xref: /freebsd/contrib/ntp/util/tg.c (revision 6621842ccfb4dd01470e9085697b553d10634eb0)
1 /*
2  * tg.c generate WWV or IRIG signals for test
3  */
4 /*
5  * This program can generate audio signals that simulate the WWV/H
6  * broadcast timecode. Alternatively, it can generate the IRIG-B
7  * timecode commonly used to synchronize laboratory equipment. It is
8  * intended to test the WWV/H driver (refclock_wwv.c) and the IRIG
9  * driver (refclock_irig.c) in the NTP driver collection.
10  *
11  * Besides testing the drivers themselves, this program can be used to
12  * synchronize remote machines over audio transmission lines or program
13  * feeds. The program reads the time on the local machine and sets the
14  * initial epoch of the signal generator within one millisecond.
15  * Alernatively, the initial epoch can be set to an arbitrary time. This
16  * is useful when searching for bugs and testing for correct response to
17  * a leap second in UTC. Note however, the ultimate accuracy is limited
18  * by the intrinsic frequency error of the codec sample clock, which can
19  # reach well over 100 PPM.
20  *
21  * The default is to route generated signals to the line output
22  * jack; the s option on the command line routes these signals to the
23  * internal speaker as well. The v option controls the speaker volume
24  * over the range 0-255. The signal generator by default uses WWV
25  * format; the h option switches to WWVH format and the i option
26  * switches to IRIG-B format.
27  *
28  * Once started the program runs continuously. The default initial epoch
29  * for the signal generator is read from the computer system clock when
30  * the program starts. The y option specifies an alternate epoch using a
31  * string yydddhhmmss, where yy is the year of century, ddd the day of
32  * year, hh the hour of day and mm the minute of hour. For instance,
33  * 1946Z on 1 January 2006 is 060011946. The l option lights the leap
34  * warning bit in the WWV/H timecode, so is handy to check for correct
35  * behavior at the next leap second epoch. The remaining options are
36  * specified below under the Parse Options heading. Most of these are
37  * for testing.
38  *
39  * During operation the program displays the WWV/H timecode (9 digits)
40  * or IRIG timecode (20 digits) as each new string is constructed. The
41  * display is followed by the BCD binary bits as transmitted. Note that
42  * the transmissionorder is low-order first as the frame is processed
43  * left to right. For WWV/H The leap warning L preceeds the first bit.
44  * For IRIG the on-time marker M preceeds the first (units) bit, so its
45  * code is delayed one bit and the next digit (tens) needs only three
46  * bits.
47  *
48  * The program has been tested with the Sun Blade 1500 running Solaris
49  * 10, but not yet with other machines. It uses no special features and
50  * should be readily portable to other hardware and operating systems.
51  */
52 #include <stdio.h>
53 #include <stdlib.h>
54 #include <time.h>
55 #include <sys/audio.h>
56 #include <math.h>
57 #include <errno.h>
58 #include <sys/types.h>
59 #include <sys/stat.h>
60 #include <fcntl.h>
