buf[1]);
921 			break;
923 		  case 'U':		/* last usage time */
924 			mci->mci_lastuse = atol(&buf[1]);
925 			break;
927 		  case '.':		/* end of file */
928 			if (tTd(56, 93))
929 				mci_dump(mci, false);
930 			return 0;
932 		  default:
933 			sm_syslog(LOG_CRIT, NOQID,
934 				  "%s: line %d: Unknown host status line \"%s\"",
935 				  FileName == NULL ? mci->mci_host : FileName,
936 				  LineNumber, buf);
937 			LineNumber = saveLineNumber;
938 			return -1;
939 		}
940 	}
941 	LineNumber = saveLineNumber;
942 	if (tTd(56, 93))
943 		sm_dprintf("incomplete (missing dot for EOF)\n");
944 	if (ver < 0)
945 		return -1;
946 	return 0;
947 }
948 /*
949 **  MCI_STORE_PERSISTENT -- Store persistent MCI information
950 **
951 **	Store information about host that is kept
952 **	in common for all running sendmails.
953 **
954 **	Parameters:
955 **		mci -- the host/connection to store persistent info for.
956 **
957 **	Returns:
958 **		none.
959 */
961 void
962 mci_store_persistent(mci)
963 	MCI *mci;
964 {
965 	int save_errno = errno;
967 	if (mci == NULL)
968 	{
969 		if (tTd(56, 1))
970 			sm_dprintf("mci_store_persistent: NULL mci\n");
971 		return;
972 	}
974 	if (HostStatDir == NULL || mci->mci_host == NULL)
975 		return;
977 	if (tTd(56, 1))
978 		sm_dprintf("mci_store_persistent: Storing information for %s\n",
979 			   mci->mci_host);
981 	if (mci->mci_statfile == NULL)
982 	{
983 		if (tTd(56, 1))
984 			sm_dprintf("mci_store_persistent: no statfile\n");
985 		return;
986 	}
988 	sm_io_rewind(mci->mci_statfile, SM_TIME_DEFAULT);
990 	(void) ftruncate(sm_io_getinfo(mci->mci_statfile, SM_IO_WHAT_FD, NULL),
991 			 (off_t) 0);
992 #endif /* !NOFTRUNCATE */
994 	(void) sm_io_fprintf(mci->mci_statfile, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, "V0\n");
995 	(void) sm_io_fprintf(mci->mci_statfile, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, "E%d\n",
996 			     mci->mci_errno);
997 	(void) sm_io_fprintf(mci->mci_statfile, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, "H%d\n",
998 			     mci->mci_herrno);
999 	(void) sm_io_fprintf(mci->mci_statfile, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, "S%d\n",
1000 			     mci->mci_exitstat);
1001 	if (mci->mci_status != NULL)
1002 		(void) sm_io_fprintf(mci->mci_statfile, SM_TIME_DEFAULT,
1003 				     "D%.80s\n",
1004 				     denlstring(mci->mci_status, true, false));
1005 	if (mci->mci_rstatus != NULL)
1006 		(void) sm_io_fprintf(mci->mci_statfile, SM_TIME_DEFAULT,
1007 				     "R%.80s\n",
1008 				     denlstring(mci->mci_rstatus, true, false));
1009 	(void) sm_io_fprintf(mci->mci_statfile, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, "U%ld\n",
1010 			     (long)(mci->mci_lastuse));
1011 	(void) sm_io_fprintf(mci->mci_statfile, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, ".\n");
1013 	(void) sm_io_flush(mci->mci_statfile, SM_TIME_DEFAULT);
1015 	errno = save_errno;
1016 	return;
1017 }
1018 /*
1019 **  MCI_TRAVERSE_PERSISTENT -- walk persistent status tree
1020 **
1021 **	Recursively find all the mci host files in `pathname'.  Default to
1022 **		main host status directory if no path is provided.
1023 **	Call (*action)(pathname, host) for each file found.
1024 **
1025 **	Note: all information is collected in a list before it is processed.
