xref: /freebsd/contrib/ntp/sntp/unity/auto/generate_test_runner.rb (revision f4b37ed0f8b307b1f3f0f630ca725d68f1dff30d)
1# ==========================================
2#   Unity Project - A Test Framework for C
3#   Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
4#   [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
5# ==========================================
9class UnityTestRunnerGenerator
11  def initialize(options = nil)
12    @options = { :includes => [], :plugins => [], :framework => :unity }
13    case(options)
14      when NilClass then @options
15      when String   then @options.merge!(UnityTestRunnerGenerator.grab_config(options))
16      when Hash     then @options.merge!(options)
17      else          raise "If you specify arguments, it should be a filename or a hash of options"
18    end
19  end
21  def self.grab_config(config_file)
22    options = { :includes => [], :plugins => [], :framework => :unity }
23    unless (config_file.nil? or config_file.empty?)
24      require 'yaml'
25      yaml_guts = YAML.load_file(config_file)
26      options.merge!(yaml_guts[:unity] ? yaml_guts[:unity] : yaml_guts[:cmock])
27      raise "No :unity or :cmock section found in #{config_file}" unless options
28    end
29    return(options)
30  end
32  def run(input_file, output_file, options=nil)
33    tests = []
34    includes = []
35    used_mocks = []
37    @options.merge!(options) unless options.nil?
38    module_name = File.basename(input_file)
40    #pull required data from source file
41    File.open(input_file, 'r') do |input|
42      tests      = find_tests(input)
43      includes   = find_includes(input)
44      used_mocks = find_mocks(includes)
45    end
47    #build runner file
48    File.open(output_file, 'w') do |output|
49      create_header(output, used_mocks)
50      create_externs(output, tests, used_mocks)
51      create_mock_management(output, used_mocks)
52      create_suite_setup_and_teardown(output)
53      create_reset(output, used_mocks)
54      create_main(output, input_file, tests)
55    end
57    all_files_used = [input_file, output_file]
58    all_files_used += includes.map {|filename| filename + '.c'} unless includes.empty?
59    all_files_used += @options[:includes] unless @options[:includes].empty?
60    return all_files_used.uniq
61  end
63  def find_tests(input_file)
64    tests_raw = []
65    tests_args = []
66    tests_and_line_numbers = []
68    input_file.rewind
69    source_raw = input_file.read
70    source_scrubbed = source_raw.gsub(/\/\/.*$/, '')           # remove line comments
71    source_scrubbed = source_scrubbed.gsub(/\/\*.*?\*\//m, '') # remove block comments
72    lines = source_scrubbed.split(/(^\s*\#.*$)                 # Treat preprocessor directives as a logical line
73                              | (;|\{|\}) /x)                  # Match ;, {, and } as end of lines
75    lines.each_with_index do |line, index|
76      #find tests
77      if line =~ /^((?:\s*TEST_CASE\s*\(.*?\)\s*)*)\s*void\s+(test.*?)\s*\(\s*(.*)\s*\)/
78        name = $2
79        call = $3
80        args = (@options[:use_param_tests] and $1) ? ($1.gsub(/\s*TEST_CASE\s*\(\s*/,'').strip.split(/\s*\)/).compact) : nil
81        tests_and_line_numbers << { :name => name, :args => args, :call => call, :line_number => 0 }
82        tests_args = []
83      end
84    end
86    #determine line numbers and create tests to run
87    source_lines = source_raw.split("\n")
88    source_index = 0;
89    tests_and_line_numbers.size.times do |i|
90      source_lines[source_index..-1].each_with_index do |line, index|
91        if (line =~ /#{tests_and_line_numbers[i][:name]}/)
92          source_index += index
93          tests_and_line_numbers[i][:line_number] = source_index + 1
94          break
95        end
96      end
97    end
99    return tests_and_line_numbers
100  end
102  def find_includes(input_file)
103    input_file.rewind
104    includes = []
105    input_file.readlines.each do |line|
106      scan_results = line.scan(/^\s*#include\s+\"\s*(.+)\.[hH]\s*\"/)
107      includes << scan_results[0][0] if (scan_results.size > 0)
108    end
109    return includes
110  end
112  def find_mocks(includes)
113    mock_headers = []
114    includes.each do |include_file|
115      mock_headers << File.basename(include_file) if (include_file =~ /^mock/i)
116    end
117    return mock_headers
118  end
120  def create_header(output, mocks)
121    output.puts('/* AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT. */')
122    create_runtest(output, mocks)
123    output.puts("\n//=======Automagically Detected Files To Include=====")
124    output.puts("#include \"#{@options[:framework].to_s}.h\"")
125    output.puts('#include "cmock.h"') unless (mocks.empty?)
