xref: /freebsd/contrib/one-true-awk/run.c (revision 13de33a5dc2304b13d595d75d48c51793958474f)
1 /****************************************************************
2 Copyright (C) Lucent Technologies 1997
3 All Rights Reserved
5 Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
6 its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
7 granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all
8 copies and that both that the copyright notice and this
9 permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting
10 documentation, and that the name Lucent Technologies or any of
11 its entities not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining
12 to distribution of the software without specific, written prior
13 permission.
23 ****************************************************************/
25 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
26 __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
28 #define DEBUG
29 #include <stdio.h>
30 #include <ctype.h>
31 #include <setjmp.h>
32 #include <limits.h>
33 #include <math.h>
34 #include <string.h>
35 #include <stdlib.h>
36 #include <time.h>
37 #include "awk.h"
38 #include "ytab.h"
40 #define tempfree(x)	if (istemp(x)) tfree(x); else
42 /*
43 #undef tempfree
45 void tempfree(Cell *p) {
46 	if (p->ctype == OCELL && (p->csub < CUNK || p->csub > CFREE)) {
47 		WARNING("bad csub %d in Cell %d %s",
48 			p->csub, p->ctype, p->sval);
49 	}
50 	if (istemp(p))
51 		tfree(p);
52 }
53 */
55 /* do we really need these? */
56 /* #ifdef _NFILE */
57 /* #ifndef FOPEN_MAX */
58 /* #define FOPEN_MAX _NFILE */
59 /* #endif */
60 /* #endif */
61 /*  */
62 /* #ifndef	FOPEN_MAX */
63 /* #define	FOPEN_MAX	40 */	/* max number of open files */
64 /* #endif */
65 /*  */
66 /* #ifndef RAND_MAX */
67 /* #define RAND_MAX	32767 */	/* all that ansi guarantees */
68 /* #endif */
70 jmp_buf env;
71 extern	int	pairstack[];
72 extern	Awkfloat	srand_seed;
74 Node	*winner = NULL;	/* root of parse tree */
75 Cell	*tmps;		/* free temporary cells for execution */
77 static Cell	truecell	={ OBOOL, BTRUE, 0, 0, 1.0, NUM };
78 Cell	*True	= &truecell;
79 static Cell	falsecell	={ OBOOL, BFALSE, 0, 0, 0.0, NUM };
80 Cell	*False	= &falsecell;
81 static Cell	breakcell	={ OJUMP, JBREAK, 0, 0, 0.0, NUM };
82 Cell	*jbreak	= &breakcell;
83 static Cell	contcell	={ OJUMP, JCONT, 0, 0, 0.0, NUM };
84 Cell	*jcont	= &contcell;
85 static Cell	nextcell	={ OJUMP, JNEXT, 0, 0, 0.0, NUM };
86 Cell	*jnext	= &nextcell;
87 static Cell	nextfilecell	={ OJUMP, JNEXTFILE, 0, 0, 0.0, NUM };
88 Cell	*jnextfile	= &nextfilecell;
89 static Cell	exitcell	={ OJUMP, JEXIT, 0, 0, 0.0, NUM };
90 Cell	*jexit	= &exitcell;
91 static Cell	retcell		={ OJUMP, JRET, 0, 0, 0.0, NUM };
92 Cell	*jret	= &retcell;
93 static Cell	tempcell	={ OCELL, CTEMP, 0, "", 0.0, NUM|STR|DONTFREE };
95 Node	*curnode = NULL;	/* the node being executed, for debugging */
97 /* buffer memory management */
98 int adjbuf(char **pbuf, int *psiz, int minlen, int quantum, char **pbptr,
99 	const char *whatrtn)
100 /* pbuf:    address of pointer to buffer being managed
101  * psiz:    address of buffer size variable
102  * minlen:  minimum length of buffer needed
103  * quantum: buffer size quantum
104  * pbptr:   address of movable pointer into buffer, or 0 if none
105  * whatrtn: name of the calling routine if failure should cause fatal error
106  *
107  * return   0 for realloc failure, !=0 for success
108  */
109 {
110 	if (minlen > *psiz) {
111 		char *tbuf;
112 		int rminlen = quantum ? minlen % quantum : 0;
113 		int boff = pbptr ? *pbptr - *pbuf : 0;
114 		/* round up to next multiple of quantum */
115 		if (rminlen)
116 			minlen += quantum - rminlen;
117 		tbuf = (char *) realloc(*pbuf, minlen);
118 		dprintf( ("adjbuf %s: %d %d (pbuf=%p, tbuf=%p)\n", whatrtn, *psiz, minlen, *pbuf, tbuf) );
119 		if (tbuf == NULL) {
120 			if (whatrtn)
121 				FATAL("out of memory in %s", whatrtn);
122 			return 0;
123 		}
124 		*pbuf = tbuf;
125 		*psiz = minlen;
126 		if (pbptr)
127 			*pbptr = tbuf + boff;
128 	}
129 	return 1;
130 }
132 void run(Node *a)	/* execution of parse tree starts here */
133 {
134 	extern void stdinit(void);
136 	stdinit();
137 	execute(a);
138 	closeall();
139 }
141 Cell *execute(Node *u)	/* execute a node of the parse tree */
142 {
143 	Cell *(*proc)(Node **, int);
144 	Cell *x;
145 	Node *a;
147 	if (u == NULL)
148 		return(True);
149 	for (a = u; ; a = a->nnext) {
150 		curnode = a;
151 		if (isvalue(a)) {
152 			x = (Cell *) (a->narg[0]);
153 			if (isfld(x) && !donefld)
154 				fldbld();
155 			else if (isrec(x) && !donerec)
156 				recbld();
157 			return(x);
158 		}
159 		if (notlegal(a->nobj))	/* probably a Cell* but too risky to print */
160 			FATAL("illegal statement");
161 		proc = proctab[a->nobj-FIRSTTOKEN];
162 		x = (*proc)(a->narg, a->nobj);
163 		if (isfld(x) && !donefld)
164 			fldbld();
165 		else if (isrec(x) && !donerec)
166 			recbld();
167 		if (isexpr(a))
168 			return(x);
169 		if (isjump(x))
170 			return(x);
171 		if (a->nnext == NULL)
172 			return(x);
173 		tempfree(x);
174 	}
175 }
178 Cell *program(Node **a, int n)	/* execute an awk program */
179 {				/* a[0] = BEGIN, a[1] = body, a[2] = END */
180 	Cell *x;
182 	if (setjmp(env) != 0)
183 		goto ex;
184 	if (a[0]) {		/* BEGIN */
185 		x = execute(a[0]);
186 		if (isexit(x))
187 			return(True);
188 		if (isjump(x))
189 			FATAL("illegal break, continue, next or nextfile from BEGIN");
190 		tempfree(x);
191 	}
192 	if (a[1] || a[2])
193 		while (getrec(&record, &recsize, 1) > 0) {
194 			x = execute(a[1]);
195 			if (isexit(x))
196 				break;
197 			tempfree(x);
198 		}
199   ex:
200 	if (setjmp(env) != 0)	/* handles exit within END */
201 		goto ex1;
202 	if (a[2]) {		/* END */
203 		x = execute(a[2]);
204 		if (isbreak(x) || isnext(x) || iscont(x))
205 			FATAL("illegal break, continue, next or nextfile from END");
206 		tempfree(x);
207 	}
208   ex1:
209 	return(True);
210 }
212 struct Frame {	/* stack frame for awk function calls */
213 	int nargs;	/* number of arguments in this call */
214 	Cell *fcncell;	/* pointer to Cell for function */
215 	Cell **args;	/* pointer to array of arguments after execute */
216 	Cell *retval;	/* return value */
217 };
219 #define	NARGS	50	/* max args in a call */
221 struct Frame *frame = NULL;	/* base of stack frames; dynamically allocated */
222 int	nframe = 0;		/* number of frames allocated */
223 struct Frame *fp = NULL;	/* frame pointer. bottom level unused */
225 Cell *call(Node **a, int n)	/* function call.  very kludgy and fragile */
226 {
