xref: /freebsd/contrib/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Support/UnicodeNameToCodepoint.cpp (revision 103ba509e72e3949d22485666949e9705d4af8cd)
1 //===- llvm/Support/UnicodeNameToCodepoint.cpp - Unicode character properties
2 //-*- C++ -*-===//
3 //
4 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
5 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 //
10 // This file implements functions to map the name or alias of a unicode
11 // character to its codepoint.
12 //
13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
15 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
16 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
17 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
18 #include "llvm/Support/Unicode.h"
20 namespace llvm {
21 namespace sys {
22 namespace unicode {
24 extern const char *UnicodeNameToCodepointDict;
25 extern const uint8_t *UnicodeNameToCodepointIndex;
26 extern const std::size_t UnicodeNameToCodepointIndexSize;
27 extern const std::size_t UnicodeNameToCodepointLargestNameSize;
29 using BufferType = SmallString<64>;
31 struct Node {
32   bool IsRoot = false;
33   char32_t Value = 0xFFFFFFFF;
34   uint32_t ChildrenOffset = 0;
35   bool HasSibling = false;
36   uint32_t Size = 0;
37   StringRef Name;
38   const Node *Parent = nullptr;
40   constexpr bool isValid() const {
41     return !Name.empty() || Value == 0xFFFFFFFF;
42   }
43   constexpr bool hasChildren() const { return ChildrenOffset != 0 || IsRoot; }
45   std::string fullName() const {
46     std::string S;
47     // Reserve enough space for most unicode code points.
48     // The chosen value represent the 99th percentile of name size as of
49     // Unicode 15.0.
50     S.reserve(46);
51     const Node *N = this;
52     while (N) {
53       std::reverse_copy(N->Name.begin(), N->Name.end(), std::back_inserter(S));
54       N = N->Parent;
55     }
56     std::reverse(S.begin(), S.end());
57     return S;
58   }
59 };
61 static Node createRoot() {
62   Node N;
63   N.IsRoot = true;
64   N.ChildrenOffset = 1;
65   N.Size = 1;
66   return N;
67 }
69 static Node readNode(uint32_t Offset, const Node *Parent = nullptr) {
70   if (Offset == 0)
71     return createRoot();
73   uint32_t Origin = Offset;
74   Node N;
75   N.Parent = Parent;
76   uint8_t NameInfo = UnicodeNameToCodepointIndex[Offset++];
77   if (Offset + 6 >= UnicodeNameToCodepointIndexSize)
78     return N;
80   bool LongName = NameInfo & 0x40;
81   bool HasValue = NameInfo & 0x80;
82   std::size_t Size = NameInfo & ~0xC0;
83   if (LongName) {
84     uint32_t NameOffset = (UnicodeNameToCodepointIndex[Offset++] << 8);
85     NameOffset |= UnicodeNameToCodepointIndex[Offset++];
86     N.Name = StringRef(UnicodeNameToCodepointDict + NameOffset, Size);
87   } else {
88     N.Name = StringRef(UnicodeNameToCodepointDict + Size, 1);
89   }
90   if (HasValue) {
91     uint8_t H = UnicodeNameToCodepointIndex[Offset++];
92     uint8_t M = UnicodeNameToCodepointIndex[Offset++];
93     uint8_t L = UnicodeNameToCodepointIndex[Offset++];
94     N.Value = ((H << 16) | (M << 8) | L) >> 3;
96     bool HasChildren = L & 0x02;
97     N.HasSibling = L & 0x01;
99     if (HasChildren) {
100       N.ChildrenOffset = UnicodeNameToCodepointIndex[Offset++] << 16;
101       N.ChildrenOffset |= UnicodeNameToCodepointIndex[Offset++] << 8;
102       N.ChildrenOffset |= UnicodeNameToCodepointIndex[Offset++];
103     }
104   } else {
105     uint8_t H = UnicodeNameToCodepointIndex[Offset++];
106     N.HasSibling = H & 0x80;
107     bool HasChildren = H & 0x40;
108     H &= uint8_t(~0xC0);
109     if (HasChildren) {
110       N.ChildrenOffset = (H << 16);
111       N.ChildrenOffset |=
112           (uint32_t(UnicodeNameToCodepointIndex[Offset++]) << 8);
113       N.ChildrenOffset |= UnicodeNameToCodepointIndex[Offset++];
114     }
115   }
116   N.Size = Offset - Origin;
117   return N;
118 }
120 static bool startsWith(StringRef Name, StringRef Needle, bool Strict,
121                        std::size_t &Consummed, char &PreviousCharInName,
122                        char &PreviousCharInNeedle, bool IsPrefix = false) {
124   Consummed = 0;
125   if (Strict) {
126     if (!Name.startswith(Needle))
127       return false;
128     Consummed = Needle.size();
129     return true;
130   }
131   if (Needle.empty())
132     return true;
134   auto NamePos = Name.begin();
135   auto NeedlePos = Needle.begin();
137   char PreviousCharInNameOrigin = PreviousCharInName;
138   char PreviousCharInNeedleOrigin = PreviousCharInNeedle;
140   auto IgnoreSpaces = [](auto It, auto End, char &PreviousChar,
141                          bool IgnoreEnd = false) {
142     while (It != End) {
143       const auto Next = std::next(It);
144       // Ignore spaces, underscore, medial hyphens
145       // https://unicode.org/reports/tr44/#UAX44-LM2.
