xref: /freebsd/contrib/llvm-project/lldb/source/Symbol/Variable.cpp (revision fd4fafa8732203a3e20f5404a65de83d37687e3a)
1 //===-- Variable.cpp ------------------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "lldb/Symbol/Variable.h"
11 #include "lldb/Core/Module.h"
12 #include "lldb/Core/ValueObject.h"
13 #include "lldb/Core/ValueObjectVariable.h"
14 #include "lldb/Symbol/Block.h"
15 #include "lldb/Symbol/CompileUnit.h"
16 #include "lldb/Symbol/CompilerDecl.h"
17 #include "lldb/Symbol/CompilerDeclContext.h"
18 #include "lldb/Symbol/Function.h"
19 #include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolContext.h"
20 #include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolFile.h"
21 #include "lldb/Symbol/Type.h"
22 #include "lldb/Symbol/TypeSystem.h"
23 #include "lldb/Symbol/VariableList.h"
24 #include "lldb/Target/ABI.h"
25 #include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
26 #include "lldb/Target/RegisterContext.h"
27 #include "lldb/Target/StackFrame.h"
28 #include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
29 #include "lldb/Target/Thread.h"
30 #include "lldb/Utility/RegularExpression.h"
31 #include "lldb/Utility/Stream.h"
33 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
35 using namespace lldb;
36 using namespace lldb_private;
38 Variable::Variable(lldb::user_id_t uid, const char *name, const char *mangled,
39                    const lldb::SymbolFileTypeSP &symfile_type_sp,
40                    ValueType scope, SymbolContextScope *context,
41                    const RangeList &scope_range, Declaration *decl_ptr,
42                    const DWARFExpressionList &location_list, bool external,
43                    bool artificial, bool location_is_constant_data,
44                    bool static_member)
45     : UserID(uid), m_name(name), m_mangled(ConstString(mangled)),
46       m_symfile_type_sp(symfile_type_sp), m_scope(scope),
47       m_owner_scope(context), m_scope_range(scope_range),
48       m_declaration(decl_ptr), m_location_list(location_list), m_external(external),
49       m_artificial(artificial), m_loc_is_const_data(location_is_constant_data),
50       m_static_member(static_member) {}
52 Variable::~Variable() = default;
54 lldb::LanguageType Variable::GetLanguage() const {
55   lldb::LanguageType lang = m_mangled.GuessLanguage();
56   if (lang != lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown)
57     return lang;
59   if (auto *func = m_owner_scope->CalculateSymbolContextFunction()) {
60     if ((lang = func->GetLanguage()) != lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown)
61       return lang;
62   } else if (auto *comp_unit =
63                  m_owner_scope->CalculateSymbolContextCompileUnit()) {
64     if ((lang = comp_unit->GetLanguage()) != lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown)
65       return lang;
66   }
68   return lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown;
69 }
71 ConstString Variable::GetName() const {
72   ConstString name = m_mangled.GetName();
73   if (name)
74     return name;
75   return m_name;
76 }
78 ConstString Variable::GetUnqualifiedName() const { return m_name; }
80 bool Variable::NameMatches(ConstString name) const {
81   if (m_name == name)
82     return true;
83   SymbolContext variable_sc;
84   m_owner_scope->CalculateSymbolContext(&variable_sc);
86   return m_mangled.NameMatches(name);
87 }
88 bool Variable::NameMatches(const RegularExpression &regex) const {
89   if (regex.Execute(m_name.AsCString()))
90     return true;
91   if (m_mangled)
92     return m_mangled.NameMatches(regex);
93   return false;
94 }
96 Type *Variable::GetType() {
97   if (m_symfile_type_sp)
98     return m_symfile_type_sp->GetType();
99   return nullptr;
100 }
102 void Variable::Dump(Stream *s, bool show_context) const {
103   s->Printf("%p: ", static_cast<const void *>(this));
104   s->Indent();
105   *s << "Variable" << (const UserID &)*this;
107   if (m_name)
108     *s << ", name = \"" << m_name << "\"";
110   if (m_symfile_type_sp) {
111     Type *type = m_symfile_type_sp->GetType();
112     if (type) {
