xref: /freebsd/contrib/ncurses/progs/tic.c (revision c501d73c7e2d5c843583084b84bd3e6f68a0047e)
1 /****************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) 1998-2012,2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.              *
3  *                                                                          *
4  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a  *
5  * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the            *
6  * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including      *
7  * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,      *
8  * distribute, distribute with modifications, sublicense, and/or sell       *
9  * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is    *
10  * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:                 *
11  *                                                                          *
12  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included  *
13  * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.                   *
14  *                                                                          *
21  * THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.                               *
22  *                                                                          *
23  * Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above copyright   *
24  * holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the     *
25  * sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written       *
26  * authorization.                                                           *
27  ****************************************************************************/
29 /****************************************************************************
30  *  Author: Zeyd M. Ben-Halim <zmbenhal@netcom.com> 1992,1995               *
31  *     and: Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com>                         *
32  *     and: Thomas E. Dickey                        1996 on                 *
33  ****************************************************************************/
35 /*
36  *	tic.c --- Main program for terminfo compiler
37  *			by Eric S. Raymond
38  *			and Thomas E Dickey
39  *
40  */
42 #include <progs.priv.h>
43 #include <sys/stat.h>
45 #include <dump_entry.h>
46 #include <hashed_db.h>
47 #include <transform.h>
49 MODULE_ID("$Id: tic.c,v 1.189 2013/11/16 19:58:09 tom Exp $")
51 #define STDIN_NAME "<stdin>"
53 const char *_nc_progname = "tic";
55 static FILE *log_fp;
56 static FILE *tmp_fp;
57 static bool capdump = FALSE;	/* running as infotocap? */
58 static bool infodump = FALSE;	/* running as captoinfo? */
59 static bool showsummary = FALSE;
60 static char **namelst = 0;
61 static const char *to_remove;
63 static void (*save_check_termtype) (TERMTYPE *, bool);
64 static void check_termtype(TERMTYPE *tt, bool);
66 static const char usage_string[] = "\
67 [-e names] \
68 [-o dir] \
69 [-R name] \
70 [-v[n]] \
71 [-V] \
72 [-w[n]] \
73 [-\
74 1\
75 a\
76 C\
77 D\
78 c\
79 f\
80 G\
81 g\
82 I\
83 K\
84 L\
85 N\
86 r\
87 s\
88 T\
89 t\
90 U\
91 x\
92 ] \
93 source-file\n";
95 #if NO_LEAKS
96 static void
97 free_namelist(char **src)
98 {
99     if (src != 0) {
100 	int n;
101 	for (n = 0; src[n] != 0; ++n)
102 	    free(src[n]);
103 	free(src);
104     }
105 }
106 #endif
108 static void
109 cleanup(void)
110 {
111     int rc;
113 #if NO_LEAKS
114     free_namelist(namelst);
115 #endif
116     if (tmp_fp != 0)
117 	fclose(tmp_fp);
118     if (to_remove != 0) {
120 	rc = remove(to_remove);
121 #else
122 	rc = unlink(to_remove);
123 #endif
124 	if (rc != 0)
125 	    perror(to_remove);
126     }
127 }
129 static void
130 failed(const char *msg)
131 {
132     perror(msg);
133     ExitProgram(EXIT_FAILURE);
134 }
136 static void
137 usage(void)
138 {
139     static const char *const tbl[] =
140     {
141 	"Options:",
142 	"  -1         format translation output one capability per line",
144 	"  -a         retain commented-out capabilities (sets -x also)",
145 #endif
146 	"  -K         translate entries to termcap source form with BSD syntax",
147 	"  -C         translate entries to termcap source form",
148 	"  -D         print list of tic's database locations (first must be writable)",
149 	"  -c         check only, validate input without compiling or translating",
150 	"  -e<names>  translate/compile only entries named by comma-separated list",
151 	"  -f         format complex strings for readability",
152 	"  -G         format %{number} to %'char'",
153 	"  -g         format %'char' to %{number}",
154 	"  -I         translate entries to terminfo source form",
155 	"  -L         translate entries to full terminfo source form",
156 	"  -N         disable smart defaults for source translation",
157 	"  -o<dir>    set output directory for compiled entry writes",
158 	"  -R<name>   restrict translation to given terminfo/termcap version",
159 	"  -r         force resolution of all use entries in source translation",
160 	"  -s         print summary statistics",
161 	"  -T         remove size-restrictions on compiled description",
163 	"  -t         suppress commented-out capabilities",
164 #endif
165 	"  -U         suppress post-processing of entries",
166 	"  -V         print version",
167 	"  -v[n]      set verbosity level",
168 	"  -w[n]      set format width for translation output",
170 	"  -x         treat unknown capabilities as user-defined",
171 #endif
172 	"",
173 	"Parameters:",
174 	"  <file>     file to translate or compile"
175     };
176     size_t j;
178     fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s %s\n", _nc_progname, usage_string);
179     for (j = 0; j < SIZEOF(tbl); j++) {
180 	fputs(tbl[j], stderr);
181 	putc('\n', stderr);
182     }
183     ExitProgram(EXIT_FAILURE);
184 }
186 #define L_BRACE '{'
187 #define R_BRACE '}'
188 #define S_QUOTE '\''
190 static void
191 write_it(ENTRY * ep)
192 {
193     unsigned n;
194     int ch;
195     char *s, *d, *t;
196     char result[MAX_ENTRY_SIZE];
198     /*
199      * Look for strings that contain %{number}, convert them to %'char',
200      * which is shorter and runs a little faster.
201      */
202     for (n = 0; n < STRCOUNT; n++) {
203 	s = ep->tterm.Strings[n];
204 	if (VALID_STRING(s)
205 	    && strchr(s, L_BRACE) != 0) {
206 	    d = result;
207 	    t = s;
208 	    while ((ch = *t++) != 0) {
209 		*d++ = (char) ch;
210 		if (ch == '\\') {
211 		    *d++ = *t++;
212 		} else if ((ch == '%')
213 			   && (*t == L_BRACE)) {
214 		    char *v = 0;
215 		    long value = strtol(t + 1, &v, 0);
216 		    if (v != 0
217 			&& *v == R_BRACE
218 			&& value > 0
219 			&& value != '\\'	/* FIXME */
220 			&& value < 127
221 			&& isprint((int) value)) {
222 			*d++ = S_QUOTE;
223 			*d++ = (char) value;
224 			*d++ = S_QUOTE;
225 			t = (v + 1);
226 		    }
227 		}
228 	    }
229 	    *d = 0;
230 	    if (strlen(result) < strlen(s))
231 		_nc_STRCPY(s, result, strlen(s) + 1);
232 	}
233     }
235     _nc_set_type(_nc_first_name(ep->tterm.term_names));
236     _nc_curr_line = (int) ep->startline;
237     _nc_write_entry(&ep->tterm);
238 }
240 static bool
241 immedhook(ENTRY * ep GCC_UNUSED)
242 /* write out entries with no use capabilities immediately to save storage */
243 {
244 #if !HAVE_BIG_CORE
245     /*
246      * This is strictly a core-economy kluge.  The really clean way to handle
247      * compilation is to slurp the whole file into core and then do all the
248      * name-collision checks and entry writes in one swell foop.  But the
249      * terminfo master file is large enough that some core-poor systems swap
250      * like crazy when you compile it this way...there have been reports of
251      * this process taking *three hours*, rather than the twenty seconds or
252      * less typical on my development box.
253      *
254      * So.  This hook *immediately* writes out the referenced entry if it
255      * has no use capabilities.  The compiler main loop refrains from
256      * adding the entry to the in-core list when this hook fires.  If some
257      * other entry later needs to reference an entry that got written
258      * immediately, that's OK; the resolution code will fetch it off disk
259      * when it can't find it in core.
260      *
261      * Name collisions will still be detected, just not as cleanly.  The
262      * write_entry() code complains before overwriting an entry that
263      * postdates the time of tic's first call to write_entry().  Thus
264      * it will complain about overwriting entries newly made during the
265      * tic run, but not about overwriting ones that predate it.
266      *
267      * The reason this is a hook, and not in line with the rest of the
268      * compiler code, is that the support for termcap fallback cannot assume
269      * it has anywhere to spool out these entries!
270      *
271      * The _nc_set_type() call here requires a compensating one in
272      * _nc_parse_entry().
273      *
274      * If you define HAVE_BIG_CORE, you'll disable this kluge.  This will
275      * make tic a bit faster (because the resolution code won't have to do
276      * disk I/O nearly as often).
