xref: /freebsd/contrib/ntp/libntp/statestr.c (revision 6be3386466ab79a84b48429ae66244f21526d3df)
1 /*
2  * pretty printing of status information
3  */
4 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
5 #include <config.h>
6 #endif
7 #include <stdio.h>
8 #include "ntp_stdlib.h"
9 #include "ntp_fp.h"
10 #include "ntp.h"
11 #include "lib_strbuf.h"
12 #include "ntp_refclock.h"
13 #include "ntp_control.h"
14 #include "ntp_string.h"
15 #ifdef KERNEL_PLL
16 # include "ntp_syscall.h"
17 #endif
20 /*
21  * Structure for turning various constants into a readable string.
22  */
23 struct codestring {
24 	int code;
25 	const char * const string1;
26 	const char * const string0;
27 };
29 /*
30  * Leap status (leap)
31  */
32 static const struct codestring leap_codes[] = {
33 	{ LEAP_NOWARNING,	"leap_none",	0 },
34 	{ LEAP_ADDSECOND,	"leap_add_sec",	0 },
35 	{ LEAP_DELSECOND,	"leap_del_sec",	0 },
36 	{ LEAP_NOTINSYNC,	"leap_alarm",	0 },
37 	{ -1,			"leap",		0 }
38 };
40 /*
41  * Clock source status (sync)
42  */
43 static const struct codestring sync_codes[] = {
44 	{ CTL_SST_TS_UNSPEC,	"sync_unspec",		0 },
45 	{ CTL_SST_TS_ATOM,	"sync_pps",		0 },
46 	{ CTL_SST_TS_LF,	"sync_lf_radio",	0 },
47 	{ CTL_SST_TS_HF,	"sync_hf_radio",	0 },
48 	{ CTL_SST_TS_UHF,	"sync_uhf_radio",	0 },
49 	{ CTL_SST_TS_LOCAL,	"sync_local",		0 },
50 	{ CTL_SST_TS_NTP,	"sync_ntp",		0 },
51 	{ CTL_SST_TS_UDPTIME,	"sync_other",		0 },
52 	{ CTL_SST_TS_WRSTWTCH,	"sync_wristwatch",	0 },
53 	{ CTL_SST_TS_TELEPHONE,	"sync_telephone",	0 },
54 	{ -1,			"sync",			0 }
55 };
57 /*
58  * Peer selection status (sel)
59  */
60 static const struct codestring select_codes[] = {
61 	{ CTL_PST_SEL_REJECT,	"sel_reject",		0 },
62 	{ CTL_PST_SEL_SANE,	"sel_falsetick",	0 },
63 	{ CTL_PST_SEL_CORRECT,	"sel_excess",		0 },
64 	{ CTL_PST_SEL_SELCAND,	"sel_outlier",		0 },
65 	{ CTL_PST_SEL_SYNCCAND,	"sel_candidate",	0 },
66 	{ CTL_PST_SEL_EXCESS,	"sel_backup",		0 },
67 	{ CTL_PST_SEL_SYSPEER,	"sel_sys.peer",		0 },
68 	{ CTL_PST_SEL_PPS,	"sel_pps.peer",		0 },
69 	{ -1,			"sel",			0 }
70 };
72 /*
73  * Clock status (clk)
74  */
75 static const struct codestring clock_codes[] = {
76 	{ CTL_CLK_OKAY,		"clk_unspec",		0 },
77 	{ CTL_CLK_NOREPLY,	"clk_no_reply",		0 },
78 	{ CTL_CLK_BADFORMAT,	"clk_bad_format",	0 },
79 	{ CTL_CLK_FAULT,	"clk_fault",		0 },
80 	{ CTL_CLK_PROPAGATION,	"clk_bad_signal",	0 },
81 	{ CTL_CLK_BADDATE,	"clk_bad_date",		0 },
82 	{ CTL_CLK_BADTIME,	"clk_bad_time",		0 },
83 	{ -1,			"clk",			0 }
84 };
88 /*
89  * Flash bits -- see ntpq.c tstflags & tstflagnames
90  */
91 static const struct codestring flash_codes[] = {
92 	{ TEST1,		"pkt_dup",	0 },
