xref: /freebsd/contrib/ncurses/include/Caps.osf1r5 (revision f7c32ed617858bcd22f8d1b03199099d50125721)
2# Copyright 2019,2020 Thomas E. Dickey                                       #
3# Copyright 2002-2015,2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.                    #
4#                                                                            #
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30# Author: Thomas Dickey
32# $Id: Caps.osf1r5,v 1.14 2020/10/17 21:30:19 tom Exp $
34# This is an adaptation of ncurses' termcap/terminfo capability table, which
35# is designed to align with OSF/1 version 5 (Tru64) terminfo.
37# This table is used to generate initializers for tables that drive tic,
38# infocmp, and the library compilation code used to support the termcap
39# compatibility hack.  It is also used to generate the tabular portion of the
40# terminfo(5) man page; lines beginning with `#%' are passed through to become
41# the terminfo table.
43# This file has three major sections; a standard-capabilities table, two
44# extension-capability tables, and a section of aliases declarations.
45# The first two have the same format, as follows:
49# Column 1: terminfo variable name
50# Column 2: terminfo capability name
51# Column 3: capability type (boolean, numeric, or string)
52# Column 4: termcap capability name
53# Column 5: KEY_xxx name, if any, `-' otherwise
54# Column 6: value for KEY_xxx name, if any, `-' otherwise
55# Column 7: Lead with `Y' if capability should be emitted in termcap
56#           translations, `-' otherwise
57# Column 8: capability description
59# The codes following [Y-] in column 7 describe the versions of termcap which
60# use the given capability.  This information is not used by the curses library
61# proper; rather, it's there to help the terminfo maintainer avoid emitting
62# termcap entry translations that are more than 1023 bytes long (and tank a
63# lot of old termcap-using programs).  The codes read as follows:
64#	B = mentioned in the BSD man page for 4.4BSD curses
65#	C = used by the 4.4BSD curses library
66#	G = mentioned in the documentation for GNU termcap
67#	E = used by GNU Emacs
68#	K = remove this terminfo capability when translating to standard format
69# The important codes are C and E.  A cap with C or E should be preserved in
70# translation if possible.  The problem is that preserving all such caps may
71# lead to some termcap translations being too long.  The termcap maintainer
72# has a bit of a juggling act to do...potential problem cases are marked with
73# an asterisk (*).
75# The aliases section has the following format:
77# Column 1: either `capalias' or `infoalias'
78# Column 2: name to be aliased
79# Column 3: what name it should translate to.  The name IGNORE means it
80#           should be discarded with a warning message.
81# Column 4: name of the extension set (used for compiler warning messages)
82# Column 5: capability description (usually an associated terminfo variable)
86# There are basically five different ways to handle termcap and terminfo
87# extensions:
89# 1. Don't list the capname here, or list it but comment it out (the latter
90# is preferable; someone might want to handle it in the future).  If you do
91# this, the capability will be treated as unknown and raise a warning from
92# the compiler.
94# 2. Alias it.  This is appropriate if the capability has the same meaning
95# as an already-supported one.  The compiler will handle aliasing, emitting
96# an appropriate informational message whenever an alias fires.
98# 3. List it in the standard table.  You almost certainly do *not* want
99# to do this -- the capabilities in that one, and their order, have been
100# carefully chosen to be SVr4-binary-compatible when they're written out
101# as a terminfo object, and breaking this would be bad.  It's up to the ncurses
102# library what to do with the terminfo data after it's read in.
104# 4. List it in the aliases table with an IGNORE target field.  If you
105# do this, the capability will be ignored on input (though the user will
106# get a warning message about it).
108# 5. List it in the extensions table. If you do this, the compiler will
109# silently accept the capability, but the curses library proper will never
110# see it (because it won't be written out as part of the terminfo object
111# format).  It's up to you what you have the compiler do with it.
113# There are two opposite reasons to choose option 5.  One is when you want
114# to eat the capability silently and discard it when doing translations
115# to terminfo with tic -I.  Some very old obsolete BSD caps like :kn: are
116# in this class.  Nothing will ever use them again.
118# More usually, you want the compiler to try to deduce something from the
119# capability value that it can use to translate it into your output format.
120# You'll need to write custom code, probably in postprocess_termcap() or
121# postprocess_terminfo(), to handle the translation.
125# Notes on specific elisions made to fit translations within 1023 bytes:
127# Machines with IBM PC-like keyboards want to be able to define the following
128# keys: key_npage, key_ppage, key_home, key_ll (which is used for in termcap-
129# only environments for End or Home-Down), key_dc, and key_ic.  This is also
130# the set of keys the `joe' editor will be upset if it can't see.  So don't
131# trim those out of the set to be translated to termcap, or various users of
132# the termcap file will become irate.
134# It might look tempting to leave those long init strings out of translations.
135# We can't do it (yet); 4.4BSD tput and tset use them.
137# We retain the sgr capability in translation in spite of the fact that neither
138# 4.4BSD nor GNU Emacs uses it, because (a) some entry naming distinctions are
139# hard to understand without it, and (b) the entries in which it is long tend
140# to be older types that don't use up a lot of string space on function keys.
141# The tic(1) translation code will complain and elide it if it makes a critical
142# difference (there is special code in tic to recognize this situation).
144# Yes, BSD tset(1) uses hpa.  We elide hpa/vpa anyway because the motion
145# optimizer in BSD curses didn't use them.  This omission seems to be the
146# single most effective one, it shortened the resolved length of all thirteen
147# problem entries in the 9.9.0 version of the terminfo master below critical.
149# It would be nice to keep f11 and f12 for Emacs use, but a couple of termcap
150# translations go back over critical if we do this.  As 4.4BSD curses fades
151# into history and GNU termcap's application base shrinks towards being GNU
152# Emacs only, we'll probably elide out some BSD-only capabilities in order
153# to buy space for non-essentials Emacs is still using.  Capabilities high
154# on that hit list: rc, sc, uc.
160#%The following is a complete table of the capabilities included in a
161#%terminfo description block and available to terminfo-using code.  In each
162#%line of the table,
164#%The \fBvariable\fR is the name by which the programmer (at the terminfo level)
165#%accesses the capability.
167#%The \fBcapname\fR is the short name used in the text of the database,
168#%and is used by a person updating the database.
169#%Whenever possible, capnames are chosen to be the same as or similar to
170#%the ANSI X3.64-1979 standard (now superseded by ECMA-48, which uses
171#%identical or very similar names).  Semantics are also intended to match
172#%those of the specification.
174#%The termcap code is the old
175#%.B termcap
176#%capability name (some capabilities are new, and have names which termcap
177#%did not originate).
179#%Capability names have no hard length limit, but an informal limit of 5
180#%characters has been adopted to keep them short and to allow the tabs in
181#%the source file
182#%.B Caps
183#%to line up nicely.
185#%Finally, the description field attempts to convey the semantics of the
186#%capability.  You may find some codes in the description field:
189#%indicates that padding may be specified
192#%in the description field indicates that the string is passed
193#%through \fBtparm\fP(3X) with parameters as given (#\fIi\fP).
195#%If no parameters are listed in the description,
196#%passing the string through \fBtparm\fP(3X) may give unexpected results,
197#%e.g., if it contains percent (%%) signs.
200#%indicates that padding may vary in proportion to the number of
201#%lines affected
204#%indicates the \fIi\fP\uth\d parameter.
207#% These are the boolean capabilities:
210#%.TS H
211#%center expand;
212#%c l l c
213#%c l l c
214#%lw25 lw6 lw2 lw20.
