xref: /freebsd/contrib/llvm-project/llvm/lib/ObjectYAML/GOFFEmitter.cpp (revision 3f0efe05432b1633991114ca4ca330102a561959)
1 //===- yaml2goff - Convert YAML to a GOFF object file ---------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 ///
9 /// \file
10 /// The GOFF component of yaml2obj.
11 ///
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
14 #include "llvm/ADT/IndexedMap.h"
15 #include "llvm/ObjectYAML/ObjectYAML.h"
16 #include "llvm/ObjectYAML/yaml2obj.h"
17 #include "llvm/Support/ConvertEBCDIC.h"
18 #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
19 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
21 using namespace llvm;
23 namespace {
25 // Common flag values on records.
26 enum {
27   // Flag: This record is continued.
28   Rec_Continued = 1,
30   // Flag: This record is a continuation.
31   Rec_Continuation = 1 << (8 - 6 - 1),
32 };
34 template <typename ValueType> struct BinaryBeImpl {
35   ValueType Value;
36   BinaryBeImpl(ValueType V) : Value(V) {}
37 };
39 template <typename ValueType>
40 raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const BinaryBeImpl<ValueType> &BBE) {
41   char Buffer[sizeof(BBE.Value)];
42   support::endian::write<ValueType, llvm::endianness::big, support::unaligned>(
43       Buffer, BBE.Value);
44   OS.write(Buffer, sizeof(BBE.Value));
45   return OS;
46 }
48 template <typename ValueType> BinaryBeImpl<ValueType> binaryBe(ValueType V) {
49   return BinaryBeImpl<ValueType>(V);
50 }
52 struct ZerosImpl {
53   size_t NumBytes;
54 };
56 raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const ZerosImpl &Z) {
57   OS.write_zeros(Z.NumBytes);
58   return OS;
59 }
61 ZerosImpl zeros(const size_t NumBytes) { return ZerosImpl{NumBytes}; }
63 // The GOFFOstream is responsible to write the data into the fixed physical
64 // records of the format. A user of this class announces the start of a new
65 // logical record and the size of its payload. While writing the payload, the
66 // physical records are created for the data. Possible fill bytes at the end of
67 // a physical record are written automatically.
68 class GOFFOstream : public raw_ostream {
69 public:
70   explicit GOFFOstream(raw_ostream &OS)
71       : OS(OS), LogicalRecords(0), RemainingSize(0), NewLogicalRecord(false) {
72     SetBufferSize(GOFF::PayloadLength);
73   }
75   ~GOFFOstream() { finalize(); }
77   void makeNewRecord(GOFF::RecordType Type, size_t Size) {
78     fillRecord();
79     CurrentType = Type;
80     RemainingSize = Size;
81     if (size_t Gap = (RemainingSize % GOFF::PayloadLength))
82       RemainingSize += GOFF::PayloadLength - Gap;
83     NewLogicalRecord = true;
84     ++LogicalRecords;
85   }
87   void finalize() { fillRecord(); }
89   uint32_t logicalRecords() { return LogicalRecords; }
91 private:
92   // The underlying raw_ostream.
93   raw_ostream &OS;
95   // The number of logical records emitted so far.
96   uint32_t LogicalRecords;
98   // The remaining size of this logical record, including fill bytes.
99   size_t RemainingSize;
101   // The type of the current (logical) record.
102   GOFF::RecordType CurrentType;
104   // Signals start of new record.
105   bool NewLogicalRecord;
107   // Return the number of bytes left to write until next physical record.
108   // Please note that we maintain the total number of bytes left, not the
109   // written size.
110   size_t bytesToNextPhysicalRecord() {
111     size_t Bytes = RemainingSize % GOFF::PayloadLength;
112     return Bytes ? Bytes : GOFF::PayloadLength;
113   }
115   // Write the record prefix of a physical record, using the current record
116   // type.
117   static void writeRecordPrefix(raw_ostream &OS, GOFF::RecordType Type,
118                                 size_t RemainingSize,
119                                 uint8_t Flags = Rec_Continuation) {
120     uint8_t TypeAndFlags = Flags | (Type << 4);
121     if (RemainingSize > GOFF::RecordLength)
122       TypeAndFlags |= Rec_Continued;
123     OS << binaryBe(static_cast<unsigned char>(GOFF::PTVPrefix))
124        << binaryBe(static_cast<unsigned char>(TypeAndFlags))
125        << binaryBe(static_cast<unsigned char>(0));
126   }
128   // Fill the last physical record of a logical record with zero bytes.
129   void fillRecord() {
130     assert((GetNumBytesInBuffer() <= RemainingSize) &&
131            "More bytes in buffer than expected");
132     size_t Remains = RemainingSize - GetNumBytesInBuffer();
133     if (Remains) {
134       assert((Remains < GOFF::RecordLength) &&
135              "Attempting to fill more than one physical record");
136       raw_ostream::write_zeros(Remains);
137     }
138     flush();
139     assert(RemainingSize == 0 && "Not fully flushed");
140     assert(GetNumBytesInBuffer() == 0 && "Buffer not fully empty");
141   }
143   // See raw_ostream::write_impl.
