xref: /freebsd/contrib/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Support/JSON.cpp (revision 320e7e0003dbc14ed3fc01b95532924cd3fbda7b)
1 //=== JSON.cpp - JSON value, parsing and serialization - C++ -----------*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===---------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "llvm/Support/JSON.h"
10 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
11 #include "llvm/Support/ConvertUTF.h"
12 #include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
13 #include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
14 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
15 #include "llvm/Support/NativeFormatting.h"
16 #include <cctype>
18 namespace llvm {
19 namespace json {
21 Value &Object::operator[](const ObjectKey &K) {
22   return try_emplace(K, nullptr).first->getSecond();
23 }
24 Value &Object::operator[](ObjectKey &&K) {
25   return try_emplace(std::move(K), nullptr).first->getSecond();
26 }
27 Value *Object::get(StringRef K) {
28   auto I = find(K);
29   if (I == end())
30     return nullptr;
31   return &I->second;
32 }
33 const Value *Object::get(StringRef K) const {
34   auto I = find(K);
35   if (I == end())
36     return nullptr;
37   return &I->second;
38 }
39 llvm::Optional<std::nullptr_t> Object::getNull(StringRef K) const {
40   if (auto *V = get(K))
41     return V->getAsNull();
42   return llvm::None;
43 }
44 llvm::Optional<bool> Object::getBoolean(StringRef K) const {
45   if (auto *V = get(K))
46     return V->getAsBoolean();
47   return llvm::None;
48 }
49 llvm::Optional<double> Object::getNumber(StringRef K) const {
50   if (auto *V = get(K))
51     return V->getAsNumber();
52   return llvm::None;
53 }
54 llvm::Optional<int64_t> Object::getInteger(StringRef K) const {
55   if (auto *V = get(K))
56     return V->getAsInteger();
57   return llvm::None;
58 }
59 llvm::Optional<llvm::StringRef> Object::getString(StringRef K) const {
60   if (auto *V = get(K))
61     return V->getAsString();
62   return llvm::None;
63 }
64 const json::Object *Object::getObject(StringRef K) const {
65   if (auto *V = get(K))
66     return V->getAsObject();
67   return nullptr;
68 }
69 json::Object *Object::getObject(StringRef K) {
70   if (auto *V = get(K))
71     return V->getAsObject();
72   return nullptr;
73 }
74 const json::Array *Object::getArray(StringRef K) const {
75   if (auto *V = get(K))
76     return V->getAsArray();
77   return nullptr;
78 }
79 json::Array *Object::getArray(StringRef K) {
80   if (auto *V = get(K))
81     return V->getAsArray();
82   return nullptr;
83 }
84 bool operator==(const Object &LHS, const Object &RHS) {
85   if (LHS.size() != RHS.size())
86     return false;
87   for (const auto &L : LHS) {
88     auto R = RHS.find(L.first);
89     if (R == RHS.end() || L.second != R->second)
90       return false;
91   }
92   return true;
93 }
95 Array::Array(std::initializer_list<Value> Elements) {
96   V.reserve(Elements.size());
97   for (const Value &V : Elements) {
98     emplace_back(nullptr);
99     back().moveFrom(std::move(V));
100   }
101 }
103 Value::Value(std::initializer_list<Value> Elements)
104     : Value(json::Array(Elements)) {}
106 void Value::copyFrom(const Value &M) {
107   Type = M.Type;
108   switch (Type) {
109   case T_Null:
110   case T_Boolean:
111   case T_Double:
112   case T_Integer:
113   case T_UINT64:
114     memcpy(&Union, &M.Union, sizeof(Union));
115     break;
116   case T_StringRef:
117     create<StringRef>(M.as<StringRef>());
118     break;
119   case T_String:
120     create<std::string>(M.as<std::string>());
121     break;
122   case T_Object:
123     create<json::Object>(M.as<json::Object>());
124     break;
125   case T_Array:
126     create<json::Array>(M.as<json::Array>());
127     break;
128   }
129 }
131 void Value::moveFrom(const Value &&M) {
132   Type = M.Type;
133   switch (Type) {
