Name Date Size #Lines LOC


Compare.T1H A D01-Aug-2021100 117

Compare.drekH A D01-Aug-2021703 3630

Compare.pH A D01-Aug-2021310 1814

Compare.tH A D01-Aug-2021272 1814

Compare.ttH A D28-Feb-2024741 5027

NOTESH A D01-Aug-2021185 115

README.TESTSH A D01-Aug-20211.7 KiB4533

REGRESSH A D28-Feb-2024446 2213

T.-f-fH A D01-Aug-2021738 3623

T.argvH A D23-Jul-20243.2 KiB174152

T.arnoldH A D01-Aug-2021322 2015

T.beebeH A D01-Aug-2021174 96

T.builtinH A D01-Aug-20212.3 KiB9177

T.chemH A D01-Aug-2021212 129

T.closeH A D01-Aug-2021855 3729

T.clvH A D01-Aug-20214.8 KiB182127

T.csconcatH A D23-Jul-2024424 3024

T.csvH A D28-Feb-20241.5 KiB8169

T.deleteH A D01-Aug-2021312 2219

T.errmsgH A D05-Feb-20254.1 KiB213148

T.exprH A D01-Aug-20213.5 KiB236183

T.exprconvH A D01-Aug-2021368 2219

T.flagsH A D28-Feb-2024847 2617

T.funcH A D01-Aug-20213 KiB197178

T.gawkH A D01-Aug-20217.2 KiB391349

T.getlineH A D01-Aug-20211.8 KiB9986 A D01-Aug-20212.1 KiB125105

T.latin1H A D01-Aug-2021914 3826

T.lillyH A D01-Aug-2021577 2923

T.mainH A D01-Aug-2021650 3322

T.miscH A D05-Feb-202513.5 KiB534416

T.nextfileH A D01-Aug-20211.4 KiB8766

T.overflowH A D28-Feb-20242 KiB8978

T.reH A D01-Aug-20212.7 KiB341339

T.recacheH A D01-Aug-2021807 3430

T.redirH A D01-Aug-20211.1 KiB3930

T.splitH A D28-Feb-20243.5 KiB226184

T.subH A D01-Aug-20214.5 KiB316306

T.systemH A D01-Aug-2021205 1613

T.utfH A D28-Feb-20244.5 KiB195163

T.utfreH A D28-Feb-20242.6 KiB235233

arnold-fixes.tarHD01-Aug-202130 KiB

beebe.tarHD01-Aug-2021380 KiB

bibH A D01-Aug-20213.9 MiB31,10331,102

bundle.awkH A D01-Aug-202167 41

chem.awkH A D01-Aug-202111.5 KiB493446

cleanupH A D01-Aug-2021197 63

countriesH A D01-Aug-2021256 1211

ctimesH A D01-Aug-2021678 4140

echo.cH A D01-Aug-2021319 2016

funstack.awkH A D01-Aug-202125.9 KiB978666

funstack.inH A D01-Aug-20211.5 MiB27,22125,939

funstack.okH A D01-Aug-2021214.9 KiB3,7063,375

indH A D01-Aug-202124 21

latin1H A D01-Aug-2021555 1211

lilly.ifileH A D01-Aug-2021147 1716

lilly.outH A D01-Aug-202116.5 KiB1,2591,068

lilly.progsH A D01-Aug-20213.2 KiB127126

lsd1.pH A D01-Aug-2021427 1615

p.1H A D01-Aug-202110 21

p.10H A D01-Aug-20219 21

p.11H A D01-Aug-20217 21

p.12H A D01-Aug-202125 21

p.13H A D01-Aug-202125 21

p.14H A D01-Aug-20215 21

p.15H A D01-Aug-20215 21

p.16H A D01-Aug-20216 21

p.17H A D01-Aug-202117 21

p.18H A D01-Aug-202128 21

p.19H A D01-Aug-202143 32

p.2H A D01-Aug-202117 21

p.20H A D01-Aug-202125 21

p.21H A D01-Aug-202131 21

p.21aH A D01-Aug-202119 21

p.22H A D01-Aug-202123 21

p.23H A D01-Aug-202119 21

p.24H A D01-Aug-202142 21

p.25H A D01-Aug-202146 21

p.26H A D01-Aug-2021112 43

p.26aH A D01-Aug-2021101 43

p.27H A D01-Aug-202173 32

p.28H A D01-Aug-202120 21

p.29H A D01-Aug-202141 21

p.3H A D01-Aug-202138 21

p.30H A D01-Aug-202121 21

p.31H A D01-Aug-202170 32

