xref: /freebsd/contrib/nvi/cl/cl_term.c (revision cc9e6590773dba57440750c124173ed531349a06)
1 /*-
2  * Copyright (c) 1993, 1994
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  * Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996
5  *	Keith Bostic.  All rights reserved.
6  *
7  * See the LICENSE file for redistribution information.
8  */
10 #include "config.h"
12 #include <sys/types.h>
13 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
14 #include <sys/queue.h>
15 #include <sys/stat.h>
17 #include <bitstring.h>
18 #include <errno.h>
19 #include <limits.h>
20 #include <signal.h>
21 #include <stdio.h>
22 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include <string.h>
24 #ifdef HAVE_TERM_H
25 #include <term.h>
26 #endif
27 #include <termios.h>
28 #include <unistd.h>
30 #include "../common/common.h"
31 #include "cl.h"
33 static int cl_pfmap(SCR *, seq_t, CHAR_T *, size_t, CHAR_T *, size_t);
34 static size_t atoz_or(const char *, size_t);
36 /*
37  * XXX
39  */
40 typedef struct _tklist {
41 	char	*ts;			/* Key's termcap string. */
42 	char	*output;		/* Corresponding vi command. */
43 	char	*name;			/* Name. */
44 	u_char	 value;			/* Special value (for lookup). */
45 } TKLIST;
46 static TKLIST const c_tklist[] = {	/* Command mappings. */
47 	{"kil1",	"O",	"insert line"},
48 	{"kdch1",	"x",	"delete character"},
49 	{"kcud1",	"j",	"cursor down"},
50 	{"kel",		"D",	"delete to eol"},
51 	{"kind",     "\004",	"scroll down"},			/* ^D */
52 	{"kll",		"$",	"go to eol"},
53 	{"kend",	"$",	"go to eol"},
54 	{"khome",	"^",	"go to sol"},
55 	{"kich1",	"i",	"insert at cursor"},
56 	{"kdl1",       "dd",	"delete line"},
57 	{"kcub1",	"h",	"cursor left"},
58 	{"knp",	     "\006",	"page down"},			/* ^F */
59 	{"kpp",	     "\002",	"page up"},			/* ^B */
60 	{"kri",	     "\025",	"scroll up"},			/* ^U */
61 	{"ked",	       "dG",	"delete to end of screen"},
62 	{"kcuf1",	"l",	"cursor right"},
63 	{"kcuu1",	"k",	"cursor up"},
64 	{NULL},
65 };
66 static TKLIST const m1_tklist[] = {	/* Input mappings (lookup). */
67 	{NULL},
68 };
69 static TKLIST const m2_tklist[] = {	/* Input mappings (set or delete). */
70 	{"kcud1",  "\033ja",	"cursor down"},			/* ^[ja */
71 	{"kcub1",  "\033ha",	"cursor left"},			/* ^[ha */
72 	{"kcuu1",  "\033ka",	"cursor up"},			/* ^[ka */
73 	{"kcuf1",  "\033la",	"cursor right"},		/* ^[la */
74 	{NULL},
75 };
77 /*
78  * cl_term_init --
79  *	Initialize the special keys defined by the termcap/terminfo entry.
80  *
81  * PUBLIC: int cl_term_init(SCR *);
82  */
83 int
84 cl_term_init(SCR *sp)
85 {
86 	KEYLIST *kp;
87 	SEQ *qp;
88 	TKLIST const *tkp;
89 	char *t;
90 	CHAR_T name[60];
91 	CHAR_T output[5];
92 	CHAR_T ts[20];
93 	CHAR_T *wp;
94 	size_t wlen;
96 	/* Command mappings. */
97 	for (tkp = c_tklist; tkp->name != NULL; ++tkp) {
98 		if ((t = tigetstr(tkp->ts)) == NULL || t == (char *)-1)
99 			continue;
100 		CHAR2INT(sp, tkp->name, strlen(tkp->name), wp, wlen);
101 		MEMCPY(name, wp, wlen);
102 		CHAR2INT(sp, t, strlen(t), wp, wlen);
103 		MEMCPY(ts, wp, wlen);
104 		CHAR2INT(sp, tkp->output, strlen(tkp->output), wp, wlen);
105 		MEMCPY(output, wp, wlen);
106 		if (seq_set(sp, name, strlen(tkp->name), ts, strlen(t),
107 		    output, strlen(tkp->output), SEQ_COMMAND,
109 			return (1);
110 	}
112 	/* Input mappings needing to be looked up. */
113 	for (tkp = m1_tklist; tkp->name != NULL; ++tkp) {
114 		if ((t = tigetstr(tkp->ts)) == NULL || t == (char *)-1)
115 			continue;
116 		for (kp = keylist;; ++kp)
117 			if (kp->value == tkp->value)
118 				break;
119 		if (kp == NULL)
120 			continue;
121 		CHAR2INT(sp, tkp->name, strlen(tkp->name), wp, wlen);
122 		MEMCPY(name, wp, wlen);
123 		CHAR2INT(sp, t, strlen(t), wp, wlen);
124 		MEMCPY(ts, wp, wlen);
125 		output[0] = (UCHAR_T)kp->ch;
126 		if (seq_set(sp, name, strlen(tkp->name), ts, strlen(t),
127 		    output, 1, SEQ_INPUT, SEQ_NOOVERWRITE | SEQ_SCREEN))
128 			return (1);
129 	}
131 	/* Input mappings that are already set or are text deletions. */
132 	for (tkp = m2_tklist; tkp->name != NULL; ++tkp) {
133 		if ((t = tigetstr(tkp->ts)) == NULL || t == (char *)-1)
134 			continue;
135 		/*
136 		 * !!!