227 	static Cell newcopycell = { OCELL, CCOPY, 0, "", 0.0, NUM|STR|DONTFREE };
228 	int i, ncall, ndef;
229 	int freed = 0; /* handles potential double freeing when fcn & param share a tempcell */
230 	Node *x;
231 	Cell *args[NARGS], *oargs[NARGS];	/* BUG: fixed size arrays */
232 	Cell *y, *z, *fcn;
233 	char *s;
235 	fcn = execute(a[0]);	/* the function itself */
236 	s = fcn->nval;
237 	if (!isfcn(fcn))
238 		FATAL("calling undefined function %s", s);
239 	if (frame == NULL) {
240 		fp = frame = (struct Frame *) calloc(nframe += 100, sizeof(struct Frame));
241 		if (frame == NULL)
242 			FATAL("out of space for stack frames calling %s", s);
243 	}
244 	for (ncall = 0, x = a[1]; x != NULL; x = x->nnext)	/* args in call */
245 		ncall++;
246 	ndef = (int) fcn->fval;			/* args in defn */
247 	   dprintf( ("calling %s, %d args (%d in defn), fp=%d\n", s, ncall, ndef, (int) (fp-frame)) );
248 	if (ncall > ndef)
249 		WARNING("function %s called with %d args, uses only %d",
250 			s, ncall, ndef);
251 	if (ncall + ndef > NARGS)
252 		FATAL("function %s has %d arguments, limit %d", s, ncall+ndef, NARGS);
253 	for (i = 0, x = a[1]; x != NULL; i++, x = x->nnext) {	/* get call args */
254 		   dprintf( ("evaluate args[%d], fp=%d:\n", i, (int) (fp-frame)) );
255 		y = execute(x);
256 		oargs[i] = y;
257 		   dprintf( ("args[%d]: %s %f <%s>, t=%o\n",
258 			   i, NN(y->nval), y->fval, isarr(y) ? "(array)" : NN(y->sval), y->tval) );
259 		if (isfcn(y))
260 			FATAL("can't use function %s as argument in %s", y->nval, s);
261 		if (isarr(y))
262 			args[i] = y;	/* arrays by ref */
263 		else
264 			args[i] = copycell(y);
265 		tempfree(y);
266 	}
267 	for ( ; i < ndef; i++) {	/* add null args for ones not provided */
268 		args[i] = gettemp();
269 		*args[i] = newcopycell;
270 	}
271 	fp++;	/* now ok to up frame */
272 	if (fp >= frame + nframe) {
273 		int dfp = fp - frame;	/* old index */
274 		frame = (struct Frame *)
275 			realloc((char *) frame, (nframe += 100) * sizeof(struct Frame));
276 		if (frame == NULL)
277 			FATAL("out of space for stack frames in %s", s);
278 		fp = frame + dfp;
279 	}
280 	fp->fcncell = fcn;
281 	fp->args = args;
282 	fp->nargs = ndef;	/* number defined with (excess are locals) */
283 	fp->retval = gettemp();
285 	   dprintf( ("start exec of %s, fp=%d\n", s, (int) (fp-frame)) );
286 	y = execute((Node *)(fcn->sval));	/* execute body */
287 	   dprintf( ("finished exec of %s, fp=%d\n", s, (int) (fp-frame)) );
289 	for (i = 0; i < ndef; i++) {
290 		Cell *t = fp->args[i];
291 		if (isarr(t)) {
292 			if (t->csub == CCOPY) {
293 				if (i >= ncall) {
294 					freesymtab(t);
295 					t->csub = CTEMP;
296 					tempfree(t);
297 				} else {
298 					oargs[i]->tval = t->tval;
299 					oargs[i]->tval &= ~(STR|NUM|DONTFREE);
300 					oargs[i]->sval = t->sval;
301 					tempfree(t);
302 				}
303 			}
304 		} else if (t != y) {	/* kludge to prevent freeing twice */
305 			t->csub = CTEMP;
306 			tempfree(t);
307 		} else if (t == y && t->csub == CCOPY) {
308 			t->csub = CTEMP;
309 			tempfree(t);
310 			freed = 1;
311 		}
312 	}
313 	tempfree(fcn);
314 	if (isexit(y) || isnext(y))
315 		return y;
316 	if (freed == 0) {
317 		tempfree(y);	/* don't free twice! */
318 	}
319 	z = fp->retval;			/* return value */
320 	   dprintf( ("%s returns %g |%s| %o\n", s, getfval(z), getsval(z), z->tval) );
321 	fp--;
322 	return(z);
323 }
325 Cell *copycell(Cell *x)	/* make a copy of a cell in a temp */
326 {
327 	Cell *y;
329 	y = gettemp();
330 	y->csub = CCOPY;	/* prevents freeing until call is over */
331 	y->nval = x->nval;	/* BUG? */
332 	if (isstr(x))
333 		y->sval = tostring(x->sval);
334 	y->fval = x->fval;
335 	y->tval = x->tval & ~(CON|FLD|REC|DONTFREE);	/* copy is not constant or field */
336 							/* is DONTFREE right? */
337 	return y;
338 }
340 Cell *arg(Node **a, int n)	/* nth argument of a function */
341 {
343 	n = ptoi(a[0]);	/* argument number, counting from 0 */
344 	   dprintf( ("arg(%d), fp->nargs=%d\n", n, fp->nargs) );
345 	if (n+1 > fp->nargs)
346 		FATAL("argument #%d of function %s was not supplied",
347 			n+1, fp->fcncell->nval);
348 	return fp->args[n];
349 }
351 Cell *jump(Node **a, int n)	/* break, continue, next, nextfile, return */
352 {
353 	Cell *y;
355 	switch (n) {
356 	case EXIT:
357 		if (a[0] != NULL) {
358 			y = execute(a[0]);
359 			errorflag = (int) getfval(y);
360 			tempfree(y);
361 		}
362 		longjmp(env, 1);
363 	case RETURN:
364 		if (a[0] != NULL) {
365 			y = execute(a[0]);
366 			if ((y->tval & (STR|NUM)) == (STR|NUM)) {
367 				setsval(fp->retval, getsval(y));
368 				fp->retval->fval = getfval(y);
369 				fp->retval->tval |= NUM;
370 			}
371 			else if (y->tval & STR)
372 				setsval(fp->retval, getsval(y));
373 			else if (y->tval & NUM)
374 				setfval(fp->retval, getfval(y));
375 			else		/* can't happen */
376 				FATAL("bad type variable %d", y->tval);
377 			tempfree(y);
378 		}
379 		return(jret);
380 	case NEXT:
381 		return(jnext);
382 	case NEXTFILE:
383 		nextfile();
384 		return(jnextfile);
385 	case BREAK:
386 		return(jbreak);
387 	case CONTINUE:
388 		return(jcont);
389 	default:	/* can't happen */
390 		FATAL("illegal jump type %d", n);
391 	}
392 	return 0;	/* not reached */
393 }
395 Cell *awkgetline(Node **a, int n)	/* get next line from specific input */
396 {		/* a[0] is variable, a[1] is operator, a[2] is filename */
397 	Cell *r, *x;
398 	extern Cell **fldtab;
399 	FILE *fp;
400 	char *buf;
401 	int bufsize = recsize;
402 	int mode;
404 	if ((buf = (char *) malloc(bufsize)) == NULL)
405 		FATAL("out of memory in getline");
407 	fflush(stdout);	/* in case someone is waiting for a prompt */
408 	r = gettemp();
409 	if (a[1] != NULL) {		/* getline < file */
410 		x = execute(a[2]);		/* filename */
411 		mode = ptoi(a[1]);
412 		if (mode == '|')		/* input pipe */
413 			mode = LE;	/* arbitrary flag */
414 		fp = openfile(mode, getsval(x));
415 		tempfree(x);
416 		if (fp == NULL)
417 			n = -1;
418 		else
419 			n = readrec(&buf, &bufsize, fp);
420 		if (n <= 0) {
421 			;
422 		} else if (a[0] != NULL) {	/* getline var <file */
423 			x = execute(a[0]);
424 			setsval(x, buf);
425 			tempfree(x);
426 		} else {			/* getline <file */
427 			setsval(fldtab[0], buf);
428 			if (is_number(fldtab[0]->sval)) {
429 				fldtab[0]->fval = atof(fldtab[0]->sval);
430 				fldtab[0]->tval |= NUM;
431 			}
432 		}
433 	} else {			/* bare getline; use current input */
434 		if (a[0] == NULL)	/* getline */
435 			n = getrec(&record, &recsize, 1);
436 		else {			/* getline var */
