Copyright 2018-2023,2024 Thomas E. Dickey *
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$Id: ncurses.3x,v 1.214 2024/04/27 17:55:43 tom Exp $
Adapted from TQ (which would produce mandoc warnings).
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#include <curses.h>
\%ncurses permits control of the terminal screen's contents; abstraction and subdivision thereof with windows and pads ; the reading of terminal input; control of terminal input and output options; environment query routines; color manipulation; the definition and use of "soft label" keys; \%term\%info capability access; a termcap compatibility interface; and an abstraction of the system's API for manipulating the terminal (such as \%termios(3)).
\%ncurses implements the standard interface described by X/Open Curses Issue 7. In many behavioral details not standardized by X/Open, \%ncurses emulates the curses library of SVr4 and provides numerous useful extensions.
\%ncurses man pages employ several sections to clarify matters of usage and interoperability with other curses implementations. .bP \*(``NOTES\*('' describes issues and caveats of which any user of the \%ncurses API should be aware, such as limitations on the size of an underlying integral type or the availability of a preprocessor macro exclusive of a function definition (which prevents its address from being taken). This section also describes implementation details that will be significant to the programmer but which are not standardized. .bP \*(``EXTENSIONS\*('' presents \%ncurses innovations beyond the X/Open Curses standard and/or the SVr4 curses implementation. They are termed extensions to indicate that they cannot be implemented solely by using the library API, but require access to the library's internal state. .bP \*(``PORTABILITY\*('' discusses matters (beyond the exercise of extensions) that should be considered when writing to a curses standard, or for multiple implementations. .bP \*(``HISTORY\*('' examines points of detail in \%ncurses and other curses implementations over the decades of their development, particularly where precedent or inertia have frustrated better design (and, in a few cases, where such inertia has been overcome).
A curses application must be linked with the library; use the -lncurses option to your compiler or linker. A debugging version of the library may be available; if so, link with it using -lncurses_g . (Your system integrator may have installed these libraries such that you can use the options -lcurses and -lcurses_g , respectively.) The \%ncurses_g library generates trace logs (in a file called \%trace in the current directory) that describe \%ncurses actions. See section \*(``ALTERNATE CONFIGURATIONS\*('' below.
.EX setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
If the locale is not thus initialized, the library assumes that characters are printable as in ISO 8859-1, to work with certain legacy programs. You should initialize the locale; do not expect consistent behavior from the library when the locale has not been set up.
\%initscr(3X) or \%newterm(3X) must be called to initialize curses before use of any functions that deal with windows and screens.
To get character-at-a-time input without echoing\(emmost interactive, screen-oriented programs want this\(emuse the following sequence.
.EX initscr(); cbreak(); noecho();
Most applications perform further setup as follows.
.EX intrflush(stdscr, FALSE); keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
A curses program then often enters an event loop of some sort. Call \%endwin(3X) before exiting.
A curses library does not manage overlapping windows (but see below). You can either use \%stdscr to manage one screen-filling window, or tile the screen into non-overlapping windows and not use \%stdscr at all. Mixing the two approaches will result in unpredictable and undesired effects.
Functions permit manipulation of a window and the cursor identifying the cell within it at which the next output operation will occur. Among those, the most basic are \%move(3X) and \%addch(3X): these place the cursor and write a character to \%stdscr , respectively.
Frequent changes to the terminal screen can cause unpleasant flicker or
inefficient use of the communication channel to the device,
so the library does not generally update it automatically.
after using
curses functions to accumulate a set of desired updates that make sense to
present together,
call \%refresh(3X) to tell the library to make the user's screen
look like stdscr.
The library
X/Open Curses Issue 7 assumes some optimization will be done, but
does not mandate it in any way.
optimizes its output by computing a minimal number of operations to mutate the
screen from its state at the previous refresh to the new one.
Effective optimization demands accurate information about the terminal
the management of such information is the province of the
\%terminfo(3X) API,
a feature of every standard
curses implementation.
Special windows called pads may also be manipulated. These are windows that are not constrained to the size of the terminal screen and whose contents need not be completely displayed. See \%curs_pad(3X).
In addition to drawing characters on the screen, rendering attributes and colors may be supported, causing the characters to show up in such modes as underlined, in reverse video, or in color on terminals that support such display enhancements. See \%curs_attr(3X).
curses predefines constants for a small set of forms-drawing graphics corresponding to the DEC Alternate Character Set (ACS), a feature of VT100 and other terminals. See \%waddch(3X).
curses is implemented using the operating system's terminal driver; keystroke events are received not as scan codes but as byte sequences. Graphical keycaps (alphanumeric and punctuation keys, and the space) appear as-is. Everything else, including the tab, enter/return, keypad, arrow, and function keys, appears as a control character or a multibyte "escape sequence." curses translates these into unique "key codes." See \%getch(3X).
\%ncurses provides reimplementations of the SVr4 panel(3X), form(3X), and menu(3X) libraries to ease construction of user interfaces with curses .
If you change the terminal type, export the TERM environment variable in the shell, then run \%tset(1) or the \*(`` "@TPUT@ init" \*('' command. See subsection \*(``Tabs and Initialization\*('' of \%terminfo(5).
If the environment variables \%LINES and \%COLUMNS are set, or if the curses program is executing in a graphical windowing environment, the information obtained thence overrides that obtained by \%term\%info . An \%ncurses extension supports resizable terminals; see \%wresize(3X).