277      */
278     if (ep->nuses == 0) {
279 	int oldline = _nc_curr_line;
281 	write_it(ep);
282 	_nc_curr_line = oldline;
283 	free(ep->tterm.str_table);
284 	return (TRUE);
285     }
286 #endif /* HAVE_BIG_CORE */
287     return (FALSE);
288 }
290 static void
291 put_translate(int c)
292 /* emit a comment char, translating terminfo names to termcap names */
293 {
294     static bool in_name = FALSE;
295     static size_t have, used;
296     static char *namebuf, *suffix;
298     if (in_name) {
299 	if (used + 1 >= have) {
300 	    have += 132;
301 	    if ((namebuf = typeRealloc(char, have, namebuf)) == 0)
302 		  failed("put_translate namebuf");
303 	    if ((suffix = typeRealloc(char, have, suffix)) == 0)
304 		  failed("put_translate suffix");
305 	}
306 	if (c == '\n' || c == '@') {
307 	    namebuf[used++] = '\0';
308 	    (void) putchar('<');
309 	    (void) fputs(namebuf, stdout);
310 	    putchar(c);
311 	    in_name = FALSE;
312 	} else if (c != '>') {
313 	    namebuf[used++] = (char) c;
314 	} else {		/* ah! candidate name! */
315 	    char *up;
316 	    NCURSES_CONST char *tp;
318 	    namebuf[used++] = '\0';
319 	    in_name = FALSE;
321 	    suffix[0] = '\0';
322 	    if ((up = strchr(namebuf, '#')) != 0
323 		|| (up = strchr(namebuf, '=')) != 0
324 		|| ((up = strchr(namebuf, '@')) != 0 && up[1] == '>')) {
325 		_nc_STRCPY(suffix, up, have);
326 		*up = '\0';
327 	    }
329 	    if ((tp = nametrans(namebuf)) != 0) {
330 		(void) putchar(':');
331 		(void) fputs(tp, stdout);
332 		(void) fputs(suffix, stdout);
333 		(void) putchar(':');
334 	    } else {
335 		/* couldn't find a translation, just dump the name */
336 		(void) putchar('<');
337 		(void) fputs(namebuf, stdout);
338 		(void) fputs(suffix, stdout);
339 		(void) putchar('>');
340 	    }
341 	}
342     } else {
343 	used = 0;
344 	if (c == '<') {
345 	    in_name = TRUE;
346 	} else {
347 	    putchar(c);
348 	}
349     }
350 }
352 /* Returns a string, stripped of leading/trailing whitespace */
353 static char *
354 stripped(char *src)
355 {
356     char *dst = 0;
358     while (isspace(UChar(*src)))
359 	src++;
361     if (*src != '\0') {
362 	size_t len;
364 	if ((dst = strdup(src)) == NULL) {
365 	    failed("strdup");
366 	} else {
367 	    len = strlen(dst);
368 	    while (--len != 0 && isspace(UChar(dst[len])))
369 		dst[len] = '\0';
370 	}
371     }
372     return dst;
373 }
375 static FILE *
376 open_tempfile(char *filename)
377 {
378     FILE *result = 0;
380     _nc_STRCPY(filename, "/tmp/XXXXXX", PATH_MAX);
382     {
383 	int oldmask = (int) umask(077);
384 	int fd = mkstemp(filename);
385 	if (fd >= 0)
386 	    result = fdopen(fd, "w");
387 	umask((mode_t) oldmask);
388     }
389 #else
390     if (tmpnam(filename) != 0)
391 	result = fopen(filename, "w");
392 #endif
393     return result;
394 }
396 static FILE *
397 copy_input(FILE *source, const char *filename, char *alt_file)
398 {
399     char my_altfile[PATH_MAX];
400     FILE *result = 0;
401     FILE *target = 0;
402     int ch;
404     if (alt_file == 0)
405 	alt_file = my_altfile;
407     if (source == 0) {
408 	failed("copy_input (source)");
409     } else if ((target = open_tempfile(alt_file)) == 0) {
410 	failed("copy_input (target)");
411     } else {
412 	clearerr(source);
413 	for (;;) {
414 	    ch = fgetc(source);
415 	    if (feof(source)) {
416 		break;
417 	    } else if (ferror(source)) {
418 		failed(filename);
419 	    } else if (ch == 0) {
420 		/* don't loop in case someone wants to convert /dev/zero */
421 		fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s is not a text-file\n", _nc_progname, filename);
422 		ExitProgram(EXIT_FAILURE);
423 	    }
424 	    fputc(ch, target);
425 	}
426 	fclose(source);
427 	/*
428 	 * rewind() does not force the target file's data to disk (not does
429 	 * fflush()...).  So open a second stream on the data and then close
430 	 * the one that we were writing on before starting to read from the
431 	 * second stream.
432 	 */
433 	result = fopen(alt_file, "r+");
434 	fclose(target);
435 	to_remove = strdup(alt_file);
436     }
437     return result;
438 }
440 static FILE *
441 open_input(const char *filename, char *alt_file)
442 {
443     FILE *fp;
444     struct stat sb;
445     int mode;
447     if (!strcmp(filename, "-")) {
448 	fp = copy_input(stdin, STDIN_NAME, alt_file);
449     } else if (stat(filename, &sb) < 0) {
450 	fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s %s\n", _nc_progname, filename, strerror(errno));
451 	ExitProgram(EXIT_FAILURE);
452     } else if ((mode = (sb.st_mode & S_IFMT)) == S_IFDIR
453 	       || (mode != S_IFREG && mode != S_IFCHR)) {
454 	fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s is not a file\n", _nc_progname, filename);
455 	ExitProgram(EXIT_FAILURE);
456     } else {
457 	fp = fopen(filename, "r");
459 	if (fp == 0) {
460 	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't open %s\n", _nc_progname, filename);
461 	    ExitProgram(EXIT_FAILURE);
462 	}
463 	if (mode != S_IFREG) {
464 	    if (alt_file != 0) {
465 		FILE *fp2 = copy_input(fp, filename, alt_file);
466 		fp = fp2;
467 	    } else {
468 		fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s is not a file\n", _nc_progname, filename);
469 		ExitProgram(EXIT_FAILURE);
470 	    }
471 	}
472     }
473     return fp;
474 }
476 /* Parse the "-e" option-value into a list of names */
477 static char **
478 make_namelist(char *src)
479 {
480     char **dst = 0;
482     char *s, *base;
483     unsigned pass, n, nn;
484     char buffer[BUFSIZ];
486     if (src == 0) {
487 	/* EMPTY */ ;
488     } else if (strchr(src, '/') != 0) {		/* a filename */
489 	FILE *fp = open_input(src, (char *) 0);
491 	for (pass = 1; pass <= 2; pass++) {
492 	    nn = 0;
493 	    while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp) != 0) {
494 		if ((s = stripped(buffer)) != 0) {
495 		    if (dst != 0)
496 			dst[nn] = s;
497 		    else
498 			free(s);
499 		    nn++;
500 		}
501 	    }
502 	    if (pass == 1) {
503 		if ((dst = typeCalloc(char *, nn + 1)) == 0)
504 		      failed("make_namelist");
505 		rewind(fp);
506 	    }
507 	}
508 	fclose(fp);
509     } else {			/* literal list of names */
510 	for (pass = 1; pass <= 2; pass++) {
511 	    for (n = nn = 0, base = src;; n++) {
512 		int mark = src[n];
513 		if (mark == ',' || mark == '\0') {
514 		    if (pass == 1) {
515 			nn++;
516 		    } else {
517 			src[n] = '\0';
518 			if ((s = stripped(base)) != 0)
519 			    dst[nn++] = s;
520 			base = &src[n + 1];
521 		    }
522 		}
523 		if (mark == '\0')
524 		    break;
525 	    }
526 	    if (pass == 1) {
527 		if ((dst = typeCalloc(char *, nn + 1)) == 0)
528 		      failed("make_namelist");
529 	    }
530 	}
531     }
532     if (showsummary && (dst != 0)) {
533 	fprintf(log_fp, "Entries that will be compiled:\n");
534 	for (n = 0; dst[n] != 0; n++)
535 	    fprintf(log_fp, "%u:%s\n", n + 1, dst[n]);
536     }
537     return dst;
538 }
540 static bool
541 matches(char **needle, const char *haystack)
542 /* does entry in needle list match |-separated field in haystack? */
543 {
544     bool code = FALSE;
545     size_t n;
547     if (needle != 0) {
548 	for (n = 0; needle[n] != 0; n++) {
549 	    if (_nc_name_match(haystack, needle[n], "|")) {
550 		code = TRUE;
551 		break;
552 	    }
553 	}
554     } else
555 	code = TRUE;
556     return (code);
557 }
559 static char *
560 valid_db_path(const char *nominal)
561 {
562     struct stat sb;
564     char suffix[] = DBM_SUFFIX;
565     size_t need = strlen(nominal) + sizeof(suffix);
566     char *result = malloc(need);
568     if (result == 0)
569 	failed("valid_db_path");
570     _nc_STRCPY(result, nominal, need);
571     if (strcmp(result + need - sizeof(suffix), suffix)) {
572 	_nc_STRCAT(result, suffix, need);
573     }
574 #else
575     char *result = strdup(nominal);
576 #endif
578     DEBUG(1, ("** stat(%s)", result));
579     if (stat(result, &sb) >= 0) {
581 	if (!S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)
582 	    || access(result, R_OK | W_OK) != 0) {
583 	    DEBUG(1, ("...not a writable file"));
584 	    free(result);
585 	    result = 0;
586 	}
587 #else
588 	if (!S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)
589 	    || access(result, R_OK | W_OK | X_OK) != 0) {
590 	    DEBUG(1, ("...not a writable directory"));
591 	    free(result);
592 	    result = 0;
593 	}
594 #endif
595     } else {
596 	/* check if parent is directory and is writable */
597 	unsigned leaf = _nc_pathlast(result);
599 	DEBUG(1, ("...not found"));
600 	if (leaf) {
601 	    char save = result[leaf];
602 	    result[leaf] = 0;
603 	    if (stat(result, &sb) >= 0
604 		&& S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)
605 		&& access(result, R_OK | W_OK | X_OK) == 0) {
606 		result[leaf] = save;
607 	    } else {
608 		DEBUG(1, ("...parent directory %s is not writable", result));
609 		free(result);
610 		result = 0;
611 	    }
612 	} else {
613 	    DEBUG(1, ("... no parent directory"));
614 	    free(result);
615 	    result = 0;
616 	}
617     }
618     return result;
619 }
621 /*
622  * Show the databases to which tic could write.  The location to which it
623  * writes is always the first one.  If none are writable, print an error
624  * message.