437 			n = getrec(&buf, &bufsize, 0);
438 			x = execute(a[0]);
439 			setsval(x, buf);
440 			tempfree(x);
441 		}
442 	}
443 	setfval(r, (Awkfloat) n);
444 	free(buf);
445 	return r;
446 }
448 Cell *getnf(Node **a, int n)	/* get NF */
449 {
450 	if (donefld == 0)
451 		fldbld();
452 	return (Cell *) a[0];
453 }
455 Cell *array(Node **a, int n)	/* a[0] is symtab, a[1] is list of subscripts */
456 {
457 	Cell *x, *y, *z;
458 	char *s;
459 	Node *np;
460 	char *buf;
461 	int bufsz = recsize;
462 	int nsub = strlen(*SUBSEP);
464 	if ((buf = (char *) malloc(bufsz)) == NULL)
465 		FATAL("out of memory in array");
467 	x = execute(a[0]);	/* Cell* for symbol table */
468 	buf[0] = 0;
469 	for (np = a[1]; np; np = np->nnext) {
470 		y = execute(np);	/* subscript */
471 		s = getsval(y);
472 		if (!adjbuf(&buf, &bufsz, strlen(buf)+strlen(s)+nsub+1, recsize, 0, "array"))
473 			FATAL("out of memory for %s[%s...]", x->nval, buf);
474 		strcat(buf, s);
475 		if (np->nnext)
476 			strcat(buf, *SUBSEP);
477 		tempfree(y);
478 	}
479 	if (!isarr(x)) {
480 		   dprintf( ("making %s into an array\n", NN(x->nval)) );
481 		if (freeable(x))
482 			xfree(x->sval);
483 		x->tval &= ~(STR|NUM|DONTFREE);
484 		x->tval |= ARR;
485 		x->sval = (char *) makesymtab(NSYMTAB);
486 	}
487 	z = setsymtab(buf, "", 0.0, STR|NUM, (Array *) x->sval);
488 	z->ctype = OCELL;
489 	z->csub = CVAR;
490 	tempfree(x);
491 	free(buf);
492 	return(z);
493 }
495 Cell *awkdelete(Node **a, int n)	/* a[0] is symtab, a[1] is list of subscripts */
496 {
497 	Cell *x, *y;
498 	Node *np;
499 	char *s;
500 	int nsub = strlen(*SUBSEP);
502 	x = execute(a[0]);	/* Cell* for symbol table */
503 	if (!isarr(x))
504 		return True;
505 	if (a[1] == 0) {	/* delete the elements, not the table */
506 		freesymtab(x);
507 		x->tval &= ~STR;
508 		x->tval |= ARR;
509 		x->sval = (char *) makesymtab(NSYMTAB);
510 	} else {
511 		int bufsz = recsize;
512 		char *buf;
513 		if ((buf = (char *) malloc(bufsz)) == NULL)
514 			FATAL("out of memory in adelete");
515 		buf[0] = 0;
516 		for (np = a[1]; np; np = np->nnext) {
517 			y = execute(np);	/* subscript */
518 			s = getsval(y);
519 			if (!adjbuf(&buf, &bufsz, strlen(buf)+strlen(s)+nsub+1, recsize, 0, "awkdelete"))
520 				FATAL("out of memory deleting %s[%s...]", x->nval, buf);
521 			strcat(buf, s);
522 			if (np->nnext)
523 				strcat(buf, *SUBSEP);
524 			tempfree(y);
525 		}
526 		freeelem(x, buf);
527 		free(buf);
528 	}
529 	tempfree(x);
530 	return True;
531 }
533 Cell *intest(Node **a, int n)	/* a[0] is index (list), a[1] is symtab */
534 {
535 	Cell *x, *ap, *k;
536 	Node *p;
537 	char *buf;
538 	char *s;
539 	int bufsz = recsize;
540 	int nsub = strlen(*SUBSEP);
542 	ap = execute(a[1]);	/* array name */
543 	if (!isarr(ap)) {
544 		   dprintf( ("making %s into an array\n", ap->nval) );
545 		if (freeable(ap))
546 			xfree(ap->sval);
547 		ap->tval &= ~(STR|NUM|DONTFREE);
548 		ap->tval |= ARR;
549 		ap->sval = (char *) makesymtab(NSYMTAB);
550 	}
551 	if ((buf = (char *) malloc(bufsz)) == NULL) {
552 		FATAL("out of memory in intest");
553 	}
554 	buf[0] = 0;
555 	for (p = a[0]; p; p = p->nnext) {
556 		x = execute(p);	/* expr */
557 		s = getsval(x);
558 		if (!adjbuf(&buf, &bufsz, strlen(buf)+strlen(s)+nsub+1, recsize, 0, "intest"))
559 			FATAL("out of memory deleting %s[%s...]", x->nval, buf);
560 		strcat(buf, s);
561 		tempfree(x);
562 		if (p->nnext)
563 			strcat(buf, *SUBSEP);
564 	}
565 	k = lookup(buf, (Array *) ap->sval);
566 	tempfree(ap);
567 	free(buf);
568 	if (k == NULL)
569 		return(False);
570 	else
571 		return(True);
572 }
575 Cell *matchop(Node **a, int n)	/* ~ and match() */
576 {
577 	Cell *x, *y;
578 	char *s, *t;
579 	int i;
580 	fa *pfa;
581 	int (*mf)(fa *, const char *) = match, mode = 0;
583 	if (n == MATCHFCN) {
584 		mf = pmatch;
585 		mode = 1;
586 	}
587 	x = execute(a[1]);	/* a[1] = target text */
588 	s = getsval(x);
589 	if (a[0] == 0)		/* a[1] == 0: already-compiled reg expr */
590 		i = (*mf)((fa *) a[2], s);
591 	else {
592 		y = execute(a[2]);	/* a[2] = regular expr */
593 		t = getsval(y);
594 		pfa = makedfa(t, mode);
595 		i = (*mf)(pfa, s);
596 		tempfree(y);
597 	}
598 	tempfree(x);
599 	if (n == MATCHFCN) {
600 		int start = patbeg - s + 1;
601 		if (patlen < 0)
602 			start = 0;
603 		setfval(rstartloc, (Awkfloat) start);
604 		setfval(rlengthloc, (Awkfloat) patlen);
605 		x = gettemp();
606 		x->tval = NUM;
607 		x->fval = start;
608 		return x;
609 	} else if ((n == MATCH && i == 1) || (n == NOTMATCH && i == 0))
610 		return(True);
611 	else
612 		return(False);
613 }
616 Cell *boolop(Node **a, int n)	/* a[0] || a[1], a[0] && a[1], !a[0] */
617 {
618 	Cell *x, *y;
619 	int i;
621 	x = execute(a[0]);
622 	i = istrue(x);
623 	tempfree(x);
624 	switch (n) {
625 	case BOR:
626 		if (i) return(True);
627 		y = execute(a[1]);
628 		i = istrue(y);
629 		tempfree(y);
630 		if (i) return(True);
631 		else return(False);
632 	case AND:
633 		if ( !i ) return(False);
634 		y = execute(a[1]);
635 		i = istrue(y);
636 		tempfree(y);
637 		if (i) return(True);
638 		else return(False);
639 	case NOT:
640 		if (i) return(False);
641 		else return(True);
642 	default:	/* can't happen */
643 		FATAL("unknown boolean operator %d", n);
644 	}
645 	return 0;	/*NOTREACHED*/
646 }
648 Cell *relop(Node **a, int n)	/* a[0 < a[1], etc. */
649 {
650 	int i;
651 	Cell *x, *y;
652 	Awkfloat j;
654 	x = execute(a[0]);
655 	y = execute(a[1]);
656 	if (x->tval&NUM && y->tval&NUM) {
657 		j = x->fval - y->fval;
658 		i = j<0? -1: (j>0? 1: 0);
659 	} else {
660 		i = strcoll(getsval(x), getsval(y));
661 	}
662 	tempfree(x);
663 	tempfree(y);
664 	switch (n) {
665 	case LT:	if (i<0) return(True);
666 			else return(False);
667 	case LE:	if (i<=0) return(True);
668 			else return(False);
669 	case NE:	if (i!=0) return(True);
670 			else return(False);
671 	case EQ:	if (i == 0) return(True);
672 			else return(False);
673 	case GE:	if (i>=0) return(True);
674 			else return(False);
675 	case GT:	if (i>0) return(True);
676 			else return(False);
677 	default:	/* can't happen */
678 		FATAL("unknown relational operator %d", n);
679 	}
680 	return 0;	/*NOTREACHED*/
681 }
683 void tfree(Cell *a)	/* free a tempcell */
684 {
685 	if (freeable(a)) {
686 		   dprintf( ("freeing %s %s %o\n", NN(a->nval), NN(a->sval), a->tval) );
687 		xfree(a->sval);
688 	}
689 	if (a == tmps)
690 		FATAL("tempcell list is curdled");
691 	a->cnext = tmps;
692 	tmps = a;
693 }
695 Cell *gettemp(void)	/* get a tempcell */
696 {	int i;
697 	Cell *x;
699 	if (!tmps) {
