1# -*- Autoconf -*- 2# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. 3 4AC_PREREQ(2.59) 5AC_INIT([OpenBSM], [1.0a12], [trustedbsd-audit@TrustesdBSD.org],[openbsm]) 6AC_REVISION([$P4: //depot/projects/trustedbsd/openbsm/configure.ac#32 $]) 7AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([bin/auditreduce/auditreduce.c]) 8AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(config) 9AC_CONFIG_HEADER([config/config.h]) 10AM_MAINTAINER_MODE 11 12# Checks for programs. 13AC_PROG_CC 14AC_PROG_INSTALL 15AC_PROG_LIBTOOL 16 17AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(AC_PACKAGE_NAME, AC_PACKAGE_VERSION) 18 19AC_SEARCH_LIBS(dlsym, dl) 20AC_SEARCH_LIBS(clock_gettime, rt) 21 22# Checks for header files. 23AC_HEADER_STDC 24AC_HEADER_SYS_WAIT 25AC_CHECK_HEADERS([endian.h mach/mach.h machine/endian.h sys/endian.h]) 26 27# Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. 28AC_C_CONST 29AC_TYPE_UID_T 30AC_TYPE_PID_T 31AC_TYPE_SIZE_T 32AC_CHECK_MEMBERS([struct stat.st_rdev]) 33 34AC_CHECK_MEMBER([struct ipc_perm.__key], 35[AC_DEFINE(HAVE_IPC_PERM___KEY,, Define if ipc_perm.__key instead of key)], 36[],[ 37#include <sys/types.h> 38#include <sys/ipc.h> 39]) 40 41AC_CHECK_MEMBER([struct ipc_perm.__seq], 42[AC_DEFINE(HAVE_IPC_PERM___SEQ,, Define if ipc_perm.__seq instead of seq)], 43[],[ 44#include <sys/types.h> 45#include <sys/ipc.h> 46]) 47 48AC_HEADER_TIME 49AC_STRUCT_TM 50 51# Checks for library functions. 52AC_FUNC_CHOWN 53AC_FUNC_FORK 54AC_FUNC_MALLOC 55AC_FUNC_MKTIME 56AC_TYPE_SIGNAL 57AC_FUNC_STAT 58AC_FUNC_STRFTIME 59AC_CHECK_FUNCS([bzero clock_gettime ftruncate gettimeofday inet_ntoa memset strchr strerror strlcat strrchr strstr strtol strtoul]) 60 61# sys/queue.h exists on most systems, but its capabilities vary a great deal. 62# test for LIST_FIRST and TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE, which appears to not exist in 63# all of them, and are necessary for OpenBSM. 64AC_TRY_LINK([ 65 #include <sys/queue.h> 66], [ 67 68 #ifndef LIST_FIRST 69 #error LIST_FIRST missing 70 #endif 71 #ifndef TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE 72 #error TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE 73 #endif 74], [ 75AC_DEFINE(HAVE_FULL_QUEUE_H,, Define if queue.h includes LIST_FIRST) 76]) 77 78# Systems may not define key audit system calls, in which case libbsm cannot 79# depend on them or it will generate link-time or run-time errors. Test for 80# just one. 81AC_TRY_LINK([ 82 #include <stdlib.h> 83 84 extern int auditon(int, void *, int); 85], [ 86 int err; 87 88 err = auditon(0, NULL, 0); 89], [ 90AC_DEFINE(HAVE_AUDIT_SYSCALLS,, Define if audit system calls present) 91have_audit_syscalls=true 92], [ 93have_audit_syscalls=false 94]) 95AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_AUDIT_SYSCALLS, $have_audit_syscalls) 96 97AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile 98 bin/Makefile 99 bin/audit/Makefile 100 bin/auditd/Makefile 101 bin/auditfilterd/Makefile 102 bin/auditreduce/Makefile 103 bin/praudit/Makefile 104 bsm/Makefile 105 libbsm/Makefile 106 modules/Makefile 107 modules/auditfilter_noop/Makefile 108 man/Makefile 109 test/Makefile 110 test/bsm/Makefile 111 tools/Makefile]) 112 113AC_OUTPUT 114