xref: /freebsd/contrib/llvm-project/openmp/runtime/src/kmp_affinity.cpp (revision 62cfcf62f627e5093fb37026a6d8c98e4d2ef04c)
1 /*
2  * kmp_affinity.cpp -- affinity management
3  */
5 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
6 //
7 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
8 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
9 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
10 //
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
13 #include "kmp.h"
14 #include "kmp_affinity.h"
15 #include "kmp_i18n.h"
16 #include "kmp_io.h"
17 #include "kmp_str.h"
18 #include "kmp_wrapper_getpid.h"
20 #include "kmp_dispatch_hier.h"
21 #endif
23 // Store the real or imagined machine hierarchy here
24 static hierarchy_info machine_hierarchy;
26 void __kmp_cleanup_hierarchy() { machine_hierarchy.fini(); }
28 void __kmp_get_hierarchy(kmp_uint32 nproc, kmp_bstate_t *thr_bar) {
29   kmp_uint32 depth;
30   // The test below is true if affinity is available, but set to "none". Need to
31   // init on first use of hierarchical barrier.
32   if (TCR_1(machine_hierarchy.uninitialized))
33     machine_hierarchy.init(NULL, nproc);
35   // Adjust the hierarchy in case num threads exceeds original
36   if (nproc > machine_hierarchy.base_num_threads)
37     machine_hierarchy.resize(nproc);
39   depth = machine_hierarchy.depth;
40   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(depth > 0);
42   thr_bar->depth = depth;
43   thr_bar->base_leaf_kids = (kmp_uint8)machine_hierarchy.numPerLevel[0] - 1;
44   thr_bar->skip_per_level = machine_hierarchy.skipPerLevel;
45 }
49 bool KMPAffinity::picked_api = false;
51 void *KMPAffinity::Mask::operator new(size_t n) { return __kmp_allocate(n); }
52 void *KMPAffinity::Mask::operator new[](size_t n) { return __kmp_allocate(n); }
53 void KMPAffinity::Mask::operator delete(void *p) { __kmp_free(p); }
54 void KMPAffinity::Mask::operator delete[](void *p) { __kmp_free(p); }
55 void *KMPAffinity::operator new(size_t n) { return __kmp_allocate(n); }
56 void KMPAffinity::operator delete(void *p) { __kmp_free(p); }
58 void KMPAffinity::pick_api() {
59   KMPAffinity *affinity_dispatch;
60   if (picked_api)
61     return;
63   // Only use Hwloc if affinity isn't explicitly disabled and
64   // user requests Hwloc topology method
65   if (__kmp_affinity_top_method == affinity_top_method_hwloc &&
66       __kmp_affinity_type != affinity_disabled) {
67     affinity_dispatch = new KMPHwlocAffinity();
68   } else
69 #endif
70   {
71     affinity_dispatch = new KMPNativeAffinity();
72   }
73   __kmp_affinity_dispatch = affinity_dispatch;
74   picked_api = true;
75 }
77 void KMPAffinity::destroy_api() {
78   if (__kmp_affinity_dispatch != NULL) {
79     delete __kmp_affinity_dispatch;
80     __kmp_affinity_dispatch = NULL;
81     picked_api = false;
82   }
83 }
85 #define KMP_ADVANCE_SCAN(scan)                                                 \
86   while (*scan != '\0') {                                                      \
87     scan++;                                                                    \
88   }
90 // Print the affinity mask to the character array in a pretty format.
91 // The format is a comma separated list of non-negative integers or integer
92 // ranges: e.g., 1,2,3-5,7,9-15
93 // The format can also be the string "{<empty>}" if no bits are set in mask
94 char *__kmp_affinity_print_mask(char *buf, int buf_len,
95                                 kmp_affin_mask_t *mask) {
96   int start = 0, finish = 0, previous = 0;
97   bool first_range;
98   KMP_ASSERT(buf);
99   KMP_ASSERT(buf_len >= 40);
100   KMP_ASSERT(mask);
101   char *scan = buf;
102   char *end = buf + buf_len - 1;
104   // Check for empty set.
105   if (mask->begin() == mask->end()) {
106     KMP_SNPRINTF(scan, end - scan + 1, "{<empty>}");
107     KMP_ADVANCE_SCAN(scan);
108     KMP_ASSERT(scan <= end);
109     return buf;
110   }
112   first_range = true;
113   start = mask->begin();
114   while (1) {
115     // Find next range
116     // [start, previous] is inclusive range of contiguous bits in mask
117     for (finish = mask->next(start), previous = start;
118          finish == previous + 1 && finish != mask->end();
119          finish = mask->next(finish)) {
120       previous = finish;
121     }
123     // The first range does not need a comma printed before it, but the rest
124     // of the ranges do need a comma beforehand
125     if (!first_range) {
126       KMP_SNPRINTF(scan, end - scan + 1, "%s", ",");
127       KMP_ADVANCE_SCAN(scan);
128     } else {
129       first_range = false;
130     }
131     // Range with three or more contiguous bits in the affinity mask
132     if (previous - start > 1) {
133       KMP_SNPRINTF(scan, end - scan + 1, "%d-%d", static_cast<int>(start),
134                    static_cast<int>(previous));
135     } else {
136       // Range with one or two contiguous bits in the affinity mask
137       KMP_SNPRINTF(scan, end - scan + 1, "%d", static_cast<int>(start));
138       KMP_ADVANCE_SCAN(scan);
139       if (previous - start > 0) {
140         KMP_SNPRINTF(scan, end - scan + 1, ",%d", static_cast<int>(previous));
141       }
142     }
143     KMP_ADVANCE_SCAN(scan);
144     // Start over with new start point
145     start = finish;
146     if (start == mask->end())
147       break;
148     // Check for overflow
149     if (end - scan < 2)
150       break;
151   }
153   // Check for overflow
154   KMP_ASSERT(scan <= end);
155   return buf;
156 }
159 // Print the affinity mask to the string buffer object in a pretty format
160 // The format is a comma separated list of non-negative integers or integer
161 // ranges: e.g., 1,2,3-5,7,9-15
162 // The format can also be the string "{<empty>}" if no bits are set in mask
163 kmp_str_buf_t *__kmp_affinity_str_buf_mask(kmp_str_buf_t *buf,
164                                            kmp_affin_mask_t *mask) {
165   int start = 0, finish = 0, previous = 0;
166   bool first_range;
167   KMP_ASSERT(buf);
168   KMP_ASSERT(mask);
170   __kmp_str_buf_clear(buf);
172   // Check for empty set.
173   if (mask->begin() == mask->end()) {
174     __kmp_str_buf_print(buf, "%s", "{<empty>}");
175     return buf;
176   }
178   first_range = true;
179   start = mask->begin();
180   while (1) {
181     // Find next range
182     // [start, previous] is inclusive range of contiguous bits in mask
183     for (finish = mask->next(start), previous = start;
184          finish == previous + 1 && finish != mask->end();
185          finish = mask->next(finish)) {
186       previous = finish;
187     }
189     // The first range does not need a comma printed before it, but the rest
190     // of the ranges do need a comma beforehand
191     if (!first_range) {
192       __kmp_str_buf_print(buf, "%s", ",");
193     } else {
194       first_range = false;
195     }
196     // Range with three or more contiguous bits in the affinity mask
197     if (previous - start > 1) {
198       __kmp_str_buf_print(buf, "%d-%d", static_cast<int>(start),
199                           static_cast<int>(previous));
200     } else {
201       // Range with one or two contiguous bits in the affinity mask
202       __kmp_str_buf_print(buf, "%d", static_cast<int>(start));
203       if (previous - start > 0) {
204         __kmp_str_buf_print(buf, ",%d", static_cast<int>(previous));
205       }
206     }
207     // Start over with new start point
208     start = finish;
209     if (start == mask->end())
210       break;
211   }
212   return buf;
213 }
215 void __kmp_affinity_entire_machine_mask(kmp_affin_mask_t *mask) {
216   KMP_CPU_ZERO(mask);
220   if (__kmp_num_proc_groups > 1) {
221     int group;
222     KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__kmp_GetActiveProcessorCount != NULL);
223     for (group = 0; group < __kmp_num_proc_groups; group++) {
224       int i;
225       int num = __kmp_GetActiveProcessorCount(group);
226       for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
227         KMP_CPU_SET(i + group * (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(DWORD_PTR)), mask);
228       }
229     }
230   } else
232 #endif /* KMP_GROUP_AFFINITY */
234   {
235     int proc;
236     for (proc = 0; proc < __kmp_xproc; proc++) {
237       KMP_CPU_SET(proc, mask);
238     }
239   }
240 }
242 // When sorting by labels, __kmp_affinity_assign_child_nums() must first be
243 // called to renumber the labels from [0..n] and place them into the child_num
244 // vector of the address object.  This is done in case the labels used for
245 // the children at one node of the hierarchy differ from those used for
246 // another node at the same level.  Example:  suppose the machine has 2 nodes
247 // with 2 packages each.  The first node contains packages 601 and 602, and
248 // second node contains packages 603 and 604.  If we try to sort the table
249 // for "scatter" affinity, the table will still be sorted 601, 602, 603, 604
250 // because we are paying attention to the labels themselves, not the ordinal
251 // child numbers.  By using the child numbers in the sort, the result is
252 // {0,0}=601, {0,1}=603, {1,0}=602, {1,1}=604.
253 static void __kmp_affinity_assign_child_nums(AddrUnsPair *address2os,
254                                              int numAddrs) {
255   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(numAddrs > 0);
256   int depth = address2os->first.depth;
257   unsigned *counts = (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate(depth * sizeof(unsigned));
258   unsigned *lastLabel = (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate(depth * sizeof(unsigned));
259   int labCt;
260   for (labCt = 0; labCt < depth; labCt++) {
261     address2os[0].first.childNums[labCt] = counts[labCt] = 0;
262     lastLabel[labCt] = address2os[0].first.labels[labCt];
263   }
264   int i;
265   for (i = 1; i < numAddrs; i++) {
266     for (labCt = 0; labCt < depth; labCt++) {
267       if (address2os[i].first.labels[labCt] != lastLabel[labCt]) {
268         int labCt2;
269         for (labCt2 = labCt + 1; labCt2 < depth; labCt2++) {
270           counts[labCt2] = 0;
271           lastLabel[labCt2] = address2os[i].first.labels[labCt2];
272         }
273         counts[labCt]++;
274         lastLabel[labCt] = address2os[i].first.labels[labCt];
275         break;
276       }
277     }
278     for (labCt = 0; labCt < depth; labCt++) {
279       address2os[i].first.childNums[labCt] = counts[labCt];
280     }
281     for (; labCt < (int)Address::maxDepth; labCt++) {
282       address2os[i].first.childNums[labCt] = 0;
283     }
284   }
285   __kmp_free(lastLabel);
286   __kmp_free(counts);
287 }
289 // All of the __kmp_affinity_create_*_map() routines should set
290 // __kmp_affinity_masks to a vector of affinity mask objects of length
291 // __kmp_affinity_num_masks, if __kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none, and return
292 // the number of levels in the machine topology tree (zero if
293 // __kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none).
294 //
295 // All of the __kmp_affinity_create_*_map() routines should set
296 // *__kmp_affin_fullMask to the affinity mask for the initialization thread.
297 // They need to save and restore the mask, and it could be needed later, so
298 // saving it is just an optimization to avoid calling kmp_get_system_affinity()
299 // again.
300 kmp_affin_mask_t *__kmp_affin_fullMask = NULL;
302 static int nCoresPerPkg, nPackages;
303 static int __kmp_nThreadsPerCore;
304 #ifndef KMP_DFLT_NTH_CORES
305 static int __kmp_ncores;
306 #endif
307 static int *__kmp_pu_os_idx = NULL;
309 // __kmp_affinity_uniform_topology() doesn't work when called from
310 // places which support arbitrarily many levels in the machine topology
311 // map, i.e. the non-default cases in __kmp_affinity_create_cpuinfo_map()
312 // __kmp_affinity_create_x2apicid_map().
313 inline static bool __kmp_affinity_uniform_topology() {
314   return __kmp_avail_proc == (__kmp_nThreadsPerCore * nCoresPerPkg * nPackages);
315 }
317 // Print out the detailed machine topology map, i.e. the physical locations
318 // of each OS proc.
319 static void __kmp_affinity_print_topology(AddrUnsPair *address2os, int len,
320                                           int depth, int pkgLevel,
321                                           int coreLevel, int threadLevel) {
322   int proc;
324   KMP_INFORM(OSProcToPhysicalThreadMap, "KMP_AFFINITY");
325   for (proc = 0; proc < len; proc++) {
326     int level;
327     kmp_str_buf_t buf;
328     __kmp_str_buf_init(&buf);
329     for (level = 0; level < depth; level++) {
330       if (level == threadLevel) {
331         __kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "%s ", KMP_I18N_STR(Thread));
332       } else if (level == coreLevel) {
333         __kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "%s ", KMP_I18N_STR(Core));
334       } else if (level == pkgLevel) {
335         __kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "%s ", KMP_I18N_STR(Package));
336       } else if (level > pkgLevel) {
337         __kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "%s_%d ", KMP_I18N_STR(Node),
338                             level - pkgLevel - 1);
339       } else {
340         __kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "L%d ", level);
341       }
342       __kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "%d ", address2os[proc].first.labels[level]);
343     }
344     KMP_INFORM(OSProcMapToPack, "KMP_AFFINITY", address2os[proc].second,
345                buf.str);
346     __kmp_str_buf_free(&buf);
347   }
348 }
352 static void __kmp_affinity_print_hwloc_tp(AddrUnsPair *addrP, int len,
353                                           int depth, int *levels) {
354   int proc;
355   kmp_str_buf_t buf;
356   __kmp_str_buf_init(&buf);
357   KMP_INFORM(OSProcToPhysicalThreadMap, "KMP_AFFINITY");
358   for (proc = 0; proc < len; proc++) {
359     __kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "%s %d ", KMP_I18N_STR(Package),
360                         addrP[proc].first.labels[0]);
361     if (depth > 1) {
362       int level = 1; // iterate over levels
363       int label = 1; // iterate over labels
364       if (__kmp_numa_detected)
365         // node level follows package
366         if (levels[level++] > 0)
367           __kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "%s %d ", KMP_I18N_STR(Node),
368                               addrP[proc].first.labels[label++]);
369       if (__kmp_tile_depth > 0)
370         // tile level follows node if any, or package
371         if (levels[level++] > 0)
372           __kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "%s %d ", KMP_I18N_STR(Tile),
373                               addrP[proc].first.labels[label++]);
374       if (levels[level++] > 0)
375         // core level follows
376         __kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "%s %d ", KMP_I18N_STR(Core),
377                             addrP[proc].first.labels[label++]);
378       if (levels[level++] > 0)
379         // thread level is the latest
380         __kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "%s %d ", KMP_I18N_STR(Thread),
381                             addrP[proc].first.labels[label++]);
382       KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(label == depth);
383     }
384     KMP_INFORM(OSProcMapToPack, "KMP_AFFINITY", addrP[proc].second, buf.str);
385     __kmp_str_buf_clear(&buf);
386   }
387   __kmp_str_buf_free(&buf);
388 }
390 static int nNodePerPkg, nTilePerPkg, nTilePerNode, nCorePerNode, nCorePerTile;
392 // This function removes the topology levels that are radix 1 and don't offer
393 // further information about the topology.  The most common example is when you
394 // have one thread context per core, we don't want the extra thread context
395 // level if it offers no unique labels.  So they are removed.
396 // return value: the new depth of address2os
397 static int __kmp_affinity_remove_radix_one_levels(AddrUnsPair *addrP, int nTh,
398                                                   int depth, int *levels) {
399   int level;
400   int i;
401   int radix1_detected;
402   int new_depth = depth;
403   for (level = depth - 1; level > 0; --level) {
404     // Detect if this level is radix 1
405     radix1_detected = 1;
406     for (i = 1; i < nTh; ++i) {
407       if (addrP[0].first.labels[level] != addrP[i].first.labels[level]) {
408         // There are differing label values for this level so it stays
409         radix1_detected = 0;
410         break;
411       }
412     }
413     if (!radix1_detected)
414       continue;
415     // Radix 1 was detected
416     --new_depth;
417     levels[level] = -1; // mark level as not present in address2os array
418     if (level == new_depth) {
419       // "turn off" deepest level, just decrement the depth that removes
420       // the level from address2os array
421       for (i = 0; i < nTh; ++i) {
422         addrP[i].first.depth--;
423       }
424     } else {
425       // For other levels, we move labels over and also reduce the depth
426       int j;
427       for (j = level; j < new_depth; ++j) {
428         for (i = 0; i < nTh; ++i) {
429           addrP[i].first.labels[j] = addrP[i].first.labels[j + 1];
430           addrP[i].first.depth--;
431         }
432         levels[j + 1] -= 1;
433       }
434     }
435   }
436   return new_depth;
437 }
439 // Returns the number of objects of type 'type' below 'obj' within the topology
440 // tree structure. e.g., if obj is a HWLOC_OBJ_PACKAGE object, and type is
441 // HWLOC_OBJ_PU, then this will return the number of PU's under the SOCKET
442 // object.
443 static int __kmp_hwloc_get_nobjs_under_obj(hwloc_obj_t obj,
444                                            hwloc_obj_type_t type) {
445   int retval = 0;
446   hwloc_obj_t first;
447   for (first = hwloc_get_obj_below_by_type(__kmp_hwloc_topology, obj->type,
448                                            obj->logical_index, type, 0);
449        first != NULL &&
450        hwloc_get_ancestor_obj_by_type(__kmp_hwloc_topology, obj->type, first) ==
451            obj;
452        first = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(__kmp_hwloc_topology, first->type,
453                                           first)) {
454     ++retval;
455   }
456   return retval;
457 }
459 static int __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_depth(hwloc_topology_t t,
460                                                hwloc_obj_t o,
461                                                kmp_hwloc_depth_t depth,
462                                                hwloc_obj_t *f) {
463   if (o->depth == depth) {
464     if (*f == NULL)
465       *f = o; // output first descendant found
466     return 1;
467   }
468   int sum = 0;
469   for (unsigned i = 0; i < o->arity; i++)
470     sum += __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_depth(t, o->children[i], depth, f);
471   return sum; // will be 0 if no one found (as PU arity is 0)
472 }
474 static int __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(hwloc_topology_t t, hwloc_obj_t o,
475                                               hwloc_obj_type_t type,
476                                               hwloc_obj_t *f) {
477   if (!hwloc_compare_types(o->type, type)) {
478     if (*f == NULL)
479       *f = o; // output first descendant found
480     return 1;
481   }
482   int sum = 0;
483   for (unsigned i = 0; i < o->arity; i++)
484     sum += __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(t, o->children[i], type, f);
485   return sum; // will be 0 if no one found (as PU arity is 0)
486 }
488 static int __kmp_hwloc_process_obj_core_pu(AddrUnsPair *addrPair,
489                                            int &nActiveThreads,
490                                            int &num_active_cores,
491                                            hwloc_obj_t obj, int depth,
492                                            int *labels) {
493   hwloc_obj_t core = NULL;
494   hwloc_topology_t &tp = __kmp_hwloc_topology;
495   int NC = __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(tp, obj, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE, &core);
496   for (int core_id = 0; core_id < NC; ++core_id, core = core->next_cousin) {
497     hwloc_obj_t pu = NULL;
498     KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(core != NULL);
499     int num_active_threads = 0;
500     int NT = __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(tp, core, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, &pu);
501     // int NT = core->arity; pu = core->first_child; // faster?
502     for (int pu_id = 0; pu_id < NT; ++pu_id, pu = pu->next_cousin) {
503       KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(pu != NULL);
504       if (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(pu->os_index, __kmp_affin_fullMask))
505         continue; // skip inactive (inaccessible) unit
506       Address addr(depth + 2);
507       KA_TRACE(20, ("Hwloc inserting %d (%d) %d (%d) %d (%d) into address2os\n",
508                     obj->os_index, obj->logical_index, core->os_index,
509                     core->logical_index, pu->os_index, pu->logical_index));
510       for (int i = 0; i < depth; ++i)
511         addr.labels[i] = labels[i]; // package, etc.
512       addr.labels[depth] = core_id; // core
513       addr.labels[depth + 1] = pu_id; // pu
514       addrPair[nActiveThreads] = AddrUnsPair(addr, pu->os_index);
515       __kmp_pu_os_idx[nActiveThreads] = pu->os_index;
516       nActiveThreads++;
517       ++num_active_threads; // count active threads per core
518     }
519     if (num_active_threads) { // were there any active threads on the core?
520       ++__kmp_ncores; // count total active cores
521       ++num_active_cores; // count active cores per socket
522       if (num_active_threads > __kmp_nThreadsPerCore)
523         __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = num_active_threads; // calc maximum
524     }
525   }
526   return 0;
527 }
529 // Check if NUMA node detected below the package,
530 // and if tile object is detected and return its depth
531 static int __kmp_hwloc_check_numa() {
532   hwloc_topology_t &tp = __kmp_hwloc_topology;
533   hwloc_obj_t hT, hC, hL, hN, hS; // hwloc objects (pointers to)
534   int depth, l2cache_depth, package_depth;
536   // Get some PU
537   hT = hwloc_get_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, 0);
538   if (hT == NULL) // something has gone wrong
539     return 1;
541   // check NUMA node below PACKAGE
542   hN = hwloc_get_ancestor_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_NUMANODE, hT);
543   hS = hwloc_get_ancestor_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PACKAGE, hT);
545   if (hN != NULL && hN->depth > hS->depth) {
546     __kmp_numa_detected = TRUE; // socket includes node(s)
547     if (__kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_node) {
548       __kmp_affinity_gran = affinity_gran_numa;
549     }
550   }
552   package_depth = hwloc_get_type_depth(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PACKAGE);
553   l2cache_depth = hwloc_get_cache_type_depth(tp, 2, HWLOC_OBJ_CACHE_UNIFIED);
554   // check tile, get object by depth because of multiple caches possible
555   depth = (l2cache_depth < package_depth) ? package_depth : l2cache_depth;
556   hL = hwloc_get_ancestor_obj_by_depth(tp, depth, hT);
557   hC = NULL; // not used, but reset it here just in case
558   if (hL != NULL &&
559       __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(tp, hL, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE, &hC) > 1)
560     __kmp_tile_depth = depth; // tile consists of multiple cores
561   return 0;
562 }
564 static int __kmp_affinity_create_hwloc_map(AddrUnsPair **address2os,
565                                            kmp_i18n_id_t *const msg_id) {
566   hwloc_topology_t &tp = __kmp_hwloc_topology; // shortcut of a long name
567   *address2os = NULL;
568   *msg_id = kmp_i18n_null;
570   // Save the affinity mask for the current thread.
571   kmp_affin_mask_t *oldMask;
572   KMP_CPU_ALLOC(oldMask);
573   __kmp_get_system_affinity(oldMask, TRUE);
574   __kmp_hwloc_check_numa();
576   if (!KMP_AFFINITY_CAPABLE()) {
577     // Hack to try and infer the machine topology using only the data
578     // available from cpuid on the current thread, and __kmp_xproc.
579     KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none);
581     nCoresPerPkg = __kmp_hwloc_get_nobjs_under_obj(
582         hwloc_get_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PACKAGE, 0), HWLOC_OBJ_CORE);
583     __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = __kmp_hwloc_get_nobjs_under_obj(
584         hwloc_get_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE, 0), HWLOC_OBJ_PU);
585     __kmp_ncores = __kmp_xproc / __kmp_nThreadsPerCore;
586     nPackages = (__kmp_xproc + nCoresPerPkg - 1) / nCoresPerPkg;
587     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
588       KMP_INFORM(AffNotCapableUseLocCpuidL11, "KMP_AFFINITY");
589       KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
590       if (__kmp_affinity_uniform_topology()) {
591         KMP_INFORM(Uniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
592       } else {
593         KMP_INFORM(NonUniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
594       }
595       KMP_INFORM(Topology, "KMP_AFFINITY", nPackages, nCoresPerPkg,
596                  __kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
597     }
598     KMP_CPU_FREE(oldMask);
599     return 0;
600   }
602   int depth = 3;
603   int levels[5] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}; // package, [node,] [tile,] core, thread
604   int labels[3] = {0}; // package [,node] [,tile] - head of lables array
605   if (__kmp_numa_detected)
606     ++depth;
607   if (__kmp_tile_depth)
608     ++depth;
610   // Allocate the data structure to be returned.
611   AddrUnsPair *retval =
612       (AddrUnsPair *)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(AddrUnsPair) * __kmp_avail_proc);
613   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__kmp_pu_os_idx == NULL);
614   __kmp_pu_os_idx = (int *)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(int) * __kmp_avail_proc);
616   // When affinity is off, this routine will still be called to set
617   // __kmp_ncores, as well as __kmp_nThreadsPerCore,
618   // nCoresPerPkg, & nPackages.  Make sure all these vars are set
619   // correctly, and return if affinity is not enabled.
621   hwloc_obj_t socket, node, tile;
622   int nActiveThreads = 0;
623   int socket_id = 0;
624   // re-calculate globals to count only accessible resources
625   __kmp_ncores = nPackages = nCoresPerPkg = __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = 0;
626   nNodePerPkg = nTilePerPkg = nTilePerNode = nCorePerNode = nCorePerTile = 0;
627   for (socket = hwloc_get_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PACKAGE, 0); socket != NULL;
628        socket = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PACKAGE, socket),
629       socket_id++) {
630     labels[0] = socket_id;
631     if (__kmp_numa_detected) {
632       int NN;
633       int n_active_nodes = 0;
634       node = NULL;
635       NN = __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(tp, socket, HWLOC_OBJ_NUMANODE,
636                                               &node);
637       for (int node_id = 0; node_id < NN; ++node_id, node = node->next_cousin) {
638         labels[1] = node_id;
639         if (__kmp_tile_depth) {
640           // NUMA + tiles
641           int NT;
642           int n_active_tiles = 0;
643           tile = NULL;
644           NT = __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_depth(tp, node, __kmp_tile_depth,
645                                                    &tile);
646           for (int tl_id = 0; tl_id < NT; ++tl_id, tile = tile->next_cousin) {
647             labels[2] = tl_id;
648             int n_active_cores = 0;
649             __kmp_hwloc_process_obj_core_pu(retval, nActiveThreads,
650                                             n_active_cores, tile, 3, labels);
651             if (n_active_cores) { // were there any active cores on the socket?