146       bool Ignore =
147           *It == ' ' || *It == '_' ||
148           (*It == '-' && isAlnum(PreviousChar) &&
149            ((Next != End && isAlnum(*Next)) || (Next == End && IgnoreEnd)));
150       PreviousChar = *It;
151       if (!Ignore)
152         break;
153       ++It;
154     }
155     return It;
156   };
158   while (true) {
159     NamePos = IgnoreSpaces(NamePos, Name.end(), PreviousCharInName);
160     NeedlePos =
161         IgnoreSpaces(NeedlePos, Needle.end(), PreviousCharInNeedle, IsPrefix);
162     if (NeedlePos == Needle.end())
163       break;
164     if (NamePos == Name.end())
165       break;
166     if (toUpper(*NeedlePos) != toUpper(*NamePos))
167       break;
168     NeedlePos++;
169     NamePos++;
170   }
171   Consummed = std::distance(Name.begin(), NamePos);
172   if (NeedlePos != Needle.end()) {
173     PreviousCharInName = PreviousCharInNameOrigin;
174     PreviousCharInNeedle = PreviousCharInNeedleOrigin;
175   }
176   return NeedlePos == Needle.end();
177 }
179 static std::tuple<Node, bool, uint32_t>
180 compareNode(uint32_t Offset, StringRef Name, bool Strict,
181             char PreviousCharInName, char PreviousCharInNeedle,
182             BufferType &Buffer, const Node *Parent = nullptr) {
183   Node N = readNode(Offset, Parent);
184   std::size_t Consummed = 0;
185   bool DoesStartWith =
186       N.IsRoot || startsWith(Name, N.Name, Strict, Consummed,
187                              PreviousCharInName, PreviousCharInNeedle);
188   if (!DoesStartWith)
189     return std::make_tuple(N, false, 0);
191   if (Name.size() - Consummed == 0 && N.Value != 0xFFFFFFFF)
192     return std::make_tuple(N, true, N.Value);
194   if (N.hasChildren()) {
195     uint32_t ChildOffset = N.ChildrenOffset;
196     for (;;) {
197       Node C;
198       bool Matches;
199       uint32_t Value;
200       std::tie(C, Matches, Value) =
201           compareNode(ChildOffset, Name.substr(Consummed), Strict,
202                       PreviousCharInName, PreviousCharInNeedle, Buffer, &N);
203       if (Matches) {
204         std::reverse_copy(C.Name.begin(), C.Name.end(),
205                           std::back_inserter(Buffer));
206         return std::make_tuple(N, true, Value);
207       }
208       ChildOffset += C.Size;
209       if (!C.HasSibling)
210         break;
211     }
212   }
213   return std::make_tuple(N, false, 0);
214 }
216 static std::tuple<Node, bool, uint32_t>
217 compareNode(uint32_t Offset, StringRef Name, bool Strict, BufferType &Buffer) {
218   return compareNode(Offset, Name, Strict, 0, 0, Buffer);
219 }
221 // clang-format off
222 constexpr const char *const HangulSyllables[][3] = {
223     { "G",  "A",   ""   },
224     { "GG", "AE",  "G"  },
225     { "N",  "YA",  "GG" },
226     { "D",  "YAE", "GS" },
227     { "DD", "EO",  "N", },
228     { "R",  "E",   "NJ" },
229     { "M",  "YEO", "NH" },
230     { "B",  "YE",  "D"  },
231     { "BB", "O",   "L"  },
232     { "S",  "WA",  "LG" },
233     { "SS", "WAE", "LM" },
234     { "",   "OE",  "LB" },
