1 /**************************************************************** 2 Copyright (C) Lucent Technologies 1997 3 All Rights Reserved 4 5 Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and 6 its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby 7 granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all 8 copies and that both that the copyright notice and this 9 permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting 10 documentation, and that the name Lucent Technologies or any of 11 its entities not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining 12 to distribution of the software without specific, written prior 13 permission. 14 15 LUCENT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, 16 INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. 17 IN NO EVENT SHALL LUCENT OR ANY OF ITS ENTITIES BE LIABLE FOR ANY 18 SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES 19 WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER 20 IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, 21 ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF 22 THIS SOFTWARE. 23 ****************************************************************/ 24 25 /* 26 * this program makes the table to link function names 27 * and type indices that is used by execute() in run.c. 28 * it finds the indices in ytab.h, produced by yacc. 29 */ 30 31 #include <stdio.h> 32 #include <string.h> 33 #include <stdlib.h> 34 #include "awk.h" 35 #include "ytab.h" 36 37 struct xx 38 { int token; 39 const char *name; 40 const char *pname; 41 } proc[] = { 42 { PROGRAM, "program", NULL }, 43 { BOR, "boolop", " || " }, 44 { AND, "boolop", " && " }, 45 { NOT, "boolop", " !" }, 46 { NE, "relop", " != " }, 47 { EQ, "relop", " == " }, 48 { LE, "relop", " <= " }, 49 { LT, "relop", " < " }, 50 { GE, "relop", " >= " }, 51 { GT, "relop", " > " }, 52 { ARRAY, "array", NULL }, 53 { INDIRECT, "indirect", "$(" }, 54 { SUBSTR, "substr", "substr" }, 55 { SUB, "sub", "sub" }, 56 { GSUB, "gsub", "gsub" }, 57 { INDEX, "sindex", "sindex" }, 58 { SPRINTF, "awksprintf", "sprintf " }, 59 { ADD, "arith", " + " }, 60 { MINUS, "arith", " - " }, 61 { MULT, "arith", " * " }, 62 { DIVIDE, "arith", " / " }, 63 { MOD, "arith", " % " }, 64 { UMINUS, "arith", " -" }, 65 { UPLUS, "arith", " +" }, 66 { POWER, "arith", " **" }, 67 { PREINCR, "incrdecr", "++" }, 68 { POSTINCR, "incrdecr", "++" }, 69 { PREDECR, "incrdecr", "--" }, 70 { POSTDECR, "incrdecr", "--" }, 71 { CAT, "cat", " " }, 72 { PASTAT, "pastat", NULL }, 73 { PASTAT2, "dopa2", NULL }, 74 { MATCH, "matchop", " ~ " }, 75 { NOTMATCH, "matchop", " !~ " }, 76 { MATCHFCN, "matchop", "matchop" }, 77 { INTEST, "intest", "intest" }, 78 { PRINTF, "awkprintf", "printf" }, 79 { PRINT, "printstat", "print" }, 80 { CLOSE, "closefile", "closefile" }, 81 { DELETE, "awkdelete", "awkdelete" }, 82 { SPLIT, "split", "split" }, 83 { ASSIGN, "assign", " = " }, 84 { ADDEQ, "assign", " += " }, 85 { SUBEQ, "assign", " -= " }, 86 { MULTEQ, "assign", " *= " }, 87 { DIVEQ, "assign", " /= " }, 88 { MODEQ, "assign", " %= " }, 89 { POWEQ, "assign", " ^= " }, 90 { CONDEXPR, "condexpr", " ?: " }, 91 { IF, "ifstat", "if(" }, 92 { WHILE, "whilestat", "while(" }, 93 { FOR, "forstat", "for(" }, 94 { DO, "dostat", "do" }, 95 { IN, "instat", "instat" }, 96 { NEXT, "jump", "next" }, 97 { NEXTFILE, "jump", "nextfile" }, 98 { EXIT, "jump", "exit" }, 99 { BREAK, "jump", "break" }, 100 { CONTINUE, "jump", "continue" }, 101 { RETURN, "jump", "ret" }, 102 { BLTIN, "bltin", "bltin" }, 103 { CALL, "call", "call" }, 104 { ARG, "arg", "arg" }, 105 { VARNF, "getnf", "NF" }, 106 { GETLINE, "awkgetline", "getline" }, 107 { 0, "", "" }, 108 }; 109 110 #define SIZE (LASTTOKEN - FIRSTTOKEN + 1) 111 const char *table[SIZE]; 112 char *names[SIZE]; 113 114 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 115 { 116 const struct xx *p; 117 int i, n, tok; 118 char c; 119 FILE *fp; 120 char buf[200], name[200], def[200]; 121 122 printf("#include <stdio.h>\n"); 123 printf("#include \"awk.h\"\n"); 124 printf("#include \"ytab.h\"\n\n"); 125 for (i = SIZE; --i >= 0; ) 126 names[i] = ""; 127 128 if (argc != 2) { 129 fprintf(stderr, "usage: maketab YTAB_H\n"); 130 exit(1); 131 } 132 if ((fp = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) { 133 fprintf(stderr, "maketab can't open %s!\n", argv[1]); 134 exit(1); 135 } 136 printf("static char *printname[%d] = {\n", SIZE); 137 i = 0; 138 while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp) != NULL) { 139 n = sscanf(buf, "%1c %s %s %d", &c, def, name, &tok); 140 if (c != '#' || (n != 4 && strcmp(def,"define") != 0)) /* not a valid #define */ 141 continue; 142 if (strcmp(name, "YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED") == 0) 143 continue; 144 if (tok < FIRSTTOKEN || tok > LASTTOKEN) { 145 /* fprintf(stderr, "maketab funny token %d %s ignored\n", tok, buf); */ 146 continue; 147 } 148 names[tok-FIRSTTOKEN] = (char *) malloc(strlen(name)+1); 149 strcpy(names[tok-FIRSTTOKEN], name); 150 printf("\t(char *) \"%s\",\t/* %d */\n", name, tok); 151 i++; 152 } 153 printf("};\n\n"); 154 155 for (p=proc; p->token!=0; p++) 156 table[p->token-FIRSTTOKEN] = p->name; 157 printf("\nCell *(*proctab[%d])(Node **, int) = {\n", SIZE); 158 for (i=0; i<SIZE; i++) 159 if (table[i]==NULL) 160 printf("\tnullproc,\t/* %s */\n", names[i]); 161 else 162 printf("\t%s,\t/* %s */\n", table[i], names[i]); 163 printf("};\n\n"); 164 165 printf("char *tokname(int n)\n"); /* print a tokname() function */ 166 printf("{\n"); 167 printf(" static char buf[100];\n\n"); 168 printf(" if (n < FIRSTTOKEN || n > LASTTOKEN) {\n"); 169 printf(" sprintf(buf, \"token %%d\", n);\n"); 170 printf(" return buf;\n"); 171 printf(" }\n"); 172 printf(" return printname[n-FIRSTTOKEN];\n"); 173 printf("}\n"); 174 return 0; 175 } 176