1026 **	This may not be the best way to do it, but it seems safest, since
1027 **	the file system would be touched while we are attempting to traverse
1028 **	the directory tree otherwise (during purges).
1029 **
1030 **	Parameters:
1031 **		action -- function to call on each node.  If returns < 0,
1032 **			return immediately.
1033 **		pathname -- root of tree.  If null, use main host status
1034 **			directory.
1035 **
1036 **	Returns:
1037 **		< 0 -- if any action routine returns a negative value, that
1038 **			value is returned.
1039 **		0 -- if we successfully went to completion.
1040 **		> 0 -- return status from action()
1041 */
1043 int
1044 mci_traverse_persistent(action, pathname)
1045 	int (*action)();
1046 	char *pathname;
1047 {
1048 	struct stat statbuf;
1049 	DIR *d;
1050 	int ret;
1052 	if (pathname == NULL)
1053 		pathname = HostStatDir;
1054 	if (pathname == NULL)
1055 		return -1;
1057 	if (tTd(56, 1))
1058 		sm_dprintf("mci_traverse: pathname is %s\n", pathname);
1060 	ret = stat(pathname, &statbuf);
1061 	if (ret < 0)
1062 	{
1063 		if (tTd(56, 2))
1064 			sm_dprintf("mci_traverse: Failed to stat %s: %s\n",
1065 				pathname, sm_errstring(errno));
1066 		return ret;
1067 	}
1068 	if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode))
1069 	{
1070 		bool leftone, removedone;
1071 		size_t len;
1072 		char *newptr;
1073 		struct dirent *e;
1074 		char newpath[MAXPATHLEN];
1076 		if ((d = opendir(pathname)) == NULL)
1077 		{
1078 			if (tTd(56, 2))
1079 				sm_dprintf("mci_traverse: opendir %s: %s\n",
1080 					pathname, sm_errstring(errno));
1081 			return -1;
1082 		}
1083 		len = sizeof(newpath) - MAXNAMLEN - 3;
1084 		if (sm_strlcpy(newpath, pathname, len) >= len)
1085 		{
1086 			if (tTd(56, 2))
1087 				sm_dprintf("mci_traverse: path \"%s\" too long",
1088 					pathname);
1089 			return -1;
1090 		}
1091 		newptr = newpath + strlen(newpath);
1092 		*newptr++ = '/';
1094 		/*
1095 		**  repeat until no file has been removed
1096 		**  this may become ugly when several files "expire"
1097 		**  during these loops, but it's better than doing
1098 		**  a rewinddir() inside the inner loop
1099 		*/
1101 		do
1102 		{
1103 			leftone = removedone = false;
1104 			while ((e = readdir(d)) != NULL)
1105 			{
1106 				if (e->d_name[0] == '.')
1107 					continue;
1109 				(void) sm_strlcpy(newptr, e->d_name,
1110 					       sizeof newpath -
1111 					       (newptr - newpath));
1113 				if (StopRequest)
1114 					stop_sendmail();
1115 				ret = mci_traverse_persistent(action, newpath);
1116 				if (ret < 0)
1117 					break;
1118 				if (ret == 1)
1119 					leftone = true;
1120 				if (!removedone && ret == 0 &&
1121 				    action == mci_purge_persistent)
1122 					removedone = true;
1123 			}
1124 			if (ret < 0)
1125 				break;
1127 			/*
1128 			**  The following appears to be
1129 			**  necessary during purges, since
1130 			**  we modify the directory structure
1131 			*/
1133 			if (removedone)
1134 				rewinddir(d);
1135 			if (tTd(56, 40))
1136 				sm_dprintf("mci_traverse: path %s: ret %d removed %d left %d\n",
1137 					pathname, ret, removedone, leftone);
1138 		} while (removedone);
1140 		/* purge (or whatever) the directory proper */
1141 		if (!leftone)
1142 		{
1143 			*--newptr = '\0';
1144 			ret = (*action)(newpath, NULL);
1145 		}
1146 		(void) closedir(d);
1147 	}
1148 	else if (S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode))
1149 	{
1150 		char *end = pathname + strlen(pathname) - 1;
1151 		char *start;
1152 		char *scan;
1153 		char host[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
1154 		char *hostptr = host;
1156 		/*
1157 		**  Reconstruct the host name from the path to the
1158 		**  persistent information.
