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$Id: ncurses.3x,v 1.46 2000/11/25 21:58:45 tom Exp $
curses Routine Name/Manual Page Name |
COLOR_PAIR/curs_color(3X) |
PAIR_NUMBER/curs_attr(3X) |
_nc_tracebits/curs_trace(3X)* |
_traceattr/curs_trace(3X)* |
_traceattr2/curs_trace(3X)* |
_tracechar/curs_trace(3X)* |
_tracechtype/curs_trace(3X)* |
_tracechtype2/curs_trace(3X)* |
_tracedump/curs_trace(3X)* |
_tracef/curs_trace(3X)* |
_tracemouse/curs_trace(3X)* |
addch/curs_addch(3X) |
addchnstr/curs_addchstr(3X) |
addchstr/curs_addchstr(3X) |
addnstr/curs_addstr(3X) |
addstr/curs_addstr(3X) |
assume_default_colors/default_colors(3X)* |
attr_get/curs_attr(3X) |
attr_off/curs_attr(3X) |
attr_on/curs_attr(3X) |
attr_set/curs_attr(3X) |
attroff/curs_attr(3X) |
attron/curs_attr(3X) |
attrset/curs_attr(3X) |
baudrate/curs_termattrs(3X) |
beep/curs_beep(3X) |
bkgd/curs_bkgd(3X) |
bkgdset/curs_bkgd(3X) |
border/curs_border(3X) |
box/curs_border(3X) |
can_change_color/curs_color(3X) |
cbreak/curs_inopts(3X) |
chgat/curs_attr(3X) |
clear/curs_clear(3X) |
clearok/curs_outopts(3X) |
clrtobot/curs_clear(3X) |
clrtoeol/curs_clear(3X) |
color_content/curs_color(3X) |
color_set/curs_attr(3X) |
copywin/curs_overlay(3X) |
curs_set/curs_kernel(3X) |
curses_version/curs_extend(3X)* |
def_prog_mode/curs_kernel(3X) |
def_shell_mode/curs_kernel(3X) |
define_key/define_key(3X)* |
del_curterm/curs_terminfo(3X) |
delay_output/curs_util(3X) |
delch/curs_delch(3X) |
deleteln/curs_deleteln(3X) |
delscreen/curs_initscr(3X) |
delwin/curs_window(3X) |
derwin/curs_window(3X) |
doupdate/curs_refresh(3X) |
dupwin/curs_window(3X) |
echo/curs_inopts(3X) |
echochar/curs_addch(3X) |
endwin/curs_initscr(3X) |
erase/curs_clear(3X) |
erasechar/curs_termattrs(3X) |
filter/curs_util(3X) |
flash/curs_beep(3X) |
flushinp/curs_util(3X) |
getbegyx/curs_getyx(3X) |
getbkgd/curs_bkgd(3X) |
getch/curs_getch(3X) |
getmaxyx/curs_getyx(3X) |
getmouse/curs_mouse(3X)* |
getnstr/curs_getstr(3X) |
getparyx/curs_getyx(3X) |
getstr/curs_getstr(3X) |
getsyx/curs_kernel(3X) |
getwin/curs_util(3X) |
getyx/curs_getyx(3X) |
halfdelay/curs_inopts(3X) |
has_colors/curs_color(3X) |
has_ic/curs_termattrs(3X) |
has_il/curs_termattrs(3X) |
has_key/curs_getch(3X)* |
hline/curs_border(3X) |
idcok/curs_outopts(3X) |
idlok/curs_outopts(3X) |
immedok/curs_outopts(3X) |
inch/curs_inch(3X) |
inchnstr/curs_inchstr(3X) |
inchstr/curs_inchstr(3X) |
init_color/curs_color(3X) |
init_pair/curs_color(3X) |
initscr/curs_initscr(3X) |
innstr/curs_instr(3X) |
insch/curs_insch(3X) |
insdelln/curs_deleteln(3X) |
insertln/curs_deleteln(3X) |
insnstr/curs_insstr(3X) |
insstr/curs_insstr(3X) |
instr/curs_instr(3X) |
intrflush/curs_inopts(3X) |
is_linetouched/curs_touch(3X) |
is_wintouched/curs_touch(3X) |
isendwin/curs_initscr(3X) |
keybound/keybound(3X)* |
keyname/curs_util(3X) |
keyok/keyok(3X)* |
keypad/curs_inopts(3X) |
killchar/curs_termattrs(3X) |
leaveok/curs_outopts(3X) |
longname/curs_termattrs(3X) |
mcprint/curs_print(3X)* |
meta/curs_inopts(3X) |
mouse_trafo/curs_mouse(3X)* |
mouseinterval/curs_mouse(3X)* |
mousemask/curs_mouse(3X)* |
move/curs_move(3X) |