652               ++n_active_tiles; // count active tiles per node
653               if (n_active_cores > nCorePerTile)
654                 nCorePerTile = n_active_cores; // calc maximum
655             }
656           }
657           if (n_active_tiles) { // were there any active tiles on the socket?
658             ++n_active_nodes; // count active nodes per package
659             if (n_active_tiles > nTilePerNode)
660               nTilePerNode = n_active_tiles; // calc maximum
661           }
662         } else {
663           // NUMA, no tiles
664           int n_active_cores = 0;
665           __kmp_hwloc_process_obj_core_pu(retval, nActiveThreads,
666                                           n_active_cores, node, 2, labels);
667           if (n_active_cores) { // were there any active cores on the socket?
668             ++n_active_nodes; // count active nodes per package
669             if (n_active_cores > nCorePerNode)
670               nCorePerNode = n_active_cores; // calc maximum
671           }
672         }
673       }
674       if (n_active_nodes) { // were there any active nodes on the socket?
675         ++nPackages; // count total active packages
676         if (n_active_nodes > nNodePerPkg)
677           nNodePerPkg = n_active_nodes; // calc maximum
678       }
679     } else {
680       if (__kmp_tile_depth) {
681         // no NUMA, tiles
682         int NT;
683         int n_active_tiles = 0;
684         tile = NULL;
685         NT = __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_depth(tp, socket, __kmp_tile_depth,
686                                                  &tile);
687         for (int tl_id = 0; tl_id < NT; ++tl_id, tile = tile->next_cousin) {
688           labels[1] = tl_id;
689           int n_active_cores = 0;
690           __kmp_hwloc_process_obj_core_pu(retval, nActiveThreads,
691                                           n_active_cores, tile, 2, labels);
692           if (n_active_cores) { // were there any active cores on the socket?
693             ++n_active_tiles; // count active tiles per package
694             if (n_active_cores > nCorePerTile)
695               nCorePerTile = n_active_cores; // calc maximum
696           }
697         }
698         if (n_active_tiles) { // were there any active tiles on the socket?
699           ++nPackages; // count total active packages
700           if (n_active_tiles > nTilePerPkg)
701             nTilePerPkg = n_active_tiles; // calc maximum
702         }
703       } else {
704         // no NUMA, no tiles
705         int n_active_cores = 0;
706         __kmp_hwloc_process_obj_core_pu(retval, nActiveThreads, n_active_cores,
707                                         socket, 1, labels);
708         if (n_active_cores) { // were there any active cores on the socket?
709           ++nPackages; // count total active packages
710           if (n_active_cores > nCoresPerPkg)
711             nCoresPerPkg = n_active_cores; // calc maximum
712         }
713       }
714     }
715   }
717   // If there's only one thread context to bind to, return now.
718   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(nActiveThreads == __kmp_avail_proc);
719   KMP_ASSERT(nActiveThreads > 0);
720   if (nActiveThreads == 1) {
721     __kmp_ncores = nPackages = 1;
722     __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = nCoresPerPkg = 1;
723     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
724       char buf[KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN];
725       __kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN, oldMask);
727       KMP_INFORM(AffUsingHwloc, "KMP_AFFINITY");
728       if (__kmp_affinity_respect_mask) {
729         KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
730       } else {
731         KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetNotRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
732       }
733       KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
734       KMP_INFORM(Uniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
735       KMP_INFORM(Topology, "KMP_AFFINITY", nPackages, nCoresPerPkg,
736                  __kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
737     }
739     if (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none) {
740       __kmp_free(retval);
741       KMP_CPU_FREE(oldMask);
742       return 0;
743     }
745     // Form an Address object which only includes the package level.
746     Address addr(1);
747     addr.labels[0] = retval[0].first.labels[0];
748     retval[0].first = addr;
750     if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels < 0) {
751       __kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 0;
752     }
754     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
755       __kmp_affinity_print_topology(retval, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1);
756     }
758     *address2os = retval;
759     KMP_CPU_FREE(oldMask);
760     return 1;
761   }
763   // Sort the table by physical Id.
764   qsort(retval, nActiveThreads, sizeof(*retval),
765         __kmp_affinity_cmp_Address_labels);
767   // Check to see if the machine topology is uniform
768   int nPUs = nPackages * __kmp_nThreadsPerCore;
769   if (__kmp_numa_detected) {
770     if (__kmp_tile_depth) { // NUMA + tiles
771       nPUs *= (nNodePerPkg * nTilePerNode * nCorePerTile);
772     } else { // NUMA, no tiles
773       nPUs *= (nNodePerPkg * nCorePerNode);
774     }
775   } else {
776     if (__kmp_tile_depth) { // no NUMA, tiles
777       nPUs *= (nTilePerPkg * nCorePerTile);
778     } else { // no NUMA, no tiles
779       nPUs *= nCoresPerPkg;
780     }
781   }
782   unsigned uniform = (nPUs == nActiveThreads);
784   // Print the machine topology summary.
785   if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
786     char mask[KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN];
787     __kmp_affinity_print_mask(mask, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN, oldMask);
788     if (__kmp_affinity_respect_mask) {
789       KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", mask);
790     } else {
791       KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetNotRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", mask);
792     }
793     KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
794     if (uniform) {
795       KMP_INFORM(Uniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
796     } else {
797       KMP_INFORM(NonUniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
798     }
799     if (__kmp_numa_detected) {
800       if (__kmp_tile_depth) { // NUMA + tiles
801         KMP_INFORM(TopologyExtraNoTi, "KMP_AFFINITY", nPackages, nNodePerPkg,
802                    nTilePerNode, nCorePerTile, __kmp_nThreadsPerCore,
803                    __kmp_ncores);
804       } else { // NUMA, no tiles
805         KMP_INFORM(TopologyExtraNode, "KMP_AFFINITY", nPackages, nNodePerPkg,
806                    nCorePerNode, __kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
807         nPUs *= (nNodePerPkg * nCorePerNode);
808       }
809     } else {
810       if (__kmp_tile_depth) { // no NUMA, tiles
811         KMP_INFORM(TopologyExtraTile, "KMP_AFFINITY", nPackages, nTilePerPkg,
812                    nCorePerTile, __kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
813       } else { // no NUMA, no tiles
814         kmp_str_buf_t buf;
815         __kmp_str_buf_init(&buf);
816         __kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "%d", nPackages);
817         KMP_INFORM(TopologyExtra, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf.str, nCoresPerPkg,
818                    __kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
819         __kmp_str_buf_free(&buf);
820       }
821     }
822   }
824   if (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none) {
825     __kmp_free(retval);
826     KMP_CPU_FREE(oldMask);
827     return 0;
828   }
830   int depth_full = depth; // number of levels before compressing
831   // Find any levels with radiix 1, and remove them from the map
832   // (except for the package level).
833   depth = __kmp_affinity_remove_radix_one_levels(retval, nActiveThreads, depth,
834                                                  levels);
835   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_gran != affinity_gran_default);
836   if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels < 0) {
837     // Set the granularity level based on what levels are modeled
838     // in the machine topology map.
839     __kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 0; // lowest level (e.g. fine)
840     if (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_thread) {
841       for (int i = 1; i <= depth_full; ++i) {
842         if (__kmp_affinity_gran <= i) // only count deeper levels
843           break;
844         if (levels[depth_full - i] > 0)
845           __kmp_affinity_gran_levels++;
846       }
847     }
848     if (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_package)
849       __kmp_affinity_gran_levels++; // e.g. granularity = group
850   }
852   if (__kmp_affinity_verbose)
853     __kmp_affinity_print_hwloc_tp(retval, nActiveThreads, depth, levels);
855   KMP_CPU_FREE(oldMask);
856   *address2os = retval;
857   return depth;
858 }
859 #endif // KMP_USE_HWLOC
861 // If we don't know how to retrieve the machine's processor topology, or
862 // encounter an error in doing so, this routine is called to form a "flat"
863 // mapping of os thread id's <-> processor id's.
864 static int __kmp_affinity_create_flat_map(AddrUnsPair **address2os,
865                                           kmp_i18n_id_t *const msg_id) {
866   *address2os = NULL;
867   *msg_id = kmp_i18n_null;
869   // Even if __kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none, this routine might still
870   // called to set __kmp_ncores, as well as
871   // __kmp_nThreadsPerCore, nCoresPerPkg, & nPackages.
872   if (!KMP_AFFINITY_CAPABLE()) {
873     KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none);
874     __kmp_ncores = nPackages = __kmp_xproc;
875     __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = nCoresPerPkg = 1;
876     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
877       KMP_INFORM(AffFlatTopology, "KMP_AFFINITY");
878       KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
879       KMP_INFORM(Uniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
880       KMP_INFORM(Topology, "KMP_AFFINITY", nPackages, nCoresPerPkg,
881                  __kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
882     }
883     return 0;
884   }
886   // When affinity is off, this routine will still be called to set
887   // __kmp_ncores, as well as __kmp_nThreadsPerCore, nCoresPerPkg, & nPackages.
888   // Make sure all these vars are set correctly, and return now if affinity is
889   // not enabled.
890   __kmp_ncores = nPackages = __kmp_avail_proc;
891   __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = nCoresPerPkg = 1;
892   if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
893     char buf[KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN];
894     __kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN,
895                               __kmp_affin_fullMask);
897     KMP_INFORM(AffCapableUseFlat, "KMP_AFFINITY");
898     if (__kmp_affinity_respect_mask) {
899       KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
900     } else {
901       KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetNotRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
902     }
903     KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
904     KMP_INFORM(Uniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
905     KMP_INFORM(Topology, "KMP_AFFINITY", nPackages, nCoresPerPkg,
906                __kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
907   }
908   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__kmp_pu_os_idx == NULL);
909   __kmp_pu_os_idx = (int *)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(int) * __kmp_avail_proc);
910   if (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none) {
911     int avail_ct = 0;
912     int i;
913     KMP_CPU_SET_ITERATE(i, __kmp_affin_fullMask) {
914       if (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(i, __kmp_affin_fullMask))
915         continue;
916       __kmp_pu_os_idx[avail_ct++] = i; // suppose indices are flat
917     }
918     return 0;
919   }
921   // Contruct the data structure to be returned.
922   *address2os =
923       (AddrUnsPair *)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(**address2os) * __kmp_avail_proc);
924   int avail_ct = 0;
925   int i;
926   KMP_CPU_SET_ITERATE(i, __kmp_affin_fullMask) {
927     // Skip this proc if it is not included in the machine model.
928     if (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(i, __kmp_affin_fullMask)) {
929       continue;
930     }
931     __kmp_pu_os_idx[avail_ct] = i; // suppose indices are flat
932     Address addr(1);
933     addr.labels[0] = i;
934     (*address2os)[avail_ct++] = AddrUnsPair(addr, i);
935   }
936   if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
937     KMP_INFORM(OSProcToPackage, "KMP_AFFINITY");
938   }
940   if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels < 0) {
941     // Only the package level is modeled in the machine topology map,
942     // so the #levels of granularity is either 0 or 1.
943     if (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_package) {
944       __kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 1;
945     } else {
946       __kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 0;
947     }
948   }
949   return 1;
950 }
954 // If multiple Windows* OS processor groups exist, we can create a 2-level
955 // topology map with the groups at level 0 and the individual procs at level 1.
956 // This facilitates letting the threads float among all procs in a group,
957 // if granularity=group (the default when there are multiple groups).
958 static int __kmp_affinity_create_proc_group_map(AddrUnsPair **address2os,
959                                                 kmp_i18n_id_t *const msg_id) {
960   *address2os = NULL;
961   *msg_id = kmp_i18n_null;
963   // If we aren't affinity capable, then return now.
964   // The flat mapping will be used.
965   if (!KMP_AFFINITY_CAPABLE()) {
966     // FIXME set *msg_id
967     return -1;
968   }
970   // Contruct the data structure to be returned.
971   *address2os =
972       (AddrUnsPair *)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(**address2os) * __kmp_avail_proc);
973   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__kmp_pu_os_idx == NULL);
974   __kmp_pu_os_idx = (int *)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(int) * __kmp_avail_proc);
975   int avail_ct = 0;
976   int i;
977   KMP_CPU_SET_ITERATE(i, __kmp_affin_fullMask) {
978     // Skip this proc if it is not included in the machine model.
979     if (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(i, __kmp_affin_fullMask)) {
980       continue;
981     }
982     __kmp_pu_os_idx[avail_ct] = i; // suppose indices are flat
983     Address addr(2);
984     addr.labels[0] = i / (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(DWORD_PTR));
985     addr.labels[1] = i % (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(DWORD_PTR));
986     (*address2os)[avail_ct++] = AddrUnsPair(addr, i);
988     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
989       KMP_INFORM(AffOSProcToGroup, "KMP_AFFINITY", i, addr.labels[0],
990                  addr.labels[1]);
991     }
992   }
994   if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels < 0) {
995     if (__kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_group) {
996       __kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 1;
997     } else if ((__kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_fine) ||
998                (__kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_thread)) {
999       __kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 0;
1000     } else {
1001       const char *gran_str = NULL;
1002       if (__kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_core) {
1003         gran_str = "core";
1004       } else if (__kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_package) {
1005         gran_str = "package";
1006       } else if (__kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_node) {
1007         gran_str = "node";
1008       } else {
1009         KMP_ASSERT(0);
1010       }
1012       // Warning: can't use affinity granularity \"gran\" with group topology
1013       // method, using "thread"
1014       __kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 0;
1015     }
1016   }
1017   return 2;
1018 }
1020 #endif /* KMP_GROUP_AFFINITY */
1022 #if KMP_ARCH_X86 || KMP_ARCH_X86_64
1024 static int __kmp_cpuid_mask_width(int count) {
1025   int r = 0;
1027   while ((1 << r) < count)
1028     ++r;
1029   return r;
1030 }
1032 class apicThreadInfo {
1033 public:
1034   unsigned osId; // param to __kmp_affinity_bind_thread
1035   unsigned apicId; // from cpuid after binding
1036   unsigned maxCoresPerPkg; //      ""
1037   unsigned maxThreadsPerPkg; //      ""
1038   unsigned pkgId; // inferred from above values
1039   unsigned coreId; //      ""
1040   unsigned threadId; //      ""
1041 };
1043 static int __kmp_affinity_cmp_apicThreadInfo_phys_id(const void *a,
1044                                                      const void *b) {
1045   const apicThreadInfo *aa = (const apicThreadInfo *)a;
1046   const apicThreadInfo *bb = (const apicThreadInfo *)b;
1047   if (aa->pkgId < bb->pkgId)
1048     return -1;
1049   if (aa->pkgId > bb->pkgId)
1050     return 1;
1051   if (aa->coreId < bb->coreId)
1052     return -1;
1053   if (aa->coreId > bb->coreId)
1054     return 1;
1055   if (aa->threadId < bb->threadId)
1056     return -1;
1057   if (aa->threadId > bb->threadId)
1058     return 1;
1059   return 0;
1060 }
1062 // On IA-32 architecture and Intel(R) 64 architecture, we attempt to use
1063 // an algorithm which cycles through the available os threads, setting
1064 // the current thread's affinity mask to that thread, and then retrieves
1065 // the Apic Id for each thread context using the cpuid instruction.
1066 static int __kmp_affinity_create_apicid_map(AddrUnsPair **address2os,
1067                                             kmp_i18n_id_t *const msg_id) {
1068   kmp_cpuid buf;
1069   *address2os = NULL;
1070   *msg_id = kmp_i18n_null;
1072   // Check if cpuid leaf 4 is supported.
1073   __kmp_x86_cpuid(0, 0, &buf);
1074   if (buf.eax < 4) {
1075     *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_NoLeaf4Support;
1076     return -1;
1077   }
1079   // The algorithm used starts by setting the affinity to each available thread
1080   // and retrieving info from the cpuid instruction, so if we are not capable of
1081   // calling __kmp_get_system_affinity() and _kmp_get_system_affinity(), then we
1082   // need to do something else - use the defaults that we calculated from
1083   // issuing cpuid without binding to each proc.
1084   if (!KMP_AFFINITY_CAPABLE()) {
1085     // Hack to try and infer the machine topology using only the data
1086     // available from cpuid on the current thread, and __kmp_xproc.
1087     KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none);
1089     // Get an upper bound on the number of threads per package using cpuid(1).
1090     // On some OS/chps combinations where HT is supported by the chip but is
1091     // disabled, this value will be 2 on a single core chip. Usually, it will be
1092     // 2 if HT is enabled and 1 if HT is disabled.
1093     __kmp_x86_cpuid(1, 0, &buf);
1094     int maxThreadsPerPkg = (buf.ebx >> 16) & 0xff;
1095     if (maxThreadsPerPkg == 0) {
1096       maxThreadsPerPkg = 1;
1097     }
1099     // The num cores per pkg comes from cpuid(4). 1 must be added to the encoded
1100     // value.
1101     //
1102     // The author of cpu_count.cpp treated this only an upper bound on the
1103     // number of cores, but I haven't seen any cases where it was greater than
1104     // the actual number of cores, so we will treat it as exact in this block of
1105     // code.
1106     //
1107     // First, we need to check if cpuid(4) is supported on this chip. To see if
1108     // cpuid(n) is supported, issue cpuid(0) and check if eax has the value n or
1109     // greater.
1110     __kmp_x86_cpuid(0, 0, &buf);
1111     if (buf.eax >= 4) {
1112       __kmp_x86_cpuid(4, 0, &buf);
1113       nCoresPerPkg = ((buf.eax >> 26) & 0x3f) + 1;
1114     } else {
1115       nCoresPerPkg = 1;
1116     }
1118     // There is no way to reliably tell if HT is enabled without issuing the
1119     // cpuid instruction from every thread, can correlating the cpuid info, so
1120     // if the machine is not affinity capable, we assume that HT is off. We have
1121     // seen quite a few machines where maxThreadsPerPkg is 2, yet the machine
1122     // does not support HT.
1123     //
1124     // - Older OSes are usually found on machines with older chips, which do not
1125     //   support HT.
1126     // - The performance penalty for mistakenly identifying a machine as HT when
1127     //   it isn't (which results in blocktime being incorrectly set to 0) is
1128     //   greater than the penalty when for mistakenly identifying a machine as
1129     //   being 1 thread/core when it is really HT enabled (which results in
1130     //   blocktime being incorrectly set to a positive value).
1131     __kmp_ncores = __kmp_xproc;
1132     nPackages = (__kmp_xproc + nCoresPerPkg - 1) / nCoresPerPkg;
1133     __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = 1;
1134     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
1135       KMP_INFORM(AffNotCapableUseLocCpuid, "KMP_AFFINITY");
1136       KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
1137       if (__kmp_affinity_uniform_topology()) {
1138         KMP_INFORM(Uniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
1139       } else {
1140         KMP_INFORM(NonUniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
1141       }
1142       KMP_INFORM(Topology, "KMP_AFFINITY", nPackages, nCoresPerPkg,
1143                  __kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
1144     }
1145     return 0;
1146   }
1148   // From here on, we can assume that it is safe to call
1149   // __kmp_get_system_affinity() and __kmp_set_system_affinity(), even if
1150   // __kmp_affinity_type = affinity_none.
1152   // Save the affinity mask for the current thread.
1153   kmp_affin_mask_t *oldMask;
1154   KMP_CPU_ALLOC(oldMask);
1155   KMP_ASSERT(oldMask != NULL);
1156   __kmp_get_system_affinity(oldMask, TRUE);
1158   // Run through each of the available contexts, binding the current thread
1159   // to it, and obtaining the pertinent information using the cpuid instr.
1160   //
1161   // The relevant information is:
1162   // - Apic Id: Bits 24:31 of ebx after issuing cpuid(1) - each thread context
1163   //     has a uniqie Apic Id, which is of the form pkg# : core# : thread#.
1164   // - Max Threads Per Pkg: Bits 16:23 of ebx after issuing cpuid(1). The value
1165   //     of this field determines the width of the core# + thread# fields in the
1166   //     Apic Id. It is also an upper bound on the number of threads per
1167   //     package, but it has been verified that situations happen were it is not
1168   //     exact. In particular, on certain OS/chip combinations where Intel(R)
1169   //     Hyper-Threading Technology is supported by the chip but has been
1170   //     disabled, the value of this field will be 2 (for a single core chip).
1171   //     On other OS/chip combinations supporting Intel(R) Hyper-Threading
1172   //     Technology, the value of this field will be 1 when Intel(R)
1173   //     Hyper-Threading Technology is disabled and 2 when it is enabled.
1174   // - Max Cores Per Pkg:  Bits 26:31 of eax after issuing cpuid(4). The value
1175   //     of this field (+1) determines the width of the core# field in the Apic
1176   //     Id. The comments in "cpucount.cpp" say that this value is an upper
1177   //     bound, but the IA-32 architecture manual says that it is exactly the
1178   //     number of cores per package, and I haven't seen any case where it
1179   //     wasn't.
1180   //
1181   // From this information, deduce the package Id, core Id, and thread Id,
1182   // and set the corresponding fields in the apicThreadInfo struct.
1183   unsigned i;
1184   apicThreadInfo *threadInfo = (apicThreadInfo *)__kmp_allocate(
1185       __kmp_avail_proc * sizeof(apicThreadInfo));
1186   unsigned nApics = 0;
1187   KMP_CPU_SET_ITERATE(i, __kmp_affin_fullMask) {
1188     // Skip this proc if it is not included in the machine model.
1189     if (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(i, __kmp_affin_fullMask)) {
1190       continue;
1191     }
1192     KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT((int)nApics < __kmp_avail_proc);
1194     __kmp_affinity_dispatch->bind_thread(i);
1195     threadInfo[nApics].osId = i;
1197     // The apic id and max threads per pkg come from cpuid(1).
1198     __kmp_x86_cpuid(1, 0, &buf);
1199     if (((buf.edx >> 9) & 1) == 0) {
1200       __kmp_set_system_affinity(oldMask, TRUE);
1201       __kmp_free(threadInfo);
1202       KMP_CPU_FREE(oldMask);
1203       *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_ApicNotPresent;
1204       return -1;
1205     }
1206     threadInfo[nApics].apicId = (buf.ebx >> 24) & 0xff;
1207     threadInfo[nApics].maxThreadsPerPkg = (buf.ebx >> 16) & 0xff;
1208     if (threadInfo[nApics].maxThreadsPerPkg == 0) {
1209       threadInfo[nApics].maxThreadsPerPkg = 1;
1210     }
1212     // Max cores per pkg comes from cpuid(4). 1 must be added to the encoded
1213     // value.
1214     //
1215     // First, we need to check if cpuid(4) is supported on this chip. To see if
1216     // cpuid(n) is supported, issue cpuid(0) and check if eax has the value n
1217     // or greater.
1218     __kmp_x86_cpuid(0, 0, &buf);
1219     if (buf.eax >= 4) {
1220       __kmp_x86_cpuid(4, 0, &buf);
1221       threadInfo[nApics].maxCoresPerPkg = ((buf.eax >> 26) & 0x3f) + 1;
1222     } else {
1223       threadInfo[nApics].maxCoresPerPkg = 1;
1224     }
1226     // Infer the pkgId / coreId / threadId using only the info obtained locally.
1227     int widthCT = __kmp_cpuid_mask_width(threadInfo[nApics].maxThreadsPerPkg);
1228     threadInfo[nApics].pkgId = threadInfo[nApics].apicId >> widthCT;
1230     int widthC = __kmp_cpuid_mask_width(threadInfo[nApics].maxCoresPerPkg);
1231     int widthT = widthCT - widthC;
1232     if (widthT < 0) {
1233       // I've never seen this one happen, but I suppose it could, if the cpuid
1234       // instruction on a chip was really screwed up. Make sure to restore the
1235       // affinity mask before the tail call.
1236       __kmp_set_system_affinity(oldMask, TRUE);
1237       __kmp_free(threadInfo);
1238       KMP_CPU_FREE(oldMask);
1239       *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_InvalidCpuidInfo;
1240       return -1;
1241     }
1243     int maskC = (1 << widthC) - 1;
1244     threadInfo[nApics].coreId = (threadInfo[nApics].apicId >> widthT) & maskC;
1246     int maskT = (1 << widthT) - 1;
1247     threadInfo[nApics].threadId = threadInfo[nApics].apicId & maskT;
1249     nApics++;
1250   }
1252   // We've collected all the info we need.
1253   // Restore the old affinity mask for this thread.
1254   __kmp_set_system_affinity(oldMask, TRUE);
1256   // If there's only one thread context to bind to, form an Address object
1257   // with depth 1 and return immediately (or, if affinity is off, set
1258   // address2os to NULL and return).
1259   //
1260   // If it is configured to omit the package level when there is only a single
1261   // package, the logic at the end of this routine won't work if there is only
1262   // a single thread - it would try to form an Address object with depth 0.
1263   KMP_ASSERT(nApics > 0);
1264   if (nApics == 1) {
1265     __kmp_ncores = nPackages = 1;
1266     __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = nCoresPerPkg = 1;
1267     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
1268       char buf[KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN];
1269       __kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN, oldMask);
1271       KMP_INFORM(AffUseGlobCpuid, "KMP_AFFINITY");
1272       if (__kmp_affinity_respect_mask) {
1273         KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
1274       } else {
1275         KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetNotRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
1276       }
1277       KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
1278       KMP_INFORM(Uniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
1279       KMP_INFORM(Topology, "KMP_AFFINITY", nPackages, nCoresPerPkg,
1280                  __kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
1281     }
1283     if (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none) {
1284       __kmp_free(threadInfo);
1285       KMP_CPU_FREE(oldMask);
1286       return 0;
1287     }
1289     *address2os = (AddrUnsPair *)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(AddrUnsPair));
1290     Address addr(1);
1291     addr.labels[0] = threadInfo[0].pkgId;
1292     (*address2os)[0] = AddrUnsPair(addr, threadInfo[0].osId);
1294     if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels < 0) {
1295       __kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 0;
1296     }
1298     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
1299       __kmp_affinity_print_topology(*address2os, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1);
1300     }
1302     __kmp_free(threadInfo);
1303     KMP_CPU_FREE(oldMask);
1304     return 1;
1305   }
1307   // Sort the threadInfo table by physical Id.
1308   qsort(threadInfo, nApics, sizeof(*threadInfo),
1309         __kmp_affinity_cmp_apicThreadInfo_phys_id);
1311   // The table is now sorted by pkgId / coreId / threadId, but we really don't
1312   // know the radix of any of the fields. pkgId's may be sparsely assigned among
1313   // the chips on a system. Although coreId's are usually assigned
1314   // [0 .. coresPerPkg-1] and threadId's are usually assigned
1315   // [0..threadsPerCore-1], we don't want to make any such assumptions.