If the environment variable \%TERMINFO is defined, a curses program checks first for a terminal type description in the location it identifies. \%TERMINFO is useful for developing experimental type descriptions or when write permission to \%\*d is not available.
See section \*(``ENVIRONMENT\*('' below.
Four functions prefixed with \*(``p\*('' require a pad argument.
In function synopses, \%ncurses man pages apply the following names to parameters.
bf bool (TRUE or FALSE) |
c a char or int |
ch a chtype |
wc a wchar_t or wint_t |
wch a cchar_t |
win pointer to a WINDOW |
pad pointer to a WINDOW that is a pad |
10 \" "ncursesw" + 2n \%ncurses is the library in its \*(``non-wide\*('' configuration, handling only eight-bit characters. It stores a character combined with attributes in a \%chtype datum, which is often an alias of int .
Attributes alone (with no corresponding character) can be stored in variables of \%chtype or \%attr_t type. In either case, they are represented as an integral bit mask. Each cell of a \%WINDOW is stored as a \%chtype .10 \%ncursesw is the library in its \*(``wide\*('' configuration, which handles character encodings requiring a larger data type than \%char (a byte-sized type) can represent. It adds about one third more calls using additional data types that can store such multibyte characters.
9 \" "cchar_t" + 2n \%cchar_t corresponds to the non-wide configuration's \%chtype . It always a structure type, because it stores more data than fit into a standard scalar type. A character code may not be representable as a \%char , and moreover more than one character may occupy a cell (as with accent marks and other diacritics). Each character is of type \%wchar_t ; a complex character contains one spacing character and zero or more non-spacing characters (see below). Attributes and color data are stored in separate fields of the structure, not combined as in \%chtype .
Each cell of a \%WINDOW is stored as a \%cchar_t .
\%setcchar(3X) and \%getcchar(3X) store and retrieve \%cchar_t data. The wide library API of \%ncurses depends on two data types standardized by ISO C95.
9 \%wchar_t stores a wide character. Like \%chtype , it may be an alias of int . Depending on the character encoding, a wide character may be spacing , meaning that it occupies a character cell by itself and typically accompanies cursor advancement, or non-spacing , meaning that it occupies the same cell as a spacing character, is often regarded as a \*(``modifier\*('' of the base glyph with which it combines, and typically does not advance the cursor.
9 \%wint_t can store a \%wchar_t or the constant \%WEOF , analogously to the int -sized character manipulation functions of ISO C and its constant \%EOF .
\f(BIcurses Function Name/Man Page |
COLOR_PAIR/curs_color(3X) |
PAIR_NUMBER/curs_color(3X) |
add_wch/curs_add_wch(3X) |
add_wchnstr/curs_add_wchstr(3X) |
add_wchstr/curs_add_wchstr(3X) |
addch/curs_addch(3X) |
addchnstr/curs_addchstr(3X) |
addchstr/curs_addchstr(3X) |
addnstr/curs_addstr(3X) |
addnwstr/curs_addwstr(3X) |
addstr/curs_addstr(3X) |
addwstr/curs_addwstr(3X) |
alloc_pair/new_pair(3X)* |
assume_default_colors/default_colors(3X)* |
attr_get/curs_attr(3X) |
attr_off/curs_attr(3X) |
attr_on/curs_attr(3X) |
attr_set/curs_attr(3X) |
attroff/curs_attr(3X) |
attron/curs_attr(3X) |
attrset/curs_attr(3X) |
baudrate/curs_termattrs(3X) |
beep/curs_beep(3X) |
bkgd/curs_bkgd(3X) |
bkgdset/curs_bkgd(3X) |
bkgrnd/curs_bkgrnd(3X) |
bkgrndset/curs_bkgrnd(3X) |
border/curs_border(3X) |
border_set/curs_border_set(3X) |
box/curs_border(3X) |
box_set/curs_border_set(3X) |
can_change_color/curs_color(3X) |
cbreak/curs_inopts(3X) |
chgat/curs_attr(3X) |
clear/curs_clear(3X) |
clearok/curs_outopts(3X) |
clrtobot/curs_clear(3X) |
clrtoeol/curs_clear(3X) |
color_content/curs_color(3X) |
color_set/curs_attr(3X) |
copywin/curs_overlay(3X) |
curs_set/curs_kernel(3X) |
curses_trace/curs_trace(3X)* |
curses_version/curs_extend(3X)* |
def_prog_mode/curs_kernel(3X) |
def_shell_mode/curs_kernel(3X) |
