xref: /freebsd/contrib/ntp/include/ntp_stdlib.h (revision 3fc36ee018bb836bd1796067cf4ef8683f166ebc)
1 /*
2  * ntp_stdlib.h - Prototypes for NTP lib.
3  */
4 #ifndef NTP_STDLIB_H
5 #define NTP_STDLIB_H
7 #include <sys/types.h>
9 #include <sys/socket.h>
10 #endif
12 #include "declcond.h"	/* ntpd uses ntpd/declcond.h, others include/ */
13 #include "l_stdlib.h"
14 #include "ntp_net.h"
15 #include "ntp_debug.h"
16 #include "ntp_malloc.h"
17 #include "ntp_string.h"
18 #include "ntp_syslog.h"
19 #include "ntp_keyacc.h"
21 #ifdef __GNUC__
22 #define NTP_PRINTF(fmt, args) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, fmt, args)))
23 #else
24 #define NTP_PRINTF(fmt, args)
25 #endif
27 extern	int	mprintf(const char *, ...) NTP_PRINTF(1, 2);
28 extern	int	mfprintf(FILE *, const char *, ...) NTP_PRINTF(2, 3);
29 extern	int	mvfprintf(FILE *, const char *, va_list) NTP_PRINTF(2, 0);
30 extern	int	mvsnprintf(char *, size_t, const char *, va_list)
31 			NTP_PRINTF(3, 0);
32 extern	int	msnprintf(char *, size_t, const char *, ...)
33 			NTP_PRINTF(3, 4);
34 extern	void	msyslog(int, const char *, ...) NTP_PRINTF(2, 3);
35 extern	void	mvsyslog(int, const char *, va_list) NTP_PRINTF(2, 0);
36 extern	void	init_logging	(const char *, u_int32, int);
37 extern	int	change_logfile	(const char *, int);
38 extern	void	setup_logfile	(const char *);
39 #ifndef errno_to_str
40 extern	void	errno_to_str(int, char *, size_t);
41 #endif
43 /*
44  * When building without OpenSSL, use a few macros of theirs to
45  * minimize source differences in NTP.
46  */
47 #ifndef OPENSSL
48 #define NID_md5	4	/* from openssl/objects.h */
49 /* from openssl/evp.h */
50 #define EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE	64	/* longest known is SHA512 */
51 #endif
53 #define SAVE_ERRNO(stmt)				\
54 	{						\
55 		int preserved_errno;			\
56 							\
57 		preserved_errno = socket_errno();	\
58 		{					\
59 			stmt				\
60 		}					\
61 		errno = preserved_errno;		\
62 	}
64 typedef void (*ctrl_c_fn)(void);
66 /* authkeys.c */
67 extern	void	auth_delkeys	(void);
68 extern	int	auth_havekey	(keyid_t);
69 extern	int	authdecrypt	(keyid_t, u_int32 *, size_t, size_t);
70 extern	size_t	authencrypt	(keyid_t, u_int32 *, size_t);
71 extern	int	authhavekey	(keyid_t);
72 extern	int	authistrusted	(keyid_t);
73 extern	int	authistrustedip	(keyid_t, sockaddr_u *);
74 extern	int	authreadkeys	(const char *);
75 extern	void	authtrust	(keyid_t, u_long);
76 extern	int	authusekey	(keyid_t, int, const u_char *);
78 /*
79  * Based on the NTP timestamp, calculate the NTP timestamp of
80  * the corresponding calendar unit. Use the pivot time to unfold
81  * the NTP timestamp properly, or the current system time if the
82  * pivot pointer is NULL.
