xref: /freebsd/contrib/ntp/html/hints/svr4_package (revision f4b37ed0f8b307b1f3f0f630ca725d68f1dff30d)
1Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 12:42:03 +0100
2Message-ID: <513.797686923@concurrent.co.uk>
3From: Andy Chittenden <asc@concurrent.co.uk>
7Here is a uuencoded, compressed tar file. The only file I've
8changed is Makefile - I've included the full file rather than diffs.
9There are some new files as well:
11	xntp	shell script that starts up ntp during boot up
12		(the packaging stuff creates links to it so it comes
13		up at run level 2). As with all svr4 start/stop
14		scripts, it takes one parameter which is either
15		start or stop. It assumes that ntp.conf is in
16		/etc/inet/ntp.conf (where it should be on svr4
17		machines).
18	prototype	describes the file contents of the package.
19			You might like to review its contents to
20			see whether you want to include any other
21			files or remove some. NB I've made the man
22			pages go into 1m as they should on svr4.
23	preinstall	runs before installation takes place. It
24			ensures that ntp is down if it is up before
25			installing a replacement package
26	postinstall	starts up ntp after package installation.
27	preremove	brings down ntp before removing the package.
29You create a package using "make package". This creates a file
30called xntp.pkg. To install this package, you use
31"pkgadd -d `pwd`/xntp.pkg xntp". This will start up ntp if
32/etc/inet/ntp.conf exists. If you don't want the package anymore, use
33"pkgrm xntp". I have tested this on Solaris 2.4.