235     { "J",  "YO",  "LS" },
236     { "JJ", "U",   "LT" },
237     { "C",  "WEO", "LP" },
238     { "K",  "WE",  "LH" },
239     { "T",  "WI",  "M"  },
240     { "P",  "YU",  "B"  },
241     { "H",  "EU",  "BS" },
242     { 0,    "YI",  "S"  },
243     { 0,    "I",   "SS" },
244     { 0,    0,     "NG" },
245     { 0,    0,     "J"  },
246     { 0,    0,     "C"  },
247     { 0,    0,     "K"  },
248     { 0,    0,     "T"  },
249     { 0,    0,     "P"  },
250     { 0,    0,     "H"  }
251     };
252 // clang-format on
254 // Unicode 15.0
255 // 3.12 Conjoining Jamo Behavior Common constants
256 constexpr const char32_t SBase = 0xAC00;
257 constexpr const uint32_t LCount = 19;
258 constexpr const uint32_t VCount = 21;
259 constexpr const uint32_t TCount = 28;
261 static std::size_t findSyllable(StringRef Name, bool Strict,
262                                 char &PreviousInName, int &Pos, int Column) {
263   assert(Column == 0 || Column == 1 || Column == 2);
264   static std::size_t CountPerColumn[] = {LCount, VCount, TCount};
265   char NeedleStart = 0;
266   int Len = -1;
267   int Prev = PreviousInName;
268   for (std::size_t I = 0; I < CountPerColumn[Column]; I++) {
269     StringRef Syllable(HangulSyllables[I][Column]);
270     if (int(Syllable.size()) <= Len)
271       continue;
272     std::size_t Consummed = 0;
273     char PreviousInNameCopy = PreviousInName;
274     bool DoesStartWith = startsWith(Name, Syllable, Strict, Consummed,
275                                     PreviousInNameCopy, NeedleStart);
276     if (!DoesStartWith)
277       continue;
278     Len = Consummed;
279     Pos = I;
280     Prev = PreviousInNameCopy;
281   }
282   if (Len == -1)
283     return 0;
284   PreviousInName = Prev;
285   return size_t(Len);
286 }
288 static std::optional<char32_t>
289 nameToHangulCodePoint(StringRef Name, bool Strict, BufferType &Buffer) {
290   Buffer.clear();
291   // Hangul Syllable Decomposition
292   std::size_t Consummed = 0;
293   char NameStart = 0, NeedleStart = 0;
294   bool DoesStartWith = startsWith(Name, "HANGUL SYLLABLE ", Strict, Consummed,
295                                   NameStart, NeedleStart);
296   if (!DoesStartWith)
297     return std::nullopt;
298   Name = Name.substr(Consummed);
299   int L = -1, V = -1, T = -1;
300   Name = Name.substr(findSyllable(Name, Strict, NameStart, L, 0));
301   Name = Name.substr(findSyllable(Name, Strict, NameStart, V, 1));
302   Name = Name.substr(findSyllable(Name, Strict, NameStart, T, 2));
303   if (L != -1 && V != -1 && T != -1 && Name.empty()) {
304     if (!Strict) {
305       Buffer.append("HANGUL SYLLABLE ");
306       if (L != -1)
307         Buffer.append(HangulSyllables[L][0]);
308       if (V != -1)
309         Buffer.append(HangulSyllables[V][1]);
310       if (T != -1)
311         Buffer.append(HangulSyllables[T][2]);
312     }
313     return SBase + (std::uint32_t(L) * VCount + std::uint32_t(V)) * TCount +
314            std::uint32_t(T);
315   }
316   // Otherwise, it's an illegal syllable name.
