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15    <h3>GPSD NG client driver</h3>
16<p>Last update:
17  <!-- #BeginDate format:En2m -->30-Apr-2015  05:53<!-- #EndDate -->
18  UTC</p>
19    <hr>
20    <h4>Synopsis</h4>
22    <p>
23      Address: 127.127.46.<i>u</i><br>
24      Reference ID: <tt>GPSD</tt><br>
25      Driver ID: <tt>GPSD_JSON</tt><br>
26      Serial Port: <tt>/dev/gps<i>u</i></tt> as symlink to the true
27      device (not used directly; see below)<br>
28      Features: <tt></tt>
29    </p>
31    <!-- --------------------------------------------------------- -->
33    <br><h4>Description</h4>
34    <p>
35      This driver is a client driver to the <i>GPSD</i> daemon, which
36      over the time became increasingly popular for UN*Xish
37      platforms. <i>GPSD</i> can manage several devices in parallel,
38      aggregate information, and acts as a data hub for client
39      applications. <i>GPSD</i> can also auto-detect and handle PPS
40      hardware signals on serial ports. Have a look
41      at <a href="http://www.catb.org/gpsd/">the
42      <i>GPSD</i> project page</a>.
43    </p>
44    <p>
45      <b>It is important to understand that this driver works best
46      using a GPS device with PPS support.</b>
47    </p>
48    <p>
49      The GPSD-NG protocol is text based, using JSON notation to
50      transfer records in form of JSON objects. The driver uses a
51      TCP/IP connection to <tt>localhost:gpsd</tt> to connect to the
52      daemon and then requests the GPS
53      device <tt>/dev/gps<i>u</i></tt> to be watched. (Different clock
54      units use different devices, and
55      <i>GPSD</i> is able to give only the relevant information to a clock
56      instance.)
57    </p>
58    <p>
59      This driver does not expect <i>GPSD</i> to be running or the
60      clock device to be present <i>a priori</i>; it will try to
61      re-establish a lost or hitherto unsuccessful connection and will
62      wait for device to come up in <i>GPSD.</i> There is an initial
63      10 seconds delay between a connection loss or failed attempt and
64      the next reconnect attempt; this makes sure that there is no
65      thrashing on the network layer. If the connection fails again,
66      an exponential back off is used with an upper limit of
67      approximately 10 minutes.
68    </p>
69    <p>
70      The overall accuracy depends on the receiver used. The driver
71      uses the error estimations (95% probability limits) provided by
72      <i>GPSD</i> to set the clock precision dynamically according to
73      these readings.
74    </p>
75    <p>
76      The driver needs the VERSION, TPV, PPS, WATCH and TOFF objects
77      of the <i>GPSD</i> protocol. (Others are quietly ignored.) The
78      driver can operate without the TOFF objects, which are available
79      with the <i>protocol</i> version 3.10 and above. (Not to be
80      confused with the <i>release</i> version of <i>GPSD</i>!)
81      Running without TOFF objects has a negative impact on the jitter
82      and offset of the serial timing information; if possible, a
83      version of <i>GPSD</i> with support for TOFF objects should be
84      used.
85    </p>
86    <p>The acronym <u>STI</u> is used here as a synonym for <i>serial
87      time information</i> from the data channel of the receiver, no
88      matter what objects were used to obtain it.
89    </p>
91    <!-- --------------------------------------------------------- -->
93    <br><h4>Naming a Device</h4>
94    <p>
95      By default, the <i>GPSD</i> driver uses the same device name as
96      the NMEA driver, namely <tt>/dev/gps<i>u</i></tt>. There is a
97      simple reason for that: While the NMEA driver and
98      the <i>GPSD</i> driver can be active at the same time <b>for
99      different devices</b>, they cannot access the same device at a
100      time. Having the same name helps on that. It also eases
101      migration from using NMEA directly to using <i>GPSD</i>, as no
102      new links etc need to be created.