93 	{ TEST2,		"pkt_bogus",	0 },
94 	{ TEST3,		"pkt_unsync",	0 },
95 	{ TEST4,		"pkt_denied",	0 },
96 	{ TEST5,		"pkt_auth",	0 },
97 	{ TEST6,		"pkt_stratum",	0 },
98 	{ TEST7,		"pkt_header",	0 },
99 	{ TEST8,		"pkt_autokey",	0 },
100 	{ TEST9,		"pkt_crypto",	0 },
101 	{ TEST10,		"peer_stratum",	0 },
102 	{ TEST11,		"peer_dist",	0 },
103 	{ TEST12,		"peer_loop",	0 },
104 	{ TEST13,		"peer_unreach",	0 },
105 	{ -1,			"flash",	0 }
106 };
107 #endif
110 /*
111  * System events (sys)
112  */
113 static const struct codestring sys_codes[] = {
114 	{ EVNT_UNSPEC,		"unspecified",			0 },
115 	{ EVNT_NSET,		"freq_not_set",			0 },
116 	{ EVNT_FSET,		"freq_set",			0 },
117 	{ EVNT_SPIK,		"spike_detect",			0 },
118 	{ EVNT_FREQ,		"freq_mode",			0 },
119 	{ EVNT_SYNC,		"clock_sync",			0 },
120 	{ EVNT_SYSRESTART,	"restart",			0 },
121 	{ EVNT_SYSFAULT,	"panic_stop",			0 },
122 	{ EVNT_NOPEER,		"no_sys_peer",			0 },
123 	{ EVNT_ARMED,		"leap_armed",			0 },
124 	{ EVNT_DISARMED,	"leap_disarmed",		0 },
125 	{ EVNT_LEAP,		"leap_event",			0 },
126 	{ EVNT_CLOCKRESET,	"clock_step",			0 },
127 	{ EVNT_KERN,		"kern",				0 },
128 	{ EVNT_TAI,		"TAI",				0 },
129 	{ EVNT_LEAPVAL,		"stale_leapsecond_values",	0 },
130 	{ -1,			"",				0 }
131 };
133 /*
134  * Peer events (peer)
135  */
136 static const struct codestring peer_codes[] = {
137 	{ PEVNT_MOBIL & ~PEER_EVENT,	"mobilize",		0 },
138 	{ PEVNT_DEMOBIL & ~PEER_EVENT,	"demobilize",		0 },
139 	{ PEVNT_UNREACH & ~PEER_EVENT,	"unreachable",		0 },
140 	{ PEVNT_REACH & ~PEER_EVENT,	"reachable",		0 },
141 	{ PEVNT_RESTART & ~PEER_EVENT,	"restart",		0 },
142 	{ PEVNT_REPLY & ~PEER_EVENT,	"no_reply",		0 },
143 	{ PEVNT_RATE & ~PEER_EVENT,	"rate_exceeded",	0 },
144 	{ PEVNT_DENY & ~PEER_EVENT,	"access_denied",	0 },
145 	{ PEVNT_ARMED & ~PEER_EVENT,	"leap_armed",		0 },
146 	{ PEVNT_NEWPEER & ~PEER_EVENT,	"sys_peer",		0 },
147 	{ PEVNT_CLOCK & ~PEER_EVENT,	"clock_event",		0 },
148 	{ PEVNT_AUTH & ~PEER_EVENT,	"bad_auth",		0 },
149 	{ PEVNT_POPCORN & ~PEER_EVENT,	"popcorn",		0 },
150 	{ PEVNT_XLEAVE & ~PEER_EVENT,	"interleave_mode",	0 },
151 	{ PEVNT_XERR & ~PEER_EVENT,	"interleave_error",	0 },
152 	{ -1,				"",			0 }
153 };
155 /*
156  * Peer status bits
157  */
158 static const struct codestring peer_st_bits[] = {
159 	{ CTL_PST_CONFIG,		"conf",		0 },
160 	{ CTL_PST_AUTHENABLE,		"authenb",	0 },
161 	{ CTL_PST_AUTHENTIC,		"auth",		0 },
162 	{ CTL_PST_REACH,		"reach",	0 },
163 	{ CTL_PST_BCAST,		"bcast",	0 },
164 	/* not used with getcode(), no terminating entry needed */
165 };
167 /*
168  * Restriction match bits
169  */
170 static const struct codestring res_match_bits[] = {
