1<html lang="en"> 2<head> 3<title>ntpsnmpd: Network Time Protocol SNMP Daemon User's Manual</title> 4<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html"> 5<meta name="description" content="ntpsnmpd: Network Time Protocol SNMP Daemon User's Manual"> 6<meta name="generator" content="makeinfo 4.7"> 7<link title="Top" rel="top" href="#Top"> 8<link href="http://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/" rel="generator-home" title="Texinfo Homepage"> 9<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> 10<style type="text/css"><!-- 11 pre.display { font-family:inherit } 12 pre.format { font-family:inherit } 13 pre.smalldisplay { font-family:inherit; font-size:smaller } 14 pre.smallformat { font-family:inherit; font-size:smaller } 15 pre.smallexample { font-size:smaller } 16 pre.smalllisp { font-size:smaller } 17 span.sc { font-variant:small-caps } 18 span.roman { font-family: serif; font-weight: normal; } 19--></style> 20</head> 21<body> 22<h1 class="settitle">ntpsnmpd: Network Time Protocol SNMP Daemon User's Manual</h1> 23 <div class="shortcontents"> 24<h2>Short Contents</h2> 25<ul> 26<a href="#Top">ntpsnmpd: Network Time Protocol Query User Manual</a> 27</ul> 28</div> 29 30 31 32<div class="node"> 33<p><hr> 34<a name="Top"></a>Next: <a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#ntpsnmpd-Description">ntpsnmpd Description</a>, 35Previous: <a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#dir">(dir)</a>, 36Up: <a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#dir">(dir)</a> 37<br> 38</div> 39 40<h2 class="unnumbered">ntpsnmpd: Network Time Protocol Query User Manual</h2> 41 42<p>The <code>ntpsnmpd</code> utility program is used to monitor NTP daemon <code>ntpd</code> 43operations and determine performance. It uses the standard NTP mode 6 control 44 45 <p>This document applies to version 4.2.8p4 of <code>ntpsnmpd</code>. 46 47<ul class="menu"> 48<li><a accesskey="1" href="#ntpsnmpd-Description">ntpsnmpd Description</a>: Description 49<li><a accesskey="2" href="#ntpsnmpd-Invocation">ntpsnmpd Invocation</a>: Invoking ntpsnmpd 50<li><a accesskey="3" href="#Usage">Usage</a>: Usage 51</ul> 52 53<div class="node"> 54<p><hr> 55<a name="ntpsnmpd-Description"></a>Next: <a rel="next" accesskey="n" href="#Usage">Usage</a>, 56Previous: <a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#Top">Top</a>, 57Up: <a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Top">Top</a> 58<br> 59</div> 60 61<!-- node-name, next, previous, up --> 62<h3 class="section">Description</h3> 63 64<p>The <code>ntpsnmpd</code> utility program provides an SNMP MIB agent for <code>ntpd</code>. 65 66<div class="node"> 67<p><hr> 68<a name="Usage"></a>Previous: <a rel="previous" accesskey="p" href="#ntpsnmpd-Description">ntpsnmpd Description</a>, 69Up: <a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="#Top">Top</a> 70<br> 71</div> 72 73<!-- node-name, next, previous, up --> 74<h3 class="section">Usage</h3> 75 76<p>(what should we say here?) 77 78</body></html> 79 80