1c2aa98e2SPeter WemmEverything in this directory (except this file) has been contributed. 2c2aa98e2SPeter WemmWe will not fix bugs in these programs. Contact the original author 3c2aa98e2SPeter Wemmfor assistance. 4c2aa98e2SPeter Wemm 5c2aa98e2SPeter WemmSome of these are patches to sendmail itself. You may need to take 6c2aa98e2SPeter Wemmcare -- some of the patches may be out of date with the latest release 7c2aa98e2SPeter Wemmof sendmail. Also, the previous comment applies -- patches belong to 806f25ae9SGregory Neil Shapirothe original author, not to us. 9c2aa98e2SPeter Wemm 10*4313cc83SGregory Neil Shapiro$Revision: 8.2 $, Last updated $Date: 1999-09-24 05:46:47 $ 11