171 	{ RESM_NTPONLY,			"ntpport",	0 },
172 	{ RESM_INTERFACE,		"interface",	0 },
173 	{ RESM_SOURCE,			"source",	0 },
174 	/* not used with getcode(), no terminating entry needed */
175 };
177 /*
178  * Restriction access bits
179  */
180 static const struct codestring res_access_bits[] = {
181 	{ RES_IGNORE,			"ignore",	0 },
182 	{ RES_DONTSERVE,		"noserve",	"serve" },
183 	{ RES_DONTTRUST,		"notrust",	"trust" },
184 	{ RES_VERSION,			"version",	0 },
185 	{ RES_NOPEER,			"nopeer",	"peer" },
186 	{ RES_NOEPEER,			"noepeer",	"epeer" },
187 	{ RES_LIMITED,			"limited",	0 },
189 	{ RES_NOQUERY,			"noquery",	"query" },
190 	{ RES_NOMODIFY,			"nomodify",	0 },
191 	{ RES_NOTRAP,			"notrap",	"trap" },
192 	{ RES_LPTRAP,			"lptrap",	0 },
194 	{ RES_KOD,			"kod",		0 },
195 	{ RES_MSSNTP,			"mssntp",	0 },
196 	{ RES_FLAKE,			"flake",	0 },
197 	{ RES_NOMRULIST,		"nomrulist",	0 },
199 	{ RES_SRVRSPFUZ,		"serverresponse fuzz",	0 },
201 	/* not used with getcode(), no terminating entry needed */
202 };
204 #ifdef AUTOKEY
205 /*
206  * Crypto events (cryp)
207  */
208 static const struct codestring crypto_codes[] = {
209 	{ XEVNT_OK & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"success",			0 },
210 	{ XEVNT_LEN & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"bad_field_format_or_length",	0 },
211 	{ XEVNT_TSP & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"bad_timestamp",		0 },
212 	{ XEVNT_FSP & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"bad_filestamp",		0 },
213 	{ XEVNT_PUB & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"bad_or_missing_public_key",	0 },
214 	{ XEVNT_MD & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"unsupported_digest_type",	0 },
215 	{ XEVNT_KEY & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"unsupported_identity_type",	0 },
216 	{ XEVNT_SGL & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"bad_signature_length",		0 },
217 	{ XEVNT_SIG & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"signature_not_verified",	0 },
218 	{ XEVNT_VFY & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"certificate_not_verified",	0 },
219 	{ XEVNT_PER & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"host_certificate_expired",	0 },
220 	{ XEVNT_CKY & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"bad_or_missing_cookie",	0 },
221 	{ XEVNT_DAT & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"bad_or_missing_leapseconds",	0 },
222 	{ XEVNT_CRT & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"bad_or_missing_certificate",	0 },
223 	{ XEVNT_ID & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"bad_or_missing_group key",	0 },
