xref: /freebsd/contrib/llvm-project/lld/COFF/Driver.cpp (revision 1dfcff294e44d4b45813288ef4095c36abb22f0e)
1 //===- Driver.cpp ---------------------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "Driver.h"
10 #include "COFFLinkerContext.h"
11 #include "Config.h"
12 #include "DebugTypes.h"
13 #include "ICF.h"
14 #include "InputFiles.h"
15 #include "MarkLive.h"
16 #include "MinGW.h"
17 #include "SymbolTable.h"
18 #include "Symbols.h"
19 #include "Writer.h"
20 #include "lld/Common/Args.h"
21 #include "lld/Common/Driver.h"
22 #include "lld/Common/Filesystem.h"
23 #include "lld/Common/Timer.h"
24 #include "lld/Common/Version.h"
25 #include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
26 #include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
27 #include "llvm/BinaryFormat/Magic.h"
28 #include "llvm/Config/llvm-config.h"
29 #include "llvm/LTO/LTO.h"
30 #include "llvm/Object/ArchiveWriter.h"
31 #include "llvm/Object/COFFImportFile.h"
32 #include "llvm/Object/COFFModuleDefinition.h"
33 #include "llvm/Object/WindowsMachineFlag.h"
34 #include "llvm/Option/Arg.h"
35 #include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h"
36 #include "llvm/Option/Option.h"
37 #include "llvm/Support/BinaryStreamReader.h"
38 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
39 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
40 #include "llvm/Support/LEB128.h"
41 #include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
42 #include "llvm/Support/Parallel.h"
43 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
44 #include "llvm/Support/Process.h"
45 #include "llvm/Support/TarWriter.h"
46 #include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h"
47 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
48 #include "llvm/ToolDrivers/llvm-lib/LibDriver.h"
49 #include <algorithm>
50 #include <future>
51 #include <memory>
53 using namespace llvm;
54 using namespace llvm::object;
55 using namespace llvm::COFF;
56 using namespace llvm::sys;
58 namespace lld {
59 namespace coff {
61 std::unique_ptr<Configuration> config;
62 std::unique_ptr<LinkerDriver> driver;
64 bool link(ArrayRef<const char *> args, llvm::raw_ostream &stdoutOS,
65           llvm::raw_ostream &stderrOS, bool exitEarly, bool disableOutput) {
66   // This driver-specific context will be freed later by lldMain().
67   auto *ctx = new COFFLinkerContext;
69   ctx->e.initialize(stdoutOS, stderrOS, exitEarly, disableOutput);
70   ctx->e.logName = args::getFilenameWithoutExe(args[0]);
71   ctx->e.errorLimitExceededMsg = "too many errors emitted, stopping now"
72                                  " (use /errorlimit:0 to see all errors)";
74   config = std::make_unique<Configuration>();
75   driver = std::make_unique<LinkerDriver>(*ctx);
77   driver->linkerMain(args);
79   return errorCount() == 0;
80 }
82 // Parse options of the form "old;new".
83 static std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> getOldNewOptions(opt::InputArgList &args,
84                                                         unsigned id) {
85   auto *arg = args.getLastArg(id);
86   if (!arg)
87     return {"", ""};
89   StringRef s = arg->getValue();
90   std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> ret = s.split(';');
91   if (ret.second.empty())
92     error(arg->getSpelling() + " expects 'old;new' format, but got " + s);
93   return ret;
94 }
96 // Drop directory components and replace extension with
97 // ".exe", ".dll" or ".sys".
98 static std::string getOutputPath(StringRef path) {
99   StringRef ext = ".exe";
100   if (config->dll)
101     ext = ".dll";
102   else if (config->driver)
103     ext = ".sys";
105   return (sys::path::stem(path) + ext).str();
106 }
108 // Returns true if S matches /crtend.?\.o$/.
109 static bool isCrtend(StringRef s) {
110   if (!s.endswith(".o"))
111     return false;
112   s = s.drop_back(2);
113   if (s.endswith("crtend"))
114     return true;
115   return !s.empty() && s.drop_back().endswith("crtend");
116 }
118 // ErrorOr is not default constructible, so it cannot be used as the type
119 // parameter of a future.