625  */
626 static void
627 show_databases(const char *outdir)
628 {
629     bool specific = (outdir != 0) || getenv("TERMINFO") != 0;
630     char *result;
631     const char *tried = 0;
633     if (outdir == 0) {
634 	outdir = _nc_tic_dir(0);
635     }
636     if ((result = valid_db_path(outdir)) != 0) {
637 	printf("%s\n", result);
638 	free(result);
639     } else {
640 	tried = outdir;
641     }
643     if ((outdir = _nc_home_terminfo())) {
644 	if ((result = valid_db_path(outdir)) != 0) {
645 	    printf("%s\n", result);
646 	    free(result);
647 	} else if (!specific) {
648 	    tried = outdir;
649 	}
650     }
652     /*
653      * If we can write in neither location, give an error message.
654      */
655     if (tried) {
656 	fflush(stdout);
657 	fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s (no permission)\n", _nc_progname, tried);
658 	ExitProgram(EXIT_FAILURE);
659     }
660 }
662 #define VtoTrace(opt) (unsigned) ((opt > 0) ? opt : (opt == 0))
664 int
665 main(int argc, char *argv[])
666 {
667     char my_tmpname[PATH_MAX];
668     char my_altfile[PATH_MAX];
669     int v_opt = -1;
670     unsigned debug_level;
671     int smart_defaults = TRUE;
672     char *termcap;
673     ENTRY *qp;
675     int this_opt, last_opt = '?';
677     int outform = F_TERMINFO;	/* output format */
678     int sortmode = S_TERMINFO;	/* sort_mode */
680     int width = 60;
681     int height = 65535;
682     bool formatted = FALSE;	/* reformat complex strings? */
683     bool literal = FALSE;	/* suppress post-processing? */
684     int numbers = 0;		/* format "%'char'" to/from "%{number}" */
685     bool forceresolve = FALSE;	/* force resolution */
686     bool limited = TRUE;
687     char *tversion = (char *) NULL;
688     const char *source_file = "terminfo";
689     char *outdir = (char *) NULL;
690     bool check_only = FALSE;
691     bool suppress_untranslatable = FALSE;
693     log_fp = stderr;
695     _nc_progname = _nc_rootname(argv[0]);
696     atexit(cleanup);
698     if ((infodump = same_program(_nc_progname, PROG_CAPTOINFO)) != FALSE) {
699 	outform = F_TERMINFO;
700 	sortmode = S_TERMINFO;
701     }
702     if ((capdump = same_program(_nc_progname, PROG_INFOTOCAP)) != FALSE) {
703 	outform = F_TERMCAP;
704 	sortmode = S_TERMCAP;
705     }
707     use_extended_names(FALSE);
708 #endif
709     _nc_strict_bsd = 0;
711     /*
712      * Processing arguments is a little complicated, since someone made a
713      * design decision to allow the numeric values for -w, -v options to
714      * be optional.
715      */
716     while ((this_opt = getopt(argc, argv,
717 			      "0123456789CDIKLNR:TUVace:fGgo:rstvwx")) != -1) {
718 	if (isdigit(this_opt)) {
719 	    switch (last_opt) {
720 	    case 'v':
721 		v_opt = (v_opt * 10) + (this_opt - '0');
722 		break;
723 	    case 'w':
724 		width = (width * 10) + (this_opt - '0');
725 		break;
726 	    default:
727 		switch (this_opt) {
728 		case '0':
729 		    last_opt = this_opt;
730 		    width = 65535;
731 		    height = 1;
732 		    break;
733 		case '1':
734 		    last_opt = this_opt;
735 		    width = 0;
736 		    break;
737 		default:
738 		    usage();
739 		}
740 	    }
741 	    continue;
742 	}
743 	switch (this_opt) {
744 	case 'K':
745 	    _nc_strict_bsd = 1;
746 	    /* the initial version of -K in 20110730 fell-thru here, but the
747 	     * same flag is useful when reading sources -TD
748 	     */
749 	    break;
750 	case 'C':
751 	    capdump = TRUE;
752 	    outform = F_TERMCAP;
753 	    sortmode = S_TERMCAP;
754 	    break;
755 	case 'D':
756 	    debug_level = VtoTrace(v_opt);
757 	    set_trace_level(debug_level);
758 	    show_databases(outdir);
759 	    ExitProgram(EXIT_SUCCESS);
760 	    break;
761 	case 'I':
762 	    infodump = TRUE;
763 	    outform = F_TERMINFO;
764 	    sortmode = S_TERMINFO;
765 	    break;
766 	case 'L':
767 	    infodump = TRUE;
768 	    outform = F_VARIABLE;
769 	    sortmode = S_VARIABLE;
770 	    break;
771 	case 'N':
772 	    smart_defaults = FALSE;
773 	    literal = TRUE;
774 	    break;
775 	case 'R':
776 	    tversion = optarg;
777 	    break;
778 	case 'T':
779 	    limited = FALSE;
780 	    break;
781 	case 'U':
782 	    literal = TRUE;
783 	    break;
784 	case 'V':
785 	    puts(curses_version());
786 	    ExitProgram(EXIT_SUCCESS);
787 	case 'c':
788 	    check_only = TRUE;
789 	    break;
790 	case 'e':
791 	    namelst = make_namelist(optarg);
792 	    break;
793 	case 'f':
794 	    formatted = TRUE;
795 	    break;
796 	case 'G':
797 	    numbers = 1;
798 	    break;
799 	case 'g':
800 	    numbers = -1;
801 	    break;
802 	case 'o':
803 	    outdir = optarg;
804 	    break;
805 	case 'r':
806 	    forceresolve = TRUE;
807 	    break;
808 	case 's':
809 	    showsummary = TRUE;
810 	    break;
811 	case 'v':
812 	    v_opt = 0;
813 	    break;
814 	case 'w':
815 	    width = 0;
816 	    break;
818 	case 't':
819 	    _nc_disable_period = FALSE;
820 	    suppress_untranslatable = TRUE;
821 	    break;
822 	case 'a':
823 	    _nc_disable_period = TRUE;
824 	    /* FALLTHRU */
825 	case 'x':
826 	    use_extended_names(TRUE);
827 	    break;
828 #endif
829 	default:
830 	    usage();
831 	}
832 	last_opt = this_opt;
833     }
835     debug_level = VtoTrace(v_opt);
836     set_trace_level(debug_level);
838     if (_nc_tracing) {
839 	save_check_termtype = _nc_check_termtype2;
840 	_nc_check_termtype2 = check_termtype;
841     }
842 #if !HAVE_BIG_CORE
843     /*
844      * Aaargh! immedhook seriously hoses us!
845      *
846      * One problem with immedhook is it means we can't do -e.  Problem
847      * is that we can't guarantee that for each terminal listed, all the
848      * terminals it depends on will have been kept in core for reference
849      * resolution -- in fact it's certain the primitive types at the end
850      * of reference chains *won't* be in core unless they were explicitly
851      * in the select list themselves.