700 		tmps = (Cell *) calloc(100, sizeof(Cell));
701 		if (!tmps)
702 			FATAL("out of space for temporaries");
703 		for(i = 1; i < 100; i++)
704 			tmps[i-1].cnext = &tmps[i];
705 		tmps[i-1].cnext = 0;
706 	}
707 	x = tmps;
708 	tmps = x->cnext;
709 	*x = tempcell;
710 	return(x);
711 }
713 Cell *indirect(Node **a, int n)	/* $( a[0] ) */
714 {
715 	Awkfloat val;
716 	Cell *x;
717 	int m;
718 	char *s;
720 	x = execute(a[0]);
721 	val = getfval(x);	/* freebsd: defend against super large field numbers */
722 	if ((Awkfloat)INT_MAX < val)
723 		FATAL("trying to access out of range field %s", x->nval);
724 	m = (int) val;
725 	if (m == 0 && !is_number(s = getsval(x)))	/* suspicion! */
726 		FATAL("illegal field $(%s), name \"%s\"", s, x->nval);
727 		/* BUG: can x->nval ever be null??? */
728 	tempfree(x);
729 	x = fieldadr(m);
730 	x->ctype = OCELL;	/* BUG?  why are these needed? */
731 	x->csub = CFLD;
732 	return(x);
733 }
735 Cell *substr(Node **a, int nnn)		/* substr(a[0], a[1], a[2]) */
736 {
737 	int k, m, n;
738 	char *s;
739 	int temp;
740 	Cell *x, *y, *z = 0;
742 	x = execute(a[0]);
743 	y = execute(a[1]);
744 	if (a[2] != 0)
745 		z = execute(a[2]);
746 	s = getsval(x);
747 	k = strlen(s) + 1;
748 	if (k <= 1) {
749 		tempfree(x);
750 		tempfree(y);
751 		if (a[2] != 0) {
752 			tempfree(z);
753 		}
754 		x = gettemp();
755 		setsval(x, "");
756 		return(x);
757 	}
758 	m = (int) getfval(y);
759 	if (m <= 0)
760 		m = 1;
761 	else if (m > k)
762 		m = k;
763 	tempfree(y);
764 	if (a[2] != 0) {
765 		n = (int) getfval(z);
766 		tempfree(z);
767 	} else
768 		n = k - 1;
769 	if (n < 0)
770 		n = 0;
771 	else if (n > k - m)
772 		n = k - m;
773 	   dprintf( ("substr: m=%d, n=%d, s=%s\n", m, n, s) );
774 	y = gettemp();
775 	temp = s[n+m-1];	/* with thanks to John Linderman */
776 	s[n+m-1] = '\0';
777 	setsval(y, s + m - 1);
778 	s[n+m-1] = temp;
779 	tempfree(x);
780 	return(y);
781 }
783 Cell *sindex(Node **a, int nnn)		/* index(a[0], a[1]) */
784 {
785 	Cell *x, *y, *z;
786 	char *s1, *s2, *p1, *p2, *q;
787 	Awkfloat v = 0.0;
789 	x = execute(a[0]);
790 	s1 = getsval(x);
791 	y = execute(a[1]);
792 	s2 = getsval(y);
794 	z = gettemp();
795 	for (p1 = s1; *p1 != '\0'; p1++) {
796 		for (q=p1, p2=s2; *p2 != '\0' && *q == *p2; q++, p2++)
797 			;
798 		if (*p2 == '\0') {
799 			v = (Awkfloat) (p1 - s1 + 1);	/* origin 1 */
800 			break;
801 		}
802 	}
803 	tempfree(x);
804 	tempfree(y);
805 	setfval(z, v);
806 	return(z);
807 }
809 #define	MAXNUMSIZE	50
811 int format(char **pbuf, int *pbufsize, const char *s, Node *a)	/* printf-like conversions */
812 {
813 	char *fmt;
814 	char *p, *t;
815 	const char *os;
816 	Cell *x;
817 	int flag = 0, n;
818 	int fmtwd; /* format width */
819 	int fmtsz = recsize;
820 	char *buf = *pbuf;
821 	int bufsize = *pbufsize;
823 	os = s;
824 	p = buf;
825 	if ((fmt = (char *) malloc(fmtsz)) == NULL)
826 		FATAL("out of memory in format()");
827 	while (*s) {
828 		adjbuf(&buf, &bufsize, MAXNUMSIZE+1+p-buf, recsize, &p, "format1");
829 		if (*s != '%') {
830 			*p++ = *s++;
831 			continue;
832 		}
833 		if (*(s+1) == '%') {
834 			*p++ = '%';
835 			s += 2;
836 			continue;
837 		}
838 		/* have to be real careful in case this is a huge number, eg, %100000d */
839 		fmtwd = atoi(s+1);
840 		if (fmtwd < 0)
841 			fmtwd = -fmtwd;
842 		adjbuf(&buf, &bufsize, fmtwd+1+p-buf, recsize, &p, "format2");
843 		for (t = fmt; (*t++ = *s) != '\0'; s++) {
844 			if (!adjbuf(&fmt, &fmtsz, MAXNUMSIZE+1+t-fmt, recsize, &t, "format3"))
845 				FATAL("format item %.30s... ran format() out of memory", os);
846 			if (isalpha((uschar)*s) && *s != 'l' && *s != 'h' && *s != 'L')
847 				break;	/* the ansi panoply */
848 			if (*s == '*') {
849 				x = execute(a);
850 				a = a->nnext;
851 				sprintf(t-1, "%d", fmtwd=(int) getfval(x));
852 				if (fmtwd < 0)
853 					fmtwd = -fmtwd;
854 				adjbuf(&buf, &bufsize, fmtwd+1+p-buf, recsize, &p, "format");
855 				t = fmt + strlen(fmt);
856 				tempfree(x);
857 			}
858 		}
859 		*t = '\0';
860 		if (fmtwd < 0)
861 			fmtwd = -fmtwd;
862 		adjbuf(&buf, &bufsize, fmtwd+1+p-buf, recsize, &p, "format4");
864 		switch (*s) {
865 		case 'f': case 'e': case 'g': case 'E': case 'G':
866 			flag = 'f';
867 			break;
868 		case 'd': case 'i':
869 			flag = 'd';
870 			if(*(s-1) == 'l') break;
871 			*(t-1) = 'l';
872 			*t = 'd';
873 			*++t = '\0';
874 			break;
875 		case 'o': case 'x': case 'X': case 'u':
876 			flag = *(s-1) == 'l' ? 'd' : 'u';
877 			break;
878 		case 's':
879 			flag = 's';
880 			break;
881 		case 'c':
882 			flag = 'c';
883 			break;
884 		default:
885 			WARNING("weird printf conversion %s", fmt);
886 			flag = '?';
887 			break;
888 		}
889 		if (a == NULL)
890 			FATAL("not enough args in printf(%s)", os);
891 		x = execute(a);
892 		a = a->nnext;
893 		n = MAXNUMSIZE;
894 		if (fmtwd > n)
895 			n = fmtwd;
896 		adjbuf(&buf, &bufsize, 1+n+p-buf, recsize, &p, "format5");
897 		switch (flag) {
898 		case '?':	sprintf(p, "%s", fmt);	/* unknown, so dump it too */
899 			t = getsval(x);
900 			n = strlen(t);
901 			if (fmtwd > n)
902 				n = fmtwd;
903 			adjbuf(&buf, &bufsize, 1+strlen(p)+n+p-buf, recsize, &p, "format6");
904 			p += strlen(p);
905 			sprintf(p, "%s", t);
906 			break;
907 		case 'f':	sprintf(p, fmt, getfval(x)); break;
908 		case 'd':	sprintf(p, fmt, (long) getfval(x)); break;
909 		case 'u':	sprintf(p, fmt, (int) getfval(x)); break;
910 		case 's':
911 			t = getsval(x);
912 			n = strlen(t);
913 			if (fmtwd > n)
914 				n = fmtwd;
915 			if (!adjbuf(&buf, &bufsize, 1+n+p-buf, recsize, &p, "format7"))
916 				FATAL("huge string/format (%d chars) in printf %.30s... ran format() out of memory", n, t);
917 			sprintf(p, fmt, t);
918 			break;
919 		case 'c':
920 			if (isnum(x)) {
921 				if (getfval(x))
922 					sprintf(p, fmt, (int) getfval(x));
923 				else {
924 					*p++ = '\0'; /* explicit null byte */
925 					*p = '\0';   /* next output will start here */
926 				}
927 			} else
928 				sprintf(p, fmt, getsval(x)[0]);
929 			break;
930 		default:
931 			FATAL("can't happen: bad conversion %c in format()", flag);
932 		}
933 		tempfree(x);
934 		p += strlen(p);
935 		s++;
936 	}
937 	*p = '\0';
938 	free(fmt);
939 	for ( ; a; a = a->nnext)		/* evaluate any remaining args */
940 		execute(a);
941 	*pbuf = buf;
942 	*pbufsize = bufsize;
943 	return p - buf;
944 }
946 Cell *awksprintf(Node **a, int n)		/* sprintf(a[0]) */
947 {
948 	Cell *x;
949 	Node *y;
950 	char *buf;
951 	int bufsz=3*recsize;
953 	if ((buf = (char *) malloc(bufsz)) == NULL)
954 		FATAL("out of memory in awksprintf");