224 	{ XEVNT_ERR & ~CRPT_EVENT,	"protocol_error",		0 },
225 	{ -1,				"",				0 }
226 };
227 #endif	/* AUTOKEY */
229 #ifdef KERNEL_PLL
230 /*
231  * kernel discipline status bits
232  */
233 static const struct codestring k_st_bits[] = {
234 # ifdef STA_PLL
235 	{ STA_PLL,			"pll",		0 },
236 # endif
237 # ifdef STA_PPSFREQ
238 	{ STA_PPSFREQ,			"ppsfreq",	0 },
239 # endif
240 # ifdef STA_PPSTIME
241 	{ STA_PPSTIME,			"ppstime",	0 },
242 # endif
243 # ifdef STA_FLL
244 	{ STA_FLL,			"fll",		0 },
245 # endif
246 # ifdef STA_INS
247 	{ STA_INS,			"ins",		0 },
248 # endif
249 # ifdef STA_DEL
250 	{ STA_DEL,			"del",		0 },
251 # endif
252 # ifdef STA_UNSYNC
253 	{ STA_UNSYNC,			"unsync",	0 },
254 # endif
255 # ifdef STA_FREQHOLD
256 	{ STA_FREQHOLD,			"freqhold",	0 },
257 # endif
258 # ifdef STA_PPSSIGNAL
259 	{ STA_PPSSIGNAL,		"ppssignal",	0 },
260 # endif
261 # ifdef STA_PPSJITTER
262 	{ STA_PPSJITTER,		"ppsjitter",	0 },
263 # endif
264 # ifdef STA_PPSWANDER
265 	{ STA_PPSWANDER,		"ppswander",	0 },
266 # endif
267 # ifdef STA_PPSERROR
268 	{ STA_PPSERROR,			"ppserror",	0 },
269 # endif
270 # ifdef STA_CLOCKERR
271 	{ STA_CLOCKERR,			"clockerr",	0 },
272 # endif
273 # ifdef STA_NANO
274 	{ STA_NANO,			"nano",		0 },
275 # endif
276 # ifdef STA_MODE
277 	{ STA_MODE,			"mode=fll",	0 },
278 # endif
279 # ifdef STA_CLK
280 	{ STA_CLK,			"src=B",	0 },
281 # endif
282 	/* not used with getcode(), no terminating entry needed */
283 };
284 #endif	/* KERNEL_PLL */
286 /* Forwards */
287 static const char *	getcode(int, const struct codestring *);
288 static const char *	getevents(int);
289 static const char *	peer_st_flags(u_char pst);
291 /*
292  * getcode - return string corresponding to code
293  */
294 static const char *
295 getcode(
296 	int				code,
297 	const struct codestring *	codetab
298 	)
299 {
300 	char *	buf;
302 	while (codetab->code != -1) {
303 		if (codetab->code == code)
304 			return codetab->string1;
305 		codetab++;
306 	}
308 	LIB_GETBUF(buf);
309 	snprintf(buf, LIB_BUFLENGTH, "%s_%d", codetab->string1, code);
311 	return buf;
312 }
314 /*
315  * getevents - return a descriptive string for the event count
316  */
317 static const char *
318 getevents(
319 	int cnt
320 	)
321 {
322 	char *	buf;
324 	if (cnt == 0)
325 		return "no events";
327 	LIB_GETBUF(buf);
328 	snprintf(buf, LIB_BUFLENGTH, "%d event%s", cnt,
329 		 (1 == cnt)
330 		     ? ""
331 		     : "s");
333 	return buf;
334 }
337 /*
338  * decode_bitflags()
339  *
340  * returns a human-readable string with a keyword from tab for each bit
341  * set in bits, separating multiple entries with text of sep2.