83  */
84 extern	u_int32	calyearstart	(u_int32 ntptime, const time_t *pivot);
85 extern	u_int32	calmonthstart	(u_int32 ntptime, const time_t *pivot);
86 extern	u_int32	calweekstart	(u_int32 ntptime, const time_t *pivot);
87 extern	u_int32	caldaystart	(u_int32 ntptime, const time_t *pivot);
89 extern	const char *clockname	(int);
90 extern	int	clocktime	(int, int, int, int, int, u_int32, u_long *, u_int32 *);
91 extern	int	ntp_getopt	(int, char **, const char *);
92 extern	void	init_auth	(void);
93 extern	void	init_lib	(void);
94 extern	struct savekey *auth_findkey (keyid_t);
95 extern	void	auth_moremem	(int);
96 extern	void	auth_prealloc_symkeys(int);
97 extern	int	ymd2yd		(int, int, int);
99 /* a_md5encrypt.c */
100 extern	int	MD5authdecrypt	(int, const u_char *, u_int32 *, size_t, size_t);
101 extern	size_t	MD5authencrypt	(int, const u_char *, u_int32 *, size_t);
102 extern	void	MD5auth_setkey	(keyid_t, int, const u_char *, size_t, KeyAccT *c);
103 extern	u_int32	addr2refid	(sockaddr_u *);
105 /* emalloc.c */
106 #ifndef EREALLOC_CALLSITE	/* ntp_malloc.h defines */
107 extern	void *	ereallocz	(void *, size_t, size_t, int);
108 extern	void *	oreallocarray	(void *optr, size_t nmemb, size_t size);
109 #define	erealloczsite(p, n, o, z, f, l) ereallocz((p), (n), (o), (z))
110 #define	emalloc(n)		ereallocz(NULL, (n), 0, FALSE)
111 #define	emalloc_zero(c)		ereallocz(NULL, (c), 0, TRUE)
112 #define	erealloc(p, c)		ereallocz((p), (c), 0, FALSE)
113 #define erealloc_zero(p, n, o)	ereallocz((p), (n), (o), TRUE)
114 #define ereallocarray(p, n, s)	oreallocarray((p), (n), (s))
115 #define eallocarray(n, s)	oreallocarray(NULL, (n), (s))
116 extern	char *	estrdup_impl(const char *);
117 #define	estrdup(s)		estrdup_impl(s)
118 #else
119 extern	void *	ereallocz	(void *, size_t, size_t, int,
120 				 const char *, int);
121 extern	void *	oreallocarray	(void *optr, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
122 				 const char *, int);
123 #define erealloczsite		ereallocz
124 #define	emalloc(c)		ereallocz(NULL, (c), 0, FALSE, \
125 					  __FILE__, __LINE__)
126 #define	emalloc_zero(c)		ereallocz(NULL, (c), 0, TRUE, \
127 					  __FILE__, __LINE__)
128 #define	erealloc(p, c)		ereallocz((p), (c), 0, FALSE, \
129 					  __FILE__, __LINE__)
130 #define	erealloc_zero(p, n, o)	ereallocz((p), (n), (o), TRUE, \
131 					  __FILE__, __LINE__)
132 #define ereallocarray(p, n, s)	oreallocarray((p), (n), (s), \
133 					  __FILE__, __LINE__)
134 #define eallocarray(n, s)	oreallocarray(NULL, (n), (s), \
135 					  __FILE__, __LINE__)
136 extern	char *	estrdup_impl(const char *, const char *, int);
137 #define	estrdup(s) estrdup_impl((s), __FILE__, __LINE__)
138 #endif
141 extern	int	atoint		(const char *, long *);
142 extern	int	atouint		(const char *, u_long *);
143 extern	int	hextoint	(const char *, u_long *);
144 extern	const char *	humanlogtime	(void);
145 extern	const char *	humantime	(time_t);
146 extern int	is_ip_address	(const char *, u_short, sockaddr_u *);
147 extern	char *	mfptoa		(u_int32, u_int32, short);
148 extern	char *	mfptoms		(u_int32, u_int32, short);
149 extern	const char * modetoa	(size_t);
150 extern	const char * eventstr	(int);
151 extern	const char * ceventstr	(int);
152 extern	const char * res_match_flags(u_short);
153 extern	const char * res_access_flags(u_short);
154 #ifdef KERNEL_PLL
155 extern	const char * k_st_flags	(u_int32);
156 #endif
157 extern	char *	statustoa	(int, int);
158 extern	sockaddr_u * netof	(sockaddr_u *);
159 extern	char *	numtoa		(u_int32);
160 extern	char *	numtohost	(u_int32);
161 extern	const char * socktoa	(const sockaddr_u *);
162 extern	const char * sockporttoa(const sockaddr_u *);
163 extern	u_short	sock_hash	(const sockaddr_u *);
164 extern	int	sockaddr_masktoprefixlen(const sockaddr_u *);
165 extern	const char * socktohost	(const sockaddr_u *);
166 extern	int	octtoint	(const char *, u_long *);
167 extern	u_long	ranp2		(int);
168 extern	const char *refnumtoa	(sockaddr_u *);
169 extern	const char *refid_str	(u_int32, int);
171 extern	int	decodenetnum	(const char *, sockaddr_u *);
173 extern	const char * FindConfig	(const char *);
175 extern	void	signal_no_reset (int, RETSIGTYPE (*func)(int));
176 extern	void	set_ctrl_c_hook (ctrl_c_fn);
178 extern	void	getauthkeys 	(const char *);
179 extern	void	auth_agekeys	(void);
180 extern	void	rereadkeys	(void);
182 /*
183  * Variable declarations for libntp.