955 	y = a[0]->nnext;
956 	x = execute(a[0]);
957 	if (format(&buf, &bufsz, getsval(x), y) == -1)
958 		FATAL("sprintf string %.30s... too long.  can't happen.", buf);
959 	tempfree(x);
960 	x = gettemp();
961 	x->sval = buf;
962 	x->tval = STR;
963 	return(x);
964 }
966 Cell *awkprintf(Node **a, int n)		/* printf */
967 {	/* a[0] is list of args, starting with format string */
968 	/* a[1] is redirection operator, a[2] is redirection file */
969 	FILE *fp;
970 	Cell *x;
971 	Node *y;
972 	char *buf;
973 	int len;
974 	int bufsz=3*recsize;
976 	if ((buf = (char *) malloc(bufsz)) == NULL)
977 		FATAL("out of memory in awkprintf");
978 	y = a[0]->nnext;
979 	x = execute(a[0]);
980 	if ((len = format(&buf, &bufsz, getsval(x), y)) == -1)
981 		FATAL("printf string %.30s... too long.  can't happen.", buf);
982 	tempfree(x);
983 	if (a[1] == NULL) {
984 		/* fputs(buf, stdout); */
985 		fwrite(buf, len, 1, stdout);
986 		if (ferror(stdout))
987 			FATAL("write error on stdout");
988 	} else {
989 		fp = redirect(ptoi(a[1]), a[2]);
990 		/* fputs(buf, fp); */
991 		fwrite(buf, len, 1, fp);
992 		fflush(fp);
993 		if (ferror(fp))
994 			FATAL("write error on %s", filename(fp));
995 	}
996 	free(buf);
997 	return(True);
998 }
1000 Cell *arith(Node **a, int n)	/* a[0] + a[1], etc.  also -a[0] */
1001 {
1002 	Awkfloat i, j = 0;
1003 	double v;
1004 	Cell *x, *y, *z;
1006 	x = execute(a[0]);
1007 	i = getfval(x);
1008 	tempfree(x);
1009 	if (n != UMINUS) {
1010 		y = execute(a[1]);
1011 		j = getfval(y);
1012 		tempfree(y);
1013 	}
1014 	z = gettemp();
1015 	switch (n) {
1016 	case ADD:
1017 		i += j;
1018 		break;
1019 	case MINUS:
1020 		i -= j;
1021 		break;
1022 	case MULT:
1023 		i *= j;
1024 		break;
1025 	case DIVIDE:
1026 		if (j == 0)
1027 			FATAL("division by zero");
1028 		i /= j;
1029 		break;
1030 	case MOD:
1031 		if (j == 0)
1032 			FATAL("division by zero in mod");
1033 		modf(i/j, &v);
1034 		i = i - j * v;
1035 		break;
1036 	case UMINUS:
1037 		i = -i;
1038 		break;
1039 	case POWER:
1040 		if (j >= 0 && modf(j, &v) == 0.0)	/* pos integer exponent */
1041 			i = ipow(i, (int) j);
1042 		else
1043 			i = errcheck(pow(i, j), "pow");
1044 		break;
1045 	default:	/* can't happen */
1046 		FATAL("illegal arithmetic operator %d", n);
1047 	}
1048 	setfval(z, i);
1049 	return(z);
1050 }
1052 double ipow(double x, int n)	/* x**n.  ought to be done by pow, but isn't always */
1053 {
1054 	double v;
1056 	if (n <= 0)
1057 		return 1;
1058 	v = ipow(x, n/2);
1059 	if (n % 2 == 0)
1060 		return v * v;
1061 	else
1062 		return x * v * v;
1063 }
1065 Cell *incrdecr(Node **a, int n)		/* a[0]++, etc. */
1066 {
1067 	Cell *x, *z;
1068 	int k;
1069 	Awkfloat xf;
1071 	x = execute(a[0]);
1072 	xf = getfval(x);
1073 	k = (n == PREINCR || n == POSTINCR) ? 1 : -1;
1074 	if (n == PREINCR || n == PREDECR) {
1075 		setfval(x, xf + k);
1076 		return(x);
1077 	}
1078 	z = gettemp();
1079 	setfval(z, xf);
1080 	setfval(x, xf + k);
1081 	tempfree(x);
1082 	return(z);
1083 }
1085 Cell *assign(Node **a, int n)	/* a[0] = a[1], a[0] += a[1], etc. */
1086 {		/* this is subtle; don't muck with it. */
1087 	Cell *x, *y;
1088 	Awkfloat xf, yf;
1089 	double v;
1091 	y = execute(a[1]);
1092 	x = execute(a[0]);
1093 	if (n == ASSIGN) {	/* ordinary assignment */
1094 		if (x == y && !(x->tval & (FLD|REC)))	/* self-assignment: */
1095 			;		/* leave alone unless it's a field */
1096 		else if ((y->tval & (STR|NUM)) == (STR|NUM)) {
1097 			setsval(x, getsval(y));
1098 			x->fval = getfval(y);
1099 			x->tval |= NUM;
1100 		}
1101 		else if (isstr(y))
1102 			setsval(x, getsval(y));
1103 		else if (isnum(y))
1104 			setfval(x, getfval(y));
1105 		else
1106 			funnyvar(y, "read value of");
1107 		tempfree(y);
1108 		return(x);
1109 	}
1110 	xf = getfval(x);
1111 	yf = getfval(y);
1112 	switch (n) {
1113 	case ADDEQ:
1114 		xf += yf;
1115 		break;
1116 	case SUBEQ:
1117 		xf -= yf;
1118 		break;
1119 	case MULTEQ:
1120 		xf *= yf;
1121 		break;
1122 	case DIVEQ:
1123 		if (yf == 0)
1124 			FATAL("division by zero in /=");
1125 		xf /= yf;
1126 		break;
1127 	case MODEQ:
1128 		if (yf == 0)
1129 			FATAL("division by zero in %%=");
1130 		modf(xf/yf, &v);
1131 		xf = xf - yf * v;
1132 		break;
1133 	case POWEQ:
1134 		if (yf >= 0 && modf(yf, &v) == 0.0)	/* pos integer exponent */
1135 			xf = ipow(xf, (int) yf);
1136 		else
1137 			xf = errcheck(pow(xf, yf), "pow");
1138 		break;
1139 	default:
1140 		FATAL("illegal assignment operator %d", n);
1141 		break;
1142 	}
1143 	tempfree(y);
1144 	setfval(x, xf);
1145 	return(x);
1146 }
1148 Cell *cat(Node **a, int q)	/* a[0] cat a[1] */
1149 {
1150 	Cell *x, *y, *z;
1151 	int n1, n2;
1152 	char *s;
1154 	x = execute(a[0]);
1155 	y = execute(a[1]);
1156 	getsval(x);
1157 	getsval(y);
1158 	n1 = strlen(x->sval);
1159 	n2 = strlen(y->sval);
1160 	s = (char *) malloc(n1 + n2 + 1);
1161 	if (s == NULL)
1162 		FATAL("out of space concatenating %.15s... and %.15s...",
1163 			x->sval, y->sval);
1164 	strcpy(s, x->sval);
1165 	strcpy(s+n1, y->sval);
1166 	tempfree(x);
1167 	tempfree(y);
1168 	z = gettemp();
1169 	z->sval = s;
1170 	z->tval = STR;
1171 	return(z);
1172 }
1174 Cell *pastat(Node **a, int n)	/* a[0] { a[1] } */
1175 {
1176 	Cell *x;
1178 	if (a[0] == 0)
1179 		x = execute(a[1]);
1180 	else {
1181 		x = execute(a[0]);
1182 		if (istrue(x)) {
1183 			tempfree(x);
1184 			x = execute(a[1]);
1185 		}
1186 	}
1187 	return x;
1188 }
1190 Cell *dopa2(Node **a, int n)	/* a[0], a[1] { a[2] } */
1191 {
1192 	Cell *x;
1193 	int pair;
1195 	pair = ptoi(a[3]);
1196 	if (pairstack[pair] == 0) {
1197 		x = execute(a[0]);
1198 		if (istrue(x))
1199 			pairstack[pair] = 1;
1200 		tempfree(x);
1201 	}
1202 	if (pairstack[pair] == 1) {
1203 		x = execute(a[1]);
1204 		if (istrue(x))
1205 			pairstack[pair] = 0;
1206 		tempfree(x);
1207 		x = execute(a[2]);
1208 		return(x);
1209 	}
1210 	return(False);
1211 }
1213 Cell *split(Node **a, int nnn)	/* split(a[0], a[1], a[2]); a[3] is type */
1214 {
1215 	Cell *x = 0, *y, *ap;
1216 	char *s, *origs;
1217 	int sep;
1218 	char *t, temp, num[50], *fs = 0;
1219 	int n, tempstat, arg3type;
1221 	y = execute(a[0]);	/* source string */
1222 	origs = s = strdup(getsval(y));
1223 	arg3type = ptoi(a[3]);
1224 	if (a[2] == 0)		/* fs string */
1225 		fs = *FS;
1226 	else if (arg3type == STRING) {	/* split(str,arr,"string") */
1227 		x = execute(a[2]);
1228 		fs = getsval(x);
1229 	} else if (arg3type == REGEXPR)
1230 		fs = "(regexpr)";	/* split(str,arr,/regexpr/) */
1231 	else
1232 		FATAL("illegal type of split");