61 #include <string.h>
62 #include <unistd.h>
64 #define	SECOND	8000		/* one second of 125-us samples */
65 #define BUFLNG	400		/* buffer size */
66 #define	DEVICE	"/dev/audio"	/* default audio device */
67 #define	WWV	0		/* WWV encoder */
68 #define	IRIG	1		/* IRIG-B encoder */
69 #define	OFF	0		/* zero amplitude */
70 #define	LOW	1		/* low amplitude */
71 #define	HIGH	2		/* high amplitude */
72 #define	DATA0	200		/* WWV/H 0 pulse */
73 #define	DATA1	500		/* WWV/H 1 pulse */
74 #define PI	800		/* WWV/H PI pulse */
75 #define	M2	2		/* IRIG 0 pulse */
76 #define	M5	5		/* IRIG 1 pulse */
77 #define	M8	8		/* IRIG PI pulse */
79 /*
80  * Companded sine table amplitude 3000 units
81  */
82 int c3000[] = {1, 48, 63, 70, 78, 82, 85, 89, 92, 94,	/* 0-9 */
83      96,  98,  99, 100, 101, 101, 102, 103, 103, 103,	/* 10-19 */
84     103, 103, 103, 103, 102, 101, 101, 100,  99,  98,	/* 20-29 */
85      96,  94,  92,  89,  85,  82,  78,  70,  63,  48,	/* 30-39 */
86     129, 176, 191, 198, 206, 210, 213, 217, 220, 222,	/* 40-49 */
87     224, 226, 227, 228, 229, 229, 230, 231, 231, 231, 	/* 50-59 */
88     231, 231, 231, 231, 230, 229, 229, 228, 227, 226,	/* 60-69 */
89     224, 222, 220, 217, 213, 210, 206, 198, 191, 176}; 	/* 70-79 */
90 /*
91  * Companded sine table amplitude 6000 units
92  */
93 int c6000[] = {1, 63, 78, 86, 93, 98, 101, 104, 107, 110, /* 0-9 */
94     112, 113, 115, 116, 117, 117, 118, 118, 119, 119,	/* 10-19 */
95     119, 119, 119, 118, 118, 117, 117, 116, 115, 113,	/* 20-29 */
96     112, 110, 107, 104, 101,  98,  93,  86,  78,  63,	/* 30-39 */
97     129, 191, 206, 214, 221, 226, 229, 232, 235, 238,	/* 40-49 */
98     240, 241, 243, 244, 245, 245, 246, 246, 247, 247, 	/* 50-59 */
99     247, 247, 247, 246, 246, 245, 245, 244, 243, 241,	/* 60-69 */
100     240, 238, 235, 232, 229, 226, 221, 214, 206, 191}; 	/* 70-79 */
102 /*
103  * Decoder operations at the end of each second are driven by a state
104  * machine. The transition matrix consists of a dispatch table indexed
105  * by second number. Each entry in the table contains a case switch
106  * number and argument.
107  */
108 struct progx {
109 	int sw;			/* case switch number */
110 	int arg;		/* argument */
111 };
113 /*
114  * Case switch numbers
115  */
116 #define DATA	0		/* send data (0, 1, PI) */
117 #define COEF	1		/* send BCD bit */
118 #define	DEC	2		/* decrement to next digit */
119 #define	MIN	3		/* minute pulse */
120 #define	LEAP	4		/* leap warning */
121 #define	DUT1	5		/* DUT1 bits */
122 #define	DST1	6		/* DST1 bit */
123 #define	DST2	7		/* DST2 bit */
125 /*
126  * WWV/H format (100-Hz, 9 digits, 1 m frame)
127  */
128 struct progx progx[] = {
129 	{MIN,	800},		/* 0 minute sync pulse */
130 	{DATA,	DATA0},		/* 1 */
131 	{DST2,	0},		/* 2 DST2 */
132 	{LEAP,	0},		/* 3 leap warning */
133 	{COEF,	1},		/* 4 1 year units */
134 	{COEF,	2},		/* 5 2 */
135 	{COEF,	4},		/* 6 4 */
136 	{COEF,	8},		/* 7 8 */
137 	{DEC,	DATA0},		/* 8 */
138 	{DATA,	PI},		/* 9 p1 */
139 	{COEF,	1},		/* 10 1 minute units */
140 	{COEF,	2},		/* 11 2 */
141 	{COEF,	4},		/* 12 4 */
142 	{COEF,	8},		/* 13 8 */
143 	{DEC,	DATA0},		/* 14 */
144 	{COEF,	1},		/* 15 10 minute tens */