184  */
186 /* authkeys.c */
187 extern u_long	authkeynotfound;	/* keys not found */
188 extern u_long	authkeylookups;		/* calls to lookup keys */
189 extern u_long	authnumkeys;		/* number of active keys */
190 extern u_long	authkeyexpired;		/* key lifetime expirations */
191 extern u_long	authkeyuncached;	/* cache misses */
192 extern u_long	authencryptions;	/* calls to encrypt */
193 extern u_long	authdecryptions;	/* calls to decrypt */
195 extern int	authnumfreekeys;
197 /*
198  * The key cache. We cache the last key we looked at here.
199  */
200 extern keyid_t	cache_keyid;		/* key identifier */
201 extern int	cache_type;		/* key type */
202 extern u_char *	cache_secret;		/* secret */
203 extern size_t	cache_secretsize;	/* secret octets */
204 extern u_short	cache_flags;		/* KEY_ bit flags */
206 /* getopt.c */
207 extern char *	ntp_optarg;		/* global argument pointer */
208 extern int	ntp_optind;		/* global argv index */
210 /* lib_strbuf.c */
211 extern int	ipv4_works;
212 extern int	ipv6_works;
214 /* machines.c */
215 typedef void (*pset_tod_using)(const char *);
216 extern pset_tod_using	set_tod_using;
218 /* ssl_init.c */
219 #ifdef OPENSSL
220 extern	void	ssl_init		(void);
221 extern	void	ssl_check_version	(void);
222 extern	int	ssl_init_done;
223 #define	INIT_SSL()				\
224 	do {					\
225 		if (!ssl_init_done)		\
226 			ssl_init();		\
227 	} while (0)
228 #else	/* !OPENSSL follows */
229 #define	INIT_SSL()		do {} while (0)
230 #endif
231 extern	int	keytype_from_text	(const char *,	size_t *);
232 extern	const char *keytype_name	(int);
233 extern	char *	getpass_keytype		(int);
235 /* strl-obsd.c */
236 #ifndef HAVE_STRLCPY		/* + */
237 /*
238  * Copy src to string dst of size siz.  At most siz-1 characters
239  * will be copied.  Always NUL terminates (unless siz == 0).
240  * Returns strlen(src); if retval >= siz, truncation occurred.
241  */
242 extern	size_t	strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t siz);
243 #endif
244 #ifndef HAVE_STRLCAT		/* + */
245 /*
246  * Appends src to string dst of size siz (unlike strncat, siz is the
247  * full size of dst, not space left).  At most siz-1 characters
248  * will be copied.  Always NUL terminates (unless siz <= strlen(dst)).
249  * Returns strlen(src) + MIN(siz, strlen(initial dst)).
250  * If retval >= siz, truncation occurred.
251  */
252 extern	size_t	strlcat(char *dst, const char *src, size_t siz);
253 #endif
257 /* lib/isc/win32/strerror.c
258  *
259  * To minimize Windows-specific changes to the rest of the NTP code,
260  * particularly reference clocks, we hijack calls to strerror() to deal
261  * with our mixture of error codes from the  C runtime (open, write)
262  * and Windows (sockets, serial ports).  This is an ugly hack because
263  * both use the lowest values differently, but particularly for ntpd,
264  * it's not a problem.
265  */
267 #define	strerror(e)	ntp_strerror(e)
268 extern char *	ntp_strerror	(int e);
269 #endif
271 /* systime.c */
272 extern double	sys_tick;		/* tick size or time to read */
273 extern double	measured_tick;		/* non-overridable sys_tick */
274 extern double	sys_fuzz;		/* min clock read latency */
275 extern int	trunc_os_clock;		/* sys_tick > measured_tick */
277 /* version.c */
278 extern const char *Version;		/* version declaration */
280 #endif	/* NTP_STDLIB_H */