134   case T_Null:
135   case T_Boolean:
136   case T_Double:
137   case T_Integer:
138   case T_UINT64:
139     memcpy(&Union, &M.Union, sizeof(Union));
140     break;
141   case T_StringRef:
142     create<StringRef>(M.as<StringRef>());
143     break;
144   case T_String:
145     create<std::string>(std::move(M.as<std::string>()));
146     M.Type = T_Null;
147     break;
148   case T_Object:
149     create<json::Object>(std::move(M.as<json::Object>()));
150     M.Type = T_Null;
151     break;
152   case T_Array:
153     create<json::Array>(std::move(M.as<json::Array>()));
154     M.Type = T_Null;
155     break;
156   }
157 }
159 void Value::destroy() {
160   switch (Type) {
161   case T_Null:
162   case T_Boolean:
163   case T_Double:
164   case T_Integer:
165   case T_UINT64:
166     break;
167   case T_StringRef:
168     as<StringRef>().~StringRef();
169     break;
170   case T_String:
171     as<std::string>().~basic_string();
172     break;
173   case T_Object:
174     as<json::Object>().~Object();
175     break;
176   case T_Array:
177     as<json::Array>().~Array();
178     break;
179   }
180 }
182 bool operator==(const Value &L, const Value &R) {
183   if (L.kind() != R.kind())
184     return false;
185   switch (L.kind()) {
186   case Value::Null:
187     return *L.getAsNull() == *R.getAsNull();
188   case Value::Boolean:
189     return *L.getAsBoolean() == *R.getAsBoolean();
190   case Value::Number:
191     // Workaround for https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=323
192     // The same integer must convert to the same double, per the standard.
193     // However we see 64-vs-80-bit precision comparisons with gcc-7 -O3 -m32.
194     // So we avoid floating point promotion for exact comparisons.
195     if (L.Type == Value::T_Integer || R.Type == Value::T_Integer)
196       return L.getAsInteger() == R.getAsInteger();
197     return *L.getAsNumber() == *R.getAsNumber();
198   case Value::String:
199     return *L.getAsString() == *R.getAsString();
200   case Value::Array:
201     return *L.getAsArray() == *R.getAsArray();
202   case Value::Object:
203     return *L.getAsObject() == *R.getAsObject();
204   }
205   llvm_unreachable("Unknown value kind");
206 }
208 void Path::report(llvm::StringLiteral Msg) {
209   // Walk up to the root context, and count the number of segments.
210   unsigned Count = 0;
211   const Path *P;
212   for (P = this; P->Parent != nullptr; P = P->Parent)
213     ++Count;
214   Path::Root *R = P->Seg.root();
215   // Fill in the error message and copy the path (in reverse order).
216   R->ErrorMessage = Msg;
217   R->ErrorPath.resize(Count);
218   auto It = R->ErrorPath.begin();
219   for (P = this; P->Parent != nullptr; P = P->Parent)
220     *It++ = P->Seg;
221 }
223 Error Path::Root::getError() const {
224   std::string S;
225   raw_string_ostream OS(S);
226   OS << (ErrorMessage.empty() ? "invalid JSON contents" : ErrorMessage);
227   if (ErrorPath.empty()) {
228     if (!Name.empty())
229       OS << " when parsing " << Name;
230   } else {
231     OS << " at " << (Name.empty() ? "(root)" : Name);
232     for (const Path::Segment &S : llvm::reverse(ErrorPath)) {
233       if (S.isField())
234         OS << '.' << S.field();
235       else
236         OS << '[' << S.index() << ']';
237     }
238   }
239   return createStringError(llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(), OS.str());
240 }
242 namespace {
244 std::vector<const Object::value_type *> sortedElements(const Object &O) {
245   std::vector<const Object::value_type *> Elements;
246   for (const auto &E : O)
247     Elements.push_back(&E);
248   llvm::sort(Elements,
249              [](const Object::value_type *L, const Object::value_type *R) {
250                return L->first < R->first;
251              });
252   return Elements;
253 }
255 // Prints a one-line version of a value that isn't our main focus.