1316   //
1317   // For that matter, we don't know what coresPerPkg and threadsPerCore (or the
1318   // total # packages) are at this point - we want to determine that now. We
1319   // only have an upper bound on the first two figures.
1320   //
1321   // We also perform a consistency check at this point: the values returned by
1322   // the cpuid instruction for any thread bound to a given package had better
1323   // return the same info for maxThreadsPerPkg and maxCoresPerPkg.
1324   nPackages = 1;
1325   nCoresPerPkg = 1;
1326   __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = 1;
1327   unsigned nCores = 1;
1329   unsigned pkgCt = 1; // to determine radii
1330   unsigned lastPkgId = threadInfo[0].pkgId;
1331   unsigned coreCt = 1;
1332   unsigned lastCoreId = threadInfo[0].coreId;
1333   unsigned threadCt = 1;
1334   unsigned lastThreadId = threadInfo[0].threadId;
1336   // intra-pkg consist checks
1337   unsigned prevMaxCoresPerPkg = threadInfo[0].maxCoresPerPkg;
1338   unsigned prevMaxThreadsPerPkg = threadInfo[0].maxThreadsPerPkg;
1340   for (i = 1; i < nApics; i++) {
1341     if (threadInfo[i].pkgId != lastPkgId) {
1342       nCores++;
1343       pkgCt++;
1344       lastPkgId = threadInfo[i].pkgId;
1345       if ((int)coreCt > nCoresPerPkg)
1346         nCoresPerPkg = coreCt;
1347       coreCt = 1;
1348       lastCoreId = threadInfo[i].coreId;
1349       if ((int)threadCt > __kmp_nThreadsPerCore)
1350         __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = threadCt;
1351       threadCt = 1;
1352       lastThreadId = threadInfo[i].threadId;
1354       // This is a different package, so go on to the next iteration without
1355       // doing any consistency checks. Reset the consistency check vars, though.
1356       prevMaxCoresPerPkg = threadInfo[i].maxCoresPerPkg;
1357       prevMaxThreadsPerPkg = threadInfo[i].maxThreadsPerPkg;
1358       continue;
1359     }
1361     if (threadInfo[i].coreId != lastCoreId) {
1362       nCores++;
1363       coreCt++;
1364       lastCoreId = threadInfo[i].coreId;
1365       if ((int)threadCt > __kmp_nThreadsPerCore)
1366         __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = threadCt;
1367       threadCt = 1;
1368       lastThreadId = threadInfo[i].threadId;
1369     } else if (threadInfo[i].threadId != lastThreadId) {
1370       threadCt++;
1371       lastThreadId = threadInfo[i].threadId;
1372     } else {
1373       __kmp_free(threadInfo);
1374       KMP_CPU_FREE(oldMask);
1375       *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_LegacyApicIDsNotUnique;
1376       return -1;
1377     }
1379     // Check to make certain that the maxCoresPerPkg and maxThreadsPerPkg
1380     // fields agree between all the threads bounds to a given package.
1381     if ((prevMaxCoresPerPkg != threadInfo[i].maxCoresPerPkg) ||
1382         (prevMaxThreadsPerPkg != threadInfo[i].maxThreadsPerPkg)) {
1383       __kmp_free(threadInfo);
1384       KMP_CPU_FREE(oldMask);
1385       *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_InconsistentCpuidInfo;
1386       return -1;
1387     }
1388   }
1389   nPackages = pkgCt;
1390   if ((int)coreCt > nCoresPerPkg)
1391     nCoresPerPkg = coreCt;
1392   if ((int)threadCt > __kmp_nThreadsPerCore)
1393     __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = threadCt;
1395   // When affinity is off, this routine will still be called to set
1396   // __kmp_ncores, as well as __kmp_nThreadsPerCore, nCoresPerPkg, & nPackages.
1397   // Make sure all these vars are set correctly, and return now if affinity is
1398   // not enabled.
1399   __kmp_ncores = nCores;
1400   if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
1401     char buf[KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN];
1402     __kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN, oldMask);
1404     KMP_INFORM(AffUseGlobCpuid, "KMP_AFFINITY");
1405     if (__kmp_affinity_respect_mask) {
1406       KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
1407     } else {
1408       KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetNotRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
1409     }
1410     KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
1411     if (__kmp_affinity_uniform_topology()) {
1412       KMP_INFORM(Uniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
1413     } else {
1414       KMP_INFORM(NonUniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
1415     }
1416     KMP_INFORM(Topology, "KMP_AFFINITY", nPackages, nCoresPerPkg,
1417                __kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
1418   }
1419   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__kmp_pu_os_idx == NULL);
1420   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(nApics == (unsigned)__kmp_avail_proc);
1421   __kmp_pu_os_idx = (int *)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(int) * __kmp_avail_proc);
1422   for (i = 0; i < nApics; ++i) {
1423     __kmp_pu_os_idx[i] = threadInfo[i].osId;
1424   }
1425   if (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none) {
1426     __kmp_free(threadInfo);
1427     KMP_CPU_FREE(oldMask);
1428     return 0;
1429   }
1431   // Now that we've determined the number of packages, the number of cores per
1432   // package, and the number of threads per core, we can construct the data
1433   // structure that is to be returned.
1434   int pkgLevel = 0;
1435   int coreLevel = (nCoresPerPkg <= 1) ? -1 : 1;
1436   int threadLevel =
1437       (__kmp_nThreadsPerCore <= 1) ? -1 : ((coreLevel >= 0) ? 2 : 1);
1438   unsigned depth = (pkgLevel >= 0) + (coreLevel >= 0) + (threadLevel >= 0);
1440   KMP_ASSERT(depth > 0);
1441   *address2os = (AddrUnsPair *)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(AddrUnsPair) * nApics);
1443   for (i = 0; i < nApics; ++i) {
1444     Address addr(depth);
1445     unsigned os = threadInfo[i].osId;
1446     int d = 0;
1448     if (pkgLevel >= 0) {
1449       addr.labels[d++] = threadInfo[i].pkgId;
1450     }
1451     if (coreLevel >= 0) {
1452       addr.labels[d++] = threadInfo[i].coreId;
1453     }
1454     if (threadLevel >= 0) {
1455       addr.labels[d++] = threadInfo[i].threadId;
1456     }
1457     (*address2os)[i] = AddrUnsPair(addr, os);
1458   }
1460   if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels < 0) {
1461     // Set the granularity level based on what levels are modeled in the machine
1462     // topology map.
1463     __kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 0;
1464     if ((threadLevel >= 0) && (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_thread)) {
1465       __kmp_affinity_gran_levels++;
1466     }
1467     if ((coreLevel >= 0) && (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_core)) {
1468       __kmp_affinity_gran_levels++;
1469     }
1470     if ((pkgLevel >= 0) && (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_package)) {
1471       __kmp_affinity_gran_levels++;
1472     }
1473   }
1475   if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
1476     __kmp_affinity_print_topology(*address2os, nApics, depth, pkgLevel,
1477                                   coreLevel, threadLevel);
1478   }
1480   __kmp_free(threadInfo);
1481   KMP_CPU_FREE(oldMask);
1482   return depth;
1483 }
1485 // Intel(R) microarchitecture code name Nehalem, Dunnington and later
1486 // architectures support a newer interface for specifying the x2APIC Ids,
1487 // based on cpuid leaf 11.
1488 static int __kmp_affinity_create_x2apicid_map(AddrUnsPair **address2os,
1489                                               kmp_i18n_id_t *const msg_id) {
1490   kmp_cpuid buf;
1491   *address2os = NULL;
1492   *msg_id = kmp_i18n_null;
1494   // Check to see if cpuid leaf 11 is supported.
1495   __kmp_x86_cpuid(0, 0, &buf);
1496   if (buf.eax < 11) {
1497     *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_NoLeaf11Support;
1498     return -1;
1499   }
1500   __kmp_x86_cpuid(11, 0, &buf);
1501   if (buf.ebx == 0) {
1502     *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_NoLeaf11Support;
1503     return -1;
1504   }
1506   // Find the number of levels in the machine topology. While we're at it, get
1507   // the default values for __kmp_nThreadsPerCore & nCoresPerPkg. We will try to
1508   // get more accurate values later by explicitly counting them, but get
1509   // reasonable defaults now, in case we return early.
1510   int level;
1511   int threadLevel = -1;
1512   int coreLevel = -1;
1513   int pkgLevel = -1;
1514   __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = nCoresPerPkg = nPackages = 1;
1516   for (level = 0;; level++) {
1517     if (level > 31) {
1518       // FIXME: Hack for DPD200163180
1519       //
1520       // If level is big then something went wrong -> exiting
1521       //
1522       // There could actually be 32 valid levels in the machine topology, but so
1523       // far, the only machine we have seen which does not exit this loop before
1524       // iteration 32 has fubar x2APIC settings.
1525       //
1526       // For now, just reject this case based upon loop trip count.
1527       *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_InvalidCpuidInfo;
1528       return -1;
1529     }
1530     __kmp_x86_cpuid(11, level, &buf);
1531     if (buf.ebx == 0) {
1532       if (pkgLevel < 0) {
1533         // Will infer nPackages from __kmp_xproc
1534         pkgLevel = level;
1535         level++;
1536       }
1537       break;
1538     }
1539     int kind = (buf.ecx >> 8) & 0xff;
1540     if (kind == 1) {
1541       // SMT level
1542       threadLevel = level;
1543       coreLevel = -1;
1544       pkgLevel = -1;
1545       __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = buf.ebx & 0xffff;
1546       if (__kmp_nThreadsPerCore == 0) {
1547         *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_InvalidCpuidInfo;
1548         return -1;
1549       }
1550     } else if (kind == 2) {
1551       // core level
1552       coreLevel = level;
1553       pkgLevel = -1;
1554       nCoresPerPkg = buf.ebx & 0xffff;
1555       if (nCoresPerPkg == 0) {
1556         *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_InvalidCpuidInfo;
1557         return -1;
1558       }
1559     } else {
1560       if (level <= 0) {
1561         *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_InvalidCpuidInfo;
1562         return -1;
1563       }
1564       if (pkgLevel >= 0) {
1565         continue;
1566       }
1567       pkgLevel = level;
1568       nPackages = buf.ebx & 0xffff;
1569       if (nPackages == 0) {
1570         *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_InvalidCpuidInfo;
1571         return -1;
1572       }
1573     }
1574   }
1575   int depth = level;
1577   // In the above loop, "level" was counted from the finest level (usually
1578   // thread) to the coarsest.  The caller expects that we will place the labels
1579   // in (*address2os)[].first.labels[] in the inverse order, so we need to
1580   // invert the vars saying which level means what.
1581   if (threadLevel >= 0) {
1582     threadLevel = depth - threadLevel - 1;
1583   }
1584   if (coreLevel >= 0) {
1585     coreLevel = depth - coreLevel - 1;
1586   }
1587   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(pkgLevel >= 0);
1588   pkgLevel = depth - pkgLevel - 1;
1590   // The algorithm used starts by setting the affinity to each available thread
1591   // and retrieving info from the cpuid instruction, so if we are not capable of
1592   // calling __kmp_get_system_affinity() and _kmp_get_system_affinity(), then we
1593   // need to do something else - use the defaults that we calculated from
1594   // issuing cpuid without binding to each proc.
1595   if (!KMP_AFFINITY_CAPABLE()) {
1596     // Hack to try and infer the machine topology using only the data
1597     // available from cpuid on the current thread, and __kmp_xproc.
1598     KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none);
1600     __kmp_ncores = __kmp_xproc / __kmp_nThreadsPerCore;
1601     nPackages = (__kmp_xproc + nCoresPerPkg - 1) / nCoresPerPkg;
1602     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
1603       KMP_INFORM(AffNotCapableUseLocCpuidL11, "KMP_AFFINITY");
1604       KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
1605       if (__kmp_affinity_uniform_topology()) {
1606         KMP_INFORM(Uniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
1607       } else {
1608         KMP_INFORM(NonUniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
1609       }
1610       KMP_INFORM(Topology, "KMP_AFFINITY", nPackages, nCoresPerPkg,
1611                  __kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
1612     }
1613     return 0;
1614   }
1616   // From here on, we can assume that it is safe to call
1617   // __kmp_get_system_affinity() and __kmp_set_system_affinity(), even if
1618   // __kmp_affinity_type = affinity_none.
1620   // Save the affinity mask for the current thread.
1621   kmp_affin_mask_t *oldMask;
1622   KMP_CPU_ALLOC(oldMask);
1623   __kmp_get_system_affinity(oldMask, TRUE);
1625   // Allocate the data structure to be returned.
1626   AddrUnsPair *retval =
1627       (AddrUnsPair *)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(AddrUnsPair) * __kmp_avail_proc);
1629   // Run through each of the available contexts, binding the current thread
1630   // to it, and obtaining the pertinent information using the cpuid instr.
1631   unsigned int proc;
1632   int nApics = 0;
1633   KMP_CPU_SET_ITERATE(proc, __kmp_affin_fullMask) {
1634     // Skip this proc if it is not included in the machine model.
1635     if (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(proc, __kmp_affin_fullMask)) {
1636       continue;
1637     }
1638     KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(nApics < __kmp_avail_proc);
1640     __kmp_affinity_dispatch->bind_thread(proc);
1642     // Extract labels for each level in the machine topology map from Apic ID.
1643     Address addr(depth);
1644     int prev_shift = 0;
1646     for (level = 0; level < depth; level++) {
1647       __kmp_x86_cpuid(11, level, &buf);
1648       unsigned apicId = buf.edx;
1649       if (buf.ebx == 0) {
1650         if (level != depth - 1) {
1651           KMP_CPU_FREE(oldMask);
1652           *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_InconsistentCpuidInfo;
1653           return -1;
1654         }
1655         addr.labels[depth - level - 1] = apicId >> prev_shift;
1656         level++;
1657         break;
1658       }
1659       int shift = buf.eax & 0x1f;
1660       int mask = (1 << shift) - 1;
1661       addr.labels[depth - level - 1] = (apicId & mask) >> prev_shift;
1662       prev_shift = shift;
1663     }
1664     if (level != depth) {
1665       KMP_CPU_FREE(oldMask);
1666       *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_InconsistentCpuidInfo;
1667       return -1;
1668     }
1670     retval[nApics] = AddrUnsPair(addr, proc);
1671     nApics++;
1672   }
1674   // We've collected all the info we need.
1675   // Restore the old affinity mask for this thread.
1676   __kmp_set_system_affinity(oldMask, TRUE);
1678   // If there's only one thread context to bind to, return now.
1679   KMP_ASSERT(nApics > 0);
1680   if (nApics == 1) {
1681     __kmp_ncores = nPackages = 1;
1682     __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = nCoresPerPkg = 1;
1683     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
1684       char buf[KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN];
1685       __kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN, oldMask);
1687       KMP_INFORM(AffUseGlobCpuidL11, "KMP_AFFINITY");
1688       if (__kmp_affinity_respect_mask) {
1689         KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
1690       } else {
1691         KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetNotRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
1692       }
1693       KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
1694       KMP_INFORM(Uniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
1695       KMP_INFORM(Topology, "KMP_AFFINITY", nPackages, nCoresPerPkg,
1696                  __kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
1697     }
1699     if (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none) {
1700       __kmp_free(retval);
1701       KMP_CPU_FREE(oldMask);
1702       return 0;
1703     }
1705     // Form an Address object which only includes the package level.
1706     Address addr(1);
1707     addr.labels[0] = retval[0].first.labels[pkgLevel];
1708     retval[0].first = addr;
1710     if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels < 0) {
1711       __kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 0;
1712     }
1714     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
1715       __kmp_affinity_print_topology(retval, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1);
1716     }
1718     *address2os = retval;
1719     KMP_CPU_FREE(oldMask);
1720     return 1;
1721   }
1723   // Sort the table by physical Id.
1724   qsort(retval, nApics, sizeof(*retval), __kmp_affinity_cmp_Address_labels);
1726   // Find the radix at each of the levels.
1727   unsigned *totals = (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate(depth * sizeof(unsigned));
1728   unsigned *counts = (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate(depth * sizeof(unsigned));
1729   unsigned *maxCt = (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate(depth * sizeof(unsigned));
1730   unsigned *last = (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate(depth * sizeof(unsigned));
1731   for (level = 0; level < depth; level++) {
1732     totals[level] = 1;
1733     maxCt[level] = 1;
1734     counts[level] = 1;
1735     last[level] = retval[0].first.labels[level];
1736   }
1738   // From here on, the iteration variable "level" runs from the finest level to
1739   // the coarsest, i.e. we iterate forward through
1740   // (*address2os)[].first.labels[] - in the previous loops, we iterated
1741   // backwards.
1742   for (proc = 1; (int)proc < nApics; proc++) {
1743     int level;
1744     for (level = 0; level < depth; level++) {
1745       if (retval[proc].first.labels[level] != last[level]) {
1746         int j;
1747         for (j = level + 1; j < depth; j++) {
1748           totals[j]++;
1749           counts[j] = 1;
1750           // The line below causes printing incorrect topology information in
1751           // case the max value for some level (maxCt[level]) is encountered
1752           // earlier than some less value while going through the array. For
1753           // example, let pkg0 has 4 cores and pkg1 has 2 cores. Then
1754           // maxCt[1] == 2
1755           // whereas it must be 4.
1756           // TODO!!! Check if it can be commented safely
1757           // maxCt[j] = 1;
1758           last[j] = retval[proc].first.labels[j];
1759         }
1760         totals[level]++;
1761         counts[level]++;
1762         if (counts[level] > maxCt[level]) {
1763           maxCt[level] = counts[level];
1764         }
1765         last[level] = retval[proc].first.labels[level];
1766         break;
1767       } else if (level == depth - 1) {
1768         __kmp_free(last);
1769         __kmp_free(maxCt);
1770         __kmp_free(counts);
1771         __kmp_free(totals);
1772         __kmp_free(retval);
1773         KMP_CPU_FREE(oldMask);
1774         *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_x2ApicIDsNotUnique;
1775         return -1;
1776       }
1777     }
1778   }
1780   // When affinity is off, this routine will still be called to set
1781   // __kmp_ncores, as well as __kmp_nThreadsPerCore, nCoresPerPkg, & nPackages.
1782   // Make sure all these vars are set correctly, and return if affinity is not
1783   // enabled.
1784   if (threadLevel >= 0) {
1785     __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = maxCt[threadLevel];
1786   } else {
1787     __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = 1;
1788   }
1789   nPackages = totals[pkgLevel];
1791   if (coreLevel >= 0) {
1792     __kmp_ncores = totals[coreLevel];
1793     nCoresPerPkg = maxCt[coreLevel];
1794   } else {
1795     __kmp_ncores = nPackages;
1796     nCoresPerPkg = 1;
1797   }
1799   // Check to see if the machine topology is uniform
1800   unsigned prod = maxCt[0];
1801   for (level = 1; level < depth; level++) {
1802     prod *= maxCt[level];
1803   }
1804   bool uniform = (prod == totals[level - 1]);
1806   // Print the machine topology summary.
1807   if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
1808     char mask[KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN];
1809     __kmp_affinity_print_mask(mask, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN, oldMask);
1811     KMP_INFORM(AffUseGlobCpuidL11, "KMP_AFFINITY");
1812     if (__kmp_affinity_respect_mask) {
1813       KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", mask);
1814     } else {
1815       KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetNotRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", mask);
1816     }
1817     KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
1818     if (uniform) {
1819       KMP_INFORM(Uniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
1820     } else {
1821       KMP_INFORM(NonUniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
1822     }
1824     kmp_str_buf_t buf;
1825     __kmp_str_buf_init(&buf);
1827     __kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "%d", totals[0]);
1828     for (level = 1; level <= pkgLevel; level++) {
1829       __kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, " x %d", maxCt[level]);
1830     }
1831     KMP_INFORM(TopologyExtra, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf.str, nCoresPerPkg,
1832                __kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
1834     __kmp_str_buf_free(&buf);
1835   }
1836   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__kmp_pu_os_idx == NULL);
1837   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(nApics == __kmp_avail_proc);
1838   __kmp_pu_os_idx = (int *)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(int) * __kmp_avail_proc);
1839   for (proc = 0; (int)proc < nApics; ++proc) {
1840     __kmp_pu_os_idx[proc] = retval[proc].second;
1841   }
1842   if (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none) {
1843     __kmp_free(last);
1844     __kmp_free(maxCt);
1845     __kmp_free(counts);
1846     __kmp_free(totals);
1847     __kmp_free(retval);
1848     KMP_CPU_FREE(oldMask);
1849     return 0;
1850   }
1852   // Find any levels with radiix 1, and remove them from the map
1853   // (except for the package level).
1854   int new_depth = 0;
1855   for (level = 0; level < depth; level++) {
1856     if ((maxCt[level] == 1) && (level != pkgLevel)) {
1857       continue;
1858     }
1859     new_depth++;
1860   }
1862   // If we are removing any levels, allocate a new vector to return,
1863   // and copy the relevant information to it.
1864   if (new_depth != depth) {
1865     AddrUnsPair *new_retval =
1866         (AddrUnsPair *)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(AddrUnsPair) * nApics);
1867     for (proc = 0; (int)proc < nApics; proc++) {
1868       Address addr(new_depth);
1869       new_retval[proc] = AddrUnsPair(addr, retval[proc].second);
1870     }
1871     int new_level = 0;
1872     int newPkgLevel = -1;
1873     int newCoreLevel = -1;
1874     int newThreadLevel = -1;
1875     for (level = 0; level < depth; level++) {
1876       if ((maxCt[level] == 1) && (level != pkgLevel)) {
1877         // Remove this level. Never remove the package level
1878         continue;
1879       }
1880       if (level == pkgLevel) {
1881         newPkgLevel = new_level;
1882       }
1883       if (level == coreLevel) {
1884         newCoreLevel = new_level;
1885       }
1886       if (level == threadLevel) {
1887         newThreadLevel = new_level;
1888       }
1889       for (proc = 0; (int)proc < nApics; proc++) {
1890         new_retval[proc].first.labels[new_level] =
1891             retval[proc].first.labels[level];
1892       }
1893       new_level++;
1894     }
1896     __kmp_free(retval);
1897     retval = new_retval;
1898     depth = new_depth;
1899     pkgLevel = newPkgLevel;
1900     coreLevel = newCoreLevel;
1901     threadLevel = newThreadLevel;
1902   }
1904   if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels < 0) {
1905     // Set the granularity level based on what levels are modeled
1906     // in the machine topology map.
1907     __kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 0;
1908     if ((threadLevel >= 0) && (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_thread)) {
1909       __kmp_affinity_gran_levels++;
1910     }
1911     if ((coreLevel >= 0) && (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_core)) {
1912       __kmp_affinity_gran_levels++;
1913     }
1914     if (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_package) {
1915       __kmp_affinity_gran_levels++;
1916     }
1917   }
1919   if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
1920     __kmp_affinity_print_topology(retval, nApics, depth, pkgLevel, coreLevel,
1921                                   threadLevel);
1922   }
1924   __kmp_free(last);
1925   __kmp_free(maxCt);
1926   __kmp_free(counts);
1927   __kmp_free(totals);
1928   KMP_CPU_FREE(oldMask);
1929   *address2os = retval;
1930   return depth;
1931 }
1933 #endif /* KMP_ARCH_X86 || KMP_ARCH_X86_64 */
1935 #define osIdIndex 0
1936 #define threadIdIndex 1
1937 #define coreIdIndex 2
1938 #define pkgIdIndex 3
1939 #define nodeIdIndex 4
1941 typedef unsigned *ProcCpuInfo;
1942 static unsigned maxIndex = pkgIdIndex;
1944 static int __kmp_affinity_cmp_ProcCpuInfo_phys_id(const void *a,
1945                                                   const void *b) {
1946   unsigned i;
1947   const unsigned *aa = *(unsigned *const *)a;
1948   const unsigned *bb = *(unsigned *const *)b;
1949   for (i = maxIndex;; i--) {
1950     if (aa[i] < bb[i])
1951       return -1;
1952     if (aa[i] > bb[i])
1953       return 1;
1954     if (i == osIdIndex)
1955       break;
1956   }
1957   return 0;
1958 }
1961 // Set the array sizes for the hierarchy layers
1962 static void __kmp_dispatch_set_hierarchy_values() {
1963   // Set the maximum number of L1's to number of cores
1964   // Set the maximum number of L2's to to either number of cores / 2 for
1965   // Intel(R) Xeon Phi(TM) coprocessor formally codenamed Knights Landing
1966   // Or the number of cores for Intel(R) Xeon(R) processors
1967   // Set the maximum number of NUMA nodes and L3's to number of packages
1968   __kmp_hier_max_units[kmp_hier_layer_e::LAYER_THREAD + 1] =
1969       nPackages * nCoresPerPkg * __kmp_nThreadsPerCore;
1970   __kmp_hier_max_units[kmp_hier_layer_e::LAYER_L1 + 1] = __kmp_ncores;
1972   if (__kmp_mic_type >= mic3)
1973     __kmp_hier_max_units[kmp_hier_layer_e::LAYER_L2 + 1] = __kmp_ncores / 2;
1974   else
1975 #endif // KMP_ARCH_X86_64 && (KMP_OS_LINUX || KMP_OS_WINDOWS)
1976     __kmp_hier_max_units[kmp_hier_layer_e::LAYER_L2 + 1] = __kmp_ncores;
1977   __kmp_hier_max_units[kmp_hier_layer_e::LAYER_L3 + 1] = nPackages;
1978   __kmp_hier_max_units[kmp_hier_layer_e::LAYER_NUMA + 1] = nPackages;
1979   __kmp_hier_max_units[kmp_hier_layer_e::LAYER_LOOP + 1] = 1;
1980   // Set the number of threads per unit
1981   // Number of hardware threads per L1/L2/L3/NUMA/LOOP
1982   __kmp_hier_threads_per[kmp_hier_layer_e::LAYER_THREAD + 1] = 1;
1983   __kmp_hier_threads_per[kmp_hier_layer_e::LAYER_L1 + 1] =
1984       __kmp_nThreadsPerCore;
1986   if (__kmp_mic_type >= mic3)
1987     __kmp_hier_threads_per[kmp_hier_layer_e::LAYER_L2 + 1] =
1988         2 * __kmp_nThreadsPerCore;
1989   else
1990 #endif // KMP_ARCH_X86_64 && (KMP_OS_LINUX || KMP_OS_WINDOWS)
1991     __kmp_hier_threads_per[kmp_hier_layer_e::LAYER_L2 + 1] =
1992         __kmp_nThreadsPerCore;
1993   __kmp_hier_threads_per[kmp_hier_layer_e::LAYER_L3 + 1] =
1994       nCoresPerPkg * __kmp_nThreadsPerCore;
1995   __kmp_hier_threads_per[kmp_hier_layer_e::LAYER_NUMA + 1] =
1996       nCoresPerPkg * __kmp_nThreadsPerCore;
1997   __kmp_hier_threads_per[kmp_hier_layer_e::LAYER_LOOP + 1] =
1998       nPackages * nCoresPerPkg * __kmp_nThreadsPerCore;
1999 }
2001 // Return the index into the hierarchy for this tid and layer type (L1, L2, etc)
2002 // i.e., this thread's L1 or this thread's L2, etc.