113       s->Format(", type = {{{0:x-16}} {1} (", type->GetID(), type);
114       type->DumpTypeName(s);
115       s->PutChar(')');
116     }
117   }
119   if (m_scope != eValueTypeInvalid) {
120     s->PutCString(", scope = ");
121     switch (m_scope) {
122     case eValueTypeVariableGlobal:
123       s->PutCString(m_external ? "global" : "static");
124       break;
125     case eValueTypeVariableArgument:
126       s->PutCString("parameter");
127       break;
128     case eValueTypeVariableLocal:
129       s->PutCString("local");
130       break;
131     case eValueTypeVariableThreadLocal:
132       s->PutCString("thread local");
133       break;
134     default:
135       s->AsRawOstream() << "??? (" << m_scope << ')';
136     }
137   }
139   if (show_context && m_owner_scope != nullptr) {
140     s->PutCString(", context = ( ");
141     m_owner_scope->DumpSymbolContext(s);
142     s->PutCString(" )");
143   }
145   bool show_fullpaths = false;
146   m_declaration.Dump(s, show_fullpaths);
148   if (m_location_list.IsValid()) {
149     s->PutCString(", location = ");
150     ABISP abi;
151     if (m_owner_scope) {
152       ModuleSP module_sp(m_owner_scope->CalculateSymbolContextModule());
153       if (module_sp)
154         abi = ABI::FindPlugin(ProcessSP(), module_sp->GetArchitecture());
155     }
156     m_location_list.GetDescription(s, lldb::eDescriptionLevelBrief, abi.get());
157   }
159   if (m_external)
160     s->PutCString(", external");
162   if (m_artificial)
163     s->PutCString(", artificial");
165   s->EOL();
166 }
168 bool Variable::DumpDeclaration(Stream *s, bool show_fullpaths,
169                                bool show_module) {
170   bool dumped_declaration_info = false;
171   if (m_owner_scope) {
172     SymbolContext sc;
173     m_owner_scope->CalculateSymbolContext(&sc);
174     sc.block = nullptr;
175     sc.line_entry.Clear();
176     bool show_inlined_frames = false;
177     const bool show_function_arguments = true;
178     const bool show_function_name = true;
180     dumped_declaration_info = sc.DumpStopContext(
181         s, nullptr, Address(), show_fullpaths, show_module, show_inlined_frames,
182         show_function_arguments, show_function_name);
184     if (sc.function)
185       s->PutChar(':');
186   }
187   if (m_declaration.DumpStopContext(s, false))
188     dumped_declaration_info = true;
189   return dumped_declaration_info;
190 }
192 size_t Variable::MemorySize() const { return sizeof(Variable); }
194 CompilerDeclContext Variable::GetDeclContext() {
195   Type *type = GetType();
196   if (type)
197     return type->GetSymbolFile()->GetDeclContextContainingUID(GetID());
198   return CompilerDeclContext();
199 }
201 CompilerDecl Variable::GetDecl() {
202   Type *type = GetType();
203   return type ? type->GetSymbolFile()->GetDeclForUID(GetID()) : CompilerDecl();
204 }
206 void Variable::CalculateSymbolContext(SymbolContext *sc) {
207   if (m_owner_scope) {
208     m_owner_scope->CalculateSymbolContext(sc);
209     sc->variable = this;
210   } else
211     sc->Clear(false);
212 }
214 bool Variable::LocationIsValidForFrame(StackFrame *frame) {
215   if (frame) {
216     Function *function =
217         frame->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextFunction).function;
218     if (function) {
219       TargetSP target_sp(frame->CalculateTarget());
221       addr_t loclist_base_load_addr =
222           function->GetAddressRange().GetBaseAddress().GetLoadAddress(
223               target_sp.get());
224       if (loclist_base_load_addr == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
225         return false;
226       // It is a location list. We just need to tell if the location list
227       // contains the current address when converted to a load address
228       return m_location_list.ContainsAddress(
229           loclist_base_load_addr,
230           frame->GetFrameCodeAddress().GetLoadAddress(target_sp.get()));
231     }
232   }
233   return false;
234 }
236 bool Variable::LocationIsValidForAddress(const Address &address) {
237   // Be sure to resolve the address to section offset prior to calling this
238   // function.