mvaddch/curs_addch(3X) |
mvaddchnstr/curs_addchstr(3X) |
mvaddchstr/curs_addchstr(3X) |
mvaddnstr/curs_addstr(3X) |
mvaddstr/curs_addstr(3X) |
mvchgat/curs_attr(3X) |
mvcur/curs_terminfo(3X) |
mvdelch/curs_delch(3X) |
mvderwin/curs_window(3X) |
mvgetch/curs_getch(3X) |
mvgetnstr/curs_getstr(3X) |
mvgetstr/curs_getstr(3X) |
mvhline/curs_border(3X) |
mvinch/curs_inch(3X) |
mvinchnstr/curs_inchstr(3X) |
mvinchstr/curs_inchstr(3X) |
mvinnstr/curs_instr(3X) |
mvinsch/curs_insch(3X) |
mvinsnstr/curs_insstr(3X) |
mvinsstr/curs_insstr(3X) |
mvinstr/curs_instr(3X) |
mvprintw/curs_printw(3X) |
mvscanw/curs_scanw(3X) |
mvvline/curs_border(3X) |
mvwaddch/curs_addch(3X) |
mvwaddchnstr/curs_addchstr(3X) |
mvwaddchstr/curs_addchstr(3X) |
mvwaddnstr/curs_addstr(3X) |
mvwaddstr/curs_addstr(3X) |
mvwchgat/curs_attr(3X) |
mvwdelch/curs_delch(3X) |
mvwgetch/curs_getch(3X) |
mvwgetnstr/curs_getstr(3X) |
mvwgetstr/curs_getstr(3X) |
mvwhline/curs_border(3X) |
mvwin/curs_window(3X) |
mvwinch/curs_inch(3X) |
mvwinchnstr/curs_inchstr(3X) |
mvwinchstr/curs_inchstr(3X) |
mvwinnstr/curs_instr(3X) |
mvwinsch/curs_insch(3X) |
mvwinsnstr/curs_insstr(3X) |
mvwinsstr/curs_insstr(3X) |
mvwinstr/curs_instr(3X) |
mvwprintw/curs_printw(3X) |
mvwscanw/curs_scanw(3X) |
mvwvline/curs_border(3X) |
napms/curs_kernel(3X) |
newpad/curs_pad(3X) |
newterm/curs_initscr(3X) |
newwin/curs_window(3X) |
nl/curs_outopts(3X) |
nocbreak/curs_inopts(3X) |
nodelay/curs_inopts(3X) |
noecho/curs_inopts(3X) |
nonl/curs_outopts(3X) |
noqiflush/curs_inopts(3X) |
noraw/curs_inopts(3X) |
notimeout/curs_inopts(3X) |
overlay/curs_overlay(3X) |
overwrite/curs_overlay(3X) |
pair_content/curs_color(3X) |
pechochar/curs_pad(3X) |
pnoutrefresh/curs_pad(3X) |
prefresh/curs_pad(3X) |
printw/curs_printw(3X) |
putp/curs_terminfo(3X) |
putwin/curs_util(3X) |
qiflush/curs_inopts(3X) |
raw/curs_inopts(3X) |
redrawwin/curs_refresh(3X) |
refresh/curs_refresh(3X) |
reset_prog_mode/curs_kernel(3X) |
reset_shell_mode/curs_kernel(3X) |
resetty/curs_kernel(3X) |
resizeterm/resizeterm(3X)* |
restartterm/curs_terminfo(3X) |
ripoffline/curs_kernel(3X) |
savetty/curs_kernel(3X) |
scanw/curs_scanw(3X) |
scr_dump/curs_scr_dump(3X) |
scr_init/curs_scr_dump(3X) |
scr_restore/curs_scr_dump(3X) |
scr_set/curs_scr_dump(3X) |
scrl/curs_scroll(3X) |
scroll/curs_scroll(3X) |
scrollok/curs_outopts(3X) |
set_curterm/curs_terminfo(3X) |
set_term/curs_initscr(3X) |
setscrreg/curs_outopts(3X) |
setsyx/curs_kernel(3X) |
setterm/curs_terminfo(3X) |
setupterm/curs_terminfo(3X) |
slk_attr/curs_slk(3X)* |
slk_attr_off/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_attr_on/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_attr_set/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_attroff/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_attron/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_attrset/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_clear/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_color/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_init/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_label/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_noutrefresh/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_refresh/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_restore/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_set/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_touch/curs_slk(3X) |