define_key/define_key(3X)* |
del_curterm/curs_terminfo(3X) |
delay_output/curs_util(3X) |
delch/curs_delch(3X) |
deleteln/curs_deleteln(3X) |
delscreen/curs_initscr(3X) |
delwin/curs_window(3X) |
derwin/curs_window(3X) |
doupdate/curs_refresh(3X) |
dupwin/curs_window(3X) |
echo/curs_inopts(3X) |
echo_wchar/curs_add_wch(3X) |
echochar/curs_addch(3X) |
endwin/curs_initscr(3X) |
erase/curs_clear(3X) |
erasechar/curs_termattrs(3X) |
erasewchar/curs_termattrs(3X) |
exit_curses/curs_memleaks(3X)* |
exit_terminfo/curs_memleaks(3X)* |
extended_color_content/curs_color(3X)* |
extended_pair_content/curs_color(3X)* |
extended_slk_color/curs_slk(3X)* |
filter/curs_util(3X) |
find_pair/new_pair(3X)* |
flash/curs_beep(3X) |
flushinp/curs_util(3X) |
free_pair/new_pair(3X)* |
get_escdelay/curs_threads(3X)* |
get_wch/curs_get_wch(3X) |
get_wstr/curs_get_wstr(3X) |
getattrs/curs_attr(3X) |
getbegx/curs_legacy(3X)* |
getbegy/curs_legacy(3X)* |
getbegyx/curs_getyx(3X) |
getbkgd/curs_bkgd(3X) |
getbkgrnd/curs_bkgrnd(3X) |
getcchar/curs_getcchar(3X) |
getch/curs_getch(3X) |
getcurx/curs_legacy(3X)* |
getcury/curs_legacy(3X)* |
getmaxx/curs_legacy(3X)* |
getmaxy/curs_legacy(3X)* |
getmaxyx/curs_getyx(3X) |
getmouse/curs_mouse(3X)* |
getn_wstr/curs_get_wstr(3X) |
getnstr/curs_getstr(3X) |
getparx/curs_legacy(3X)* |
getpary/curs_legacy(3X)* |
getparyx/curs_getyx(3X) |
getstr/curs_getstr(3X) |
getsyx/curs_kernel(3X) |
getwin/curs_util(3X) |
getyx/curs_getyx(3X) |
halfdelay/curs_inopts(3X) |
has_colors/curs_color(3X) |
has_ic/curs_termattrs(3X) |
has_il/curs_termattrs(3X) |
has_key/curs_getch(3X)* |
has_mouse/curs_mouse(3X)* |
hline/curs_border(3X) |
hline_set/curs_border_set(3X) |
idcok/curs_outopts(3X) |
idlok/curs_outopts(3X) |
immedok/curs_outopts(3X) |
in_wch/curs_in_wch(3X) |
in_wchnstr/curs_in_wchstr(3X) |
in_wchstr/curs_in_wchstr(3X) |
inch/curs_inch(3X) |
inchnstr/curs_inchstr(3X) |
inchstr/curs_inchstr(3X) |
init_color/curs_color(3X) |
init_extended_color/curs_color(3X)* |
init_extended_pair/curs_color(3X)* |
init_pair/curs_color(3X) |
initscr/curs_initscr(3X) |
innstr/curs_instr(3X) |
innwstr/curs_inwstr(3X) |
ins_nwstr/curs_ins_wstr(3X) |
ins_wch/curs_ins_wch(3X) |
ins_wstr/curs_ins_wstr(3X) |
insch/curs_insch(3X) |
insdelln/curs_deleteln(3X) |
insertln/curs_deleteln(3X) |
insnstr/curs_insstr(3X) |
insstr/curs_insstr(3X) |
instr/curs_instr(3X) |
intrflush/curs_inopts(3X) |
inwstr/curs_inwstr(3X) |
is_cbreak/curs_inopts(3X)* |
is_cleared/curs_opaque(3X)* |
is_echo/curs_inopts(3X)* |
is_idcok/curs_opaque(3X)* |
is_idlok/curs_opaque(3X)* |
is_immedok/curs_opaque(3X)* |
is_keypad/curs_opaque(3X)* |
is_leaveok/curs_opaque(3X)* |
is_linetouched/curs_touch(3X) |
is_nl/curs_inopts(3X)* |
is_nodelay/curs_opaque(3X)* |
is_notimeout/curs_opaque(3X)* |
is_pad/curs_opaque(3X)* |
is_raw/curs_inopts(3X)* |
is_scrollok/curs_opaque(3X)* |
is_subwin/curs_opaque(3X)* |
is_syncok/curs_opaque(3X)* |
is_term_resized/resizeterm(3X)* |
is_wintouched/curs_touch(3X) |
isendwin/curs_initscr(3X) |
key_defined/key_defined(3X)* |
key_name/curs_util(3X) |
keybound/keybound(3X)* |
keyname/curs_util(3X) |
keyok/keyok(3X)* |
keypad/curs_inopts(3X) |
killchar/curs_termattrs(3X) |
killwchar/curs_termattrs(3X) |
leaveok/curs_outopts(3X) |
longname/curs_termattrs(3X) |
mcprint/curs_print(3X)* |
meta/curs_inopts(3X) |
mouse_trafo/curs_mouse(3X)* |
mouseinterval/curs_mouse(3X)* |
mousemask/curs_mouse(3X)* |
move/curs_move(3X) |
mvadd_wch/curs_add_wch(3X) |
mvadd_wchnstr/curs_add_wchstr(3X) |
mvadd_wchstr/curs_add_wchstr(3X) |
mvaddch/curs_addch(3X) |
mvaddchnstr/curs_addchstr(3X) |
mvaddchstr/curs_addchstr(3X) |
mvaddnstr/curs_addstr(3X) |
mvaddnwstr/curs_addwstr(3X) |
mvaddstr/curs_addstr(3X) |
mvaddwstr/curs_addwstr(3X) |
mvchgat/curs_attr(3X) |
mvcur/curs_terminfo(3X) |
mvdelch/curs_delch(3X) |
mvderwin/curs_window(3X) |
mvget_wch/curs_get_wch(3X) |
mvget_wstr/curs_get_wstr(3X) |
mvgetch/curs_getch(3X) |
mvgetn_wstr/curs_get_wstr(3X) |
mvgetnstr/curs_getstr(3X) |
mvgetstr/curs_getstr(3X) |