317   return std::nullopt;
318 }
320 struct GeneratedNamesData {
321   StringRef Prefix;
322   uint32_t Start;
323   uint32_t End;
324 };
326 // Unicode 15.0 Table 4-8. Name Derivation Rule Prefix Strings
327 static const GeneratedNamesData GeneratedNamesDataTable[] = {
328     {"CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-", 0x3400, 0x4DBF},
329     {"CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-", 0x4E00, 0x9FFF},
330     {"CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-", 0x20000, 0x2A6DF},
331     {"CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-", 0x2A700, 0x2B739},
332     {"CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-", 0x2B740, 0x2B81D},
333     {"CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-", 0x2B820, 0x2CEA1},
334     {"CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-", 0x2CEB0, 0x2EBE0},
335     {"CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-", 0x30000, 0x3134A},
336     {"CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-", 0x31350, 0x323AF},
337     {"TANGUT IDEOGRAPH-", 0x17000, 0x187F7},
338     {"TANGUT IDEOGRAPH-", 0x18D00, 0x18D08},
339     {"KHITAN SMALL SCRIPT CHARACTER-", 0x18B00, 0x18CD5},
340     {"NUSHU CHARACTER-", 0x1B170, 0x1B2FB},
343     {"CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-", 0x2F800, 0x2FA1D},
344 };
346 static std::optional<char32_t>
347 nameToGeneratedCodePoint(StringRef Name, bool Strict, BufferType &Buffer) {
348   for (auto &&Item : GeneratedNamesDataTable) {
349     Buffer.clear();
350     std::size_t Consummed = 0;
351     char NameStart = 0, NeedleStart = 0;
352     bool DoesStartWith = startsWith(Name, Item.Prefix, Strict, Consummed,
353                                     NameStart, NeedleStart, /*isPrefix*/ true);
354     if (!DoesStartWith)
355       continue;
356     auto Number = Name.substr(Consummed);
357     unsigned long long V = 0;
358     // Be consistent about mandating upper casing.
359     if (Strict &&
360         llvm::any_of(Number, [](char C) { return C >= 'a' && C <= 'f'; }))
361       return {};
362     if (getAsUnsignedInteger(Number, 16, V) || V < Item.Start || V > Item.End)
363       continue;
364     if (!Strict) {
365       Buffer.append(Item.Prefix);
366       Buffer.append(utohexstr(V, true));
367     }
368     return V;
369   }
370   return std::nullopt;
371 }
373 static std::optional<char32_t> nameToCodepoint(StringRef Name, bool Strict,
374                                                BufferType &Buffer) {
375   if (Name.empty())
376     return std::nullopt;
378   std::optional<char32_t> Res = nameToHangulCodePoint(Name, Strict, Buffer);
379   if (!Res)
380     Res = nameToGeneratedCodePoint(Name, Strict, Buffer);
381   if (Res)
382     return *Res;
384   Buffer.clear();
385   Node Node;
386   bool Matches;
387   uint32_t Value;
388   std::tie(Node, Matches, Value) = compareNode(0, Name, Strict, Buffer);
389   if (Matches) {
390     std::reverse(Buffer.begin(), Buffer.end());
391     // UAX44-LM2. Ignore case, whitespace, underscore ('_'), and all medial
392     // hyphens except the hyphen in U+1180 HANGUL JUNGSEONG O-E.
393     if (!Strict && Value == 0x116c &&
394         Name.find_insensitive("O-E") != StringRef::npos) {
395       Buffer = "HANGUL JUNGSEONG O-E";
396       Value = 0x1180;
397     }
398     return Value;
399   }
400   return std::nullopt;
401 }
403 std::optional<char32_t> nameToCodepointStrict(StringRef Name) {
405   BufferType Buffer;
406   auto Opt = nameToCodepoint(Name, true, Buffer);
407   return Opt;
408 }
410 std::optional<LooseMatchingResult>
411 nameToCodepointLooseMatching(StringRef Name) {
412   BufferType Buffer;
413   auto Opt = nameToCodepoint(Name, false, Buffer);
414   if (!Opt)
415     return std::nullopt;
416   return LooseMatchingResult{*Opt, Buffer};
417 }
419 // Find the unicode character whose editing distance to Pattern
420 // is shortest, using the Wagner–Fischer algorithm.
