xref: /freebsd/contrib/ntp/include/trimble.h (revision 63518eccca27064285cf2e680510ba9a4c3e2231)
1 /*
2  * /src/NTP/ntp-4/include/trimble.h,v 4.4 1999/02/28 11:41:11 kardel RELEASE_19990228_A
3  *
4  * $Created: Sun Aug  2 16:16:49 1998 $
5  *
6  * Copyright (C) 1998 by Frank Kardel
7  */
8 #ifndef TRIMBLE_H
9 #define TRIMBLE_H
11 /*
12  * Trimble packet command codes - commands being sent/received
13  * keep comments formatted as shown - they are used to generate
14  * translation tables
15  */
16 #define CMD_CCLROSC	0x1D	/* clear oscillator offset */
17 #define CMD_CCLRRST	0x1E	/* clear battery backup and RESET */
18 #define CMD_CVERSION	0x1F	/* return software version */
19 #define CMD_CALMANAC	0x20	/* almanac */
20 #define CMD_CCURTIME	0x21	/* current time */
21 #define CMD_CMODESEL	0x22	/* mode select (2-d, 3-D, auto) */
22 #define CMD_CINITPOS	0x23	/* initial position */
23 #define	CMD_CRECVPOS	0x24	/* receiver position fix mode */
24 #define CMD_CRESET	0x25	/* soft reset & selftest */
25 #define CMD_CRECVHEALTH	0x26	/* receiver health */
26 #define CMD_CSIGNALLV	0x27	/* signal levels */
27 #define CMD_CMESSAGE	0x28	/* GPS system message */
28 #define CMD_CALMAHEALTH	0x29	/* almanac healt page */
29 #define CMD_C2DALTITUDE	0x2A	/* altitude for 2-D mode */
30 #define CMD_CINITPOSLLA	0x2B	/* initial position LLA */
31 #define CMD_COPERPARAM	0x2C	/* operating parameters */
32 #define CMD_COSCOFFSET	0x2D	/* oscillator offset */
33 #define CMD_CSETGPSTIME	0x2E	/* set GPS time */
34 #define CMD_CUTCPARAM	0x2F	/* UTC parameters */
35 #define CMD_CACCPOSXYZ	0x31	/* accurate initial position (XYZ/ECEF) */
36 #define CMD_CACCPOS	0x32	/* accurate initial position */
37 #define CMD_CANALOGDIG	0x33	/* analog to digital */
38 #define CMD_CSAT1SAT	0x34	/* satellite for 1-Sat mode */
39 #define CMD_CIOOPTIONS	0x35	/* I/O options */
40 #define CMD_CVELOCAID	0x36	/* velocity aiding of acquisition */
41 #define CMD_CSTATLSTPOS	0x37	/* status and values of last pos. and vel. */
42 #define CMD_CLOADSSATDT	0x38	/* load satellite system data */
43 #define CMD_CSATDISABLE	0x39	/* satellite disable */
44 #define CMD_CLASTRAW	0x3A	/* last raw measurement */
45 #define CMD_CSTATSATEPH	0x3B	/* satellite ephemeris status */
46 #define CMD_CSTATTRACK	0x3C	/* tracking status */
47 #define CMD_CCHANADGPS	0x3D	/* configure channel A for differential GPS */
48 #define CMD_CADDITFIX	0x3E	/* additional fix data */
49 #define CMD_CDGPSFIXMD	0x62	/* set/request differential GPS position fix mode */
50 #define CMD_CDGPSCORR	0x65	/* differential correction status */
51 #define CMD_CPOSFILT	0x71	/* position filter parameters */
52 #define CMD_CHEIGHTFILT	0x73	/* height filter control */
53 #define CMD_CHIGH8CNT	0x75	/* high-8 (best 4) / high-6 (overdetermined) control */
54 #define CMD_CMAXDGPSCOR	0x77	/* maximum rate of DGPS corrections */
55 #define CMD_CSUPER	0x8E	/* super paket */
57 #define CMD_RDATAA	0x3D	/* data channel A configuration:trimble_channelA:RO */
58 #define CMD_RALMANAC	0x40	/* almanac data for sat:gps_almanac:RO */
59 #define CMD_RCURTIME	0x41	/* GPS time:gps_time:RO */
60 #define CMD_RSPOSXYZ	0x42	/* single precision XYZ position:gps_position(XYZ):RO|DEF */
61 #define CMD_RVELOXYZ	0x43	/* velocity fix (XYZ ECEF):gps_velocity(XYZ):RO|DEF */
62 #define	CMD_RBEST4	0x44	/* best 4 satellite selection:trimble_best4:RO|DEF */
63 #define CMD_RVERSION	0x45	/* software version:trimble_version:RO|DEF */