mvhline/curs_border(3X) |
mvhline_set/curs_border_set(3X) |
mvin_wch/curs_in_wch(3X) |
mvin_wchnstr/curs_in_wchstr(3X) |
mvin_wchstr/curs_in_wchstr(3X) |
mvinch/curs_inch(3X) |
mvinchnstr/curs_inchstr(3X) |
mvinchstr/curs_inchstr(3X) |
mvinnstr/curs_instr(3X) |
mvinnwstr/curs_inwstr(3X) |
mvins_nwstr/curs_ins_wstr(3X) |
mvins_wch/curs_ins_wch(3X) |
mvins_wstr/curs_ins_wstr(3X) |
mvinsch/curs_insch(3X) |
mvinsnstr/curs_insstr(3X) |
mvinsstr/curs_insstr(3X) |
mvinstr/curs_instr(3X) |
mvinwstr/curs_inwstr(3X) |
mvprintw/curs_printw(3X) |
mvscanw/curs_scanw(3X) |
mvvline/curs_border(3X) |
mvvline_set/curs_border_set(3X) |
mvwadd_wch/curs_add_wch(3X) |
mvwadd_wchnstr/curs_add_wchstr(3X) |
mvwadd_wchstr/curs_add_wchstr(3X) |
mvwaddch/curs_addch(3X) |
mvwaddchnstr/curs_addchstr(3X) |
mvwaddchstr/curs_addchstr(3X) |
mvwaddnstr/curs_addstr(3X) |
mvwaddnwstr/curs_addwstr(3X) |
mvwaddstr/curs_addstr(3X) |
mvwaddwstr/curs_addwstr(3X) |
mvwchgat/curs_attr(3X) |
mvwdelch/curs_delch(3X) |
mvwget_wch/curs_get_wch(3X) |
mvwget_wstr/curs_get_wstr(3X) |
mvwgetch/curs_getch(3X) |
mvwgetn_wstr/curs_get_wstr(3X) |
mvwgetnstr/curs_getstr(3X) |
mvwgetstr/curs_getstr(3X) |
mvwhline/curs_border(3X) |
mvwhline_set/curs_border_set(3X) |
mvwin/curs_window(3X) |
mvwin_wch/curs_in_wch(3X) |
mvwin_wchnstr/curs_in_wchstr(3X) |
mvwin_wchstr/curs_in_wchstr(3X) |
mvwinch/curs_inch(3X) |
mvwinchnstr/curs_inchstr(3X) |
mvwinchstr/curs_inchstr(3X) |
mvwinnstr/curs_instr(3X) |
mvwinnwstr/curs_inwstr(3X) |
mvwins_nwstr/curs_ins_wstr(3X) |
mvwins_wch/curs_ins_wch(3X) |
mvwins_wstr/curs_ins_wstr(3X) |
mvwinsch/curs_insch(3X) |
mvwinsnstr/curs_insstr(3X) |
mvwinsstr/curs_insstr(3X) |
mvwinstr/curs_instr(3X) |
mvwinwstr/curs_inwstr(3X) |
mvwprintw/curs_printw(3X) |
mvwscanw/curs_scanw(3X) |
mvwvline/curs_border(3X) |
mvwvline_set/curs_border_set(3X) |
napms/curs_kernel(3X) |
newpad/curs_pad(3X) |
newterm/curs_initscr(3X) |
newwin/curs_window(3X) |
nl/curs_inopts(3X) |
nocbreak/curs_inopts(3X) |
nodelay/curs_inopts(3X) |
noecho/curs_inopts(3X) |
nofilter/curs_util(3X)* |
nonl/curs_inopts(3X) |
noqiflush/curs_inopts(3X) |
noraw/curs_inopts(3X) |
notimeout/curs_inopts(3X) |
overlay/curs_overlay(3X) |
overwrite/curs_overlay(3X) |
pair_content/curs_color(3X) |
pecho_wchar/curs_pad(3X) |
pechochar/curs_pad(3X) |
pnoutrefresh/curs_pad(3X) |
prefresh/curs_pad(3X) |
printw/curs_printw(3X) |
putp/curs_terminfo(3X) |
putwin/curs_util(3X) |
qiflush/curs_inopts(3X) |
raw/curs_inopts(3X) |
redrawwin/curs_refresh(3X) |
refresh/curs_refresh(3X) |
reset_color_pairs/curs_color(3X)* |
reset_prog_mode/curs_kernel(3X) |
reset_shell_mode/curs_kernel(3X) |
resetty/curs_kernel(3X) |
resize_term/resizeterm(3X)* |
resizeterm/resizeterm(3X)* |
restartterm/curs_terminfo(3X) |
ripoffline/curs_kernel(3X) |
savetty/curs_kernel(3X) |
scanw/curs_scanw(3X) |
scr_dump/curs_scr_dump(3X) |
scr_init/curs_scr_dump(3X) |
scr_restore/curs_scr_dump(3X) |
scr_set/curs_scr_dump(3X) |
scrl/curs_scroll(3X) |
scroll/curs_scroll(3X) |
scrollok/curs_outopts(3X) |
set_curterm/curs_terminfo(3X) |
set_escdelay/curs_threads(3X)* |
set_tabsize/curs_threads(3X)* |
set_term/curs_initscr(3X) |
setcchar/curs_getcchar(3X) |
setscrreg/curs_outopts(3X) |
setsyx/curs_kernel(3X) |
setupterm/curs_terminfo(3X) |
slk_attr/curs_slk(3X)* |
slk_attr_off/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_attr_on/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_attr_set/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_attroff/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_attron/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_attrset/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_clear/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_color/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_init/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_label/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_noutrefresh/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_refresh/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_restore/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_set/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_touch/curs_slk(3X) |
