xref: /freebsd/contrib/ntp/ntpd/refclock_wwvb.c (revision 830940567b49bb0c08dfaed40418999e76616909)
1 /*
2  * refclock_wwvb - clock driver for Spectracom WWVB and GPS receivers
3  */
5 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
6 #include <config.h>
7 #endif
9 #if defined(REFCLOCK) && defined(CLOCK_SPECTRACOM)
11 #include "ntpd.h"
12 #include "ntp_io.h"
13 #include "ntp_refclock.h"
14 #include "ntp_calendar.h"
15 #include "ntp_stdlib.h"
17 #include <stdio.h>
18 #include <ctype.h>
20 /*
21  * This driver supports the Spectracom Model 8170 and Netclock/2 WWVB
22  * Synchronized Clocks and the Netclock/GPS Master Clock. Both the WWVB
23  * and GPS clocks have proven reliable sources of time; however, the
24  * WWVB clocks have proven vulnerable to high ambient conductive RF
25  * interference. The claimed accuracy of the WWVB clocks is 100 us
26  * relative to the broadcast signal, while the claimed accuracy of the
27  * GPS clock is 50 ns; however, in most cases the actual accuracy is
28  * limited by the resolution of the timecode and the latencies of the
29  * serial interface and operating system.
30  *
31  * The WWVB and GPS clocks should be configured for 24-hour display,
32  * AUTO DST off, time zone 0 (UTC), data format 0 or 2 (see below) and
33  * baud rate 9600. If the clock is to used as the source for the IRIG
34  * Audio Decoder (refclock_irig.c in this distribution), it should be
35  * configured for AM IRIG output and IRIG format 1 (IRIG B with
36  * signature control). The GPS clock can be configured either to respond
37  * to a 'T' poll character or left running continuously.
38  *
39  * There are two timecode formats used by these clocks. Format 0, which
40  * is available with both the Netclock/2 and 8170, and format 2, which
41  * is available only with the Netclock/2, specially modified 8170 and
42  * GPS.
43  *
44  * Format 0 (22 ASCII printing characters):
45  *
46  * <cr><lf>i  ddd hh:mm:ss TZ=zz<cr><lf>
47  *
48  *	on-time = first <cr>
49  *	hh:mm:ss = hours, minutes, seconds
50  *	i = synchronization flag (' ' = in synch, '?' = out of synch)
51  *
52  * The alarm condition is indicated by other than ' ' at a, which occurs
53  * during initial synchronization and when received signal is lost for
54  * about ten hours.
55  *
56  * Format 2 (24 ASCII printing characters):
57  *
58  * <cr><lf>iqyy ddd hh:mm:ss.fff ld
59  *
60  *	on-time = <cr>
61  *	i = synchronization flag (' ' = in synch, '?' = out of synch)
62  *	q = quality indicator (' ' = locked, 'A'...'D' = unlocked)
63  *	yy = year (as broadcast)
64  *	ddd = day of year
65  *	hh:mm:ss.fff = hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds
66  *
67  * The alarm condition is indicated by other than ' ' at a, which occurs
68  * during initial synchronization and when received signal is lost for
69  * about ten hours. The unlock condition is indicated by other than ' '
70  * at q.
71  *
72  * The q is normally ' ' when the time error is less than 1 ms and a
73  * character in the set 'A'...'D' when the time error is less than 10,
74  * 100, 500 and greater than 500 ms respectively. The l is normally ' ',
75  * but is set to 'L' early in the month of an upcoming UTC leap second
76  * and reset to ' ' on the first day of the following month. The d is
77  * set to 'S' for standard time 'I' on the day preceding a switch to
78  * daylight time, 'D' for daylight time and 'O' on the day preceding a
79  * switch to standard time. The start bit of the first <cr> is
80  * synchronized to the indicated time as returned.
81  *
82  * This driver does not need to be told which format is in use - it
83  * figures out which one from the length of the message. The driver
84  * makes no attempt to correct for the intrinsic jitter of the radio
85  * itself, which is a known problem with the older radios.