342  */
343 static const char *
344 decode_bitflags(
345 	int				bits,
346 	const char *			sep2,
347 	const struct codestring *	tab,
348 	size_t				tab_ct
349 	)
350 {
351 	const char *	sep;
352 	char *		buf;
353 	char *		pch;
354 	char *		lim;
355 	size_t		b;
356 	int		rc;
357 	int		saved_errno;	/* for use in DPRINTF with %m */
359 	saved_errno = errno;
360 	LIB_GETBUF(buf);
361 	pch = buf;
362 	lim = buf + LIB_BUFLENGTH;
363 	sep = "";
365 	for (b = 0; b < tab_ct; b++) {
366 		const char * flagstr;
368 		if (tab[b].code & bits) {
369 			flagstr = tab[b].string1;
370 		} else {
371 			flagstr = tab[b].string0;
372 		}
374 		if (flagstr) {
375 			size_t avail = lim - pch;
376 			rc = snprintf(pch, avail, "%s%s", sep,
377 				      flagstr);
378 			if ((size_t)rc >= avail)
379 				goto toosmall;
380 			pch += rc;
381 			sep = sep2;
382 		}
383 	}
385 	return buf;
387     toosmall:
388 	snprintf(buf, LIB_BUFLENGTH,
389 		 "decode_bitflags(%s) can't decode 0x%x in %d bytes",
390 		 (tab == peer_st_bits)
391 		     ? "peer_st"
392 		     :
393 #ifdef KERNEL_PLL
394 		       (tab == k_st_bits)
395 			   ? "kern_st"
396 			   :
397 #endif
398 			     "",
399 		 bits, (int)LIB_BUFLENGTH);
400 	errno = saved_errno;
402 	return buf;
403 }
406 static const char *
407 peer_st_flags(
408 	u_char pst
409 	)
410 {
411 	return decode_bitflags(pst, ", ", peer_st_bits,
412 			       COUNTOF(peer_st_bits));
413 }
416 const char *
417 res_match_flags(
418 	u_short mf
419 	)
420 {
421 	return decode_bitflags(mf, " ", res_match_bits,
422 			       COUNTOF(res_match_bits));
423 }
426 const char *
427 res_access_flags(
428 	u_int32 af
429 	)
430 {
431 	return decode_bitflags(af, " ", res_access_bits,
432 			       COUNTOF(res_access_bits));
433 }
436 #ifdef KERNEL_PLL
437 const char *
438 k_st_flags(
439 	u_int32 st
440 	)
441 {
442 	return decode_bitflags(st, " ", k_st_bits, COUNTOF(k_st_bits));
443 }
444 #endif	/* KERNEL_PLL */
447 /*
448  * statustoa - return a descriptive string for a peer status
449  */
450 char *
451 statustoa(
452 	int type,
453 	int st
454 	)
455 {
456 	char *	cb;
457 	char *	cc;
458 	u_char	pst;
460 	LIB_GETBUF(cb);
462 	switch (type) {
464 	case TYPE_SYS:
465 		snprintf(cb, LIB_BUFLENGTH, "%s, %s, %s, %s",
466 			 getcode(CTL_SYS_LI(st), leap_codes),
467 			 getcode(CTL_SYS_SOURCE(st), sync_codes),
468 			 getevents(CTL_SYS_NEVNT(st)),
469 			 getcode(CTL_SYS_EVENT(st), sys_codes));
470 		break;
472 	case TYPE_PEER:
473 		pst = (u_char)CTL_PEER_STATVAL(st);
474 		snprintf(cb, LIB_BUFLENGTH, "%s, %s, %s",
475 			 peer_st_flags(pst),
476 			 getcode(pst & 0x7, select_codes),
477 			 getevents(CTL_PEER_NEVNT(st)));
478 		if (CTL_PEER_EVENT(st) != EVNT_UNSPEC) {
479 			cc = cb + strlen(cb);
480 			snprintf(cc, LIB_BUFLENGTH - (cc - cb), ", %s",
481 				 getcode(CTL_PEER_EVENT(st),
482 					 peer_codes));
483 		}
484 		break;
486 	case TYPE_CLOCK:
487 		snprintf(cb, LIB_BUFLENGTH, "%s, %s",
488 			 getevents(CTL_SYS_NEVNT(st)),
489 			 getcode((st) & 0xf, clock_codes));
490 		break;
491 	}
493 	return cb;
494 }
496 const char *
497 eventstr(
498 	int num
499 	)
500 {
501 	if (num & PEER_EVENT)
502 		return (getcode(num & ~PEER_EVENT, peer_codes));
503 #ifdef AUTOKEY
504 	else if (num & CRPT_EVENT)
505 		return (getcode(num & ~CRPT_EVENT, crypto_codes));
506 #endif	/* AUTOKEY */
507 	else
508 		return (getcode(num, sys_codes));
509 }
511 const char *
512 ceventstr(
513 	int num
514 	)
515 {
516 	return getcode(num, clock_codes);
517 }