215#%\fBVariable	Cap-	TCap	Description\fR
216#%\fBBooleans	name	Code\fR
217auto_left_margin		bw	bool	bw	-	-	YB-G-	cub1 wraps from column 0 to last column
218auto_right_margin		am	bool	am	-	-	YBCGE	terminal has automatic margins
219no_esc_ctlc			xsb	bool	xb	-	-	YBCG-	beehive (f1=escape, f2=ctrl C)
220ceol_standout_glitch		xhp	bool	xs	-	-	YBCGE	standout not erased by overwriting (hp)
221eat_newline_glitch		xenl	bool	xn	-	-	YBCGE	newline ignored after 80 cols (concept)
222erase_overstrike		eo	bool	eo	-	-	YBCG-	can erase overstrikes with a blank
223generic_type			gn	bool	gn	-	-	YB-G-	generic line type
224hard_copy			hc	bool	hc	-	-	YBCG-	hardcopy terminal
225has_meta_key			km	bool	km	-	-	YB-GE	Has a meta key (i.e., sets 8th-bit)
226has_status_line			hs	bool	hs	-	-	YB-G-	has extra status line
227insert_null_glitch		in	bool	in	-	-	YBCGE	insert mode distinguishes nulls
228memory_above			da	bool	da	-	-	YBCG-	display may be retained above the screen
229memory_below			db	bool	db	-	-	YB-GE	display may be retained below the screen
230move_insert_mode		mir	bool	mi	-	-	YBCGE	safe to move while in insert mode
231move_standout_mode		msgr	bool	ms	-	-	YBCGE	safe to move while in standout mode
232over_strike			os	bool	os	-	-	YBCG-	terminal can overstrike
233status_line_esc_ok		eslok	bool	es	-	-	YB-G-	escape can be used on the status line
234dest_tabs_magic_smso		xt	bool	xt	-	-	YBCGE	tabs destructive, magic so char (t1061)
235tilde_glitch			hz	bool	hz	-	-	YB-GE	cannot print ~'s (Hazeltine)
236transparent_underline		ul	bool	ul	-	-	YBCGE	underline character overstrikes
237xon_xoff			xon	bool	xo	-	-	YB---	terminal uses xon/xoff handshaking
238back_color_erase		bce	bool	ut	-	-	-----	screen erased with background color
239can_change			ccc	bool	cc	-	-	-----	terminal can re-define existing colors
240col_addr_glitch			xhpa	bool	YA	-	-	-----	only positive motion for hpa/mhpa caps
241cpi_changes_res			cpix	bool	YF	-	-	-----	changing character pitch changes resolution
242cr_cancels_micro_mode		crxm	bool	YB	-	-	-----	using cr turns off micro mode
243hard_cursor			chts	bool	HC	-	-	-----	cursor is hard to see
244has_print_wheel			daisy	bool	YC	-	-	-----	printer needs operator to change character set
245hue_lightness_saturation	hls	bool	hl	-	-	-----	terminal uses only HLS color notation (Tektronix)
246lpi_changes_res			lpix	bool	YG	-	-	-----	changing line pitch changes resolution
247needs_xon_xoff			nxon	bool	nx	-	-	-----	padding will not work, xon/xoff required
248non_dest_scroll_region		ndscr	bool	ND	-	-	-----	scrolling region is non-destructive
249non_rev_rmcup			nrrmc	bool	NR	-	-	-----	smcup does not reverse rmcup
250no_pad_char			npc	bool	NP	-	-	-----	pad character does not exist
251prtr_silent			mc5i	bool	5i	-	-	-----	printer will not echo on screen
252row_addr_glitch			xvpa	bool	YD	-	-	-----	only positive motion for vpa/mvpa caps
253semi_auto_right_margin		sam	bool	YE	-	-	-----	printing in last column causes cr
257#%These are the numeric capabilities:
260#%.TS H
261#%center expand;
262#%c l l c
263#%c l l c
264#%lw25 lw6 lw2 lw20.
265#%\fBVariable	Cap-	TCap	Description\fR
266#%\fBNumeric	name	Code\fR
267columns				cols	num	co	-	-	YBCGE	number of columns in a line
268init_tabs			it	num	it	-	-	YB-G-	tabs initially every # spaces
269lines				lines	num	li	-	-	YBCGE	number of lines on screen or page
270lines_of_memory			lm	num	lm	-	-	YB-G-	lines of memory if > line. 0 means varies
271magic_cookie_glitch		xmc	num	sg	-	-	YBCGE	number of blank characters left by smso or rmso
272padding_baud_rate		pb	num	pb	-	-	YB-GE	lowest baud rate where padding needed
273virtual_terminal		vt	num	vt	-	-	YB---	virtual terminal number (CB/unix)
274width_status_line		wsl	num	ws	-	-	YB-G-	number of columns in status line
275bit_image_entwining		bitwin	num	Yo	-	-	-----	number of passes for each bit-image row
276bit_image_type			bitype	num	Yp	-	-	-----	type of bit-image device
277buffer_capacity			bufsz	num	Ya	-	-	-----	numbers of bytes buffered before printing
278buttons				btns	num	BT	-	-	-----	number of buttons on mouse
279dot_vert_spacing		spinv	num	Yb	-	-	-----	spacing of pins vertically in pins per inch
280dot_horz_spacing		spinh	num	Yc	-	-	-----	spacing of dots horizontally in dots per inch
281label_height			lh	num	lh	-	-	-----	rows in each label
282label_width			lw	num	lw	-	-	-----	columns in each label
283max_attributes			ma	num	ma	-	-	YBC--	maximum combined attributes terminal can handle
284max_colors			colors	num	Co	-	-	-----	maximum number of colors on screen
285max_micro_address		maddr	num	Yd	-	-	-----	maximum value in micro_..._address
286max_micro_jump			mjump	num	Ye	-	-	-----	maximum value in parm_..._micro
287max_pairs			pairs	num	pa	-	-	-----	maximum number of color-pairs on the screen
288maximum_windows			wnum	num	MW	-	-	-----	maximum number of definable windows
289micro_col_size			mcs	num	Yf	-	-	-----	character step size when in micro mode
290micro_line_size			mls	num	Yg	-	-	-----	line step size when in micro mode
291no_color_video			ncv	num	NC	-	-	-----	video attributes that can not be used with colors
292number_of_pins			npins	num	Yh	-	-	-----	numbers of pins in print-head
293num_labels			nlab	num	Nl	-	-	-----	number of labels on screen
294output_res_char			orc	num	Yi	-	-	-----	horizontal resolution in units per line
295output_res_line			orl	num	Yj	-	-	-----	vertical resolution in units per line
296output_res_horz_inch		orhi	num	Yk	-	-	-----	horizontal resolution in units per inch
297output_res_vert_inch		orvi	num	Yl	-	-	-----	vertical resolution in units per inch
298print_rate			cps	num	Ym	-	-	-----	print rate in characters per second
299wide_char_size			widcs	num	Yn	-	-	-----	character step size when in double wide mode
303#%These are the string capabilities:
306#%.TS H
307#%center expand;
308#%c l l c
309#%c l l c
310#%lw25 lw6 lw2 lw20.
311#%\fBVariable	Cap-	TCap	Description\fR
312#%\fBString	name	Code\fR
313back_tab			cbt	str	bt	-		-	YBCGE	back tab (P)
314bell				bel	str	bl	-		-	YB-GE	audible signal (bell) (P)
315carriage_return			cr	str	cr	-		-	YBCGE	carriage return (P*) (P*)
316change_scroll_region		csr	str	cs	-		-	YBCGE	change region to line #1 to line #2 (P)
317clear_all_tabs			tbc	str	ct	-		-	YB-G-	clear all tab stops (P)
318clear_screen			clear	str	cl	-		-	YBCGE	clear screen and home cursor (P*)
319clr_eol				el	str	ce	-		-	YBCGE	clear to end of line (P)
320clr_eos				ed	str	cd	-		-	YBCGE	clear to end of screen (P*)
321column_address			hpa	str	ch	-		-	-B-GE*	horizontal position #1, absolute (P)
322command_character		cmdch	str	CC	-		-	YB-G-	terminal settable cmd character in prototype !?