1159 		*/
1161 		do
1162 		{
1163 			if (hostptr != host)
1164 				*(hostptr++) = '.';
1165 			start = end;
1166 			while (start > pathname && *(start - 1) != '/')
1167 				start--;
1169 			if (*end == '.')
1170 				end--;
1172 			for (scan = start; scan <= end; scan++)
1173 				*(hostptr++) = *scan;
1175 			end = start - 2;
1176 		} while (end > pathname && *end == '.');
1178 		*hostptr = '\0';
1180 		/*
1181 		**  Do something with the file containing the persistent
1182 		**  information.
1183 		*/
1185 		ret = (*action)(pathname, host);
1186 	}
1188 	return ret;
1189 }
1190 /*
1191 **  MCI_PRINT_PERSISTENT -- print persistent info
1192 **
1193 **	Dump the persistent information in the file 'pathname'
1194 **
1195 **	Parameters:
1196 **		pathname -- the pathname to the status file.
1197 **		hostname -- the corresponding host name.
1198 **
1199 **	Returns:
1200 **		0
1201 */
1203 int
1204 mci_print_persistent(pathname, hostname)
1205 	char *pathname;
1206 	char *hostname;
1207 {
1208 	static bool initflag = false;
1209 	SM_FILE_T *fp;
1210 	int width = Verbose ? 78 : 25;
1211 	bool locked;
1212 	MCI mcib;
1214 	/* skip directories */
1215 	if (hostname == NULL)
1216 		return 0;
1218 	if (StopRequest)
1219 		stop_sendmail();
1221 	if (!initflag)
1222 	{
1223 		initflag = true;
1224 		(void) sm_io_fprintf(smioout, SM_TIME_DEFAULT,
1225 				     " -------------- Hostname --------------- How long ago ---------Results---------\n");
1226 	}
1228 	fp = safefopen(pathname, O_RDONLY, FileMode,
1231 	if (fp == NULL)
1232 	{
1233 		if (tTd(56, 1))
1234 			sm_dprintf("mci_print_persistent: cannot open %s: %s\n",
1235 				pathname, sm_errstring(errno));
1236 		return 0;
1237 	}
1239 	FileName = pathname;
1240 	memset(&mcib, '\0', sizeof mcib);
1241 	if (mci_read_persistent(fp, &mcib) < 0)
1242 	{
1243 		syserr("%s: could not read status file", pathname);
1244 		(void) sm_io_close(fp, SM_TIME_DEFAULT);
1245 		FileName = NULL;
1246 		return 0;
1247 	}
1249 	locked = !lockfile(sm_io_getinfo(fp, SM_IO_WHAT_FD, NULL), pathname,
1250 			   "", LOCK_SH|LOCK_NB);
1251 	(void) sm_io_close(fp, SM_TIME_DEFAULT);
1252 	FileName = NULL;
1254 	(void) sm_io_fprintf(smioout, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, "%c%-39s %12s ",
1255 			     locked ? '*' : ' ', hostname,
1256 			     pintvl(curtime() - mcib.mci_lastuse, true));
1257 	if (mcib.mci_rstatus != NULL)
1258 		(void) sm_io_fprintf(smioout, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, "%.*s\n", width,
1259 				     mcib.mci_rstatus);
1260 	else if (mcib.mci_exitstat == EX_TEMPFAIL && mcib.mci_errno != 0)
1261 		(void) sm_io_fprintf(smioout, SM_TIME_DEFAULT,
1262 				     "Deferred: %.*s\n", width - 10,
1263 				     sm_errstring(mcib.mci_errno));
1264 	else if (mcib.mci_exitstat != 0)
1265 	{
1266 		char *exmsg = sm_sysexmsg(mcib.mci_exitstat);
1268 		if (exmsg == NULL)
1269 		{
1270 			char buf[80];
1272 			(void) sm_snprintf(buf, sizeof buf,
1273 				"Unknown mailer error %d",
1274 				mcib.mci_exitstat);
1275 			(void) sm_io_fprintf(smioout, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, "%.*s\n",
1276 					     width, buf);
1277 		}
1278 		else
1279 			(void) sm_io_fprintf(smioout, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, "%.*s\n",
1280 					     width, &exmsg[5]);
1281 	}
1282 	else if (mcib.mci_errno == 0)
1283 		(void) sm_io_fprintf(smioout, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, "OK\n");
1284 	else
1285 		(void) sm_io_fprintf(smioout, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, "OK: %.*s\n",
1286 				     width - 4, sm_errstring(mcib.mci_errno));
1288 	return 0;
1289 }
1290 /*
1291 **  MCI_PURGE_PERSISTENT -- Remove a persistence status file.