103    </p>
104    <p>
105      <i>GPSD</i> is normally started with the device name to access;
106      it can also be instructed by hot-plug scripts to add or remove
107      devices from its device pool. Luckily, the symlinks used by the
108      NMEA driver are happily accepted and used by <i>GPSD</i>; this
109      makes it possible to use the symlink names as device
110      identification. This makes the migration from the built-in NMEA
111      driver a bit easier.
112    </p>
113    <p>
114      The driver also honors <tt>device</tt> statements for
115      the <tt>timedata</tt> channel. (PPS is handled
116      inside <i>GPSD</i>, so there's no need for that.) This permits a
117      more natural way to specify the link between <i>GPSD</i>
118      and <i>NTPD</i>: Simply name the device as it was given
119      to <i>GPSD</i>.
120    </p>
121    <p><b>Note:</b> <i>GPSD</i> (as of version 3.10) cannot use kernel
122      mode PPS on devices that are hot-plugged or activated on demand.
123      This is not likely to change in the future.  Have a look
124      at <i>GPSD</i>'s <tt>-n</tt> (<i>nowait</i>) option.
125    </p>
127    <!-- --------------------------------------------------------- -->
129    <br><h4>The 'mode' word</h4>
130    <p>
131      A few operation modes can be selected with the mode word.
132    </p>
133    <p>
134      <table border="1" frame="box" rules="all">
135      <th colspan="3">The Mode Word</th>
136	<tr> <td>Bits</td><td>Value</td><td>Description</td>
137	</tr>
138	<tr> <td rowspan="4"align="center">0..1</td>
139	  <td align="center">0</td>
140	  <td>STI only operation. This mode is affected by the timing
141	    stability of whatever protocol is used between the GPS
142	    device and GPSD.
143	    <br>
144	    Running on STI only is not recommended in general. Possible
145	    use cases include:
146	    <ul>
147	      <li>The receiver does not provide a PPS signal.
148	      <li>The receiver <i>does</i> provide a PPS signal and
149	      the secondary PPS unit is used.
150	      <li>The receiver has a stable serial timing and a proper
151	      fudge can be established.
152	      <li>You have other time sources available and want to
153		establish a useful fudge value for <tt>time2</tt>.
154	    </ul>
155	  </td>
156	</tr>
157	<tr>
158	  <td align="center">1</td>
159	  <td>Strict operation. This mode needs a valid PPS and a
160	    valid STI to combine the absolute time from the STI with
161	    the time stamp from the PPS record. Does not feed clock
162	    samples if no valid PPS+STI pair is available.
163	    <br><br>
164	    This type of operation results in an ordinary clock with a
165	    very low jitter as long as the PPS data is available, but
166	    the clock fails once PPS drops out. This mode is a
167	    possible choice for receivers that provide a PPS signal
168	    most of the time but have an unstable serial timing that
169	    cannot be fudge-compensated.
170	  </td>
171	</tr>
172	<tr><td align="center">2</td>
173	  <td>Automatic mode. Tries to operate in strict mode unless
174	    it fails to process valid samples for some time, currently
175	    120s. Then it reverts to STI-only operation until the PPS
176	    is stable again for 40s, when strict mode is engaged
177	    again.
