xref: /freebsd/contrib/llvm-project/lld/MachO/InputSection.cpp (revision a4a491e2238b12ccd64d3faf9e6401487f6f1f1b)
1 //===- InputSection.cpp ---------------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "InputSection.h"
10 #include "ConcatOutputSection.h"
11 #include "Config.h"
12 #include "InputFiles.h"
13 #include "OutputSegment.h"
14 #include "Symbols.h"
15 #include "SyntheticSections.h"
16 #include "Target.h"
17 #include "UnwindInfoSection.h"
18 #include "Writer.h"
19 #include "lld/Common/Memory.h"
20 #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
21 #include "llvm/Support/xxhash.h"
23 using namespace llvm;
24 using namespace llvm::MachO;
25 using namespace llvm::support;
26 using namespace lld;
27 using namespace lld::macho;
29 // Verify ConcatInputSection's size on 64-bit builds. The size of std::vector
30 // can differ based on STL debug levels (e.g. iterator debugging on MSVC's STL),
31 // so account for that.
32 static_assert(sizeof(void *) != 8 || sizeof(ConcatInputSection) ==
33                                          sizeof(std::vector<Reloc>) + 104,
34               "Try to minimize ConcatInputSection's size, we create many "
35               "instances of it");
37 std::vector<ConcatInputSection *> macho::inputSections;
39 uint64_t InputSection::getFileSize() const {
40   return isZeroFill(getFlags()) ? 0 : getSize();
41 }
43 uint64_t InputSection::getVA(uint64_t off) const {
44   return parent->addr + getOffset(off);
45 }
47 static uint64_t resolveSymbolVA(const Symbol *sym, uint8_t type) {
48   const RelocAttrs &relocAttrs = target->getRelocAttrs(type);
49   if (relocAttrs.hasAttr(RelocAttrBits::BRANCH))
50     return sym->resolveBranchVA();
51   if (relocAttrs.hasAttr(RelocAttrBits::GOT))
52     return sym->resolveGotVA();
53   if (relocAttrs.hasAttr(RelocAttrBits::TLV))
54     return sym->resolveTlvVA();
55   return sym->getVA();
56 }
58 const Defined *InputSection::getContainingSymbol(uint64_t off) const {
59   auto *nextSym = llvm::upper_bound(
60       symbols, off, [](uint64_t a, const Defined *b) { return a < b->value; });
61   if (nextSym == symbols.begin())
62     return nullptr;
63   return *std::prev(nextSym);
64 }
66 std::string InputSection::getLocation(uint64_t off) const {
67   // First, try to find a symbol that's near the offset. Use it as a reference
68   // point.
69   if (auto *sym = getContainingSymbol(off))
70     return (toString(getFile()) + ":(symbol " + toString(*sym) + "+0x" +
71             Twine::utohexstr(off - sym->value) + ")")
72         .str();
74   // If that fails, use the section itself as a reference point.
75   for (const Subsection &subsec : section.subsections) {
76     if (subsec.isec == this) {
77       off += subsec.offset;
78       break;
79     }
80   }
82   return (toString(getFile()) + ":(" + getName() + "+0x" +
83           Twine::utohexstr(off) + ")")
84       .str();
85 }
87 std::string InputSection::getSourceLocation(uint64_t off) const {
88   auto *obj = dyn_cast_or_null<ObjFile>(getFile());
89   if (!obj)
90     return {};
92   DWARFCache *dwarf = obj->getDwarf();
93   if (!dwarf)
94     return std::string();
96   for (const Subsection &subsec : section.subsections) {
97     if (subsec.isec == this) {
98       off += subsec.offset;
99       break;
100     }
101   }
103   auto createMsg = [&](StringRef path, unsigned line) {
104     std::string filename = sys::path::filename(path).str();
105     std::string lineStr = (":" + Twine(line)).str();
106     if (filename == path)
107       return filename + lineStr;
108     return (filename + lineStr + " (" + path + lineStr + ")").str();
109   };
111   // First, look up a function for a given offset.
112   if (Optional<DILineInfo> li = dwarf->getDILineInfo(
113           section.addr + off, object::SectionedAddress::UndefSection))
114     return createMsg(li->FileName, li->Line);
116   // If it failed, look up again as a variable.
117   if (const Defined *sym = getContainingSymbol(off)) {
118     // Symbols are generally prefixed with an underscore, which is not included
119     // in the debug information.