1292 **
1293 **	Parameters:
1294 **		pathname -- path to the status file.
1295 **		hostname -- name of host corresponding to that file.
1296 **			NULL if this is a directory (domain).
1297 **
1298 **	Returns:
1299 **		0 -- ok
1300 **		1 -- file not deleted (too young, incorrect format)
1301 **		< 0 -- some error occurred
1302 */
1304 int
1305 mci_purge_persistent(pathname, hostname)
1306 	char *pathname;
1307 	char *hostname;
1308 {
1309 	struct stat statbuf;
1310 	char *end = pathname + strlen(pathname) - 1;
1311 	int ret;
1313 	if (tTd(56, 1))
1314 		sm_dprintf("mci_purge_persistent: purging %s\n", pathname);
1316 	ret = stat(pathname, &statbuf);
1317 	if (ret < 0)
1318 	{
1319 		if (tTd(56, 2))
1320 			sm_dprintf("mci_purge_persistent: Failed to stat %s: %s\n",
1321 				pathname, sm_errstring(errno));
1322 		return ret;
1323 	}
1324 	if (curtime() - statbuf.st_mtime <= MciInfoTimeout)
1325 		return 1;
1326 	if (hostname != NULL)
1327 	{
1328 		/* remove the file */
1329 		ret = unlink(pathname);
1330 		if (ret < 0)
1331 		{
1332 			if (LogLevel > 8)
1333 				sm_syslog(LOG_ERR, NOQID,
1334 					  "mci_purge_persistent: failed to unlink %s: %s",
1335 					  pathname, sm_errstring(errno));
1336 			if (tTd(56, 2))
1337 				sm_dprintf("mci_purge_persistent: failed to unlink %s: %s\n",
1338 					pathname, sm_errstring(errno));
1339 			return ret;
1340 		}
1341 	}
1342 	else
1343 	{
1344 		/* remove the directory */
1345 		if (*end != '.')
1346 			return 1;
1348 		if (tTd(56, 1))
1349 			sm_dprintf("mci_purge_persistent: dpurge %s\n", pathname);
1351 		ret = rmdir(pathname);
1352 		if (ret < 0)
1353 		{
1354 			if (tTd(56, 2))
1355 				sm_dprintf("mci_purge_persistent: rmdir %s: %s\n",
1356 					pathname, sm_errstring(errno));
1357 			return ret;
1358 		}
1359 	}
1361 	return 0;
1362 }
1363 /*
1364 **  MCI_GENERATE_PERSISTENT_PATH -- generate path from hostname
1365 **
1366 **	Given `host', convert from a.b.c to $HostStatDir/c./b./a,
1367 **	putting the result into `path'.  if `createflag' is set, intervening
1368 **	directories will be created as needed.
1369 **
1370 **	Parameters:
1371 **		host -- host name to convert from.
1372 **		path -- place to store result.
1373 **		pathlen -- length of path buffer.
1374 **		createflag -- if set, create intervening directories as
1375 **			needed.
