xref: /freebsd/contrib/ntp/clockstuff/propdelay.c (revision 7ef62cebc2f965b0f640263e179276928885e33d)
1 /* propdelay.c,v 3.1 1993/07/06 01:05:24 jbj Exp
2  * propdelay - compute propagation delays
3  *
4  * cc -o propdelay propdelay.c -lm
5  *
6  * "Time and Frequency Users' Manual", NBS Technical Note 695 (1977).
7  */
9 /*
10  * This can be used to get a rough idea of the HF propagation delay
11  * between two points (usually between you and the radio station).
12  * The usage is
13  *
14  * propdelay latitudeA longitudeA latitudeB longitudeB
15  *
16  * where points A and B are the locations in question.  You obviously
17  * need to know the latitude and longitude of each of the places.
18  * The program expects the latitude to be preceded by an 'n' or 's'
19  * and the longitude to be preceded by an 'e' or 'w'.  It understands
20  * either decimal degrees or degrees:minutes:seconds.  Thus to compute
21  * the delay between the WWVH (21:59:26N, 159:46:00W) and WWV (40:40:49N,
22  * 105:02:27W) you could use:
23  *
24  * propdelay n21:59:26 w159:46 n40:40:49 w105:02:27
25  *
26  * By default it prints out a summer (F2 average virtual height 350 km) and
27  * winter (F2 average virtual height 250 km) number.  The results will be
28  * quite approximate but are about as good as you can do with HF time anyway.
29  * You might pick a number between the values to use, or use the summer
30  * value in the summer and switch to the winter value when the static
31  * above 10 MHz starts to drop off in the fall.  You can also use the
32  * -h switch if you want to specify your own virtual height.
33  *
34  * You can also do a
35  *
36  * propdelay -W n45:17:47 w75:45:22
37  *
38  * to find the propagation delays to WWV and WWVH (from CHU in this
39  * case), a
40  *
41  * propdelay -C n40:40:49 w105:02:27
42  *
43  * to find the delays to CHU, and a
44  *
45  * propdelay -G n52:03:17 w98:34:18
46  *
47  * to find delays to GOES via each of the three satellites.
48  */
50 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
51 # include <config.h>
52 #endif
53 #include <stdio.h>
54 #include <string.h>
56 #include "ntp_stdlib.h"
58 extern	double	sin	(double);
59 extern	double	cos	(double);
60 extern	double	acos	(double);
61 extern	double	tan	(double);
62 extern	double	atan	(double);
63 extern	double	sqrt	(double);
65 #define	STREQ(a, b)	(*(a) == *(b) && strcmp((a), (b)) == 0)
67 /*
68  * Program constants
69  */
70 #define	EARTHRADIUS	(6370.0)	/* raduis of earth (km) */
71 #define	LIGHTSPEED	(299800.0)	/* speed of light, km/s */
72 #define	PI		(3.1415926536)
73 #define	RADPERDEG	(PI/180.0)	/* radians per degree */
74 #define MILE		(1.609344)      /* km in a mile */
76 #define	SUMMERHEIGHT	(350.0)		/* summer height in km */
77 #define	WINTERHEIGHT	(250.0)		/* winter height in km */
79 #define SATHEIGHT	(6.6110 * 6378.0) /* geosync satellite height in km
80 					     from centre of earth */
82 #define WWVLAT  "n40:40:49"
83 #define WWVLONG "w105:02:27"
85 #define WWVHLAT  "n21:59:26"
86 #define WWVHLONG "w159:46:00"
88 #define CHULAT	"n45:17:47"
89 #define	CHULONG	"w75:45:22"
91 #define GOES_UP_LAT  "n37:52:00"
92 #define GOES_UP_LONG "w75:27:00"
93 #define GOES_EAST_LONG "w75:00:00"
94 #define GOES_STBY_LONG "w105:00:00"
95 #define GOES_WEST_LONG "w135:00:00"
96 #define GOES_SAT_LAT "n00:00:00"
98 char *wwvlat = WWVLAT;
99 char *wwvlong = WWVLONG;
101 char *wwvhlat = WWVHLAT;
102 char *wwvhlong = WWVHLONG;
104 char *chulat = CHULAT;
105 char *chulong = CHULONG;
107 char *goes_up_lat = GOES_UP_LAT;
108 char *goes_up_long = GOES_UP_LONG;
109 char *goes_east_long = GOES_EAST_LONG;
110 char *goes_stby_long = GOES_STBY_LONG;
111 char *goes_west_long = GOES_WEST_LONG;
112 char *goes_sat_lat = GOES_SAT_LAT;
114 int hflag = 0;
115 int Wflag = 0;