slk_wset/curs_slk(3X) |
standend/curs_attr(3X) |
standout/curs_attr(3X) |
start_color/curs_color(3X) |
subpad/curs_pad(3X) |
subwin/curs_window(3X) |
syncok/curs_window(3X) |
term_attrs/curs_termattrs(3X) |
termattrs/curs_termattrs(3X) |
termname/curs_termattrs(3X) |
tgetent/curs_termcap(3X) |
tgetflag/curs_termcap(3X) |
tgetnum/curs_termcap(3X) |
tgetstr/curs_termcap(3X) |
tgoto/curs_termcap(3X) |
tigetflag/curs_terminfo(3X) |
tigetnum/curs_terminfo(3X) |
tigetstr/curs_terminfo(3X) |
timeout/curs_inopts(3X) |
tiparm/curs_terminfo(3X) |
tiparm_s/curs_terminfo(3X)* |
tiscan_s/curs_terminfo(3X)* |
touchline/curs_touch(3X) |
touchwin/curs_touch(3X) |
tparm/curs_terminfo(3X) |
tputs/curs_termcap(3X) |
tputs/curs_terminfo(3X) |
trace/curs_trace(3X)* |
typeahead/curs_inopts(3X) |
unctrl/curs_util(3X) |
unget_wch/curs_get_wch(3X) |
ungetch/curs_getch(3X) |
ungetmouse/curs_mouse(3X)* |
untouchwin/curs_touch(3X) |
use_default_colors/default_colors(3X)* |
use_env/curs_util(3X) |
use_extended_names/curs_extend(3X)* |
use_legacy_coding/legacy_coding(3X)* |
use_screen/curs_threads(3X)* |
use_tioctl/curs_util(3X)* |
use_window/curs_threads(3X)* |
vid_attr/curs_terminfo(3X) |
vid_puts/curs_terminfo(3X) |
vidattr/curs_terminfo(3X) |
vidputs/curs_terminfo(3X) |
vline/curs_border(3X) |
vline_set/curs_border_set(3X) |
vw_printw/curs_printw(3X) |
vw_scanw/curs_scanw(3X) |
vwprintw/curs_printw(3X) |
vwscanw/curs_scanw(3X) |
wadd_wch/curs_add_wch(3X) |
wadd_wchnstr/curs_add_wchstr(3X) |
wadd_wchstr/curs_add_wchstr(3X) |
waddch/curs_addch(3X) |
waddchnstr/curs_addchstr(3X) |
waddchstr/curs_addchstr(3X) |
waddnstr/curs_addstr(3X) |
waddnwstr/curs_addwstr(3X) |
waddstr/curs_addstr(3X) |
waddwstr/curs_addwstr(3X) |
wattr_get/curs_attr(3X) |
wattr_off/curs_attr(3X) |
wattr_on/curs_attr(3X) |
wattr_set/curs_attr(3X) |
wattroff/curs_attr(3X) |
wattron/curs_attr(3X) |
wattrset/curs_attr(3X) |
wbkgd/curs_bkgd(3X) |
wbkgdset/curs_bkgd(3X) |
wbkgrnd/curs_bkgrnd(3X) |
wbkgrndset/curs_bkgrnd(3X) |
wborder/curs_border(3X) |
wborder_set/curs_border_set(3X) |
wchgat/curs_attr(3X) |
wclear/curs_clear(3X) |
wclrtobot/curs_clear(3X) |
wclrtoeol/curs_clear(3X) |
wcolor_set/curs_attr(3X) |
wcursyncup/curs_window(3X) |
wdelch/curs_delch(3X) |
wdeleteln/curs_deleteln(3X) |
wecho_wchar/curs_add_wch(3X) |
wechochar/curs_addch(3X) |
wenclose/curs_mouse(3X)* |
werase/curs_clear(3X) |
wget_wch/curs_get_wch(3X) |
wget_wstr/curs_get_wstr(3X) |
wgetbkgrnd/curs_bkgrnd(3X) |
wgetch/curs_getch(3X) |
wgetdelay/curs_opaque(3X)* |
wgetn_wstr/curs_get_wstr(3X) |
wgetnstr/curs_getstr(3X) |
wgetparent/curs_opaque(3X)* |
wgetscrreg/curs_opaque(3X)* |
wgetstr/curs_getstr(3X) |
whline/curs_border(3X) |
whline_set/curs_border_set(3X) |
win_wch/curs_in_wch(3X) |
win_wchnstr/curs_in_wchstr(3X) |
win_wchstr/curs_in_wchstr(3X) |
winch/curs_inch(3X) |
winchnstr/curs_inchstr(3X) |
winchstr/curs_inchstr(3X) |
winnstr/curs_instr(3X) |
winnwstr/curs_inwstr(3X) |
wins_nwstr/curs_ins_wstr(3X) |
wins_wch/curs_ins_wch(3X) |
wins_wstr/curs_ins_wstr(3X) |
winsch/curs_insch(3X) |
winsdelln/curs_deleteln(3X) |
winsertln/curs_deleteln(3X) |
winsnstr/curs_insstr(3X) |
winsstr/curs_insstr(3X) |
winstr/curs_instr(3X) |
winwstr/curs_inwstr(3X) |
wmouse_trafo/curs_mouse(3X)* |
wmove/curs_move(3X) |
wnoutrefresh/curs_refresh(3X) |
wprintw/curs_printw(3X) |
wredrawln/curs_refresh(3X) |
wrefresh/curs_refresh(3X) |
wresize/wresize(3X)* |
wscanw/curs_scanw(3X) |
wscrl/curs_scroll(3X) |
wsetscrreg/curs_outopts(3X) |
wstandend/curs_attr(3X) |
wstandout/curs_attr(3X) |
wsyncdown/curs_window(3X) |
wsyncup/curs_window(3X) |
wtimeout/curs_inopts(3X) |
wtouchln/curs_touch(3X) |
wunctrl/curs_util(3X) |
wvline/curs_border(3X) |
wvline_set/curs_border_set(3X) |
\%ncurses 's "screen-pointer extension" adds additional functions corresponding to many of the above, each with an \*(``_sp\*('' suffix; see curs_sp_funcs(3X).