256 // We interleave writes to OS and JOS, exploiting the lack of extra buffering.
257 // This is OK as we own the implementation.
258 void abbreviate(const Value &V, OStream &JOS) {
259   switch (V.kind()) {
260   case Value::Array:
261     JOS.rawValue(V.getAsArray()->empty() ? "[]" : "[ ... ]");
262     break;
263   case Value::Object:
264     JOS.rawValue(V.getAsObject()->empty() ? "{}" : "{ ... }");
265     break;
266   case Value::String: {
267     llvm::StringRef S = *V.getAsString();
268     if (S.size() < 40) {
269       JOS.value(V);
270     } else {
271       std::string Truncated = fixUTF8(S.take_front(37));
272       Truncated.append("...");
273       JOS.value(Truncated);
274     }
275     break;
276   }
277   default:
278     JOS.value(V);
279   }
280 }
282 // Prints a semi-expanded version of a value that is our main focus.
283 // Array/Object entries are printed, but not recursively as they may be huge.
284 void abbreviateChildren(const Value &V, OStream &JOS) {
285   switch (V.kind()) {
286   case Value::Array:
287     JOS.array([&] {
288       for (const auto &I : *V.getAsArray())
289         abbreviate(I, JOS);
290     });
291     break;
292   case Value::Object:
293     JOS.object([&] {
294       for (const auto *KV : sortedElements(*V.getAsObject())) {
295         JOS.attributeBegin(KV->first);
296         abbreviate(KV->second, JOS);
297         JOS.attributeEnd();
298       }
299     });
300     break;
301   default:
302     JOS.value(V);
303   }
304 }
306 } // namespace
308 void Path::Root::printErrorContext(const Value &R, raw_ostream &OS) const {
309   OStream JOS(OS, /*IndentSize=*/2);
310   // PrintValue recurses down the path, printing the ancestors of our target.
311   // Siblings of nodes along the path are printed with abbreviate(), and the
312   // target itself is printed with the somewhat richer abbreviateChildren().
313   // 'Recurse' is the lambda itself, to allow recursive calls.
314   auto PrintValue = [&](const Value &V, ArrayRef<Segment> Path, auto &Recurse) {
315     // Print the target node itself, with the error as a comment.
316     // Also used if we can't follow our path, e.g. it names a field that
317     // *should* exist but doesn't.
318     auto HighlightCurrent = [&] {
319       std::string Comment = "error: ";
320       Comment.append(ErrorMessage.data(), ErrorMessage.size());
321       JOS.comment(Comment);
322       abbreviateChildren(V, JOS);
323     };
324     if (Path.empty()) // We reached our target.
325       return HighlightCurrent();
326     const Segment &S = Path.back(); // Path is in reverse order.
327     if (S.isField()) {
328       // Current node is an object, path names a field.
329       llvm::StringRef FieldName = S.field();
330       const Object *O = V.getAsObject();
331       if (!O || !O->get(FieldName))
332         return HighlightCurrent();
333       JOS.object([&] {
334         for (const auto *KV : sortedElements(*O)) {
335           JOS.attributeBegin(KV->first);
336           if (FieldName.equals(KV->first))
337             Recurse(KV->second, Path.drop_back(), Recurse);
338           else
339             abbreviate(KV->second, JOS);
340           JOS.attributeEnd();
341         }
342       });
343     } else {
344       // Current node is an array, path names an element.
345       const Array *A = V.getAsArray();
346       if (!A || S.index() >= A->size())
347         return HighlightCurrent();
348       JOS.array([&] {
349         unsigned Current = 0;
350         for (const auto &V : *A) {
351           if (Current++ == S.index())
352             Recurse(V, Path.drop_back(), Recurse);
353           else
354             abbreviate(V, JOS);
355         }
356       });
357     }
358   };
359   PrintValue(R, ErrorPath, PrintValue);
360 }
362 namespace {
363 // Simple recursive-descent JSON parser.