86  *
87  * Fudge Factors
88  *
89  * This driver can retrieve a table of quality data maintained
90  * internally by the Netclock/2 clock. If flag4 of the fudge
91  * configuration command is set to 1, the driver will retrieve this
92  * table and write it to the clockstats file when the first timecode
93  * message of a new day is received.
94  *
95  * PPS calibration fudge time 1: format 0 .003134, format 2 .004034
96  */
97 /*
98  * Interface definitions
99  */
100 #define	DEVICE		"/dev/wwvb%d" /* device name and unit */
101 #define	SPEED232	B9600	/* uart speed (9600 baud) */
102 #define	PRECISION	(-13)	/* precision assumed (about 100 us) */
103 #define	REFID		"WWVB"	/* reference ID */
104 #define	DESCRIPTION	"Spectracom WWVB/GPS Receiver" /* WRU */
106 #define	LENWWVB0	22	/* format 0 timecode length */
107 #define LENWWVB1	22	/* format 1 timecode length */
108 #define	LENWWVB2	24	/* format 2 timecode length */
109 #define LENWWVB3        29      /* format 3 timecode length */
110 #define MONLIN		15	/* number of monitoring lines */
112 /*
113  * WWVB unit control structure
114  */
115 struct wwvbunit {
116 	l_fp	laststamp;	/* last receive timestamp */
117 	u_char	lasthour;	/* last hour (for monitor) */
118 	u_char	linect;		/* count ignored lines (for monitor */
119 };
121 /*
122  * Function prototypes
123  */
124 static	int	wwvb_start	P((int, struct peer *));
125 static	void	wwvb_shutdown	P((int, struct peer *));
126 static	void	wwvb_receive	P((struct recvbuf *));
127 static	void	wwvb_poll	P((int, struct peer *));
128 static	void	wwvb_timer	P((int, struct peer *));
130 /*
131  * Transfer vector
132  */
133 struct	refclock refclock_wwvb = {
134 	wwvb_start,		/* start up driver */
135 	wwvb_shutdown,		/* shut down driver */
136 	wwvb_poll,		/* transmit poll message */
137 	noentry,		/* not used (old wwvb_control) */
138 	noentry,		/* initialize driver (not used) */
139 	noentry,		/* not used (old wwvb_buginfo) */
140 	wwvb_timer		/* called once per second */
141 };
144 /*
145  * wwvb_start - open the devices and initialize data for processing
146  */
147 static int
148 wwvb_start(
149 	int unit,
150 	struct peer *peer
151 	)
152 {
153 	register struct wwvbunit *up;
154 	struct refclockproc *pp;
155 	int fd;
156 	char device[20];
158 	/*
159 	 * Open serial port. Use CLK line discipline, if available.
160 	 */
161 	sprintf(device, DEVICE, unit);
162 	if (!(fd = refclock_open(device, SPEED232, LDISC_CLK)))
163 		return (0);
165 	/*
166 	 * Allocate and initialize unit structure
167 	 */
168 	if (!(up = (struct wwvbunit *)
169 	      emalloc(sizeof(struct wwvbunit)))) {
170 		close(fd);
171 		return (0);
172 	}
173 	memset((char *)up, 0, sizeof(struct wwvbunit));
174 	pp = peer->procptr;
175 	pp->unitptr = (caddr_t)up;
176 	pp->io.clock_recv = wwvb_receive;
177 	pp->io.srcclock = (caddr_t)peer;
178 	pp->io.datalen = 0;
179 	pp->io.fd = fd;
180 	if (!io_addclock(&pp->io)) {
181 		close(fd);
182 		free(up);
183 		return (0);
184 	}
186 	/*
187 	 * Initialize miscellaneous variables
188 	 */
189 	peer->precision = PRECISION;
190 	pp->clockdesc = DESCRIPTION;
191 	memcpy((char *)&pp->refid, REFID, 4);
192 	return (1);
193 }
196 /*
197  * wwvb_shutdown - shut down the clock
198  */
199 static void
200 wwvb_shutdown(
201 	int unit,
202 	struct peer *peer