178	    <br><br><b>Important Notice: This is an experimental
179	    feature!</b><br>  Switching between strict and STI-only
180	    mode will cause changes in offset and jitter. Use this
181	    mode only if STI-only works fairly well with your setup,
182	    or if you expect longer dropouts of the PPS signal and
183	    prefer to use STI alone over not getting synchronised at
184	    all.</td>
185	</tr>
186	<tr>
187	  <td align="center">3</td>
188	  <td><i>(reserved for future extension, do not use)</i></td>
189	</tr>
190	<tr>
191	  <td align="center">2..31</td>
192	  <td colspan="2"><i>(reserved for future extension, do not
193	  use)</i></td>
194	</tr>
195      </table>
196    </p>
198    <!-- --------------------------------------------------------- -->
200    <br><h4>Syslog flood throttle</h4>
201    <p>This driver can create a lot of syslog messages when things go
202      wrong, and cluttering the log files is frowned upon. So we
203      attempt to log persistent or recurring errors only once per
204      hour. On the other hand, when tracking a problem the syslog
205      flood throttle can get into the way.</p>
206    <p>Therefore, fudge <i>flag3</i> can be used to <i>disable</i> the
207      flood throttle at any time; the throttle is engaged by
208      default. Running with the syslog flood throttle disabled for
209      lengthy time is not recommended unless the log files are closely
210      monitored.</p>
212    <!-- --------------------------------------------------------- -->
214    <br><h4>PPS secondary clock unit</h4>
215    <p>Units with numbers &ge;128 act as secondary clock unit for the
216      primary clock unit (u mod 128). A secondary unit processes only
217      the PPS data from <i>GPSD</i> and needs the corresponding master
218      unit to work<a href="#fn1" name="fn1bl"><sup>1</sup></a>. Use
219      the '<tt>noselect</tt>' keyword on the primary unit if you are not
220      interested in its data.
221    </p><p>The secondary unit employs the usual precautions before
222      feeding clock samples:</p>
223    <ul>
224      <li>The system must be already in a synchronised state.
225      <li>The system offset must be less than 400ms absolute.
226      <li>The phase adjustment from the PPS signal must also be less
227	than 400ms absolute.
228    </ul>
229    <p>If fudge flag <tt>flag1</tt> is set for the secondary unit, the
230      unit asserts the PPS flag on the clock as long as PPS data is
231      available. This makes the unit eligible as PPS peer and should
232      only be used if the GPS receiver can be trusted for the quality
233      of its PPS signal<a href="fn2"
234      name="fn2bl"><sup>2</sup></a>. The PPS flag gets cleared if no
235      PPS records can be acquired for some time. The unit also flushes
236      the sample buffer at this point to avoid the use of stale PPS
237      data.</p>
238    <p><b>Attention:</b> This unit uses its own PPS fudge value
239      which must be set as fudge <tt>time1</tt>. Only the fudge
240      values <tt>time1</tt> and <tt>flag1</tt> have an impact on secondary
241      units.</p>
243    <!-- --------------------------------------------------------- -->
245    <br><h4>Clockstats</h4>
246    <p>If flag4 is set when the driver is polled, a clockstats record
247      is written for the primary clock unit. (The secondary PPS unit
248      does not provide clock stats on its own.) The first 3 fields are
249      the normal date, time, and IP address common to all clockstats
250      records.
251    </p><p>
252      <table border="1" frame="box" rules="all">
253	<th colspan="2">The Clockstats Line</th>
254	<tr> <td>field</td><td>Description</td>	</tr>
255	<tr>
256	  <td align="center">1</td>
257	  <td>Date as day number since NTP epoch.</td>
258	</tr><tr>
259	  <td align="center">2</td>
260	  <td>Time as seconds since midnight.</td>
261	</tr><tr>
262	  <td align="center">3</td>
263	  <td>(Pseudo-) IP address of clock unit.</td>
264	</tr><tr>
265	  <td align="center">4</td>
266	  <td>Number of received known JSON records since last
267	    poll. The driver knows about TPV, PPS, TOFF, VERSION and
268	    WATCH records; others are silently ignored.
269	  </td>
270	</tr><tr>
271	  <td align="center">5</td>
272	  <td>Bad replies since last poll. A record is considered
273	    malformed or a bad reply when it is missing vital fields
274	    or the fields contain malformed data that cannot be
275	    parsed.
276	  </td>
277	</tr><tr>
278	  <td align="center">6</td>
279	  <td>Number of sample cycles since last poll that were
280	    discarded because there was no GPS fix. This is
281	    effectively the number of TPV records with a fix value
282	    &lt; 2 or without a time stamp.