239   if (address.IsSectionOffset()) {
240     // We need to check if the address is valid for both scope range and value
241     // range.
242     // Empty scope range means block range.
243     bool valid_in_scope_range =
244         GetScopeRange().IsEmpty() || GetScopeRange().FindEntryThatContains(
245                                          address.GetFileAddress()) != nullptr;
246     if (!valid_in_scope_range)
247       return false;
248     SymbolContext sc;
249     CalculateSymbolContext(&sc);
250     if (sc.module_sp == address.GetModule()) {
251       // Is the variable is described by a single location?
252       if (m_location_list.IsAlwaysValidSingleExpr()) {
253         // Yes it is, the location is valid.
254         return true;
255       }
257       if (sc.function) {
258         addr_t loclist_base_file_addr =
259             sc.function->GetAddressRange().GetBaseAddress().GetFileAddress();
260         if (loclist_base_file_addr == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
261           return false;
262         // It is a location list. We just need to tell if the location list
263         // contains the current address when converted to a load address
264         return m_location_list.ContainsAddress(loclist_base_file_addr,
265                                                address.GetFileAddress());
266       }
267     }
268   }
269   return false;
270 }
272 bool Variable::IsInScope(StackFrame *frame) {
273   switch (m_scope) {
274   case eValueTypeRegister:
275   case eValueTypeRegisterSet:
276     return frame != nullptr;
278   case eValueTypeConstResult:
279   case eValueTypeVariableGlobal:
280   case eValueTypeVariableStatic:
281   case eValueTypeVariableThreadLocal:
282     return true;
284   case eValueTypeVariableArgument:
285   case eValueTypeVariableLocal:
286     if (frame) {
287       // We don't have a location list, we just need to see if the block that
288       // this variable was defined in is currently
289       Block *deepest_frame_block =
290           frame->GetSymbolContext(eSymbolContextBlock).block;
291       if (deepest_frame_block) {
292         SymbolContext variable_sc;
293         CalculateSymbolContext(&variable_sc);
295         // Check for static or global variable defined at the compile unit
296         // level that wasn't defined in a block
297         if (variable_sc.block == nullptr)
298           return true;
300         // Check if the variable is valid in the current block
301         if (variable_sc.block != deepest_frame_block &&
302             !variable_sc.block->Contains(deepest_frame_block))
303           return false;
305         // If no scope range is specified then it means that the scope is the
306         // same as the scope of the enclosing lexical block.
307         if (m_scope_range.IsEmpty())
308           return true;
310         addr_t file_address = frame->GetFrameCodeAddress().GetFileAddress();
311         return m_scope_range.FindEntryThatContains(file_address) != nullptr;
312       }
313     }
314     break;
316   default:
317     break;
318   }
319   return false;
320 }
322 Status Variable::GetValuesForVariableExpressionPath(
323     llvm::StringRef variable_expr_path, ExecutionContextScope *scope,
324     GetVariableCallback callback, void *baton, VariableList &variable_list,
325     ValueObjectList &valobj_list) {
326   Status error;
327   if (!callback || variable_expr_path.empty()) {
328     error.SetErrorString("unknown error");
329     return error;
330   }
332   switch (variable_expr_path.front()) {
333   case '*':
334     error = Variable::GetValuesForVariableExpressionPath(
335         variable_expr_path.drop_front(), scope, callback, baton, variable_list,
336         valobj_list);
337     if (error.Fail()) {
338       error.SetErrorString("unknown error");
339       return error;
340     }
341     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < valobj_list.GetSize();) {
342       Status tmp_error;
343       ValueObjectSP valobj_sp(
344           valobj_list.GetValueObjectAtIndex(i)->Dereference(tmp_error));