64 #define CMD_RRECVHEALTH	0x46	/* receiver health:trimble_receiver_health:RO|DEF */
65 #define CMD_RSIGNALLV	0x47	/* signal levels of all satellites:trimble_signal_levels:RO */
66 #define CMD_RMESSAGE	0x48	/* GPS system message:gps-message:RO|DEF */
67 #define CMD_RALMAHEALTH	0x49	/* almanac health page for all satellites:gps_almanac_health:RO */
68 #define CMD_RSLLAPOS	0x4A	/* single LLA position:gps_position(LLA):RO|DEF */
69 #define CMD_RMACHSTAT	0x4B	/* machine code / status:trimble_status:RO|DEF */
70 #define CMD_ROPERPARAM	0x4C	/* operating parameters:trimble_opparam:RO */
71 #define CMD_ROSCOFFSET	0x4D	/* oscillator offset:trimble_oscoffset:RO */
72 #define CMD_RSETGPSTIME	0x4E	/* response to set GPS time:trimble_setgpstime:RO */
73 #define CMD_RUTCPARAM	0x4F	/* UTC parameters:gps_utc_correction:RO|DEF */
74 #define CMD_RANALOGDIG	0x53	/* analog to digital:trimble_analogdigital:RO */
75 #define CMD_RSAT1BIAS	0x54	/* one-satellite bias & bias rate:trimble_sat1bias:RO */
76 #define CMD_RIOOPTIONS	0x55	/* I/O options:trimble_iooptions:RO */
77 #define CMD_RVELOCFIX	0x56	/* velocity fix (ENU):trimble_velocfix */
78 #define CMD_RSTATLSTFIX	0x57	/* status and values of last pos. and vel.:trimble_status_lastpos:RO */
79 #define CMD_RLOADSSATDT	0x58	/* response to load satellite system data:trimble_loaddata:RO */
80 #define CMD_RSATDISABLE	0x59	/* satellite disable:trimble_satdisble:RO */
81 #define CMD_RLASTRAW	0x5A	/* last raw measurement:trimble_lastraw:RO */
82 #define CMD_RSTATSATEPH	0x5B	/* satellite ephemeris status:trimble_ephstatus:RO */
83 #define CMD_RSTATTRACK	0x5C	/* tracking status:trimble_tracking_status:RO|DEF */
84 #define CMD_RADDITFIX	0x5E	/* additional fix data:trimble_addfix:RO */
85 #define CMD_RALLINVIEW	0x6D	/* all in view satellite selection:trimble_satview:RO|DEF */
86 #define CMD_RPOSFILT	0x72	/* position filter parameters:trimble_posfilt:RO */
87 #define CMD_RHEIGHTFILT	0x74	/* height filter control:trimble_heightfilt:RO */
88 #define CMD_RHIGH8CNT	0x76	/* high-8 (best 4) / high-6 (overdetermined) control:trimble_high8control:RO */
89 #define CMD_RMAXAGE	0x78	/* DC MaxAge:trimble_dgpsmaxage:RO */
90 #define CMD_RDGPSFIX	0x82	/* differential position fix mode:trimble_dgpsfixmode:RO */
91 #define CMD_RDOUBLEXYZ	0x83	/* double precision XYZ:gps_position_ext(XYZ):RO|DEF */
92 #define CMD_RDOUBLELLA	0x84	/* double precision LLA:gps_position_ext(LLA):RO|DEF */
93 #define CMD_RDGPSSTAT	0x85	/* differential correction status:trimble_dgpsstatus:RO */
94 #define CMD_RSUPER	0x8F	/* super paket::0 */
96 typedef struct cmd_info
97 {
98   unsigned char cmd;		/* command code */
99   const char   *cmdname;	/* command name */
100   const char   *cmddesc;	/* command description */
101   const char   *varname;	/* name of variable */
102   int           varmode;	/* mode of variable */
103 } cmd_info_t;
105 extern cmd_info_t trimble_rcmds[];
106 extern cmd_info_t trimble_scmds[];
108 extern cmd_info_t *trimble_convert P((unsigned int cmd, cmd_info_t *tbl));
110 #endif
111 /*
112  * trimble.h,v
113  * Revision 4.4  1999/02/28 11:41:11  kardel
114  * (CMD_RUTCPARAM): control variable name unification
115  *
116  * Revision 4.3  1998/12/20 23:45:25  kardel
117  * fix types and warnings
118  *
119  * Revision 4.2  1998/08/16 18:45:05  kardel
120  * (CMD_RSTATTRACK): renamed mode 6 variable name
121  *
122  * Revision 4.1  1998/08/09 22:24:35  kardel
123  * Trimble TSIP support
124  *
125  */