xref: /freebsd/contrib/nvi/ex/ex.h (revision 273c26a3c3bea87a241d6879abd4f991db180bf0)
1 /*-
2  * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996
5  *	Keith Bostic.  All rights reserved.
6  *
7  * See the LICENSE file for redistribution information.
8  *
9  *	$Id: ex.h,v 10.31 2012/10/03 02:33:24 zy Exp $
10  */
12 #define	PROMPTCHAR	':'		/* Prompt using a colon. */
14 typedef struct _excmdlist {		/* Ex command table structure. */
15 	CHAR_T *name;			/* Command name, underlying function. */
16 	int (*fn)(SCR *, EXCMD *);
18 #define	E_ADDR1		0x00000001	/* One address. */
19 #define	E_ADDR2		0x00000002	/* Two addresses. */
20 #define	E_ADDR2_ALL	0x00000004	/* Zero/two addresses; zero == all. */
21 #define	E_ADDR2_NONE	0x00000008	/* Zero/two addresses; zero == none. */
22 #define	E_ADDR_ZERO	0x00000010	/* 0 is a legal addr1. */
23 #define	E_ADDR_ZERODEF	0x00000020	/* 0 is default addr1 of empty files. */
24 #define	E_AUTOPRINT	0x00000040	/* Command always sets autoprint. */
25 #define	E_CLRFLAG	0x00000080	/* Clear the print (#, l, p) flags. */
26 #define	E_NEWSCREEN	0x00000100	/* Create a new screen. */
27 #define	E_SECURE	0x00000200	/* Permission denied if O_SECURE set. */
28 #define	E_VIONLY	0x00000400	/* Meaningful only in vi. */
29 #define	__INUSE1	0xfffff800	/* Same name space as EX_PRIVATE. */
30 	u_int16_t flags;
32 	char *syntax;			/* Syntax script. */
33 	char *usage;			/* Usage line. */
34 	char *help;			/* Help line. */
37 #define	MAXCMDNAMELEN	12		/* Longest command name. */
38 extern EXCMDLIST const cmds[];		/* Table of ex commands. */
40 /*
41  * !!!
43  *
44  * Historically, .exrc files and EXINIT variables could only use ^V as an
45  * escape character, neither ^Q or a user specified character worked.  We
46  * enforce that here, just in case someone depends on it.
47  */
48 #define	IS_ESCAPE(sp, cmdp, ch)						\
49 	(F_ISSET(cmdp, E_VLITONLY) ?					\
50 	    (ch) == CH_LITERAL : KEY_VAL(sp, ch) == K_VLNEXT)
52 #define	IS_SHELLMETA(sp, ch)						\
53 	((ch) <= CHAR_MAX && strchr(O_STR(sp, O_SHELLMETA), ch) != NULL)
55 /*
56  * File state must be checked for each command -- any ex command may be entered
57  * at any time, and most of them won't work well if a file hasn't yet been read
58  * in.  Historic vi generally took the easy way out and dropped core.