421 llvm::SmallVector<MatchForCodepointName>
422 nearestMatchesForCodepointName(StringRef Pattern, std::size_t MaxMatchesCount) {
423   // We maintain a fixed size vector of matches,
424   // sorted by distance
425   // The worst match (with the biggest distance) are discarded when new elements
426   // are added.
427   std::size_t LargestEditDistance = 0;
428   llvm::SmallVector<MatchForCodepointName> Matches;
429   Matches.reserve(MaxMatchesCount + 1);
431   auto Insert = [&](const Node &Node, uint32_t Distance,
432                     char32_t Value) -> bool {
433     if (Distance > LargestEditDistance) {
434       if (Matches.size() == MaxMatchesCount)
435         return false;
436       LargestEditDistance = Distance;
437     }
438     // To avoid allocations, the creation of the name is delayed
439     // as much as possible.
440     std::string Name;
441     auto GetName = [&] {
442       if (Name.empty())
443         Name = Node.fullName();
444       return Name;
445     };
447     auto It = llvm::lower_bound(
448         Matches, Distance,
449         [&](const MatchForCodepointName &a, std::size_t Distance) {
450           if (Distance == a.Distance)
451             return a.Name < GetName();
452           return a.Distance < Distance;
453         });
454     if (It == Matches.end() && Matches.size() == MaxMatchesCount)
455       return false;
457     MatchForCodepointName M{GetName(), Distance, Value};
458     Matches.insert(It, std::move(M));
459     if (Matches.size() > MaxMatchesCount)
460       Matches.pop_back();
461     return true;
462   };
464   // We ignore case, space, hyphens, etc,
465   // in both the search pattern and the prospective names.
466   auto Normalize = [](StringRef Name) {
467     std::string Out;
468     Out.reserve(Name.size());
469     for (char C : Name) {
470       if (isAlnum(C))
471         Out.push_back(toUpper(C));
472     }
473     return Out;
474   };
475   std::string NormalizedName = Normalize(Pattern);
477   // Allocate a matrix big enough for longest names.
478   const std::size_t Columns =
479       std::min(NormalizedName.size(), UnicodeNameToCodepointLargestNameSize) +
480       1;
482   LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED static std::size_t Rows =
483       UnicodeNameToCodepointLargestNameSize + 1;
485   std::vector<char> Distances(
486       Columns * (UnicodeNameToCodepointLargestNameSize + 1), 0);
488   auto Get = [&Distances, Columns](size_t Column, std::size_t Row) -> char & {
489     assert(Column < Columns);
490     assert(Row < Rows);
491     return Distances[Row * Columns + Column];
492   };
494   for (std::size_t I = 0; I < Columns; I++)
495     Get(I, 0) = I;
497   // Visit the childrens,
498   // Filling (and overriding) the matrix for the name fragment of each node
499   // iteratively. CompleteName is used to collect the actual name of potential
500   // match, respecting case and spacing.
501   auto VisitNode = [&](const Node &N, std::size_t Row,
502                        auto &VisitNode) -> void {
503     std::size_t J = 0;
504     for (; J < N.Name.size(); J++) {
505       if (!isAlnum(N.Name[J]))
506         continue;
508       Get(0, Row) = Row;
510       for (std::size_t I = 1; I < Columns; I++) {
511         const int Delete = Get(I - 1, Row) + 1;
512         const int Insert = Get(I, Row - 1) + 1;
514         const int Replace =
515             Get(I - 1, Row - 1) + (NormalizedName[I - 1] != N.Name[J] ? 1 : 0);
517         Get(I, Row) = std::min(Insert, std::min(Delete, Replace));
518       }
520       Row++;
521     }
523     unsigned Cost = Get(Columns - 1, Row - 1);
524     if (N.Value != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
525       Insert(N, Cost, N.Value);
526     }
528     if (N.hasChildren()) {
529       auto ChildOffset = N.ChildrenOffset;
530       for (;;) {
531         Node C = readNode(ChildOffset, &N);
532         ChildOffset += C.Size;
533         if (!C.isValid())
534           break;
535         VisitNode(C, Row, VisitNode);
536         if (!C.HasSibling)
537           break;
538       }
539     }
540   };
542   Node Root = createRoot();
543   VisitNode(Root, 1, VisitNode);
544   return Matches;
545 }
547 } // namespace unicode
549 } // namespace sys
550 } // namespace llvm