323cursor_address			cup	str	cm	-		-	YBCGE	move to row #1 columns #2
324cursor_down			cud1	str	do	-		-	YBCGE	down one line
325cursor_home			home	str	ho	-		-	YBCGE	home cursor (if no cup)
326cursor_invisible		civis	str	vi	-		-	YB-G-	make cursor invisible
327cursor_left			cub1	str	le	-		-	YBCGE	move left one space
328cursor_mem_address		mrcup	str	CM	-		-	YB-G-	memory relative cursor addressing, move to row #1 columns #2
329cursor_normal			cnorm	str	ve	-		-	YBCGE	make cursor appear normal (undo civis/cvvis)
330cursor_right			cuf1	str	nd	-		-	YBCGE	non-destructive space (move right one space)
331cursor_to_ll			ll	str	ll	-		-	YBCGE	last line, first column (if no cup)
332cursor_up			cuu1	str	up	-		-	YBCGE	up one line
333cursor_visible			cvvis	str	vs	-		-	YBCGE	make cursor very visible
334delete_character		dch1	str	dc	-		-	YBCGE	delete character (P*)
335delete_line			dl1	str	dl	-		-	YBCGE	delete line (P*)
336dis_status_line			dsl	str	ds	-		-	YB-G-	disable status line
337down_half_line			hd	str	hd	-		-	YB-G-	half a line down
338enter_alt_charset_mode		smacs	str	as	-		-	YB-G-	start alternate character set (P)
339enter_blink_mode		blink	str	mb	-		-	YB-G-	turn on blinking
340enter_bold_mode			bold	str	md	-		-	YB-G-	turn on bold (extra bright) mode
341enter_ca_mode			smcup	str	ti	-		-	YBCGE	string to start programs using cup
342enter_delete_mode		smdc	str	dm	-		-	YBCGE	enter delete mode
343enter_dim_mode			dim	str	mh	-		-	YB-G-	turn on half-bright mode
344enter_insert_mode		smir	str	im	-		-	YBCGE	enter insert mode
345enter_secure_mode		invis	str	mk	-		-	-B-G-*	turn on blank mode (characters invisible)
346enter_protected_mode		prot	str	mp	-		-	-B-G-*	turn on protected mode
347enter_reverse_mode		rev	str	mr	-		-	YB-G-	turn on reverse video mode
348enter_standout_mode		smso	str	so	-		-	YBCGE	begin standout mode
349enter_underline_mode		smul	str	us	-		-	YBCGE	begin underline mode
350erase_chars			ech	str	ec	-		-	YB-G-	erase #1 characters (P)
351exit_alt_charset_mode		rmacs	str	ae	-		-	YB-G-	end alternate character set (P)
352exit_attribute_mode		sgr0	str	me	-		-	YB-GE	turn off all attributes
353exit_ca_mode			rmcup	str	te	-		-	YBCGE	strings to end programs using cup
354exit_delete_mode		rmdc	str	ed	-		-	YBCGE	end delete mode
355exit_insert_mode		rmir	str	ei	-		-	YBCGE	exit insert mode
356exit_standout_mode		rmso	str	se	-		-	YBCGE	exit standout mode
357exit_underline_mode		rmul	str	ue	-		-	YBCGE	exit underline mode
358flash_screen			flash	str	vb	-		-	YBCGE	visible bell (may not move cursor)
359form_feed			ff	str	ff	-		-	YB-G-	hardcopy terminal page eject (P*)
360from_status_line		fsl	str	fs	-		-	YB-G-	return from status line
361init_1string			is1	str	i1	-		-	YB-G-	initialization string
362init_2string			is2	str	is	-		-	YB-G-	initialization string
363init_3string			is3	str	i3	-		-	YB-G-	initialization string
364init_file			if	str	if	-		-	YB-G-	name of initialization file
365insert_character		ich1	str	ic	-		-	YBCGE	insert character (P)
366insert_line			il1	str	al	-		-	YBCGE	insert line (P*)
367insert_padding			ip	str	ip	-		-	YBCGE	insert padding after inserted character
368key_backspace			kbs	str	kb	KEY_BACKSPACE	0407	YB-G-	backspace key
369key_catab			ktbc	str	ka	KEY_CATAB	0526	-B-G-*	clear-all-tabs key
370key_clear			kclr	str	kC	KEY_CLEAR	0515	-B-G-*	clear-screen or erase key
371key_ctab			kctab	str	kt	KEY_CTAB	0525	-B-G-*	clear-tab key
372key_dc				kdch1	str	kD	KEY_DC		0512	YB-G-	delete-character key
373key_dl				kdl1	str	kL	KEY_DL		0510	-B-G-*	delete-line key
374key_down			kcud1	str	kd	KEY_DOWN	0402	YBCGE	down-arrow key
375key_eic				krmir	str	kM	KEY_EIC		0514	-B-G-*	sent by rmir or smir in insert mode
376key_eol				kel	str	kE	KEY_EOL		0517	-B-G-*	clear-to-end-of-line key
377key_eos				ked	str	kS	KEY_EOS		0516	-B-G-*	clear-to-end-of-screen key
378key_f0				kf0	str	k0	KEY_F(0)	0410	YBCGE	F0 function key
379key_f1				kf1	str	k1	KEY_F(1)	-	YBCGE	F1 function key
380key_f10				kf10	str	k;	KEY_F(10)	-	----E	F10 function key
381key_f2				kf2	str	k2	KEY_F(2)	-	YBCGE	F2 function key
382key_f3				kf3	str	k3	KEY_F(3)	-	YBCGE	F3 function key
383key_f4				kf4	str	k4	KEY_F(4)	-	YBCGE	F4 function key
384key_f5				kf5	str	k5	KEY_F(5)	-	YBCGE	F5 function key
385key_f6				kf6	str	k6	KEY_F(6)	-	YBCGE	F6 function key
386key_f7				kf7	str	k7	KEY_F(7)	-	YBCGE	F7 function key
387key_f8				kf8	str	k8	KEY_F(8)	-	YBCGE	F8 function key
388key_f9				kf9	str	k9	KEY_F(9)	-	YBCGE	F9 function key
389key_home			khome	str	kh	KEY_HOME	0406	YBCGE	home key
390key_ic				kich1	str	kI	KEY_IC		0513	YB-GE	insert-character key
391key_il				kil1	str	kA	KEY_IL		0511	-B-G-*	insert-line key
392key_left			kcub1	str	kl	KEY_LEFT	0404	YBCGE	left-arrow key
393key_ll				kll	str	kH	KEY_LL		0533	YB-G-	lower-left key (home down)
394key_npage			knp	str	kN	KEY_NPAGE	0522	YB-GE	next-page key
395key_ppage			kpp	str	kP	KEY_PPAGE	0523	YB-GE	previous-page key
396key_right			kcuf1	str	kr	KEY_RIGHT	0405	YBCGE	right-arrow key
397key_sf				kind	str	kF	KEY_SF		0520	-B-G-*	scroll-forward key
398key_sr				kri	str	kR	KEY_SR		0521	-B-G-*	scroll-backward key
399key_stab			khts	str	kT	KEY_STAB	0524	-B-G-*	set-tab key
400key_up				kcuu1	str	ku	KEY_UP		0403	YBCGE	up-arrow key
401keypad_local			rmkx	str	ke	-		-	YBCGE	leave 'keyboard_transmit' mode
402keypad_xmit			smkx	str	ks	-		-	YBCGE	enter 'keyboard_transmit' mode
403lab_f0				lf0	str	l0	-		-	-B-G-*	label on function key f0 if not f0
404lab_f1				lf1	str	l1	-		-	-B-G-*	label on function key f1 if not f1
405lab_f10				lf10	str	la	-		-	-----	label on function key f10 if not f10
406lab_f2				lf2	str	l2	-		-	-B-G-*	label on function key f2 if not f2
407lab_f3				lf3	str	l3	-		-	-B-G-*	label on function key f3 if not f3
408lab_f4				lf4	str	l4	-		-	-B-G-*	label on function key f4 if not f4
409lab_f5				lf5	str	l5	-		-	-B-G-*	label on function key f5 if not f5
410lab_f6				lf6	str	l6	-		-	-B-G-*	label on function key f6 if not f6
411lab_f7				lf7	str	l7	-		-	-B-G-*	label on function key f7 if not f7
412lab_f8				lf8	str	l8	-		-	-B-G-*	label on function key f8 if not f8
413lab_f9				lf9	str	l9	-		-	-B-G-*	label on function key f9 if not f9
414meta_off			rmm	str	mo	-		-	YB-G-*	turn off meta mode
415meta_on				smm	str	mm	-		-	YB-G-*	turn on meta mode (8th-bit on)
416newline				nel	str	nw	-		-	YB-G-*	newline (behave like cr followed by lf)