1233 	sep = *fs;
1234 	ap = execute(a[1]);	/* array name */
1235 	freesymtab(ap);
1236 	   dprintf( ("split: s=|%s|, a=%s, sep=|%s|\n", s, NN(ap->nval), fs) );
1237 	ap->tval &= ~STR;
1238 	ap->tval |= ARR;
1239 	ap->sval = (char *) makesymtab(NSYMTAB);
1241 	n = 0;
1242         if (arg3type == REGEXPR && strlen((char*)((fa*)a[2])->restr) == 0) {
1243 		/* split(s, a, //); have to arrange that it looks like empty sep */
1244 		arg3type = 0;
1245 		fs = "";
1246 		sep = 0;
1247 	}
1248 	if (*s != '\0' && (strlen(fs) > 1 || arg3type == REGEXPR)) {	/* reg expr */
1249 		fa *pfa;
1250 		if (arg3type == REGEXPR) {	/* it's ready already */
1251 			pfa = (fa *) a[2];
1252 		} else {
1253 			pfa = makedfa(fs, 1);
1254 		}
1255 		if (nematch(pfa,s)) {
1256 			tempstat = pfa->initstat;
1257 			pfa->initstat = 2;
1258 			do {
1259 				n++;
1260 				sprintf(num, "%d", n);
1261 				temp = *patbeg;
1262 				*patbeg = '\0';
1263 				if (is_number(s))
1264 					setsymtab(num, s, atof(s), STR|NUM, (Array *) ap->sval);
1265 				else
1266 					setsymtab(num, s, 0.0, STR, (Array *) ap->sval);
1267 				*patbeg = temp;
1268 				s = patbeg + patlen;
1269 				if (*(patbeg+patlen-1) == 0 || *s == 0) {
1270 					n++;
1271 					sprintf(num, "%d", n);
1272 					setsymtab(num, "", 0.0, STR, (Array *) ap->sval);
1273 					pfa->initstat = tempstat;
1274 					goto spdone;
1275 				}
1276 			} while (nematch(pfa,s));
1277 			pfa->initstat = tempstat; 	/* bwk: has to be here to reset */
1278 							/* cf gsub and refldbld */
1279 		}
1280 		n++;
1281 		sprintf(num, "%d", n);
1282 		if (is_number(s))
1283 			setsymtab(num, s, atof(s), STR|NUM, (Array *) ap->sval);
1284 		else
1285 			setsymtab(num, s, 0.0, STR, (Array *) ap->sval);
1286   spdone:
1287 		pfa = NULL;
1288 	} else if (sep == ' ') {
1289 		for (n = 0; ; ) {
1290 			while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '\n')
1291 				s++;
1292 			if (*s == 0)
1293 				break;
1294 			n++;
1295 			t = s;
1296 			do
1297 				s++;
1298 			while (*s!=' ' && *s!='\t' && *s!='\n' && *s!='\0');
1299 			temp = *s;
1300 			*s = '\0';
1301 			sprintf(num, "%d", n);
1302 			if (is_number(t))
1303 				setsymtab(num, t, atof(t), STR|NUM, (Array *) ap->sval);
1304 			else
1305 				setsymtab(num, t, 0.0, STR, (Array *) ap->sval);
1306 			*s = temp;
1307 			if (*s != 0)
1308 				s++;
1309 		}
1310 	} else if (sep == 0) {	/* new: split(s, a, "") => 1 char/elem */
1311 		for (n = 0; *s != 0; s++) {
1312 			char buf[2];
1313 			n++;
1314 			sprintf(num, "%d", n);
1315 			buf[0] = *s;
1316 			buf[1] = 0;
1317 			if (isdigit((uschar)buf[0]))
1318 				setsymtab(num, buf, atof(buf), STR|NUM, (Array *) ap->sval);
1319 			else
1320 				setsymtab(num, buf, 0.0, STR, (Array *) ap->sval);
1321 		}
1322 	} else if (*s != 0) {
1323 		for (;;) {
1324 			n++;
1325 			t = s;
1326 			while (*s != sep && *s != '\n' && *s != '\0')
1327 				s++;
1328 			temp = *s;
1329 			*s = '\0';
1330 			sprintf(num, "%d", n);
1331 			if (is_number(t))
1332 				setsymtab(num, t, atof(t), STR|NUM, (Array *) ap->sval);
1333 			else
1334 				setsymtab(num, t, 0.0, STR, (Array *) ap->sval);
1335 			*s = temp;
1336 			if (*s++ == 0)
1337 				break;
1338 		}
1339 	}
1340 	tempfree(ap);
1341 	tempfree(y);
1342 	free(origs);
1343 	if (a[2] != 0 && arg3type == STRING) {
1344 		tempfree(x);
1345 	}
1346 	x = gettemp();
1347 	x->tval = NUM;
1348 	x->fval = n;
1349 	return(x);
1350 }
1352 Cell *condexpr(Node **a, int n)	/* a[0] ? a[1] : a[2] */
1353 {
1354 	Cell *x;
1356 	x = execute(a[0]);
1357 	if (istrue(x)) {
1358 		tempfree(x);
1359 		x = execute(a[1]);
1360 	} else {
1361 		tempfree(x);
1362 		x = execute(a[2]);
1363 	}
1364 	return(x);
1365 }
1367 Cell *ifstat(Node **a, int n)	/* if (a[0]) a[1]; else a[2] */
1368 {
1369 	Cell *x;
1371 	x = execute(a[0]);
1372 	if (istrue(x)) {
1373 		tempfree(x);
1374 		x = execute(a[1]);
1375 	} else if (a[2] != 0) {
1376 		tempfree(x);
1377 		x = execute(a[2]);
1378 	}
1379 	return(x);
1380 }
1382 Cell *whilestat(Node **a, int n)	/* while (a[0]) a[1] */
1383 {
1384 	Cell *x;
1386 	for (;;) {
1387 		x = execute(a[0]);
1388 		if (!istrue(x))
1389 			return(x);
1390 		tempfree(x);
1391 		x = execute(a[1]);
1392 		if (isbreak(x)) {
1393 			x = True;
1394 			return(x);
1395 		}
1396 		if (isnext(x) || isexit(x) || isret(x))
1397 			return(x);
1398 		tempfree(x);
1399 	}
1400 }
1402 Cell *dostat(Node **a, int n)	/* do a[0]; while(a[1]) */
1403 {
1404 	Cell *x;
1406 	for (;;) {
1407 		x = execute(a[0]);
1408 		if (isbreak(x))
1409 			return True;
1410 		if (isnext(x) || isexit(x) || isret(x))
1411 			return(x);
1412 		tempfree(x);
1413 		x = execute(a[1]);
1414 		if (!istrue(x))
1415 			return(x);
1416 		tempfree(x);
1417 	}
1418 }
1420 Cell *forstat(Node **a, int n)	/* for (a[0]; a[1]; a[2]) a[3] */
1421 {
1422 	Cell *x;
1424 	x = execute(a[0]);
1425 	tempfree(x);
1426 	for (;;) {
1427 		if (a[1]!=0) {
1428 			x = execute(a[1]);
1429 			if (!istrue(x)) return(x);
1430 			else tempfree(x);
1431 		}
1432 		x = execute(a[3]);
1433 		if (isbreak(x))		/* turn off break */
1434 			return True;
1435 		if (isnext(x) || isexit(x) || isret(x))
1436 			return(x);
1437 		tempfree(x);
1438 		x = execute(a[2]);
1439 		tempfree(x);
1440 	}
1441 }
1443 Cell *instat(Node **a, int n)	/* for (a[0] in a[1]) a[2] */
1444 {
1445 	Cell *x, *vp, *arrayp, *cp, *ncp;
1446 	Array *tp;
1447 	int i;
1449 	vp = execute(a[0]);
1450 	arrayp = execute(a[1]);
1451 	if (!isarr(arrayp)) {
1452 		return True;
1453 	}
1454 	tp = (Array *) arrayp->sval;
1455 	tempfree(arrayp);
1456 	for (i = 0; i < tp->size; i++) {	/* this routine knows too much */
1457 		for (cp = tp->tab[i]; cp != NULL; cp = ncp) {
1458 			setsval(vp, cp->nval);
1459 			ncp = cp->cnext;
1460 			x = execute(a[2]);
1461 			if (isbreak(x)) {
1462 				tempfree(vp);
1463 				return True;
1464 			}
1465 			if (isnext(x) || isexit(x) || isret(x)) {
1466 				tempfree(vp);
1467 				return(x);
1468 			}
1469 			tempfree(x);
1470 		}
1471 	}
1472 	return True;
1473 }
1475 Cell *bltin(Node **a, int n)	/* builtin functions. a[0] is type, a[1] is arg list */
1476 {
1477 	Cell *x, *y;
1478 	Awkfloat u;
1479 	int t;
1480 	Awkfloat tmp;
1481 	char *p, *buf;
1482 	Node *nextarg;
1483 	FILE *fp;
1484 	void flush_all(void);
1486 	t = ptoi(a[0]);
1487 	x = execute(a[1]);
1488 	nextarg = a[1]->nnext;
1489 	switch (t) {
1490 	case FLENGTH:
1491 		if (isarr(x))
1492 			u = ((Array *) x->sval)->nelem;	/* GROT.  should be function*/
1493 		else
1494 			u = strlen(getsval(x));
1495 		break;
1496 	case FLOG:
1497 		u = errcheck(log(getfval(x)), "log"); break;
1498 	case FINT:
1499 		modf(getfval(x), &u); break;
1500 	case FEXP:
1501 		u = errcheck(exp(getfval(x)), "exp"); break;
1502 	case FSQRT:
1503 		u = errcheck(sqrt(getfval(x)), "sqrt"); break;
1504 	case FSIN:
1505 		u = sin(getfval(x)); break;
1506 	case FCOS:
1507 		u = cos(getfval(x)); break;
1508 	case FATAN:
1509 		if (nextarg == 0) {
1510 			WARNING("atan2 requires two arguments; returning 1.0");
1511 			u = 1.0;
1512 		} else {
1513 			y = execute(a[1]->nnext);
1514 			u = atan2(getfval(x), getfval(y));
1515 			tempfree(y);
1516 			nextarg = nextarg->nnext;
1517 		}
1518 		break;
1519 	case FSYSTEM:
1520 		fflush(stdout);		/* in case something is buffered already */
1521 		u = (Awkfloat) system(getsval(x)) / 256;   /* 256 is unix-dep */
1522 		break;
1523 	case FRAND:
1524 		/* in principle, rand() returns something in 0..RAND_MAX */
1525 		u = (Awkfloat) (rand() % RAND_MAX) / RAND_MAX;
1526 		break;
1527 	case FSRAND:
1528 		if (isrec(x))	/* no argument provided */
1529 			u = time((time_t *)0);
1530 		else
1531 			u = getfval(x);
1532 		tmp = u;
1533 		srand((unsigned int) u);
1534 		u = srand_seed;
1535 		srand_seed = tmp;
1536 		break;
1537 	case FTOUPPER:
1538 	case FTOLOWER:
1539 		buf = tostring(getsval(x));
1540 		if (t == FTOUPPER) {
1541 			for (p = buf; *p; p++)
1542 				if (islower((uschar) *p))
1543 					*p = toupper((uschar)*p);
1544 		} else {
1545 			for (p = buf; *p; p++)
1546 				if (isupper((uschar) *p))
1547 					*p = tolower((uschar)*p);
1548 		}
1549 		tempfree(x);
1550 		x = gettemp();
1551 		setsval(x, buf);
1552 		free(buf);
1553 		return x;
1554 	case FFLUSH:
1555 		if (isrec(x) || strlen(getsval(x)) == 0) {
1556 			flush_all();	/* fflush() or fflush("") -> all */
1557 			u = 0;
1558 		} else if ((fp = openfile(FFLUSH, getsval(x))) == NULL)
1559 			u = EOF;
1560 		else
1561 			u = fflush(fp);
1562 		break;
1563 	default:	/* can't happen */
1564 		FATAL("illegal function type %d", t);
1565 		break;
1566 	}
1567 	tempfree(x);
1568 	x = gettemp();
1569 	setfval(x, u);
1570 	if (nextarg != 0) {
1571 		WARNING("warning: function has too many arguments");
1572 		for ( ; nextarg; nextarg = nextarg->nnext)
1573 			execute(nextarg);
1574 	}
1575 	return(x);
1576 }
1578 Cell *printstat(Node **a, int n)	/* print a[0] */
1579 {
1580 	Node *x;
1581 	Cell *y;
1582 	FILE *fp;
1584 	if (a[1] == 0)	/* a[1] is redirection operator, a[2] is file */
1585 		fp = stdout;
1586 	else
1587 		fp = redirect(ptoi(a[1]), a[2]);
1588 	for (x = a[0]; x != NULL; x = x->nnext) {
1589 		y = execute(x);
1590 		fputs(getpssval(y), fp);
1591 		tempfree(y);
1592 		if (x->nnext == NULL)
1593 			fputs(*ORS, fp);
1594 		else
1595 			fputs(*OFS, fp);
1596 	}
1597 	if (a[1] != 0)
1598 		fflush(fp);
1599 	if (ferror(fp))
1600 		FATAL("write error on %s", filename(fp));
1601 	return(True);
1602 }
1604 Cell *nullproc(Node **a, int n)
1605 {
1606 	n = n;
1607 	a = a;
1608 	return 0;
1609 }
1612 FILE *redirect(int a, Node *b)	/* set up all i/o redirections */
1613 {
1614 	FILE *fp;
1615 	Cell *x;
1616 	char *fname;
1618 	x = execute(b);
1619 	fname = getsval(x);
1620 	fp = openfile(a, fname);
1621 	if (fp == NULL)
1622 		FATAL("can't open file %s", fname);
1623 	tempfree(x);
1624 	return fp;
1625 }
1627 struct files {
1628 	FILE	*fp;
1629 	const char	*fname;
1630 	int	mode;	/* '|', 'a', 'w' => LE/LT, GT */
1631 } *files;
1633 int nfiles;
1635 void stdinit(void)	/* in case stdin, etc., are not constants */
1636 {
1637 	nfiles = FOPEN_MAX;
1638 	files = calloc(nfiles, sizeof(*files));
1639 	if (files == NULL)
1640 		FATAL("can't allocate file memory for %u files", nfiles);
1641         files[0].fp = stdin;
1642 	files[0].fname = "/dev/stdin";
1643 	files[0].mode = LT;
1644         files[1].fp = stdout;
1645 	files[1].fname = "/dev/stdout";
1646 	files[1].mode = GT;
1647         files[2].fp = stderr;
1648 	files[2].fname = "/dev/stderr";
1649 	files[2].mode = GT;
1650 }
1652 FILE *openfile(int a, const char *us)
1653 {
1654 	const char *s = us;
1655 	int i, m;
1656 	FILE *fp = 0;
1658 	if (*s == '\0')
1659 		FATAL("null file name in print or getline");
1660 	for (i=0; i < nfiles; i++)
1661 		if (files[i].fname && strcmp(s, files[i].fname) == 0) {
1662 			if (a == files[i].mode || (a==APPEND && files[i].mode==GT))
1663 				return files[i].fp;
1664 			if (a == FFLUSH)
1665 				return files[i].fp;
1666 		}
1667 	if (a == FFLUSH)	/* didn't find it, so don't create it! */
1668 		return NULL;
1670 	for (i=0; i < nfiles; i++)
1671 		if (files[i].fp == 0)
1672 			break;
1673 	if (i >= nfiles) {
1674 		struct files *nf;
1675 		int nnf = nfiles + FOPEN_MAX;
1676 		nf = realloc(files, nnf * sizeof(*nf));
1677 		if (nf == NULL)
1678 			FATAL("cannot grow files for %s and %d files", s, nnf);
1679 		memset(&nf[nfiles], 0, FOPEN_MAX * sizeof(*nf));
1680 		nfiles = nnf;
1681 		files = nf;
1682 	}
1683 	fflush(stdout);	/* force a semblance of order */
1684 	m = a;
1685 	if (a == GT) {
1686 		fp = fopen(s, "w");
1687 	} else if (a == APPEND) {
1688 		fp = fopen(s, "a");
1689 		m = GT;	/* so can mix > and >> */
1690 	} else if (a == '|') {	/* output pipe */
1691 		fp = popen(s, "w");
1692 	} else if (a == LE) {	/* input pipe */
1693 		fp = popen(s, "r");
1694 	} else if (a == LT) {	/* getline <file */
1695 		fp = strcmp(s, "-") == 0 ? stdin : fopen(s, "r");	/* "-" is stdin */
1696 	} else	/* can't happen */
1697 		FATAL("illegal redirection %d", a);
1698 	if (fp != NULL) {
1699 		files[i].fname = tostring(s);
1700 		files[i].fp = fp;
1701 		files[i].mode = m;
1702 	}
1703 	return fp;
1704 }
1706 const char *filename(FILE *fp)
1707 {
1708 	int i;
1710 	for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
1711 		if (fp == files[i].fp)
1712 			return files[i].fname;
1713 	return "???";
1714 }
1716 Cell *closefile(Node **a, int n)
1717 {
1718 	Cell *x;
1719 	int i, stat;
1721 	n = n;
1722 	x = execute(a[0]);
1723 	getsval(x);
1724 	stat = -1;
1725 	for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) {
1726 		if (files[i].fname && strcmp(x->sval, files[i].fname) == 0) {
1727 			if (ferror(files[i].fp))
1728 				WARNING( "i/o error occurred on %s", files[i].fname );
1729 			if (files[i].mode == '|' || files[i].mode == LE)
1730 				stat = pclose(files[i].fp);
1731 			else
1732 				stat = fclose(files[i].fp);
1733 			if (stat == EOF)
1734 				WARNING( "i/o error occurred closing %s", files[i].fname );
1735 			if (i > 2)	/* don't do /dev/std... */
1736 				xfree(files[i].fname);
1737 			files[i].fname = NULL;	/* watch out for ref thru this */
1738 			files[i].fp = NULL;