345       if (tmp_error.Fail()) {
346         variable_list.RemoveVariableAtIndex(i);
347         valobj_list.RemoveValueObjectAtIndex(i);
348       } else {
349         valobj_list.SetValueObjectAtIndex(i, valobj_sp);
350         ++i;
351       }
352     }
353     return error;
354   case '&': {
355     error = Variable::GetValuesForVariableExpressionPath(
356         variable_expr_path.drop_front(), scope, callback, baton, variable_list,
357         valobj_list);
358     if (error.Success()) {
359       for (uint32_t i = 0; i < valobj_list.GetSize();) {
360         Status tmp_error;
361         ValueObjectSP valobj_sp(
362             valobj_list.GetValueObjectAtIndex(i)->AddressOf(tmp_error));
363         if (tmp_error.Fail()) {
364           variable_list.RemoveVariableAtIndex(i);
365           valobj_list.RemoveValueObjectAtIndex(i);
366         } else {
367           valobj_list.SetValueObjectAtIndex(i, valobj_sp);
368           ++i;
369         }
370       }
371     } else {
372       error.SetErrorString("unknown error");
373     }
374     return error;
375   } break;
377   default: {
378     static RegularExpression g_regex(
379         llvm::StringRef("^([A-Za-z_:][A-Za-z_0-9:]*)(.*)"));
380     llvm::SmallVector<llvm::StringRef, 2> matches;
381     variable_list.Clear();
382     if (!g_regex.Execute(variable_expr_path, &matches)) {
383       error.SetErrorStringWithFormatv(
384           "unable to extract a variable name from '{0}'", variable_expr_path);
385       return error;
386     }
387     std::string variable_name = matches[1].str();
388     if (!callback(baton, variable_name.c_str(), variable_list)) {
389       error.SetErrorString("unknown error");
390       return error;
391     }
392     uint32_t i = 0;
393     while (i < variable_list.GetSize()) {
394       VariableSP var_sp(variable_list.GetVariableAtIndex(i));
395       ValueObjectSP valobj_sp;
396       if (!var_sp) {
397         variable_list.RemoveVariableAtIndex(i);
398         continue;
399       }
400       ValueObjectSP variable_valobj_sp(
401           ValueObjectVariable::Create(scope, var_sp));
402       if (!variable_valobj_sp) {
403         variable_list.RemoveVariableAtIndex(i);
404         continue;
405       }
407       llvm::StringRef variable_sub_expr_path =
408           variable_expr_path.drop_front(variable_name.size());
409       if (!variable_sub_expr_path.empty()) {
410         valobj_sp = variable_valobj_sp->GetValueForExpressionPath(
411             variable_sub_expr_path);
412         if (!valobj_sp) {
413           error.SetErrorStringWithFormatv(
414               "invalid expression path '{0}' for variable '{1}'",
415               variable_sub_expr_path, var_sp->GetName().GetCString());
416           variable_list.RemoveVariableAtIndex(i);
417           continue;
418         }
419       } else {
420         // Just the name of a variable with no extras
421         valobj_sp = variable_valobj_sp;
422       }
424       valobj_list.Append(valobj_sp);
425       ++i;
426     }
428     if (variable_list.GetSize() > 0) {
429       error.Clear();
430       return error;
431     }
432   } break;
433   }
434   error.SetErrorString("unknown error");
435   return error;
436 }
438 bool Variable::DumpLocations(Stream *s, const Address &address) {
439   SymbolContext sc;
440   CalculateSymbolContext(&sc);
441   ABISP abi;
442   if (m_owner_scope) {
443     ModuleSP module_sp(m_owner_scope->CalculateSymbolContextModule());
444     if (module_sp)
445       abi = ABI::FindPlugin(ProcessSP(), module_sp->GetArchitecture());
446   }
448   const addr_t file_addr = address.GetFileAddress();
449   if (sc.function) {
450     addr_t loclist_base_file_addr =
451         sc.function->GetAddressRange().GetBaseAddress().GetFileAddress();
452     if (loclist_base_file_addr == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
453       return false;
454     return m_location_list.DumpLocations(s, eDescriptionLevelBrief,
455                                          loclist_base_file_addr, file_addr,