417pad_char			pad	str	pc	-		-	YBCGE	padding char (instead of null)
418parm_dch			dch	str	DC	-		-	YB-GE	delete #1 characters (P*)
419parm_delete_line		dl	str	DL	-		-	YBCGE	delete #1 lines (P*)
420parm_down_cursor		cud	str	DO	-		-	YBCGE	down #1 lines (P*)
421parm_ich			ich	str	IC	-		-	YB-GE	insert #1 characters (P*)
422parm_index			indn	str	SF	-		-	YBCG-	scroll forward #1 lines (P)
423parm_insert_line		il	str	AL	-		-	YBCGE	insert #1 lines (P*)
424parm_left_cursor		cub	str	LE	-		-	YBCGE	move #1 characters to the left (P)
425parm_right_cursor		cuf	str	RI	-		-	YBCGE	move #1 characters to the right (P*)
426parm_rindex			rin	str	SR	-		-	YBCG-	scroll back #1 lines (P)
427parm_up_cursor			cuu	str	UP	-		-	YBCGE	up #1 lines (P*)
428pkey_key			pfkey	str	pk	-		-	-B---	program function key #1 to type string #2
429pkey_local			pfloc	str	pl	-		-	-B---	program function key #1 to execute string #2
430pkey_xmit			pfx	str	px	-		-	-B---	program function key #1 to transmit string #2
431print_screen			mc0	str	ps	-		-	-B-G-*	print contents of screen
432prtr_off			mc4	str	pf	-		-	-B-G-*	turn off printer
433prtr_on				mc5	str	po	-		-	-B-G-*	turn on printer
434repeat_char			rep	str	rp	-		-	YB-GE	repeat char #1 #2 times (P*)
435reset_1string			rs1	str	r1	-		-	-B---	reset string
436reset_2string			rs2	str	r2	-		-	-B---	reset string
437reset_3string			rs3	str	r3	-		-	-B---	reset string
438reset_file			rf	str	rf	-		-	-B---	name of reset file
439restore_cursor			rc	str	rc	-		-	YBCG-	restore cursor to position of last save_cursor
440row_address			vpa	str	cv	-		-	-B-GE*	vertical position #1 absolute (P)
441save_cursor			sc	str	sc	-		-	YBCG-	save current cursor position (P)
442scroll_forward			ind	str	sf	-		-	YBCGE	scroll text up (P)
443scroll_reverse			ri	str	sr	-		-	YBCGE	scroll text down (P)
444set_attributes			sgr	str	sa	-		-	YB-G-	define video attributes #1-#9 (PG9)
445set_tab				hts	str	st	-		-	YB-G-	set a tab in every row, current columns
446set_window			wind	str	wi	-		-	-B-GE	current window is lines #1-#2 cols #3-#4
447tab				ht	str	ta	-		-	YBCGE	tab to next 8-space hardware tab stop
448to_status_line			tsl	str	ts	-		-	YB-G-	move to status line, column #1
449underline_char			uc	str	uc	-		-	YBCG-	underline char and move past it
450up_half_line			hu	str	hu	-		-	YB-G-	half a line up
451init_prog			iprog	str	iP	-		-	-B---	path name of program for initialization
452key_a1				ka1	str	K1	KEY_A1		0534	YB-GE	upper left of keypad
453key_a3				ka3	str	K3	KEY_A3		0535	YB-GE	upper right of keypad
454key_b2				kb2	str	K2	KEY_B2		0536	YB-GE	center of keypad
455key_c1				kc1	str	K4	KEY_C1		0537	YB-GE	lower left of keypad
456key_c3				kc3	str	K5	KEY_C3		0540	YB-GE	lower right of keypad
457prtr_non			mc5p	str	pO	-		-	-B-G-*	turn on printer for #1 bytes
459# SVr1 capabilities stop here.	IBM's version of terminfo is the same as
460# SVr4 up to this point, but has a different set afterwards.
462# OSF1 differences start here, based on IBM version:
464box_chars_1			box1	str	bx	-		-	----K	box characters primary set
465box_chars_2			box2	str	by	-		-	----K	box characters secondary set
466box_attr_1			batt1	str	Bx	-		-	----K	attributes for box1
467box_attr_2			batt2	str	By	-		-	----K	attributes for box2
468color_bg_0			colb0	str	d0	-		-	----K	background color 0
469color_bg_1			colb1	str	d1	-		-	----K	background color 1
470color_bg_2			colb2	str	d2	-		-	----K	background color 2
471color_bg_3			colb3	str	d3	-		-	----K	background color 3
472color_bg_4			colb4	str	d4	-		-	----K	background color 4
473color_bg_5			colb5	str	d5	-		-	----K	background color 5
474color_bg_6			colb6	str	d6	-		-	----K	background color 6
475color_bg_7			colb7	str	d7	-		-	----K	background color 7
476color_fg_0			colf0	str	c0	-		-	----K	foreground color 0
477color_fg_1			colf1	str	c1	-		-	----K	foreground color 1
478color_fg_2			colf2	str	c2	-		-	----K	foreground color 2
479color_fg_3			colf3	str	c3	-		-	----K	foreground color 3
480color_fg_4			colf4	str	c4	-		-	----K	foreground color 4
481color_fg_5			colf5	str	c5	-		-	----K	foreground color 5
482color_fg_6			colf6	str	c6	-		-	----K	foreground color 6
483color_fg_7			colf7	str	c7	-		-	----K	foreground color 7
484font_0				font0	str	f0	-		-	-----	select font 0
485font_1				font1	str	f1	-		-	-----	select font 1
486font_2				font2	str	f2	-		-	-----	select font 2
487font_3				font3	str	f3	-		-	-----	select font 3
488font_4				font4	str	f4	-		-	----K	select font 4
489font_5				font5	str	f5	-		-	----K	select font 5
490font_6				font6	str	f6	-		-	----K	select font 6
491font_7				font7	str	f7	-		-	----K	select font 7
492key_back_tab			kbtab	str	k0	-		-	-----	backtab key
493key_do				kdo	str	ki	-		-	----K	do request key
494key_command			kcmd	str	kc	KEY_COMMAND	0545	-----	command key
495key_command_pane		kcpn	str	kW	-		-	----K	command-pane key
496key_end				kend	str	@7	KEY_END		0550	-----	end key
497key_help			khlp	str	%1	KEY_HELP	0553	-----	help key
498key_newline			knl	str	nl	-		-	----K	newline key
499key_next_pane			knpn	str	kv	-		-	----K	next-pane key
500key_prev_cmd			kppn	str	kp	-		-	----K	previous-command key
501key_prev_pane			kppn	str	kV	-		-	----K	previous-pane key
502key_quit			kquit	str	kQ	-		-	----K	quit key
503key_select			kslt	str	*6	KEY_SELECT	0601	-----	select key
504key_scroll_left			kscl	str	kz	-		-	----K	scroll left
505key_scroll_right		kscr	str	kZ	-		-	----K	scroll right
506key_tab				ktab	str	ko	-		-	----K	tab key
507key_smap_in1			kmpf1	str	Kv	-		-	----K	special mapped key 1 input
508key_smap_out1			kmpt1	str	KV	-		-	----K	special mapped key 1 output
509key_smap_in2			kmpf2	str	Kw	-		-	----K	special mapped key 2 input
510key_smap_out2			kmpt2	str	KW	-		-	----K	special mapped key 2 output
511key_smap_in3			kmpf3	str	Kx	-		-	----K	special mapped key 3 input
512key_smap_out3			kmpt3	str	KX	-		-	----K	special mapped key 3 output
513key_smap_in4			kmpf4	str	Ky	-		-	----K	special mapped key 4 input
514key_smap_out4			kmpt4	str	KY	-		-	----K	special mapped key 4 output
515key_smap_in5			kmpf5	str	Kz	-		-	----K	special mapped key 5 input
516key_smap_out5			kmpt5	str	KZ	-		-	----K	special mapped key 5 output
517appl_defined_str		apstr	str	za	-		-	----K	application-defined string
518# The key_smap_in[6789] and key_smap_out[6789] capabilities are described in
519# the Tru64 manual pages.