p.32H A D01-Aug-202133 21

p.33H A D01-Aug-202148 32

p.34H A D01-Aug-202122 21

p.35H A D01-Aug-2021115 54

p.36H A D01-Aug-202178 32

p.37H A D01-Aug-202115 21

p.38H A D01-Aug-202185 76

p.39H A D01-Aug-202149 76

p.4H A D01-Aug-202117 21

p.40H A D01-Aug-202141 43

p.41H A D01-Aug-202183 43

p.42H A D01-Aug-2021186 54

p.43H A D01-Aug-202195 54

p.44H A D01-Aug-2021104 87

p.45H A D01-Aug-202153 32

p.46H A D01-Aug-202117 21

p.47H A D01-Aug-202163 32

p.48H A D01-Aug-202192 54

p.48aH A D01-Aug-202181 76

p.48bH A D01-Aug-202185 65

p.49H A D01-Aug-202138 21

p.5H A D01-Aug-2021141 43

p.50H A D01-Aug-2021120 54

p.51H A D01-Aug-2021108 87

p.52H A D01-Aug-2021325 1716

p.5aH A D01-Aug-2021147 43

p.6H A D01-Aug-202117 21

p.7H A D01-Aug-20219 21

p.8H A D01-Aug-202126 21

p.9H A D01-Aug-202110 21

p.tableH A D01-Aug-2021795 3428

penicil.pH A D01-Aug-20211,006 4039

res.pH A D01-Aug-2021629 2726

sgi.ctimesH A D01-Aug-2021678 4140

t.0H A D01-Aug-202110 21

t.0aH A D01-Aug-202123 21

t.1H A D01-Aug-202135 32

t.1.xH A D01-Aug-202132 21

t.2H A D01-Aug-202138 32

t.2.xH A D01-Aug-202131 21

t.3H A D01-Aug-202123 21

t.3.xH A D01-Aug-202150 87

t.4H A D01-Aug-202121 21

t.4.xH A D01-Aug-202118 21

t.5.xH A D01-Aug-202128 21

t.6H A D01-Aug-202176 98

t.6.xH A D01-Aug-202114 21

t.6aH A D01-Aug-202164 65

t.6bH A D01-Aug-202165 65

t.8.xH A D01-Aug-2021109 53

t.8.yH A D01-Aug-2021183 85

t.NFH A D01-Aug-202179 21

t.aH A D01-Aug-2021131 76

t.addopsH A D01-Aug-2021485 2524

t.aeiouH A D01-Aug-202158 21

t.aeiouyH A D01-Aug-202181 21

t.arithH A D01-Aug-2021229 76

t.arrayH A D01-Aug-2021147 1412

t.array1H A D01-Aug-2021123 1110

t.array2H A D01-Aug-2021168 54

t.assertH A D01-Aug-2021228 106

t.avgH A D01-Aug-202180 65

t.b.xH A D01-Aug-202136 21

t.beH A D01-Aug-2021190 75

t.beginexitH A D01-Aug-202163 76

t.beginnextH A D01-Aug-202172 76

t.breakH A D01-Aug-202191 87

t.break1H A D01-Aug-2021135 1110

t.break2H A D01-Aug-2021133 1110

t.break3H A D01-Aug-2021132 98

t.bug1H A D01-Aug-2021103 43

t.builtinsH A D01-Aug-202187 76

t.catH A D01-Aug-2021114 54

t.cat1H A D01-Aug-202138 21

t.cat2H A D01-Aug-202121 21

t.cmpH A D01-Aug-20218 21

t.coerceH A D01-Aug-202147 54

t.coerce2H A D01-Aug-2021127 87

t.commentH A D01-Aug-2021112 65

t.comment1H A D01-Aug-202188 87

t.concatH A D01-Aug-202126 21

t.condH A D01-Aug-2021173 43

t.continH A D01-Aug-2021130 109

t.countH A D01-Aug-202117 21

t.crlfH A D01-Aug-202162 53

t.cumH A D01-Aug-202138 54

t.d.xH A D01-Aug-202143 32

t.delete0H A D01-Aug-2021223 1211

t.delete1H A D01-Aug-202199 87

t.delete2H A D01-Aug-2021254 1312

t.delete3H A D01-Aug-202199 87

t.doH A D01-Aug-2021168 1514

t.eH A D01-Aug-202123 21

t.elseH A D01-Aug-202146 43

t.exitH A D01-Aug-202132 32

t.exit1H A D01-Aug-2021271 1615

t.fH A D01-Aug-202115 20

t.f.xH A D01-Aug-202126 21