852      */
853     if (namelst && (!infodump && !capdump)) {
854 	(void) fprintf(stderr,
855 		       "%s: Sorry, -e can't be used without -I or -C\n",
856 		       _nc_progname);
857 	ExitProgram(EXIT_FAILURE);
858     }
859 #endif /* HAVE_BIG_CORE */
861     if (optind < argc) {
862 	source_file = argv[optind++];
863 	if (optind < argc) {
864 	    fprintf(stderr,
865 		    "%s: Too many file names.  Usage:\n\t%s %s",
866 		    _nc_progname,
867 		    _nc_progname,
868 		    usage_string);
869 	    ExitProgram(EXIT_FAILURE);
870 	}
871     } else {
872 	if (infodump == TRUE) {
873 	    /* captoinfo's no-argument case */
874 	    source_file = "/etc/termcap";
875 	    if ((termcap = getenv("TERMCAP")) != 0
876 		&& (namelst = make_namelist(getenv("TERM"))) != 0) {
877 		if (access(termcap, F_OK) == 0) {
878 		    /* file exists */
879 		    source_file = termcap;
880 		} else {
881 		    if ((tmp_fp = open_tempfile(my_tmpname)) != 0) {
882 			source_file = my_tmpname;
883 			fprintf(tmp_fp, "%s\n", termcap);
884 			fclose(tmp_fp);
885 			tmp_fp = open_input(source_file, (char *) 0);
886 			to_remove = source_file;
887 		    } else {
888 			failed("tmpnam");
889 		    }
890 		}
891 	    }
892 	} else {
893 	    /* tic */
894 	    fprintf(stderr,
895 		    "%s: File name needed.  Usage:\n\t%s %s",
896 		    _nc_progname,
897 		    _nc_progname,
898 		    usage_string);
899 	    ExitProgram(EXIT_FAILURE);
900 	}
901     }
903     if (tmp_fp == 0) {
904 	tmp_fp = open_input(source_file, my_altfile);
905 	if (!strcmp(source_file, "-")) {
906 	    source_file = STDIN_NAME;
907 	}
908     }
910     if (infodump) {
911 	dump_init(tversion,
912 		  smart_defaults
913 		  ? outform
914 		  : F_LITERAL,
915 		  sortmode, width, height, debug_level, formatted);
916     } else if (capdump) {
917 	dump_init(tversion,
918 		  outform,
919 		  sortmode, width, height, debug_level, FALSE);
920     }
922     /* parse entries out of the source file */
923     _nc_set_source(source_file);
924 #if !HAVE_BIG_CORE
925     if (!(check_only || infodump || capdump))
926 	_nc_set_writedir(outdir);
927 #endif /* HAVE_BIG_CORE */
928     _nc_read_entry_source(tmp_fp, (char *) NULL,
929 			  !smart_defaults || literal, FALSE,
930 			  ((check_only || infodump || capdump)
931 			   ? NULLHOOK
932 			   : immedhook));
934     /* do use resolution */
935     if (check_only || (!infodump && !capdump) || forceresolve) {
936 	if (!_nc_resolve_uses2(TRUE, literal) && !check_only) {
937 	    ExitProgram(EXIT_FAILURE);
938 	}
939     }
941     /* length check */
942     if (check_only && (capdump || infodump)) {
943 	for_entry_list(qp) {
944 	    if (matches(namelst, qp->tterm.term_names)) {
945 		int len = fmt_entry(&qp->tterm, NULL, FALSE, TRUE, infodump, numbers);
947 		if (len > (infodump ? MAX_TERMINFO_LENGTH : MAX_TERMCAP_LENGTH))
948 		    (void) fprintf(stderr,
949 				   "warning: resolved %s entry is %d bytes long\n",
950 				   _nc_first_name(qp->tterm.term_names),
951 				   len);
952 	    }
953 	}
954     }
956     /* write or dump all entries */
957     if (!check_only) {
958 	if (!infodump && !capdump) {
959 	    _nc_set_writedir(outdir);
960 	    for_entry_list(qp) {
961 		if (matches(namelst, qp->tterm.term_names))
962 		    write_it(qp);
963 	    }
964 	} else {
965 	    /* this is in case infotocap() generates warnings */
966 	    _nc_curr_col = _nc_curr_line = -1;
968 	    for_entry_list(qp) {
969 		if (matches(namelst, qp->tterm.term_names)) {
970 		    long j = qp->cend - qp->cstart;
971 		    int len = 0;
973 		    /* this is in case infotocap() generates warnings */
974 		    _nc_set_type(_nc_first_name(qp->tterm.term_names));
976 		    (void) fseek(tmp_fp, qp->cstart, SEEK_SET);
977 		    while (j-- > 0) {
978 			if (infodump)
979 			    (void) putchar(fgetc(tmp_fp));
980 			else
981 			    put_translate(fgetc(tmp_fp));
982 		    }
984 		    repair_acsc(&qp->tterm);
985 		    dump_entry(&qp->tterm, suppress_untranslatable,
986 			       limited, numbers, NULL);
987 		    for (j = 0; j < (long) qp->nuses; j++)
988 			dump_uses(qp->uses[j].name, !capdump);
989 		    len = show_entry();
990 		    if (debug_level != 0 && !limited)
991 			printf("# length=%d\n", len);
992 		}
993 	    }
994 	    if (!namelst && _nc_tail) {
995 		int c, oldc = '\0';
996 		bool in_comment = FALSE;
997 		bool trailing_comment = FALSE;
999 		(void) fseek(tmp_fp, _nc_tail->cend, SEEK_SET);
1000 		while ((c = fgetc(tmp_fp)) != EOF) {
1001 		    if (oldc == '\n') {
1002 			if (c == '#') {
1003 			    trailing_comment = TRUE;
1004 			    in_comment = TRUE;
1005 			} else {
1006 			    in_comment = FALSE;
1007 			}
1008 		    }
1009 		    if (trailing_comment
1010 			&& (in_comment || (oldc == '\n' && c == '\n')))
1011 			putchar(c);
1012 		    oldc = c;
1013 		}
1014 	    }
1015 	}
1016     }
1018     /* Show the directory into which entries were written, and the total
1019      * number of entries
1020      */
1021     if (showsummary
1022 	&& (!(check_only || infodump || capdump))) {
1023 	int total = _nc_tic_written();
1024 	if (total != 0)
1025 	    fprintf(log_fp, "%d entries written to %s\n",
1026 		    total,
1027 		    _nc_tic_dir((char *) 0));
1028 	else
1029 	    fprintf(log_fp, "No entries written\n");
1030     }
1031     ExitProgram(EXIT_SUCCESS);
1032 }
1034 /*
1035  * This bit of legerdemain turns all the terminfo variable names into
1036  * references to locations in the arrays Booleans, Numbers, and Strings ---
1037  * precisely what's needed (see comp_parse.c).
1038  */
1039 #undef CUR
1040 #define CUR tp->
1042 /*
1043  * Check if the alternate character-set capabilities are consistent.
1044  */
1045 static void
1046 check_acs(TERMTYPE *tp)
1047 {
1048     if (VALID_STRING(acs_chars)) {
1049 	const char *boxes = "lmkjtuvwqxn";
1050 	char mapped[256];
1051 	char missing[256];
1052 	const char *p;
1053 	char *q;
1055 	memset(mapped, 0, sizeof(mapped));
1056 	for (p = acs_chars; *p != '\0'; p += 2) {
1057 	    if (p[1] == '\0') {
1058 		_nc_warning("acsc has odd number of characters");
1059 		break;
1060 	    }
1061 	    mapped[UChar(p[0])] = p[1];
1062 	}
1064 	if (mapped[UChar('I')] && !mapped[UChar('i')]) {
1065 	    _nc_warning("acsc refers to 'I', which is probably an error");
1066 	}
1068 	for (p = boxes, q = missing; *p != '\0'; ++p) {
1069 	    if (!mapped[UChar(p[0])]) {
1070 		*q++ = p[0];
1071 	    }
1072 	}
1073 	*q = '\0';
1075 	assert(strlen(missing) <= strlen(boxes));
1076 	if (*missing != '\0' && strcmp(missing, boxes)) {
1077 	    _nc_warning("acsc is missing some line-drawing mapping: %s", missing);
1078 	}
1079     }
1080 }
1082 /*
1083  * Check if the color capabilities are consistent
1084  */
1085 static void
1086 check_colors(TERMTYPE *tp)
1087 {
1088     if ((max_colors > 0) != (max_pairs > 0)
1089 	|| ((max_colors > max_pairs) && (initialize_pair == 0)))
1090 	_nc_warning("inconsistent values for max_colors (%d) and max_pairs (%d)",
1091 		    max_colors, max_pairs);
1093     PAIRED(set_foreground, set_background);
1094     PAIRED(set_a_foreground, set_a_background);
1095     PAIRED(set_color_pair, initialize_pair);
1097     if (VALID_STRING(set_foreground)
1098 	&& VALID_STRING(set_a_foreground)
1099 	&& !_nc_capcmp(set_foreground, set_a_foreground))
1100 	_nc_warning("expected setf/setaf to be different");
1102     if (VALID_STRING(set_background)
1103 	&& VALID_STRING(set_a_background)
1104 	&& !_nc_capcmp(set_background, set_a_background))
1105 	_nc_warning("expected setb/setab to be different");
1107     /* see: has_colors() */
1108     if (VALID_NUMERIC(max_colors) && VALID_NUMERIC(max_pairs)
1109 	&& (((set_foreground != NULL)
1110 	     && (set_background != NULL))
1111 	    || ((set_a_foreground != NULL)
1112 		&& (set_a_background != NULL))
1113 	    || set_color_pair)) {
1114 	if (!VALID_STRING(orig_pair) && !VALID_STRING(orig_colors))
1115 	    _nc_warning("expected either op/oc string for resetting colors");
1116     }
1117 }
1119 static char
1120 keypad_final(const char *string)
1121 {
1122     char result = '\0';
1124     if (VALID_STRING(string)
1125 	&& *string++ == '\033'
1126 	&& *string++ == 'O'
1127 	&& strlen(string) == 1) {
1128 	result = *string;
1129     }
1131     return result;
1132 }
1134 static long
1135 keypad_index(const char *string)
1136 {
1137     char *test;
1138     const char *list = "PQRSwxymtuvlqrsPpn";	/* app-keypad except "Enter" */
1139     int ch;
1140     long result = -1;
1142     if ((ch = keypad_final(string)) != '\0') {
1143 	test = (strchr) (list, ch);
1144 	if (test != 0)
1145 	    result = (long) (test - list);
1146     }
1147     return result;
1148 }
1150 /*
1151  * list[] is down, up, left, right
1152  * "left" may be ^H rather than \E[D
1153  * "down" may be ^J rather than \E[B
1154  * But up/right are generally consistently escape sequences for ANSI terminals.
