1- Teach praudit how to general XML format BSM streams. 2- Teach libbsm about any additional 64-bit token types that are present 3 in more recent Solaris versions. 4- Build a regression test suite for libbsm that generates each token 5 type and then compares the results with known good data. Make sure to 6 test that things work properly with respect to endianness of the local 7 platform. 8- Document contents of libbsm "public" data structures in libbsm man pages. 9- The audit.log.5 man page is incomplete, as it does not describe all 10 token types. 11- With the move to autoconf/automake, man page symlinks are no longer 12 installed. This needs to be fixed. 13- It might be desirable to be able to provide EOPNOTSUPP system call stubs 14 on systems that don't have the necessary audit system calls; that would 15 allow the full libbsm and tool set to build, just not run. 16 17$P4: //depot/projects/trustedbsd/openbsm/TODO#5 $ 18