137 		 * Some terminals' <cursor_left> keys send single <backspace>
138 		 * characters.  This is okay in command mapping, but not okay
139 		 * in input mapping.  That combination is the only one we'll
140 		 * ever see, hopefully, so kluge it here for now.
141 		 */
142 		if (!strcmp(t, "\b"))
143 			continue;
144 		if (tkp->output == NULL) {
145 			CHAR2INT(sp, tkp->name, strlen(tkp->name), wp, wlen);
146 			MEMCPY(name, wp, wlen);
147 			CHAR2INT(sp, t, strlen(t), wp, wlen);
148 			MEMCPY(ts, wp, wlen);
149 			if (seq_set(sp, name, strlen(tkp->name),
150 			    ts, strlen(t), NULL, 0,
152 				return (1);
153 		} else {
154 			CHAR2INT(sp, tkp->name, strlen(tkp->name), wp, wlen);
155 			MEMCPY(name, wp, wlen);
156 			CHAR2INT(sp, t, strlen(t), wp, wlen);
157 			MEMCPY(ts, wp, wlen);
158 			CHAR2INT(sp, tkp->output, strlen(tkp->output), wp, wlen);
159 			MEMCPY(output, wp, wlen);
160 			if (seq_set(sp, name, strlen(tkp->name),
161 			    ts, strlen(t), output, strlen(tkp->output),
163 				return (1);
164 		}
165 	}
167 	/*
168 	 * Rework any function key mappings that were set before the
169 	 * screen was initialized.
170 	 */
171 	SLIST_FOREACH(qp, sp->gp->seqq, q)
172 		if (F_ISSET(qp, SEQ_FUNCMAP))
173 			(void)cl_pfmap(sp, qp->stype,
174 			    qp->input, qp->ilen, qp->output, qp->olen);
175 	return (0);
176 }
178 /*
179  * cl_term_end --
180  *	End the special keys defined by the termcap/terminfo entry.
181  *
182  * PUBLIC: int cl_term_end(GS *);
183  */
184 int
185 cl_term_end(GS *gp)
186 {
187 	SEQ *qp, *nqp, *pre_qp = NULL;
189 	/* Delete screen specific mappings. */
190 	SLIST_FOREACH_SAFE(qp, gp->seqq, q, nqp)
191 		if (F_ISSET(qp, SEQ_SCREEN)) {
192 			if (qp == SLIST_FIRST(gp->seqq))
193 				SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(gp->seqq, q);
194 			else
195 				SLIST_REMOVE_AFTER(pre_qp, q);
196 			(void)seq_free(qp);
197 		} else
198 			pre_qp = qp;
199 	return (0);
200 }
202 /*
203  * cl_fmap --
204  *	Map a function key.
205  *
206  * PUBLIC: int cl_fmap(SCR *, seq_t, CHAR_T *, size_t, CHAR_T *, size_t);
207  */
208 int
209 cl_fmap(SCR *sp, seq_t stype, CHAR_T *from, size_t flen, CHAR_T *to, size_t tlen)
210 {
211 	/* Ignore until the screen is running, do the real work then. */
212 	if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_VI) && !F_ISSET(sp, SC_SCR_VI))
213 		return (0);
214 	if (F_ISSET(sp, SC_EX) && !F_ISSET(sp, SC_SCR_EX))
215 		return (0);
217 	return (cl_pfmap(sp, stype, from, flen, to, tlen));
218 }
220 /*
221  * cl_pfmap --
222  *	Map a function key (private version).