520key_smap_in6			kmpf6	str	Kr	-		-	----K	special mapped key 6 input
521key_smap_out6			kmpt6	str	KR	-		-	----K	special mapped key 6 output
522key_smap_in7			kmpf7	str	Ks	-		-	----K	special mapped key 7 input
523key_smap_out7			kmpt7	str	KS	-		-	----K	special mapped key 7 output
524key_smap_in8			kmpf8	str	Kt	-		-	----K	special mapped key 8 input
525key_smap_out8			kmpt8	str	KT	-		-	----K	special mapped key 8 output
526key_smap_in9			kmpf9	str	Ku	-		-	----K	special mapped key 9 input
527key_smap_out9			kmpt9	str	KU	-		-	----K	special mapped key 9 output
528key_sf1				ksf1	str	S1	-		-	----K	special function key 1
529key_sf2				ksf2	str	S2	-		-	----K	special function key 2
530key_sf3				ksf3	str	S3	-		-	----K	special function key 3
531key_sf4				ksf4	str	S4	-		-	----K	special function key 4
532key_sf5				ksf5	str	S5	-		-	----K	special function key 5
533key_sf6				ksf6	str	S6	-		-	----K	special function key 6
534key_sf7				ksf7	str	S7	-		-	----K	special function key 7
535key_sf8				ksf8	str	S8	-		-	----K	special function key 8
536key_sf9				ksf9	str	S9	-		-	----K	special function key 9
537key_sf10			ksf10	str	SA	-		-	----K	special function key 10
539key_f11				kf11	str	F1	KEY_F(11)	-	----E	F11 function key
540key_f12				kf12	str	F2	KEY_F(12)	-	----E	F12 function key
541key_f13				kf13	str	F3	KEY_F(13)	-	----E	F13 function key
542key_f14				kf14	str	F4	KEY_F(14)	-	----E	F14 function key
543key_f15				kf15	str	F5	KEY_F(15)	-	----E	F15 function key
544key_f16				kf16	str	F6	KEY_F(16)	-	----E	F16 function key
545key_f17				kf17	str	F7	KEY_F(17)	-	----E	F17 function key
546key_f18				kf18	str	F8	KEY_F(18)	-	----E	F18 function key
547key_f19				kf19	str	F9	KEY_F(19)	-	----E	F19 function key
548key_f20				kf20	str	FA	KEY_F(20)	-	----E	F20 function key
549key_f21				kf21	str	FB	KEY_F(21)	-	----E	F21 function key
550key_f22				kf22	str	FC	KEY_F(22)	-	----E	F22 function key
551key_f23				kf23	str	FD	KEY_F(23)	-	----E	F23 function key
552key_f24				kf24	str	FE	KEY_F(24)	-	----E	F24 function key
553key_f25				kf25	str	FF	KEY_F(25)	-	----E	F25 function key
554key_f26				kf26	str	FG	KEY_F(26)	-	----E	F26 function key
555key_f27				kf27	str	FH	KEY_F(27)	-	----E	F27 function key
556key_f28				kf28	str	FI	KEY_F(28)	-	----E	F28 function key
557key_f29				kf29	str	FJ	KEY_F(29)	-	----E	F29 function key
558key_f30				kf30	str	FK	KEY_F(30)	-	----E	F30 function key
559key_f31				kf31	str	FL	KEY_F(31)	-	----E	F31 function key
560key_f32				kf32	str	FM	KEY_F(32)	-	----E	F32 function key
561key_f33				kf33	str	FN	KEY_F(33)	-	----E	F33 function key
562key_f34				kf34	str	FO	KEY_F(34)	-	----E	F34 function key
563key_f35				kf35	str	FP	KEY_F(35)	-	----E	F35 function key
564key_f36				kf36	str	FQ	KEY_F(36)	-	----E	F36 function key
565key_action			kact	str	kJ	KEY_ACTION	0541	----K	sent by action key
566acs_chars			acsc	str	ac	-		-	-----	graphics charset pairs, based on vt100
567alt_scancode_esc		scesa	str	S8	-		-	-----	Alternate escape for scancode emulation
568bit_image_repeat		birep	str	Xy	-		-	-----	Repeat bit image cell #1 #2 times
569bit_image_newline		binel	str	Zz	-		-	-----	Move to next row of the bit image
570bit_image_carriage_return	bicr	str	Yv	-		-	-----	Move to beginning of same row
571change_char_pitch		cpi	str	ZA	-		-	-----	Change number of characters per inch to #1
572change_line_pitch		lpi	str	ZB	-		-	-----	Change number of lines per inch to #1
573change_res_horz			chr	str	ZC	-		-	-----	Change horizontal resolution to #1
574change_res_vert			cvr	str	ZD	-		-	-----	Change vertical resolution to #1
575char_padding			rmp	str	rP	-		-	-----	like ip but when in insert mode
576char_set_names			csnm	str	Zy	-		-	-----	Produce #1'th item from list of character set names
577clear_margins			mgc	str	MC	-		-	-----	clear right and left soft margins
578clr_bol				el1	str	cb	-		-	-----	Clear to beginning of line
579code_set_init			csin	str	ci	-		-	-----	Init sequence for multiple codesets
580color_names			colornm	str	Yw	-		-	-----	Give name for color #1
581create_window			cwin	str	CW	-		-	-----	define a window #1 from #2,#3 to #4,#5
582define_bit_image_region		defbi	str	Yx	-		-	-----	Define rectangular bit image region
583define_char			defc	str	ZE	-		-	-----	Define a character #1, #2 dots wide, descender #3
584device_type			devt	str	dv	-		-	-----	Indicate language/codeset support
585dial_phone			dial	str	DI	-		-	-----	dial number #1
586display_clock			dclk	str	DK	-		-	-----	display clock
587display_pc_char			dispc	str	S1	-		-	-----	Display PC character #1
588ena_acs				enacs	str	eA	-		-	-----	enable alternate char set
589end_bit_image_region		endbi	str	Yy	-		-	-----	End a bit-image region
590enter_am_mode			smam	str	SA	-		-	-----	turn on automatic margins
591enter_doublewide_mode		swidm	str	ZF	-		-	-----	Enter double-wide mode
592enter_draft_quality		sdrfq	str	ZG	-		-	-----	Enter draft-quality mode
593enter_italics_mode		sitm	str	ZH	-		-	-----	Enter italic mode
594enter_leftward_mode		slm	str	ZI	-		-	-----	Start leftward carriage motion
595enter_micro_mode		smicm	str	ZJ	-		-	-----	Start micro-motion mode
596enter_near_letter_quality	snlq	str	ZK	-		-	-----	Enter NLQ mode
597enter_normal_quality		snrmq	str	ZL	-		-	-----	Enter normal-quality mode
598enter_pc_charset_mode		smpch	str	S2	-		-	-----	Enter PC character display mode
599enter_scancode_mode		smsc	str	S4	-		-	-----	Enter PC scancode mode
600enter_shadow_mode		sshm	str	ZM	-		-	-----	Enter shadow-print mode
601enter_subscript_mode		ssubm	str	ZN	-		-	-----	Enter subscript mode
602enter_superscript_mode		ssupm	str	ZO	-		-	-----	Enter superscript mode
603enter_upward_mode		sum	str	ZP	-		-	-----	Start upward carriage motion
604enter_xon_mode			smxon	str	SX	-		-	-----	turn on xon/xoff handshaking
605exit_am_mode			rmam	str	RA	-		-	-----	turn off automatic margins
606exit_doublewide_mode		rwidm	str	ZQ	-		-	-----	End double-wide mode
607exit_italics_mode		ritm	str	ZR	-		-	-----	End italic mode
608exit_leftward_mode		rlm	str	ZS	-		-	-----	End left-motion mode
609exit_micro_mode			rmicm	str	ZT	-		-	-----	End micro-motion mode
610exit_pc_charset_mode		rmpch	str	S3	-		-	-----	Exit PC character display mode
611exit_scancode_mode		rmsc	str	S5	-		-	-----	Exit PC scancode mode
612exit_shadow_mode		rshm	str	ZU	-		-	-----	End shadow-print mode
613exit_subscript_mode		rsubm	str	ZV	-		-	-----	End subscript mode
614exit_superscript_mode		rsupm	str	ZW	-		-	-----	End superscript mode
615exit_upward_mode		rum	str	ZX	-		-	-----	End reverse character motion
616exit_xon_mode			rmxon	str	RX	-		-	-----	turn off xon/xoff handshaking
617fixed_pause			pause	str	PA	-		-	-----	pause for 2-3 seconds
618flash_hook			hook	str	fh	-		-	-----	flash switch hook
619get_mouse			getm	str	Gm	-		-	-----	Curses should get button events, parameter #1 not documented.
