xref: /freebsd/contrib/ntp/libntp/statestr.c (revision f0a75d274af375d15b97b830966b99a02b7db911)
1 /*
2  * pretty printing of status information
3  */
4 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
5 #include <config.h>
6 #endif
7 #include <stdio.h>
8 #include "ntp_stdlib.h"
9 #include "ntp_fp.h"
10 #include "ntp.h"
11 #include "lib_strbuf.h"
12 #include "ntp_refclock.h"
13 #include "ntp_control.h"
14 #include "ntp_string.h"
16 /*
17  * Structure for turning various constants into a readable string.
18  */
19 struct codestring {
20 	int code;
21 	const char *string;
22 };
24 /*
25  * Leap values
26  */
27 static
28 struct codestring leap_codes[] = {
29 	{ LEAP_NOWARNING,	"leap_none" },
30 	{ LEAP_ADDSECOND,	"leap_add_sec" },
31 	{ LEAP_DELSECOND,	"leap_del_sec" },
32 	{ LEAP_NOTINSYNC,	"sync_alarm" },
33 	{ -1,	"leap" }
34 };
36 /*
37  * Clock source
38  */
39 static
40 struct codestring sync_codes[] = {
41 	{ CTL_SST_TS_UNSPEC,	"sync_unspec" },
42 	{ CTL_SST_TS_ATOM,	"sync_atomic" },
43 	{ CTL_SST_TS_LF,	"sync_lf_clock" },
44 	{ CTL_SST_TS_HF,	"sync_hf_clock" },
45 	{ CTL_SST_TS_UHF,	"sync_uhf_clock" },
46 	{ CTL_SST_TS_LOCAL,	"sync_local_proto" },
47 	{ CTL_SST_TS_NTP,	"sync_ntp" },
48 	{ CTL_SST_TS_UDPTIME,	"sync_udp/time" },
49 	{ CTL_SST_TS_WRSTWTCH,	"sync_wristwatch" },
50 	{ CTL_SST_TS_TELEPHONE,	"sync_telephone" },
51 	{ -1,			"sync" }
52 };
55 /*
56  * Peer selection
57  */
58 static
59 struct codestring select_codes[] = {
60 	{ CTL_PST_SEL_REJECT,	"selreject" },
61 	{ CTL_PST_SEL_SANE,	"sel_falsetick" },
62 	{ CTL_PST_SEL_CORRECT,	"sel_excess" },
63 	{ CTL_PST_SEL_SELCAND,	"sel_outlyer" },
64 	{ CTL_PST_SEL_SYNCCAND,	"sel_candidat" },
65 	{ CTL_PST_SEL_DISTSYSPEER, "sel_selected" },
66 	{ CTL_PST_SEL_SYSPEER,	"sel_sys.peer" },
67 	{ CTL_PST_SEL_PPS,	"sel_pps.peer" },
68 	{ -1,			"sel" }
69 };
72 /*
73  * Clock status
74  */
75 static
76 struct codestring clock_codes[] = {
77 	{ CTL_CLK_OKAY,		"clk_okay" },
78 	{ CTL_CLK_NOREPLY,	"clk_noreply" },
79 	{ CTL_CLK_BADFORMAT,	"clk_badformat" },
80 	{ CTL_CLK_FAULT,	"clk_fault" },
81 	{ CTL_CLK_PROPAGATION,	"clk_badsignal" },
82 	{ CTL_CLK_BADDATE,	"clk_baddate" },
83 	{ CTL_CLK_BADTIME,	"clk_badtime" },
84 	{ -1,			"clk" }
85 };
88 /*
89  * System Events
90  */
91 static
92 struct codestring sys_codes[] = {
93 	{ EVNT_UNSPEC,		"event_unspec" },
94 	{ EVNT_SYSRESTART,	"event_restart" },
95 	{ EVNT_SYSFAULT,	"event_fault" },
96 	{ EVNT_SYNCCHG,		"event_sync_chg" },
97 	{ EVNT_PEERSTCHG,	"event_peer/strat_chg" },
98 	{ EVNT_CLOCKRESET,	"event_clock_reset" },
99 	{ EVNT_BADDATETIM,	"event_bad_date" },
100 	{ EVNT_CLOCKEXCPT,	"event_clock_excptn" },
101 	{ -1,			"event" }
102 };
104 /*
105  * Peer events
106  */
107 static
108 struct codestring peer_codes[] = {
109 	{ EVNT_UNSPEC,			"event_unspec" },
110 	{ EVNT_PEERIPERR & ~PEER_EVENT,	"event_ip_err" },
111 	{ EVNT_PEERAUTH & ~PEER_EVENT,	"event_authen" },
112 	{ EVNT_UNREACH & ~PEER_EVENT,	"event_unreach" },
113 	{ EVNT_REACH & ~PEER_EVENT,	"event_reach" },
114 	{ EVNT_PEERCLOCK & ~PEER_EVENT,	"event_peer_clock" },
115 #if 0
116 	{ EVNT_PEERSTRAT & ~PEER_EVENT,	"event_stratum_chg" },
117 #endif
118 	{ -1,				"event" }
119 };
121 #ifdef OPENSSL
122 /*
123  * Crypto events
124  */
125 static
126 struct codestring crypto_codes[] = {
127 	{ XEVNT_OK & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"success" },
128 	{ XEVNT_LEN & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"bad_field_format_or_length" },
129 	{ XEVNT_TSP & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"bad_timestamp" },
130 	{ XEVNT_FSP & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"bad_filestamp" },
131 	{ XEVNT_PUB & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"bad_procedure_or_data" },
132 	{ XEVNT_MD & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"unsupported_digest_type" },
133 	{ XEVNT_KEY & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"unsupported_identity_type" },
134 	{ XEVNT_SGL & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"bad_signature_length" },
135 	{ XEVNT_SIG & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"signature_not_verified" },