145 	{COEF,	2},		/* 16 20 */
146 	{COEF,	4},		/* 17 40 */
147 	{COEF,	8},		/* 18 80 (not used) */
148 	{DEC,	PI},		/* 19 p2 */
149 	{COEF,	1},		/* 20 1 hour units */
150 	{COEF,	2},		/* 21 2 */
151 	{COEF,	4},		/* 22 4 */
152 	{COEF,	8},		/* 23 8 */
153 	{DEC,	DATA0},		/* 24 */
154 	{COEF,	1},		/* 25 10 hour tens */
155 	{COEF,	2},		/* 26 20 */
156 	{COEF,	4},		/* 27 40 (not used) */
157 	{COEF,	8},		/* 28 80 (not used) */
158 	{DEC,	PI},		/* 29 p3 */
159 	{COEF,	1},		/* 30 1 day units */
160 	{COEF,	2},		/* 31 2 */
161 	{COEF,	4},		/* 32 4 */
162 	{COEF,	8},		/* 33 8 */
163 	{DEC,	DATA0},		/* 34 not used */
164 	{COEF,	1},		/* 35 10 day tens */
165 	{COEF,	2},		/* 36 20 */
166 	{COEF,	4},		/* 37 40 */
167 	{COEF,	8},		/* 38 80 */
168 	{DEC,	PI},		/* 39 p4 */
169 	{COEF,	1},		/* 40 100 day hundreds */
170 	{COEF,	2},		/* 41 200 */
171 	{COEF,	4},		/* 42 400 (not used) */
172 	{COEF,	8},		/* 43 800 (not used) */
173 	{DEC,	DATA0},		/* 44 */
174 	{DATA,	DATA0},		/* 45 */
175 	{DATA,	DATA0},		/* 46 */
176 	{DATA,	DATA0},		/* 47 */
177 	{DATA,	DATA0},		/* 48 */
178 	{DATA,	PI},		/* 49 p5 */
179 	{DUT1,	8},		/* 50 DUT1 sign */
180 	{COEF,	1},		/* 51 10 year tens */
181 	{COEF,	2},		/* 52 20 */
182 	{COEF,	4},		/* 53 40 */
183 	{COEF,	8},		/* 54 80 */
184 	{DST1,	0},		/* 55 DST1 */
185 	{DUT1,	1},		/* 56 0.1 DUT1 fraction */
186 	{DUT1,	2},		/* 57 0.2 */
187 	{DUT1,	4},		/* 58 0.4 */
188 	{DATA,	PI},		/* 59 p6 */
189 	{DATA,	DATA0},		/* 60 leap */
190 };
192 /*
193  * IRIG format except first frame (1000 Hz, 20 digits, 1 s frame)
194  */
195 struct progx progy[] = {
196 	{COEF,	1},		/* 0 1 units */
197 	{COEF,	2},		/* 1 2 */
198 	{COEF,	4},		/* 2 4 */
199 	{COEF,	8},		/* 3 8 */
200 	{DEC,	M2},		/* 4 im */
201 	{COEF,	1},		/* 5 10 tens */
202 	{COEF,	2},		/* 6 20 */
203 	{COEF,	4},		/* 7 40 */
204 	{COEF,	8},		/* 8 80 */
205 	{DEC,	M8},		/* 9 pi */
206 };
208 /*
209  * IRIG format first frame (1000 Hz, 20 digits, 1 s frame)
210  */
211 struct progx progz[] = {
212 	{MIN,	M8},		/* 0 pi (second) */
213 	{COEF,	1},		/* 1 1 units */
214 	{COEF,	2},		/* 2 2 */
215 	{COEF,	4},		/* 3 4 */
216 	{COEF,	8},		/* 4 8 */
217 	{DEC,	M2},		/* 5 im */
218 	{COEF,	1},		/* 6 10 tens */
219 	{COEF,	2},		/* 7 20 */
220 	{COEF,	4},		/* 8 40 */
221 	{DEC,	M8},		/* 9 pi */
222 };
224 /*
225  * Forward declarations
226  */
227 void	sec(int);		/* send second */
228 void	digit(int);		/* encode digit */
229 void	peep(int, int, int);	/* send cycles */
230 void	delay(int);		/* delay samples */
232 /*
233  * Global variables
234  */
235 char	buffer[BUFLNG];		/* output buffer */
236 int	bufcnt = 0;		/* buffer counter */
237 int	second = 0;		/* seconds counter */
238 int	fd;			/* audio codec file descriptor */
239 int	tone = 1000;		/* WWV sync frequency */
240 int	level = AUDIO_MAX_GAIN / 8; /* output level */
241 int	port = AUDIO_LINE_OUT;	/* output port */
242 int	encode = WWV;		/* encoder select */
243 int	leap = 0;		/* leap indicator */
244 int	dst = 0;		/* winter/summer time */
245 int	dut1 = 0;		/* DUT1 correction (sign, magnitude) */
246 int	utc = 0;		/* option epoch */
248 /*
249  * Main program
250  */
251 int
252 main(
253 	int	argc,		/* command line options */