116 int Cflag = 0;
117 int Gflag = 0;
118 int height;
120 char const *progname;
122 static	void	doit		(double, double, double, double, double, char *);
123 static	double	latlong		(char *, int);
124 static	double	greatcircle	(double, double, double, double);
125 static	double	waveangle	(double, double, int);
126 static	double	propdelay	(double, double, int);
127 static	int	finddelay	(double, double, double, double, double, double *);
128 static	void	satdoit		(double, double, double, double, double, double, char *);
129 static	void	satfinddelay	(double, double, double, double, double *);
130 static	double	satpropdelay	(double);
132 /*
133  * main - parse arguments and handle options
134  */
135 int
136 main(
137 	int argc,
138 	char *argv[]
139 	)
140 {
141 	int c;
142 	int errflg = 0;
143 	double lat1, long1;
144 	double lat2, long2;
145 	double lat3, long3;
147 	init_lib();
149 	progname = argv[0];
150 	while ((c = ntp_getopt(argc, argv, "dh:CWG")) != EOF)
151 	    switch (c) {
152 		case 'd':
153 		    ++debug;
154 		    break;
155 		case 'h':
156 		    hflag++;
157 		    height = atof(ntp_optarg);
158 		    if (height <= 0.0) {
159 			    (void) fprintf(stderr, "height %s unlikely\n",
160 					   ntp_optarg);
161 			    errflg++;
162 		    }
163 		    break;
164 		case 'C':
165 		    Cflag++;
166 		    break;
167 		case 'W':
168 		    Wflag++;
169 		    break;
170 		case 'G':
171 		    Gflag++;
172 		    break;
173 		default:
174 		    errflg++;
175 		    break;
176 	    }
177 	if (errflg || (!(Cflag || Wflag || Gflag) && ntp_optind+4 != argc) ||
178 	    ((Cflag || Wflag || Gflag) && ntp_optind+2 != argc)) {
179 		(void) fprintf(stderr,
180 			       "usage: %s [-d] [-h height] lat1 long1 lat2 long2\n",
181 			       progname);
182 		(void) fprintf(stderr," - or -\n");
183 		(void) fprintf(stderr,
184 			       "usage: %s -CWG [-d] lat long\n",
185 			       progname);
186 		exit(2);
187 	}
190 	if (!(Cflag || Wflag || Gflag)) {
191 		lat1 = latlong(argv[ntp_optind], 1);
192 		long1 = latlong(argv[ntp_optind + 1], 0);
193 		lat2 = latlong(argv[ntp_optind + 2], 1);
194 		long2 = latlong(argv[ntp_optind + 3], 0);
195 		if (hflag) {
196 			doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, height, "");
197 		} else {
198 			doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, (double)SUMMERHEIGHT,
199 			     "summer propagation, ");
200 			doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, (double)WINTERHEIGHT,
201 			     "winter propagation, ");
202 		}
203 	} else if (Wflag) {
204 		/*
205 		 * Compute delay from WWV
206 		 */
207 		lat1 = latlong(argv[ntp_optind], 1);
208 		long1 = latlong(argv[ntp_optind + 1], 0);
209 		lat2 = latlong(wwvlat, 1);
210 		long2 = latlong(wwvlong, 0);
211 		if (hflag) {
212 			doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, height, "WWV  ");
213 		} else {
214 			doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, (double)SUMMERHEIGHT,
215 			     "WWV  summer propagation, ");
216 			doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, (double)WINTERHEIGHT,
217 			     "WWV  winter propagation, ");
218 		}
220 		/*
221 		 * Compute delay from WWVH
222 		 */
223 		lat2 = latlong(wwvhlat, 1);
224 		long2 = latlong(wwvhlong, 0);
225 		if (hflag) {
226 			doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, height, "WWVH ");
227 		} else {
228 			doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, (double)SUMMERHEIGHT,
229 			     "WWVH summer propagation, ");
230 			doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, (double)WINTERHEIGHT,
231 			     "WWVH winter propagation, ");
232 		}
233 	} else if (Cflag) {
234 		lat1 = latlong(argv[ntp_optind], 1);
235 		long1 = latlong(argv[ntp_optind + 1], 0);
236 		lat2 = latlong(chulat, 1);