364 class Parser {
365 public:
366   Parser(StringRef JSON)
367       : Start(JSON.begin()), P(JSON.begin()), End(JSON.end()) {}
369   bool checkUTF8() {
370     size_t ErrOffset;
371     if (isUTF8(StringRef(Start, End - Start), &ErrOffset))
372       return true;
373     P = Start + ErrOffset; // For line/column calculation.
374     return parseError("Invalid UTF-8 sequence");
375   }
377   bool parseValue(Value &Out);
379   bool assertEnd() {
380     eatWhitespace();
381     if (P == End)
382       return true;
383     return parseError("Text after end of document");
384   }
386   Error takeError() {
387     assert(Err);
388     return std::move(*Err);
389   }
391 private:
392   void eatWhitespace() {
393     while (P != End && (*P == ' ' || *P == '\r' || *P == '\n' || *P == '\t'))
394       ++P;
395   }
397   // On invalid syntax, parseX() functions return false and set Err.
398   bool parseNumber(char First, Value &Out);
399   bool parseString(std::string &Out);
400   bool parseUnicode(std::string &Out);
401   bool parseError(const char *Msg); // always returns false
403   char next() { return P == End ? 0 : *P++; }
404   char peek() { return P == End ? 0 : *P; }
405   static bool isNumber(char C) {
406     return C == '0' || C == '1' || C == '2' || C == '3' || C == '4' ||
407            C == '5' || C == '6' || C == '7' || C == '8' || C == '9' ||
408            C == 'e' || C == 'E' || C == '+' || C == '-' || C == '.';
409   }
411   Optional<Error> Err;
412   const char *Start, *P, *End;
413 };
415 bool Parser::parseValue(Value &Out) {
416   eatWhitespace();
417   if (P == End)
418     return parseError("Unexpected EOF");
419   switch (char C = next()) {
420   // Bare null/true/false are easy - first char identifies them.
421   case 'n':
422     Out = nullptr;
423     return (next() == 'u' && next() == 'l' && next() == 'l') ||
424            parseError("Invalid JSON value (null?)");
425   case 't':
426     Out = true;
427     return (next() == 'r' && next() == 'u' && next() == 'e') ||
428            parseError("Invalid JSON value (true?)");
429   case 'f':
430     Out = false;
431     return (next() == 'a' && next() == 'l' && next() == 's' && next() == 'e') ||
432            parseError("Invalid JSON value (false?)");
433   case '"': {
434     std::string S;
435     if (parseString(S)) {
436       Out = std::move(S);
437       return true;
438     }
439     return false;
440   }
441   case '[': {
442     Out = Array{};
443     Array &A = *Out.getAsArray();
444     eatWhitespace();
445     if (peek() == ']') {
446       ++P;
447       return true;
448     }
449     for (;;) {
450       A.emplace_back(nullptr);
451       if (!parseValue(A.back()))
452         return false;
453       eatWhitespace();
454       switch (next()) {
455       case ',':
456         eatWhitespace();
457         continue;
458       case ']':
459         return true;
460       default:
461         return parseError("Expected , or ] after array element");
462       }
463     }
464   }
465   case '{': {
466     Out = Object{};
467     Object &O = *Out.getAsObject();
468     eatWhitespace();
469     if (peek() == '}') {
470       ++P;
471       return true;
472     }
473     for (;;) {
474       if (next() != '"')
475         return parseError("Expected object key");
476       std::string K;
477       if (!parseString(K))
478         return false;
479       eatWhitespace();
480       if (next() != ':')
481         return parseError("Expected : after object key");
482       eatWhitespace();
483       if (!parseValue(O[std::move(K)]))
484         return false;
485       eatWhitespace();
486       switch (next()) {
487       case ',':
488         eatWhitespace();
489         continue;
490       case '}':
491         return true;
492       default:
493         return parseError("Expected , or } after object property");
494       }
495     }
496   }
497   default:
498     if (isNumber(C))
499       return parseNumber(C, Out);
500     return parseError("Invalid JSON value");
501   }
502 }
504 bool Parser::parseNumber(char First, Value &Out) {
505   // Read the number into a string. (Must be null-terminated for strto*).
