xref: /freebsd/contrib/nvi/common/main.c (revision 6621842ccfb4dd01470e9085697b553d10634eb0)
1 /*-
2  * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996
5  *	Keith Bostic.  All rights reserved.
6  *
7  * See the LICENSE file for redistribution information.
8  */
10 #include "config.h"
12 #include <sys/types.h>
13 #include <sys/queue.h>
14 #include <sys/stat.h>
16 #include <bitstring.h>
17 #include <err.h>
18 #include <errno.h>
19 #include <fcntl.h>
20 #include <limits.h>
21 #include <stdio.h>
22 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include <string.h>
24 #include <unistd.h>
26 #include "common.h"
27 #include "../vi/vi.h"
28 #include "pathnames.h"
30 static void	 attach(GS *);
31 static int	 v_obsolete(char *[]);
33 /*
34  * editor --
35  *	Main editor routine.
36  *
37  * PUBLIC: int editor(GS *, int, char *[]);
38  */
39 int
40 editor(GS *gp, int argc, char *argv[])
41 {
42 	extern int optind;
43 	extern char *optarg;
44 	const char *p;
45 	EVENT ev;
46 	FREF *frp;
47 	SCR *sp;
48 	size_t len;
49 	u_int flags;
50 	int ch, flagchk, lflag, secure, startup, readonly, rval, silent;
51 	char *tag_f, *wsizearg;
52 	CHAR_T *w, path[256];
53 	size_t wlen;
55 	/* Initialize the busy routine, if not defined by the screen. */
56 	if (gp->scr_busy == NULL)
57 		gp->scr_busy = vs_busy;
58 	/* Initialize the message routine, if not defined by the screen. */
59 	if (gp->scr_msg == NULL)
60 		gp->scr_msg = vs_msg;
61 	gp->catd = (nl_catd)-1;
63 	/* Common global structure initialization. */
64 	TAILQ_INIT(gp->dq);
65 	TAILQ_INIT(gp->hq);
66 	SLIST_INIT(gp->ecq);
67 	SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(gp->ecq, &gp->excmd, q);
68 	gp->noprint = DEFAULT_NOPRINT;
70 	/* Structures shared by screens so stored in the GS structure. */
71 	TAILQ_INIT(gp->frefq);
72 	TAILQ_INIT(gp->dcb_store.textq);
73 	SLIST_INIT(gp->cutq);
74 	SLIST_INIT(gp->seqq);
76 	/* Set initial screen type and mode based on the program name. */
77 	readonly = 0;
78 	if (!strcmp(getprogname(), "ex") || !strcmp(getprogname(), "nex"))
79 		LF_INIT(SC_EX);
80 	else {
81 		/* Nview, view are readonly. */
82 		if (!strcmp(getprogname(), "nview") ||
83 		    !strcmp(getprogname(), "view"))
84 			readonly = 1;
86 		/* Vi is the default. */
87 		LF_INIT(SC_VI);
88 	}
90 	/* Convert old-style arguments into new-style ones. */
91 	if (v_obsolete(argv))
92 		return (1);
94 	/* Parse the arguments. */
95 	flagchk = '\0';
96 	tag_f = wsizearg = NULL;
97 	lflag = secure = silent = 0;
98 	startup = 1;
100 	/* Set the file snapshot flag. */
101 	F_SET(gp, G_SNAPSHOT);
103 #ifdef DEBUG
104 	while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "c:D:eFlRrSsT:t:vw:")) != EOF)
105 #else
106 	while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "c:eFlRrSst:vw:")) != EOF)
107 #endif
108 		switch (ch) {
109 		case 'c':		/* Run the command. */
110 			/*
111 			 * XXX
112 			 * We should support multiple -c options.