203 	)
204 {
205 	register struct wwvbunit *up;
206 	struct refclockproc *pp;
208 	pp = peer->procptr;
209 	up = (struct wwvbunit *)pp->unitptr;
210 	io_closeclock(&pp->io);
211 	free(up);
212 }
215 /*
216  * wwvb_receive - receive data from the serial interface
217  */
218 static void
219 wwvb_receive(
220 	struct recvbuf *rbufp
221 	)
222 {
223 	struct wwvbunit *up;
224 	struct refclockproc *pp;
225 	struct peer *peer;
227 	l_fp	trtmp;		/* arrival timestamp */
228 	int	tz;		/* time zone */
229 	int	day, month;	/* ddd conversion */
230 	int	temp;		/* int temp */
231 	char	syncchar;	/* synchronization indicator */
232 	char	qualchar;	/* quality indicator */
233 	char	leapchar;	/* leap indicator */
234 	char	dstchar;	/* daylight/standard indicator */
235 	char	tmpchar;	/* trashbin */
237 	/*
238 	 * Initialize pointers and read the timecode and timestamp
239 	 */
240 	peer = (struct peer *)rbufp->recv_srcclock;
241 	pp = peer->procptr;
242 	up = (struct wwvbunit *)pp->unitptr;
243 	temp = refclock_gtlin(rbufp, pp->a_lastcode, BMAX, &trtmp);
245 	/*
246 	 * Note we get a buffer and timestamp for both a <cr> and <lf>,
247 	 * but only the <cr> timestamp is retained. Note: in format 0 on
248 	 * a Netclock/2 or upgraded 8170 the start bit is delayed 100
249 	 * +-50 us relative to the pps; however, on an unmodified 8170
250 	 * the start bit can be delayed up to 10 ms. In format 2 the
251 	 * reading precision is only to the millisecond. Thus, unless
252 	 * you have a PPS gadget and don't have to have the year, format
253 	 * 0 provides the lowest jitter.
254 	 */
255 	if (temp == 0) {
256 		up->laststamp = trtmp;
257 		return;
258 	}
259 	pp->lencode = temp;
260 	pp->lastrec = up->laststamp;
262 	/*
263 	 * We get down to business, check the timecode format and decode
264 	 * its contents. This code uses the timecode length to determine
265 	 * format 0, 2 or 3. If the timecode has invalid length or is
266 	 * not in proper format, we declare bad format and exit.
267 	 */
268 	syncchar = qualchar = leapchar = dstchar = ' ';
269 	tz = 0;
270 	switch (pp->lencode) {
272 	case LENWWVB0:
274 		/*
275 		 * Timecode format 0: "I  ddd hh:mm:ss DTZ=nn"
276 		 */
277 		if (sscanf(pp->a_lastcode,
278 		    "%c %3d %2d:%2d:%2d%c%cTZ=%2d",
279 		    &syncchar, &pp->day, &pp->hour, &pp->minute,
280 		    &pp->second, &tmpchar, &dstchar, &tz) == 8)
281 			pp->nsec = 0;
282 			break;
284 	case LENWWVB2:
286 		/*
287 		 * Timecode format 2: "IQyy ddd hh:mm:ss.mmm LD" */
288 		if (sscanf(pp->a_lastcode,
289 		    "%c%c %2d %3d %2d:%2d:%2d.%3ld %c",
290 		    &syncchar, &qualchar, &pp->year, &pp->day,
291 		    &pp->hour, &pp->minute, &pp->second, &pp->nsec,
292 		    &leapchar) == 9)
293 			pp->nsec *= 1000000;
294 			break;
296 	case LENWWVB3:
298 	   	/*
299 		 * Timecode format 3: "0003I yyyymmdd hhmmss+0000SL#"
300 		 */
301 		if (sscanf(pp->a_lastcode,
302 		    "0003%c %4d%2d%2d %2d%2d%2d+0000%c%c",
303 		    &syncchar, &pp->year, &month, &day, &pp->hour,
304 		    &pp->minute, &pp->second, &dstchar, &leapchar) == 8)
305 		    {
306 			pp->day = ymd2yd(pp->year, month, day);
307 			pp->nsec = 0;
308 			break;
309 		}
311 	default:
313 		/*
314 		 * Unknown format: If dumping internal table, record
315 		 * stats; otherwise, declare bad format.