506   SmallString<24> S;
507   S.push_back(First);
508   while (isNumber(peek()))
509     S.push_back(next());
510   char *End;
511   // Try first to parse as integer, and if so preserve full 64 bits.
512   // We check for errno for out of bounds errors and for End == S.end()
513   // to make sure that the numeric string is not malformed.
514   errno = 0;
515   int64_t I = std::strtoll(S.c_str(), &End, 10);
516   if (End == S.end() && errno != ERANGE) {
517     Out = int64_t(I);
518     return true;
519   }
520   // strtroull has a special handling for negative numbers, but in this
521   // case we don't want to do that because negative numbers were already
522   // handled in the previous block.
523   if (First != '-') {
524     errno = 0;
525     uint64_t UI = std::strtoull(S.c_str(), &End, 10);
526     if (End == S.end() && errno != ERANGE) {
527       Out = UI;
528       return true;
529     }
530   }
531   // If it's not an integer
532   Out = std::strtod(S.c_str(), &End);
533   return End == S.end() || parseError("Invalid JSON value (number?)");
534 }
536 bool Parser::parseString(std::string &Out) {
537   // leading quote was already consumed.
538   for (char C = next(); C != '"'; C = next()) {
539     if (LLVM_UNLIKELY(P == End))
540       return parseError("Unterminated string");
541     if (LLVM_UNLIKELY((C & 0x1f) == C))
542       return parseError("Control character in string");
543     if (LLVM_LIKELY(C != '\\')) {
544       Out.push_back(C);
545       continue;
546     }
547     // Handle escape sequence.
548     switch (C = next()) {
549     case '"':
550     case '\\':
551     case '/':
552       Out.push_back(C);
553       break;
554     case 'b':
555       Out.push_back('\b');
556       break;
557     case 'f':
558       Out.push_back('\f');
559       break;
560     case 'n':
561       Out.push_back('\n');
562       break;
563     case 'r':
564       Out.push_back('\r');
565       break;
566     case 't':
567       Out.push_back('\t');
568       break;
569     case 'u':
570       if (!parseUnicode(Out))
571         return false;
572       break;
573     default:
574       return parseError("Invalid escape sequence");
575     }
576   }
577   return true;
578 }
580 static void encodeUtf8(uint32_t Rune, std::string &Out) {
581   if (Rune < 0x80) {
582     Out.push_back(Rune & 0x7F);
583   } else if (Rune < 0x800) {
584     uint8_t FirstByte = 0xC0 | ((Rune & 0x7C0) >> 6);
585     uint8_t SecondByte = 0x80 | (Rune & 0x3F);
586     Out.push_back(FirstByte);
587     Out.push_back(SecondByte);
588   } else if (Rune < 0x10000) {
589     uint8_t FirstByte = 0xE0 | ((Rune & 0xF000) >> 12);
590     uint8_t SecondByte = 0x80 | ((Rune & 0xFC0) >> 6);
591     uint8_t ThirdByte = 0x80 | (Rune & 0x3F);
592     Out.push_back(FirstByte);
593     Out.push_back(SecondByte);
594     Out.push_back(ThirdByte);
595   } else if (Rune < 0x110000) {
596     uint8_t FirstByte = 0xF0 | ((Rune & 0x1F0000) >> 18);
597     uint8_t SecondByte = 0x80 | ((Rune & 0x3F000) >> 12);
598     uint8_t ThirdByte = 0x80 | ((Rune & 0xFC0) >> 6);
599     uint8_t FourthByte = 0x80 | (Rune & 0x3F);
600     Out.push_back(FirstByte);
601     Out.push_back(SecondByte);
602     Out.push_back(ThirdByte);
603     Out.push_back(FourthByte);
604   } else {
605     llvm_unreachable("Invalid codepoint");
606   }
607 }
609 // Parse a UTF-16 \uNNNN escape sequence. "\u" has already been consumed.