1739 		}
1740 	}
1741 	tempfree(x);
1742 	x = gettemp();
1743 	setfval(x, (Awkfloat) stat);
1744 	return(x);
1745 }
1747 void closeall(void)
1748 {
1749 	int i, stat;
1751 	for (i = 0; i < FOPEN_MAX; i++) {
1752 		if (files[i].fp) {
1753 			if (ferror(files[i].fp))
1754 				WARNING( "i/o error occurred on %s", files[i].fname );
1755 			if (files[i].mode == '|' || files[i].mode == LE)
1756 				stat = pclose(files[i].fp);
1757 			else
1758 				stat = fclose(files[i].fp);
1759 			if (stat == EOF)
1760 				WARNING( "i/o error occurred while closing %s", files[i].fname );
1761 		}
1762 	}
1763 }
1765 void flush_all(void)
1766 {
1767 	int i;
1769 	for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
1770 		if (files[i].fp)
1771 			fflush(files[i].fp);
1772 }
1774 void backsub(char **pb_ptr, char **sptr_ptr);
1776 Cell *sub(Node **a, int nnn)	/* substitute command */
1777 {
1778 	char *sptr, *pb, *q;
1779 	Cell *x, *y, *result;
1780 	char *t, *buf;
1781 	fa *pfa;
1782 	int bufsz = recsize;
1784 	if ((buf = (char *) malloc(bufsz)) == NULL)
1785 		FATAL("out of memory in sub");
1786 	x = execute(a[3]);	/* target string */
1787 	t = getsval(x);
1788 	if (a[0] == 0)		/* 0 => a[1] is already-compiled regexpr */
1789 		pfa = (fa *) a[1];	/* regular expression */
1790 	else {
1791 		y = execute(a[1]);
1792 		pfa = makedfa(getsval(y), 1);
1793 		tempfree(y);
1794 	}
1795 	y = execute(a[2]);	/* replacement string */
1796 	result = False;
1797 	if (pmatch(pfa, t)) {
1798 		sptr = t;
1799 		adjbuf(&buf, &bufsz, 1+patbeg-sptr, recsize, 0, "sub");
1800 		pb = buf;
1801 		while (sptr < patbeg)
1802 			*pb++ = *sptr++;
1803 		sptr = getsval(y);
1804 		while (*sptr != 0) {
1805 			adjbuf(&buf, &bufsz, 5+pb-buf, recsize, &pb, "sub");
1806 			if (*sptr == '\\') {
1807 				backsub(&pb, &sptr);
1808 			} else if (*sptr == '&') {
1809 				sptr++;
1810 				adjbuf(&buf, &bufsz, 1+patlen+pb-buf, recsize, &pb, "sub");
1811 				for (q = patbeg; q < patbeg+patlen; )
1812 					*pb++ = *q++;
1813 			} else
1814 				*pb++ = *sptr++;
1815 		}
1816 		*pb = '\0';
1817 		if (pb > buf + bufsz)
1818 			FATAL("sub result1 %.30s too big; can't happen", buf);
1819 		sptr = patbeg + patlen;
1820 		if ((patlen == 0 && *patbeg) || (patlen && *(sptr-1))) {
1821 			adjbuf(&buf, &bufsz, 1+strlen(sptr)+pb-buf, 0, &pb, "sub");
1822 			while ((*pb++ = *sptr++) != 0)
1823 				;
1824 		}
1825 		if (pb > buf + bufsz)
1826 			FATAL("sub result2 %.30s too big; can't happen", buf);
1827 		setsval(x, buf);	/* BUG: should be able to avoid copy */
1828 		result = True;;
1829 	}
1830 	tempfree(x);
1831 	tempfree(y);
1832 	free(buf);
1833 	return result;
1834 }
1836 Cell *gsub(Node **a, int nnn)	/* global substitute */
1837 {
1838 	Cell *x, *y;
1839 	char *rptr, *sptr, *t, *pb, *q;
1840 	char *buf;
1841 	fa *pfa;
1842 	int mflag, tempstat, num;
1843 	int bufsz = recsize;
1845 	if ((buf = (char *) malloc(bufsz)) == NULL)
1846 		FATAL("out of memory in gsub");
1847 	mflag = 0;	/* if mflag == 0, can replace empty string */
1848 	num = 0;
1849 	x = execute(a[3]);	/* target string */
1850 	t = getsval(x);
1851 	if (a[0] == 0)		/* 0 => a[1] is already-compiled regexpr */
1852 		pfa = (fa *) a[1];	/* regular expression */
1853 	else {
1854 		y = execute(a[1]);
1855 		pfa = makedfa(getsval(y), 1);
1856 		tempfree(y);
1857 	}
1858 	y = execute(a[2]);	/* replacement string */
1859 	if (pmatch(pfa, t)) {
1860 		tempstat = pfa->initstat;
1861 		pfa->initstat = 2;
1862 		pb = buf;
1863 		rptr = getsval(y);
1864 		do {
1865 			if (patlen == 0 && *patbeg != 0) {	/* matched empty string */
1866 				if (mflag == 0) {	/* can replace empty */
1867 					num++;
1868 					sptr = rptr;
1869 					while (*sptr != 0) {
1870 						adjbuf(&buf, &bufsz, 5+pb-buf, recsize, &pb, "gsub");
1871 						if (*sptr == '\\') {
1872 							backsub(&pb, &sptr);
1873 						} else if (*sptr == '&') {
1874 							sptr++;
1875 							adjbuf(&buf, &bufsz, 1+patlen+pb-buf, recsize, &pb, "gsub");
1876 							for (q = patbeg; q < patbeg+patlen; )
1877 								*pb++ = *q++;
1878 						} else
1879 							*pb++ = *sptr++;
1880 					}
1881 				}
1882 				if (*t == 0)	/* at end */
1883 					goto done;
1884 				adjbuf(&buf, &bufsz, 2+pb-buf, recsize, &pb, "gsub");
1885 				*pb++ = *t++;
1886 				if (pb > buf + bufsz)	/* BUG: not sure of this test */
1887 					FATAL("gsub result0 %.30s too big; can't happen", buf);
1888 				mflag = 0;
1889 			}
1890 			else {	/* matched nonempty string */
1891 				num++;
1892 				sptr = t;
1893 				adjbuf(&buf, &bufsz, 1+(patbeg-sptr)+pb-buf, recsize, &pb, "gsub");
1894 				while (sptr < patbeg)
1895 					*pb++ = *sptr++;
1896 				sptr = rptr;
1897 				while (*sptr != 0) {
1898 					adjbuf(&buf, &bufsz, 5+pb-buf, recsize, &pb, "gsub");
1899 					if (*sptr == '\\') {
1900 						backsub(&pb, &sptr);
1901 					} else if (*sptr == '&') {
1902 						sptr++;
1903 						adjbuf(&buf, &bufsz, 1+patlen+pb-buf, recsize, &pb, "gsub");
1904 						for (q = patbeg; q < patbeg+patlen; )
1905 							*pb++ = *q++;
1906 					} else
1907 						*pb++ = *sptr++;
1908 				}
1909 				t = patbeg + patlen;
1910 				if (patlen == 0 || *t == 0 || *(t-1) == 0)
1911 					goto done;
1912 				if (pb > buf + bufsz)
1913 					FATAL("gsub result1 %.30s too big; can't happen", buf);
1914 				mflag = 1;
1915 			}
1916 		} while (pmatch(pfa,t));
1917 		sptr = t;
1918 		adjbuf(&buf, &bufsz, 1+strlen(sptr)+pb-buf, 0, &pb, "gsub");
1919 		while ((*pb++ = *sptr++) != 0)
1920 			;
1921 	done:	if (pb < buf + bufsz)
1922 			*pb = '\0';
1923 		else if (*(pb-1) != '\0')
1924 			FATAL("gsub result2 %.30s truncated; can't happen", buf);
1925 		setsval(x, buf);	/* BUG: should be able to avoid copy + free */
1926 		pfa->initstat = tempstat;
1927 	}
1928 	tempfree(x);
1929 	tempfree(y);
1930 	x = gettemp();
1931 	x->tval = NUM;
1932 	x->fval = num;
1933 	free(buf);
1934 	return(x);
1935 }
1937 void backsub(char **pb_ptr, char **sptr_ptr)	/* handle \\& variations */
1938 {						/* sptr[0] == '\\' */
1939 	char *pb = *pb_ptr, *sptr = *sptr_ptr;
1941 	if (sptr[1] == '\\') {
1942 		if (sptr[2] == '\\' && sptr[3] == '&') { /* \\\& -> \& */
1943 			*pb++ = '\\';
1944 			*pb++ = '&';
1945 			sptr += 4;
1946 		} else if (sptr[2] == '&') {	/* \\& -> \ + matched */
1947 			*pb++ = '\\';
1948 			sptr += 2;
1949 		} else {			/* \\x -> \\x */
1950 			*pb++ = *sptr++;
1951 			*pb++ = *sptr++;
1952 		}
1953 	} else if (sptr[1] == '&') {	/* literal & */
1954 		sptr++;
1955 		*pb++ = *sptr++;
1956 	} else				/* literal \ */
1957 		*pb++ = *sptr++;
1959 	*pb_ptr = pb;
1960 	*sptr_ptr = sptr;
1961 }