2003 int __kmp_dispatch_get_index(int tid, kmp_hier_layer_e type) {
2004   int index = type + 1;
2005   int num_hw_threads = __kmp_hier_max_units[kmp_hier_layer_e::LAYER_THREAD + 1];
2006   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(type != kmp_hier_layer_e::LAYER_LAST);
2007   if (type == kmp_hier_layer_e::LAYER_THREAD)
2008     return tid;
2009   else if (type == kmp_hier_layer_e::LAYER_LOOP)
2010     return 0;
2011   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__kmp_hier_max_units[index] != 0);
2012   if (tid >= num_hw_threads)
2013     tid = tid % num_hw_threads;
2014   return (tid / __kmp_hier_threads_per[index]) % __kmp_hier_max_units[index];
2015 }
2017 // Return the number of t1's per t2
2018 int __kmp_dispatch_get_t1_per_t2(kmp_hier_layer_e t1, kmp_hier_layer_e t2) {
2019   int i1 = t1 + 1;
2020   int i2 = t2 + 1;
2021   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(i1 <= i2);
2022   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(t1 != kmp_hier_layer_e::LAYER_LAST);
2023   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(t2 != kmp_hier_layer_e::LAYER_LAST);
2024   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__kmp_hier_threads_per[i1] != 0);
2025   // (nthreads/t2) / (nthreads/t1) = t1 / t2
2026   return __kmp_hier_threads_per[i2] / __kmp_hier_threads_per[i1];
2027 }
2028 #endif // KMP_USE_HIER_SCHED
2030 // Parse /proc/cpuinfo (or an alternate file in the same format) to obtain the
2031 // affinity map.
2032 static int __kmp_affinity_create_cpuinfo_map(AddrUnsPair **address2os,
2033                                              int *line,
2034                                              kmp_i18n_id_t *const msg_id,
2035                                              FILE *f) {
2036   *address2os = NULL;
2037   *msg_id = kmp_i18n_null;
2039   // Scan of the file, and count the number of "processor" (osId) fields,
2040   // and find the highest value of <n> for a node_<n> field.
2041   char buf[256];
2042   unsigned num_records = 0;
2043   while (!feof(f)) {
2044     buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 1;
2045     if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) {
2046       // Read errors presumably because of EOF
2047       break;
2048     }
2050     char s1[] = "processor";
2051     if (strncmp(buf, s1, sizeof(s1) - 1) == 0) {
2052       num_records++;
2053       continue;
2054     }
2056     // FIXME - this will match "node_<n> <garbage>"
2057     unsigned level;
2058     if (KMP_SSCANF(buf, "node_%u id", &level) == 1) {
2059       if (nodeIdIndex + level >= maxIndex) {
2060         maxIndex = nodeIdIndex + level;
2061       }
2062       continue;
2063     }
2064   }
2066   // Check for empty file / no valid processor records, or too many. The number
2067   // of records can't exceed the number of valid bits in the affinity mask.
2068   if (num_records == 0) {
2069     *line = 0;
2070     *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_NoProcRecords;
2071     return -1;
2072   }
2073   if (num_records > (unsigned)__kmp_xproc) {
2074     *line = 0;
2075     *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_TooManyProcRecords;
2076     return -1;
2077   }
2079   // Set the file pointer back to the beginning, so that we can scan the file
2080   // again, this time performing a full parse of the data. Allocate a vector of
2081   // ProcCpuInfo object, where we will place the data. Adding an extra element
2082   // at the end allows us to remove a lot of extra checks for termination
2083   // conditions.
2084   if (fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
2085     *line = 0;
2086     *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_CantRewindCpuinfo;
2087     return -1;
2088   }
2090   // Allocate the array of records to store the proc info in.  The dummy
2091   // element at the end makes the logic in filling them out easier to code.
2092   unsigned **threadInfo =
2093       (unsigned **)__kmp_allocate((num_records + 1) * sizeof(unsigned *));
2094   unsigned i;
2095   for (i = 0; i <= num_records; i++) {
2096     threadInfo[i] =
2097         (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate((maxIndex + 1) * sizeof(unsigned));
2098   }
2100 #define CLEANUP_THREAD_INFO                                                    \
2101   for (i = 0; i <= num_records; i++) {                                         \
2102     __kmp_free(threadInfo[i]);                                                 \
2103   }                                                                            \
2104   __kmp_free(threadInfo);
2106   // A value of UINT_MAX means that we didn't find the field
2107   unsigned __index;
2109 #define INIT_PROC_INFO(p)                                                      \
2110   for (__index = 0; __index <= maxIndex; __index++) {                          \
2111     (p)[__index] = UINT_MAX;                                                   \
2112   }
2114   for (i = 0; i <= num_records; i++) {
2115     INIT_PROC_INFO(threadInfo[i]);
2116   }
2118   unsigned num_avail = 0;
2119   *line = 0;
2120   while (!feof(f)) {
2121     // Create an inner scoping level, so that all the goto targets at the end of
2122     // the loop appear in an outer scoping level. This avoids warnings about
2123     // jumping past an initialization to a target in the same block.
2124     {
2125       buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 1;
2126       bool long_line = false;
2127       if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) {
2128         // Read errors presumably because of EOF
2129         // If there is valid data in threadInfo[num_avail], then fake
2130         // a blank line in ensure that the last address gets parsed.
2131         bool valid = false;
2132         for (i = 0; i <= maxIndex; i++) {
2133           if (threadInfo[num_avail][i] != UINT_MAX) {
2134             valid = true;
2135           }
2136         }
2137         if (!valid) {
2138           break;
2139         }
2140         buf[0] = 0;
2141       } else if (!buf[sizeof(buf) - 1]) {
2142         // The line is longer than the buffer.  Set a flag and don't
2143         // emit an error if we were going to ignore the line, anyway.
2144         long_line = true;
2146 #define CHECK_LINE                                                             \
2147   if (long_line) {                                                             \
2148     CLEANUP_THREAD_INFO;                                                       \
2149     *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_LongLineCpuinfo;                                    \
2150     return -1;                                                                 \
2151   }
2152       }
2153       (*line)++;
2155       char s1[] = "processor";
2156       if (strncmp(buf, s1, sizeof(s1) - 1) == 0) {
2157         CHECK_LINE;
2158         char *p = strchr(buf + sizeof(s1) - 1, ':');
2159         unsigned val;
2160         if ((p == NULL) || (KMP_SSCANF(p + 1, "%u\n", &val) != 1))
2161           goto no_val;
2162         if (threadInfo[num_avail][osIdIndex] != UINT_MAX)
2163 #if KMP_ARCH_AARCH64
2164           // Handle the old AArch64 /proc/cpuinfo layout differently,
2165           // it contains all of the 'processor' entries listed in a
2166           // single 'Processor' section, therefore the normal looking
2167           // for duplicates in that section will always fail.
2168           num_avail++;
2169 #else
2170           goto dup_field;
2171 #endif
2172         threadInfo[num_avail][osIdIndex] = val;
2173 #if KMP_OS_LINUX && !(KMP_ARCH_X86 || KMP_ARCH_X86_64)
2174         char path[256];
2175         KMP_SNPRINTF(
2176             path, sizeof(path),
2177             "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%u/topology/physical_package_id",
2178             threadInfo[num_avail][osIdIndex]);
2179         __kmp_read_from_file(path, "%u", &threadInfo[num_avail][pkgIdIndex]);
2181         KMP_SNPRINTF(path, sizeof(path),
2182                      "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%u/topology/core_id",
2183                      threadInfo[num_avail][osIdIndex]);
2184         __kmp_read_from_file(path, "%u", &threadInfo[num_avail][coreIdIndex]);
2185         continue;
2186 #else
2187       }
2188       char s2[] = "physical id";
2189       if (strncmp(buf, s2, sizeof(s2) - 1) == 0) {
2190         CHECK_LINE;
2191         char *p = strchr(buf + sizeof(s2) - 1, ':');
2192         unsigned val;
2193         if ((p == NULL) || (KMP_SSCANF(p + 1, "%u\n", &val) != 1))
2194           goto no_val;
2195         if (threadInfo[num_avail][pkgIdIndex] != UINT_MAX)
2196           goto dup_field;
2197         threadInfo[num_avail][pkgIdIndex] = val;
2198         continue;
2199       }
2200       char s3[] = "core id";
2201       if (strncmp(buf, s3, sizeof(s3) - 1) == 0) {
2202         CHECK_LINE;
2203         char *p = strchr(buf + sizeof(s3) - 1, ':');
2204         unsigned val;
2205         if ((p == NULL) || (KMP_SSCANF(p + 1, "%u\n", &val) != 1))
2206           goto no_val;
2207         if (threadInfo[num_avail][coreIdIndex] != UINT_MAX)
2208           goto dup_field;
2209         threadInfo[num_avail][coreIdIndex] = val;
2210         continue;
2211 #endif // KMP_OS_LINUX && USE_SYSFS_INFO
2212       }
2213       char s4[] = "thread id";
2214       if (strncmp(buf, s4, sizeof(s4) - 1) == 0) {
2215         CHECK_LINE;
2216         char *p = strchr(buf + sizeof(s4) - 1, ':');
2217         unsigned val;
2218         if ((p == NULL) || (KMP_SSCANF(p + 1, "%u\n", &val) != 1))
2219           goto no_val;
2220         if (threadInfo[num_avail][threadIdIndex] != UINT_MAX)
2221           goto dup_field;
2222         threadInfo[num_avail][threadIdIndex] = val;
2223         continue;
2224       }
2225       unsigned level;
2226       if (KMP_SSCANF(buf, "node_%u id", &level) == 1) {
2227         CHECK_LINE;
2228         char *p = strchr(buf + sizeof(s4) - 1, ':');
2229         unsigned val;
2230         if ((p == NULL) || (KMP_SSCANF(p + 1, "%u\n", &val) != 1))
2231           goto no_val;
2232         KMP_ASSERT(nodeIdIndex + level <= maxIndex);
2233         if (threadInfo[num_avail][nodeIdIndex + level] != UINT_MAX)
2234           goto dup_field;
2235         threadInfo[num_avail][nodeIdIndex + level] = val;
2236         continue;
2237       }
2239       // We didn't recognize the leading token on the line. There are lots of
2240       // leading tokens that we don't recognize - if the line isn't empty, go on
2241       // to the next line.
2242       if ((*buf != 0) && (*buf != '\n')) {
2243         // If the line is longer than the buffer, read characters
2244         // until we find a newline.
2245         if (long_line) {
2246           int ch;
2247           while (((ch = fgetc(f)) != EOF) && (ch != '\n'))
2248             ;
2249         }
2250         continue;
2251       }
2253       // A newline has signalled the end of the processor record.
2254       // Check that there aren't too many procs specified.
2255       if ((int)num_avail == __kmp_xproc) {
2257         *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_TooManyEntries;
2258         return -1;
2259       }
2261       // Check for missing fields.  The osId field must be there, and we
2262       // currently require that the physical id field is specified, also.
2263       if (threadInfo[num_avail][osIdIndex] == UINT_MAX) {
2265         *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_MissingProcField;
2266         return -1;
2267       }
2268       if (threadInfo[0][pkgIdIndex] == UINT_MAX) {
2270         *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_MissingPhysicalIDField;
2271         return -1;
2272       }
2274       // Skip this proc if it is not included in the machine model.
2275       if (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(threadInfo[num_avail][osIdIndex],
2276                          __kmp_affin_fullMask)) {
2277         INIT_PROC_INFO(threadInfo[num_avail]);
2278         continue;
2279       }
2281       // We have a successful parse of this proc's info.
2282       // Increment the counter, and prepare for the next proc.
2283       num_avail++;
2284       KMP_ASSERT(num_avail <= num_records);
2285       INIT_PROC_INFO(threadInfo[num_avail]);
2286     }
2287     continue;
2289   no_val:
2291     *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_MissingValCpuinfo;
2292     return -1;
2294   dup_field:
2296     *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_DuplicateFieldCpuinfo;
2297     return -1;
2298   }
2299   *line = 0;
2302   unsigned teamSize = 0;
2303 #endif // KMP_MIC && REDUCE_TEAM_SIZE
2305   // check for num_records == __kmp_xproc ???
2307   // If there's only one thread context to bind to, form an Address object with
2308   // depth 1 and return immediately (or, if affinity is off, set address2os to
2309   // NULL and return).
2310   //
2311   // If it is configured to omit the package level when there is only a single
2312   // package, the logic at the end of this routine won't work if there is only a
2313   // single thread - it would try to form an Address object with depth 0.
2314   KMP_ASSERT(num_avail > 0);
2315   KMP_ASSERT(num_avail <= num_records);
2316   if (num_avail == 1) {
2317     __kmp_ncores = 1;
2318     __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = nCoresPerPkg = nPackages = 1;
2319     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
2320       if (!KMP_AFFINITY_CAPABLE()) {
2321         KMP_INFORM(AffNotCapableUseCpuinfo, "KMP_AFFINITY");
2322         KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
2323         KMP_INFORM(Uniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
2324       } else {
2325         char buf[KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN];
2326         __kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN,
2327                                   __kmp_affin_fullMask);
2328         KMP_INFORM(AffCapableUseCpuinfo, "KMP_AFFINITY");
2329         if (__kmp_affinity_respect_mask) {
2330           KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
2331         } else {
2332           KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetNotRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
2333         }
2334         KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
2335         KMP_INFORM(Uniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
2336       }
2337       int index;
2338       kmp_str_buf_t buf;
2339       __kmp_str_buf_init(&buf);
2340       __kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "1");
2341       for (index = maxIndex - 1; index > pkgIdIndex; index--) {
2342         __kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, " x 1");
2343       }
2344       KMP_INFORM(TopologyExtra, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf.str, 1, 1, 1);
2345       __kmp_str_buf_free(&buf);
2346     }
2348     if (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none) {
2350       return 0;
2351     }
2353     *address2os = (AddrUnsPair *)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(AddrUnsPair));
2354     Address addr(1);
2355     addr.labels[0] = threadInfo[0][pkgIdIndex];
2356     (*address2os)[0] = AddrUnsPair(addr, threadInfo[0][osIdIndex]);
2358     if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels < 0) {
2359       __kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 0;
2360     }
2362     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
2363       __kmp_affinity_print_topology(*address2os, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1);
2364     }
2367     return 1;
2368   }
2370   // Sort the threadInfo table by physical Id.
2371   qsort(threadInfo, num_avail, sizeof(*threadInfo),
2372         __kmp_affinity_cmp_ProcCpuInfo_phys_id);
2374   // The table is now sorted by pkgId / coreId / threadId, but we really don't
2375   // know the radix of any of the fields. pkgId's may be sparsely assigned among
2376   // the chips on a system. Although coreId's are usually assigned
2377   // [0 .. coresPerPkg-1] and threadId's are usually assigned
2378   // [0..threadsPerCore-1], we don't want to make any such assumptions.
2379   //
2380   // For that matter, we don't know what coresPerPkg and threadsPerCore (or the
2381   // total # packages) are at this point - we want to determine that now. We
2382   // only have an upper bound on the first two figures.
2383   unsigned *counts =
2384       (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate((maxIndex + 1) * sizeof(unsigned));
2385   unsigned *maxCt =
2386       (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate((maxIndex + 1) * sizeof(unsigned));
2387   unsigned *totals =
2388       (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate((maxIndex + 1) * sizeof(unsigned));
2389   unsigned *lastId =
2390       (unsigned *)__kmp_allocate((maxIndex + 1) * sizeof(unsigned));
2392   bool assign_thread_ids = false;
2393   unsigned threadIdCt;
2394   unsigned index;
2396 restart_radix_check:
2397   threadIdCt = 0;
2399   // Initialize the counter arrays with data from threadInfo[0].
2400   if (assign_thread_ids) {
2401     if (threadInfo[0][threadIdIndex] == UINT_MAX) {
2402       threadInfo[0][threadIdIndex] = threadIdCt++;
2403     } else if (threadIdCt <= threadInfo[0][threadIdIndex]) {
2404       threadIdCt = threadInfo[0][threadIdIndex] + 1;
2405     }
2406   }
2407   for (index = 0; index <= maxIndex; index++) {
2408     counts[index] = 1;
2409     maxCt[index] = 1;
2410     totals[index] = 1;
2411     lastId[index] = threadInfo[0][index];
2412     ;
2413   }
2415   // Run through the rest of the OS procs.
2416   for (i = 1; i < num_avail; i++) {
2417     // Find the most significant index whose id differs from the id for the
2418     // previous OS proc.
2419     for (index = maxIndex; index >= threadIdIndex; index--) {
2420       if (assign_thread_ids && (index == threadIdIndex)) {
2421         // Auto-assign the thread id field if it wasn't specified.
2422         if (threadInfo[i][threadIdIndex] == UINT_MAX) {
2423           threadInfo[i][threadIdIndex] = threadIdCt++;
2424         }
2425         // Apparently the thread id field was specified for some entries and not
2426         // others. Start the thread id counter off at the next higher thread id.
2427         else if (threadIdCt <= threadInfo[i][threadIdIndex]) {
2428           threadIdCt = threadInfo[i][threadIdIndex] + 1;
2429         }
2430       }
2431       if (threadInfo[i][index] != lastId[index]) {
2432         // Run through all indices which are less significant, and reset the
2433         // counts to 1. At all levels up to and including index, we need to
2434         // increment the totals and record the last id.
2435         unsigned index2;
2436         for (index2 = threadIdIndex; index2 < index; index2++) {
2437           totals[index2]++;
2438           if (counts[index2] > maxCt[index2]) {
2439             maxCt[index2] = counts[index2];
2440           }
2441           counts[index2] = 1;
2442           lastId[index2] = threadInfo[i][index2];
2443         }
2444         counts[index]++;
2445         totals[index]++;
2446         lastId[index] = threadInfo[i][index];
2448         if (assign_thread_ids && (index > threadIdIndex)) {
2451           // The default team size is the total #threads in the machine
2452           // minus 1 thread for every core that has 3 or more threads.
2453           teamSize += (threadIdCt <= 2) ? (threadIdCt) : (threadIdCt - 1);
2454 #endif // KMP_MIC && REDUCE_TEAM_SIZE
2456           // Restart the thread counter, as we are on a new core.
2457           threadIdCt = 0;
2459           // Auto-assign the thread id field if it wasn't specified.
2460           if (threadInfo[i][threadIdIndex] == UINT_MAX) {
2461             threadInfo[i][threadIdIndex] = threadIdCt++;
2462           }
2464           // Apparently the thread id field was specified for some entries and
2465           // not others. Start the thread id counter off at the next higher
2466           // thread id.
2467           else if (threadIdCt <= threadInfo[i][threadIdIndex]) {
2468             threadIdCt = threadInfo[i][threadIdIndex] + 1;
2469           }
2470         }
2471         break;
2472       }
2473     }
2474     if (index < threadIdIndex) {
2475       // If thread ids were specified, it is an error if they are not unique.
2476       // Also, check that we waven't already restarted the loop (to be safe -
2477       // shouldn't need to).
2478       if ((threadInfo[i][threadIdIndex] != UINT_MAX) || assign_thread_ids) {
2479         __kmp_free(lastId);
2480         __kmp_free(totals);
2481         __kmp_free(maxCt);
2482         __kmp_free(counts);
2484         *msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_PhysicalIDsNotUnique;
2485         return -1;
2486       }
2488       // If the thread ids were not specified and we see entries entries that
2489       // are duplicates, start the loop over and assign the thread ids manually.
2490       assign_thread_ids = true;
2491       goto restart_radix_check;
2492     }
2493   }
2496   // The default team size is the total #threads in the machine
2497   // minus 1 thread for every core that has 3 or more threads.
2498   teamSize += (threadIdCt <= 2) ? (threadIdCt) : (threadIdCt - 1);
2499 #endif // KMP_MIC && REDUCE_TEAM_SIZE
2501   for (index = threadIdIndex; index <= maxIndex; index++) {
2502     if (counts[index] > maxCt[index]) {
2503       maxCt[index] = counts[index];
2504     }
2505   }
2507   __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = maxCt[threadIdIndex];
2508   nCoresPerPkg = maxCt[coreIdIndex];
2509   nPackages = totals[pkgIdIndex];
2511   // Check to see if the machine topology is uniform
2512   unsigned prod = totals[maxIndex];
2513   for (index = threadIdIndex; index < maxIndex; index++) {
2514     prod *= maxCt[index];
2515   }
2516   bool uniform = (prod == totals[threadIdIndex]);
2518   // When affinity is off, this routine will still be called to set
2519   // __kmp_ncores, as well as __kmp_nThreadsPerCore, nCoresPerPkg, & nPackages.
2520   // Make sure all these vars are set correctly, and return now if affinity is
2521   // not enabled.
2522   __kmp_ncores = totals[coreIdIndex];
2524   if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
2525     if (!KMP_AFFINITY_CAPABLE()) {
2526       KMP_INFORM(AffNotCapableUseCpuinfo, "KMP_AFFINITY");
2527       KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
2528       if (uniform) {
2529         KMP_INFORM(Uniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
2530       } else {
2531         KMP_INFORM(NonUniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
2532       }
2533     } else {
2534       char buf[KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN];
2535       __kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN,
2536                                 __kmp_affin_fullMask);
2537       KMP_INFORM(AffCapableUseCpuinfo, "KMP_AFFINITY");
2538       if (__kmp_affinity_respect_mask) {
2539         KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
2540       } else {
2541         KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetNotRespect, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf);
2542       }
2543       KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_avail_proc);
2544       if (uniform) {
2545         KMP_INFORM(Uniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
2546       } else {
2547         KMP_INFORM(NonUniform, "KMP_AFFINITY");
2548       }
2549     }
2550     kmp_str_buf_t buf;
2551     __kmp_str_buf_init(&buf);
2553     __kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "%d", totals[maxIndex]);
2554     for (index = maxIndex - 1; index >= pkgIdIndex; index--) {
2555       __kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, " x %d", maxCt[index]);
2556     }
2557     KMP_INFORM(TopologyExtra, "KMP_AFFINITY", buf.str, maxCt[coreIdIndex],
2558                maxCt[threadIdIndex], __kmp_ncores);
2560     __kmp_str_buf_free(&buf);
2561   }
2564   // Set the default team size.
2565   if ((__kmp_dflt_team_nth == 0) && (teamSize > 0)) {
2566     __kmp_dflt_team_nth = teamSize;
2567     KA_TRACE(20, ("__kmp_affinity_create_cpuinfo_map: setting "
2568                   "__kmp_dflt_team_nth = %d\n",
2569                   __kmp_dflt_team_nth));
2570   }
2571 #endif // KMP_MIC && REDUCE_TEAM_SIZE
2573   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__kmp_pu_os_idx == NULL);
2574   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(num_avail == (unsigned)__kmp_avail_proc);
2575   __kmp_pu_os_idx = (int *)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(int) * __kmp_avail_proc);
2576   for (i = 0; i < num_avail; ++i) { // fill the os indices
2577     __kmp_pu_os_idx[i] = threadInfo[i][osIdIndex];
2578   }
2580   if (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none) {
2581     __kmp_free(lastId);
2582     __kmp_free(totals);
2583     __kmp_free(maxCt);
2584     __kmp_free(counts);
2586     return 0;
2587   }
2589   // Count the number of levels which have more nodes at that level than at the
2590   // parent's level (with there being an implicit root node of the top level).
2591   // This is equivalent to saying that there is at least one node at this level
2592   // which has a sibling. These levels are in the map, and the package level is
2593   // always in the map.
2594   bool *inMap = (bool *)__kmp_allocate((maxIndex + 1) * sizeof(bool));
2595   for (index = threadIdIndex; index < maxIndex; index++) {
2596     KMP_ASSERT(totals[index] >= totals[index + 1]);
2597     inMap[index] = (totals[index] > totals[index + 1]);
2598   }
2599   inMap[maxIndex] = (totals[maxIndex] > 1);
2600   inMap[pkgIdIndex] = true;
2602   int depth = 0;
2603   for (index = threadIdIndex; index <= maxIndex; index++) {
2604     if (inMap[index]) {
2605       depth++;
2606     }
2607   }
2608   KMP_ASSERT(depth > 0);
2610   // Construct the data structure that is to be returned.
2611   *address2os = (AddrUnsPair *)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(AddrUnsPair) * num_avail);
2612   int pkgLevel = -1;
2613   int coreLevel = -1;
2614   int threadLevel = -1;
2616   for (i = 0; i < num_avail; ++i) {
2617     Address addr(depth);
2618     unsigned os = threadInfo[i][osIdIndex];
2619     int src_index;
2620     int dst_index = 0;
2622     for (src_index = maxIndex; src_index >= threadIdIndex; src_index--) {
2623       if (!inMap[src_index]) {
2624         continue;
2625       }
2626       addr.labels[dst_index] = threadInfo[i][src_index];
2627       if (src_index == pkgIdIndex) {
2628         pkgLevel = dst_index;
2629       } else if (src_index == coreIdIndex) {
2630         coreLevel = dst_index;
2631       } else if (src_index == threadIdIndex) {
2632         threadLevel = dst_index;
2633       }
2634       dst_index++;
2635     }
2636     (*address2os)[i] = AddrUnsPair(addr, os);
2637   }
2639   if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels < 0) {
2640     // Set the granularity level based on what levels are modeled
2641     // in the machine topology map.