120 // FIXME: We could open the file in createFutureForFile and avoid needing to
121 // return an error here, but for the moment that would cost us a file descriptor
122 // (a limited resource on Windows) for the duration that the future is pending.
123 using MBErrPair = std::pair<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>, std::error_code>;
125 // Create a std::future that opens and maps a file using the best strategy for
126 // the host platform.
127 static std::future<MBErrPair> createFutureForFile(std::string path) {
128 #if _WIN64
129   // On Windows, file I/O is relatively slow so it is best to do this
130   // asynchronously.  But 32-bit has issues with potentially launching tons
131   // of threads
132   auto strategy = std::launch::async;
133 #else
134   auto strategy = std::launch::deferred;
135 #endif
136   return std::async(strategy, [=]() {
137     auto mbOrErr = MemoryBuffer::getFile(path, /*IsText=*/false,
138                                          /*RequiresNullTerminator=*/false);
139     if (!mbOrErr)
140       return MBErrPair{nullptr, mbOrErr.getError()};
141     return MBErrPair{std::move(*mbOrErr), std::error_code()};
142   });
143 }
145 // Symbol names are mangled by prepending "_" on x86.
146 static StringRef mangle(StringRef sym) {
147   assert(config->machine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN);
148   if (config->machine == I386)
149     return saver().save("_" + sym);
150   return sym;
151 }
153 bool LinkerDriver::findUnderscoreMangle(StringRef sym) {
154   Symbol *s = ctx.symtab.findMangle(mangle(sym));
155   return s && !isa<Undefined>(s);
156 }
158 MemoryBufferRef LinkerDriver::takeBuffer(std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> mb) {
159   MemoryBufferRef mbref = *mb;
160   make<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>>(std::move(mb)); // take ownership
162   if (driver->tar)
163     driver->tar->append(relativeToRoot(mbref.getBufferIdentifier()),
164                         mbref.getBuffer());
165   return mbref;
166 }
168 void LinkerDriver::addBuffer(std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> mb,
169                              bool wholeArchive, bool lazy) {
170   StringRef filename = mb->getBufferIdentifier();
172   MemoryBufferRef mbref = takeBuffer(std::move(mb));
173   filePaths.push_back(filename);
175   // File type is detected by contents, not by file extension.
176   switch (identify_magic(mbref.getBuffer())) {
177   case file_magic::windows_resource:
178     resources.push_back(mbref);
179     break;
180   case file_magic::archive:
181     if (wholeArchive) {
182       std::unique_ptr<Archive> file =
183           CHECK(Archive::create(mbref), filename + ": failed to parse archive");
184       Archive *archive = file.get();
185       make<std::unique_ptr<Archive>>(std::move(file)); // take ownership
187       int memberIndex = 0;
188       for (MemoryBufferRef m : getArchiveMembers(archive))
189         addArchiveBuffer(m, "<whole-archive>", filename, memberIndex++);
190       return;
191     }
192     ctx.symtab.addFile(make<ArchiveFile>(ctx, mbref));
193     break;
194   case file_magic::bitcode:
195     ctx.symtab.addFile(make<BitcodeFile>(ctx, mbref, "", 0, lazy));
196     break;
197   case file_magic::coff_object:
198   case file_magic::coff_import_library:
199     ctx.symtab.addFile(make<ObjFile>(ctx, mbref, lazy));
200     break;
201   case file_magic::pdb:
202     ctx.symtab.addFile(make<PDBInputFile>(ctx, mbref));
203     break;
204   case file_magic::coff_cl_gl_object:
205     error(filename + ": is not a native COFF file. Recompile without /GL");
206     break;
207   case file_magic::pecoff_executable:
208     if (config->mingw) {
209       ctx.symtab.addFile(make<DLLFile>(ctx, mbref));
210       break;
211     }
212     if (filename.endswith_insensitive(".dll")) {
213       error(filename + ": bad file type. Did you specify a DLL instead of an "
214                        "import library?");
215       break;
216     }
218   default:
219     error(mbref.getBufferIdentifier() + ": unknown file type");
220     break;
221   }
222 }
224 void LinkerDriver::enqueuePath(StringRef path, bool wholeArchive, bool lazy) {
225   auto future = std::make_shared<std::future<MBErrPair>>(
226       createFutureForFile(std::string(path)));
227   std::string pathStr = std::string(path);
228   enqueueTask([=]() {
229     auto mbOrErr = future->get();
230     if (mbOrErr.second) {
231       std::string msg =
232           "could not open '" + pathStr + "': " + mbOrErr.second.message();
233       // Check if the filename is a typo for an option flag. OptTable thinks
234       // that all args that are not known options and that start with / are
235       // filenames, but e.g. `/nodefaultlibs` is more likely a typo for
236       // the option `/nodefaultlib` than a reference to a file in the root
237       // directory.