120     StringRef symName = sym->getName();
121     if (!symName.empty() && symName[0] == '_')
122       symName = symName.substr(1);
124     if (Optional<std::pair<std::string, unsigned>> fileLine =
125             dwarf->getVariableLoc(symName))
126       return createMsg(fileLine->first, fileLine->second);
127   }
129   // Try to get the source file's name from the DWARF information.
130   if (obj->compileUnit)
131     return obj->sourceFile();
133   return {};
134 }
136 void ConcatInputSection::foldIdentical(ConcatInputSection *copy) {
137   align = std::max(align, copy->align);
138   copy->live = false;
139   copy->wasCoalesced = true;
140   copy->replacement = this;
141   for (auto &copySym : copy->symbols)
142     copySym->wasIdenticalCodeFolded = true;
144   // Merge the sorted vectors of symbols together.
145   auto it = symbols.begin();
146   for (auto copyIt = copy->symbols.begin(); copyIt != copy->symbols.end();) {
147     if (it == symbols.end()) {
148       symbols.push_back(*copyIt++);
149       it = symbols.end();
150     } else if ((*it)->value > (*copyIt)->value) {
151       std::swap(*it++, *copyIt);
152     } else {
153       ++it;
154     }
155   }
156   copy->symbols.clear();
158   // Remove duplicate compact unwind info for symbols at the same address.
159   if (symbols.empty())
160     return;
161   it = symbols.begin();
162   uint64_t v = (*it)->value;
163   for (++it; it != symbols.end(); ++it) {
164     Defined *d = *it;
165     if (d->value == v)
166       d->unwindEntry = nullptr;
167     else
168       v = d->value;
169   }
170 }
172 void ConcatInputSection::writeTo(uint8_t *buf) {
173   assert(!shouldOmitFromOutput());
175   if (getFileSize() == 0)
176     return;
178   memcpy(buf, data.data(), data.size());
180   std::vector<uint64_t> relocTargets;
181   if (!optimizationHints.empty())
182     relocTargets.reserve(relocs.size());
184   for (size_t i = 0; i < relocs.size(); i++) {
185     const Reloc &r = relocs[i];
186     uint8_t *loc = buf + r.offset;
187     uint64_t referentVA = 0;
188     if (target->hasAttr(r.type, RelocAttrBits::SUBTRAHEND)) {
189       const Symbol *fromSym = r.referent.get<Symbol *>();
190       const Reloc &minuend = relocs[++i];
191       uint64_t minuendVA;
192       if (const Symbol *toSym = minuend.referent.dyn_cast<Symbol *>())
193         minuendVA = toSym->getVA() + minuend.addend;
194       else {
195         auto *referentIsec = minuend.referent.get<InputSection *>();
196         assert(!::shouldOmitFromOutput(referentIsec));
197         minuendVA = referentIsec->getVA(minuend.addend);
198       }
199       referentVA = minuendVA - fromSym->getVA();
200     } else if (auto *referentSym = r.referent.dyn_cast<Symbol *>()) {
201       if (target->hasAttr(r.type, RelocAttrBits::LOAD) &&
202           !referentSym->isInGot())
203         target->relaxGotLoad(loc, r.type);
204       // For dtrace symbols, do not handle them as normal undefined symbols
205       if (referentSym->getName().startswith("___dtrace_")) {
206         // Change dtrace call site to pre-defined instructions
207         target->handleDtraceReloc(referentSym, r, loc);
208         continue;
209       }
210       referentVA = resolveSymbolVA(referentSym, r.type) + r.addend;
212       if (isThreadLocalVariables(getFlags())) {
213         // References from thread-local variable sections are treated as offsets
214         // relative to the start of the thread-local data memory area, which
215         // is initialized via copying all the TLV data sections (which are all
216         // contiguous).
217         if (isa<Defined>(referentSym))
218           referentVA -= firstTLVDataSection->addr;
219       }
220     } else if (auto *referentIsec = r.referent.dyn_cast<InputSection *>()) {
221       assert(!::shouldOmitFromOutput(referentIsec));
222       referentVA = referentIsec->getVA(r.addend);
223     }
224     target->relocateOne(loc, r, referentVA, getVA() + r.offset);
226     if (!optimizationHints.empty())
227       relocTargets.push_back(referentVA);
228   }
230   if (!optimizationHints.empty())
231     target->applyOptimizationHints(buf, this, relocTargets);
232 }
234 ConcatInputSection *macho::makeSyntheticInputSection(StringRef segName,
235                                                      StringRef sectName,
236                                                      uint32_t flags,
237                                                      ArrayRef<uint8_t> data,
238                                                      uint32_t align) {
239   Section &section =
240       *make<Section>(/*file=*/nullptr, segName, sectName, flags, /*addr=*/0);
241   auto isec = make<ConcatInputSection>(section, data, align);
242   section.subsections.push_back({0, isec});
243   return isec;
244 }
246 void CStringInputSection::splitIntoPieces() {
247   size_t off = 0;
248   StringRef s = toStringRef(data);
249   while (!s.empty()) {
250     size_t end = s.find(0);
251     if (end == StringRef::npos)
252       fatal(getLocation(off) + ": string is not null terminated");
253     size_t size = end + 1;
254     uint32_t hash = config->dedupLiterals ? xxHash64(s.substr(0, size)) : 0;
255     pieces.emplace_back(off, hash);
256     s = s.substr(size);
257     off += size;
258   }
259 }
261 StringPiece &CStringInputSection::getStringPiece(uint64_t off) {
262   if (off >= data.size())
263     fatal(toString(this) + ": offset is outside the section");
265   auto it =
266       partition_point(pieces, [=](StringPiece p) { return p.inSecOff <= off; });
267   return it[-1];
268 }
270 const StringPiece &CStringInputSection::getStringPiece(uint64_t off) const {
271   return const_cast<CStringInputSection *>(this)->getStringPiece(off);
272 }
274 uint64_t CStringInputSection::getOffset(uint64_t off) const {
275   const StringPiece &piece = getStringPiece(off);
276   uint64_t addend = off - piece.inSecOff;
277   return piece.outSecOff + addend;
278 }
280 WordLiteralInputSection::WordLiteralInputSection(const Section &section,
281                                                  ArrayRef<uint8_t> data,
282                                                  uint32_t align)
283     : InputSection(WordLiteralKind, section, data, align) {
284   switch (sectionType(getFlags())) {
285   case S_4BYTE_LITERALS:
286     power2LiteralSize = 2;
287     break;
288   case S_8BYTE_LITERALS:
289     power2LiteralSize = 3;
290     break;
291   case S_16BYTE_LITERALS:
292     power2LiteralSize = 4;
293     break;
294   default:
295     llvm_unreachable("invalid literal section type");
296   }
298   live.resize(data.size() >> power2LiteralSize, !config->deadStrip);
299 }
301 uint64_t WordLiteralInputSection::getOffset(uint64_t off) const {
302   auto *osec = cast<WordLiteralSection>(parent);
303   const uintptr_t buf = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(data.data());
304   switch (sectionType(getFlags())) {
305   case S_4BYTE_LITERALS:
306     return osec->getLiteral4Offset(buf + (off & ~3LLU)) | (off & 3);
307   case S_8BYTE_LITERALS:
308     return osec->getLiteral8Offset(buf + (off & ~7LLU)) | (off & 7);
309   case S_16BYTE_LITERALS:
310     return osec->getLiteral16Offset(buf + (off & ~15LLU)) | (off & 15);
311   default:
312     llvm_unreachable("invalid literal section type");
313   }
314 }
316 bool macho::isCodeSection(const InputSection *isec) {
317   uint32_t type = sectionType(isec->getFlags());
318   if (type != S_REGULAR && type != S_COALESCED)
319     return false;
321   uint32_t attr = isec->getFlags() & SECTION_ATTRIBUTES_USR;
322   if (attr == S_ATTR_PURE_INSTRUCTIONS)
323     return true;
325   if (isec->getSegName() == segment_names::text)
326     return StringSwitch<bool>(isec->getName())
327         .Cases(section_names::textCoalNt, section_names::staticInit, true)
328         .Default(false);
330   return false;
331 }
333 bool macho::isCfStringSection(const InputSection *isec) {
334   return isec->getName() == section_names::cfString &&
335          isec->getSegName() == segment_names::data;
336 }
338 bool macho::isClassRefsSection(const InputSection *isec) {
339   return isec->getName() == section_names::objcClassRefs &&
340          isec->getSegName() == segment_names::data;
341 }
343 bool macho::isEhFrameSection(const InputSection *isec) {
344   return isec->getName() == section_names::ehFrame &&
345          isec->getSegName() == segment_names::text;
346 }
348 bool macho::isGccExceptTabSection(const InputSection *isec) {
349   return isec->getName() == section_names::gccExceptTab &&
350          isec->getSegName() == segment_names::text;
351 }
353 std::string lld::toString(const InputSection *isec) {
354   return (toString(isec->getFile()) + ":(" + isec->getName() + ")").str();
355 }