2642     unsigned src_index;
2643     __kmp_affinity_gran_levels = 0;
2644     for (src_index = threadIdIndex; src_index <= maxIndex; src_index++) {
2645       if (!inMap[src_index]) {
2646         continue;
2647       }
2648       switch (src_index) {
2649       case threadIdIndex:
2650         if (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_thread) {
2651           __kmp_affinity_gran_levels++;
2652         }
2654         break;
2655       case coreIdIndex:
2656         if (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_core) {
2657           __kmp_affinity_gran_levels++;
2658         }
2659         break;
2661       case pkgIdIndex:
2662         if (__kmp_affinity_gran > affinity_gran_package) {
2663           __kmp_affinity_gran_levels++;
2664         }
2665         break;
2666       }
2667     }
2668   }
2670   if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
2671     __kmp_affinity_print_topology(*address2os, num_avail, depth, pkgLevel,
2672                                   coreLevel, threadLevel);
2673   }
2675   __kmp_free(inMap);
2676   __kmp_free(lastId);
2677   __kmp_free(totals);
2678   __kmp_free(maxCt);
2679   __kmp_free(counts);
2681   return depth;
2682 }
2684 // Create and return a table of affinity masks, indexed by OS thread ID.
2685 // This routine handles OR'ing together all the affinity masks of threads
2686 // that are sufficiently close, if granularity > fine.
2687 static kmp_affin_mask_t *__kmp_create_masks(unsigned *maxIndex,
2688                                             unsigned *numUnique,
2689                                             AddrUnsPair *address2os,
2690                                             unsigned numAddrs) {
2691   // First form a table of affinity masks in order of OS thread id.
2692   unsigned depth;
2693   unsigned maxOsId;
2694   unsigned i;
2696   KMP_ASSERT(numAddrs > 0);
2697   depth = address2os[0].first.depth;
2699   maxOsId = 0;
2700   for (i = numAddrs - 1;; --i) {
2701     unsigned osId = address2os[i].second;
2702     if (osId > maxOsId) {
2703       maxOsId = osId;
2704     }
2705     if (i == 0)
2706       break;
2707   }
2708   kmp_affin_mask_t *osId2Mask;
2709   KMP_CPU_ALLOC_ARRAY(osId2Mask, (maxOsId + 1));
2711   // Sort the address2os table according to physical order. Doing so will put
2712   // all threads on the same core/package/node in consecutive locations.
2713   qsort(address2os, numAddrs, sizeof(*address2os),
2714         __kmp_affinity_cmp_Address_labels);
2716   KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_gran_levels >= 0);
2717   if (__kmp_affinity_verbose && (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels > 0)) {
2718     KMP_INFORM(ThreadsMigrate, "KMP_AFFINITY", __kmp_affinity_gran_levels);
2719   }
2720   if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels >= (int)depth) {
2721     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose ||
2722         (__kmp_affinity_warnings && (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) {
2723       KMP_WARNING(AffThreadsMayMigrate);
2724     }
2725   }
2727   // Run through the table, forming the masks for all threads on each core.
2728   // Threads on the same core will have identical "Address" objects, not
2729   // considering the last level, which must be the thread id. All threads on a
2730   // core will appear consecutively.
2731   unsigned unique = 0;
2732   unsigned j = 0; // index of 1st thread on core
2733   unsigned leader = 0;
2734   Address *leaderAddr = &(address2os[0].first);
2735   kmp_affin_mask_t *sum;
2737   KMP_CPU_ZERO(sum);
2738   KMP_CPU_SET(address2os[0].second, sum);
2739   for (i = 1; i < numAddrs; i++) {
2740     // If this thread is sufficiently close to the leader (within the
2741     // granularity setting), then set the bit for this os thread in the
2742     // affinity mask for this group, and go on to the next thread.
2743     if (leaderAddr->isClose(address2os[i].first, __kmp_affinity_gran_levels)) {
2744       KMP_CPU_SET(address2os[i].second, sum);
2745       continue;
2746     }
2748     // For every thread in this group, copy the mask to the thread's entry in
2749     // the osId2Mask table.  Mark the first address as a leader.
2750     for (; j < i; j++) {
2751       unsigned osId = address2os[j].second;
2752       KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(osId <= maxOsId);
2753       kmp_affin_mask_t *mask = KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, osId);
2754       KMP_CPU_COPY(mask, sum);
2755       address2os[j].first.leader = (j == leader);
2756     }
2757     unique++;
2759     // Start a new mask.
2760     leader = i;
2761     leaderAddr = &(address2os[i].first);
2762     KMP_CPU_ZERO(sum);
2763     KMP_CPU_SET(address2os[i].second, sum);
2764   }
2766   // For every thread in last group, copy the mask to the thread's
2767   // entry in the osId2Mask table.
2768   for (; j < i; j++) {
2769     unsigned osId = address2os[j].second;
2770     KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(osId <= maxOsId);
2771     kmp_affin_mask_t *mask = KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, osId);
2772     KMP_CPU_COPY(mask, sum);
2773     address2os[j].first.leader = (j == leader);
2774   }
2775   unique++;
2778   *maxIndex = maxOsId;
2779   *numUnique = unique;
2780   return osId2Mask;
2781 }
2783 // Stuff for the affinity proclist parsers.  It's easier to declare these vars
2784 // as file-static than to try and pass them through the calling sequence of
2785 // the recursive-descent OMP_PLACES parser.
2786 static kmp_affin_mask_t *newMasks;
2787 static int numNewMasks;
2788 static int nextNewMask;
2790 #define ADD_MASK(_mask)                                                        \
2791   {                                                                            \
2792     if (nextNewMask >= numNewMasks) {                                          \
2793       int i;                                                                   \
2794       numNewMasks *= 2;                                                        \
2795       kmp_affin_mask_t *temp;                                                  \
2796       KMP_CPU_INTERNAL_ALLOC_ARRAY(temp, numNewMasks);                         \
2797       for (i = 0; i < numNewMasks / 2; i++) {                                  \
2798         kmp_affin_mask_t *src = KMP_CPU_INDEX(newMasks, i);                    \
2799         kmp_affin_mask_t *dest = KMP_CPU_INDEX(temp, i);                       \
2800         KMP_CPU_COPY(dest, src);                                               \
2801       }                                                                        \
2802       KMP_CPU_INTERNAL_FREE_ARRAY(newMasks, numNewMasks / 2);                  \
2803       newMasks = temp;                                                         \
2804     }                                                                          \
2805     KMP_CPU_COPY(KMP_CPU_INDEX(newMasks, nextNewMask), (_mask));               \
2806     nextNewMask++;                                                             \
2807   }
2809 #define ADD_MASK_OSID(_osId, _osId2Mask, _maxOsId)                             \
2810   {                                                                            \
2811     if (((_osId) > _maxOsId) ||                                                \
2812         (!KMP_CPU_ISSET((_osId), KMP_CPU_INDEX((_osId2Mask), (_osId))))) {     \
2813       if (__kmp_affinity_verbose ||                                            \
2814           (__kmp_affinity_warnings &&                                          \
2815            (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) {                          \
2816         KMP_WARNING(AffIgnoreInvalidProcID, _osId);                            \
2817       }                                                                        \
2818     } else {                                                                   \
2819       ADD_MASK(KMP_CPU_INDEX(_osId2Mask, (_osId)));                            \
2820     }                                                                          \
2821   }
2823 // Re-parse the proclist (for the explicit affinity type), and form the list
2824 // of affinity newMasks indexed by gtid.
2825 static void __kmp_affinity_process_proclist(kmp_affin_mask_t **out_masks,
2826                                             unsigned int *out_numMasks,
2827                                             const char *proclist,
2828                                             kmp_affin_mask_t *osId2Mask,
2829                                             int maxOsId) {
2830   int i;
2831   const char *scan = proclist;
2832   const char *next = proclist;
2834   // We use malloc() for the temporary mask vector, so that we can use
2835   // realloc() to extend it.
2836   numNewMasks = 2;
2837   KMP_CPU_INTERNAL_ALLOC_ARRAY(newMasks, numNewMasks);
2838   nextNewMask = 0;
2839   kmp_affin_mask_t *sumMask;
2840   KMP_CPU_ALLOC(sumMask);
2841   int setSize = 0;
2843   for (;;) {
2844     int start, end, stride;
2846     SKIP_WS(scan);
2847     next = scan;
2848     if (*next == '\0') {
2849       break;
2850     }
2852     if (*next == '{') {
2853       int num;
2854       setSize = 0;
2855       next++; // skip '{'
2856       SKIP_WS(next);
2857       scan = next;
2859       // Read the first integer in the set.
2860       KMP_ASSERT2((*next >= '0') && (*next <= '9'), "bad proclist");
2861       SKIP_DIGITS(next);
2862       num = __kmp_str_to_int(scan, *next);
2863       KMP_ASSERT2(num >= 0, "bad explicit proc list");
2865       // Copy the mask for that osId to the sum (union) mask.
2866       if ((num > maxOsId) ||
2867           (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(num, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, num)))) {
2868         if (__kmp_affinity_verbose ||
2869             (__kmp_affinity_warnings &&
2870              (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) {
2871           KMP_WARNING(AffIgnoreInvalidProcID, num);
2872         }
2873         KMP_CPU_ZERO(sumMask);
2874       } else {
2875         KMP_CPU_COPY(sumMask, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, num));
2876         setSize = 1;
2877       }
2879       for (;;) {
2880         // Check for end of set.
2881         SKIP_WS(next);
2882         if (*next == '}') {
2883           next++; // skip '}'
2884           break;
2885         }
2887         // Skip optional comma.
2888         if (*next == ',') {
2889           next++;
2890         }
2891         SKIP_WS(next);
2893         // Read the next integer in the set.
2894         scan = next;
2895         KMP_ASSERT2((*next >= '0') && (*next <= '9'), "bad explicit proc list");
2897         SKIP_DIGITS(next);
2898         num = __kmp_str_to_int(scan, *next);
2899         KMP_ASSERT2(num >= 0, "bad explicit proc list");
2901         // Add the mask for that osId to the sum mask.
2902         if ((num > maxOsId) ||
2903             (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(num, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, num)))) {
2904           if (__kmp_affinity_verbose ||
2905               (__kmp_affinity_warnings &&
2906                (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) {
2907             KMP_WARNING(AffIgnoreInvalidProcID, num);
2908           }
2909         } else {
2910           KMP_CPU_UNION(sumMask, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, num));
2911           setSize++;
2912         }
2913       }
2914       if (setSize > 0) {
2915         ADD_MASK(sumMask);
2916       }
2918       SKIP_WS(next);
2919       if (*next == ',') {
2920         next++;
2921       }
2922       scan = next;
2923       continue;
2924     }
2926     // Read the first integer.
2927     KMP_ASSERT2((*next >= '0') && (*next <= '9'), "bad explicit proc list");
2928     SKIP_DIGITS(next);
2929     start = __kmp_str_to_int(scan, *next);
2930     KMP_ASSERT2(start >= 0, "bad explicit proc list");
2931     SKIP_WS(next);
2933     // If this isn't a range, then add a mask to the list and go on.
2934     if (*next != '-') {
2935       ADD_MASK_OSID(start, osId2Mask, maxOsId);
2937       // Skip optional comma.
2938       if (*next == ',') {
2939         next++;
2940       }
2941       scan = next;
2942       continue;
2943     }
2945     // This is a range.  Skip over the '-' and read in the 2nd int.
2946     next++; // skip '-'
2947     SKIP_WS(next);
2948     scan = next;
2949     KMP_ASSERT2((*next >= '0') && (*next <= '9'), "bad explicit proc list");
2950     SKIP_DIGITS(next);
2951     end = __kmp_str_to_int(scan, *next);
2952     KMP_ASSERT2(end >= 0, "bad explicit proc list");
2954     // Check for a stride parameter
2955     stride = 1;
2956     SKIP_WS(next);
2957     if (*next == ':') {
2958       // A stride is specified.  Skip over the ':" and read the 3rd int.
2959       int sign = +1;
2960       next++; // skip ':'
2961       SKIP_WS(next);
2962       scan = next;
2963       if (*next == '-') {
2964         sign = -1;
2965         next++;
2966         SKIP_WS(next);
2967         scan = next;
2968       }
2969       KMP_ASSERT2((*next >= '0') && (*next <= '9'), "bad explicit proc list");
2970       SKIP_DIGITS(next);
2971       stride = __kmp_str_to_int(scan, *next);
2972       KMP_ASSERT2(stride >= 0, "bad explicit proc list");
2973       stride *= sign;
2974     }
2976     // Do some range checks.
2977     KMP_ASSERT2(stride != 0, "bad explicit proc list");
2978     if (stride > 0) {
2979       KMP_ASSERT2(start <= end, "bad explicit proc list");
2980     } else {
2981       KMP_ASSERT2(start >= end, "bad explicit proc list");
2982     }
2983     KMP_ASSERT2((end - start) / stride <= 65536, "bad explicit proc list");
2985     // Add the mask for each OS proc # to the list.
2986     if (stride > 0) {
2987       do {
2988         ADD_MASK_OSID(start, osId2Mask, maxOsId);
2989         start += stride;
2990       } while (start <= end);
2991     } else {
2992       do {
2993         ADD_MASK_OSID(start, osId2Mask, maxOsId);
2994         start += stride;
2995       } while (start >= end);
2996     }
2998     // Skip optional comma.
2999     SKIP_WS(next);
3000     if (*next == ',') {
3001       next++;
3002     }
3003     scan = next;
3004   }
3006   *out_numMasks = nextNewMask;
3007   if (nextNewMask == 0) {
3008     *out_masks = NULL;
3009     KMP_CPU_INTERNAL_FREE_ARRAY(newMasks, numNewMasks);
3010     return;
3011   }
3012   KMP_CPU_ALLOC_ARRAY((*out_masks), nextNewMask);
3013   for (i = 0; i < nextNewMask; i++) {
3014     kmp_affin_mask_t *src = KMP_CPU_INDEX(newMasks, i);
3015     kmp_affin_mask_t *dest = KMP_CPU_INDEX((*out_masks), i);
3016     KMP_CPU_COPY(dest, src);
3017   }
3018   KMP_CPU_INTERNAL_FREE_ARRAY(newMasks, numNewMasks);
3019   KMP_CPU_FREE(sumMask);
3020 }
3022 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3023 Re-parse the OMP_PLACES proc id list, forming the newMasks for the different
3024 places.  Again, Here is the grammar:
3026 place_list := place
3027 place_list := place , place_list
3028 place := num
3029 place := place : num
3030 place := place : num : signed
3031 place := { subplacelist }
3032 place := ! place                  // (lowest priority)
3033 subplace_list := subplace
3034 subplace_list := subplace , subplace_list
3035 subplace := num
3036 subplace := num : num
3037 subplace := num : num : signed
3038 signed := num
3039 signed := + signed
3040 signed := - signed
3041 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3042 static void __kmp_process_subplace_list(const char **scan,
3043                                         kmp_affin_mask_t *osId2Mask,
3044                                         int maxOsId, kmp_affin_mask_t *tempMask,
3045                                         int *setSize) {
3046   const char *next;
3048   for (;;) {
3049     int start, count, stride, i;
3051     // Read in the starting proc id
3052     SKIP_WS(*scan);
3053     KMP_ASSERT2((**scan >= '0') && (**scan <= '9'), "bad explicit places list");
3054     next = *scan;
3055     SKIP_DIGITS(next);
3056     start = __kmp_str_to_int(*scan, *next);
3057     KMP_ASSERT(start >= 0);
3058     *scan = next;
3060     // valid follow sets are ',' ':' and '}'
3061     SKIP_WS(*scan);
3062     if (**scan == '}' || **scan == ',') {
3063       if ((start > maxOsId) ||
3064           (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(start, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, start)))) {
3065         if (__kmp_affinity_verbose ||
3066             (__kmp_affinity_warnings &&
3067              (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) {
3068           KMP_WARNING(AffIgnoreInvalidProcID, start);
3069         }
3070       } else {
3071         KMP_CPU_UNION(tempMask, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, start));
3072         (*setSize)++;
3073       }
3074       if (**scan == '}') {
3075         break;
3076       }
3077       (*scan)++; // skip ','
3078       continue;
3079     }
3080     KMP_ASSERT2(**scan == ':', "bad explicit places list");
3081     (*scan)++; // skip ':'
3083     // Read count parameter
3084     SKIP_WS(*scan);
3085     KMP_ASSERT2((**scan >= '0') && (**scan <= '9'), "bad explicit places list");
3086     next = *scan;
3087     SKIP_DIGITS(next);
3088     count = __kmp_str_to_int(*scan, *next);
3089     KMP_ASSERT(count >= 0);
3090     *scan = next;
3092     // valid follow sets are ',' ':' and '}'
3093     SKIP_WS(*scan);
3094     if (**scan == '}' || **scan == ',') {
3095       for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
3096         if ((start > maxOsId) ||
3097             (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(start, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, start)))) {
3098           if (__kmp_affinity_verbose ||
3099               (__kmp_affinity_warnings &&
3100                (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) {
3101             KMP_WARNING(AffIgnoreInvalidProcID, start);
3102           }
3103           break; // don't proliferate warnings for large count
3104         } else {
3105           KMP_CPU_UNION(tempMask, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, start));
3106           start++;
3107           (*setSize)++;
3108         }
3109       }
3110       if (**scan == '}') {
3111         break;
3112       }
3113       (*scan)++; // skip ','
3114       continue;
3115     }
3116     KMP_ASSERT2(**scan == ':', "bad explicit places list");
3117     (*scan)++; // skip ':'
3119     // Read stride parameter
3120     int sign = +1;
3121     for (;;) {
3122       SKIP_WS(*scan);
3123       if (**scan == '+') {
3124         (*scan)++; // skip '+'
3125         continue;
3126       }
3127       if (**scan == '-') {
3128         sign *= -1;
3129         (*scan)++; // skip '-'
3130         continue;
3131       }
3132       break;
3133     }
3134     SKIP_WS(*scan);
3135     KMP_ASSERT2((**scan >= '0') && (**scan <= '9'), "bad explicit places list");
3136     next = *scan;
3137     SKIP_DIGITS(next);
3138     stride = __kmp_str_to_int(*scan, *next);
3139     KMP_ASSERT(stride >= 0);
3140     *scan = next;
3141     stride *= sign;
3143     // valid follow sets are ',' and '}'
3144     SKIP_WS(*scan);
3145     if (**scan == '}' || **scan == ',') {
3146       for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
3147         if ((start > maxOsId) ||
3148             (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(start, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, start)))) {
3149           if (__kmp_affinity_verbose ||
3150               (__kmp_affinity_warnings &&
3151                (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) {
3152             KMP_WARNING(AffIgnoreInvalidProcID, start);
3153           }
3154           break; // don't proliferate warnings for large count
3155         } else {
3156           KMP_CPU_UNION(tempMask, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, start));
3157           start += stride;
3158           (*setSize)++;
3159         }
3160       }
3161       if (**scan == '}') {
3162         break;
3163       }
3164       (*scan)++; // skip ','
3165       continue;
3166     }
3168     KMP_ASSERT2(0, "bad explicit places list");
3169   }
3170 }
3172 static void __kmp_process_place(const char **scan, kmp_affin_mask_t *osId2Mask,
3173                                 int maxOsId, kmp_affin_mask_t *tempMask,
3174                                 int *setSize) {
3175   const char *next;
3177   // valid follow sets are '{' '!' and num
3178   SKIP_WS(*scan);
3179   if (**scan == '{') {
3180     (*scan)++; // skip '{'
3181     __kmp_process_subplace_list(scan, osId2Mask, maxOsId, tempMask, setSize);
3182     KMP_ASSERT2(**scan == '}', "bad explicit places list");
3183     (*scan)++; // skip '}'
3184   } else if (**scan == '!') {
3185     (*scan)++; // skip '!'
3186     __kmp_process_place(scan, osId2Mask, maxOsId, tempMask, setSize);
3187     KMP_CPU_COMPLEMENT(maxOsId, tempMask);
3188   } else if ((**scan >= '0') && (**scan <= '9')) {
3189     next = *scan;
3190     SKIP_DIGITS(next);
3191     int num = __kmp_str_to_int(*scan, *next);
3192     KMP_ASSERT(num >= 0);
3193     if ((num > maxOsId) ||
3194         (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(num, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, num)))) {
3195       if (__kmp_affinity_verbose ||
3196           (__kmp_affinity_warnings && (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) {
3197         KMP_WARNING(AffIgnoreInvalidProcID, num);
3198       }
3199     } else {
3200       KMP_CPU_UNION(tempMask, KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, num));
3201       (*setSize)++;
3202     }
3203     *scan = next; // skip num
3204   } else {
3205     KMP_ASSERT2(0, "bad explicit places list");
3206   }
3207 }
3209 // static void
3210 void __kmp_affinity_process_placelist(kmp_affin_mask_t **out_masks,
3211                                       unsigned int *out_numMasks,
3212                                       const char *placelist,
3213                                       kmp_affin_mask_t *osId2Mask,
3214                                       int maxOsId) {
3215   int i, j, count, stride, sign;
3216   const char *scan = placelist;
3217   const char *next = placelist;
3219   numNewMasks = 2;
3220   KMP_CPU_INTERNAL_ALLOC_ARRAY(newMasks, numNewMasks);
3221   nextNewMask = 0;
3223   // tempMask is modified based on the previous or initial
3224   //   place to form the current place
3225   // previousMask contains the previous place
3226   kmp_affin_mask_t *tempMask;
3227   kmp_affin_mask_t *previousMask;
3228   KMP_CPU_ALLOC(tempMask);
3229   KMP_CPU_ZERO(tempMask);
3230   KMP_CPU_ALLOC(previousMask);
3231   KMP_CPU_ZERO(previousMask);
3232   int setSize = 0;
3234   for (;;) {
3235     __kmp_process_place(&scan, osId2Mask, maxOsId, tempMask, &setSize);
3237     // valid follow sets are ',' ':' and EOL
3238     SKIP_WS(scan);
3239     if (*scan == '\0' || *scan == ',') {
3240       if (setSize > 0) {
3241         ADD_MASK(tempMask);
3242       }
3243       KMP_CPU_ZERO(tempMask);
3244       setSize = 0;
3245       if (*scan == '\0') {
3246         break;
3247       }
3248       scan++; // skip ','
3249       continue;
3250     }
3252     KMP_ASSERT2(*scan == ':', "bad explicit places list");
3253     scan++; // skip ':'
3255     // Read count parameter
3256     SKIP_WS(scan);
3257     KMP_ASSERT2((*scan >= '0') && (*scan <= '9'), "bad explicit places list");
3258     next = scan;
3259     SKIP_DIGITS(next);
3260     count = __kmp_str_to_int(scan, *next);
3261     KMP_ASSERT(count >= 0);
3262     scan = next;
3264     // valid follow sets are ',' ':' and EOL
3265     SKIP_WS(scan);
3266     if (*scan == '\0' || *scan == ',') {
3267       stride = +1;
3268     } else {
3269       KMP_ASSERT2(*scan == ':', "bad explicit places list");
3270       scan++; // skip ':'
3272       // Read stride parameter
3273       sign = +1;
3274       for (;;) {
3275         SKIP_WS(scan);
3276         if (*scan == '+') {
3277           scan++; // skip '+'
3278           continue;
3279         }
3280         if (*scan == '-') {
3281           sign *= -1;
3282           scan++; // skip '-'
3283           continue;
3284         }
3285         break;
3286       }
3287       SKIP_WS(scan);
3288       KMP_ASSERT2((*scan >= '0') && (*scan <= '9'), "bad explicit places list");
3289       next = scan;
3290       SKIP_DIGITS(next);
3291       stride = __kmp_str_to_int(scan, *next);
3292       KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(stride >= 0);
3293       scan = next;
3294       stride *= sign;
3295     }
3297     // Add places determined by initial_place : count : stride
3298     for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
3299       if (setSize == 0) {
3300         break;
3301       }
3302       // Add the current place, then build the next place (tempMask) from that
3303       KMP_CPU_COPY(previousMask, tempMask);
3304       ADD_MASK(previousMask);
3305       KMP_CPU_ZERO(tempMask);
3306       setSize = 0;
3307       KMP_CPU_SET_ITERATE(j, previousMask) {
3308         if (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(j, previousMask)) {
3309           continue;
3310         }
3311         if ((j + stride > maxOsId) || (j + stride < 0) ||
3312             (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(j, __kmp_affin_fullMask)) ||
3313             (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(j + stride,
3314                             KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, j + stride)))) {
3315           if ((__kmp_affinity_verbose ||
3316                (__kmp_affinity_warnings &&
3317                 (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) &&
3318               i < count - 1) {
3319             KMP_WARNING(AffIgnoreInvalidProcID, j + stride);
3320           }
3321           continue;
3322         }
3323         KMP_CPU_SET(j + stride, tempMask);
3324         setSize++;
3325       }
3326     }
3327     KMP_CPU_ZERO(tempMask);
3328     setSize = 0;
3330     // valid follow sets are ',' and EOL
3331     SKIP_WS(scan);
3332     if (*scan == '\0') {
3333       break;
3334     }
3335     if (*scan == ',') {
3336       scan++; // skip ','
3337       continue;
3338     }
3340     KMP_ASSERT2(0, "bad explicit places list");
3341   }
3343   *out_numMasks = nextNewMask;
3344   if (nextNewMask == 0) {
3345     *out_masks = NULL;
3346     KMP_CPU_INTERNAL_FREE_ARRAY(newMasks, numNewMasks);
3347     return;
3348   }
3349   KMP_CPU_ALLOC_ARRAY((*out_masks), nextNewMask);
3350   KMP_CPU_FREE(tempMask);
3351   KMP_CPU_FREE(previousMask);
3352   for (i = 0; i < nextNewMask; i++) {
3353     kmp_affin_mask_t *src = KMP_CPU_INDEX(newMasks, i);
3354     kmp_affin_mask_t *dest = KMP_CPU_INDEX((*out_masks), i);
3355     KMP_CPU_COPY(dest, src);
3356   }
3357   KMP_CPU_INTERNAL_FREE_ARRAY(newMasks, numNewMasks);
3358 }
3360 #undef ADD_MASK
3361 #undef ADD_MASK_OSID
3363 #if KMP_USE_HWLOC
3364 static int __kmp_hwloc_skip_PUs_obj(hwloc_topology_t t, hwloc_obj_t o) {
3365   // skip PUs descendants of the object o
3366   int skipped = 0;
3367   hwloc_obj_t hT = NULL;
3368   int N = __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(t, o, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, &hT);
3369   for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
3370     KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(hT);
3371     unsigned idx = hT->os_index;
3372     if (KMP_CPU_ISSET(idx, __kmp_affin_fullMask)) {
3373       KMP_CPU_CLR(idx, __kmp_affin_fullMask);
3374       KC_TRACE(200, ("KMP_HW_SUBSET: skipped proc %d\n", idx));
3375       ++skipped;
3376     }
3377     hT = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(t, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, hT);
3378   }
3379   return skipped; // count number of skipped units
3380 }
3382 static int __kmp_hwloc_obj_has_PUs(hwloc_topology_t t, hwloc_obj_t o) {
3383   // check if obj has PUs present in fullMask
3384   hwloc_obj_t hT = NULL;
3385   int N = __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(t, o, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, &hT);
3386   for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
3387     KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(hT);
3388     unsigned idx = hT->os_index;
3389     if (KMP_CPU_ISSET(idx, __kmp_affin_fullMask))
3390       return 1; // found PU
3391     hT = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(t, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, hT);
3392   }
3393   return 0; // no PUs found
3394 }
3395 #endif // KMP_USE_HWLOC
3397 static void __kmp_apply_thread_places(AddrUnsPair **pAddr, int depth) {
3398   AddrUnsPair *newAddr;
3399   if (__kmp_hws_requested == 0)
3400     goto _exit; // no topology limiting actions requested, exit
3401 #if KMP_USE_HWLOC
3402   if (__kmp_affinity_dispatch->get_api_type() == KMPAffinity::HWLOC) {
3403     // Number of subobjects calculated dynamically, this works fine for
3404     // any non-uniform topology.