620goto_window			wingo	str	WG	-		-	-----	go to window #1
621hangup				hup	str	HU	-		-	-----	hang-up phone
622initialize_color		initc	str	Ic	-		-	-----	initialize color #1 to (#2,#3,#4)
623initialize_pair			initp	str	Ip	-		-	-----	Initialize color pair #1 to fg=(#2,#3,#4), bg=(#5,#6,#7)
624key_beg				kbeg	str	@1	KEY_BEG		0542	-----	begin key
625key_btab			kcbt	str	kB	KEY_BTAB	0632	-----	back-tab key
626key_cancel			kcan	str	@2	KEY_CANCEL	0543	-----	cancel key
627key_close			kclo	str	@3	KEY_CLOSE	0544	-----	close key
628key_copy			kcpy	str	@5	KEY_COPY	0546	-----	copy key
629key_create			kcrt	str	@6	KEY_CREATE	0547	-----	create key
630key_enter			kent	str	@8	KEY_ENTER	0527	-----	enter/send key
631key_exit			kext	str	@9	KEY_EXIT	0551	-----	exit key
632key_f37				kf37	str	FR	KEY_F(37)	-	----E	F37 function key
633key_f38				kf38	str	FS	KEY_F(38)	-	----E	F38 function key
634key_f39				kf39	str	FT	KEY_F(39)	-	----E	F39 function key
635key_f40				kf40	str	FU	KEY_F(40)	-	----E	F40 function key
636key_f41				kf41	str	FV	KEY_F(41)	-	----E	F41 function key
637key_f42				kf42	str	FW	KEY_F(42)	-	----E	F42 function key
638key_f43				kf43	str	FX	KEY_F(43)	-	----E	F43 function key
639key_f44				kf44	str	FY	KEY_F(44)	-	----E	F44 function key
640key_f45				kf45	str	FZ	KEY_F(45)	-	----E	F45 function key
641key_f46				kf46	str	Fa	KEY_F(46)	-	----E	F46 function key
642key_f47				kf47	str	Fb	KEY_F(47)	-	----E	F47 function key
643key_f48				kf48	str	Fc	KEY_F(48)	-	----E	F48 function key
644key_f49				kf49	str	Fd	KEY_F(49)	-	----E	F49 function key
645key_f50				kf50	str	Fe	KEY_F(50)	-	----E	F50 function key
646key_f51				kf51	str	Ff	KEY_F(51)	-	----E	F51 function key
647key_f52				kf52	str	Fg	KEY_F(52)	-	----E	F52 function key
648key_f53				kf53	str	Fh	KEY_F(53)	-	----E	F53 function key
649key_f54				kf54	str	Fi	KEY_F(54)	-	----E	F54 function key
650key_f55				kf55	str	Fj	KEY_F(55)	-	----E	F55 function key
651key_f56				kf56	str	Fk	KEY_F(56)	-	----E	F56 function key
652key_f57				kf57	str	Fl	KEY_F(57)	-	----E	F57 function key
653key_f58				kf58	str	Fm	KEY_F(58)	-	----E	F58 function key
654key_f59				kf59	str	Fn	KEY_F(59)	-	----E	F59 function key
655key_f60				kf60	str	Fo	KEY_F(60)	-	----E	F60 function key
656key_f61				kf61	str	Fp	KEY_F(61)	-	----E	F61 function key
657key_f62				kf62	str	Fq	KEY_F(62)	-	----E	F62 function key
658key_f63				kf63	str	Fr	KEY_F(63)	-	----E	F63 function key
659key_find			kfnd	str	@0	KEY_FIND	0552	-----	find key
660key_mark			kmrk	str	%2	KEY_MARK	0554	-----	mark key
661key_message			kmsg	str	%3	KEY_MESSAGE	0555	-----	message key
662key_mouse			kmous	str	Km	KEY_MOUSE	0631	-----	Mouse event has occurred
663key_move			kmov	str	%4	KEY_MOVE	0556	-----	move key
664key_next			knxt	str	%5	KEY_NEXT	0557	-----	next key
665key_open			kopn	str	%6	KEY_OPEN	0560	-----	open key
666key_options			kopt	str	%7	KEY_OPTIONS	0561	-----	options key
667key_previous			kprv	str	%8	KEY_PREVIOUS	0562	-----	previous key
668key_print			kprt	str	%9	KEY_PRINT	0532	-----	print key
669key_redo			krdo	str	%0	KEY_REDO	0563	-----	redo key
670key_reference			kref	str	&1	KEY_REFERENCE	0564	-----	reference key
671key_refresh			krfr	str	&2	KEY_REFRESH	0565	-----	refresh key
672key_replace			krpl	str	&3	KEY_REPLACE	0566	-----	replace key
673key_restart			krst	str	&4	KEY_RESTART	0567	-----	restart key
674key_resume			kres	str	&5	KEY_RESUME	0570	-----	resume key
675key_save			ksav	str	&6	KEY_SAVE	0571	-----	save key
676key_sbeg			kBEG	str	&9	KEY_SBEG	0572	-----	shifted begin key
677key_scancel			kCAN	str	&0	KEY_SCANCEL	0573	-----	shifted cancel key
678key_scommand			kCMD	str	*1	KEY_SCOMMAND	0574	-----	shifted command key
679key_scopy			kCPY	str	*2	KEY_SCOPY	0575	-----	shifted copy key
680key_screate			kCRT	str	*3	KEY_SCREATE	0576	-----	shifted create key
681key_sdc				kDC	str	*4	KEY_SDC		0577	-----	shifted delete-character key
682key_sdl				kDL	str	*5	KEY_SDL		0600	-----	shifted delete-line key
683key_send			kEND	str	*7	KEY_SEND	0602	-----	shifted end key
684key_seol			kEOL	str	*8	KEY_SEOL	0603	-----	shifted clear-to-end-of-line key
685key_sexit			kEXT	str	*9	KEY_SEXIT	0604	-----	shifted exit key
686key_sfind			kFND	str	*0	KEY_SFIND	0605	-----	shifted find key
687key_shelp			kHLP	str	#1	KEY_SHELP	0606	-----	shifted help key
688key_shome			kHOM	str	#2	KEY_SHOME	0607	-----	shifted home key
689key_sic				kIC	str	#3	KEY_SIC		0610	-----	shifted insert-character key
690key_sleft			kLFT	str	#4	KEY_SLEFT	0611	-----	shifted left-arrow key
691key_smessage			kMSG	str	%a	KEY_SMESSAGE	0612	-----	shifted message key
692key_smove			kMOV	str	%b	KEY_SMOVE	0613	-----	shifted move key
693key_snext			kNXT	str	%c	KEY_SNEXT	0614	-----	shifted next key
694key_soptions			kOPT	str	%d	KEY_SOPTIONS	0615	-----	shifted options key
695key_sprevious			kPRV	str	%e	KEY_SPREVIOUS	0616	-----	shifted previous key
696key_sprint			kPRT	str	%f	KEY_SPRINT	0617	-----	shifted print key
697key_sredo			kRDO	str	%g	KEY_SREDO	0620	-----	shifted redo key
698key_sreplace			kRPL	str	%h	KEY_SREPLACE	0621	-----	shifted replace key
699key_sright			kRIT	str	%i	KEY_SRIGHT	0622	-----	shifted right-arrow key
700key_srsume			kRES	str	%j	KEY_SRSUME	0623	-----	shifted resume key
701key_ssave			kSAV	str	!1	KEY_SSAVE	0624	-----	shifted save key
702key_ssuspend			kSPD	str	!2	KEY_SSUSPEND	0625	-----	shifted suspend key
703key_sundo			kUND	str	!3	KEY_SUNDO	0626	-----	shifted undo key
704key_suspend			kspd	str	&7	KEY_SUSPEND	0627	-----	suspend key
705key_undo			kund	str	&8	KEY_UNDO	0630	-----	undo key
706label_format			fln	str	Lf	-		-	-----	label format
707label_off			rmln	str	LF	-		-	-----	turn off soft labels
708label_on			smln	str	LO	-		-	-----	turn on soft labels
709micro_column_address		mhpa	str	ZY	-		-	-----	Like column_address in micro mode
710micro_down			mcud1	str	ZZ	-		-	-----	Like cursor_down in micro mode
711micro_left			mcub1	str	Za	-		-	-----	Like cursor_left in micro mode
712micro_right			mcuf1	str	Zb	-		-	-----	Like cursor_right in micro mode
713micro_row_address		mvpa	str	Zc	-		-	-----	Like row_address #1 in micro mode
714micro_up			mcuu1	str	Zd	-		-	-----	Like cursor_up in micro mode
715mouse_info			minfo	str	Mi	-		-	-----	Mouse status information
716order_of_pins			porder	str	Ze	-		-	-----	Match software bits to print-head pins
717orig_colors			oc	str	oc	-		-	-----	Set all color pairs to the original ones
718orig_pair			op	str	op	-		-	-----	Set default pair to its original value
719parm_down_micro			mcud	str	Zf	-		-	-----	Like parm_down_cursor in micro mode
720parm_left_micro			mcub	str	Zg	-		-	-----	Like parm_left_cursor in micro mode
721parm_right_micro		mcuf	str	Zh	-		-	-----	Like parm_right_cursor in micro mode
722parm_up_micro			mcuu	str	Zi	-		-	-----	Like parm_up_cursor in micro mode
723pc_term_options			pctrm	str	S6	-		-	-----	PC terminal options
724pkey_plab			pfxl	str	xl	-		-	-----	Program function key #1 to type string #2 and show string #3