1155  */
1156 static void
1157 check_ansi_cursor(char *list[4])
1158 {
1159     int j, k;
1160     int want;
1161     size_t prefix = 0;
1162     size_t suffix;
1163     bool skip[4];
1164     bool repeated = FALSE;
1166     for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
1167 	skip[j] = FALSE;
1168 	for (k = 0; k < j; ++k) {
1169 	    if (j != k
1170 		&& !strcmp(list[j], list[k])) {
1171 		char *value = _nc_tic_expand(list[k], TRUE, 0);
1172 		_nc_warning("repeated cursor control %s\n", value);
1173 		repeated = TRUE;
1174 	    }
1175 	}
1176     }
1177     if (!repeated) {
1178 	char *up = list[1];
1180 	if (UChar(up[0]) == '\033') {
1181 	    if (up[1] == '[') {
1182 		prefix = 2;
1183 	    } else {
1184 		prefix = 1;
1185 	    }
1186 	} else if (UChar(up[0]) == UChar('\233')) {
1187 	    prefix = 1;
1188 	}
1189 	if (prefix) {
1190 	    suffix = prefix;
1191 	    while (up[suffix] && isdigit(UChar(up[suffix])))
1192 		++suffix;
1193 	}
1194 	if (prefix && up[suffix] == 'A') {
1195 	    skip[1] = TRUE;
1196 	    if (!strcmp(list[0], "\n"))
1197 		skip[0] = TRUE;
1198 	    if (!strcmp(list[2], "\b"))
1199 		skip[2] = TRUE;
1201 	    for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
1202 		if (skip[j] || strlen(list[j]) == 1)
1203 		    continue;
1204 		if (memcmp(list[j], up, prefix)) {
1205 		    char *value = _nc_tic_expand(list[j], TRUE, 0);
1206 		    _nc_warning("inconsistent prefix for %s\n", value);
1207 		    continue;
1208 		}
1209 		if (strlen(list[j]) < suffix) {
1210 		    char *value = _nc_tic_expand(list[j], TRUE, 0);
1211 		    _nc_warning("inconsistent length for %s, expected %d\n",
1212 				value, (int) suffix + 1);
1213 		    continue;
1214 		}
1215 		want = "BADC"[j];
1216 		if (list[j][suffix] != want) {
1217 		    char *value = _nc_tic_expand(list[j], TRUE, 0);
1218 		    _nc_warning("inconsistent suffix for %s, expected %c, have %c\n",
1219 				value, want, list[j][suffix]);
1220 		}
1221 	    }
1222 	}
1223     }
1224 }
1226 #define EXPECTED(name) if (!PRESENT(name)) _nc_warning("expected " #name)
1227 #define UNEXPECTED(name) if (PRESENT(name)) _nc_warning("unexpected " #name ", for %s", why)
1229 static void
1230 check_noaddress(TERMTYPE *tp, const char *why)
1231 {
1232     UNEXPECTED(column_address);
1233     UNEXPECTED(cursor_address);
1234     UNEXPECTED(cursor_home);
1235     UNEXPECTED(cursor_mem_address);
1236     UNEXPECTED(cursor_to_ll);
1237     UNEXPECTED(row_address);
1238     UNEXPECTED(row_address);
1239 }
1241 static void
1242 check_cursor(TERMTYPE *tp)
1243 {
1244     int count;
1245     char *list[4];
1247     if (hard_copy) {
1248 	check_noaddress(tp, "hard_copy");
1249     } else if (generic_type) {
1250 	check_noaddress(tp, "generic_type");
1251     } else if (strchr(tp->term_names, '+') == 0) {
1252 	int y = 0;
1253 	int x = 0;
1254 	if (PRESENT(column_address))
1255 	    ++y;
1256 	if (PRESENT(cursor_address))
1257 	    y = x = 10;
1258 	if (PRESENT(cursor_home))
1259 	    ++y, ++x;
1260 	if (PRESENT(cursor_mem_address))
1261 	    y = x = 10;
1262 	if (PRESENT(cursor_to_ll))
1263 	    ++y, ++x;
1264 	if (PRESENT(row_address))
1265 	    ++x;
1266 	if (PRESENT(cursor_down))
1267 	    ++y;
1268 	if (PRESENT(cursor_up))
1269 	    ++y;
1270 	if (PRESENT(cursor_left))
1271 	    ++x;
1272 	if (PRESENT(cursor_right))
1273 	    ++x;
1274 	if (x < 2 && y < 2) {
1275 	    _nc_warning("terminal lacks cursor addressing");
1276 	} else {
1277 	    if (x < 2)
1278 		_nc_warning("terminal lacks cursor column-addressing");
1279 	    if (y < 2)
1280 		_nc_warning("terminal lacks cursor row-addressing");
1281 	}
1282     }
1284     /* it is rare to have an insert-line feature without a matching delete */
1285     ANDMISSING(parm_insert_line, insert_line);
1286     ANDMISSING(parm_delete_line, delete_line);
1287     ANDMISSING(parm_insert_line, parm_delete_line);
1289     /* if we have a parameterized form, then the non-parameterized is easy */
1290     ANDMISSING(parm_down_cursor, cursor_down);
1291     ANDMISSING(parm_up_cursor, cursor_up);
1292     ANDMISSING(parm_left_cursor, cursor_left);
1293     ANDMISSING(parm_right_cursor, cursor_right);
1295     /* Given any of a set of cursor movement, the whole set should be present.
1296      * Technically this is not true (we could use cursor_address to fill in
1297      * unsupported controls), but it is likely.
1298      */
1299     count = 0;
1300     if (PRESENT(parm_down_cursor)) {
1301 	list[count++] = parm_down_cursor;
1302     }
1303     if (PRESENT(parm_up_cursor)) {
1304 	list[count++] = parm_up_cursor;
1305     }
1306     if (PRESENT(parm_left_cursor)) {
1307 	list[count++] = parm_left_cursor;
1308     }
1309     if (PRESENT(parm_right_cursor)) {
1310 	list[count++] = parm_right_cursor;
1311     }
1312     if (count == 4) {
1313 	check_ansi_cursor(list);
1314     } else if (count != 0) {
1315 	EXPECTED(parm_down_cursor);
1316 	EXPECTED(parm_up_cursor);
1317 	EXPECTED(parm_left_cursor);
1318 	EXPECTED(parm_right_cursor);
1319     }
1321     count = 0;
1322     if (PRESENT(cursor_down)) {
1323 	list[count++] = cursor_down;
1324     }
1325     if (PRESENT(cursor_up)) {
1326 	list[count++] = cursor_up;
1327     }
1328     if (PRESENT(cursor_left)) {
1329 	list[count++] = cursor_left;
1330     }
1331     if (PRESENT(cursor_right)) {
1332 	list[count++] = cursor_right;
1333     }
1334     if (count == 4) {
1335 	check_ansi_cursor(list);
1336     } else if (count != 0) {
1337 	count = 0;
1338 	if (PRESENT(cursor_down) && strcmp(cursor_down, "\n"))
1339 	    ++count;
1340 	if (PRESENT(cursor_left) && strcmp(cursor_left, "\b"))
1341 	    ++count;
1342 	if (PRESENT(cursor_up) && strlen(cursor_up) > 1)
1343 	    ++count;
1344 	if (PRESENT(cursor_right) && strlen(cursor_right) > 1)
1345 	    ++count;
1346 	if (count) {
1347 	    EXPECTED(cursor_down);
1348 	    EXPECTED(cursor_up);
1349 	    EXPECTED(cursor_left);
1350 	    EXPECTED(cursor_right);
1351 	}
1352     }
1353 }
1355 #define MAX_KP 5
1356 /*
1357  * Do a quick sanity-check for vt100-style keypads to see if the 5-key keypad
1358  * is mapped inconsistently.