283	  </td>
284	</tr><tr>
285	  <td align="center">7</td>
286	  <td>Number of serial time information records (TPV or TOFF,
287	    depending on the GPSD version) received since last poll.
288	  </td>
289	</tr><tr>
290	  <td align="center">8</td>
291	  <td>Number of serial time information records used for
292	    clock samples since the last poll.
293	  </td>
294	</tr><tr>
295	  <td align="center">9</td>
296	  <td>Number of PPS records received since the last poll.</td>
297	</tr><tr>
298	  <td align="center">10</td>
299	  <td>Number of PPS records used for clock samples on the
300	    secondary channel since the last poll.
301	  </td>
302	</tr>
303      </table>
304    </p>
306    <!-- --------------------------------------------------------- -->
308    <br><h4>Fudge Factors</h4>
310    <dl>
311      <dt><tt>time1 <i>time</i></tt></dt>
312      <dd>Specifies the PPS time offset calibration factor, in seconds
313      and fraction, with default 0.0.</dd>
314      <dt><a name="fudgetime2"><tt>time2 <i>time</i></tt></a></dt>
315      <dd><em>[Primary Unit]</em> Specifies the TPV/TIME time offset
316      calibration factor, in seconds and fraction, with default
317      0.0.</dd>
318      <dt><tt>stratum <i>number</i></tt></dt>
319      <dd>Specifies the driver stratum, in decimal from 0 to 15, with
320	default 0.</dd>
321      <dt><tt>refid <i>string</i></tt></dt>
322      <dd>Specifies the driver reference identifier, an ASCII string
323	from one to four characters, with default <tt>GPSD</tt>.</dd>
324      <dt><tt>flag1 0 | 1</tt></dt><dd><em>[<b>Secondary</b>
325	  Unit]</em> When set, flags the secondary clock unit as a
326	potential PPS peer as long as good PPS data is available.
327      </dd>
328      <dt><tt>flag2 0 | 1</tt></dt>
329      <dd><em>[Primary Unit]</em> When set, <u>disables</u> the
330	processing of incoming PPS records. Intended as an aide to
331	test the effects of a PPS dropout when using automatic mode
332	(mode 2).
333      </dd>
334      <dt><tt>flag3 0 | 1</tt></dt><dd><em>[Primary Unit]</em>
335      If set, <u>disables</u> the log throttle. Useful when tracking
336      problems in the interaction between <i>GPSD</i> and <i>NTPD</i>,
337      since now all error events are logged. Persistent/recurrent
338      errors can easily fill up the log, so this should only be
339      enabled during bug hunts.</dd>
340      <dt><tt>flag4 0 | 1</tt></dt><dd><em>[Primary Unit]</em>
341	If set, write a clock stats line on every poll cycle.
342      </dd>
343    </dl>
345    <!-- -- footnotes -------------------------------------------- -->
347    <hr>
348    <p><a name="fn1" href="#fn1bl"><sup>1</sup>) </a>Data transmission
349      an decoding is done only once by the primary unit. The decoded
350      data is then processed independently in both clock units. This
351      avoids double transmission over two sockets and decoding the
352      same data twice, but the primary unit is always needed as a
353      downside of this approach.
354    </p>
355    <p><a name="fn2" href="#fn2bl"><sup>2</sup>) </a>The clock driver
356      suppresses the processing PPS records when the TPV/TIME data
357      indicates the receiver has no fix. It can also deal with
358      situations where the PPS signal is not delivered
359      to <i>GPSD</i>. But once it is available, it is also processed
360      and used to create samples. If a receiver cannot be trusted for
361      the precision of its PPS signal, it should not be used to create
362      a possible PPS peer: These get extra clout and can effectively
363      become the sole source of input for the control loop. You do not
364      want to use sloppy data for that.
365    <hr>
366    <p>Additional Information</p>
367    <p><a href="../refclock.html">Reference Clock Drivers</a></p>
368    <hr>
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