The availability of some extensions is configurable when \%ncurses is compiled; see sections \*(``ALTERNATE CONFIGURATIONS\*('' and \*(``EXTENSIONS\*('' below.
Because this name is also used in development environments to represent the C compiler's name, \%ncurses ignores its value if it is not one character in length.
It is important that your application use the correct screen size. Automatic detection thereof is not always possible because an application may be running on a host that does not honor NAWS (Negotiations About Window Size) or as a different user ID than the owner of the terminal device file. Setting \%COLUMNS and/or \%LINES overrides the library's use of the screen size obtained from the operating system.
The \%COLUMNS and \%LINES variables may be specified independently. This property is useful to circumvent misfeatures of legacy terminal type descriptions; \%xterm(1) descriptions specifying 65 lines were once notorious. For best results, avoid specifying cols and lines capability codes in \%term\%info descriptions of terminal emulators.
use_env(3X) can disable use of the process environment in determining the screen size. use_tioctl(3X) can update \%COLUMNS and \%LINES to match the screen size obtained from system calls or the terminal database.
The most common instance where you may wish to change this value is to work with a remote host over a slow communication channel. If the host running a curses application does not receive the characters of an escape sequence in a timely manner, the library can interpret them as multiple key stroke events.
\%xterm(1) mouse events are a form of escape sequence; therefore, if your application makes heavy use of multiple-clicking, you may wish to lengthen the default value because the delay applies to the composite multi-click event as well as the individual clicks.
Portable applications should not rely upon the presence of \%ESCDELAY in either form, but setting the environment variable rather than the global variable does not create problems when compiling an application.
If \%keypad(3X) is disabled for the curses window receiving input, a program must disambiguate escape sequences itself.
For example, to tell \%ncurses not to assume anything about the colors, use a value of \*(``-1,-1\*(''. To make the default color scheme green on black, use \*(``2,0\*(''. \%ncurses accepts integral values from -1 up to the value of the \%term\%info \%max_colors ( colors ) capability.
program defectively handles the Microsoft Console API call \%Create\%Console\%Screen\%Buffer . Applications that use it will hang. However, it is possible to simulate the action of this call by mapping coordinates, explicitly saving and restoring the original screen contents. Setting the environment variable \%NCGDB has the same effect.
A solution that comes at no hardware cost is for an application to pause after directing a terminal to execute an operation that it performs slowly, such as clearing the display. Many terminal type descriptions, including that for the VT100, embed delay specifications in capabilities. You may wish to use these terminal descriptions without paying the performance penalty. Set \%NCURSES_NO_PADDING to any value to disable all but mandatory padding. Mandatory padding is used by such terminal capabilities as \%flash_screen ( flash ).
Nowadays, \%ncurses performs its own buffering and does not require this workaround; it does not modify the buffering of the standard output stream. This approach makes signal handling, as for interrupts, more robust. A drawback is that certain unconventional programs mixed \%stdio(3) calls with \%ncurses calls and (usually) got the behavior they expected. This is no longer the case; \%ncurses does not write to the standard output file descriptor through a stdio -buffered stream.
As a special case, low-level API calls such as \%putp(3X) still use the standard output stream. High-level curses calls such as \%printw(3X) do not.
As an alternative to use of this variable, \%ncurses checks for an extended \%term\%info numeric capability U8 that can be compiled using \*(`` "@TIC@ -x" \*(''. Examples follow.
.EX # linux console, if patched to provide working # VT100 shift-in/shift-out, with corresponding font. linux-vt100|linux console with VT100 line-graphics, U8#0, use=linux, \& # uxterm with vt100Graphics resource set to false xterm-utf8|xterm relying on UTF-8 line-graphics, U8#1, use=xterm,
The two-character name \*(``U8\*('' was chosen to permit its use via \%ncurses 's termcap interface.
Setting TERM has no effect on hardware operation; it affects the way applications communicate with the terminal. Likewise, as a general rule (xterm(1) being a rare exception), terminal emulators that allow you to specify TERM as a parameter or configuration value do not change their behavior to match that setting.
The hashed database uses less disk space and is a little faster than the directory tree. However, some applications assume the existence of the directory tree, and read it directly rather than using the \%term\%info API. .bP If \%ncurses is configured with termcap support, this variable may contain the location of a \%termcap file. .bP If the value of \%TERM\%INFO begins with \*(``hex:\*('' or \*(``b64:\*('', \%ncurses uses the remainder of the value as a compiled \%term\%info description. You might produce the base64 format using \%infocmp(1M).