136 	{ XEVNT_VFY & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"certificate not verified" },
137 	{ XEVNT_PER & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"certificate_expired" },
138 	{ XEVNT_CKY & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"bad_or_missing_cookie" },
139 	{ XEVNT_DAT & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"bad_or_missing_leapsecond_table" },
140 	{ XEVNT_CRT & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"bad_or_missing_certificate" },
141 	{ XEVNT_ID & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"bad or missing identification" },
142 	{ -1,				"crypto" }
143 };
144 #endif /* OPENSSL */
146 /* Forwards */
147 static const char *getcode P((int, struct codestring *));
148 static const char *getevents P((int));
150 /*
151  * getcode - return string corresponding to code
152  */
153 static const char *
154 getcode(
155 	int code,
156 	struct codestring *codetab
157 	)
158 {
159 	static char buf[30];
161 	while (codetab->code != -1) {
162 		if (codetab->code == code)
163 		    return codetab->string;
164 		codetab++;
165 	}
166 	(void) sprintf(buf, "%s_%d", codetab->string, code);
167 	return buf;
168 }
170 /*
171  * getevents - return a descriptive string for the event count
172  */
173 static const char *
174 getevents(
175 	int cnt
176 	)
177 {
178 	static char buf[20];
180 	if (cnt == 0)
181 	    return "no events";
182 	(void) sprintf(buf, "%d event%s", cnt, (cnt==1) ? "" : "s");
183 	return buf;
184 }
186 /*
187  * statustoa - return a descriptive string for a peer status
188  */
189 char *
190 statustoa(
191 	int type,
192 	int st
193 	)
194 {
195 	char *cb;
196 	u_char pst;
198 	LIB_GETBUF(cb);
200 	switch (type) {
201 	    case TYPE_SYS:
202 		(void)strcpy(cb, getcode(CTL_SYS_LI(st), leap_codes));
203 		(void)strcat(cb, ", ");
204 		(void)strcat(cb, getcode(CTL_SYS_SOURCE(st) & ~CTL_SST_TS_PPS, sync_codes));
205 		if (CTL_SYS_SOURCE(st) & CTL_SST_TS_PPS)
206 		    (void)strcat(cb, "/PPS");
207 		(void)strcat(cb, ", ");
208 		(void)strcat(cb, getevents(CTL_SYS_NEVNT(st)));
209 		(void)strcat(cb, ", ");
210 		(void)strcat(cb, getcode(CTL_SYS_EVENT(st), sys_codes));
211 		break;
213 	    case TYPE_PEER:
214 		/*
215 		 * Handcraft the bits
216 		 */
217 		pst = (u_char) CTL_PEER_STATVAL(st);
218 		if (!(pst & CTL_PST_REACH)) {
219 			(void)strcpy(cb, "unreach");
220 		} else {
221 			(void)strcpy(cb, "reach");
223 		}
224 		if (pst & CTL_PST_CONFIG)
225 		    (void)strcat(cb, ", conf");
226 		if (pst & CTL_PST_AUTHENABLE) {
227 			if (!(pst & CTL_PST_REACH) || (pst & CTL_PST_AUTHENTIC))
228 			    (void)strcat(cb, ", auth");
229 			else
230 			    (void)strcat(cb, ", unauth");
231 		}
233 		/*
234 		 * Now the codes
235 		 */
236 		if ((pst & 0x7) != CTL_PST_SEL_REJECT) {
237 			(void)strcat(cb, ", ");
238 			(void)strcat(cb, getcode(pst & 0x7, select_codes));
239 		}
240 		(void)strcat(cb, ", ");
241 		(void)strcat(cb, getevents(CTL_PEER_NEVNT(st)));
242 		if (CTL_PEER_EVENT(st) != EVNT_UNSPEC) {
243 			(void)strcat(cb, ", ");
244 			(void)strcat(cb, getcode(CTL_PEER_EVENT(st),
245 						 peer_codes));
246 		}
247 		break;
249 	    case TYPE_CLOCK:
250 		(void)strcpy(cb, getcode(((st)>>8) & 0xff, clock_codes));
251 		(void)strcat(cb, ", last_");
252 		(void)strcat(cb, getcode((st) & 0xff, clock_codes));
253 		break;
254 	}
255 	return cb;
256 }
258 const char *
259 eventstr(
260 	int num
261 	)
262 {
263 	if (num & PEER_EVENT)
264 		return (getcode(num & ~PEER_EVENT, peer_codes));
265 #ifdef OPENSSL
266 	else if (num & CRPT_EVENT)
267 		return (getcode(num & ~CRPT_EVENT, crypto_codes));
268 #endif /* OPENSSL */
269 	else
270 		return (getcode(num, sys_codes));
271 }
273 const char *
274 ceventstr(
275 	int num
276 	)
277 {
278 	return getcode(num, clock_codes);
279 }
281 const char *
282 sysstatstr(
283 	int status
284 	)
285 {
286 	return statustoa(TYPE_SYS, status);
287 }
289 const char *
290 peerstatstr(
291 	int status
292 	)
293 {
294 	return statustoa(TYPE_PEER, status);
295 }
297 const char *
298 clockstatstr(
299 	int status
300 	)
301 {
302 	return statustoa(TYPE_CLOCK, status);
303 }