113 			 */
114 			if (gp->c_option != NULL) {
115 				warnx("only one -c command may be specified.");
116 				return (1);
117 			}
118 			gp->c_option = optarg;
119 			break;
120 #ifdef DEBUG
121 		case 'D':
122 			switch (optarg[0]) {
123 			case 's':
124 				startup = 0;
125 				break;
126 			case 'w':
127 				attach(gp);
128 				break;
129 			default:
130 				warnx("usage: -D requires s or w argument.");
131 				return (1);
132 			}
133 			break;
134 #endif
135 		case 'e':		/* Ex mode. */
136 			LF_CLR(SC_VI);
137 			LF_SET(SC_EX);
138 			break;
139 		case 'F':		/* No snapshot. */
140 			F_CLR(gp, G_SNAPSHOT);
141 			break;
142 		case 'l':		/* Set lisp, showmatch options. */
143 			lflag = 1;
144 			break;
145 		case 'R':		/* Readonly. */
146 			readonly = 1;
147 			break;
148 		case 'r':		/* Recover. */
149 			if (flagchk == 't') {
150 				warnx("only one of -r and -t may be specified.");
151 				return (1);
152 			}
153 			flagchk = 'r';
154 			break;
155 		case 'S':
156 			secure = 1;
157 			break;
158 		case 's':
159 			silent = 1;
160 			break;
161 #ifdef DEBUG
162 		case 'T':		/* Trace. */
163 			if ((gp->tracefp = fopen(optarg, "w")) == NULL) {
164 				warn("%s", optarg);
165 				goto err;
166 			}
167 			(void)fprintf(gp->tracefp,
168 			    "\n===\ntrace: open %s\n", optarg);
169 			break;
170 #endif
171 		case 't':		/* Tag. */
172 			if (flagchk == 'r') {
173 				warnx("only one of -r and -t may be specified.");
174 				return (1);
175 			}
176 			if (flagchk == 't') {
177 				warnx("only one tag file may be specified.");
178 				return (1);
179 			}
180 			flagchk = 't';
181 			tag_f = optarg;
182 			break;
183 		case 'v':		/* Vi mode. */
184 			LF_CLR(SC_EX);
185 			LF_SET(SC_VI);
186 			break;
187 		case 'w':
188 			wsizearg = optarg;
189 			break;
190 		case '?':
191 		default:
192 			(void)gp->scr_usage();
193 			return (1);
194 		}
195 	argc -= optind;
196 	argv += optind;
198 	/*
199 	 * -s option is only meaningful to ex.
200 	 *
201 	 * If not reading from a terminal, it's like -s was specified.
202 	 */
203 	if (silent && !LF_ISSET(SC_EX)) {
204 		warnx("-s option is only applicable to ex.");
205 		goto err;
206 	}
207 	if (LF_ISSET(SC_EX) && F_ISSET(gp, G_SCRIPTED))
208 		silent = 1;
210 	/*
211 	 * Build and initialize the first/current screen.  This is a bit
212 	 * tricky.  If an error is returned, we may or may not have a
213 	 * screen structure.  If we have a screen structure, put it on a
214 	 * display queue so that the error messages get displayed.
215 	 *
216 	 * !!!
217 	 * Everything we do until we go interactive is done in ex mode.
218 	 */
219 	if (screen_init(gp, NULL, &sp)) {
220 		if (sp != NULL)
221 			TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(gp->dq, sp, q);
222 		goto err;
223 	}
224 	F_SET(sp, SC_EX);
225 	TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(gp->dq, sp, q);
227 	if (v_key_init(sp))		/* Special key initialization. */
228 		goto err;
230 	{ int oargs[5], *oargp = oargs;
231 	if (lflag) {			/* Command-line options. */
232 		*oargp++ = O_LISP;
233 		*oargp++ = O_SHOWMATCH;
234 	}
235 	if (readonly)
236 		*oargp++ = O_READONLY;
237 	if (secure)
238 		*oargp++ = O_SECURE;
239 	*oargp = -1;			/* Options initialization. */
240 	if (opts_init(sp, oargs))
241 		goto err;
242 	}
243 	if (wsizearg != NULL) {
244 		ARGS *av[2], a, b;
245 		(void)SPRINTF(path, SIZE(path), L("window=%s"), wsizearg);
246 		a.bp = (CHAR_T *)path;
247 		a.len = SIZE(path);
248 		b.bp = NULL;
249 		b.len = 0;
250 		av[0] = &a;
251 		av[1] = &b;
252 		(void)opts_set(sp, av, NULL);
253 	}
254 	if (silent) {			/* Ex batch mode option values. */
255 		O_CLR(sp, O_AUTOPRINT);
256 		O_CLR(sp, O_PROMPT);
257 		O_CLR(sp, O_VERBOSE);
258 		O_CLR(sp, O_WARN);
259 		F_SET(sp, SC_EX_SILENT);
260 	}
262 	sp->rows = O_VAL(sp, O_LINES);	/* Make ex formatting work. */
263 	sp->cols = O_VAL(sp, O_COLUMNS);
265 	if (!silent && startup) {	/* Read EXINIT, exrc files. */
266 		if (ex_exrc(sp))
267 			goto err;
268 		if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_EXIT | SC_EXIT_FORCE)) {
269 			if (screen_end(sp))
270 				goto err;
271 			goto done;
272 		}
273 	}
275 	/*
276 	 * List recovery files if -r specified without file arguments.
277 	 * Note, options must be initialized and startup information
278 	 * read before doing this.
279 	 */
280 	if (flagchk == 'r' && argv[0] == NULL) {
281 		if (rcv_list(sp))
282 			goto err;
283 		if (screen_end(sp))
284 			goto err;
285 		goto done;
286 	}
288 	/*
289 	 * !!!
290 	 * Initialize the default ^D, ^U scrolling value here, after the
291 	 * user has had every opportunity to set the window option.