.EX TERMINFO=$(infocmp -0 -Q2 -q) export TERMINFO
Setting \%TERM\%INFO is the simplest, but not the only, way to direct \%ncurses to a terminal database. The search path is as follows. .bP the last terminal database to which the running \%ncurses application wrote, if any .bP the location specified by the \%TERM\%INFO environment variable .bP $HOME/.terminfo .bP locations listed in the \%TERMINFO_DIRS environment variable .bP location(s) configured and compiled into \%ncurses
.bP \%@TERMINFO_DIRS@ .\} .bP \%@TERMINFO@ .\} .\}
If both \%TERMCAP and \%TERMPATH are unset or invalid, \%ncurses searches for the files \%/etc/termcap , \%/usr/share/misc/termcap , and \%$HOME/.termcap , in that order.
5 --disable-overwrite The standard include for \%ncurses is as noted in SYNOPSIS:
.EX #include <curses.h>
This option is used to avoid filename conflicts when \%ncurses is not the main implementation of curses of the computer. If \%ncurses is installed disabling overwrite, it puts its headers in a subdirectory, e.g.,
It also omits a symbolic link which would allow you to use -lcurses to build executables.
5 --enable-widec The configure script renames the library and (if the --disable-overwrite option is used) puts the header files in a different subdirectory. All of the library names have a \*(``w\*('' appended to them, i.e., instead of
.EX -lncurses
you link with
.EX -lncursesw
You must also enable the wide-character features in the header file when compiling for the wide-character library to use the extended (wide-character) functions. The symbol which enables these features has changed since X/Open Curses, Issue 4: .bP Originally, the wide-character feature required the symbol _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED but that was only valid for XPG4 (1996). .bP Later, that was deemed conflicting with _XOPEN_SOURCE defined to 500. .bP As of mid-2018, none of the features in this implementation require a _XOPEN_SOURCE feature greater than 600. However, X/Open Curses, Issue 7 (2009) recommends defining it to 700. .bP Alternatively, you can enable the feature by defining NCURSES_WIDECHAR with the caveat that some other header file than curses.h may require a specific value for _XOPEN_SOURCE (or a system-specific symbol).
The \%curses.h header file installed for the wide-character library is designed to be compatible with the non-wide library's header. Only the size of the \%WINDOW structure differs; few applications require more than pointers to \%WINDOWs.
If the headers are installed allowing overwrite, the wide-character library's headers should be installed last, to allow applications to be built using either library from the same set of headers.
5 --with-pthread The configure script renames the library. All of the library names have a \*(``t\*('' appended to them (before any \*(``w\*('' added by --enable-widec).
The global variables such as LINES are replaced by macros to allow read-only access. At the same time, setter-functions are provided to set these values. Some applications (very few) may require changes to work with this convention.5 --with-shared .tQ --with-normal .tQ --with-debug .tQ --with-profile The shared and normal (static) library names differ by their suffixes, e.g., libncurses.so and libncurses.a. The debug and profiling libraries add a \*(``_g\*('' and a \*(``_p\*('' to the root names respectively, e.g., libncurses_g.a and libncurses_p.a.
5 --with-termlib Low-level functions which do not depend upon whether the library supports wide-characters, are provided in the tinfo library.
By doing this, it is possible to share the tinfo library between wide/normal configurations as well as reduce the size of the library when only low-level functions are needed. Those functions are described in these pages:.bP \%curs_extend(3X) - miscellaneous curses extensions .bP \%curs_inopts(3X) - curses input options .bP \%curs_kernel(3X) - low-level curses routines .bP \%curs_termattrs(3X) - curses environment query routines .bP \%curs_termcap(3X) - curses emulation of termcap .bP \%curs_terminfo(3X) - curses interface to terminfo database .bP \%curs_util(3X) - miscellaneous curses utility routines
5 --with-trace The trace function normally resides in the debug library, but it is sometimes useful to configure this in the shared library. Configure scripts should check for the function's existence rather than assuming it is always in the debug library.
@DATADIR@/tabset tab stop initialization database
\*d compiled terminal capability database
See X/Open Curses Issue 7, pp. 311-318.
\%ncurses does so .bP for functions that return values via their parameters, .bP to support obsolete features, .bP to reuse functions (for example, those that move the cursor before another operation), and .bP a few special cases.
If the standard output file descriptor of an \%ncurses program is redirected to something that is not a terminal device, the library writes screen updates to the standard error file descriptor. This was an undocumented feature of SVr3 curses .
See subsection \*(``Header Files\*('' below regarding symbols exposed by inclusion of \%curses.h.
\%ncurses provides a means of responding to window resizing events, as when running in a GUI terminal emulator application such as \%xterm ; see \%resizeterm(3X) and \%wresize(3X).
\%ncurses allows an application to query the terminal for the presence of a wide variety of special keys; see \%has_key(3X).
\%ncurses extends the fixed set of function key capabilities specified by X/Open Curses by allowing the application programmer to define additional key events at runtime; see \%define_key(3X), \%key_defined(3X), \%keybound(3X), and \%keyok(3X).
\%ncurses can exploit the capabilities of terminals implementing ISO 6429/ECMA-48 SGR 39 and SGR 49 sequences, which allow an application to reset the terminal to its original foreground and background colors. From a user's perspective, the application is able to draw colored text on a background whose color is set independently, providing better control over color contrasts. See \%default_colors(3X).