t.f0H A D01-Aug-202120 21

t.f1H A D01-Aug-202116 21

t.f2H A D01-Aug-202119 21

t.f3H A D01-Aug-202117 21

t.f4H A D01-Aug-202120 21

t.forH A D01-Aug-202139 43

t.for1H A D01-Aug-202168 109

t.for2H A D01-Aug-202161 87

t.for3H A D01-Aug-2021101 98

t.format4H A D01-Aug-2021127 109

t.funH A D01-Aug-202186 43

t.fun0H A D01-Aug-202166 32

t.fun1H A D01-Aug-202156 32

t.fun2H A D01-Aug-2021119 1110

t.fun3H A D01-Aug-202197 43

t.fun4H A D01-Aug-2021100 108

t.fun5H A D01-Aug-2021103 109

t.getline1H A D01-Aug-2021117 1110

t.getvalH A D01-Aug-202192 74

t.gsubH A D01-Aug-202131 21

t.gsub1H A D01-Aug-202123 21

t.gsub3H A D01-Aug-202147 21

t.gsub4H A D01-Aug-202192 53

t.i.xH A D01-Aug-202154 32

t.ifH A D01-Aug-202121 21

t.inH A D01-Aug-2021122 109

t.in1H A D01-Aug-2021135 87

t.in2H A D01-Aug-202168 54

t.in3H A D01-Aug-202183 87

t.incrH A D01-Aug-202152 32

t.incr2H A D01-Aug-202193 98

t.incr3H A D01-Aug-202158 65

t.indexH A D01-Aug-2021160 1110

t.intestH A D01-Aug-2021118 109

t.intest2H A D01-Aug-2021237 1716

t.j.xH A D01-Aug-202155 32

t.longstrH A D01-Aug-2021137 65

t.makefH A D01-Aug-202130 21

t.matchH A D01-Aug-202115 21

t.match1H A D01-Aug-2021158 76

t.maxH A D01-Aug-202158 32

t.modH A D01-Aug-202112 21

t.monotoneH A D01-Aug-2021112 21

t.namevalH A D01-Aug-2021132 87

t.nextH A D01-Aug-202129 32

t.notH A D01-Aug-202155 54

t.null0H A D01-Aug-2021397 1615

t.ofmtH A D01-Aug-202134 32

t.ofsH A D01-Aug-202160 32

t.orsH A D01-Aug-202138 32

t.patH A D01-Aug-202152 54

t.pipeH A D01-Aug-202149 21

t.ppH A D01-Aug-20218 21

t.pp1H A D01-Aug-202187 43

t.pp2H A D01-Aug-202199 43

t.printfH A D01-Aug-202184 65

t.printf2H A D01-Aug-2021141 76

t.quoteH A D01-Aug-202121 21

t.randkH A D01-Aug-2021107 1413

t.re1H A D01-Aug-202198 32

t.re1aH A D01-Aug-2021136 75

t.re2H A D01-Aug-202121 32

t.re3H A D01-Aug-2021126 75

t.re4H A D01-Aug-2021205 119

t.re5H A D01-Aug-202183 42

t.re7H A D01-Aug-202152 21

t.reFSH A D01-Aug-202139 32

t.recH A D01-Aug-202119 21

t.redir1H A D01-Aug-202155 32

t.regH A D01-Aug-202137 54

t.roffH A D01-Aug-2021251 2421

t.sepH A D01-Aug-202190 32

t.seqnoH A D01-Aug-202115 21

t.set0H A D01-Aug-2021114 43

t.set0aH A D01-Aug-202141 21

t.set0bH A D01-Aug-202177 43

t.set1H A D01-Aug-202151 43

t.set2H A D01-Aug-202141 54

t.set3H A D01-Aug-202129 21

t.split1H A D01-Aug-202164 32

t.split2H A D01-Aug-202136 21

t.split2aH A D01-Aug-202155 54

t.split3H A D01-Aug-2021110 54

t.split4H A D01-Aug-2021101 54

t.split8H A D01-Aug-2021178 109

t.split9H A D01-Aug-2021145 98

t.split9aH A D01-Aug-2021164 109

t.statelyH A D01-Aug-2021159 21

t.strcmpH A D01-Aug-202142 21

t.strcmp1H A D01-Aug-202152 21

t.strnumH A D01-Aug-202156 21

t.sub0H A D01-Aug-2021396 1912

t.sub1H A D01-Aug-202123 21

t.sub2H A D01-Aug-202151 32

t.sub3H A D01-Aug-202146 21

t.substrH A D01-Aug-202190 43