237 		long2 = latlong(chulong, 0);
238 		if (hflag) {
239 			doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, height, "CHU ");
240 		} else {
241 			doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, (double)SUMMERHEIGHT,
242 			     "CHU summer propagation, ");
243 			doit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, (double)WINTERHEIGHT,
244 			     "CHU winter propagation, ");
245 		}
246 	} else if (Gflag) {
247 		lat1 = latlong(goes_up_lat, 1);
248 		long1 = latlong(goes_up_long, 0);
249 		lat3 = latlong(argv[ntp_optind], 1);
250 		long3 = latlong(argv[ntp_optind + 1], 0);
252 		lat2 = latlong(goes_sat_lat, 1);
254 		long2 = latlong(goes_west_long, 0);
255 		satdoit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, lat3, long3,
256 			"GOES Delay via WEST");
258 		long2 = latlong(goes_stby_long, 0);
259 		satdoit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, lat3, long3,
260 			"GOES Delay via STBY");
262 		long2 = latlong(goes_east_long, 0);
263 		satdoit(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, lat3, long3,
264 			"GOES Delay via EAST");
266 	}
267 	exit(0);
268 }
271 /*
272  * doit - compute a delay and print it
273  */
274 static void
275 doit(
276 	double lat1,
277 	double long1,
278 	double lat2,
279 	double long2,
280 	double h,
281 	char *str
282 	)
283 {
284 	int hops;
285 	double delay;
287 	hops = finddelay(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, h, &delay);
288 	printf("%sheight %g km, hops %d, delay %g seconds\n",
289 	       str, h, hops, delay);
290 }
293 /*
294  * latlong - decode a latitude/longitude value
295  */
296 static double
297 latlong(
298 	char *str,
299 	int islat
300 	)
301 {
302 	register char *cp;
303 	register char *bp;
304 	double arg;
305 	double divby;
306 	int isneg;
307 	char buf[32];
308 	char *colon;
310 	if (islat) {
311 		/*
312 		 * Must be north or south
313 		 */
314 		if (*str == 'N' || *str == 'n')
315 		    isneg = 0;
316 		else if (*str == 'S' || *str == 's')
317 		    isneg = 1;
318 		else
319 		    isneg = -1;
320 	} else {
321 		/*
322 		 * East is positive, west is negative
323 		 */
324 		if (*str == 'E' || *str == 'e')
325 		    isneg = 0;
326 		else if (*str == 'W' || *str == 'w')
327 		    isneg = 1;
328 		else
329 		    isneg = -1;
330 	}
332 	if (isneg >= 0)
333 	    str++;
335 	colon = strchr(str, ':');
336 	if (colon != NULL) {
337 		/*
338 		 * in hhh:mm:ss form
339 		 */
340 		cp = str;
341 		bp = buf;
342 		while (cp < colon)
343 		    *bp++ = *cp++;
344 		*bp = '\0';
345 		cp++;
346 		arg = atof(buf);
347 		divby = 60.0;
348 		colon = strchr(cp, ':');
349 		if (colon != NULL) {
350 			bp = buf;
351 			while (cp < colon)
352 			    *bp++ = *cp++;
353 			*bp = '\0';
354 			cp++;
355 			arg += atof(buf) / divby;
356 			divby = 3600.0;
357 		}
358 		if (*cp != '\0')
359 		    arg += atof(cp) / divby;
360 	} else {
361 		arg = atof(str);
362 	}
364 	if (isneg == 1)
365 	    arg = -arg;
367 	if (debug > 2)
368 	    (void) printf("latitude/longitude %s = %g\n", str, arg);
370 	return arg;
371 }
374 /*
375  * greatcircle - compute the great circle distance in kilometers
376  */
377 static double
378 greatcircle(
379 	double lat1,
380 	double long1,
381 	double lat2,
382 	double long2
383 	)
384 {
385 	double dg;
386 	double l1r, l2r;
388 	l1r = lat1 * RADPERDEG;
389 	l2r = lat2 * RADPERDEG;
390 	dg = EARTHRADIUS * acos(
391 		(cos(l1r) * cos(l2r) * cos((long2-long1)*RADPERDEG))
392 		+ (sin(l1r) * sin(l2r)));
393 	if (debug >= 2)
394 	    printf(
395 		    "greatcircle lat1 %g long1 %g lat2 %g long2 %g dist %g\n",
396 		    lat1, long1, lat2, long2, dg);
397 	return dg;
398 }
401 /*
402  * waveangle - compute the wave angle for the given distance, virtual
403  *	       height and number of hops.