610 // May parse several sequential escapes to ensure proper surrogate handling.
611 // We do not use ConvertUTF.h, it can't accept and replace unpaired surrogates.
612 // These are invalid Unicode but valid JSON (RFC 8259, section 8.2).
613 bool Parser::parseUnicode(std::string &Out) {
614   // Invalid UTF is not a JSON error (RFC 8529§8.2). It gets replaced by U+FFFD.
615   auto Invalid = [&] { Out.append(/* UTF-8 */ {'\xef', '\xbf', '\xbd'}); };
616   // Decodes 4 hex digits from the stream into Out, returns false on error.
617   auto Parse4Hex = [this](uint16_t &Out) -> bool {
618     Out = 0;
619     char Bytes[] = {next(), next(), next(), next()};
620     for (unsigned char C : Bytes) {
621       if (!std::isxdigit(C))
622         return parseError("Invalid \\u escape sequence");
623       Out <<= 4;
624       Out |= (C > '9') ? (C & ~0x20) - 'A' + 10 : (C - '0');
625     }
626     return true;
627   };
628   uint16_t First; // UTF-16 code unit from the first \u escape.
629   if (!Parse4Hex(First))
630     return false;
632   // We loop to allow proper surrogate-pair error handling.
633   while (true) {
634     // Case 1: the UTF-16 code unit is already a codepoint in the BMP.
635     if (LLVM_LIKELY(First < 0xD800 || First >= 0xE000)) {
636       encodeUtf8(First, Out);
637       return true;
638     }
640     // Case 2: it's an (unpaired) trailing surrogate.
641     if (LLVM_UNLIKELY(First >= 0xDC00)) {
642       Invalid();
643       return true;
644     }
646     // Case 3: it's a leading surrogate. We expect a trailing one next.
647     // Case 3a: there's no trailing \u escape. Don't advance in the stream.
648     if (LLVM_UNLIKELY(P + 2 > End || *P != '\\' || *(P + 1) != 'u')) {
649       Invalid(); // Leading surrogate was unpaired.
650       return true;
651     }
652     P += 2;
653     uint16_t Second;
654     if (!Parse4Hex(Second))
655       return false;
656     // Case 3b: there was another \u escape, but it wasn't a trailing surrogate.
657     if (LLVM_UNLIKELY(Second < 0xDC00 || Second >= 0xE000)) {
658       Invalid();      // Leading surrogate was unpaired.
659       First = Second; // Second escape still needs to be processed.
660       continue;
661     }
662     // Case 3c: a valid surrogate pair encoding an astral codepoint.
663     encodeUtf8(0x10000 | ((First - 0xD800) << 10) | (Second - 0xDC00), Out);
664     return true;
665   }
666 }
668 bool Parser::parseError(const char *Msg) {
669   int Line = 1;
670   const char *StartOfLine = Start;
671   for (const char *X = Start; X < P; ++X) {
672     if (*X == 0x0A) {
673       ++Line;
674       StartOfLine = X + 1;
675     }
676   }
677   Err.emplace(
678       std::make_unique<ParseError>(Msg, Line, P - StartOfLine, P - Start));
679   return false;
680 }
681 } // namespace
683 Expected<Value> parse(StringRef JSON) {
684   Parser P(JSON);
685   Value E = nullptr;
686   if (P.checkUTF8())
687     if (P.parseValue(E))
688       if (P.assertEnd())
689         return std::move(E);
690   return P.takeError();
691 }
692 char ParseError::ID = 0;
694 bool isUTF8(llvm::StringRef S, size_t *ErrOffset) {
695   // Fast-path for ASCII, which is valid UTF-8.