1376 **
1377 **	Returns:
1378 **		0 -- success
1379 **		-1 -- failure
1380 */
1382 static int
1383 mci_generate_persistent_path(host, path, pathlen, createflag)
1384 	const char *host;
1385 	char *path;
1386 	int pathlen;
1387 	bool createflag;
1388 {
1389 	char *elem, *p, *x, ch;
1390 	int ret = 0;
1391 	int len;
1392 	char t_host[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
1393 #if NETINET6
1394 	struct in6_addr in6_addr;
1395 #endif /* NETINET6 */
1397 	/*
1398 	**  Rationality check the arguments.
1399 	*/
1401 	if (host == NULL)
1402 	{
1403 		syserr("mci_generate_persistent_path: null host");
1404 		return -1;
1405 	}
1406 	if (path == NULL)
1407 	{
1408 		syserr("mci_generate_persistent_path: null path");
1409 		return -1;
1410 	}
1412 	if (tTd(56, 80))
1413 		sm_dprintf("mci_generate_persistent_path(%s): ", host);
1415 	if (*host == '\0' || *host == '.')
1416 		return -1;
1418 	/* make certain this is not a bracketed host number */
1419 	if (strlen(host) > sizeof t_host - 1)
1420 		return -1;
1421 	if (host[0] == '[')
1422 		(void) sm_strlcpy(t_host, host + 1, sizeof t_host);
1423 	else
1424 		(void) sm_strlcpy(t_host, host, sizeof t_host);
1426 	/*
1427 	**  Delete any trailing dots from the hostname.
1428 	**  Leave 'elem' pointing at the \0.
1429 	*/
1431 	elem = t_host + strlen(t_host);
1432 	while (elem > t_host &&
1433 	       (elem[-1] == '.' || (host[0] == '[' && elem[-1] == ']')))
1434 		*--elem = '\0';
1436 	/* check for bogus bracketed address */
1437 	if (host[0] == '[')
1438 	{
1439 		bool good = false;
1440 # if NETINET6
1441 		if (anynet_pton(AF_INET6, t_host, &in6_addr) == 1)
1442 			good = true;
1443 # endif /* NETINET6 */
1444 # if NETINET
1445 		if (inet_addr(t_host) != INADDR_NONE)
1446 			good = true;
1447 # endif /* NETINET */
1448 		if (!good)
1449 			return -1;
1450 	}
1452 	/* check for what will be the final length of the path */
1453 	len = strlen(HostStatDir) + 2;
1454 	for (p = (char *) t_host; *p != '\0'; p++)
1455 	{
1456 		if (*p == '.')
1457 			len++;
1458 		len++;
1459 		if (p[0] == '.' && p[1] == '.')
1460 			return -1;
1461 	}
1462 	if (len > pathlen || len < 1)
1463 		return -1;
1464 	(void) sm_strlcpy(path, HostStatDir, pathlen);
1465 	p = path + strlen(path);
1466 	while (elem > t_host)
1467 	{
1468 		if (!path_is_dir(path, createflag))
1469 		{
1470 			ret = -1;
1471 			break;
1472 		}
1473 		elem--;
1474 		while (elem >= t_host && *elem != '.')
1475 			elem--;
1476 		*p++ = '/';
1477 		x = elem + 1;
1478 		while ((ch = *x++) != '\0' && ch != '.')
1479 		{
1480 			if (isascii(ch) && isupper(ch))
1481 				ch = tolower(ch);
1482 			if (ch == '/')
1483 				ch = ':';	/* / -> : */
1484 			*p++ = ch;
1485 		}
1486 		if (elem >= t_host)
1487 			*p++ = '.';
1488 		*p = '\0';
1489 	}
1490 	if (tTd(56, 80))
1491 	{
1492 		if (ret < 0)
1493 			sm_dprintf("FAILURE %d\n", ret);
1494 		else
1495 			sm_dprintf("SUCCESS %s\n", path);
1496 	}
1497 	return ret;
1498 }