404  */
405 static double
406 waveangle(
407 	double dg,
408 	double h,
409 	int n
410 	)
411 {
412 	double theta;
413 	double delta;
415 	theta = dg / (EARTHRADIUS * (double)(2 * n));
416 	delta = atan((h / (EARTHRADIUS * sin(theta))) + tan(theta/2)) - theta;
417 	if (debug >= 2)
418 	    printf("waveangle dist %g height %g hops %d angle %g\n",
419 		   dg, h, n, delta / RADPERDEG);
420 	return delta;
421 }
424 /*
425  * propdelay - compute the propagation delay
426  */
427 static double
428 propdelay(
429 	double dg,
430 	double h,
431 	int n
432 	)
433 {
434 	double phi;
435 	double theta;
436 	double td;
438 	theta = dg / (EARTHRADIUS * (double)(2 * n));
439 	phi = (PI/2.0) - atan((h / (EARTHRADIUS * sin(theta))) + tan(theta/2));
440 	td = dg / (LIGHTSPEED * sin(phi));
441 	if (debug >= 2)
442 	    printf("propdelay dist %g height %g hops %d time %g\n",
443 		   dg, h, n, td);
444 	return td;
445 }
448 /*
449  * finddelay - find the propagation delay
450  */
451 static int
452 finddelay(
453 	double lat1,
454 	double long1,
455 	double lat2,
456 	double long2,
457 	double h,
458 	double *delay
459 	)
460 {
461 	double dg;	/* great circle distance */
462 	double delta;	/* wave angle */
463 	int n;		/* number of hops */
465 	dg = greatcircle(lat1, long1, lat2, long2);
466 	if (debug)
467 	    printf("great circle distance %g km %g miles\n", dg, dg/MILE);
469 	n = 1;
470 	while ((delta = waveangle(dg, h, n)) < 0.0) {
471 		if (debug)
472 		    printf("tried %d hop%s, no good\n", n, n>1?"s":"");
473 		n++;
474 	}
475 	if (debug)
476 	    printf("%d hop%s okay, wave angle is %g\n", n, n>1?"s":"",
477 		   delta / RADPERDEG);
479 	*delay = propdelay(dg, h, n);
480 	return n;
481 }
483 /*
484  * satdoit - compute a delay and print it
485  */
486 static void
487 satdoit(
488 	double lat1,
489 	double long1,
490 	double lat2,
491 	double long2,
492 	double lat3,
493 	double long3,
494 	char *str
495 	)
496 {
497 	double up_delay,down_delay;
499 	satfinddelay(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, &up_delay);
500 	satfinddelay(lat3, long3, lat2, long2, &down_delay);
502 	printf("%s, delay %g seconds\n", str, up_delay + down_delay);
503 }
505 /*
506  * satfinddelay - calculate the one-way delay time between a ground station
507  * and a satellite
508  */
509 static void
510 satfinddelay(
511 	double lat1,
512 	double long1,
513 	double lat2,
514 	double long2,
515 	double *delay
516 	)
517 {
518 	double dg;	/* great circle distance */
520 	dg = greatcircle(lat1, long1, lat2, long2);
522 	*delay = satpropdelay(dg);
523 }
525 /*
526  * satpropdelay - calculate the one-way delay time between a ground station
527  * and a satellite
528  */
529 static double
530 satpropdelay(
531 	double dg
532 	)
533 {
534 	double k1, k2, dist;
535 	double theta;
536 	double td;
538 	theta = dg / (EARTHRADIUS);
539 	k1 = EARTHRADIUS * sin(theta);
540 	k2 = SATHEIGHT - (EARTHRADIUS * cos(theta));
541 	if (debug >= 2)
542 	    printf("Theta %g k1 %g k2 %g\n", theta, k1, k2);
543 	dist = sqrt(k1*k1 + k2*k2);
544 	td = dist / LIGHTSPEED;
545 	if (debug >= 2)
546 	    printf("propdelay dist %g height %g time %g\n", dg, dist, td);
547 	return td;
548 }