292 	 *
293 	 * It's historic practice that changing the value of the window
294 	 * option did not alter the default scrolling value, only giving
295 	 * a count to ^D/^U did that.
296 	 */
297 	sp->defscroll = (O_VAL(sp, O_WINDOW) + 1) / 2;
299 	/*
300 	 * If we don't have a command-line option, switch into the right
301 	 * editor now, so that we position default files correctly, and
302 	 * so that any tags file file-already-locked messages are in the
303 	 * vi screen, not the ex screen.
304 	 *
305 	 * XXX
306 	 * If we have a command-line option, the error message can end
307 	 * up in the wrong place, but I think that the combination is
308 	 * unlikely.
309 	 */
310 	if (gp->c_option == NULL) {
311 		F_CLR(sp, SC_EX | SC_VI);
312 		F_SET(sp, LF_ISSET(SC_EX | SC_VI));
313 	}
315 	/* Open a tag file if specified. */
316 	if (tag_f != NULL) {
317 		CHAR2INT(sp, tag_f, strlen(tag_f) + 1, w, wlen);
318 		if (ex_tag_first(sp, w))
319 			goto err;
320 	}
322 	/*
323 	 * Append any remaining arguments as file names.  Files are recovery
324 	 * files if -r specified.  If the tag option or ex startup commands
325 	 * loaded a file, then any file arguments are going to come after it.
326 	 */
327 	if (*argv != NULL) {
328 		if (sp->frp != NULL) {
329 			/* Cheat -- we know we have an extra argv slot. */
330 			*--argv = strdup(sp->frp->name);
331 			if (*argv == NULL) {
332 				warn(NULL);
333 				goto err;
334 			}
335 		}
336 		sp->argv = sp->cargv = argv;
337 		F_SET(sp, SC_ARGNOFREE);
338 		if (flagchk == 'r')
339 			F_SET(sp, SC_ARGRECOVER);
340 	}
342 	/*
343 	 * If the ex startup commands and or/the tag option haven't already
344 	 * created a file, create one.  If no command-line files were given,
345 	 * use a temporary file.
346 	 */
347 	if (sp->frp == NULL) {
348 		if (sp->argv == NULL) {
349 			if ((frp = file_add(sp, NULL)) == NULL)
350 				goto err;
351 		} else  {
352 			if ((frp = file_add(sp, sp->argv[0])) == NULL)
353 				goto err;
354 			if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_ARGRECOVER))
355 				F_SET(frp, FR_RECOVER);
356 		}
358 		if (file_init(sp, frp, NULL, 0))
359 			goto err;
360 		if (EXCMD_RUNNING(gp)) {
361 			(void)ex_cmd(sp);
362 			if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_EXIT | SC_EXIT_FORCE)) {
363 				if (screen_end(sp))
364 					goto err;
365 				goto done;
366 			}
367 		}
368 	}
370 	/*
371 	 * Check to see if we need to wait for ex.  If SC_SCR_EX is set, ex
372 	 * was forced to initialize the screen during startup.  We'd like to
373 	 * wait for a single character from the user, but we can't because
374 	 * we're not in raw mode.  We can't switch to raw mode because the
375 	 * vi initialization will switch to xterm's alternate screen, causing
376 	 * us to lose the messages we're pausing to make sure the user read.
377 	 * So, wait for a complete line.
378 	 */
379 	if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_SCR_EX)) {
380 		p = msg_cmsg(sp, CMSG_CONT_R, &len);
381 		(void)write(STDOUT_FILENO, p, len);
382 		for (;;) {
383 			if (v_event_get(sp, &ev, 0, 0))
384 				goto err;
385 			if (ev.e_event == E_INTERRUPT ||
386 			    (ev.e_event == E_CHARACTER &&
387 			     (ev.e_value == K_CR || ev.e_value == K_NL)))
388 				break;
389 			(void)gp->scr_bell(sp);
390 		}
391 	}
393 	/* Switch into the right editor, regardless. */
394 	F_CLR(sp, SC_EX | SC_VI);
397 	/*
398 	 * Main edit loop.  Vi handles split screens itself, we only return
399 	 * here when switching editor modes or restarting the screen.
400 	 */
401 	while (sp != NULL)
402 		if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_EX) ? ex(&sp) : vi(&sp))
403 			goto err;
405 done:	rval = 0;
406 	if (0)
407 err:		rval = 1;
409 	/* Clean out the global structure. */
410 	v_end(gp);
412 	return (rval);
413 }
415 /*
416  * v_end --
417  *	End the program, discarding screens and most of the global area.