725plab_norm			pln	str	pn	-		-	-----	program label #1 to show string #2
726pulse				pulse	str	PU	-		-	-----	select pulse dialing
727quick_dial			qdial	str	QD	-		-	-----	dial number #1 without checking
728req_for_input			rfi	str	RF	-		-	-----	send next input char (for ptys)
729req_mouse_pos			reqmp	str	RQ	-		-	-----	Request mouse position
730remove_clock			rmclk	str	RC	-		-	-----	remove clock
731scancode_escape			scesc	str	S7	-		-	-----	Escape for scancode emulation
732select_char_set			scs	str	Zj	-		-	-----	Select character set, #1
733set0_des_seq			s0ds	str	s0	-		-	-----	Shift to codeset 0 (EUC set 0, ASCII)
734set1_des_seq			s1ds	str	s1	-		-	-----	Shift to codeset 1
735set2_des_seq			s2ds	str	s2	-		-	-----	Shift to codeset 2
736set3_des_seq			s3ds	str	s3	-		-	-----	Shift to codeset 3
737set_a_background		setab	str	AB	-		-	-----	Set background color to #1, using ANSI escape
738set_a_foreground		setaf	str	AF	-		-	-----	Set foreground color to #1, using ANSI escape
739set_background			setb	str	Sb	-		-	-----	Set background color #1
740set_bottom_margin		smgb	str	Zk	-		-	-----	Set bottom margin at current line
741set_bottom_margin_parm		smgbp	str	Zl	-		-	-----	Set bottom margin at line #1 or (if smgtp is not given) #2 lines from bottom
742set_clock			sclk	str	SC	-		-	-----	set clock, #1 hrs #2 mins #3 secs
743set_color_band		setcolor	str	Yz	-		-	-----	Change to ribbon color #1
744set_color_pair			scp	str	sp	-		-	-----	Set current color pair to #1
745set_foreground			setf	str	Sf	-		-	-----	Set foreground color #1
746set_left_margin			smgl	str	ML	-		-	-----	set left soft margin at current column.	 See smgl. (ML is not in BSD termcap).
747set_left_margin_parm		smglp	str	Zm	-		-	-----	Set left (right) margin at column #1
748set_lr_margin			smglr	str	ML	-		-	-----	Set both left and right margins to #1, #2.  (ML is not in BSD termcap).
749set_page_length			slines	str	YZ	-		-	-----	Set page length to #1 lines
750set_right_margin		smgr	str	MR	-		-	-----	set right soft margin at current column
751set_right_margin_parm		smgrp	str	Zn	-		-	-----	Set right margin at column #1
752set_tb_margin			smgtb	str	MT	-		-	-----	Sets both top and bottom margins to #1, #2
753set_top_margin			smgt	str	Zo	-		-	-----	Set top margin at current line
754set_top_margin_parm		smgtp	str	Zp	-		-	-----	Set top (bottom) margin at row #1
755start_bit_image			sbim	str	Zq	-		-	-----	Start printing bit image graphics
756start_char_set_def		scsd	str	Zr	-		-	-----	Start character set definition #1, with #2 characters in the set
757stop_bit_image			rbim	str	Zs	-		-	-----	Stop printing bit image graphics
758stop_char_set_def		rcsd	str	Zt	-		-	-----	End definition of character set #1
759subscript_characters		subcs	str	Zu	-		-	-----	List of subscriptable characters
760superscript_characters		supcs	str	Zv	-		-	-----	List of superscriptable characters
761these_cause_cr			docr	str	Zw	-		-	-----	Printing any of these characters causes CR
762tone				tone	str	TO	-		-	-----	select touch tone dialing
763user0				u0	str	u0	-		-	-----	User string #0
764user1				u1	str	u1	-		-	-----	User string #1
765user2				u2	str	u2	-		-	-----	User string #2
766user3				u3	str	u3	-		-	-----	User string #3
767user4				u4	str	u4	-		-	-----	User string #4
768user5				u5	str	u5	-		-	-----	User string #5
769user6				u6	str	u6	-		-	-----	User string #6
770user7				u7	str	u7	-		-	-----	User string #7
771user8				u8	str	u8	-		-	-----	User string #8
772user9				u9	str	u9	-		-	-----	User string #9
773wait_tone			wait	str	WA	-		-	-----	wait for dial-tone
774xoff_character			xoffc	str	XF	-		-	-----	XOFF character
775xon_character			xonc	str	XN	-		-	-----	XON character
776zero_motion			zerom	str	Zx	-		-	-----	No motion for subsequent character
777set_pglen_inch			slength	str	YI	-		-	-----	Set page length to #1 hundredth of an inch (some implementations use sL for termcap).
778enter_horizontal_hl_mode	ehhlm	str	Xh	-		-	-----	Enter horizontal highlight mode
779enter_left_hl_mode		elhlm	str	Xl	-		-	-----	Enter left highlight mode
780enter_low_hl_mode		elohlm	str	Xo	-		-	-----	Enter low highlight mode
781enter_right_hl_mode		erhlm	str	Xr	-		-	-----	Enter right highlight mode
782enter_top_hl_mode		ethlm	str	Xt	-		-	-----	Enter top highlight mode
783enter_vertical_hl_mode		evhlm	str	Xv	-		-	-----	Enter vertical highlight mode
784set_a_attributes		sgr1	str	sA	-		-	-----	Define second set of video attributes #1-#6
788# %%-STOP-HERE-%%
790# Don't move this casually!  In fact, don't move it at all unless you're
791# either doing it to add System V or XPG4 extensions, or have decided you
792# don't care about SVr4 binary compatibility.
798# The capabilities below are either obsolete or extensions on certain systems.
799# They are not used by SVR4 terminfo.  Some are used by captoinfo to translate
800# termcap sources; the rest are listed for completeness, and in case somebody
801# cares about them enough to hack in code that will translate them into
802# terminfo capabilities.
804# The first part of the list is from Ross Ridge's `mytinfo' package
805# (comp.sources.unix, volume 26); the variable names and terminfo names (as
806# well as the termcap codes) match his list.
808# This group of codes is not marked obsolete in 4.4BSD, but have no direct
809# terminfo equivalents.  The rs capability is specially translated to terminfo
810# r2, and vice versa, if an entry does not already have an r2.  Similarly,
811# i2 is translated to r3 if there is no r3 (because SV terminfo maps is to i2).
812# The ug capability is thrown away, but assumed to be whatever sg is if the
813# latter is nonzero and we're dumping in termcap format.
815termcap_init2			OTi2	str	i2	-		-	YB---	secondary initialization string
816termcap_reset			OTrs	str	rs	-		-	YB-G-	terminal reset string
817magic_cookie_glitch_ul		OTug	num	ug	-		-	YBCGE	number of blanks left by ul
819# Obsolete termcap capabilities.  Some are used for termcap translation.  The
820# code uses the 'OT' prefix we put on obsolete capabilities to suppress
821# printing them in terminfo source dumps of compiled entries.
823backspaces_with_bs		OTbs	bool	bs	-		-	YBCGE	uses ^H to move left
824crt_no_scrolling		OTns	bool	ns	-		-	YBCG-	crt cannot scroll
825no_correctly_working_cr		OTnc	bool	nc	-		-	YBCG-	no way to go to start of line
826carriage_return_delay		OTdC	num	dC	-		-	YB-G-	pad needed for CR
827new_line_delay			OTdN	num	dN	-		-	YB-G-	pad needed for LF
828linefeed_if_not_lf		OTnl	str	nl	-		-	YBCGE	use to move down
829backspace_if_not_bs		OTbc	str	bc	-		-	YBCGE	move left, if not ^H
831# GNU termcap library extensions.  The GNU termcap file distributed with
832# Emacs no longer uses these, but MT showed up in pre-9.0 versions of the
833# BSD termcap file.  The name clash with terminfo MT is resolved by type
834# info; MT is converted to km.