t.substr1H A D01-Aug-202135 21

t.timeH A D01-Aug-2021184 1918

t.vfH A D01-Aug-202144 43

t.vf1H A D01-Aug-202166 87

t.vf2H A D01-Aug-202127 21

t.vf3H A D01-Aug-202136 32

t.xH A D01-Aug-20214 21

td.1H A D01-Aug-202165 KiB1,3981,397

test.countriesH A D01-Aug-2021249 1110

test.dataH A D01-Aug-20214.6 KiB200198

time.cH A D01-Aug-2021712 3223

tryH A D01-Aug-2021129 119

tt.01H A D01-Aug-202110 21

tt.02H A D01-Aug-202121 21

tt.02aH A D01-Aug-202127 21

tt.03H A D01-Aug-202136 32

tt.03aH A D01-Aug-202128 32

tt.04H A D01-Aug-202147 43

tt.05H A D01-Aug-202162 76

tt.06H A D01-Aug-202168 87

tt.07H A D01-Aug-202112 21

tt.08H A D01-Aug-202116 21

tt.09H A D01-Aug-20217 21

tt.10H A D01-Aug-20215 21

tt.10aH A D01-Aug-202126 32

tt.11H A D01-Aug-202128 21

tt.12H A D01-Aug-202137 21

tt.13H A D01-Aug-202181 65

tt.13aH A D01-Aug-202196 65

tt.14H A D01-Aug-2021172 87

tt.15H A D28-Feb-2024794 3427

tt.16H A D01-Aug-202189 74

tt.bigH A D01-Aug-2021869 5251

u.mainH A D01-Aug-2021479 109

unbundle.awkH A D01-Aug-2021144 52

xcH A D15-Nov-2023414 1817

ycH A D01-Aug-2021404 1817


1The archive of test files contains
3- A shell file called REGRESS that controls the testing process.
5- Several shell files called Compare* that control sub-parts
6of the testing.
8- About 160 small tests called t.* that constitute a random
9sampling of awk constructions collected over the years.
10Not organized, but they touch almost everything.
12- About 60 small tests called p.* that come from the first
13two chapters of The AWK Programming Language.  This is
14basic stuff -- they have to work.
16These two sets are intended as regression tests, to be sure
17that a new version produces the same results as a previous one.
18There are a couple of standard data files used with them, and test.countries, but others would work too.
21- About 20 files called T.* that are self-contained and
22more systematic tests of specific language features.
23For example, T.clv tests command-line variable handling.
24These tests are not regressions -- they compute the right
25answer by separate means, then compare the awk output.
26A specific test for each new bug found shows up in at least
27one of these, most often T.misc.  There are about 220 tests
28total in these files.
30- Two of these files, and T.sub, are systematic tests
31of the regular expression and substitution code.  They express
32tests in a small language, then generate awk programs that
33verify behavior.
35- About 20 files called tt.* that are used as timing tests;
36they use the most common awk constructions in straightforward
37ways, against a large input file constructed by
40There is undoubtedly more stuff in the archive;  it's been
41collecting for years and may need pruning.  Suggestions for
42improvement, additional tests (especially systematic ones),
43and the like are all welcome.