59  */
60 #define	NEEDFILE(sp, cmdp) {						\
61 	if ((sp)->ep == NULL) {						\
62 		ex_wemsg(sp, (cmdp)->cmd->name, EXM_NOFILEYET);		\
63 		return (1);						\
64 	}								\
65 }
67 /* Range structures for global and @ commands. */
68 typedef struct _range RANGE;
69 struct _range {				/* Global command range. */
70 	TAILQ_ENTRY(_range) q;		/* Linked list of ranges. */
71 	recno_t start, stop;		/* Start/stop of the range. */
72 };
74 /* Ex command structure. */
75 struct _excmd {
76 	SLIST_ENTRY(_excmd) q;		/* Linked list of commands. */
78 	char	 *if_name;		/* Associated file. */
79 	recno_t	  if_lno;		/* Associated line number. */
81 	/* Clear the structure for the ex parser. */
82 #define	CLEAR_EX_PARSER(cmdp)						\
83 	memset(&((cmdp)->cp), 0, ((char *)&(cmdp)->flags -		\
84 	    (char *)&((cmdp)->cp)) + sizeof((cmdp)->flags))
86 	CHAR_T	 *cp;			/* Current command text. */
87 	size_t	  clen;			/* Current command length. */
89 	CHAR_T	 *save_cmd;		/* Remaining command. */
90 	size_t	  save_cmdlen;		/* Remaining command length. */
92 	EXCMDLIST const *cmd;		/* Command: entry in command table. */
93 	EXCMDLIST rcmd;			/* Command: table entry/replacement. */
95 	TAILQ_HEAD(_rh, _range) rq[1];	/* @/global range: linked list. */
96 	recno_t   range_lno;		/* @/global range: set line number. */
97 	CHAR_T	 *o_cp;			/* Original @/global command. */
98 	size_t	  o_clen;		/* Original @/global command length. */
99 #define	AGV_AT		0x01		/* @ buffer execution. */
100 #define	AGV_AT_NORANGE	0x02		/* @ buffer execution without range. */
101 #define	AGV_GLOBAL	0x04		/* global command. */
102 #define	AGV_V		0x08		/* v command. */
104 	u_int8_t  agv_flags;
106 	/* Clear the structure before each ex command. */
107 #define	CLEAR_EX_CMD(cmdp) {						\
108 	u_int32_t L__f = F_ISSET(cmdp, E_PRESERVE);			\
109 	memset(&((cmdp)->buffer), 0, ((char *)&(cmdp)->flags -		\
110 	    (char *)&((cmdp)->buffer)) + sizeof((cmdp)->flags));	\
111 	F_SET(cmdp, L__f);						\
112 }
114 	CHAR_T	  buffer;		/* Command: named buffer. */
115 	recno_t	  lineno;		/* Command: line number. */
116 	long	  count;		/* Command: signed count. */
117 	long	  flagoff;		/* Command: signed flag offset. */
118 	int	  addrcnt;		/* Command: addresses (0, 1 or 2). */
119 	MARK	  addr1;		/* Command: 1st address. */
120 	MARK	  addr2;		/* Command: 2nd address. */
121 	ARGS	**argv;			/* Command: array of arguments. */
122 	int	  argc;			/* Command: count of arguments. */
124 #define	E_C_BUFFER	0x00001		/* Buffer name specified. */
125 #define	E_C_CARAT	0x00002		/*  ^ flag. */
126 #define	E_C_COUNT	0x00004		/* Count specified. */
127 #define	E_C_COUNT_NEG	0x00008		/* Count was signed negative. */
128 #define	E_C_COUNT_POS	0x00010		/* Count was signed positive. */
129 #define	E_C_DASH	0x00020		/*  - flag. */
130 #define	E_C_DOT		0x00040		/*  . flag. */
131 #define	E_C_EQUAL	0x00080		/*  = flag. */
132 #define	E_C_FORCE	0x00100		/*  ! flag. */
133 #define	E_C_HASH	0x00200		/*  # flag. */
134 #define	E_C_LIST	0x00400		/*  l flag. */
135 #define	E_C_PLUS	0x00800		/*  + flag. */
136 #define	E_C_PRINT	0x01000		/*  p flag. */
137 	u_int16_t iflags;		/* User input information. */
139 #define	__INUSE2	0x000007ff	/* Same name space as EXCMDLIST. */
140 #define	E_BLIGNORE	0x00000800	/* Ignore blank lines. */
141 #define	E_NAMEDISCARD	0x00001000	/* Free/discard the name. */
142 #define	E_NOAUTO	0x00002000	/* Don't do autoprint output. */
143 #define	E_NOPRDEF	0x00004000	/* Don't print as default. */