An \%ncurses application can eschew knowledge of \%WINDOW structure internals, instead using accessor functions such as \%is_scrollok(3X).
\%ncurses enables an application to direct application output to a printer attached to the terminal device; see \%curs_print(3X).
\%ncurses offers \%slk_attr(3X) as a counterpart of \%attr_get(3X) for soft-label key lines, and \%extended_slk_color(3X) as a form of \%slk_color(3X) that can gather color information from them when many colors are supported.
Some extensions are available only if \%ncurses permits modification of \%unctrl(3X)'s behavior; see \%use_legacy_coding(3X). \%ncurses is compiled to support them; section \*(``ALTERNATE CONFIGURATIONS\*('' describes how. .bP Rudimentary support for multi-threaded applications may be available; see curs_threads(3X). .bP Functions that ease the management of multiple screens can be exposed; see curs_sp_funcs(3X). .bP To aid applications to debug their memory usage, ncurses optionally offers functions to more aggressively free memory it dynamically allocates itself; see curs_memleaks(3X). .bP The library facilitates auditing and troubleshooting of its behavior; see curs_trace(3X). .bP The compiler option \%-DUSE_GETCAP causes the library to fall back to reading \%/etc/termcap if the terminal setup code cannot find a \%term\%info entry corresponding to TERM . Use of this feature is not recommended, as it essentially includes an entire termcap compiler in the \%ncurses startup code, at a cost in memory usage and application launch latency.
\%PDCurses and NetBSD curses incorporate some \%ncurses extensions. Individual man pages indicate where this is the case.
Differences between X/Open Curses and \%ncurses are documented in the \*(``PORTABILITY\*('' sections of applicable man pages.
Unlike other implementations, \%ncurses checks pointer parameters, such as those to \%WINDOW structures, to ensure that they are not null. This is done primarily to guard against programmer error. The standard interface does not provide a way for the library to tell an application which of several possible errors occurred. Relying on this (or some other) extension adversely affects the portability of curses applications.
X/Open Curses has more to say,
The inclusion of \%curses.h may make visible all symbols from the headers \%stdio.h , \%term.h , \%termios.h , and \%wchar.h .
but does not finish the story. A more complete account follows. .bP Starting with 4BSD curses (1980) all implementations have provided a \%curses.h file.
BSD curses code included \%curses.h and \%unctrl.h from an internal header file \%curses.ext , where \*(``ext\*('' abbreviated \*(``externs\*(''. The implementations of \%printw and \%scanw used undocumented internal functions of the standard I/O library ( _doprnt and _doscan ), but nothing in \%curses.h itself relied upon \%stdio.h . .bP SVr2 curses added \%newterm , which relies upon \%stdio.h because its function prototype employs the FILE type. SVr4 curses added \%putwin and \%getwin , which also use \%stdio.h . X/Open Curses specifies all three of these functions. SVr4 curses and X/Open Curses do not require the developer to include \%stdio.h before \%curses.h . Both document use of curses as requiring only \%curses.h . As a result, standard \%curses.h always includes \%stdio.h . .bP X/Open Curses and SVr4 curses are inconsistent with respect to \%unctrl.h . As noted in curs_util(3X), \%ncurses includes \%unctrl.h from \%curses.h (as SVr4 does). .bP X/Open Curses's comments about \%term.h and \%termios.h may refer to HP-UX and AIX. HP-UX curses includes \%term.h from \%curses.h to declare \%setupterm in \%curses.h , but \%ncurses and Solaris curses do not. AIX curses includes \%term.h and \% termios.h . Again, \%ncurses and Solaris curses do not. .bP X/Open Curses says that \%curses.h may include \%term.h , but does not require it to do so. Some programs use functions declared in both \%curses.h and \%term.h , and must include both header files in the same module. Very old versions of AIX curses required inclusion of \%curses.h before \%term.h . The header files supplied by \%ncurses include the standard library headers required for its declarations, so \%ncurses 's own header files can be included in any order. But for portability, you should include \%curses.h before \%term.h . .bP X/Open Curses says \*(``may make visible\*('' because including a header file does not necessarily make visible all of the symbols in it (consider \%#ifdef and similar). For instance, \%ncurses 's \%curses.h may \" bold to contrast with preceding italic include \%wchar.h if the proper symbol is defined, and if \%ncurses is configured for wide-character support. If \%wchar.h is included, its symbols may \" bold for consistency in this paragraph be made visible depending on the value of the _XOPEN_SOURCE feature test macro. .bP X/Open Curses mandates an application's inclusion of one standard C library header in a special case: \%stdarg.h before \%curses.h to prototype the functions \%vw_printw and \%vw_scanw (as well as the obsolete \%vwprintw and \%vwscanw ). Each of these takes a variadic argument list, a \%va_list parameter, like that of \%printf(3). SVr3 curses introduced the two obsolete functions, and X/Open Curses the others. In between, SVr4 curses provided for the possibility that an application might include either \%varargs.h or \%stdarg.h . These represented contrasting approaches to handling variadic argument lists. The older interface, \%varargs.h , used a pointer to char \" V7, 32V, System III, 3BSD for variadic functions' \%va_list parameter. Later, the list acquired its own standard data type, \%va_list , defined in \%stdarg.h , empowering the compiler to check the types of a function call's actual parameters against the formal ones declared in its prototype. No conforming implementations of X/Open Curses require an application to include \%stdarg.h before \%curses.h because they either have allowed for a special type, or, like \%ncurses , they include \%stdarg.h themselves to provide a portable interface.