xref: /freebsd/contrib/ntp/libparse/clk_wharton.c (revision aa1a8ff2d6dbc51ef058f46f3db5a8bb77967145)
1 /*
2  * /src/NTP/ntp4-dev/libparse/clk_wharton.c,v 4.2 2004/11/14 15:29:41 kardel RELEASE_20050508_A
3  *
4  * clk_wharton.c,v 4.2 2004/11/14 15:29:41 kardel RELEASE_20050508_A
5  *
6  * From Philippe De Muyter <phdm@macqel.be>, 1999
7  */
8 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
9 #include <config.h>
10 #endif
12 #include <ntp_types.h>
14 #if defined(REFCLOCK) && defined(CLOCK_PARSE) && defined(CLOCK_WHARTON_400A)
15 /*
16  * Support for WHARTON 400A Series clock + 404.2 serial interface.
17  */
19 #include "ntp_fp.h"
20 #include "parse.h"
22 #ifndef PARSESTREAM
23 #include "ntp_stdlib.h"
24 #include <stdio.h>
25 #else
26 #include "sys/parsestreams.h"
27 extern void printf (const char *, ...);
28 #endif
30 #include "ascii.h"
32 /*
33  * In private e-mail alastair@wharton.co.uk said :
34  * "If you are going to use the 400A and 404.2 system [for ntp] I recommend
35  * that you set the 400A to output the message every second.  The start of
36  * transmission of the first byte of the message is synchronised to the
37  * second edge."
38  * The WHARTON 400A Series is able to send date/time serial messages
39  * in 7 output formats.  We use format 1 here because it is the shortest.
40  * For use with this driver, the WHARTON 400A Series clock must be set-up
41  * as follows :
42  *					Programmable	Selected
43  *					Option No	Option
44  *	BST or CET display		3		9 or 11
45  *	No external controller		7		0
46  *	Serial Output Format 1		9		1
47  *	Baud rate 9600 bps		10		96
48  *	Bit length 8 bits		11		8
49  *	Parity even			12		E
50  *
51  * WHARTON 400A Series output format 1 is as follows :
52  *
53  * Timestamp	STXssmmhhDDMMYYSETX
54  * Pos		0  12345678901234
55  *		0  00000000011111
56  *
57  *	STX	start transmission (ASCII 0x02)
58  *	ETX	end transmission (ASCII 0x03)
59  *	ss	Second expressed in reversed decimal (units then tens)
60  *	mm	Minute expressed in reversed decimal
61  *	hh	Hour expressed in reversed decimal
62  *	DD	Day of month expressed in reversed decimal
63  *	MM	Month expressed in reversed decimal (January is 1)
64  *	YY	Year (without century) expressed in reversed decimal
65  *	S	Status byte : 0x30 +
66  *			bit 0	0 = MSF source		1 = DCF source
67  *			bit 1	0 = Winter time		1 = Summer time
68  *			bit 2	0 = not synchronised	1 = synchronised
69  *			bit 3	0 = no early warning	1 = early warning
70  *
71  */
73 static parse_cvt_fnc_t cvt_wharton_400a;
74 static parse_inp_fnc_t inp_wharton_400a;
76 /*
77  * parse_cvt_fnc_t cvt_wharton_400a
78  *
79  * convert simple type format
80  */
81 static          u_long
82 cvt_wharton_400a(
83 	unsigned char *buffer,
84 	int            size,
85 	struct format *format,
86 	clocktime_t   *clock_time,
87 	void          *local
88 	)
89 {
90 	int	i;
92 	/* The given `size' includes a terminating null-character. */
93 	if (size != 15 || buffer[0] != STX || buffer[14] != ETX
94 	    || buffer[13] < '0' || buffer[13] > ('0' + 0xf))
95 		return CVT_NONE;
96 	for (i = 1; i < 13; i += 1)
97 		if (buffer[i] < '0' || buffer[i] > '9')
98 			return CVT_NONE;
99 	clock_time->second = (buffer[2] - '0') * 10 + buffer[1] - '0';
100 	clock_time->minute = (buffer[4] - '0') * 10 + buffer[3] - '0';
101 	clock_time->hour   = (buffer[6] - '0') * 10 + buffer[5] - '0';
102 	clock_time->day    = (buffer[8] - '0') * 10 + buffer[7] - '0';
103 	clock_time->month  = (buffer[10] - '0') * 10 + buffer[9] - '0';
104 	clock_time->year   = (buffer[12] - '0') * 10 + buffer[11] - '0';
105 	clock_time->usecond = 0;
106 	if (buffer[13] & 0x1) /* We have CET time */
107 		clock_time->utcoffset = -1*60*60;
108 	else		/* We have BST time */
109 		clock_time->utcoffset = 0;
110 	if (buffer[13] & 0x2) {
111 		clock_time->flags |= PARSEB_DST;
112 		clock_time->utcoffset += -1*60*60;
113 	}
114 	if (!(buffer[13] & 0x4))
115 		clock_time->flags |= PARSEB_NOSYNC;
116 	if (buffer[13] & 0x8)
117 		clock_time->flags |= PARSEB_ANNOUNCE;
119 	return CVT_OK;
120 }
122 /*
123  * parse_inp_fnc_t inp_wharton_400a
124  *
125  * grab data from input stream
126  */
127 static u_long
128 inp_wharton_400a(
129 	      parse_t      *parseio,
130 	      char         ch,
131 	      timestamp_t  *tstamp
132 	      )
133 {
134 	unsigned int rtc;
136 	parseprintf(DD_PARSE, ("inp_wharton_400a(0x%p, 0x%x, ...)\n", (void*)parseio, ch));
138 	switch (ch)
139 	{
140 	case STX:
141 		parseprintf(DD_PARSE, ("inp_wharton_400a: STX seen\n"));
143 		parseio->parse_index = 1;
144 		parseio->parse_data[0] = ch;
145 		parseio->parse_dtime.parse_stime = *tstamp; /* collect timestamp */
146 		return PARSE_INP_SKIP;
148 	case ETX:
149 		parseprintf(DD_PARSE, ("inp_wharton_400a: ETX seen\n"));
150 		if ((rtc = parse_addchar(parseio, ch)) == PARSE_INP_SKIP)
151 			return parse_end(parseio);
152 		else
153 			return rtc;
155 	default:
156 		return parse_addchar(parseio, ch);
157 	}
158 }
160 clockformat_t   clock_wharton_400a =
161 {
162 	inp_wharton_400a,	/* input handling function */
163 	cvt_wharton_400a,	/* conversion function */
164 	0,			/* no PPS monitoring */
165 	0,			/* conversion configuration */
166 	"WHARTON 400A Series clock Output Format 1",	/* String format name */
167 	15,			/* string buffer */
168 	0			/* no private data (complete packets) */
169 };
171 #else /* not (REFCLOCK && CLOCK_PARSE && CLOCK_WHARTON_400A) */
173 #endif /* not (REFCLOCK && CLOCK_PARSE && CLOCK_WHARTON_400A) */
175 /*
176  * clk_wharton.c,v
177  * Revision 4.1  1999/02/28 15:27:24  kardel
178  * wharton clock integration
179  *
180  */