144   void write_impl(const char *Ptr, size_t Size) override {
145     assert((RemainingSize >= Size) && "Attempt to write too much data");
146     assert(RemainingSize && "Logical record overflow");
147     if (!(RemainingSize % GOFF::PayloadLength)) {
148       writeRecordPrefix(OS, CurrentType, RemainingSize,
149                         NewLogicalRecord ? 0 : Rec_Continuation);
150       NewLogicalRecord = false;
151     }
152     assert(!NewLogicalRecord &&
153            "New logical record not on physical record boundary");
155     size_t Idx = 0;
156     while (Size > 0) {
157       size_t BytesToWrite = bytesToNextPhysicalRecord();
158       if (BytesToWrite > Size)
159         BytesToWrite = Size;
160       OS.write(Ptr + Idx, BytesToWrite);
161       Idx += BytesToWrite;
162       Size -= BytesToWrite;
163       RemainingSize -= BytesToWrite;
164       if (Size) {
165         writeRecordPrefix(OS, CurrentType, RemainingSize);
166       }
167     }
168   }
170   // Return the current position within the stream, not counting the bytes
171   // currently in the buffer.
172   uint64_t current_pos() const override { return OS.tell(); }
173 };
175 class GOFFState {
176   void writeHeader(GOFFYAML::FileHeader &FileHdr);
177   void writeEnd();
179   void reportError(const Twine &Msg) {
180     ErrHandler(Msg);
181     HasError = true;
182   }
184   GOFFState(raw_ostream &OS, GOFFYAML::Object &Doc,
185             yaml::ErrorHandler ErrHandler)
186       : GW(OS), Doc(Doc), ErrHandler(ErrHandler), HasError(false) {}
188   ~GOFFState() { GW.finalize(); }
190   bool writeObject();
192 public:
193   static bool writeGOFF(raw_ostream &OS, GOFFYAML::Object &Doc,
194                         yaml::ErrorHandler ErrHandler);
196 private:
197   GOFFOstream GW;
198   GOFFYAML::Object &Doc;
199   yaml::ErrorHandler ErrHandler;
200   bool HasError;
201 };
203 void GOFFState::writeHeader(GOFFYAML::FileHeader &FileHdr) {
204   SmallString<16> CCSIDName;
205   if (std::error_code EC =
206           ConverterEBCDIC::convertToEBCDIC(FileHdr.CharacterSetName, CCSIDName))
207     reportError("Conversion error on " + FileHdr.CharacterSetName);
208   if (CCSIDName.size() > 16) {
209     reportError("CharacterSetName too long");
210     CCSIDName.resize(16);
211   }
212   SmallString<16> LangProd;
213   if (std::error_code EC = ConverterEBCDIC::convertToEBCDIC(
214           FileHdr.LanguageProductIdentifier, LangProd))
215     reportError("Conversion error on " + FileHdr.LanguageProductIdentifier);
216   if (LangProd.size() > 16) {
217     reportError("LanguageProductIdentifier too long");
218     LangProd.resize(16);
219   }
221   GW.makeNewRecord(GOFF::RT_HDR, GOFF::PayloadLength);
222   GW << binaryBe(FileHdr.TargetEnvironment)     // TargetEnvironment
223      << binaryBe(FileHdr.TargetOperatingSystem) // TargetOperatingSystem
224      << zeros(2)                                // Reserved
225      << binaryBe(FileHdr.CCSID)                 // CCSID
226      << CCSIDName                               // CharacterSetName
227      << zeros(16 - CCSIDName.size())            // Fill bytes
228      << LangProd                                // LanguageProductIdentifier
229      << zeros(16 - LangProd.size())             // Fill bytes
230      << binaryBe(FileHdr.ArchitectureLevel);    // ArchitectureLevel
231   // The module propties are optional. Figure out if we need to write them.
232   uint16_t ModPropLen = 0;
233   if (FileHdr.TargetSoftwareEnvironment)
234     ModPropLen = 3;
235   else if (FileHdr.InternalCCSID)
236     ModPropLen = 2;
237   if (ModPropLen) {
238     GW << binaryBe(ModPropLen) << zeros(6);
239     if (ModPropLen >= 2)
240       GW << binaryBe(FileHdr.InternalCCSID ? *FileHdr.InternalCCSID : 0);
241     if (ModPropLen >= 3)
242       GW << binaryBe(FileHdr.TargetSoftwareEnvironment
243                          ? *FileHdr.TargetSoftwareEnvironment
244                          : 0);
245   }
246 }
248 void GOFFState::writeEnd() {
249   GW.makeNewRecord(GOFF::RT_END, GOFF::PayloadLength);
250   GW << binaryBe(uint8_t(0)) // No entry point
251      << binaryBe(uint8_t(0)) // No AMODE
252      << zeros(3)             // Reserved
253      << binaryBe(GW.logicalRecords());
254   // No entry point yet. Automatically fill remaining space with zero bytes.
255   GW.finalize();
256 }
258 bool GOFFState::writeObject() {
259   writeHeader(Doc.Header);
260   if (HasError)
261     return false;
262   writeEnd();
263   return true;
264 }
266 bool GOFFState::writeGOFF(raw_ostream &OS, GOFFYAML::Object &Doc,
267                           yaml::ErrorHandler ErrHandler) {
268   GOFFState State(OS, Doc, ErrHandler);
269   return State.writeObject();
270 }
271 } // namespace
273 namespace llvm {
274 namespace yaml {
276 bool yaml2goff(llvm::GOFFYAML::Object &Doc, raw_ostream &Out,
277                ErrorHandler ErrHandler) {
278   return GOFFState::writeGOFF(Out, Doc, ErrHandler);
279 }
281 } // namespace yaml
282 } // namespace llvm