223  */
224 static int
225 cl_pfmap(SCR *sp, seq_t stype, CHAR_T *from, size_t flen, CHAR_T *to, size_t tlen)
226 {
227 	size_t nlen;
228 	char *p;
229 	char name[64];
230 	CHAR_T keyname[64];
231 	CHAR_T ts[20];
232 	CHAR_T *wp;
233 	size_t wlen;
235 	(void)snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "kf%d",
236 			(int)STRTOL(from+1,NULL,10));
237 	if ((p = tigetstr(name)) == NULL ||
238 	    p == (char *)-1 || strlen(p) == 0)
239 		p = NULL;
240 	if (p == NULL) {
241 		msgq_wstr(sp, M_ERR, from, "233|This terminal has no %s key");
242 		return (1);
243 	}
245 	nlen = SPRINTF(keyname,
246 	    SIZE(keyname), L("function key %d"),
247 			(int)STRTOL(from+1,NULL,10));
248 	CHAR2INT(sp, p, strlen(p), wp, wlen);
249 	MEMCPY(ts, wp, wlen);
250 	return (seq_set(sp, keyname, nlen,
251 	    ts, strlen(p), to, tlen, stype, SEQ_NOOVERWRITE | SEQ_SCREEN));
252 }
254 /*
255  * cl_optchange --
256  *	Curses screen specific "option changed" routine.
257  *
258  * PUBLIC: int cl_optchange(SCR *, int, char *, u_long *);
259  */
260 int
261 cl_optchange(SCR *sp, int opt, char *str, u_long *valp)
262 {
263 	CL_PRIVATE *clp;
265 	clp = CLP(sp);
267 	switch (opt) {
268 	case O_TERM:
269 		F_CLR(sp, SC_SCR_EX | SC_SCR_VI);
270 		/* FALLTHROUGH */
271 	case O_COLUMNS:
272 	case O_LINES:
273 		/*
274 		 * Changing the terminal type requires that we reinitialize
275 		 * curses, while resizing does not.
276 		 */
277 		F_SET(sp->gp, G_SRESTART);
278 		break;
279 	case O_MESG:
280 		(void)cl_omesg(sp, clp, *valp);
281 		break;
282 	case O_WINDOWNAME:
283 		if (*valp) {
284 			F_SET(clp, CL_RENAME_OK);
286 			/*
287 			 * If the screen is live, i.e. we're not reading the
288 			 * .exrc file, update the window.
289 			 */
290 			if (sp->frp != NULL && sp->frp->name != NULL)
291 				(void)cl_rename(sp, sp->frp->name, 1);
292 		} else {
293 			F_CLR(clp, CL_RENAME_OK);
295 			(void)cl_rename(sp, NULL, 0);
296 		}
297 		break;
298 	}
299 	return (0);
300 }
302 /*
303  * cl_omesg --
304  *	Turn the tty write permission on or off.
305  *
306  * PUBLIC: int cl_omesg(SCR *, CL_PRIVATE *, int);
307  */
308 int
309 cl_omesg(SCR *sp, CL_PRIVATE *clp, int on)
310 {
311 	struct stat sb;
312 	char *tty;
314 	/* Find the tty, get the current permissions. */
315 	if ((tty = ttyname(STDERR_FILENO)) == NULL) {
316 		if (sp != NULL)
317 			msgq(sp, M_SYSERR, "stderr");
318 		return (1);
319 	}
320 	if (stat(tty, &sb) < 0) {
321 		if (sp != NULL)
322 			msgq(sp, M_SYSERR, "%s", tty);
323 		return (1);
324 	}
326 	/* Save the original status if it's unknown. */
327 	if (clp->tgw == TGW_UNKNOWN)
328 		clp->tgw = sb.st_mode & S_IWGRP ? TGW_SET : TGW_UNSET;
330 	/* Toggle the permissions. */
331 	if (on) {
332 		if (chmod(tty, sb.st_mode | S_IWGRP) < 0) {
333 			if (sp != NULL)
334 				msgq(sp, M_SYSERR,
335 				    "046|messages not turned on: %s", tty);
336 			return (1);
337 		}
338 	} else
339 		if (chmod(tty, sb.st_mode & ~S_IWGRP) < 0) {
340 			if (sp != NULL)
341 				msgq(sp, M_SYSERR,
342 				    "045|messages not turned off: %s", tty);
343 			return (1);
344 		}
345 	return (0);
346 }
348 /*
349  * cl_ssize --
350  *	Return the terminal size.
351  *
352  * PUBLIC: int cl_ssize(SCR *, int, size_t *, size_t *, int *);
353  */
354 int
355 cl_ssize(SCR *sp, int sigwinch, size_t *rowp, size_t *colp, int *changedp)
356 {
357 	struct winsize win;
358 	size_t col, row;
359 	int rval;
360 	char *p;
362 	/* Assume it's changed. */
363 	if (changedp != NULL)
364 		*changedp = 1;
366 	/*
367 	 * !!!
368 	 * sp may be NULL.
369 	 *
370 	 * Get the screen rows and columns.  If the values are wrong, it's
371 	 * not a big deal -- as soon as the user sets them explicitly the
372 	 * environment will be set and the screen package will use the new
373 	 * values.
374 	 *
375 	 * Try TIOCGWINSZ.
376 	 */
377 	row = col = 0;
378 	if (ioctl(STDERR_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &win) != -1) {
379 		row = win.ws_row;
380 		col = win.ws_col;
381 	}
382 	/* If here because of suspend or a signal, only trust TIOCGWINSZ. */
383 	if (sigwinch) {
384 		/*
385 		 * Somebody didn't get TIOCGWINSZ right, or has suspend
386 		 * without window resizing support.  The user just lost,
387 		 * but there's nothing we can do.
388 		 */
389 		if (row == 0 || col == 0) {
390 			if (changedp != NULL)
391 				*changedp = 0;
392 			return (0);
393 		}
395 		/*
396 		 * SunOS systems deliver SIGWINCH when windows are uncovered
397 		 * as well as when they change size.  In addition, we call
398 		 * here when continuing after being suspended since the window
399 		 * may have changed size.  Since we don't want to background
400 		 * all of the screens just because the window was uncovered,
401 		 * ignore the signal if there's no change.
402 		 */
403 		if (sp != NULL &&
404 		    row == O_VAL(sp, O_LINES) && col == O_VAL(sp, O_COLUMNS)) {
405 			if (changedp != NULL)
406 				*changedp = 0;
407 			return (0);
408 		}
410 		if (rowp != NULL)
411 			*rowp = row;
412 		if (colp != NULL)
413 			*colp = col;
414 		return (0);
415 	}
417 	/*
418 	 * !!!
419 	 * If TIOCGWINSZ failed, or had entries of 0, try termcap.  This
420 	 * routine is called before any termcap or terminal information
421 	 * has been set up.  If there's no TERM environmental variable set,
422 	 * let it go, at least ex can run.
423 	 */
424 	if (row == 0 || col == 0) {
425 		if ((p = getenv("TERM")) == NULL)
426 			goto noterm;
427 		if (row == 0) {
428 			if ((rval = tigetnum("lines")) < 0)
429 				msgq(sp, M_SYSERR, "tigetnum: lines");
430 			else
431 				row = rval;
432 		}
433 		if (col == 0) {
434 			if ((rval = tigetnum("cols")) < 0)
435 				msgq(sp, M_SYSERR, "tigetnum: cols");
436 			else
437 				col = rval;
438 		}
439 	}
441 	/* If nothing else, well, it's probably a VT100. */
442 noterm:	if (row == 0)
443 		row = 24;
444 	if (col == 0)
445 		col = 80;
447 	/*
448 	 * !!!
449 	 * POSIX 1003.2 requires the environment to override everything.
450 	 * Often, people can get nvi to stop messing up their screen by
451 	 * deleting the LINES and COLUMNS environment variables from their
452 	 * dot-files.
453 	 */
454 	if ((p = getenv("LINES")) != NULL)
455 		row = atoz_or(p, row);
456 	if ((p = getenv("COLUMNS")) != NULL)
457 		col = atoz_or(p, col);
459 	if (rowp != NULL)
460 		*rowp = row;
461 	if (colp != NULL)
462 		*colp = col;
463 	return (0);
464 }
466 /*
467  * atoz_or --
468  *	Parse non-zero positive decimal with a fallback.
469  */
470 static size_t
471 atoz_or(const char *s, size_t y)
472 {
473 	char *ep;
474 	long x = strtol(s, &ep, 10);
476 	if (*ep == '\0' && (0 < x && x < INT_MAX))
477 		return (size_t)x;
478 	else
479 		return y;
480 }
482 /*
483  * cl_putchar --
484  *	Function version of putchar, for tputs.
485  *
486  * PUBLIC: int cl_putchar(int);
487  */
488 int
489 cl_putchar(int ch)
490 {
491 	return (putchar(ch));
492 }