238       std::string nearest;
239       if (optTable.findNearest(pathStr, nearest) > 1)
240         error(msg);
241       else
242         error(msg + "; did you mean '" + nearest + "'");
243     } else
244       driver->addBuffer(std::move(mbOrErr.first), wholeArchive, lazy);
245   });
246 }
248 void LinkerDriver::addArchiveBuffer(MemoryBufferRef mb, StringRef symName,
249                                     StringRef parentName,
250                                     uint64_t offsetInArchive) {
251   file_magic magic = identify_magic(mb.getBuffer());
252   if (magic == file_magic::coff_import_library) {
253     InputFile *imp = make<ImportFile>(ctx, mb);
254     imp->parentName = parentName;
255     ctx.symtab.addFile(imp);
256     return;
257   }
259   InputFile *obj;
260   if (magic == file_magic::coff_object) {
261     obj = make<ObjFile>(ctx, mb);
262   } else if (magic == file_magic::bitcode) {
263     obj =
264         make<BitcodeFile>(ctx, mb, parentName, offsetInArchive, /*lazy=*/false);
265   } else {
266     error("unknown file type: " + mb.getBufferIdentifier());
267     return;
268   }
270   obj->parentName = parentName;
271   ctx.symtab.addFile(obj);
272   log("Loaded " + toString(obj) + " for " + symName);
273 }
275 void LinkerDriver::enqueueArchiveMember(const Archive::Child &c,
276                                         const Archive::Symbol &sym,
277                                         StringRef parentName) {
279   auto reportBufferError = [=](Error &&e, StringRef childName) {
280     fatal("could not get the buffer for the member defining symbol " +
281           toCOFFString(sym) + ": " + parentName + "(" + childName + "): " +
282           toString(std::move(e)));
283   };
285   if (!c.getParent()->isThin()) {
286     uint64_t offsetInArchive = c.getChildOffset();
287     Expected<MemoryBufferRef> mbOrErr = c.getMemoryBufferRef();
288     if (!mbOrErr)
289       reportBufferError(mbOrErr.takeError(), check(c.getFullName()));
290     MemoryBufferRef mb = mbOrErr.get();
291     enqueueTask([=]() {
292       driver->addArchiveBuffer(mb, toCOFFString(sym), parentName,
293                                offsetInArchive);
294     });
295     return;
296   }
298   std::string childName = CHECK(
299       c.getFullName(),
300       "could not get the filename for the member defining symbol " +
301       toCOFFString(sym));
302   auto future = std::make_shared<std::future<MBErrPair>>(
303       createFutureForFile(childName));
304   enqueueTask([=]() {
305     auto mbOrErr = future->get();
306     if (mbOrErr.second)
307       reportBufferError(errorCodeToError(mbOrErr.second), childName);
308     // Pass empty string as archive name so that the original filename is
309     // used as the buffer identifier.
310     driver->addArchiveBuffer(takeBuffer(std::move(mbOrErr.first)),
311                              toCOFFString(sym), "", /*OffsetInArchive=*/0);
312   });
313 }
315 static bool isDecorated(StringRef sym) {
316   return sym.startswith("@") || sym.contains("@@") || sym.startswith("?") ||
317          (!config->mingw && sym.contains('@'));
318 }
320 // Parses .drectve section contents and returns a list of files
321 // specified by /defaultlib.