254 	char	**argv		/* poiniter to list of tokens */
255 	)
256 {
257 	struct timeval tv;	/* system clock at startup */
258 	audio_info_t info;	/* Sun audio structure */
259 	struct tm *tm = NULL;	/* structure returned by gmtime */
260 	char	device[50];	/* audio device */
261 	char	code[100];	/* timecode */
262 	int	rval, temp, arg, sw, ptr;
263 	int	minute, hour, day, year;
264 	int	i;
266 	/*
267 	 * Parse options
268 	 */
269 	strlcpy(device, DEVICE, sizeof(device));
270 	year = 0;
271 	while ((temp = getopt(argc, argv, "a:dhilsu:v:y:")) != -1) {
272 		switch (temp) {
274 		case 'a':	/* specify audio device (/dev/audio) */
275 			strlcpy(device, optarg, sizeof(device));
276 			break;
278 		case 'd':	/* set DST for summer (WWV/H only) */
279 			dst++;
280 			break;
282 		case 'h':	/* select WWVH sync frequency */
283 			tone = 1200;
284 			break;
286 		case 'i':	/* select irig format */
287 			encode = IRIG;
288 			break;
290 		case 'l':	/* set leap warning bit (WWV/H only) */
291 			leap++;
292 			break;
294 		case 's':	/* enable speaker */
295 			port |= AUDIO_SPEAKER;
296 			break;
298 		case 'u':	/* set DUT1 offset (-7 to +7) */
299 			sscanf(optarg, "%d", &dut1);
300 			if (dut1 < 0)
301 				dut1 = abs(dut1);
302 			else
303 				dut1 |= 0x8;
304 			break;
306 		case 'v':	/* set output level (0-255) */
307 			sscanf(optarg, "%d", &level);
308 			break;
310 		case 'y':	/* set initial date and time */
311 			sscanf(optarg, "%2d%3d%2d%2d", &year, &day,
312 			    &hour, &minute);
313 			utc++;
314 			break;
316 		defult:
317 			printf("invalid option %c\n", temp);
318 			break;
319 		}
320 	}
322 	/*
323 	 * Open audio device and set options
324 	 */
325 	fd = open("/dev/audio", O_WRONLY);
326 	if (fd <= 0) {
327 		printf("audio open %s\n", strerror(errno));
328 		exit(1);
329 	}
330 	rval = ioctl(fd, AUDIO_GETINFO, &info);
331 	if (rval < 0) {
332 		printf("audio control %s\n", strerror(errno));
333 		exit(0);
334 	}
335 	info.play.port = port;
336 	info.play.gain = level;
337 	info.play.sample_rate = SECOND;
338 	info.play.channels = 1;
339 	info.play.precision = 8;
340 	info.play.encoding = AUDIO_ENCODING_ULAW;
341 	printf("port %d gain %d rate %d chan %d prec %d encode %d\n",
342 	    info.play.port, info.play.gain, info.play.sample_rate,
343 	    info.play.channels, info.play.precision,
344 	    info.play.encoding);
345 	ioctl(fd, AUDIO_SETINFO, &info);
347  	/*
348 	 * Unless specified otherwise, read the system clock and
349 	 * initialize the time.
350 	 */
351 	if (!utc) {
352 		gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
353 		tm = gmtime(&tv.tv_sec);
354 		minute = tm->tm_min;
355 		hour = tm->tm_hour;
356 		day = tm->tm_yday + 1;
357 		year = tm->tm_year % 100;
358 		second = tm->tm_sec;
360 		/*
361 		 * Delay the first second so the generator is accurately
362 		 * aligned with the system clock within one sample (125
363 		 * microseconds ).
364 		 */
365 		delay(SECOND - tv.tv_usec * 8 / 1000);
366 	}
367 	memset(code, 0, sizeof(code));
368 	switch (encode) {
370 	/*
371 	 * For WWV/H and default time, carefully set the signal
372 	 * generator seconds number to agree with the current time.