standend/curs_attr(3X) |
standout/curs_attr(3X) |
start_color/curs_color(3X) |
subpad/curs_pad(3X) |
subwin/curs_window(3X) |
syncok/curs_window(3X) |
termattrs/curs_termattrs(3X) |
termname/curs_termattrs(3X) |
tgetent/curs_termcap(3X) |
tgetflag/curs_termcap(3X) |
tgetnum/curs_termcap(3X) |
tgetstr/curs_termcap(3X) |
tgoto/curs_termcap(3X) |
tigetflag/curs_terminfo(3X) |
tigetnum/curs_terminfo(3X) |
tigetstr/curs_terminfo(3X) |
timeout/curs_inopts(3X) |
touchline/curs_touch(3X) |
touchwin/curs_touch(3X) |
tparm/curs_terminfo(3X) |
tputs/curs_termcap(3X) |
tputs/curs_terminfo(3X) |
trace/curs_trace(3X)* |
typeahead/curs_inopts(3X) |
unctrl/curs_util(3X) |
ungetch/curs_getch(3X) |
ungetmouse/curs_mouse(3X)* |
untouchwin/curs_touch(3X) |
use_default_colors/default_colors(3X)* |
use_env/curs_util(3X) |
use_extended_names/curs_extend(3X)* |
vidattr/curs_terminfo(3X) |
vidputs/curs_terminfo(3X) |
vline/curs_border(3X) |
vw_printw/curs_printw(3X) |
vw_scanw/curs_scanw(3X) |
vwprintw/curs_printw(3X) |
vwscanw/curs_scanw(3X) |
waddch/curs_addch(3X) |
waddchnstr/curs_addchstr(3X) |
waddchstr/curs_addchstr(3X) |
waddnstr/curs_addstr(3X) |
waddstr/curs_addstr(3X) |
wattr_get/curs_attr(3X) |
wattr_off/curs_attr(3X) |
wattr_on/curs_attr(3X) |
wattr_set/curs_attr(3X) |
wattroff/curs_attr(3X) |
wattron/curs_attr(3X) |
wattrset/curs_attr(3X) |
wbkgd/curs_bkgd(3X) |
wbkgdset/curs_bkgd(3X) |
wborder/curs_border(3X) |
wchgat/curs_attr(3X) |
wclear/curs_clear(3X) |
wclrtobot/curs_clear(3X) |
wclrtoeol/curs_clear(3X) |
wcolor_set/curs_attr(3X) |
wcursyncup/curs_window(3X) |
wdelch/curs_delch(3X) |
wdeleteln/curs_deleteln(3X) |
wechochar/curs_addch(3X) |
wenclose/curs_mouse(3X)* |
werase/curs_clear(3X) |
wgetch/curs_getch(3X) |
wgetnstr/curs_getstr(3X) |
wgetstr/curs_getstr(3X) |
whline/curs_border(3X) |
winch/curs_inch(3X) |
winchnstr/curs_inchstr(3X) |
winchstr/curs_inchstr(3X) |
winnstr/curs_instr(3X) |
winsch/curs_insch(3X) |
winsdelln/curs_deleteln(3X) |
winsertln/curs_deleteln(3X) |
winsnstr/curs_insstr(3X) |
winsstr/curs_insstr(3X) |
winstr/curs_instr(3X) |
wmouse_trafo/curs_mouse(3X)* |
wmove/curs_move(3X) |
wnoutrefresh/curs_refresh(3X) |
wprintw/curs_printw(3X) |
wredrawln/curs_refresh(3X) |
wrefresh/curs_refresh(3X) |
wresize/wresize(3X)* |
wscanw/curs_scanw(3X) |
wscrl/curs_scroll(3X) |
wsetscrreg/curs_outopts(3X) |
wstandend/curs_attr(3X) |
wstandout/curs_attr(3X) |
wsyncdown/curs_window(3X) |
wsyncup/curs_window(3X) |
wtimeout/curs_inopts(3X) |
wtouchln/curs_touch(3X) |
wvline/curs_border(3X) |
5 BAUDRATE The debugging library checks this environment symbol when the application has redirected output to a file. The symbol's numeric value is used for the baudrate. If no value is found ncurses uses 9600. This allows testers to construct repeatable test-cases that take into account costs that depend on baudrate.