322 void LinkerDriver::parseDirectives(InputFile *file) {
323   StringRef s = file->getDirectives();
324   if (s.empty())
325     return;
327   log("Directives: " + toString(file) + ": " + s);
329   ArgParser parser;
330   // .drectve is always tokenized using Windows shell rules.
331   // /EXPORT: option can appear too many times, processing in fastpath.
332   ParsedDirectives directives = parser.parseDirectives(s);
334   for (StringRef e : directives.exports) {
335     // If a common header file contains dllexported function
336     // declarations, many object files may end up with having the
337     // same /EXPORT options. In order to save cost of parsing them,
338     // we dedup them first.
339     if (!directivesExports.insert(e).second)
340       continue;
342     Export exp = parseExport(e);
343     if (config->machine == I386 && config->mingw) {
344       if (!isDecorated(exp.name))
345         exp.name = saver().save("_" + exp.name);
346       if (!exp.extName.empty() && !isDecorated(exp.extName))
347         exp.extName = saver().save("_" + exp.extName);
348     }
349     exp.directives = true;
350     config->exports.push_back(exp);
351   }
353   // Handle /include: in bulk.
354   for (StringRef inc : directives.includes)
355     addUndefined(inc);
357   // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/preprocessor/comment-c-cpp?view=msvc-160
358   for (auto *arg : directives.args) {
359     switch (arg->getOption().getID()) {
360     case OPT_aligncomm:
361       parseAligncomm(arg->getValue());
362       break;
363     case OPT_alternatename:
364       parseAlternateName(arg->getValue());
365       break;
366     case OPT_defaultlib:
367       if (Optional<StringRef> path = findLib(arg->getValue()))
368         enqueuePath(*path, false, false);
369       break;
370     case OPT_entry:
371       config->entry = addUndefined(mangle(arg->getValue()));
372       break;
373     case OPT_failifmismatch:
374       checkFailIfMismatch(arg->getValue(), file);
375       break;
376     case OPT_incl:
377       addUndefined(arg->getValue());
378       break;
379     case OPT_manifestdependency:
380       config->manifestDependencies.insert(arg->getValue());
381       break;
382     case OPT_merge:
383       parseMerge(arg->getValue());
384       break;
385     case OPT_nodefaultlib:
386       config->noDefaultLibs.insert(doFindLib(arg->getValue()).lower());
387       break;
388     case OPT_section:
389       parseSection(arg->getValue());
390       break;
391     case OPT_stack:
392       parseNumbers(arg->getValue(), &config->stackReserve,
393                    &config->stackCommit);
394       break;
395     case OPT_subsystem: {
396       bool gotVersion = false;
397       parseSubsystem(arg->getValue(), &config->subsystem,
398                      &config->majorSubsystemVersion,
399                      &config->minorSubsystemVersion, &gotVersion);
400       if (gotVersion) {
401         config->majorOSVersion = config->majorSubsystemVersion;
402         config->minorOSVersion = config->minorSubsystemVersion;
403       }
404       break;
405     }
406     // Only add flags here that link.exe accepts in
407     // `#pragma comment(linker, "/flag")`-generated sections.
408     case OPT_editandcontinue:
409     case OPT_guardsym:
410     case OPT_throwingnew:
411       break;
412     default:
413       error(arg->getSpelling() + " is not allowed in .drectve");
414     }
415   }
416 }
418 // Find file from search paths. You can omit ".obj", this function takes
419 // care of that. Note that the returned path is not guaranteed to exist.
420 StringRef LinkerDriver::doFindFile(StringRef filename) {
421   bool hasPathSep = (filename.find_first_of("/\\") != StringRef::npos);
422   if (hasPathSep)
423     return filename;
424   bool hasExt = filename.contains('.');
425   for (StringRef dir : searchPaths) {
426     SmallString<128> path = dir;
427     sys::path::append(path, filename);
428     if (sys::fs::exists(path.str()))
429       return saver().save(path.str());
430     if (!hasExt) {
431       path.append(".obj");
432       if (sys::fs::exists(path.str()))
433         return saver().save(path.str());
434     }
435   }
436   return filename;
437 }
439 static Optional<sys::fs::UniqueID> getUniqueID(StringRef path) {
440   sys::fs::UniqueID ret;
441   if (sys::fs::getUniqueID(path, ret))
442     return None;
443   return ret;
444 }
446 // Resolves a file path. This never returns the same path
447 // (in that case, it returns None).