3405     // L2 cache objects are determined by depth, other objects - by type.
3406     hwloc_topology_t tp = __kmp_hwloc_topology;
3407     int nS = 0, nN = 0, nL = 0, nC = 0,
3408         nT = 0; // logical index including skipped
3409     int nCr = 0, nTr = 0; // number of requested units
3410     int nPkg = 0, nCo = 0, n_new = 0, n_old = 0, nCpP = 0, nTpC = 0; // counters
3411     hwloc_obj_t hT, hC, hL, hN, hS; // hwloc objects (pointers to)
3412     int L2depth, idx;
3414     // check support of extensions ----------------------------------
3415     int numa_support = 0, tile_support = 0;
3416     if (__kmp_pu_os_idx)
3417       hT = hwloc_get_pu_obj_by_os_index(tp,
3418                                         __kmp_pu_os_idx[__kmp_avail_proc - 1]);
3419     else
3420       hT = hwloc_get_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, __kmp_avail_proc - 1);
3421     if (hT == NULL) { // something's gone wrong
3422       KMP_WARNING(AffHWSubsetUnsupported);
3423       goto _exit;
3424     }
3425     // check NUMA node
3426     hN = hwloc_get_ancestor_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_NUMANODE, hT);
3427     hS = hwloc_get_ancestor_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PACKAGE, hT);
3428     if (hN != NULL && hN->depth > hS->depth) {
3429       numa_support = 1; // 1 in case socket includes node(s)
3430     } else if (__kmp_hws_node.num > 0) {
3431       // don't support sockets inside NUMA node (no such HW found for testing)
3432       KMP_WARNING(AffHWSubsetUnsupported);
3433       goto _exit;
3434     }
3435     // check L2 cahce, get object by depth because of multiple caches
3436     L2depth = hwloc_get_cache_type_depth(tp, 2, HWLOC_OBJ_CACHE_UNIFIED);
3437     hL = hwloc_get_ancestor_obj_by_depth(tp, L2depth, hT);
3438     if (hL != NULL &&
3439         __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(tp, hL, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE, &hC) > 1) {
3440       tile_support = 1; // no sense to count L2 if it includes single core
3441     } else if (__kmp_hws_tile.num > 0) {
3442       if (__kmp_hws_core.num == 0) {
3443         __kmp_hws_core = __kmp_hws_tile; // replace L2 with core
3444         __kmp_hws_tile.num = 0;
3445       } else {
3446         // L2 and core are both requested, but represent same object
3447         KMP_WARNING(AffHWSubsetInvalid);
3448         goto _exit;
3449       }
3450     }
3451     // end of check of extensions -----------------------------------
3453     // fill in unset items, validate settings -----------------------
3454     if (__kmp_hws_socket.num == 0)
3455       __kmp_hws_socket.num = nPackages; // use all available sockets
3456     if (__kmp_hws_socket.offset >= nPackages) {
3457       KMP_WARNING(AffHWSubsetManySockets);
3458       goto _exit;
3459     }
3460     if (numa_support) {
3461       hN = NULL;
3462       int NN = __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(tp, hS, HWLOC_OBJ_NUMANODE,
3463                                                   &hN); // num nodes in socket
3464       if (__kmp_hws_node.num == 0)
3465         __kmp_hws_node.num = NN; // use all available nodes
3466       if (__kmp_hws_node.offset >= NN) {
3467         KMP_WARNING(AffHWSubsetManyNodes);
3468         goto _exit;
3469       }
3470       if (tile_support) {
3471         // get num tiles in node
3472         int NL = __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_depth(tp, hN, L2depth, &hL);
3473         if (__kmp_hws_tile.num == 0) {
3474           __kmp_hws_tile.num = NL + 1;
3475         } // use all available tiles, some node may have more tiles, thus +1
3476         if (__kmp_hws_tile.offset >= NL) {
3477           KMP_WARNING(AffHWSubsetManyTiles);
3478           goto _exit;
3479         }
3480         int NC = __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(tp, hL, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE,
3481                                                     &hC); // num cores in tile
3482         if (__kmp_hws_core.num == 0)
3483           __kmp_hws_core.num = NC; // use all available cores
3484         if (__kmp_hws_core.offset >= NC) {
3485           KMP_WARNING(AffHWSubsetManyCores);
3486           goto _exit;
3487         }
3488       } else { // tile_support
3489         int NC = __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(tp, hN, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE,
3490                                                     &hC); // num cores in node
3491         if (__kmp_hws_core.num == 0)
3492           __kmp_hws_core.num = NC; // use all available cores
3493         if (__kmp_hws_core.offset >= NC) {
3494           KMP_WARNING(AffHWSubsetManyCores);
3495           goto _exit;
3496         }
3497       } // tile_support
3498     } else { // numa_support
3499       if (tile_support) {
3500         // get num tiles in socket
3501         int NL = __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_depth(tp, hS, L2depth, &hL);
3502         if (__kmp_hws_tile.num == 0)
3503           __kmp_hws_tile.num = NL; // use all available tiles
3504         if (__kmp_hws_tile.offset >= NL) {
3505           KMP_WARNING(AffHWSubsetManyTiles);
3506           goto _exit;
3507         }
3508         int NC = __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(tp, hL, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE,
3509                                                     &hC); // num cores in tile
3510         if (__kmp_hws_core.num == 0)
3511           __kmp_hws_core.num = NC; // use all available cores
3512         if (__kmp_hws_core.offset >= NC) {
3513           KMP_WARNING(AffHWSubsetManyCores);
3514           goto _exit;
3515         }
3516       } else { // tile_support
3517         int NC = __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(tp, hS, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE,
3518                                                     &hC); // num cores in socket
3519         if (__kmp_hws_core.num == 0)
3520           __kmp_hws_core.num = NC; // use all available cores
3521         if (__kmp_hws_core.offset >= NC) {
3522           KMP_WARNING(AffHWSubsetManyCores);
3523           goto _exit;
3524         }
3525       } // tile_support
3526     }
3527     if (__kmp_hws_proc.num == 0)
3528       __kmp_hws_proc.num = __kmp_nThreadsPerCore; // use all available procs
3529     if (__kmp_hws_proc.offset >= __kmp_nThreadsPerCore) {
3530       KMP_WARNING(AffHWSubsetManyProcs);
3531       goto _exit;
3532     }
3533     // end of validation --------------------------------------------
3535     if (pAddr) // pAddr is NULL in case of affinity_none
3536       newAddr = (AddrUnsPair *)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(AddrUnsPair) *
3537                                               __kmp_avail_proc); // max size
3538     // main loop to form HW subset ----------------------------------
3539     hS = NULL;
3540     int NP = hwloc_get_nbobjs_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PACKAGE);
3541     for (int s = 0; s < NP; ++s) {
3542       // Check Socket -----------------------------------------------
3543       hS = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PACKAGE, hS);
3544       if (!__kmp_hwloc_obj_has_PUs(tp, hS))
3545         continue; // skip socket if all PUs are out of fullMask
3546       ++nS; // only count objects those have PUs in affinity mask
3547       if (nS <= __kmp_hws_socket.offset ||
3548           nS > __kmp_hws_socket.num + __kmp_hws_socket.offset) {
3549         n_old += __kmp_hwloc_skip_PUs_obj(tp, hS); // skip socket
3550         continue; // move to next socket
3551       }
3552       nCr = 0; // count number of cores per socket
3553       // socket requested, go down the topology tree
3554       // check 4 cases: (+NUMA+Tile), (+NUMA-Tile), (-NUMA+Tile), (-NUMA-Tile)
3555       if (numa_support) {
3556         nN = 0;
3557         hN = NULL;
3558         // num nodes in current socket
3559         int NN =
3560             __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(tp, hS, HWLOC_OBJ_NUMANODE, &hN);
3561         for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n) {
3562           // Check NUMA Node ----------------------------------------
3563           if (!__kmp_hwloc_obj_has_PUs(tp, hN)) {
3564             hN = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_NUMANODE, hN);
3565             continue; // skip node if all PUs are out of fullMask
3566           }
3567           ++nN;
3568           if (nN <= __kmp_hws_node.offset ||
3569               nN > __kmp_hws_node.num + __kmp_hws_node.offset) {
3570             // skip node as not requested
3571             n_old += __kmp_hwloc_skip_PUs_obj(tp, hN); // skip node
3572             hN = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_NUMANODE, hN);
3573             continue; // move to next node
3574           }
3575           // node requested, go down the topology tree
3576           if (tile_support) {
3577             nL = 0;
3578             hL = NULL;
3579             int NL = __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_depth(tp, hN, L2depth, &hL);
3580             for (int l = 0; l < NL; ++l) {
3581               // Check L2 (tile) ------------------------------------
3582               if (!__kmp_hwloc_obj_has_PUs(tp, hL)) {
3583                 hL = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_depth(tp, L2depth, hL);
3584                 continue; // skip tile if all PUs are out of fullMask
3585               }
3586               ++nL;
3587               if (nL <= __kmp_hws_tile.offset ||
3588                   nL > __kmp_hws_tile.num + __kmp_hws_tile.offset) {
3589                 // skip tile as not requested
3590                 n_old += __kmp_hwloc_skip_PUs_obj(tp, hL); // skip tile
3591                 hL = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_depth(tp, L2depth, hL);
3592                 continue; // move to next tile
3593               }
3594               // tile requested, go down the topology tree
3595               nC = 0;
3596               hC = NULL;
3597               // num cores in current tile
3598               int NC = __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(tp, hL,
3599                                                           HWLOC_OBJ_CORE, &hC);
3600               for (int c = 0; c < NC; ++c) {
3601                 // Check Core ---------------------------------------
3602                 if (!__kmp_hwloc_obj_has_PUs(tp, hC)) {
3603                   hC = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE, hC);
3604                   continue; // skip core if all PUs are out of fullMask
3605                 }
3606                 ++nC;
3607                 if (nC <= __kmp_hws_core.offset ||
3608                     nC > __kmp_hws_core.num + __kmp_hws_core.offset) {
3609                   // skip node as not requested
3610                   n_old += __kmp_hwloc_skip_PUs_obj(tp, hC); // skip core
3611                   hC = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE, hC);
3612                   continue; // move to next node
3613                 }
3614                 // core requested, go down to PUs
3615                 nT = 0;
3616                 nTr = 0;
3617                 hT = NULL;
3618                 // num procs in current core
3619                 int NT = __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(tp, hC,
3620                                                             HWLOC_OBJ_PU, &hT);
3621                 for (int t = 0; t < NT; ++t) {
3622                   // Check PU ---------------------------------------
3623                   idx = hT->os_index;
3624                   if (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(idx, __kmp_affin_fullMask)) {
3625                     hT = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, hT);
3626                     continue; // skip PU if not in fullMask
3627                   }
3628                   ++nT;
3629                   if (nT <= __kmp_hws_proc.offset ||
3630                       nT > __kmp_hws_proc.num + __kmp_hws_proc.offset) {
3631                     // skip PU
3632                     KMP_CPU_CLR(idx, __kmp_affin_fullMask);
3633                     ++n_old;
3634                     KC_TRACE(200, ("KMP_HW_SUBSET: skipped proc %d\n", idx));
3635                     hT = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, hT);
3636                     continue; // move to next node
3637                   }
3638                   ++nTr;
3639                   if (pAddr) // collect requested thread's data
3640                     newAddr[n_new] = (*pAddr)[n_old];
3641                   ++n_new;
3642                   ++n_old;
3643                   hT = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, hT);
3644                 } // threads loop
3645                 if (nTr > 0) {
3646                   ++nCr; // num cores per socket
3647                   ++nCo; // total num cores
3648                   if (nTr > nTpC)
3649                     nTpC = nTr; // calc max threads per core
3650                 }
3651                 hC = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE, hC);
3652               } // cores loop
3653               hL = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_depth(tp, L2depth, hL);
3654             } // tiles loop
3655           } else { // tile_support
3656             // no tiles, check cores
3657             nC = 0;
3658             hC = NULL;
3659             // num cores in current node
3660             int NC =
3661                 __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(tp, hN, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE, &hC);
3662             for (int c = 0; c < NC; ++c) {
3663               // Check Core ---------------------------------------
3664               if (!__kmp_hwloc_obj_has_PUs(tp, hC)) {
3665                 hC = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE, hC);
3666                 continue; // skip core if all PUs are out of fullMask
3667               }
3668               ++nC;
3669               if (nC <= __kmp_hws_core.offset ||
3670                   nC > __kmp_hws_core.num + __kmp_hws_core.offset) {
3671                 // skip node as not requested
3672                 n_old += __kmp_hwloc_skip_PUs_obj(tp, hC); // skip core
3673                 hC = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE, hC);
3674                 continue; // move to next node
3675               }
3676               // core requested, go down to PUs
3677               nT = 0;
3678               nTr = 0;
3679               hT = NULL;
3680               int NT =
3681                   __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(tp, hC, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, &hT);
3682               for (int t = 0; t < NT; ++t) {
3683                 // Check PU ---------------------------------------
3684                 idx = hT->os_index;
3685                 if (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(idx, __kmp_affin_fullMask)) {
3686                   hT = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, hT);
3687                   continue; // skip PU if not in fullMask
3688                 }
3689                 ++nT;
3690                 if (nT <= __kmp_hws_proc.offset ||
3691                     nT > __kmp_hws_proc.num + __kmp_hws_proc.offset) {
3692                   // skip PU
3693                   KMP_CPU_CLR(idx, __kmp_affin_fullMask);
3694                   ++n_old;
3695                   KC_TRACE(200, ("KMP_HW_SUBSET: skipped proc %d\n", idx));
3696                   hT = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, hT);
3697                   continue; // move to next node
3698                 }
3699                 ++nTr;
3700                 if (pAddr) // collect requested thread's data
3701                   newAddr[n_new] = (*pAddr)[n_old];
3702                 ++n_new;
3703                 ++n_old;
3704                 hT = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, hT);
3705               } // threads loop
3706               if (nTr > 0) {
3707                 ++nCr; // num cores per socket
3708                 ++nCo; // total num cores
3709                 if (nTr > nTpC)
3710                   nTpC = nTr; // calc max threads per core
3711               }
3712               hC = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE, hC);
3713             } // cores loop
3714           } // tiles support
3715           hN = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_NUMANODE, hN);
3716         } // nodes loop
3717       } else { // numa_support
3718         // no NUMA support
3719         if (tile_support) {
3720           nL = 0;
3721           hL = NULL;
3722           // num tiles in current socket
3723           int NL = __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_depth(tp, hS, L2depth, &hL);
3724           for (int l = 0; l < NL; ++l) {
3725             // Check L2 (tile) ------------------------------------
3726             if (!__kmp_hwloc_obj_has_PUs(tp, hL)) {
3727               hL = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_depth(tp, L2depth, hL);
3728               continue; // skip tile if all PUs are out of fullMask
3729             }
3730             ++nL;
3731             if (nL <= __kmp_hws_tile.offset ||
3732                 nL > __kmp_hws_tile.num + __kmp_hws_tile.offset) {
3733               // skip tile as not requested
3734               n_old += __kmp_hwloc_skip_PUs_obj(tp, hL); // skip tile
3735               hL = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_depth(tp, L2depth, hL);
3736               continue; // move to next tile
3737             }
3738             // tile requested, go down the topology tree
3739             nC = 0;
3740             hC = NULL;
3741             // num cores per tile
3742             int NC =
3743                 __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(tp, hL, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE, &hC);
3744             for (int c = 0; c < NC; ++c) {
3745               // Check Core ---------------------------------------
3746               if (!__kmp_hwloc_obj_has_PUs(tp, hC)) {
3747                 hC = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE, hC);
3748                 continue; // skip core if all PUs are out of fullMask
3749               }
3750               ++nC;
3751               if (nC <= __kmp_hws_core.offset ||
3752                   nC > __kmp_hws_core.num + __kmp_hws_core.offset) {
3753                 // skip node as not requested
3754                 n_old += __kmp_hwloc_skip_PUs_obj(tp, hC); // skip core
3755                 hC = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE, hC);
3756                 continue; // move to next node
3757               }
3758               // core requested, go down to PUs
3759               nT = 0;
3760               nTr = 0;
3761               hT = NULL;
3762               // num procs per core
3763               int NT =
3764                   __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(tp, hC, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, &hT);
3765               for (int t = 0; t < NT; ++t) {
3766                 // Check PU ---------------------------------------
3767                 idx = hT->os_index;
3768                 if (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(idx, __kmp_affin_fullMask)) {
3769                   hT = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, hT);
3770                   continue; // skip PU if not in fullMask
3771                 }
3772                 ++nT;
3773                 if (nT <= __kmp_hws_proc.offset ||
3774                     nT > __kmp_hws_proc.num + __kmp_hws_proc.offset) {
3775                   // skip PU
3776                   KMP_CPU_CLR(idx, __kmp_affin_fullMask);
3777                   ++n_old;
3778                   KC_TRACE(200, ("KMP_HW_SUBSET: skipped proc %d\n", idx));
3779                   hT = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, hT);
3780                   continue; // move to next node
3781                 }
3782                 ++nTr;
3783                 if (pAddr) // collect requested thread's data
3784                   newAddr[n_new] = (*pAddr)[n_old];
3785                 ++n_new;
3786                 ++n_old;
3787                 hT = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, hT);
3788               } // threads loop
3789               if (nTr > 0) {
3790                 ++nCr; // num cores per socket
3791                 ++nCo; // total num cores
3792                 if (nTr > nTpC)
3793                   nTpC = nTr; // calc max threads per core
3794               }
3795               hC = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE, hC);
3796             } // cores loop
3797             hL = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_depth(tp, L2depth, hL);
3798           } // tiles loop
3799         } else { // tile_support
3800           // no tiles, check cores
3801           nC = 0;
3802           hC = NULL;
3803           // num cores in socket
3804           int NC =
3805               __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(tp, hS, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE, &hC);
3806           for (int c = 0; c < NC; ++c) {
3807             // Check Core -------------------------------------------
3808             if (!__kmp_hwloc_obj_has_PUs(tp, hC)) {
3809               hC = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE, hC);
3810               continue; // skip core if all PUs are out of fullMask
3811             }
3812             ++nC;
3813             if (nC <= __kmp_hws_core.offset ||
3814                 nC > __kmp_hws_core.num + __kmp_hws_core.offset) {
3815               // skip node as not requested
3816               n_old += __kmp_hwloc_skip_PUs_obj(tp, hC); // skip core
3817               hC = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE, hC);
3818               continue; // move to next node
3819             }
3820             // core requested, go down to PUs
3821             nT = 0;
3822             nTr = 0;
3823             hT = NULL;
3824             // num procs per core
3825             int NT =
3826                 __kmp_hwloc_count_children_by_type(tp, hC, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, &hT);
3827             for (int t = 0; t < NT; ++t) {
3828               // Check PU ---------------------------------------
3829               idx = hT->os_index;
3830               if (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(idx, __kmp_affin_fullMask)) {
3831                 hT = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, hT);
3832                 continue; // skip PU if not in fullMask
3833               }
3834               ++nT;
3835               if (nT <= __kmp_hws_proc.offset ||
3836                   nT > __kmp_hws_proc.num + __kmp_hws_proc.offset) {
3837                 // skip PU
3838                 KMP_CPU_CLR(idx, __kmp_affin_fullMask);
3839                 ++n_old;
3840                 KC_TRACE(200, ("KMP_HW_SUBSET: skipped proc %d\n", idx));
3841                 hT = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, hT);
3842                 continue; // move to next node
3843               }
3844               ++nTr;
3845               if (pAddr) // collect requested thread's data
3846                 newAddr[n_new] = (*pAddr)[n_old];
3847               ++n_new;
3848               ++n_old;
3849               hT = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_PU, hT);
3850             } // threads loop
3851             if (nTr > 0) {
3852               ++nCr; // num cores per socket
3853               ++nCo; // total num cores
3854               if (nTr > nTpC)
3855                 nTpC = nTr; // calc max threads per core
3856             }
3857             hC = hwloc_get_next_obj_by_type(tp, HWLOC_OBJ_CORE, hC);
3858           } // cores loop
3859         } // tiles support
3860       } // numa_support
3861       if (nCr > 0) { // found cores?
3862         ++nPkg; // num sockets
3863         if (nCr > nCpP)
3864           nCpP = nCr; // calc max cores per socket
3865       }
3866     } // sockets loop
3868     // check the subset is valid
3869     KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(n_old == __kmp_avail_proc);
3870     KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(nPkg > 0);
3871     KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(nCpP > 0);
3872     KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(nTpC > 0);
3873     KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(nCo > 0);
3874     KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(nPkg <= nPackages);
3875     KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(nCpP <= nCoresPerPkg);
3876     KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(nTpC <= __kmp_nThreadsPerCore);
3877     KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(nCo <= __kmp_ncores);
3879     nPackages = nPkg; // correct num sockets
3880     nCoresPerPkg = nCpP; // correct num cores per socket
3881     __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = nTpC; // correct num threads per core
3882     __kmp_avail_proc = n_new; // correct num procs
3883     __kmp_ncores = nCo; // correct num cores
3884     // hwloc topology method end
3885   } else
3886 #endif // KMP_USE_HWLOC
3887   {
3888     int n_old = 0, n_new = 0, proc_num = 0;
3889     if (__kmp_hws_node.num > 0 || __kmp_hws_tile.num > 0) {
3890       KMP_WARNING(AffHWSubsetNoHWLOC);
3891       goto _exit;
3892     }
3893     if (__kmp_hws_socket.num == 0)
3894       __kmp_hws_socket.num = nPackages; // use all available sockets
3895     if (__kmp_hws_core.num == 0)
3896       __kmp_hws_core.num = nCoresPerPkg; // use all available cores
3897     if (__kmp_hws_proc.num == 0 || __kmp_hws_proc.num > __kmp_nThreadsPerCore)
3898       __kmp_hws_proc.num = __kmp_nThreadsPerCore; // use all HW contexts
3899     if (!__kmp_affinity_uniform_topology()) {
3900       KMP_WARNING(AffHWSubsetNonUniform);
3901       goto _exit; // don't support non-uniform topology
3902     }
3903     if (depth > 3) {
3904       KMP_WARNING(AffHWSubsetNonThreeLevel);
3905       goto _exit; // don't support not-3-level topology
3906     }
3907     if (__kmp_hws_socket.offset + __kmp_hws_socket.num > nPackages) {
3908       KMP_WARNING(AffHWSubsetManySockets);
3909       goto _exit;
3910     }
3911     if (__kmp_hws_core.offset + __kmp_hws_core.num > nCoresPerPkg) {
3912       KMP_WARNING(AffHWSubsetManyCores);
3913       goto _exit;
3914     }
3915     // Form the requested subset
3916     if (pAddr) // pAddr is NULL in case of affinity_none
3917       newAddr = (AddrUnsPair *)__kmp_allocate(
3918           sizeof(AddrUnsPair) * __kmp_hws_socket.num * __kmp_hws_core.num *
3919           __kmp_hws_proc.num);
3920     for (int i = 0; i < nPackages; ++i) {
3921       if (i < __kmp_hws_socket.offset ||
3922           i >= __kmp_hws_socket.offset + __kmp_hws_socket.num) {
3923         // skip not-requested socket
3924         n_old += nCoresPerPkg * __kmp_nThreadsPerCore;
3925         if (__kmp_pu_os_idx != NULL) {
3926           // walk through skipped socket
3927           for (int j = 0; j < nCoresPerPkg; ++j) {
3928             for (int k = 0; k < __kmp_nThreadsPerCore; ++k) {
3929               KMP_CPU_CLR(__kmp_pu_os_idx[proc_num], __kmp_affin_fullMask);
3930               ++proc_num;
3931             }
3932           }
3933         }
3934       } else {
3935         // walk through requested socket
3936         for (int j = 0; j < nCoresPerPkg; ++j) {
3937           if (j < __kmp_hws_core.offset ||
3938               j >= __kmp_hws_core.offset +
3939                        __kmp_hws_core.num) { // skip not-requested core
3940             n_old += __kmp_nThreadsPerCore;
3941             if (__kmp_pu_os_idx != NULL) {
3942               for (int k = 0; k < __kmp_nThreadsPerCore; ++k) {
3943                 KMP_CPU_CLR(__kmp_pu_os_idx[proc_num], __kmp_affin_fullMask);
3944                 ++proc_num;
3945               }
3946             }
3947           } else {
3948             // walk through requested core
3949             for (int k = 0; k < __kmp_nThreadsPerCore; ++k) {
3950               if (k < __kmp_hws_proc.num) {
3951                 if (pAddr) // collect requested thread's data
3952                   newAddr[n_new] = (*pAddr)[n_old];
3953                 n_new++;
3954               } else {
3955                 if (__kmp_pu_os_idx != NULL)
3956                   KMP_CPU_CLR(__kmp_pu_os_idx[proc_num], __kmp_affin_fullMask);
3957               }
3958               n_old++;
3959               ++proc_num;
3960             }
3961           }
3962         }
3963       }
3964     }
3965     KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(n_old == nPackages * nCoresPerPkg * __kmp_nThreadsPerCore);
3966     KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(n_new ==
3967                      __kmp_hws_socket.num * __kmp_hws_core.num *
3968                          __kmp_hws_proc.num);
3969     nPackages = __kmp_hws_socket.num; // correct nPackages
3970     nCoresPerPkg = __kmp_hws_core.num; // correct nCoresPerPkg
3971     __kmp_nThreadsPerCore = __kmp_hws_proc.num; // correct __kmp_nThreadsPerCore
3972     __kmp_avail_proc = n_new; // correct avail_proc
3973     __kmp_ncores = nPackages * __kmp_hws_core.num; // correct ncores
3974   } // non-hwloc topology method
3975   if (pAddr) {
3976     __kmp_free(*pAddr);
3977     *pAddr = newAddr; // replace old topology with new one
3978   }
3979   if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
3980     char m[KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN];
3981     __kmp_affinity_print_mask(m, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN,
3982                               __kmp_affin_fullMask);
3983     if (__kmp_affinity_respect_mask) {
3984       KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetRespect, "KMP_HW_SUBSET", m);
3985     } else {
3986       KMP_INFORM(InitOSProcSetNotRespect, "KMP_HW_SUBSET", m);
3987     }
3988     KMP_INFORM(AvailableOSProc, "KMP_HW_SUBSET", __kmp_avail_proc);
3989     kmp_str_buf_t buf;
3990     __kmp_str_buf_init(&buf);
3991     __kmp_str_buf_print(&buf, "%d", nPackages);
3992     KMP_INFORM(TopologyExtra, "KMP_HW_SUBSET", buf.str, nCoresPerPkg,
3993                __kmp_nThreadsPerCore, __kmp_ncores);
3994     __kmp_str_buf_free(&buf);
3995   }
3996 _exit:
3997   if (__kmp_pu_os_idx != NULL) {
3998     __kmp_free(__kmp_pu_os_idx);
3999     __kmp_pu_os_idx = NULL;
4000   }
4001 }
4003 // This function figures out the deepest level at which there is at least one
4004 // cluster/core with more than one processing unit bound to it.