1359  */
1360 static void
1361 check_keypad(TERMTYPE *tp)
1362 {
1363     char show[80];
1365     if (VALID_STRING(key_a1) &&
1366 	VALID_STRING(key_a3) &&
1367 	VALID_STRING(key_b2) &&
1368 	VALID_STRING(key_c1) &&
1369 	VALID_STRING(key_c3)) {
1370 	char final[MAX_KP + 1];
1371 	long list[MAX_KP];
1372 	int increase = 0;
1373 	int j, k, kk;
1374 	long last;
1375 	long test;
1377 	final[0] = keypad_final(key_a1);
1378 	final[1] = keypad_final(key_a3);
1379 	final[2] = keypad_final(key_b2);
1380 	final[3] = keypad_final(key_c1);
1381 	final[4] = keypad_final(key_c3);
1382 	final[5] = '\0';
1384 	/* special case: legacy coding using 1,2,3,0,. on the bottom */
1385 	assert(strlen(final) <= MAX_KP);
1386 	if (!strcmp(final, "qsrpn"))
1387 	    return;
1389 	list[0] = keypad_index(key_a1);
1390 	list[1] = keypad_index(key_a3);
1391 	list[2] = keypad_index(key_b2);
1392 	list[3] = keypad_index(key_c1);
1393 	list[4] = keypad_index(key_c3);
1395 	/* check that they're all vt100 keys */
1396 	for (j = 0; j < MAX_KP; ++j) {
1397 	    if (list[j] < 0) {
1398 		return;
1399 	    }
1400 	}
1402 	/* check if they're all in increasing order */
1403 	for (j = 1; j < MAX_KP; ++j) {
1404 	    if (list[j] > list[j - 1]) {
1405 		++increase;
1406 	    }
1407 	}
1408 	if (increase != (MAX_KP - 1)) {
1409 	    show[0] = '\0';
1411 	    for (j = 0, last = -1; j < MAX_KP; ++j) {
1412 		for (k = 0, kk = -1, test = 100; k < 5; ++k) {
1413 		    if (list[k] > last &&
1414 			list[k] < test) {
1415 			test = list[k];
1416 			kk = k;
1417 		    }
1418 		}
1419 		last = test;
1420 		assert(strlen(show) < (MAX_KP * 4));
1421 		switch (kk) {
1422 		case 0:
1423 		    _nc_STRCAT(show, " ka1", sizeof(show));
1424 		    break;
1425 		case 1:
1426 		    _nc_STRCAT(show, " ka3", sizeof(show));
1427 		    break;
1428 		case 2:
1429 		    _nc_STRCAT(show, " kb2", sizeof(show));
1430 		    break;
1431 		case 3:
1432 		    _nc_STRCAT(show, " kc1", sizeof(show));
1433 		    break;
1434 		case 4:
1435 		    _nc_STRCAT(show, " kc3", sizeof(show));
1436 		    break;
1437 		}
1438 	    }
1440 	    _nc_warning("vt100 keypad order inconsistent: %s", show);
1441 	}
1443     } else if (VALID_STRING(key_a1) ||
1444 	       VALID_STRING(key_a3) ||
1445 	       VALID_STRING(key_b2) ||
1446 	       VALID_STRING(key_c1) ||
1447 	       VALID_STRING(key_c3)) {
1448 	show[0] = '\0';
1449 	if (keypad_index(key_a1) >= 0)
1450 	    _nc_STRCAT(show, " ka1", sizeof(show));
1451 	if (keypad_index(key_a3) >= 0)
1452 	    _nc_STRCAT(show, " ka3", sizeof(show));
1453 	if (keypad_index(key_b2) >= 0)
1454 	    _nc_STRCAT(show, " kb2", sizeof(show));
1455 	if (keypad_index(key_c1) >= 0)
1456 	    _nc_STRCAT(show, " kc1", sizeof(show));
1457 	if (keypad_index(key_c3) >= 0)
1458 	    _nc_STRCAT(show, " kc3", sizeof(show));
1459 	if (*show != '\0')
1460 	    _nc_warning("vt100 keypad map incomplete:%s", show);
1461     }
1463     /*
1464      * These warnings are useful for consistency checks - it is possible that
1465      * there are real terminals with mismatches in these
1466      */
1467     ANDMISSING(key_ic, key_dc);
1468 }
1470 static void
1471 check_printer(TERMTYPE *tp)
1472 {
1473     PAIRED(enter_doublewide_mode, exit_doublewide_mode);
1474     PAIRED(enter_italics_mode, exit_italics_mode);
1475     PAIRED(enter_leftward_mode, exit_leftward_mode);
1476     PAIRED(enter_micro_mode, exit_micro_mode);
1477     PAIRED(enter_shadow_mode, exit_shadow_mode);
1478     PAIRED(enter_subscript_mode, exit_subscript_mode);
1479     PAIRED(enter_superscript_mode, exit_superscript_mode);
1480     PAIRED(enter_upward_mode, exit_upward_mode);
1482     ANDMISSING(start_char_set_def, stop_char_set_def);
1484     /* if we have a parameterized form, then the non-parameterized is easy */
1485     ANDMISSING(set_bottom_margin_parm, set_bottom_margin);
1486     ANDMISSING(set_left_margin_parm, set_left_margin);
1487     ANDMISSING(set_right_margin_parm, set_right_margin);
1488     ANDMISSING(set_top_margin_parm, set_top_margin);
1490     ANDMISSING(parm_down_micro, micro_down);
1491     ANDMISSING(parm_left_micro, micro_left);
1492     ANDMISSING(parm_right_micro, micro_right);
1493     ANDMISSING(parm_up_micro, micro_up);
1494 }
1496 static bool
1497 uses_SGR_39_49(const char *value)
1498 {
1499     return (strstr(value, "39;49") != 0
1500 	    || strstr(value, "49;39") != 0);
1501 }
1503 /*
1504  * Check consistency of termcap extensions related to "screen".
1505  */
1506 static void
1507 check_screen(TERMTYPE *tp)
1508 {
1510     if (_nc_user_definable) {
1511 	int have_XT = tigetflag("XT");
1512 	int have_XM = tigetflag("XM");
1513 	int have_bce = back_color_erase;
1514 	bool have_kmouse = FALSE;
1515 	bool use_sgr_39_49 = FALSE;
1516 	char *name = _nc_first_name(tp->term_names);
1518 	if (!VALID_BOOLEAN(have_bce)) {
1519 	    have_bce = FALSE;
1520 	}
1521 	if (!VALID_BOOLEAN(have_XM)) {
1522 	    have_XM = FALSE;
1523 	}
1524 	if (!VALID_BOOLEAN(have_XT)) {
1525 	    have_XT = FALSE;
1526 	}
1527 	if (VALID_STRING(key_mouse)) {
1528 	    have_kmouse = !strcmp("\033[M", key_mouse);
1529 	}
1530 	if (VALID_STRING(orig_colors)) {
1531 	    use_sgr_39_49 = uses_SGR_39_49(orig_colors);
1532 	} else if (VALID_STRING(orig_pair)) {
1533 	    use_sgr_39_49 = uses_SGR_39_49(orig_pair);
1534 	}
1536 	if (have_XM && have_XT) {
1537 	    _nc_warning("Screen's XT capability conflicts with XM");
1538 	} else if (have_XT
1539 		   && strstr(name, "screen") != 0
1540 		   && strchr(name, '.') != 0) {
1541 	    _nc_warning("Screen's \"screen\" entries should not have XT set");
1542 	} else if (have_XT) {
1543 	    if (!have_kmouse && have_bce) {
1544 		if (VALID_STRING(key_mouse)) {
1545 		    _nc_warning("Value of kmous inconsistent with screen's usage");
1546 		} else {
1547 		    _nc_warning("Expected kmous capability with XT");
1548 		}
1549 	    }
1550 	    if (!have_bce && max_colors > 0)
1551 		_nc_warning("Expected bce capability with XT");
1552 	    if (!use_sgr_39_49 && have_bce && max_colors > 0)
1553 		_nc_warning("Expected orig_colors capability with XT to have 39/49 parameters");
1554 	    if (VALID_STRING(to_status_line))
1555 		_nc_warning("\"tsl\" capability is redundant, given XT");
1556 	} else {
1557 	    if (have_kmouse && !have_XM)
1558 		_nc_warning("Expected XT to be set, given kmous");
1559 	}
1560     }
1561 #endif
1562 }
1564 /*
1565  * Returns the expected number of parameters for the given capability.