126    @options[:includes].flatten.uniq.compact.each do |includes|
127      output.puts("#include \"#{includes.gsub('.h','')}.h\"")
128    end
129    output.puts('#include <setjmp.h>')
130    output.puts('#include <stdio.h>')
131    output.puts('#include "CException.h"') if @options[:plugins].include?(:cexception)
132    mocks.each do |mock|
133      output.puts("#include \"#{mock.gsub('.h','')}.h\"")
134    end
135    if @options[:enforce_strict_ordering]
136      output.puts('')
137      output.puts('int GlobalExpectCount;')
138      output.puts('int GlobalVerifyOrder;')
139      output.puts('char* GlobalOrderError;')
140    end
141  end
143  def create_externs(output, tests, mocks)
144    output.puts("\n//=======External Functions This Runner Calls=====")
145    output.puts("extern void setUp(void);")
146    output.puts("extern void tearDown(void);")
147    output.puts("void resetTest(void);")
148    tests.each do |test|
149      output.puts("extern void #{test[:name]}(#{test[:call]});")
150    end
151    output.puts('')
152  end
154  def create_mock_management(output, mocks)
155    unless (mocks.empty?)
156      output.puts("\n//=======Mock Management=====")
157      output.puts("static void CMock_Init(void)")
158      output.puts("{")
159      if @options[:enforce_strict_ordering]
160        output.puts("  GlobalExpectCount = 0;")
161        output.puts("  GlobalVerifyOrder = 0;")
162        output.puts("  GlobalOrderError = NULL;")
163      end
164      mocks.each do |mock|
165        output.puts("  #{mock}_Init();")
166      end
167      output.puts("}\n")
169      output.puts("static void CMock_Verify(void)")
170      output.puts("{")
171      mocks.each do |mock|
172        output.puts("  #{mock}_Verify();")
173      end
174      output.puts("}\n")
176      output.puts("static void CMock_Destroy(void)")
177      output.puts("{")
178      mocks.each do |mock|
179        output.puts("  #{mock}_Destroy();")
180      end
181      output.puts("}\n")
182    end
183  end
185  def create_suite_setup_and_teardown(output)
186    unless (@options[:suite_setup].nil?)
187      output.puts("\n//=======Suite Setup=====")
188      output.puts("static int suite_setup(void)")
189      output.puts("{")
190      output.puts(@options[:suite_setup])
191      output.puts("}")
192    end
193    unless (@options[:suite_teardown].nil?)
194      output.puts("\n//=======Suite Teardown=====")
195      output.puts("static int suite_teardown(int num_failures)")
196      output.puts("{")
197      output.puts(@options[:suite_teardown])
198      output.puts("}")
199    end
200  end
202  def create_runtest(output, used_mocks)
203    cexception = @options[:plugins].include? :cexception
204    va_args1   = @options[:use_param_tests] ? ', ...' : ''
205    va_args2   = @options[:use_param_tests] ? '__VA_ARGS__' : ''
206    output.puts("\n//=======Test Runner Used To Run Each Test Below=====")
207    output.puts("#define RUN_TEST_NO_ARGS") if @options[:use_param_tests]
208    output.puts("#define RUN_TEST(TestFunc, TestLineNum#{va_args1}) \\")
209    output.puts("{ \\")
210    output.puts("  Unity.CurrentTestName = #TestFunc#{va_args2.empty? ? '' : " \"(\" ##{va_args2} \")\""}; \\")
211    output.puts("  Unity.CurrentTestLineNumber = TestLineNum; \\")
212    output.puts("  Unity.NumberOfTests++; \\")
213    output.puts("  if (TEST_PROTECT()) \\")
214    output.puts("  { \\")
215    output.puts("    CEXCEPTION_T e; \\") if cexception
216    output.puts("    Try { \\") if cexception
217    output.puts("      CMock_Init(); \\") unless (used_mocks.empty?)