4005 static int __kmp_affinity_find_core_level(const AddrUnsPair *address2os,
4006                                           int nprocs, int bottom_level) {
4007   int core_level = 0;
4009   for (int i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
4010     for (int j = bottom_level; j > 0; j--) {
4011       if (address2os[i].first.labels[j] > 0) {
4012         if (core_level < (j - 1)) {
4013           core_level = j - 1;
4014         }
4015       }
4016     }
4017   }
4018   return core_level;
4019 }
4021 // This function counts number of clusters/cores at given level.
4022 static int __kmp_affinity_compute_ncores(const AddrUnsPair *address2os,
4023                                          int nprocs, int bottom_level,
4024                                          int core_level) {
4025   int ncores = 0;
4026   int i, j;
4028   j = bottom_level;
4029   for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
4030     for (j = bottom_level; j > core_level; j--) {
4031       if ((i + 1) < nprocs) {
4032         if (address2os[i + 1].first.labels[j] > 0) {
4033           break;
4034         }
4035       }
4036     }
4037     if (j == core_level) {
4038       ncores++;
4039     }
4040   }
4041   if (j > core_level) {
4042     // In case of ( nprocs < __kmp_avail_proc ) we may end too deep and miss one
4043     // core. May occur when called from __kmp_affinity_find_core().
4044     ncores++;
4045   }
4046   return ncores;
4047 }
4049 // This function finds to which cluster/core given processing unit is bound.
4050 static int __kmp_affinity_find_core(const AddrUnsPair *address2os, int proc,
4051                                     int bottom_level, int core_level) {
4052   return __kmp_affinity_compute_ncores(address2os, proc + 1, bottom_level,
4053                                        core_level) -
4054          1;
4055 }
4057 // This function finds maximal number of processing units bound to a
4058 // cluster/core at given level.
4059 static int __kmp_affinity_max_proc_per_core(const AddrUnsPair *address2os,
4060                                             int nprocs, int bottom_level,
4061                                             int core_level) {
4062   int maxprocpercore = 0;
4064   if (core_level < bottom_level) {
4065     for (int i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
4066       int percore = address2os[i].first.labels[core_level + 1] + 1;
4068       if (percore > maxprocpercore) {
4069         maxprocpercore = percore;
4070       }
4071     }
4072   } else {
4073     maxprocpercore = 1;
4074   }
4075   return maxprocpercore;
4076 }
4078 static AddrUnsPair *address2os = NULL;
4079 static int *procarr = NULL;
4080 static int __kmp_aff_depth = 0;
4083 #define KMP_EXIT_AFF_NONE                                                      \
4084   KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none);                            \
4085   KMP_ASSERT(address2os == NULL);                                              \
4086   __kmp_apply_thread_places(NULL, 0);                                          \
4087   __kmp_create_affinity_none_places();                                         \
4088   __kmp_dispatch_set_hierarchy_values();                                       \
4089   return;
4090 #else
4091 #define KMP_EXIT_AFF_NONE                                                      \
4092   KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none);                            \
4093   KMP_ASSERT(address2os == NULL);                                              \
4094   __kmp_apply_thread_places(NULL, 0);                                          \
4095   __kmp_create_affinity_none_places();                                         \
4096   return;
4097 #endif
4099 // Create a one element mask array (set of places) which only contains the
4100 // initial process's affinity mask
4101 static void __kmp_create_affinity_none_places() {
4102   KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affin_fullMask != NULL);
4103   KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none);
4104   __kmp_affinity_num_masks = 1;
4105   KMP_CPU_ALLOC_ARRAY(__kmp_affinity_masks, __kmp_affinity_num_masks);
4106   kmp_affin_mask_t *dest = KMP_CPU_INDEX(__kmp_affinity_masks, 0);
4107   KMP_CPU_COPY(dest, __kmp_affin_fullMask);
4108 }
4110 static int __kmp_affinity_cmp_Address_child_num(const void *a, const void *b) {
4111   const Address *aa = &(((const AddrUnsPair *)a)->first);
4112   const Address *bb = &(((const AddrUnsPair *)b)->first);
4113   unsigned depth = aa->depth;
4114   unsigned i;
4115   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(depth == bb->depth);
4116   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT((unsigned)__kmp_affinity_compact <= depth);
4117   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_compact >= 0);
4118   for (i = 0; i < (unsigned)__kmp_affinity_compact; i++) {
4119     int j = depth - i - 1;
4120     if (aa->childNums[j] < bb->childNums[j])
4121       return -1;
4122     if (aa->childNums[j] > bb->childNums[j])
4123       return 1;
4124   }
4125   for (; i < depth; i++) {
4126     int j = i - __kmp_affinity_compact;
4127     if (aa->childNums[j] < bb->childNums[j])
4128       return -1;
4129     if (aa->childNums[j] > bb->childNums[j])
4130       return 1;
4131   }
4132   return 0;
4133 }
4135 static void __kmp_aux_affinity_initialize(void) {
4136   if (__kmp_affinity_masks != NULL) {
4137     KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affin_fullMask != NULL);
4138     return;
4139   }
4141   // Create the "full" mask - this defines all of the processors that we
4142   // consider to be in the machine model. If respect is set, then it is the
4143   // initialization thread's affinity mask. Otherwise, it is all processors that
4144   // we know about on the machine.
4145   if (__kmp_affin_fullMask == NULL) {
4146     KMP_CPU_ALLOC(__kmp_affin_fullMask);
4147   }
4148   if (KMP_AFFINITY_CAPABLE()) {
4149     if (__kmp_affinity_respect_mask) {
4150       __kmp_get_system_affinity(__kmp_affin_fullMask, TRUE);
4152       // Count the number of available processors.
4153       unsigned i;
4154       __kmp_avail_proc = 0;
4155       KMP_CPU_SET_ITERATE(i, __kmp_affin_fullMask) {
4156         if (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(i, __kmp_affin_fullMask)) {
4157           continue;
4158         }
4159         __kmp_avail_proc++;
4160       }
4161       if (__kmp_avail_proc > __kmp_xproc) {
4162         if (__kmp_affinity_verbose ||
4163             (__kmp_affinity_warnings &&
4164              (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) {
4165           KMP_WARNING(ErrorInitializeAffinity);
4166         }
4167         __kmp_affinity_type = affinity_none;
4168         KMP_AFFINITY_DISABLE();
4169         return;
4170       }
4171     } else {
4172       __kmp_affinity_entire_machine_mask(__kmp_affin_fullMask);
4173       __kmp_avail_proc = __kmp_xproc;
4174     }
4175   }
4177   if (__kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_tile &&
4178       // check if user's request is valid
4179       __kmp_affinity_dispatch->get_api_type() == KMPAffinity::NATIVE_OS) {
4181     __kmp_affinity_gran = affinity_gran_package;
4182   }
4184   int depth = -1;
4185   kmp_i18n_id_t msg_id = kmp_i18n_null;
4187   // For backward compatibility, setting KMP_CPUINFO_FILE =>
4188   // KMP_TOPOLOGY_METHOD=cpuinfo
4189   if ((__kmp_cpuinfo_file != NULL) &&
4190       (__kmp_affinity_top_method == affinity_top_method_all)) {
4191     __kmp_affinity_top_method = affinity_top_method_cpuinfo;
4192   }
4194   if (__kmp_affinity_top_method == affinity_top_method_all) {
4195     // In the default code path, errors are not fatal - we just try using
4196     // another method. We only emit a warning message if affinity is on, or the
4197     // verbose flag is set, and the nowarnings flag was not set.
4198     const char *file_name = NULL;
4199     int line = 0;
4200 #if KMP_USE_HWLOC
4201     if (depth < 0 &&
4202         __kmp_affinity_dispatch->get_api_type() == KMPAffinity::HWLOC) {
4203       if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
4204         KMP_INFORM(AffUsingHwloc, "KMP_AFFINITY");
4205       }
4206       if (!__kmp_hwloc_error) {
4207         depth = __kmp_affinity_create_hwloc_map(&address2os, &msg_id);
4208         if (depth == 0) {
4209           KMP_EXIT_AFF_NONE;
4210         } else if (depth < 0 && __kmp_affinity_verbose) {
4211           KMP_INFORM(AffIgnoringHwloc, "KMP_AFFINITY");
4212         }
4213       } else if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
4214         KMP_INFORM(AffIgnoringHwloc, "KMP_AFFINITY");
4215       }
4216     }
4217 #endif
4219 #if KMP_ARCH_X86 || KMP_ARCH_X86_64
4221     if (depth < 0) {
4222       if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
4223         KMP_INFORM(AffInfoStr, "KMP_AFFINITY", KMP_I18N_STR(Decodingx2APIC));
4224       }
4226       file_name = NULL;
4227       depth = __kmp_affinity_create_x2apicid_map(&address2os, &msg_id);
4228       if (depth == 0) {
4229         KMP_EXIT_AFF_NONE;
4230       }
4232       if (depth < 0) {
4233         if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
4234           if (msg_id != kmp_i18n_null) {
4235             KMP_INFORM(AffInfoStrStr, "KMP_AFFINITY",
4236                        __kmp_i18n_catgets(msg_id),
4237                        KMP_I18N_STR(DecodingLegacyAPIC));
4238           } else {
4239             KMP_INFORM(AffInfoStr, "KMP_AFFINITY",
4240                        KMP_I18N_STR(DecodingLegacyAPIC));
4241           }
4242         }
4244         file_name = NULL;
4245         depth = __kmp_affinity_create_apicid_map(&address2os, &msg_id);
4246         if (depth == 0) {
4247           KMP_EXIT_AFF_NONE;
4248         }
4249       }
4250     }
4252 #endif /* KMP_ARCH_X86 || KMP_ARCH_X86_64 */
4254 #if KMP_OS_LINUX
4256     if (depth < 0) {
4257       if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
4258         if (msg_id != kmp_i18n_null) {
4259           KMP_INFORM(AffStrParseFilename, "KMP_AFFINITY",
4260                      __kmp_i18n_catgets(msg_id), "/proc/cpuinfo");
4261         } else {
4262           KMP_INFORM(AffParseFilename, "KMP_AFFINITY", "/proc/cpuinfo");
4263         }
4264       }
4266       FILE *f = fopen("/proc/cpuinfo", "r");
4267       if (f == NULL) {
4268         msg_id = kmp_i18n_str_CantOpenCpuinfo;
4269       } else {
4270         file_name = "/proc/cpuinfo";
4271         depth =
4272             __kmp_affinity_create_cpuinfo_map(&address2os, &line, &msg_id, f);
4273         fclose(f);
4274         if (depth == 0) {
4275           KMP_EXIT_AFF_NONE;
4276         }
4277       }
4278     }
4280 #endif /* KMP_OS_LINUX */
4284     if ((depth < 0) && (__kmp_num_proc_groups > 1)) {
4285       if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
4286         KMP_INFORM(AffWindowsProcGroupMap, "KMP_AFFINITY");
4287       }
4289       depth = __kmp_affinity_create_proc_group_map(&address2os, &msg_id);
4290       KMP_ASSERT(depth != 0);
4291     }
4293 #endif /* KMP_GROUP_AFFINITY */
4295     if (depth < 0) {
4296       if (__kmp_affinity_verbose && (msg_id != kmp_i18n_null)) {
4297         if (file_name == NULL) {
4298           KMP_INFORM(UsingFlatOS, __kmp_i18n_catgets(msg_id));
4299         } else if (line == 0) {
4300           KMP_INFORM(UsingFlatOSFile, file_name, __kmp_i18n_catgets(msg_id));
4301         } else {
4302           KMP_INFORM(UsingFlatOSFileLine, file_name, line,
4303                      __kmp_i18n_catgets(msg_id));
4304         }
4305       }
4306       // FIXME - print msg if msg_id = kmp_i18n_null ???
4308       file_name = "";
4309       depth = __kmp_affinity_create_flat_map(&address2os, &msg_id);
4310       if (depth == 0) {
4311         KMP_EXIT_AFF_NONE;
4312       }
4313       KMP_ASSERT(depth > 0);
4314       KMP_ASSERT(address2os != NULL);
4315     }
4316   }
4318 #if KMP_USE_HWLOC
4319   else if (__kmp_affinity_top_method == affinity_top_method_hwloc) {
4320     KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_dispatch->get_api_type() == KMPAffinity::HWLOC);
4321     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
4322       KMP_INFORM(AffUsingHwloc, "KMP_AFFINITY");
4323     }
4324     depth = __kmp_affinity_create_hwloc_map(&address2os, &msg_id);
4325     if (depth == 0) {
4326       KMP_EXIT_AFF_NONE;
4327     }
4328   }
4329 #endif // KMP_USE_HWLOC
4331 // If the user has specified that a paricular topology discovery method is to be
4332 // used, then we abort if that method fails. The exception is group affinity,
4333 // which might have been implicitly set.
4335 #if KMP_ARCH_X86 || KMP_ARCH_X86_64
4337   else if (__kmp_affinity_top_method == affinity_top_method_x2apicid) {
4338     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
4339       KMP_INFORM(AffInfoStr, "KMP_AFFINITY", KMP_I18N_STR(Decodingx2APIC));
4340     }
4342     depth = __kmp_affinity_create_x2apicid_map(&address2os, &msg_id);
4343     if (depth == 0) {
4344       KMP_EXIT_AFF_NONE;
4345     }
4346     if (depth < 0) {
4347       KMP_ASSERT(msg_id != kmp_i18n_null);
4348       KMP_FATAL(MsgExiting, __kmp_i18n_catgets(msg_id));
4349     }
4350   } else if (__kmp_affinity_top_method == affinity_top_method_apicid) {
4351     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
4352       KMP_INFORM(AffInfoStr, "KMP_AFFINITY", KMP_I18N_STR(DecodingLegacyAPIC));
4353     }
4355     depth = __kmp_affinity_create_apicid_map(&address2os, &msg_id);
4356     if (depth == 0) {
4357       KMP_EXIT_AFF_NONE;
4358     }
4359     if (depth < 0) {
4360       KMP_ASSERT(msg_id != kmp_i18n_null);
4361       KMP_FATAL(MsgExiting, __kmp_i18n_catgets(msg_id));
4362     }
4363   }
4365 #endif /* KMP_ARCH_X86 || KMP_ARCH_X86_64 */
4367   else if (__kmp_affinity_top_method == affinity_top_method_cpuinfo) {
4368     const char *filename;
4369     if (__kmp_cpuinfo_file != NULL) {
4370       filename = __kmp_cpuinfo_file;
4371     } else {
4372       filename = "/proc/cpuinfo";
4373     }
4375     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
4376       KMP_INFORM(AffParseFilename, "KMP_AFFINITY", filename);
4377     }
4379     FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r");
4380     if (f == NULL) {
4381       int code = errno;
4382       if (__kmp_cpuinfo_file != NULL) {
4383         __kmp_fatal(KMP_MSG(CantOpenFileForReading, filename), KMP_ERR(code),
4384                     KMP_HNT(NameComesFrom_CPUINFO_FILE), __kmp_msg_null);
4385       } else {
4386         __kmp_fatal(KMP_MSG(CantOpenFileForReading, filename), KMP_ERR(code),
4387                     __kmp_msg_null);
4388       }
4389     }
4390     int line = 0;
4391     depth = __kmp_affinity_create_cpuinfo_map(&address2os, &line, &msg_id, f);
4392     fclose(f);
4393     if (depth < 0) {
4394       KMP_ASSERT(msg_id != kmp_i18n_null);
4395       if (line > 0) {
4396         KMP_FATAL(FileLineMsgExiting, filename, line,
4397                   __kmp_i18n_catgets(msg_id));
4398       } else {
4399         KMP_FATAL(FileMsgExiting, filename, __kmp_i18n_catgets(msg_id));
4400       }
4401     }
4402     if (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none) {
4403       KMP_ASSERT(depth == 0);
4404       KMP_EXIT_AFF_NONE;
4405     }
4406   }
4410   else if (__kmp_affinity_top_method == affinity_top_method_group) {
4411     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
4412       KMP_INFORM(AffWindowsProcGroupMap, "KMP_AFFINITY");
4413     }
4415     depth = __kmp_affinity_create_proc_group_map(&address2os, &msg_id);
4416     KMP_ASSERT(depth != 0);
4417     if (depth < 0) {
4418       KMP_ASSERT(msg_id != kmp_i18n_null);
4419       KMP_FATAL(MsgExiting, __kmp_i18n_catgets(msg_id));
4420     }
4421   }
4423 #endif /* KMP_GROUP_AFFINITY */
4425   else if (__kmp_affinity_top_method == affinity_top_method_flat) {
4426     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
4427       KMP_INFORM(AffUsingFlatOS, "KMP_AFFINITY");
4428     }
4430     depth = __kmp_affinity_create_flat_map(&address2os, &msg_id);
4431     if (depth == 0) {
4432       KMP_EXIT_AFF_NONE;
4433     }
4434     // should not fail
4435     KMP_ASSERT(depth > 0);
4436     KMP_ASSERT(address2os != NULL);
4437   }
4440   __kmp_dispatch_set_hierarchy_values();
4441 #endif
4443   if (address2os == NULL) {
4444     if (KMP_AFFINITY_CAPABLE() &&
4445         (__kmp_affinity_verbose ||
4446          (__kmp_affinity_warnings && (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none)))) {
4447       KMP_WARNING(ErrorInitializeAffinity);
4448     }
4449     __kmp_affinity_type = affinity_none;
4450     __kmp_create_affinity_none_places();
4452     return;
4453   }
4455   if (__kmp_affinity_gran == affinity_gran_tile
4456 #if KMP_USE_HWLOC
4457       && __kmp_tile_depth == 0
4458 #endif
4459       ) {
4460     // tiles requested but not detected, warn user on this
4461     KMP_WARNING(AffTilesNoTiles, "KMP_AFFINITY");
4462   }
4464   __kmp_apply_thread_places(&address2os, depth);
4466   // Create the table of masks, indexed by thread Id.
4467   unsigned maxIndex;
4468   unsigned numUnique;
4469   kmp_affin_mask_t *osId2Mask =
4470       __kmp_create_masks(&maxIndex, &numUnique, address2os, __kmp_avail_proc);
4471   if (__kmp_affinity_gran_levels == 0) {
4472     KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT((int)numUnique == __kmp_avail_proc);
4473   }
4475   // Set the childNums vector in all Address objects. This must be done before
4476   // we can sort using __kmp_affinity_cmp_Address_child_num(), which takes into
4477   // account the setting of __kmp_affinity_compact.
4478   __kmp_affinity_assign_child_nums(address2os, __kmp_avail_proc);
4480   switch (__kmp_affinity_type) {
4482   case affinity_explicit:
4483     KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_proclist != NULL);
4484     if (__kmp_nested_proc_bind.bind_types[0] == proc_bind_intel) {
4485       __kmp_affinity_process_proclist(
4486           &__kmp_affinity_masks, &__kmp_affinity_num_masks,
4487           __kmp_affinity_proclist, osId2Mask, maxIndex);
4488     } else {
4489       __kmp_affinity_process_placelist(
4490           &__kmp_affinity_masks, &__kmp_affinity_num_masks,
4491           __kmp_affinity_proclist, osId2Mask, maxIndex);
4492     }
4493     if (__kmp_affinity_num_masks == 0) {
4494       if (__kmp_affinity_verbose ||
4495           (__kmp_affinity_warnings && (__kmp_affinity_type != affinity_none))) {
4496         KMP_WARNING(AffNoValidProcID);
4497       }
4498       __kmp_affinity_type = affinity_none;
4499       __kmp_create_affinity_none_places();
4500       return;
4501     }
4502     break;
4504   // The other affinity types rely on sorting the Addresses according to some
4505   // permutation of the machine topology tree. Set __kmp_affinity_compact and
4506   // __kmp_affinity_offset appropriately, then jump to a common code fragment
4507   // to do the sort and create the array of affinity masks.
4509   case affinity_logical:
4510     __kmp_affinity_compact = 0;
4511     if (__kmp_affinity_offset) {
4512       __kmp_affinity_offset =
4513           __kmp_nThreadsPerCore * __kmp_affinity_offset % __kmp_avail_proc;
4514     }
4515     goto sortAddresses;
4517   case affinity_physical:
4518     if (__kmp_nThreadsPerCore > 1) {
4519       __kmp_affinity_compact = 1;
4520       if (__kmp_affinity_compact >= depth) {
4521         __kmp_affinity_compact = 0;
4522       }
4523     } else {
4524       __kmp_affinity_compact = 0;
4525     }
4526     if (__kmp_affinity_offset) {
4527       __kmp_affinity_offset =
4528           __kmp_nThreadsPerCore * __kmp_affinity_offset % __kmp_avail_proc;
4529     }
4530     goto sortAddresses;
4532   case affinity_scatter:
4533     if (__kmp_affinity_compact >= depth) {
4534       __kmp_affinity_compact = 0;
4535     } else {
4536       __kmp_affinity_compact = depth - 1 - __kmp_affinity_compact;
4537     }
4538     goto sortAddresses;
4540   case affinity_compact:
4541     if (__kmp_affinity_compact >= depth) {
4542       __kmp_affinity_compact = depth - 1;
4543     }
4544     goto sortAddresses;
4546   case affinity_balanced:
4547     if (depth <= 1) {
4548       if (__kmp_affinity_verbose || __kmp_affinity_warnings) {
4549         KMP_WARNING(AffBalancedNotAvail, "KMP_AFFINITY");
4550       }
4551       __kmp_affinity_type = affinity_none;
4552       __kmp_create_affinity_none_places();
4553       return;
4554     } else if (!__kmp_affinity_uniform_topology()) {
4555       // Save the depth for further usage
4556       __kmp_aff_depth = depth;
4558       int core_level = __kmp_affinity_find_core_level(
4559           address2os, __kmp_avail_proc, depth - 1);
4560       int ncores = __kmp_affinity_compute_ncores(address2os, __kmp_avail_proc,
4561                                                  depth - 1, core_level);
4562       int maxprocpercore = __kmp_affinity_max_proc_per_core(
4563           address2os, __kmp_avail_proc, depth - 1, core_level);
4565       int nproc = ncores * maxprocpercore;
4566       if ((nproc < 2) || (nproc < __kmp_avail_proc)) {
4567         if (__kmp_affinity_verbose || __kmp_affinity_warnings) {
4568           KMP_WARNING(AffBalancedNotAvail, "KMP_AFFINITY");
4569         }
4570         __kmp_affinity_type = affinity_none;
4571         return;
4572       }
4574       procarr = (int *)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(int) * nproc);
4575       for (int i = 0; i < nproc; i++) {
4576         procarr[i] = -1;
4577       }
4579       int lastcore = -1;
4580       int inlastcore = 0;
4581       for (int i = 0; i < __kmp_avail_proc; i++) {
4582         int proc = address2os[i].second;
4583         int core =
4584             __kmp_affinity_find_core(address2os, i, depth - 1, core_level);
4586         if (core == lastcore) {
4587           inlastcore++;
4588         } else {
4589           inlastcore = 0;
4590         }
4591         lastcore = core;
4593         procarr[core * maxprocpercore + inlastcore] = proc;
4594       }
4595     }
4596     if (__kmp_affinity_compact >= depth) {
4597       __kmp_affinity_compact = depth - 1;
4598     }
4600   sortAddresses:
4601     // Allocate the gtid->affinity mask table.
4602     if (__kmp_affinity_dups) {
4603       __kmp_affinity_num_masks = __kmp_avail_proc;
4604     } else {
4605       __kmp_affinity_num_masks = numUnique;
4606     }
4608     if ((__kmp_nested_proc_bind.bind_types[0] != proc_bind_intel) &&
4609         (__kmp_affinity_num_places > 0) &&
4610         ((unsigned)__kmp_affinity_num_places < __kmp_affinity_num_masks)) {
4611       __kmp_affinity_num_masks = __kmp_affinity_num_places;
4612     }
4614     KMP_CPU_ALLOC_ARRAY(__kmp_affinity_masks, __kmp_affinity_num_masks);
4616     // Sort the address2os table according to the current setting of
4617     // __kmp_affinity_compact, then fill out __kmp_affinity_masks.
4618     qsort(address2os, __kmp_avail_proc, sizeof(*address2os),
4619           __kmp_affinity_cmp_Address_child_num);
4620     {
4621       int i;
4622       unsigned j;
4623       for (i = 0, j = 0; i < __kmp_avail_proc; i++) {
4624         if ((!__kmp_affinity_dups) && (!address2os[i].first.leader)) {
4625           continue;
4626         }
4627         unsigned osId = address2os[i].second;
4628         kmp_affin_mask_t *src = KMP_CPU_INDEX(osId2Mask, osId);
4629         kmp_affin_mask_t *dest = KMP_CPU_INDEX(__kmp_affinity_masks, j);
4630         KMP_ASSERT(KMP_CPU_ISSET(osId, src));
4631         KMP_CPU_COPY(dest, src);
4632         if (++j >= __kmp_affinity_num_masks) {
4633           break;
4634         }
4635       }
4636       KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(j == __kmp_affinity_num_masks);
4637     }
4638     break;
4640   default:
4641     KMP_ASSERT2(0, "Unexpected affinity setting");
4642   }
4644   KMP_CPU_FREE_ARRAY(osId2Mask, maxIndex + 1);
4645   machine_hierarchy.init(address2os, __kmp_avail_proc);
4646 }
4647 #undef KMP_EXIT_AFF_NONE
4649 void __kmp_affinity_initialize(void) {
4650   // Much of the code above was written assumming that if a machine was not
4651   // affinity capable, then __kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none.  We now
4652   // explicitly represent this as __kmp_affinity_type == affinity_disabled.