456                                          abi.get());
457   }
458   return false;
459 }
461 static void PrivateAutoComplete(
462     StackFrame *frame, llvm::StringRef partial_path,
463     const llvm::Twine
464         &prefix_path, // Anything that has been resolved already will be in here
465     const CompilerType &compiler_type, CompletionRequest &request);
467 static void PrivateAutoCompleteMembers(
468     StackFrame *frame, const std::string &partial_member_name,
469     llvm::StringRef partial_path,
470     const llvm::Twine
471         &prefix_path, // Anything that has been resolved already will be in here
472     const CompilerType &compiler_type, CompletionRequest &request) {
474   // We are in a type parsing child members
475   const uint32_t num_bases = compiler_type.GetNumDirectBaseClasses();
477   if (num_bases > 0) {
478     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_bases; ++i) {
479       CompilerType base_class_type =
480           compiler_type.GetDirectBaseClassAtIndex(i, nullptr);
482       PrivateAutoCompleteMembers(frame, partial_member_name, partial_path,
483                                  prefix_path,
484                                  base_class_type.GetCanonicalType(), request);
485     }
486   }
488   const uint32_t num_vbases = compiler_type.GetNumVirtualBaseClasses();
490   if (num_vbases > 0) {
491     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_vbases; ++i) {
492       CompilerType vbase_class_type =
493           compiler_type.GetVirtualBaseClassAtIndex(i, nullptr);
495       PrivateAutoCompleteMembers(frame, partial_member_name, partial_path,
496                                  prefix_path,
497                                  vbase_class_type.GetCanonicalType(), request);
498     }
499   }
501   // We are in a type parsing child members
502   const uint32_t num_fields = compiler_type.GetNumFields();
504   if (num_fields > 0) {
505     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_fields; ++i) {
506       std::string member_name;
508       CompilerType member_compiler_type = compiler_type.GetFieldAtIndex(
509           i, member_name, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
511       if (partial_member_name.empty() ||
512           llvm::StringRef(member_name).startswith(partial_member_name)) {
513         if (member_name == partial_member_name) {
514           PrivateAutoComplete(
515               frame, partial_path,
516               prefix_path + member_name, // Anything that has been resolved
517                                          // already will be in here
518               member_compiler_type.GetCanonicalType(), request);
519         } else {
520           request.AddCompletion((prefix_path + member_name).str());
521         }
522       }
523     }
524   }
525 }
527 static void PrivateAutoComplete(
528     StackFrame *frame, llvm::StringRef partial_path,
529     const llvm::Twine
530         &prefix_path, // Anything that has been resolved already will be in here
531     const CompilerType &compiler_type, CompletionRequest &request) {
532   //    printf ("\nPrivateAutoComplete()\n\tprefix_path = '%s'\n\tpartial_path =
533   //    '%s'\n", prefix_path.c_str(), partial_path.c_str());
534   std::string remaining_partial_path;
536   const lldb::TypeClass type_class = compiler_type.GetTypeClass();
537   if (partial_path.empty()) {
538     if (compiler_type.IsValid()) {
539       switch (type_class) {
540       default:
541       case eTypeClassArray:
542       case eTypeClassBlockPointer:
543       case eTypeClassBuiltin:
544       case eTypeClassComplexFloat:
545       case eTypeClassComplexInteger:
546       case eTypeClassEnumeration:
547       case eTypeClassFunction:
548       case eTypeClassMemberPointer:
549       case eTypeClassReference:
550       case eTypeClassTypedef:
551       case eTypeClassVector: {
552         request.AddCompletion(prefix_path.str());
553       } break;
555       case eTypeClassClass:
556       case eTypeClassStruct:
557       case eTypeClassUnion:
558         if (prefix_path.str().back() != '.')