373 	 */
374 	case WWV:
375 		printf("year %d day %d time %02d:%02d:%02d tone %d\n",
376 		    year, day, hour, minute, second, tone);
377 		snprintf(code, sizeof(code), "%01d%03d%02d%02d%01d",
378 		    year / 10, day, hour, minute, year % 10);
379 		printf("%s\n", code);
380 		ptr = 8;
381 		for (i = 0; i <= second; i++) {
382 			if (progx[i].sw == DEC)
383 				ptr--;
384 		}
385 		break;
387 	/*
388 	 * For IRIG the signal generator runs every second, so requires
389 	 * no additional alignment.
390 	 */
391 	case IRIG:
392 		printf("sbs %x year %d day %d time %02d:%02d:%02d\n",
393 		    0, year, day, hour, minute, second);
394 		break;
395 	}
397 	/*
398 	 * Run the signal generator to generate new timecode strings
399 	 * once per minute for WWV/H and once per second for IRIG.
400 	 */
401 	while(1) {
403 		/*
404 		 * Crank the state machine to propagate carries to the
405 		 * year of century. Note that we delayed up to one
406 		 * second for alignment after reading the time, so this
407 		 * is the next second.
408 		 */
409 		second = (second + 1) % 60;
410 		if (second == 0) {
411 			minute++;
412 			if (minute >= 60) {
413 				minute = 0;
414 				hour++;
415 			}
416 			if (hour >= 24) {
417 				hour = 0;
418 				day++;
419 			}
421 			/*
422 			 * At year rollover check for leap second.
423 			 */
424 			if (day >= (year & 0x3 ? 366 : 367)) {
425 				if (leap) {
426 					sec(DATA0);
427 					printf("\nleap!");
428 					leap = 0;
429 				}
430 				day = 1;
431 				year++;
432 			}
433 			if (encode == WWV) {
434 				snprintf(code, sizeof(code),
435 				    "%01d%03d%02d%02d%01d", year / 10,
436 				    day, hour, minute, year % 10);
437 				printf("\n%s\n", code);
438 				ptr = 8;
439 			}
440 		}
441 		if (encode == IRIG) {
442 			snprintf(code, sizeof(code),
443 			    "%04x%04d%06d%02d%02d%02d", 0, year, day,
444 			    hour, minute, second);
445 			printf("%s\n", code);
446 			ptr = 19;
447 		}
449 		/*
450 		 * Generate data for the second
451 		 */
452 		switch(encode) {
454 		/*
455 		 * The IRIG second consists of 20 BCD digits of width-
456 		 * modulateod pulses at 2, 5 and 8 ms and modulated 50
457 		 * percent on the 1000-Hz carrier.
458 		 */
459 		case IRIG:
460 			for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
461 				if (i < 10) {
462 					sw = progz[i].sw;
463 					arg = progz[i].arg;
464 				} else {
465 					sw = progy[i % 10].sw;
466 					arg = progy[i % 10].arg;
467 				}
468 				switch(sw) {
470 				case COEF:	/* send BCD bit */
471 					if (code[ptr] & arg) {
472 						peep(M5, 1000, HIGH);
473 						peep(M5, 1000, LOW);
474 						printf("1");
475 					} else {
476 						peep(M2, 1000, HIGH);
477 						peep(M8, 1000, LOW);
478 						printf("0");
479 					}
480 					break;
482 				case DEC:	/* send IM/PI bit */
483 					ptr--;
484 					printf(" ");
485 					peep(arg, 1000, HIGH);
486 					peep(10 - arg, 1000, LOW);
487 					break;
489 				case MIN:	/* send data bit */
490 					peep(arg, 1000, HIGH);
491 					peep(10 - arg, 1000, LOW);
492 					printf("M ");
493 					break;
494 				}
495 				if (ptr < 0)
496 					break;
497 			}
498 			printf("\n");
499 			break;
501 		/*
502 		 * The WWV/H second consists of 9 BCD digits of width-
503 		 * modulateod pulses 200, 500 and 800 ms at 100-Hz.