836gnu_has_meta_key		OTMT	bool	MT	-		-	----E	has meta key
837# gnu_tab_width			OTtw	num	tw	-		-	----E	tab width in spaces
839# GNU termcap *does* include the following extended capability,  Only the
840# now-obsolete Ann Arbor terminals used it.
842# gnu_change_scroll_region	OTcS	str	cS	-		-	---GE	alternate set scrolling region
844# The following comments describe capnames so ancient that I believe no
845# software uses them any longer.  Some of these have to go because they
846# clash with terminfo names in ways that cannot be resolved by type
847# information.
849# These mytinfo codes are not used in the 4.4BSD curses code.  They are
850# marked obsolete in the 4.4BSD manual pages.
852# There is one conflict with terminfo; ma is in both.  This conflict is
853# resolved by type information.
855# The `ko' capability is translated by special code.  It should contain a
856# comma-separated list of capabilities for which there are corresponding keys.
857# The `kn' code is accepted but ignored.
859# The `ma' capability was a 4.0BSD feature used by vi version 2.
860# It consists of pairs of characters corresponding to kl, kr, ku, kd, and kh.
861# Besides being obsolete, that interpretation conflicts with max_attributes.
863# Here is a description of memory_lock_above and memory_unlock:
864# "You can 'freeze' data on the screen by turning on Memory Lock in a line of
865# text.  All lines above the cursor's current line become locked in place on
866# the screen.  Then enter data normally.  When the screen fills up, any
867# further data entered forces the first line of unfrozen line text to scroll
868# under the frozen data.  Lines scrolled off the screen are inserted into
869# memory immediately preceding the first frozen line." (from the HP 700/96
870# User's manual).  VT100/ANSI memory lock set is \E[>2h, reset is \E[>2l.
872# Applications that use terminfo are supposed to behave as though xr is
873# always true.
875linefeed_is_newline		OTNL	bool	NL	-		-	YB---	move down with \n
876# even_parity			OTEP	bool	EP	-		-	-B---	terminal requires even parity
877# odd_parity			OTOP	bool	OP	-		-	-B---	terminal requires odd parity
878# half_duplex			OTHD	bool	HD	-		-	-B---	terminal is half-duplex
879# lower_case_only		OTLC	bool	LC	-		-	-B---	terminal has only lower case
880# upper_case_only		OTUC	bool	UC	-		-	-B---	terminal has only upper case
881backspace_delay			OTdB	num	dB	-		-	YB-G-	padding required for ^H
882# form_feed_delay		OTdF	num	dF	-		-	-B-G-	padding required for ^L
883horizontal_tab_delay		OTdT	num	dT	-		-	YB-G-	padding required for ^I
884# vertical_tab_delay		OTdV	num	dV	-		-	-B---	padding required for ^V
885number_of_function_keys		OTkn	num	kn	-		-	-B-G-	count of function keys
886other_non_function_keys		OTko	str	ko	-		-	-B-G-	list of self-mapped keycaps
887arrow_key_map			OTma	str	ma	-		-	YBC--	map motion-keys for vi version 2
888# memory_lock_above		OTml	str	ml	-		-	-B---	lock visible screen memory above the current line
889# memory_unlock			OTmu	str	mu	-		-	-B---	unlock visible screen memory above the current line
890has_hardware_tabs		OTpt	bool	pt	-		-	YB---	has 8-char tabs invoked with ^I
891return_does_clr_eol		OTxr	bool	xr	-		-	YB---	return clears the line
892# tek_4025_insert_line		OTxx	bool	xx	-		-	-BC--	Tektronix 4025 insert-line glitch
894# mytinfo described this as a termcap capability, but it's not listed in the
895# 4.4BSD man pages, and not found in the 4.4BSD termcap file.  The ncurses
896# package, like System V, behaves as though it is always true.
898# rind_only_at_top		OTxq	bool	xq	-		-	-----	reverse index only works from top line
900# University of Waterloo termcap extensions (as described in mytinfo).
901# The `xl' termcap file clashes with a terminfo name; this ambiguity cannot
902# be resolved by a type check.  The descriptions are guesses from what was
903# in the mytinfo tables.
905# key_interrupt_char		OTki	str	ki	-		-	-----	string set by interrupt key (?)
906# key_kill_char			OTkk	str	kk	-		-	-----	string set by kill key (?)
907# key_suspend_char		OTkz	str	kz	-		-	-----	string set by suspend key (?)
908# initialization_messy		OTxc	bool	xc	-		-	-----	initialization leaves garbage on the screen (?)
909# ind_at_bottom_does_cr		OTxl	bool	xl	-		-	-----	index does a carriage return
911# Nonstandard capabilities unique to Ross Ridge's `mytinfo' package.
912# SR clashes with a terminfo name; this ambiguity cannot be resolved by a type
913# check.
915# scroll_left			OTsl1	str	Sl	-		-	-----	scroll screen leftward
916# scroll_right			OTsr1	str	Sr	-		-	-----	scroll screen rightward
917# parm_scroll_left		OTsl	str	SL	-		-	-----	scroll screen leftward #1 characters
918# parm_scroll_right		OTsr	str	SR	-		-	-----	scroll screen rightward #1 characters
920# The mytinfo capabilities end here.
922# XENIX extensions:
924# Xenix defined its own set of forms-drawing capabilities:
926# cap	IBM ASCII	description             ACS         	ASCII
927# ---	-----------	--------------------    -------------	------
928# G1	191 \277 M-?	single upper right   	ACS_URCORNER
929# G2	218 \332 M-Z	single upper left	ACS_ULCORNER
930# G3	192 \300 M-@	single lower left	ACS_LLCORNER
931# G4	217 \331 M-Y	single lower right	ACS_LRCORNER
932# G5	187 \273 M-;	double upper right
933# G6	201 \311 M-I	double upper left
934# G7	200 \310 M-H	double lower left
935# G8	188 \274 M-<	double lower right
936# GC	197 \305 M-E	single intersection	ACS_PLUS	_ _
937# GD	194 \302 M-B	single down-tick	ACS_TTEE	 |
938# GH	196 \304 M-D	single horizontal line	ACS_HLINE
939# GL	180 \264 M-4	single left tick	ACS_RTEE	-|
940# GR	195 \303 M-C	single right tick	ACS_LTEE	|-
941# GU	193 \301 M-A	single up tick		ACS_BTEE	_|_
942# GV	179 \263 M-3	single vertical line	ACS_VLINE
943# Gc	206 \316 M-N	double intersection
944# Gd	203 \313 M-K	double down tick
945# Gh	205 \315 M-M	double horizontal line
946# Gl	204 \204 M-L	double left tick
947# Gr	185 \271 M-9	double right tick
948# Gu	202 \312 M-J	double up tick
949# Gv	186 \272 M-:	double vertical line
951# The compiler will translate the single-line caps and discard the others
952# (via IGNORE aliases further down).  We don't want to do normal pad
953# translation on these, they're often single-character printable ASCII
954# strings that happen to be numerics.  There's awk code in parametrized.sh
955# that detects the acs_ prefix and uses it to suppress pad translation.
956# These terminfo names are invented.
958acs_ulcorner			OTG2	str	G2	-		-	-----	single upper left
959acs_llcorner			OTG3	str	G3	-		-	-----	single lower left
960acs_urcorner			OTG1	str	G1	-		-	-----	single upper right
961acs_lrcorner			OTG4	str	G4	-		-	-----	single lower right
962acs_ltee			OTGR	str	GR	-		-	-----	tee pointing right
963acs_rtee			OTGL	str	GL	-		-	-----	tee pointing left
964acs_btee			OTGU	str	GU	-		-	-----	tee pointing up
965acs_ttee			OTGD	str	GD	-		-	-----	tee pointing down
966acs_hline			OTGH	str	GH	-		-	-----	single horizontal line
967acs_vline			OTGV	str	GV	-		-	-----	single vertical line
968acs_plus			OTGC	str	GC	-		-	-----	single intersection
974# (see Caps-ncurses for the complete set of comments)
976memory_lock			meml	str	ml	-		-	----K	lock memory above cursor
977memory_unlock			memu	str	mu	-		-	----K	unlock memory