418  *
419  * PUBLIC: void v_end(GS *);
420  */
421 void
422 v_end(GS *gp)
423 {
424 	MSGS *mp;
425 	SCR *sp;
427 	/* If there are any remaining screens, kill them off. */
428 	if (gp->ccl_sp != NULL) {
429 		(void)file_end(gp->ccl_sp, NULL, 1);
430 		(void)screen_end(gp->ccl_sp);
431 	}
432 	while ((sp = TAILQ_FIRST(gp->dq)) != NULL)
433 		(void)screen_end(sp);
434 	while ((sp = TAILQ_FIRST(gp->hq)) != NULL)
435 		(void)screen_end(sp);
437 #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(PURIFY)
438 	{ FREF *frp;
439 		/* Free FREF's. */
440 		while ((frp = TAILQ_FIRST(gp->frefq)) != NULL) {
441 			TAILQ_REMOVE(gp->frefq, frp, q);
442 			free(frp->name);
443 			free(frp->tname);
444 			free(frp);
445 		}
446 	}
448 	/* Free key input queue. */
449 	free(gp->i_event);
451 	/* Free cut buffers. */
452 	cut_close(gp);
454 	/* Free map sequences. */
455 	seq_close(gp);
457 	/* Free default buffer storage. */
458 	(void)text_lfree(gp->dcb_store.textq);
460 	/* Close message catalogs. */
461 	msg_close(gp);
462 #endif
464 	/* Ring the bell if scheduled. */
465 	if (F_ISSET(gp, G_BELLSCHED))
466 		(void)fprintf(stderr, "\07");		/* \a */
468 	/*
469 	 * Flush any remaining messages.  If a message is here, it's almost
470 	 * certainly the message about the event that killed us (although
471 	 * it's possible that the user is sourcing a file that exits from the
472 	 * editor).
473 	 */
474 	while ((mp = SLIST_FIRST(gp->msgq)) != NULL) {
475 		(void)fprintf(stderr, "%s%.*s",
476 		    mp->mtype == M_ERR ? "ex/vi: " : "", (int)mp->len, mp->buf);
477 		SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(gp->msgq, q);
478 #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(PURIFY)
479 		free(mp->buf);
480 		free(mp);
481 #endif
482 	}
484 #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(PURIFY)
485 	/* Free any temporary space. */
486 	free(gp->tmp_bp);
488 #if defined(DEBUG)
489 	/* Close debugging file descriptor. */
490 	if (gp->tracefp != NULL)
491 		(void)fclose(gp->tracefp);
492 #endif
493 #endif
494 }
496 /*
497  * v_obsolete --
498  *	Convert historic arguments into something getopt(3) will like.
499  */
500 static int
501 v_obsolete(char *argv[])
502 {
503 	size_t len;
504 	char *p;
506 	/*
507 	 * Translate old style arguments into something getopt will like.
508 	 * Make sure it's not text space memory, because ex modifies the
509 	 * strings.
510 	 *	Change "+" into "-c$".
511 	 *	Change "+<anything else>" into "-c<anything else>".
512 	 *	Change "-" into "-s"
513 	 *	The c, T, t and w options take arguments so they can't be
514 	 *	    special arguments.
515 	 *
516 	 * Stop if we find "--" as an argument, the user may want to edit
517 	 * a file named "+foo".
518 	 */
519 	while (*++argv && strcmp(argv[0], "--"))
520 		if (argv[0][0] == '+') {
521 			if (argv[0][1] == '\0') {
522 				argv[0] = strdup("-c$");
523 				if (argv[0] == NULL)
524 					goto nomem;
525 			} else  {
526 				p = argv[0];
527 				len = strlen(argv[0]);
528 				argv[0] = malloc(len + 2);
529 				if (argv[0] == NULL)
530 					goto nomem;
531 				argv[0][0] = '-';
532 				argv[0][1] = 'c';
533 				(void)strlcpy(argv[0] + 2, p + 1, len);
534 			}
535 		} else if (argv[0][0] == '-') {
536 			if (argv[0][1] == '\0') {
537 				argv[0] = strdup("-s");
538 				if (argv[0] == NULL) {
539 nomem:					warn(NULL);
540 					return (1);
541 				}
542 			} else
543 				if ((argv[0][1] == 'c' || argv[0][1] == 'T' ||
544 				    argv[0][1] == 't' || argv[0][1] == 'w') &&
545 				    argv[0][2] == '\0')
546 					++argv;
547 		}
548 	return (0);
549 }
551 #ifdef DEBUG
552 static void
553 attach(GS *gp)
554 {
555 	int fd;
556 	char ch;
558 	if ((fd = open(_PATH_TTY, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0) {
559 		warn("%s", _PATH_TTY);
560 		return;
561 	}
563 	(void)printf("process %lu waiting, enter <CR> to continue: ",
564 	    (u_long)getpid());
565 	(void)fflush(stdout);
567 	do {
568 		if (read(fd, &ch, 1) != 1) {
569 			(void)close(fd);
570 			return;
571 		}
572 	} while (ch != '\n' && ch != '\r');
573 	(void)close(fd);
574 }
575 #endif