696   if (LLVM_LIKELY(isASCII(S)))
697     return true;
699   const UTF8 *Data = reinterpret_cast<const UTF8 *>(S.data()), *Rest = Data;
700   if (LLVM_LIKELY(isLegalUTF8String(&Rest, Data + S.size())))
701     return true;
703   if (ErrOffset)
704     *ErrOffset = Rest - Data;
705   return false;
706 }
708 std::string fixUTF8(llvm::StringRef S) {
709   // This isn't particularly efficient, but is only for error-recovery.
710   std::vector<UTF32> Codepoints(S.size()); // 1 codepoint per byte suffices.
711   const UTF8 *In8 = reinterpret_cast<const UTF8 *>(S.data());
712   UTF32 *Out32 = Codepoints.data();
713   ConvertUTF8toUTF32(&In8, In8 + S.size(), &Out32, Out32 + Codepoints.size(),
714                      lenientConversion);
715   Codepoints.resize(Out32 - Codepoints.data());
716   std::string Res(4 * Codepoints.size(), 0); // 4 bytes per codepoint suffice
717   const UTF32 *In32 = Codepoints.data();
718   UTF8 *Out8 = reinterpret_cast<UTF8 *>(&Res[0]);
719   ConvertUTF32toUTF8(&In32, In32 + Codepoints.size(), &Out8, Out8 + Res.size(),
720                      strictConversion);
721   Res.resize(reinterpret_cast<char *>(Out8) - Res.data());
722   return Res;
723 }
725 static void quote(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, llvm::StringRef S) {
726   OS << '\"';
727   for (unsigned char C : S) {
728     if (C == 0x22 || C == 0x5C)
729       OS << '\\';
730     if (C >= 0x20) {
731       OS << C;
732       continue;
733     }
734     OS << '\\';
735     switch (C) {
736     // A few characters are common enough to make short escapes worthwhile.
737     case '\t':
738       OS << 't';
739       break;
740     case '\n':
741       OS << 'n';
742       break;
743     case '\r':
744       OS << 'r';
745       break;
746     default:
747       OS << 'u';
748       llvm::write_hex(OS, C, llvm::HexPrintStyle::Lower, 4);
749       break;
750     }
751   }
752   OS << '\"';
753 }
755 void llvm::json::OStream::value(const Value &V) {
756   switch (V.kind()) {
757   case Value::Null:
758     valueBegin();
759     OS << "null";
760     return;
761   case Value::Boolean:
762     valueBegin();
763     OS << (*V.getAsBoolean() ? "true" : "false");
764     return;
765   case Value::Number:
766     valueBegin();
767     if (V.Type == Value::T_Integer)
768       OS << *V.getAsInteger();
769     else if (V.Type == Value::T_UINT64)
770       OS << *V.getAsUINT64();
771     else
772       OS << format("%.*g", std::numeric_limits<double>::max_digits10,
773                    *V.getAsNumber());
774     return;
775   case Value::String:
776     valueBegin();
777     quote(OS, *V.getAsString());
778     return;
779   case Value::Array:
780     return array([&] {
781       for (const Value &E : *V.getAsArray())
782         value(E);
783     });
784   case Value::Object:
785     return object([&] {
786       for (const Object::value_type *E : sortedElements(*V.getAsObject()))
787         attribute(E->first, E->second);
788     });
789   }
790 }
792 void llvm::json::OStream::valueBegin() {
793   assert(Stack.back().Ctx != Object && "Only attributes allowed here");
794   if (Stack.back().HasValue) {
795     assert(Stack.back().Ctx != Singleton && "Only one value allowed here");
796     OS << ',';
797   }
798   if (Stack.back().Ctx == Array)
799     newline();
800   flushComment();
801   Stack.back().HasValue = true;
802 }
804 void OStream::comment(llvm::StringRef Comment) {
805   assert(PendingComment.empty() && "Only one comment per value!");
806   PendingComment = Comment;
807 }
809 void OStream::flushComment() {
810   if (PendingComment.empty())
811     return;
812   OS << (IndentSize ? "/* " : "/*");
813   // Be sure not to accidentally emit "*/". Transform to "* /".