1566  */
1567 static int
1568 expected_params(const char *name)
1569 {
1570     /* *INDENT-OFF* */
1571     static const struct {
1572 	const char *name;
1573 	int count;
1574     } table[] = {
1575 	{ "S0",			1 },	/* 'screen' extension */
1576 	{ "birep",		2 },
1577 	{ "chr",		1 },
1578 	{ "colornm",		1 },
1579 	{ "cpi",		1 },
1580 	{ "csnm",		1 },
1581 	{ "csr",		2 },
1582 	{ "cub",		1 },
1583 	{ "cud",		1 },
1584 	{ "cuf",		1 },
1585 	{ "cup",		2 },
1586 	{ "cuu",		1 },
1587 	{ "cvr",		1 },
1588 	{ "cwin",		5 },
1589 	{ "dch",		1 },
1590 	{ "defc",		3 },
1591 	{ "dial",		1 },
1592 	{ "dispc",		1 },
1593 	{ "dl",			1 },
1594 	{ "ech",		1 },
1595 	{ "getm",		1 },
1596 	{ "hpa",		1 },
1597 	{ "ich",		1 },
1598 	{ "il",			1 },
1599 	{ "indn",		1 },
1600 	{ "initc",		4 },
1601 	{ "initp",		7 },
1602 	{ "lpi",		1 },
1603 	{ "mc5p",		1 },
1604 	{ "mrcup",		2 },
1605 	{ "mvpa",		1 },
1606 	{ "pfkey",		2 },
1607 	{ "pfloc",		2 },
1608 	{ "pfx",		2 },
1609 	{ "pfxl",		3 },
1610 	{ "pln",		2 },
1611 	{ "qdial",		1 },
1612 	{ "rcsd",		1 },
1613 	{ "rep",		2 },
1614 	{ "rin",		1 },
1615 	{ "sclk",		3 },
1616 	{ "scp",		1 },
1617 	{ "scs",		1 },
1618 	{ "scsd",		2 },
1619 	{ "setab",		1 },
1620 	{ "setaf",		1 },
1621 	{ "setb",		1 },
1622 	{ "setcolor",		1 },
1623 	{ "setf",		1 },
1624 	{ "sgr",		9 },
1625 	{ "sgr1",		6 },
1626 	{ "slength",		1 },
1627 	{ "slines",		1 },
1628 	{ "smgbp",		1 },	/* 2 if smgtp is not given */
1629 	{ "smglp",		1 },
1630 	{ "smglr",		2 },
1631 	{ "smgrp",		1 },
1632 	{ "smgtb",		2 },
1633 	{ "smgtp",		1 },
1634 	{ "tsl",		1 },
1635 	{ "u6",			-1 },
1636 	{ "vpa",		1 },
1637 	{ "wind",		4 },
1638 	{ "wingo",		1 },
1639     };
1640     /* *INDENT-ON* */
1642     unsigned n;
1643     int result = 0;		/* function-keys, etc., use none */
1645     for (n = 0; n < SIZEOF(table); n++) {
1646 	if (!strcmp(name, table[n].name)) {
1647 	    result = table[n].count;
1648 	    break;
1649 	}
1650     }
1652     return result;
1653 }
1655 /*
1656  * Make a quick sanity check for the parameters which are used in the given
1657  * strings.  If there are no "%p" tokens, then there should be no other "%"
1658  * markers.
1659  */
1660 static void
1661 check_params(TERMTYPE *tp, const char *name, char *value)
1662 {
1663     int expected = expected_params(name);
1664     int actual = 0;
1665     int n;
1666     bool params[10];
1667     char *s = value;
1669 #ifdef set_top_margin_parm
1670     if (!strcmp(name, "smgbp")
1671 	&& set_top_margin_parm == 0)
1672 	expected = 2;
1673 #endif
1675     for (n = 0; n < 10; n++)
1676 	params[n] = FALSE;
1678     while (*s != 0) {
1679 	if (*s == '%') {
1680 	    if (*++s == '\0') {
1681 		_nc_warning("expected character after %% in %s", name);
1682 		break;
1683 	    } else if (*s == 'p') {
1684 		if (*++s == '\0' || !isdigit((int) *s)) {
1685 		    _nc_warning("expected digit after %%p in %s", name);
1686 		    return;
1687 		} else {
1688 		    n = (*s - '0');
1689 		    if (n > actual)
1690 			actual = n;
1691 		    params[n] = TRUE;
1692 		}
1693 	    }
1694 	}
1695 	s++;
1696     }
1698     if (params[0]) {
1699 	_nc_warning("%s refers to parameter 0 (%%p0), which is not allowed", name);
1700     }
1701     if (value == set_attributes || expected < 0) {
1702 	;
1703     } else if (expected != actual) {
1704 	_nc_warning("%s uses %d parameters, expected %d", name,
1705 		    actual, expected);
1706 	for (n = 1; n < actual; n++) {
1707 	    if (!params[n])
1708 		_nc_warning("%s omits parameter %d", name, n);
1709 	}
1710     }
1711 }
1713 static char *
1714 skip_delay(char *s)
1715 {
1716     while (*s == '/' || isdigit(UChar(*s)))
1717 	++s;
1718     return s;
1719 }
1721 /*
1722  * Skip a delay altogether, e.g., when comparing a simple string to sgr,
1723  * the latter may have a worst-case delay on the end.
1724  */
1725 static char *
1726 ignore_delays(char *s)
1727 {
1728     int delaying = 0;
1730     do {
1731 	switch (*s) {
1732 	case '$':
1733 	    if (delaying == 0)
1734 		delaying = 1;
1735 	    break;
1736 	case '<':
1737 	    if (delaying == 1)
1738 		delaying = 2;
1739 	    break;
1740 	case '\0':
1741 	    delaying = 0;
1742 	    break;
1743 	default:
1744 	    if (delaying) {
1745 		s = skip_delay(s);
1746 		if (*s == '>')
1747 		    ++s;
1748 		delaying = 0;
1749 	    }
1750 	    break;
1751 	}
1752 	if (delaying)
1753 	    ++s;
1754     } while (delaying);
1755     return s;
1756 }
1758 /*
1759  * An sgr string may contain several settings other than the one we're
1760  * interested in, essentially sgr0 + rmacs + whatever.  As long as the
1761  * "whatever" is contained in the sgr string, that is close enough for our
1762  * sanity check.
1763  */
1764 static bool
1765 similar_sgr(int num, char *a, char *b)
1766 {
1767     static const char *names[] =
1768     {
1769 	"none"
1770 	,"standout"
1771 	,"underline"
1772 	,"reverse"
1773 	,"blink"
1774 	,"dim"
1775 	,"bold"
1776 	,"invis"
1777 	,"protect"
1778 	,"altcharset"
1779     };
1780     char *base_a = a;
1781     char *base_b = b;
1782     int delaying = 0;
1784     while (*b != 0) {
1785 	while (*a != *b) {
1786 	    if (*a == 0) {
1787 		if (b[0] == '$'
1788 		    && b[1] == '<') {
1789 		    _nc_warning("Did not find delay %s", _nc_visbuf(b));
1790 		} else {
1791 		    _nc_warning("checking sgr(%s) %s\n\tcompare to %s\n\tunmatched %s",
1792 				names[num], _nc_visbuf2(1, base_a),
1793 				_nc_visbuf2(2, base_b),
1794 				_nc_visbuf2(3, b));
1795 		}
1796 		return FALSE;
1797 	    } else if (delaying) {
1798 		a = skip_delay(a);
1799 		b = skip_delay(b);
1800 	    } else if ((*b == '0' || (*b == ';')) && *a == 'm') {
1801 		b++;
1802 	    } else {
1803 		a++;
1804 	    }
1805 	}
1806 	switch (*a) {
1807 	case '$':
1808 	    if (delaying == 0)
1809 		delaying = 1;
1810 	    break;
1811 	case '<':
1812 	    if (delaying == 1)
1813 		delaying = 2;
1814 	    break;
1815 	default:
1816 	    delaying = 0;
1817 	    break;
1818 	}
1819 	a++;
1820 	b++;
1821     }
1822     /* ignore delays on the end of the string */
1823     a = ignore_delays(a);
1824     return ((num != 0) || (*a == 0));
1825 }
1827 static char *
1828 check_sgr(TERMTYPE *tp, char *zero, int num, char *cap, const char *name)
1829 {
1830     char *test;
1832     _nc_tparm_err = 0;
1833     test = TPARM_9(set_attributes,
1834 		   num == 1,
1835 		   num == 2,
1836 		   num == 3,
1837 		   num == 4,
1838 		   num == 5,
1839 		   num == 6,
1840 		   num == 7,
1841 		   num == 8,
1842 		   num == 9);
1843     if (test != 0) {
1844 	if (PRESENT(cap)) {
1845 	    if (!similar_sgr(num, test, cap)) {
1846 		_nc_warning("%s differs from sgr(%d)\n\t%s=%s\n\tsgr(%d)=%s",
1847 			    name, num,
1848 			    name, _nc_visbuf2(1, cap),
1849 			    num, _nc_visbuf2(2, test));
1850 	    }
1851 	} else if (_nc_capcmp(test, zero)) {
1852 	    _nc_warning("sgr(%d) present, but not %s", num, name);
1853 	}
1854     } else if (PRESENT(cap)) {
1855 	_nc_warning("sgr(%d) missing, but %s present", num, name);
1856     }
1857     if (_nc_tparm_err)
1858 	_nc_warning("stack error in sgr(%d) string", num);
1859     return test;
1860 }
1862 #define CHECK_SGR(num,name) check_sgr(tp, zero, num, name, #name)
1864 #ifdef TRACE
1865 /*
1866  * If tic is compiled with TRACE, we'll be able to see the output from the
1867  * DEBUG() macro.  But since it doesn't use traceon(), it always goes to
1868  * the standard error.  Use this function to make it simpler to follow the
1869  * resulting debug traces.