316 		 */
317 		if (up->linect > 0) {
318 			up->linect--;
319 			record_clock_stats(&peer->srcadr,
320 			    pp->a_lastcode);
321 		} else {
322 			refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_BADREPLY);
323 		}
324 		return;
325 	}
327 	/*
328 	 * Decode synchronization, quality and leap characters. If
329 	 * unsynchronized, set the leap bits accordingly and exit.
330 	 * Otherwise, set the leap bits according to the leap character.
331 	 * Once synchronized, the dispersion depends only on the
332 	 * quality character.
333 	 */
334 	switch (qualchar) {
336 	    case ' ':
337 		pp->disp = .001;
338 		pp->lastref = pp->lastrec;
339 		break;
341 	    case 'A':
342 		pp->disp = .01;
343 		break;
345 	    case 'B':
346 		pp->disp = .1;
347 		break;
349 	    case 'C':
350 		pp->disp = .5;
351 		break;
353 	    case 'D':
354 		pp->disp = MAXDISPERSE;
355 		break;
357 	    default:
358 		pp->disp = MAXDISPERSE;
359 		refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_BADREPLY);
360 		break;
361 	}
362 	if (syncchar != ' ')
363 		pp->leap = LEAP_NOTINSYNC;
364 	else if (leapchar == 'L')
365 		pp->leap = LEAP_ADDSECOND;
366 	else
367 		pp->leap = LEAP_NOWARNING;
369 	/*
370 	 * Process the new sample in the median filter and determine the
371 	 * timecode timestamp.
372 	 */
373 	if (!refclock_process(pp))
374 		refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_BADTIME);
375 	if (peer->disp > MAXDISTANCE)
376 		refclock_receive(peer);
377 }
380 /*
381  * wwvb_timer - called once per second by the transmit procedure
382  */
383 static void
384 wwvb_timer(
385 	int unit,
386 	struct peer *peer
387 	)
388 {
389 	register struct wwvbunit *up;
390 	struct refclockproc *pp;
391 	char	pollchar;	/* character sent to clock */
393 	/*
394 	 * Time to poll the clock. The Spectracom clock responds to a
395 	 * 'T' by returning a timecode in the format(s) specified above.
396 	 * Note there is no checking on state, since this may not be the
397 	 * only customer reading the clock. Only one customer need poll
398 	 * the clock; all others just listen in.
399 	 */
400 	pp = peer->procptr;
401 	up = (struct wwvbunit *)pp->unitptr;
402 	if (up->linect > 0)
403 		pollchar = 'R';
404 	else
405 		pollchar = 'T';
406 	if (write(pp->io.fd, &pollchar, 1) != 1)
407 		refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_FAULT);
408 }
411 /*
412  * wwvb_poll - called by the transmit procedure
413  */
414 static void
415 wwvb_poll(
416 	int unit,
417 	struct peer *peer
418 	)
419 {
420 	register struct wwvbunit *up;
421 	struct refclockproc *pp;
423 	/*
424 	 * Sweep up the samples received since the last poll. If none
425 	 * are received, declare a timeout and keep going.
426 	 */
427 	pp = peer->procptr;
428 	up = (struct wwvbunit *)pp->unitptr;
429 	pp->polls++;
431 	/*
432 	 * If the monitor flag is set (flag4), we dump the internal
433 	 * quality table at the first timecode beginning the day.
434 	 */
435 	if (pp->sloppyclockflag & CLK_FLAG4 && pp->hour <
436 	    (int)up->lasthour)
437 		up->linect = MONLIN;
438 	up->lasthour = pp->hour;
440 	/*
441 	 * Process median filter samples. If none received, declare a
442 	 * timeout and keep going.
443 	 */
444 	if (pp->coderecv == pp->codeproc) {
445 		refclock_report(peer, CEVNT_TIMEOUT);
446 		return;
447 	}
448 	refclock_receive(peer);
449 	record_clock_stats(&peer->srcadr, pp->a_lastcode);
450 #ifdef DEBUG
451 	if (debug)
452 		printf("wwvb: timecode %d %s\n", pp->lencode,
453 		    pp->a_lastcode);
454 #endif
455 }
457 #else
458 int refclock_wwvb_bs;
459 #endif /* REFCLOCK */