504 		 */
505 		case WWV:
506 			sw = progx[second].sw;
507 			arg = progx[second].arg;
508 			switch(sw) {
510 			case DATA:		/* send data bit */
511 				sec(arg);
512 				break;
514 			case COEF:		/* send BCD bit */
515 				if (code[ptr] & arg) {
516 					sec(DATA1);
517 					printf("1");
518 				} else {
519 					sec(DATA0);
520 					printf("0");
521 				}
522 				break;
524 			case LEAP:		/* send leap bit */
525 				if (leap) {
526 					sec(DATA1);
527 					printf("L ");
528 				} else {
529 					sec(DATA0);
530 					printf("  ");
531 				}
532 				break;
534 			case DEC:		/* send data bit */
535 				ptr--;
536 				sec(arg);
537 				printf(" ");
538 				break;
540 			case MIN:		/* send minute sync */
541 				peep(arg, tone, HIGH);
542 				peep(1000 - arg, tone, OFF);
543 				break;
545 			case DUT1:		/* send DUT1 bits */
546 				if (dut1 & arg)
547 					sec(DATA1);
548 				else
549 					sec(DATA0);
550 				break;
552 			case DST1:		/* send DST1 bit */
553 				ptr--;
554 				if (dst)
555 					sec(DATA1);
556 				else
557 					sec(DATA0);
558 				printf(" ");
559 				break;
561 			case DST2:		/* send DST2 bit */
562 				if (dst)
563 					sec(DATA1);
564 				else
565 					sec(DATA0);
566 				break;
567 			}
568 		}
569 	}
570 }
573 /*
574  * Generate WWV/H 0 or 1 data pulse.
575  */
576 void sec(
577 	int	code		/* DATA0, DATA1, PI */
578 	)
579 {
580 	/*
581 	 * The WWV data pulse begins with 5 ms of 1000 Hz follwed by a
582 	 * guard time of 25 ms. The data pulse is 170, 570 or 770 ms at
583 	 * 100 Hz corresponding to 0, 1 or position indicator (PI),
584 	 * respectively. Note the 100-Hz data pulses are transmitted 6
585 	 * dB below the 1000-Hz sync pulses. Originally the data pulses
586 	 * were transmited 10 dB below the sync pulses, but the station
587 	 * engineers increased that to 6 dB because the Heath GC-1000
588 	 * WWV/H radio clock worked much better.
589 	 */
590 	peep(5, tone, HIGH);		/* send seconds tick */
591 	peep(25, tone, OFF);
592 	peep(code - 30, 100, LOW);	/* send data */
593 	peep(1000 - code, 100, OFF);
594 }
597 /*
598  * Generate cycles of 100 Hz or any multiple of 100 Hz.
599  */
600 void peep(
601 	int	pulse,		/* pulse length (ms) */
602 	int	freq,		/* frequency (Hz) */
603 	int	amp		/* amplitude */
604 	)
605 {
606 	int	increm;		/* phase increment */
607 	int	i, j;
609 	if (amp == OFF || freq == 0)
610 		increm = 10;
611 	else
612 		increm = freq / 100;
613 	j = 0;
614 	for (i = 0 ; i < pulse * 8; i++) {
615 		switch (amp) {
617 		case HIGH:
618 			buffer[bufcnt++] = ~c6000[j];
619 			break;
621 		case LOW:
622 			buffer[bufcnt++] = ~c3000[j];
623 			break;
625 		default:
626 			buffer[bufcnt++] = ~0;
627 		}
628 		if (bufcnt >= BUFLNG) {
629 			write(fd, buffer, BUFLNG);
630 			bufcnt = 0;
631 		}
632 		j = (j + increm) % 80;
633 	}
634 }
637 /*
638  * Delay for initial phasing
639  */
640 void delay (
641 	int	delay		/* delay in samples */
642 	)
643 {
644 	int	samples;	/* samples remaining */
646 	samples = delay;
647 	memset(buffer, 0, BUFLNG);
648 	while (samples >= BUFLNG) {
649 		write(fd, buffer, BUFLNG);
650 		samples -= BUFLNG;
651 	}
652 		write(fd, buffer, samples);
653 }