1870  */
1871 static void
1872 show_where(unsigned level)
1873 {
1874     if (_nc_tracing >= DEBUG_LEVEL(level)) {
1875 	char my_name[MAX_NAME_SIZE];
1876 	_nc_get_type(my_name);
1877 	_tracef("\"%s\", line %d, '%s'",
1878 		_nc_get_source(),
1879 		_nc_curr_line, my_name);
1880     }
1881 }
1883 #else
1884 #define show_where(level)	/* nothing */
1885 #endif
1887 typedef struct {
1888     int keycode;
1889     const char *name;
1890     const char *value;
1891 } NAME_VALUE;
1893 static NAME_VALUE *
1894 get_fkey_list(TERMTYPE *tp)
1895 {
1896     NAME_VALUE *result = typeMalloc(NAME_VALUE, NUM_STRINGS(tp) + 1);
1897     const struct tinfo_fkeys *all_fkeys = _nc_tinfo_fkeys;
1898     int used = 0;
1899     int j;
1901     if (result == 0)
1902 	failed("get_fkey_list");
1904     for (j = 0; all_fkeys[j].code; j++) {
1905 	char *a = tp->Strings[all_fkeys[j].offset];
1906 	if (VALID_STRING(a)) {
1907 	    result[used].keycode = (int) all_fkeys[j].code;
1908 	    result[used].name = strnames[all_fkeys[j].offset];
1909 	    result[used].value = a;
1910 	    ++used;
1911 	}
1912     }
1914     for (j = STRCOUNT; j < NUM_STRINGS(tp); ++j) {
1915 	const char *name = ExtStrname(tp, j, strnames);
1916 	if (*name == 'k') {
1917 	    result[used].keycode = -1;
1918 	    result[used].name = name;
1919 	    result[used].value = tp->Strings[j];
1920 	    ++used;
1921 	}
1922     }
1923 #endif
1924     result[used].keycode = 0;
1925     return result;
1926 }
1928 static void
1929 show_fkey_name(NAME_VALUE * data)
1930 {
1931     if (data->keycode > 0) {
1932 	fprintf(stderr, " %s", keyname(data->keycode));
1933 	fprintf(stderr, " (capability \"%s\")", data->name);
1934     } else {
1935 	fprintf(stderr, " capability \"%s\"", data->name);
1936     }
1937 }
1939 /* other sanity-checks (things that we don't want in the normal
1940  * logic that reads a terminfo entry)
1941  */
1942 static void
1943 check_termtype(TERMTYPE *tp, bool literal)
1944 {
1945     bool conflict = FALSE;
1946     unsigned j, k;
1948     /*
1949      * A terminal entry may contain more than one keycode assigned to
1950      * a given string (e.g., KEY_END and KEY_LL).  But curses will only
1951      * return one (the last one assigned).
1952      */
1953     if (!(_nc_syntax == SYN_TERMCAP && capdump)) {
1954 	char *check = calloc((size_t) (NUM_STRINGS(tp) + 1), sizeof(char));
1955 	NAME_VALUE *given = get_fkey_list(tp);
1957 	if (check == 0)
1958 	    failed("check_termtype");
1960 	for (j = 0; given[j].keycode; ++j) {
1961 	    const char *a = given[j].value;
1962 	    bool first = TRUE;
1964 	    for (k = j + 1; given[k].keycode; k++) {
1965 		const char *b = given[k].value;
1966 		if (check[k])
1967 		    continue;
1968 		if (!_nc_capcmp(a, b)) {
1969 		    check[j] = 1;
1970 		    check[k] = 1;
1971 		    if (first) {
1972 			if (!conflict) {
1973 			    _nc_warning("Conflicting key definitions (using the last)");
1974 			    conflict = TRUE;
1975 			}
1976 			fprintf(stderr, "...");
1977 			show_fkey_name(given + j);
1978 			fprintf(stderr, " is the same as");
1979 			show_fkey_name(given + k);
1980 			first = FALSE;
1981 		    } else {
1982 			fprintf(stderr, ", ");
1983 			show_fkey_name(given + k);
1984 		    }
1985 		}
1986 	    }
1987 	    if (!first)
1988 		fprintf(stderr, "\n");
1989 	}
1990 	free(given);
1991 	free(check);
1992     }
1994     for_each_string(j, tp) {
1995 	char *a = tp->Strings[j];
1996 	if (VALID_STRING(a))
1997 	    check_params(tp, ExtStrname(tp, (int) j, strnames), a);
1998     }
2000     check_acs(tp);
2001     check_colors(tp);
2002     check_cursor(tp);
2003     check_keypad(tp);
2004     check_printer(tp);
2005     check_screen(tp);
2007     /*
2008      * These may be mismatched because the terminal description relies on
2009      * restoring the cursor visibility by resetting it.
2010      */
2011     ANDMISSING(cursor_invisible, cursor_normal);
2012     ANDMISSING(cursor_visible, cursor_normal);
2014     if (PRESENT(cursor_visible) && PRESENT(cursor_normal)
2015 	&& !_nc_capcmp(cursor_visible, cursor_normal))
2016 	_nc_warning("cursor_visible is same as cursor_normal");
2018     /*
2019      * From XSI & O'Reilly, we gather that sc/rc are required if csr is
2020      * given, because the cursor position after the scrolling operation is
2021      * performed is undefined.
2022      */
2023     ANDMISSING(change_scroll_region, save_cursor);
2024     ANDMISSING(change_scroll_region, restore_cursor);
2026     /*
2027      * If we can clear tabs, we should be able to initialize them.
2028      */
2029     ANDMISSING(clear_all_tabs, set_tab);
2031     if (PRESENT(set_attributes)) {
2032 	char *zero = 0;
2034 	_nc_tparm_err = 0;
2035 	if (PRESENT(exit_attribute_mode)) {
2036 	    zero = strdup(CHECK_SGR(0, exit_attribute_mode));
2037 	} else {
2038 	    zero = strdup(TPARM_9(set_attributes, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
2039 	}
2040 	if (_nc_tparm_err)
2041 	    _nc_warning("stack error in sgr(0) string");
2043 	if (zero != 0) {
2044 	    CHECK_SGR(1, enter_standout_mode);
2045 	    CHECK_SGR(2, enter_underline_mode);
2046 	    CHECK_SGR(3, enter_reverse_mode);
2047 	    CHECK_SGR(4, enter_blink_mode);
2048 	    CHECK_SGR(5, enter_dim_mode);
2049 	    CHECK_SGR(6, enter_bold_mode);
2050 	    CHECK_SGR(7, enter_secure_mode);
2051 	    CHECK_SGR(8, enter_protected_mode);
2052 	    CHECK_SGR(9, enter_alt_charset_mode);
2053 	    free(zero);
2054 	} else {
2055 	    _nc_warning("sgr(0) did not return a value");
2056 	}
2057     } else if (PRESENT(exit_attribute_mode) &&
2058 	       set_attributes != CANCELLED_STRING) {
2059 	if (_nc_syntax == SYN_TERMINFO)
2060 	    _nc_warning("missing sgr string");
2061     }
2063     if (PRESENT(exit_attribute_mode)) {
2064 	char *check_sgr0 = _nc_trim_sgr0(tp);
2066 	if (check_sgr0 == 0 || *check_sgr0 == '\0') {
2067 	    _nc_warning("trimmed sgr0 is empty");
2068 	} else {
2069 	    show_where(2);
2070 	    if (check_sgr0 != exit_attribute_mode) {
2071 		DEBUG(2,
2072 		      ("will trim sgr0\n\toriginal sgr0=%s\n\ttrimmed  sgr0=%s",
2073 		       _nc_visbuf2(1, exit_attribute_mode),
2074 		       _nc_visbuf2(2, check_sgr0)));
2075 		free(check_sgr0);
2076 	    } else {
2077 		DEBUG(2,
2078 		      ("will not trim sgr0\n\toriginal sgr0=%s",
2079 		       _nc_visbuf(exit_attribute_mode)));
2080 	    }
2081 	}
2082     }
2083 #ifdef TRACE
2084     show_where(2);
2085     if (!auto_right_margin) {
2086 	DEBUG(2,
2087 	      ("can write to lower-right directly"));
2088     } else if (PRESENT(enter_am_mode) && PRESENT(exit_am_mode)) {
2089 	DEBUG(2,
2090 	      ("can write to lower-right by suppressing automargin"));
2091     } else if ((PRESENT(enter_insert_mode) && PRESENT(exit_insert_mode))
2092 	       || PRESENT(insert_character) || PRESENT(parm_ich)) {
2093 	DEBUG(2,
2094 	      ("can write to lower-right by using inserts"));
2095     } else {
2096 	DEBUG(2,
2097 	      ("cannot write to lower-right"));
2098     }
2099 #endif
2101     /*
2102      * Some standard applications (e.g., vi) and some non-curses
2103      * applications (e.g., jove) get confused if we have both ich1 and
2104      * smir/rmir.  Let's be nice and warn about that, too, even though
2105      * ncurses handles it.
2106      */
2107     if ((PRESENT(enter_insert_mode) || PRESENT(exit_insert_mode))
2108 	&& PRESENT(parm_ich)) {
2109 	_nc_warning("non-curses applications may be confused by ich1 with smir/rmir");
2110     }
2112     /*
2113      * Finally, do the non-verbose checks
2114      */
2115     if (save_check_termtype != 0)
2116 	save_check_termtype(tp, literal);
2117 }