559           request.AddCompletion((prefix_path + ".").str());
560         break;
562       case eTypeClassObjCObject:
563       case eTypeClassObjCInterface:
564         break;
565       case eTypeClassObjCObjectPointer:
566       case eTypeClassPointer: {
567         bool omit_empty_base_classes = true;
568         if (compiler_type.GetNumChildren(omit_empty_base_classes, nullptr) > 0)
569           request.AddCompletion((prefix_path + "->").str());
570         else {
571           request.AddCompletion(prefix_path.str());
572         }
573       } break;
574       }
575     } else {
576       if (frame) {
577         const bool get_file_globals = true;
579         VariableList *variable_list = frame->GetVariableList(get_file_globals,
580                                                              nullptr);
582         if (variable_list) {
583           for (const VariableSP &var_sp : *variable_list)
584             request.AddCompletion(var_sp->GetName().AsCString());
585         }
586       }
587     }
588   } else {
589     const char ch = partial_path[0];
590     switch (ch) {
591     case '*':
592       if (prefix_path.str().empty()) {
593         PrivateAutoComplete(frame, partial_path.substr(1), "*", compiler_type,
594                             request);
595       }
596       break;
598     case '&':
599       if (prefix_path.isTriviallyEmpty()) {
600         PrivateAutoComplete(frame, partial_path.substr(1), std::string("&"),
601                             compiler_type, request);
602       }
603       break;
605     case '-':
606       if (partial_path.size() > 1 && partial_path[1] == '>' &&
607           !prefix_path.str().empty()) {
608         switch (type_class) {
609         case lldb::eTypeClassPointer: {
610           CompilerType pointee_type(compiler_type.GetPointeeType());
611           if (partial_path.size() > 2 && partial_path[2]) {
612             // If there is more after the "->", then search deeper
613             PrivateAutoComplete(frame, partial_path.substr(2),
614                                 prefix_path + "->",
615                                 pointee_type.GetCanonicalType(), request);
616           } else {
617             // Nothing after the "->", so list all members
618             PrivateAutoCompleteMembers(
619                 frame, std::string(), std::string(), prefix_path + "->",
620                 pointee_type.GetCanonicalType(), request);
621           }
622         } break;
623         default:
624           break;
625         }
626       }
627       break;
629     case '.':
630       if (compiler_type.IsValid()) {
631         switch (type_class) {
632         case lldb::eTypeClassUnion:
633         case lldb::eTypeClassStruct:
634         case lldb::eTypeClassClass:
635           if (partial_path.size() > 1 && partial_path[1]) {
636             // If there is more after the ".", then search deeper
637             PrivateAutoComplete(frame, partial_path.substr(1),
638                                 prefix_path + ".", compiler_type, request);
640           } else {
641             // Nothing after the ".", so list all members
642             PrivateAutoCompleteMembers(frame, std::string(), partial_path,
643                                        prefix_path + ".", compiler_type,
644                                        request);
645           }
646           break;
647         default:
648           break;
649         }
650       }
651       break;
652     default:
653       if (isalpha(ch) || ch == '_' || ch == '$') {
654         const size_t partial_path_len = partial_path.size();
655         size_t pos = 1;
656         while (pos < partial_path_len) {
657           const char curr_ch = partial_path[pos];
658           if (isalnum(curr_ch) || curr_ch == '_' || curr_ch == '$') {
659             ++pos;
660             continue;
661           }
662           break;
663         }
665         std::string token(std::string(partial_path), 0, pos);
666         remaining_partial_path = std::string(partial_path.substr(pos));
668         if (compiler_type.IsValid()) {
669           PrivateAutoCompleteMembers(frame, token, remaining_partial_path,
670                                      prefix_path, compiler_type, request);
671         } else if (frame) {
672           // We haven't found our variable yet
673           const bool get_file_globals = true;
675           VariableList *variable_list =
676               frame->GetVariableList(get_file_globals, nullptr);
678           if (!variable_list)
679             break;
681           for (VariableSP var_sp : *variable_list) {
683             if (!var_sp)
684               continue;
686             llvm::StringRef variable_name = var_sp->GetName().GetStringRef();
687             if (variable_name.startswith(token)) {
688               if (variable_name == token) {
689                 Type *variable_type = var_sp->GetType();
690                 if (variable_type) {
691                   CompilerType variable_compiler_type(
692                       variable_type->GetForwardCompilerType());
693                   PrivateAutoComplete(
694                       frame, remaining_partial_path,
695                       prefix_path + token, // Anything that has been resolved
696                                            // already will be in here
697                       variable_compiler_type.GetCanonicalType(), request);
698                 } else {
699                   request.AddCompletion((prefix_path + variable_name).str());
700                 }
701               } else if (remaining_partial_path.empty()) {
702                 request.AddCompletion((prefix_path + variable_name).str());
703               }
704             }
705           }
706         }
707       }
708       break;
709     }
710   }
711 }
713 void Variable::AutoComplete(const ExecutionContext &exe_ctx,
714                             CompletionRequest &request) {
715   CompilerType compiler_type;
717   PrivateAutoComplete(exe_ctx.GetFramePtr(), request.GetCursorArgumentPrefix(),
718                       "", compiler_type, request);
719 }