5 CC When set, change occurrences of the command_character (i.e., the cmdch capability) of the loaded terminfo entries to the value of this symbol. Very few terminfo entries provide this feature.
5 COLUMNS Specify the width of the screen in characters. Applications running in a windowing environment usually are able to obtain the width of the window in which they are executing. If neither the $COLUMNS value nor the terminal's screen size is available, ncurses uses the size which may be specified in the terminfo database (i.e., the cols capability). It is important that your application use a correct size for the screen. However, this is not always possible because your application may be running on a host which does not honor NAWS (Negotiations About Window Size), or because you are temporarily running as another user. Either COLUMNS or LINES symbols may be specified independently. This is mainly useful to circumvent legacy misfeatures of terminal descriptions, e.g., xterm which commonly specifies a 65 line screen. For best results, lines and cols should not be specified in a terminal description for terminals which are run as emulations. Use the use_env function to disable this feature.
5 ESCDELAY Specifies the total time, in milliseconds, for which ncurses will await a character sequence, e.g., a function key. The default value, 1000 milliseconds, is enough for most uses. However, it is made a variable to accommodate unusual applications. The most common instance where you may wish to change this value is to work with slow hosts, e.g., running on a network. If the host cannot read characters rapidly enough, it will have the same effect as if the terminal did not send characters rapidly enough. The library will still see a timeout. Note that xterm mouse events are built up from character sequences received from the xterm. If your application makes heavy use of multiple-clicking, you may wish to lengthen this default value because the timeout applies to the composed multi-click event as well as the individual clicks.
5 HOME Tells ncurses where your home directory is. That is where it may read and write auxiliary terminal descriptions: $HOME/.termcap
5 LINES Like COLUMNS, specify the height of the screen in characters. See COLUMNS for a detailed description.
5 MOUSE_BUTTONS_123 This applies only to the OS/2 EMX port. It specifies the order of buttons on the mouse. OS/2 numbers a 3-button mouse inconsistently from other platforms: 1 = left
2 = right
3 = middle. This symbol lets you customize the mouse. The symbol must be three numeric digits 1-3 in any order, e.g., 123 or 321. If it is not specified, ncurses uses 132.
5 NCURSES_NO_PADDING Most of the terminal descriptions in the terminfo database are written for real "hardware" terminals. Many people use terminal emulators which run in a windowing environment and use curses-based applications. Terminal emulators can duplicate all of the important aspects of a hardware terminal, but they do not have the same limitations. The chief limitation of a hardware terminal from the standpoint of your application is the management of dataflow, i.e., timing. Unless a hardware terminal is interfaced into a terminal concentrator (which does flow control), it (or your application) must manage dataflow, preventing overruns. The cheapest solution (no hardware cost) is for your program to do this by pausing after operations that the terminal does slowly, such as clearing the display. As a result, many terminal descriptions (including the vt100) have delay times embedded. You may wish to use these descriptions, but not want to pay the performance penalty. Set the NCURSES_NO_PADDING symbol to disable all but mandatory padding. Mandatory padding is used as a part of special control sequences such as flash.