4653   // There are too many checks for __kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none
4654   // in this code.  Instead of trying to change them all, check if
4655   // __kmp_affinity_type == affinity_disabled, and if so, slam it with
4656   // affinity_none, call the real initialization routine, then restore
4657   // __kmp_affinity_type to affinity_disabled.
4658   int disabled = (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_disabled);
4659   if (!KMP_AFFINITY_CAPABLE()) {
4660     KMP_ASSERT(disabled);
4661   }
4662   if (disabled) {
4663     __kmp_affinity_type = affinity_none;
4664   }
4665   __kmp_aux_affinity_initialize();
4666   if (disabled) {
4667     __kmp_affinity_type = affinity_disabled;
4668   }
4669 }
4671 void __kmp_affinity_uninitialize(void) {
4672   if (__kmp_affinity_masks != NULL) {
4673     KMP_CPU_FREE_ARRAY(__kmp_affinity_masks, __kmp_affinity_num_masks);
4674     __kmp_affinity_masks = NULL;
4675   }
4676   if (__kmp_affin_fullMask != NULL) {
4677     KMP_CPU_FREE(__kmp_affin_fullMask);
4678     __kmp_affin_fullMask = NULL;
4679   }
4680   __kmp_affinity_num_masks = 0;
4681   __kmp_affinity_type = affinity_default;
4682   __kmp_affinity_num_places = 0;
4683   if (__kmp_affinity_proclist != NULL) {
4684     __kmp_free(__kmp_affinity_proclist);
4685     __kmp_affinity_proclist = NULL;
4686   }
4687   if (address2os != NULL) {
4688     __kmp_free(address2os);
4689     address2os = NULL;
4690   }
4691   if (procarr != NULL) {
4692     __kmp_free(procarr);
4693     procarr = NULL;
4694   }
4695 #if KMP_USE_HWLOC
4696   if (__kmp_hwloc_topology != NULL) {
4697     hwloc_topology_destroy(__kmp_hwloc_topology);
4698     __kmp_hwloc_topology = NULL;
4699   }
4700 #endif
4701   KMPAffinity::destroy_api();
4702 }
4704 void __kmp_affinity_set_init_mask(int gtid, int isa_root) {
4705   if (!KMP_AFFINITY_CAPABLE()) {
4706     return;
4707   }
4709   kmp_info_t *th = (kmp_info_t *)TCR_SYNC_PTR(__kmp_threads[gtid]);
4710   if (th->th.th_affin_mask == NULL) {
4711     KMP_CPU_ALLOC(th->th.th_affin_mask);
4712   } else {
4713     KMP_CPU_ZERO(th->th.th_affin_mask);
4714   }
4716   // Copy the thread mask to the kmp_info_t strucuture. If
4717   // __kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none, copy the "full" mask, i.e. one that
4718   // has all of the OS proc ids set, or if __kmp_affinity_respect_mask is set,
4719   // then the full mask is the same as the mask of the initialization thread.
4720   kmp_affin_mask_t *mask;
4721   int i;
4724     if ((__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none) ||
4725         (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_balanced)) {
4727       if (__kmp_num_proc_groups > 1) {
4728         return;
4729       }
4730 #endif
4731       KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affin_fullMask != NULL);
4732       i = 0;
4733       mask = __kmp_affin_fullMask;
4734     } else {
4735       KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_num_masks > 0);
4736       i = (gtid + __kmp_affinity_offset) % __kmp_affinity_num_masks;
4737       mask = KMP_CPU_INDEX(__kmp_affinity_masks, i);
4738     }
4739   } else {
4740     if ((!isa_root) ||
4741         (__kmp_nested_proc_bind.bind_types[0] == proc_bind_false)) {
4743       if (__kmp_num_proc_groups > 1) {
4744         return;
4745       }
4746 #endif
4747       KMP_ASSERT(__kmp_affin_fullMask != NULL);
4748       i = KMP_PLACE_ALL;
4749       mask = __kmp_affin_fullMask;
4750     } else {
4751       // int i = some hash function or just a counter that doesn't
4752       // always start at 0.  Use gtid for now.
4753       KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__kmp_affinity_num_masks > 0);
4754       i = (gtid + __kmp_affinity_offset) % __kmp_affinity_num_masks;
4755       mask = KMP_CPU_INDEX(__kmp_affinity_masks, i);
4756     }
4757   }
4759   th->th.th_current_place = i;
4760   if (isa_root) {
4761     th->th.th_new_place = i;
4762     th->th.th_first_place = 0;
4763     th->th.th_last_place = __kmp_affinity_num_masks - 1;
4764   } else if (KMP_AFFINITY_NON_PROC_BIND) {
4765     // When using a Non-OMP_PROC_BIND affinity method,
4766     // set all threads' place-partition-var to the entire place list
4767     th->th.th_first_place = 0;
4768     th->th.th_last_place = __kmp_affinity_num_masks - 1;
4769   }
4771   if (i == KMP_PLACE_ALL) {
4772     KA_TRACE(100, ("__kmp_affinity_set_init_mask: binding T#%d to all places\n",
4773                    gtid));
4774   } else {
4775     KA_TRACE(100, ("__kmp_affinity_set_init_mask: binding T#%d to place %d\n",
4776                    gtid, i));
4777   }
4779   KMP_CPU_COPY(th->th.th_affin_mask, mask);
4781   if (__kmp_affinity_verbose
4782       /* to avoid duplicate printing (will be correctly printed on barrier) */
4783       && (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none ||
4784           (i != KMP_PLACE_ALL && __kmp_affinity_type != affinity_balanced))) {
4785     char buf[KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN];
4786     __kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN,
4787                               th->th.th_affin_mask);
4788     KMP_INFORM(BoundToOSProcSet, "KMP_AFFINITY", (kmp_int32)getpid(),
4789                __kmp_gettid(), gtid, buf);
4790   }
4793   // On Windows* OS, the process affinity mask might have changed. If the user
4794   // didn't request affinity and this call fails, just continue silently.
4795   // See CQ171393.
4796   if (__kmp_affinity_type == affinity_none) {
4797     __kmp_set_system_affinity(th->th.th_affin_mask, FALSE);
4798   } else
4799 #endif
4800     __kmp_set_system_affinity(th->th.th_affin_mask, TRUE);
4801 }
4803 void __kmp_affinity_set_place(int gtid) {
4804   if (!KMP_AFFINITY_CAPABLE()) {
4805     return;
4806   }
4808   kmp_info_t *th = (kmp_info_t *)TCR_SYNC_PTR(__kmp_threads[gtid]);
4810   KA_TRACE(100, ("__kmp_affinity_set_place: binding T#%d to place %d (current "
4811                  "place = %d)\n",
4812                  gtid, th->th.th_new_place, th->th.th_current_place));
4814   // Check that the new place is within this thread's partition.
4815   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(th->th.th_affin_mask != NULL);
4816   KMP_ASSERT(th->th.th_new_place >= 0);
4817   KMP_ASSERT((unsigned)th->th.th_new_place <= __kmp_affinity_num_masks);
4818   if (th->th.th_first_place <= th->th.th_last_place) {
4819     KMP_ASSERT((th->th.th_new_place >= th->th.th_first_place) &&
4820                (th->th.th_new_place <= th->th.th_last_place));
4821   } else {
4822     KMP_ASSERT((th->th.th_new_place <= th->th.th_first_place) ||
4823                (th->th.th_new_place >= th->th.th_last_place));
4824   }
4826   // Copy the thread mask to the kmp_info_t strucuture,
4827   // and set this thread's affinity.
4828   kmp_affin_mask_t *mask =
4829       KMP_CPU_INDEX(__kmp_affinity_masks, th->th.th_new_place);
4830   KMP_CPU_COPY(th->th.th_affin_mask, mask);
4831   th->th.th_current_place = th->th.th_new_place;
4833   if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
4834     char buf[KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN];
4835     __kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN,
4836                               th->th.th_affin_mask);
4837     KMP_INFORM(BoundToOSProcSet, "OMP_PROC_BIND", (kmp_int32)getpid(),
4838                __kmp_gettid(), gtid, buf);
4839   }
4840   __kmp_set_system_affinity(th->th.th_affin_mask, TRUE);
4841 }
4843 int __kmp_aux_set_affinity(void **mask) {
4844   int gtid;
4845   kmp_info_t *th;
4846   int retval;
4848   if (!KMP_AFFINITY_CAPABLE()) {
4849     return -1;
4850   }
4852   gtid = __kmp_entry_gtid();
4853   KA_TRACE(1000, (""); {
4854     char buf[KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN];
4855     __kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN,
4856                               (kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask));
4857     __kmp_debug_printf(
4858         "kmp_set_affinity: setting affinity mask for thread %d = %s\n", gtid,
4859         buf);
4860   });
4862   if (__kmp_env_consistency_check) {
4863     if ((mask == NULL) || (*mask == NULL)) {
4864       KMP_FATAL(AffinityInvalidMask, "kmp_set_affinity");
4865     } else {
4866       unsigned proc;
4867       int num_procs = 0;
4869       KMP_CPU_SET_ITERATE(proc, ((kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask))) {
4870         if (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(proc, __kmp_affin_fullMask)) {
4871           KMP_FATAL(AffinityInvalidMask, "kmp_set_affinity");
4872         }
4873         if (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(proc, (kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask))) {
4874           continue;
4875         }
4876         num_procs++;
4877       }
4878       if (num_procs == 0) {
4879         KMP_FATAL(AffinityInvalidMask, "kmp_set_affinity");
4880       }
4883       if (__kmp_get_proc_group((kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask)) < 0) {
4884         KMP_FATAL(AffinityInvalidMask, "kmp_set_affinity");
4885       }
4886 #endif /* KMP_GROUP_AFFINITY */
4887     }
4888   }
4890   th = __kmp_threads[gtid];
4891   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(th->th.th_affin_mask != NULL);
4892   retval = __kmp_set_system_affinity((kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask), FALSE);
4893   if (retval == 0) {
4894     KMP_CPU_COPY(th->th.th_affin_mask, (kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask));
4895   }
4897   th->th.th_current_place = KMP_PLACE_UNDEFINED;
4898   th->th.th_new_place = KMP_PLACE_UNDEFINED;
4899   th->th.th_first_place = 0;
4900   th->th.th_last_place = __kmp_affinity_num_masks - 1;
4902   // Turn off 4.0 affinity for the current tread at this parallel level.
4903   th->th.th_current_task->td_icvs.proc_bind = proc_bind_false;
4905   return retval;
4906 }
4908 int __kmp_aux_get_affinity(void **mask) {
4909   int gtid;
4910   int retval;
4911   kmp_info_t *th;
4913   if (!KMP_AFFINITY_CAPABLE()) {
4914     return -1;
4915   }
4917   gtid = __kmp_entry_gtid();
4918   th = __kmp_threads[gtid];
4919   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(th->th.th_affin_mask != NULL);
4921   KA_TRACE(1000, (""); {
4922     char buf[KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN];
4923     __kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN,
4924                               th->th.th_affin_mask);
4925     __kmp_printf("kmp_get_affinity: stored affinity mask for thread %d = %s\n",
4926                  gtid, buf);
4927   });
4929   if (__kmp_env_consistency_check) {
4930     if ((mask == NULL) || (*mask == NULL)) {
4931       KMP_FATAL(AffinityInvalidMask, "kmp_get_affinity");
4932     }
4933   }
4935 #if !KMP_OS_WINDOWS
4937   retval = __kmp_get_system_affinity((kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask), FALSE);
4938   KA_TRACE(1000, (""); {
4939     char buf[KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN];
4940     __kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN,
4941                               (kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask));
4942     __kmp_printf("kmp_get_affinity: system affinity mask for thread %d = %s\n",
4943                  gtid, buf);
4944   });
4945   return retval;
4947 #else
4949   KMP_CPU_COPY((kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask), th->th.th_affin_mask);
4950   return 0;
4952 #endif /* KMP_OS_WINDOWS */
4953 }
4955 int __kmp_aux_get_affinity_max_proc() {
4956   if (!KMP_AFFINITY_CAPABLE()) {
4957     return 0;
4958   }
4960   if (__kmp_num_proc_groups > 1) {
4961     return (int)(__kmp_num_proc_groups * sizeof(DWORD_PTR) * CHAR_BIT);
4962   }
4963 #endif
4964   return __kmp_xproc;
4965 }
4967 int __kmp_aux_set_affinity_mask_proc(int proc, void **mask) {
4968   if (!KMP_AFFINITY_CAPABLE()) {
4969     return -1;
4970   }
4972   KA_TRACE(1000, (""); {
4973     int gtid = __kmp_entry_gtid();
4974     char buf[KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN];
4975     __kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN,
4976                               (kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask));
4977     __kmp_debug_printf("kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc: setting proc %d in "
4978                        "affinity mask for thread %d = %s\n",
4979                        proc, gtid, buf);
4980   });
4982   if (__kmp_env_consistency_check) {
4983     if ((mask == NULL) || (*mask == NULL)) {
4984       KMP_FATAL(AffinityInvalidMask, "kmp_set_affinity_mask_proc");
4985     }
4986   }
4988   if ((proc < 0) || (proc >= __kmp_aux_get_affinity_max_proc())) {
4989     return -1;
4990   }
4991   if (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(proc, __kmp_affin_fullMask)) {
4992     return -2;
4993   }
4995   KMP_CPU_SET(proc, (kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask));
4996   return 0;
4997 }
4999 int __kmp_aux_unset_affinity_mask_proc(int proc, void **mask) {
5000   if (!KMP_AFFINITY_CAPABLE()) {
5001     return -1;
5002   }
5004   KA_TRACE(1000, (""); {
5005     int gtid = __kmp_entry_gtid();
5006     char buf[KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN];
5007     __kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN,
5008                               (kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask));
5009     __kmp_debug_printf("kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc: unsetting proc %d in "
5010                        "affinity mask for thread %d = %s\n",
5011                        proc, gtid, buf);
5012   });
5014   if (__kmp_env_consistency_check) {
5015     if ((mask == NULL) || (*mask == NULL)) {
5016       KMP_FATAL(AffinityInvalidMask, "kmp_unset_affinity_mask_proc");
5017     }
5018   }
5020   if ((proc < 0) || (proc >= __kmp_aux_get_affinity_max_proc())) {
5021     return -1;
5022   }
5023   if (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(proc, __kmp_affin_fullMask)) {
5024     return -2;
5025   }
5027   KMP_CPU_CLR(proc, (kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask));
5028   return 0;
5029 }
5031 int __kmp_aux_get_affinity_mask_proc(int proc, void **mask) {
5032   if (!KMP_AFFINITY_CAPABLE()) {
5033     return -1;
5034   }
5036   KA_TRACE(1000, (""); {
5037     int gtid = __kmp_entry_gtid();
5038     char buf[KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN];
5039     __kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN,
5040                               (kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask));
5041     __kmp_debug_printf("kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc: getting proc %d in "
5042                        "affinity mask for thread %d = %s\n",
5043                        proc, gtid, buf);
5044   });
5046   if (__kmp_env_consistency_check) {
5047     if ((mask == NULL) || (*mask == NULL)) {
5048       KMP_FATAL(AffinityInvalidMask, "kmp_get_affinity_mask_proc");
5049     }
5050   }
5052   if ((proc < 0) || (proc >= __kmp_aux_get_affinity_max_proc())) {
5053     return -1;
5054   }
5055   if (!KMP_CPU_ISSET(proc, __kmp_affin_fullMask)) {
5056     return 0;
5057   }
5059   return KMP_CPU_ISSET(proc, (kmp_affin_mask_t *)(*mask));
5060 }
5062 // Dynamic affinity settings - Affinity balanced
5063 void __kmp_balanced_affinity(kmp_info_t *th, int nthreads) {
5064   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(th);
5065   bool fine_gran = true;
5066   int tid = th->th.th_info.ds.ds_tid;
5068   switch (__kmp_affinity_gran) {
5069   case affinity_gran_fine:
5070   case affinity_gran_thread:
5071     break;
5072   case affinity_gran_core:
5073     if (__kmp_nThreadsPerCore > 1) {
5074       fine_gran = false;
5075     }
5076     break;
5077   case affinity_gran_package:
5078     if (nCoresPerPkg > 1) {
5079       fine_gran = false;
5080     }
5081     break;
5082   default:
5083     fine_gran = false;
5084   }
5086   if (__kmp_affinity_uniform_topology()) {
5087     int coreID;
5088     int threadID;
5089     // Number of hyper threads per core in HT machine
5090     int __kmp_nth_per_core = __kmp_avail_proc / __kmp_ncores;
5091     // Number of cores
5092     int ncores = __kmp_ncores;
5093     if ((nPackages > 1) && (__kmp_nth_per_core <= 1)) {
5094       __kmp_nth_per_core = __kmp_avail_proc / nPackages;
5095       ncores = nPackages;
5096     }
5097     // How many threads will be bound to each core
5098     int chunk = nthreads / ncores;
5099     // How many cores will have an additional thread bound to it - "big cores"
5100     int big_cores = nthreads % ncores;
5101     // Number of threads on the big cores
5102     int big_nth = (chunk + 1) * big_cores;
5103     if (tid < big_nth) {
5104       coreID = tid / (chunk + 1);
5105       threadID = (tid % (chunk + 1)) % __kmp_nth_per_core;
5106     } else { // tid >= big_nth
5107       coreID = (tid - big_cores) / chunk;
5108       threadID = ((tid - big_cores) % chunk) % __kmp_nth_per_core;
5109     }
5112                       "Illegal set affinity operation when not capable");
5114     kmp_affin_mask_t *mask = th->th.th_affin_mask;
5115     KMP_CPU_ZERO(mask);
5117     if (fine_gran) {
5118       int osID = address2os[coreID * __kmp_nth_per_core + threadID].second;
5119       KMP_CPU_SET(osID, mask);
5120     } else {
5121       for (int i = 0; i < __kmp_nth_per_core; i++) {
5122         int osID;
5123         osID = address2os[coreID * __kmp_nth_per_core + i].second;
5124         KMP_CPU_SET(osID, mask);
5125       }
5126     }
5127     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
5128       char buf[KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN];
5129       __kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN, mask);
5130       KMP_INFORM(BoundToOSProcSet, "KMP_AFFINITY", (kmp_int32)getpid(),
5131                  __kmp_gettid(), tid, buf);
5132     }
5133     __kmp_set_system_affinity(mask, TRUE);
5134   } else { // Non-uniform topology
5136     kmp_affin_mask_t *mask = th->th.th_affin_mask;
5137     KMP_CPU_ZERO(mask);
5139     int core_level = __kmp_affinity_find_core_level(
5140         address2os, __kmp_avail_proc, __kmp_aff_depth - 1);
5141     int ncores = __kmp_affinity_compute_ncores(address2os, __kmp_avail_proc,
5142                                                __kmp_aff_depth - 1, core_level);
5143     int nth_per_core = __kmp_affinity_max_proc_per_core(
5144         address2os, __kmp_avail_proc, __kmp_aff_depth - 1, core_level);
5146     // For performance gain consider the special case nthreads ==
5147     // __kmp_avail_proc
5148     if (nthreads == __kmp_avail_proc) {
5149       if (fine_gran) {
5150         int osID = address2os[tid].second;
5151         KMP_CPU_SET(osID, mask);
5152       } else {
5153         int core = __kmp_affinity_find_core(address2os, tid,
5154                                             __kmp_aff_depth - 1, core_level);
5155         for (int i = 0; i < __kmp_avail_proc; i++) {
5156           int osID = address2os[i].second;
5157           if (__kmp_affinity_find_core(address2os, i, __kmp_aff_depth - 1,
5158                                        core_level) == core) {
5159             KMP_CPU_SET(osID, mask);
5160           }
5161         }
5162       }
5163     } else if (nthreads <= ncores) {
5165       int core = 0;
5166       for (int i = 0; i < ncores; i++) {
5167         // Check if this core from procarr[] is in the mask
5168         int in_mask = 0;
5169         for (int j = 0; j < nth_per_core; j++) {
5170           if (procarr[i * nth_per_core + j] != -1) {
5171             in_mask = 1;
5172             break;
5173           }
5174         }
5175         if (in_mask) {
5176           if (tid == core) {
5177             for (int j = 0; j < nth_per_core; j++) {
5178               int osID = procarr[i * nth_per_core + j];
5179               if (osID != -1) {
5180                 KMP_CPU_SET(osID, mask);
5181                 // For fine granularity it is enough to set the first available
5182                 // osID for this core
5183                 if (fine_gran) {
5184                   break;
5185                 }
5186               }
5187             }
5188             break;
5189           } else {
5190             core++;
5191           }
5192         }
5193       }
5194     } else { // nthreads > ncores
5195       // Array to save the number of processors at each core
5196       int *nproc_at_core = (int *)KMP_ALLOCA(sizeof(int) * ncores);
5197       // Array to save the number of cores with "x" available processors;
5198       int *ncores_with_x_procs =
5199           (int *)KMP_ALLOCA(sizeof(int) * (nth_per_core + 1));
5200       // Array to save the number of cores with # procs from x to nth_per_core
5201       int *ncores_with_x_to_max_procs =
5202           (int *)KMP_ALLOCA(sizeof(int) * (nth_per_core + 1));
5204       for (int i = 0; i <= nth_per_core; i++) {
5205         ncores_with_x_procs[i] = 0;
5206         ncores_with_x_to_max_procs[i] = 0;
5207       }
5209       for (int i = 0; i < ncores; i++) {
5210         int cnt = 0;
5211         for (int j = 0; j < nth_per_core; j++) {
5212           if (procarr[i * nth_per_core + j] != -1) {
5213             cnt++;
5214           }
5215         }
5216         nproc_at_core[i] = cnt;
5217         ncores_with_x_procs[cnt]++;
5218       }
5220       for (int i = 0; i <= nth_per_core; i++) {
5221         for (int j = i; j <= nth_per_core; j++) {
5222           ncores_with_x_to_max_procs[i] += ncores_with_x_procs[j];
5223         }
5224       }
5226       // Max number of processors
5227       int nproc = nth_per_core * ncores;
5228       // An array to keep number of threads per each context
5229       int *newarr = (int *)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(int) * nproc);
5230       for (int i = 0; i < nproc; i++) {
5231         newarr[i] = 0;
5232       }
5234       int nth = nthreads;
5235       int flag = 0;
5236       while (nth > 0) {
5237         for (int j = 1; j <= nth_per_core; j++) {
5238           int cnt = ncores_with_x_to_max_procs[j];
5239           for (int i = 0; i < ncores; i++) {
5240             // Skip the core with 0 processors
5241             if (nproc_at_core[i] == 0) {
5242               continue;
5243             }
5244             for (int k = 0; k < nth_per_core; k++) {
5245               if (procarr[i * nth_per_core + k] != -1) {
5246                 if (newarr[i * nth_per_core + k] == 0) {
5247                   newarr[i * nth_per_core + k] = 1;
5248                   cnt--;
5249                   nth--;
5250                   break;
5251                 } else {
5252                   if (flag != 0) {
5253                     newarr[i * nth_per_core + k]++;
5254                     cnt--;
5255                     nth--;
5256                     break;
5257                   }
5258                 }
5259               }
5260             }
5261             if (cnt == 0 || nth == 0) {
5262               break;
5263             }
5264           }
5265           if (nth == 0) {
5266             break;
5267           }
5268         }
5269         flag = 1;
5270       }
5271       int sum = 0;
5272       for (int i = 0; i < nproc; i++) {
5273         sum += newarr[i];
5274         if (sum > tid) {
5275           if (fine_gran) {
5276             int osID = procarr[i];
5277             KMP_CPU_SET(osID, mask);
5278           } else {
5279             int coreID = i / nth_per_core;
5280             for (int ii = 0; ii < nth_per_core; ii++) {
5281               int osID = procarr[coreID * nth_per_core + ii];
5282               if (osID != -1) {
5283                 KMP_CPU_SET(osID, mask);
5284               }
5285             }
5286           }
5287           break;
5288         }
5289       }
5290       __kmp_free(newarr);
5291     }
5293     if (__kmp_affinity_verbose) {
5294       char buf[KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN];
5295       __kmp_affinity_print_mask(buf, KMP_AFFIN_MASK_PRINT_LEN, mask);
5296       KMP_INFORM(BoundToOSProcSet, "KMP_AFFINITY", (kmp_int32)getpid(),
5297                  __kmp_gettid(), tid, buf);
5298     }
5299     __kmp_set_system_affinity(mask, TRUE);
5300   }
5301 }
5304 // We don't need this entry for Windows because
5305 // there is GetProcessAffinityMask() api
5306 //
5307 // The intended usage is indicated by these steps:
5308 // 1) The user gets the current affinity mask
5309 // 2) Then sets the affinity by calling this function
5310 // 3) Error check the return value
5311 // 4) Use non-OpenMP parallelization
5312 // 5) Reset the affinity to what was stored in step 1)
5313 #ifdef __cplusplus
5314 extern "C"
5315 #endif
5316     int
5317     kmp_set_thread_affinity_mask_initial()
5318 // the function returns 0 on success,
5319 //   -1 if we cannot bind thread
5320 //   >0 (errno) if an error happened during binding
5321 {
5322   int gtid = __kmp_get_gtid();
5323   if (gtid < 0) {
5324     // Do not touch non-omp threads
5325     KA_TRACE(30, ("kmp_set_thread_affinity_mask_initial: "
5326                   "non-omp thread, returning\n"));
5327     return -1;
5328   }
5329   if (!KMP_AFFINITY_CAPABLE() || !__kmp_init_middle) {
5330     KA_TRACE(30, ("kmp_set_thread_affinity_mask_initial: "
5331                   "affinity not initialized, returning\n"));
5332     return -1;
5333   }
5334   KA_TRACE(30, ("kmp_set_thread_affinity_mask_initial: "
5335                 "set full mask for thread %d\n",
5336                 gtid));
5337   KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__kmp_affin_fullMask != NULL);
5338   return __kmp_set_system_affinity(__kmp_affin_fullMask, FALSE);
5339 }
5340 #endif