218    output.puts("      setUp(); \\")
219    output.puts("      TestFunc(#{va_args2}); \\")
220    output.puts("      CMock_Verify(); \\") unless (used_mocks.empty?)
221    output.puts("    } Catch(e) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX32_MESSAGE(CEXCEPTION_NONE, e, \"Unhandled Exception!\"); } \\") if cexception
222    output.puts("  } \\")
223    output.puts("  CMock_Destroy(); \\") unless (used_mocks.empty?)
224    output.puts("  if (TEST_PROTECT() && !TEST_IS_IGNORED) \\")
225    output.puts("  { \\")
226    output.puts("    tearDown(); \\")
227    output.puts("  } \\")
228    output.puts("  UnityConcludeTest(); \\")
229    output.puts("}\n")
230  end
232  def create_reset(output, used_mocks)
233    output.puts("\n//=======Test Reset Option=====")
234    output.puts("void resetTest()")
235    output.puts("{")
236    output.puts("  CMock_Verify();") unless (used_mocks.empty?)
237    output.puts("  CMock_Destroy();") unless (used_mocks.empty?)
238    output.puts("  tearDown();")
239    output.puts("  CMock_Init();") unless (used_mocks.empty?)
240    output.puts("  setUp();")
241    output.puts("}")
242  end
244  def create_main(output, filename, tests)
245    output.puts("\nchar *progname;\n")
246    output.puts("\n\n//=======MAIN=====")
248    output.puts("int main(int argc, char *argv[])")
249    output.puts("{")
250  #new stuff added
251    #output.puts("\nu_long current_time = 4; // needed by authkeys. Used only in to calculate lifetime.\n");
253    output.puts("  progname = argv[0];\n")
254    #not necessary after all
255    #output.puts("  init_lib();\n")
256    #output.puts("  init_auth();\n")
257    output.puts("  suite_setup();") unless @options[:suite_setup].nil?
258    output.puts("  Unity.TestFile = \"#{filename}\";")
259    output.puts("  UnityBegin(\"#{filename}\");")
261    if (@options[:use_param_tests])
262      tests.each do |test|
263        if ((test[:args].nil?) or (test[:args].empty?))
264          output.puts("  RUN_TEST(#{test[:name]}, #{test[:line_number]}, RUN_TEST_NO_ARGS);")
265        else
266          test[:args].each {|args| output.puts("  RUN_TEST(#{test[:name]}, #{test[:line_number]}, #{args});")}
267        end
268      end
269    else
270        tests.each { |test| output.puts("  RUN_TEST(#{test[:name]}, #{test[:line_number]});") }
271    end
272    output.puts()
273    output.puts("  return #{@options[:suite_teardown].nil? ? "" : "suite_teardown"}(UnityEnd());")
274    output.puts("}")
275  end
279if ($0 == __FILE__)
280  options = { :includes => [] }
281  yaml_file = nil
283  #parse out all the options first
284  ARGV.reject! do |arg|
285    case(arg)
286      when '-cexception'
287        options[:plugins] = [:cexception]; true
288      when /\w+\.yml/
289        options = UnityTestRunnerGenerator.grab_config(arg); true
290      else false
291    end
292  end
294  #make sure there is at least one parameter left (the input file)
295  if !ARGV[0]
296    puts ["usage: ruby #{__FILE__} (yaml) (options) input_test_file output_test_runner (includes)",
297           "  blah.yml    - will use config options in the yml file (see docs)",
298           "  -cexception - include cexception support"].join("\n")
299    exit 1
300  end
302  #create the default test runner name if not specified
303  ARGV[1] = ARGV[0].gsub(".c","_Runner.c") if (!ARGV[1])
305  #everything else is an include file
306  options[:includes] = (ARGV.slice(2..-1).flatten.compact) if (ARGV.size > 2)
308  UnityTestRunnerGenerator.new(options).run(ARGV[0], ARGV[1])