5 NCURSES_NO_SETBUF Normally ncurses enables buffered output during terminal initialization. This is done (as in SVr4 curses) for performance reasons. For testing purposes, both of ncurses and certain applications, this feature is made optional. Setting the NCURSES_NO_SETBUF variable disables output buffering, leaving the output in the original (usually line buffered) mode.
5 NCURSES_TRACE During initialization, the ncurses debugging library checks the NCURSES_TRACE symbol. If it is defined, to a numeric value, ncurses calls the trace function, using that value as the argument. The argument values, which are defined in curses.h, provide several types of information. When running with traces enabled, your application will write the file trace to the current directory.
5 TERM Denotes your terminal type. Each terminal type is distinct, though many are similar.
5 TERMCAP If the ncurses library has been configured with termcap support, ncurses will check for a terminal's description in termcap form if it is not available in the terminfo database. The TERMCAP symbol contains either a terminal description (with newlines stripped out), or a file name telling where the information denoted by the TERM symbol exists. In either case, setting it directs ncurses to ignore the usual place for this information, e.g., /etc/termcap.
5 TERMINFO Overrides the directory in which ncurses searches for your terminal description. This is the simplest, but not the only way to change the list of directories. The complete list of directories in order follows:
3 - the last directory to which ncurses wrote, if any, is searched first.
3 - the directory specified by the TERMINFO symbol
3 - $HOME/.terminfo
3 - directories listed in the TERMINFO_DIRS symbol
3 - one or more directories whose names are configured and compiled into the ncurses library, e.g., @TERMINFO@
5 TERMINFO_DIRS Specifies a list of directories to search for terminal descriptions. The list is separated by colons (i.e., ":") on Unix, semicolons on OS/2 EMX. All of the terminal descriptions are in terminfo form, which makes a subdirectory named for the first letter of the terminal names therein.
5 TERMPATH If TERMCAP does not hold a file name then ncurses checks the TERMPATH symbol. This is a list of filenames separated by spaces or colons (i.e., ":") on Unix, semicolons on OS/2 EMX. If the TERMPATH symbol is not set, ncurses looks in the files /etc/termcap, /usr/share/misc/termcap and $HOME/.termcap, in that order.
The library may be configured to disregard the following variables when the current user is the superuser (root), or if the application uses setuid or setgid permissions: $TERMINFO, $TERMINFO_DIRS, $TERMPATH, as well as $HOME.
5 @DATADIR@/tabset directory containing initialization files for the terminal capability database @TERMINFO@ terminal capability database
A small number of local differences (that is, individual differences between the XSI Curses and ncurses calls) are described in PORTABILITY sections of the library man pages.
The routine has_key is not part of XPG4, nor is it present in SVr4. See the curs_getch(3X) manual page for details.
The routine slk_attr is not part of XPG4, nor is it present in SVr4. See the curs_slk(3X) manual page for details.
The routines getmouse, mousemask, ungetmouse, mouseinterval, and wenclose relating to mouse interfacing are not part of XPG4, nor are they present in SVr4. See the curs_mouse(3X) manual page for details.
The routine mcprint was not present in any previous curses implementation. See the curs_print(3X) manual page for details.
The routine wresize is not part of XPG4, nor is it present in SVr4. See the wresize(3X) manual page for details.
In historic curses versions, delays embedded in the capabilities cr, ind, cub1, ff and tab activated corresponding delay bits in the UNIX tty driver. In this implementation, all padding is done by NUL sends. This method is slightly more expensive, but narrows the interface to the UNIX kernel significantly and increases the package's portability correspondingly.
In the XSI standard and SVr4 manual pages, many entry points have prototype arguments of the for char *const (or cchar_t *const, or wchar_t *const, or void *const). Depending on one's interpretation of the ANSI C standard (see section, these declarations are either (a) meaningless, or (b) meaningless and illegal. The declaration const char *x is a modifiable pointer to unmodifiable data, but char *const x' is an unmodifiable pointer to modifiable data. Given that C passes arguments by value, <type> *const as a formal type is at best dubious. Some compilers choke on the prototypes. Therefore, in this implementation, they have been changed to const <type> * globally.
# The following sets edit modes for GNU EMACS
# Local Variables:
# mode:nroff
# fill-column:79
# End: