xref: /freebsd/contrib/llvm-project/lld/MachO/ExportTrie.cpp (revision aa1a8ff2d6dbc51ef058f46f3db5a8bb77967145)
1 //===- ExportTrie.cpp -----------------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This is a partial implementation of the Mach-O export trie format. It's
10 // essentially a symbol table encoded as a compressed prefix trie, meaning that
11 // the common prefixes of each symbol name are shared for a more compact
12 // representation. The prefixes are stored on the edges of the trie, and one
13 // edge can represent multiple characters. For example, given two exported
14 // symbols _bar and _baz, we will have a trie like this (terminal nodes are
15 // marked with an asterisk):
16 //
17 //              +-+-+
18 //              |   | // root node
19 //              +-+-+
20 //                |
21 //                | _ba
22 //                |
23 //              +-+-+
24 //              |   |
25 //              +-+-+
26 //           r /     \ z
27 //            /       \
28 //        +-+-+       +-+-+
29 //        | * |       | * |
30 //        +-+-+       +-+-+
31 //
32 // More documentation of the format can be found in
33 // llvm/tools/obj2yaml/macho2yaml.cpp.
34 //
35 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
37 #include "ExportTrie.h"
38 #include "Symbols.h"
40 #include "lld/Common/ErrorHandler.h"
41 #include "lld/Common/Memory.h"
42 #include "llvm/BinaryFormat/MachO.h"
43 #include "llvm/Support/LEB128.h"
44 #include <optional>
46 using namespace llvm;
47 using namespace lld;
48 using namespace lld::macho;
50 namespace {
52 struct Edge {
53   Edge(StringRef s, TrieNode *node) : substring(s), child(node) {}
55   StringRef substring;
56   struct TrieNode *child;
57 };
59 struct ExportInfo {
60   uint64_t address;
61   uint64_t ordinal = 0;
62   uint8_t flags = 0;
63   ExportInfo(const Symbol &sym, uint64_t imageBase)
64       : address(sym.getVA() - imageBase) {
65     using namespace llvm::MachO;
66     if (sym.isWeakDef())
68     if (sym.isTlv())
70     // TODO: Add proper support for stub-and-resolver flags.
72     if (auto *defined = dyn_cast<Defined>(&sym)) {
73       if (defined->isAbsolute())
75     } else if (auto *dysym = dyn_cast<DylibSymbol>(&sym)) {
77       if (!dysym->isDynamicLookup())
78         ordinal = dysym->getFile()->ordinal;
79     }
80   }
81 };
83 } // namespace
85 struct macho::TrieNode {
86   std::vector<Edge> edges;
87   std::optional<ExportInfo> info;
88   // Estimated offset from the start of the serialized trie to the current node.
89   // This will converge to the true offset when updateOffset() is run to a
90   // fixpoint.
91   size_t offset = 0;
93   uint32_t getTerminalSize() const;
94   // Returns whether the new estimated offset differs from the old one.
95   bool updateOffset(size_t &nextOffset);
96   void writeTo(uint8_t *buf) const;
97 };
99 // For regular symbols, the node layout (excluding the children) is
100 //
101 //   uleb128 terminalSize;
102 //   uleb128 flags;
103 //   uleb128 address;
104 //
105 // For re-exported symbols, the layout is
106 //
107 //   uleb128 terminalSize;
108 //   uleb128 flags;
109 //   uleb128 ordinal;
110 //   char[] originalName;
111 //
112 // If libfoo.dylib is linked against libbar.dylib, and libfoo exports an alias
113 // _foo to a symbol _bar in libbar, then originalName will be "_bar". If libfoo
114 // re-exports _bar directly (i.e. not via an alias), then originalName will be
115 // the empty string.
116 //
117 // TODO: Support aliased re-exports. (Since we don't yet support these,
118 // originalName will always be the empty string.)
119 //
120 // For stub-and-resolver nodes, the layout is
121 //
122 //   uleb128 terminalSize;
123 //   uleb128 flags;
124 //   uleb128 stubAddress;
125 //   uleb128 resolverAddress;
126 //
127 // TODO: Support stub-and-resolver nodes.
128 uint32_t TrieNode::getTerminalSize() const {
129   uint32_t size = getULEB128Size(info->flags);
130   if (info->flags & MachO::EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_REEXPORT)
131     size += getULEB128Size(info->ordinal) + 1; // + 1 for the null-terminator
132   else
133     size += getULEB128Size(info->address);
134   return size;
135 }
137 bool TrieNode::updateOffset(size_t &nextOffset) {
138   // Size of the whole node (including the terminalSize and the outgoing edges.)
139   // In contrast, terminalSize only records the size of the other data in the
140   // node.
141   size_t nodeSize;
142   if (info) {
143     uint32_t terminalSize = getTerminalSize();
144     // Overall node size so far is the uleb128 size of the length of the symbol
145     // info + the symbol info itself.
146     nodeSize = terminalSize + getULEB128Size(terminalSize);
147   } else {
148     nodeSize = 1; // Size of terminalSize (which has a value of 0)
149   }
150   // Compute size of all child edges.
151   ++nodeSize; // Byte for number of children.
152   for (const Edge &edge : edges) {
153     nodeSize += edge.substring.size() + 1             // String length.
154                 + getULEB128Size(edge.child->offset); // Offset len.
155   }
156   // On input, 'nextOffset' is the new preferred location for this node.
157   bool result = (offset != nextOffset);
158   // Store new location in node object for use by parents.
159   offset = nextOffset;
160   nextOffset += nodeSize;
161   return result;
162 }
164 void TrieNode::writeTo(uint8_t *buf) const {
165   buf += offset;
166   if (info) {
167     uint32_t terminalSize = getTerminalSize();
168     buf += encodeULEB128(terminalSize, buf);
169     buf += encodeULEB128(info->flags, buf);
170     if (info->flags & MachO::EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_REEXPORT) {
171       buf += encodeULEB128(info->ordinal, buf);
172       *buf++ = 0; // empty originalName string
173     } else {
174       buf += encodeULEB128(info->address, buf);
175     }
176   } else {
177     // TrieNode with no Symbol info.
178     *buf++ = 0; // terminalSize
179   }
180   // Add number of children. TODO: Handle case where we have more than 256.
181   assert(edges.size() < 256);
182   *buf++ = edges.size();
183   // Append each child edge substring and node offset.
184   for (const Edge &edge : edges) {
185     memcpy(buf, edge.substring.data(), edge.substring.size());
186     buf += edge.substring.size();
187     *buf++ = '\0';
188     buf += encodeULEB128(edge.child->offset, buf);
189   }
190 }
192 TrieBuilder::~TrieBuilder() {
193   for (TrieNode *node : nodes)
194     delete node;
195 }
197 TrieNode *TrieBuilder::makeNode() {
198   auto *node = new TrieNode();
199   nodes.emplace_back(node);
200   return node;
201 }
203 static int charAt(const Symbol *sym, size_t pos) {
204   StringRef str = sym->getName();
205   if (pos >= str.size())
206     return -1;
207   return str[pos];
208 }
210 // Build the trie by performing a three-way radix quicksort: We start by sorting
211 // the strings by their first characters, then sort the strings with the same
212 // first characters by their second characters, and so on recursively. Each
213 // time the prefixes diverge, we add a node to the trie.
214 //
215 // node:    The most recently created node along this path in the trie (i.e.
216 //          the furthest from the root.)
217 // lastPos: The prefix length of the most recently created node, i.e. the number
218 //          of characters along its path from the root.
219 // pos:     The string index we are currently sorting on. Note that each symbol
220 //          S contained in vec has the same prefix S[0...pos).
221 void TrieBuilder::sortAndBuild(MutableArrayRef<const Symbol *> vec,
222                                TrieNode *node, size_t lastPos, size_t pos) {
223 tailcall:
224   if (vec.empty())
225     return;
227   // Partition items so that items in [0, i) are less than the pivot,
228   // [i, j) are the same as the pivot, and [j, vec.size()) are greater than
229   // the pivot.
230   const Symbol *pivotSymbol = vec[vec.size() / 2];
231   int pivot = charAt(pivotSymbol, pos);
232   size_t i = 0;
233   size_t j = vec.size();
234   for (size_t k = 0; k < j;) {
235     int c = charAt(vec[k], pos);
236     if (c < pivot)
237       std::swap(vec[i++], vec[k++]);
238     else if (c > pivot)
239       std::swap(vec[--j], vec[k]);
240     else
241       k++;
242   }
244   bool isTerminal = pivot == -1;
245   bool prefixesDiverge = i != 0 || j != vec.size();
246   if (lastPos != pos && (isTerminal || prefixesDiverge)) {
247     TrieNode *newNode = makeNode();
248     node->edges.emplace_back(pivotSymbol->getName().slice(lastPos, pos),
249                              newNode);
250     node = newNode;
251     lastPos = pos;
252   }
254   sortAndBuild(vec.slice(0, i), node, lastPos, pos);
255   sortAndBuild(vec.slice(j), node, lastPos, pos);
257   if (isTerminal) {
258     assert(j - i == 1); // no duplicate symbols
259     node->info = ExportInfo(*pivotSymbol, imageBase);
260   } else {
261     // This is the tail-call-optimized version of the following:
262     // sortAndBuild(vec.slice(i, j - i), node, lastPos, pos + 1);
263     vec = vec.slice(i, j - i);
264     ++pos;
265     goto tailcall;
266   }
267 }
269 size_t TrieBuilder::build() {
270   if (exported.empty())
271     return 0;
273   TrieNode *root = makeNode();
274   sortAndBuild(exported, root, 0, 0);
276   // Assign each node in the vector an offset in the trie stream, iterating
277   // until all uleb128 sizes have stabilized.
278   size_t offset;
279   bool more;
280   do {
281     offset = 0;
282     more = false;
283     for (TrieNode *node : nodes)
284       more |= node->updateOffset(offset);
285   } while (more);
287   return offset;
288 }
290 void TrieBuilder::writeTo(uint8_t *buf) const {
291   for (TrieNode *node : nodes)
292     node->writeTo(buf);
293 }
295 namespace {
297 // Parse a serialized trie and invoke a callback for each entry.
298 class TrieParser {
299 public:
300   TrieParser(const uint8_t *buf, size_t size, const TrieEntryCallback &callback)
301       : start(buf), end(start + size), callback(callback) {}
303   void parse(const uint8_t *buf, const Twine &cumulativeString);
305   void parse() { parse(start, ""); }
307   const uint8_t *start;
308   const uint8_t *end;
309   const TrieEntryCallback &callback;
310 };
312 } // namespace
314 void TrieParser::parse(const uint8_t *buf, const Twine &cumulativeString) {
315   if (buf >= end)
316     fatal("Node offset points outside export section");
318   unsigned ulebSize;
319   uint64_t terminalSize = decodeULEB128(buf, &ulebSize);
320   buf += ulebSize;
321   uint64_t flags = 0;
322   size_t offset;
323   if (terminalSize != 0) {
324     flags = decodeULEB128(buf, &ulebSize);
325     callback(cumulativeString, flags);
326   }
327   buf += terminalSize;
328   uint8_t numEdges = *buf++;
329   for (uint8_t i = 0; i < numEdges; ++i) {
330     const char *cbuf = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buf);
331     StringRef substring = StringRef(cbuf, strnlen(cbuf, end - buf));
332     buf += substring.size() + 1;
333     offset = decodeULEB128(buf, &ulebSize);
334     buf += ulebSize;
335     parse(start + offset, cumulativeString + substring);
336   }
337 }
339 void macho::parseTrie(const uint8_t *buf, size_t size,
340                       const TrieEntryCallback &callback) {
341   if (size == 0)
342     return;
344   TrieParser(buf, size, callback).parse();
345 }