814   while (!PendingComment.empty()) {
815     auto Pos = PendingComment.find("*/");
816     if (Pos == StringRef::npos) {
817       OS << PendingComment;
818       PendingComment = "";
819     } else {
820       OS << PendingComment.take_front(Pos) << "* /";
821       PendingComment = PendingComment.drop_front(Pos + 2);
822     }
823   }
824   OS << (IndentSize ? " */" : "*/");
825   // Comments are on their own line unless attached to an attribute value.
826   if (Stack.size() > 1 && Stack.back().Ctx == Singleton) {
827     if (IndentSize)
828       OS << ' ';
829   } else {
830     newline();
831   }
832 }
834 void llvm::json::OStream::newline() {
835   if (IndentSize) {
836     OS.write('\n');
837     OS.indent(Indent);
838   }
839 }
841 void llvm::json::OStream::arrayBegin() {
842   valueBegin();
843   Stack.emplace_back();
844   Stack.back().Ctx = Array;
845   Indent += IndentSize;
846   OS << '[';
847 }
849 void llvm::json::OStream::arrayEnd() {
850   assert(Stack.back().Ctx == Array);
851   Indent -= IndentSize;
852   if (Stack.back().HasValue)
853     newline();
854   OS << ']';
855   assert(PendingComment.empty());
856   Stack.pop_back();
857   assert(!Stack.empty());
858 }
860 void llvm::json::OStream::objectBegin() {
861   valueBegin();
862   Stack.emplace_back();
863   Stack.back().Ctx = Object;
864   Indent += IndentSize;
865   OS << '{';
866 }
868 void llvm::json::OStream::objectEnd() {
869   assert(Stack.back().Ctx == Object);
870   Indent -= IndentSize;
871   if (Stack.back().HasValue)
872     newline();
873   OS << '}';
874   assert(PendingComment.empty());
875   Stack.pop_back();
876   assert(!Stack.empty());
877 }
879 void llvm::json::OStream::attributeBegin(llvm::StringRef Key) {
880   assert(Stack.back().Ctx == Object);
881   if (Stack.back().HasValue)
882     OS << ',';
883   newline();
884   flushComment();
885   Stack.back().HasValue = true;
886   Stack.emplace_back();
887   Stack.back().Ctx = Singleton;
888   if (LLVM_LIKELY(isUTF8(Key))) {
889     quote(OS, Key);
890   } else {
891     assert(false && "Invalid UTF-8 in attribute key");
892     quote(OS, fixUTF8(Key));
893   }
894   OS.write(':');
895   if (IndentSize)
896     OS.write(' ');
897 }
899 void llvm::json::OStream::attributeEnd() {
900   assert(Stack.back().Ctx == Singleton);
901   assert(Stack.back().HasValue && "Attribute must have a value");
902   assert(PendingComment.empty());
903   Stack.pop_back();
904   assert(Stack.back().Ctx == Object);
905 }
907 raw_ostream &llvm::json::OStream::rawValueBegin() {
908   valueBegin();
909   Stack.emplace_back();
910   Stack.back().Ctx = RawValue;
911   return OS;
912 }
914 void llvm::json::OStream::rawValueEnd() {
915   assert(Stack.back().Ctx == RawValue);
916   Stack.pop_back();
917 }
919 } // namespace json
920 } // namespace llvm
922 void llvm::format_provider<llvm::json::Value>::format(
923     const llvm::json::Value &E, raw_ostream &OS, StringRef Options) {
924   unsigned IndentAmount = 0;
925   if (!Options.empty() && Options.getAsInteger(/*Radix=*/10, IndentAmount))
926     llvm_unreachable("json::Value format options should be an integer");
927   json::OStream(OS, IndentAmount).value(E);
928 }