144 #define	E_NRSEP		0x00008000	/* Need to line adjust ex output. */
145 #define	E_OPTNUM	0x00010000	/* Number edit option affected. */
146 #define	E_VLITONLY	0x00020000	/* Use ^V quoting only. */
147 #define	E_PRESERVE	0x0003f800	/* Bits to preserve across commands. */
149 #define	E_ABSMARK	0x00040000	/* Set the absolute mark. */
150 #define	E_ADDR_DEF	0x00080000	/* Default addresses used. */
151 #define	E_DELTA		0x00100000	/* Search address with delta. */
152 #define	E_MODIFY	0x00200000	/* File name expansion modified arg. */
153 #define	E_MOVETOEND	0x00400000	/* Move to the end of the file first. */
154 #define	E_NEWLINE	0x00800000	/* Found ending <newline>. */
155 #define	E_SEARCH_WMSG	0x01000000	/* Display search-wrapped message. */
156 #define	E_USELASTCMD	0x02000000	/* Use the last command. */
157 #define	E_VISEARCH	0x04000000	/* It's really a vi search command. */
158 	u_int32_t flags;		/* Current flags. */
159 };
161 /* Ex private, per-screen memory. */
162 typedef struct _ex_private {
163 					/* Tag file list. */
164 	TAILQ_HEAD(_tagfh, _tagf) tagfq[1];
165 	TAILQ_HEAD(_tqh, _tagq) tq[1];	/* Tag queue. */
166 	SLIST_HEAD(_csch, _csc) cscq[1];/* Cscope connection list. */
167 	CHAR_T	*tag_last;		/* Saved last tag string. */
169 	CHAR_T	*lastbcomm;		/* Last bang command. */
171 	ARGS   **args;			/* Command: argument list. */
172 	int	 argscnt;		/* Command: argument list count. */
173 	int	 argsoff;		/* Command: offset into arguments. */
175 	u_int32_t fdef;			/* Saved E_C_* default command flags. */
177 	char	*ibp;			/* File line input buffer. */
178 	size_t	 ibp_len;		/* File line input buffer length. */
179 	CONVWIN	 ibcw;			/* File line input conversion buffer. */
181 	/*
182 	 * Buffers for the ex output.  The screen/vi support doesn't do any
183 	 * character buffering of any kind.  We do it here so that we're not
184 	 * calling the screen output routines on every character.
185 	 *
186 	 * XXX
187 	 * Change to grow dynamically.
188 	 */
189 	char	 obp[1024];		/* Ex output buffer. */
190 	size_t	 obp_len;		/* Ex output buffer length. */
192 #define	EXP_CSCINIT	0x01		/* Cscope initialized. */
193 	u_int8_t flags;
195 #define	EXP(sp)	((EX_PRIVATE *)((sp)->ex_private))
197 /*
198  * Filter actions:
199  *
200  *	FILTER_BANG	!:	filter text through the utility.
201  *	FILTER_RBANG	!:	read from the utility (without stdin).
202  *	FILTER_READ	read:	read from the utility (with stdin).
203  *	FILTER_WRITE	write:	write to the utility, display its output.
204  */
207 /* Ex common error messages. */
208 typedef enum {
209 	EXM_EMPTYBUF,			/* Empty buffer. */
210 	EXM_FILECOUNT,			/* Too many file names. */
211 	EXM_NOCANON,			/* No terminal interface. */
212 	EXM_NOCANON_F,			/* EXM_NOCANO: filter version. */
213 	EXM_NOFILEYET,			/* Illegal until a file read in. */
214 	EXM_NOPREVBUF,			/* No previous buffer specified. */
215 	EXM_NOPREVRE,			/* No previous RE specified. */
216 	EXM_NOSUSPEND,			/* No suspension. */
217 	EXM_SECURE,			/* Illegal if secure edit option set. */
218 	EXM_SECURE_F,			/* EXM_SECURE: filter version */
219 	EXM_USAGE			/* Standard usage message. */
220 } exm_t;
222 /* Ex address error types. */
223 enum badaddr { A_COMBO, A_EMPTY, A_EOF, A_NOTSET, A_ZERO };
225 /* Ex common tag error messages. */
226 typedef enum {
227 	TAG_BADLNO,		/* Tag line doesn't exist. */
228 	TAG_EMPTY,		/* Tags stack is empty. */
229 	TAG_SEARCH		/* Tags search pattern wasn't found. */
230 } tagmsg_t;
232 #include "ex_def.h"
233 #include "extern.h"