448 Optional<StringRef> LinkerDriver::findFile(StringRef filename) {
449   StringRef path = doFindFile(filename);
451   if (Optional<sys::fs::UniqueID> id = getUniqueID(path)) {
452     bool seen = !visitedFiles.insert(*id).second;
453     if (seen)
454       return None;
455   }
457   if (path.endswith_insensitive(".lib"))
458     visitedLibs.insert(std::string(sys::path::filename(path)));
459   return path;
460 }
462 // MinGW specific. If an embedded directive specified to link to
463 // foo.lib, but it isn't found, try libfoo.a instead.
464 StringRef LinkerDriver::doFindLibMinGW(StringRef filename) {
465   if (filename.contains('/') || filename.contains('\\'))
466     return filename;
468   SmallString<128> s = filename;
469   sys::path::replace_extension(s, ".a");
470   StringRef libName = saver().save("lib" + s.str());
471   return doFindFile(libName);
472 }
474 // Find library file from search path.
475 StringRef LinkerDriver::doFindLib(StringRef filename) {
476   // Add ".lib" to Filename if that has no file extension.
477   bool hasExt = filename.contains('.');
478   if (!hasExt)
479     filename = saver().save(filename + ".lib");
480   StringRef ret = doFindFile(filename);
481   // For MinGW, if the find above didn't turn up anything, try
482   // looking for a MinGW formatted library name.
483   if (config->mingw && ret == filename)
484     return doFindLibMinGW(filename);
485   return ret;
486 }
488 // Resolves a library path. /nodefaultlib options are taken into
489 // consideration. This never returns the same path (in that case,
490 // it returns None).
491 Optional<StringRef> LinkerDriver::findLib(StringRef filename) {
492   if (config->noDefaultLibAll)
493     return None;
494   if (!visitedLibs.insert(filename.lower()).second)
495     return None;
497   StringRef path = doFindLib(filename);
498   if (config->noDefaultLibs.count(path.lower()))
499     return None;
501   if (Optional<sys::fs::UniqueID> id = getUniqueID(path))
502     if (!visitedFiles.insert(*id).second)
503       return None;
504   return path;
505 }
507 // Parses LIB environment which contains a list of search paths.
508 void LinkerDriver::addLibSearchPaths() {
509   Optional<std::string> envOpt = Process::GetEnv("LIB");
510   if (!envOpt.hasValue())
511     return;
512   StringRef env = saver().save(*envOpt);
513   while (!env.empty()) {
514     StringRef path;
515     std::tie(path, env) = env.split(';');
516     searchPaths.push_back(path);
517   }
518 }
520 Symbol *LinkerDriver::addUndefined(StringRef name) {
521   Symbol *b = ctx.symtab.addUndefined(name);
522   if (!b->isGCRoot) {
523     b->isGCRoot = true;
524     config->gcroot.push_back(b);
525   }
526   return b;
527 }
529 StringRef LinkerDriver::mangleMaybe(Symbol *s) {
530   // If the plain symbol name has already been resolved, do nothing.
531   Undefined *unmangled = dyn_cast<Undefined>(s);
532   if (!unmangled)
533     return "";
535   // Otherwise, see if a similar, mangled symbol exists in the symbol table.
536   Symbol *mangled = ctx.symtab.findMangle(unmangled->getName());
537   if (!mangled)
538     return "";
540   // If we find a similar mangled symbol, make this an alias to it and return
541   // its name.
542   log(unmangled->getName() + " aliased to " + mangled->getName());
543   unmangled->weakAlias = ctx.symtab.addUndefined(mangled->getName());
544   return mangled->getName();
545 }
547 // Windows specific -- find default entry point name.
548 //
549 // There are four different entry point functions for Windows executables,
550 // each of which corresponds to a user-defined "main" function. This function
551 // infers an entry point from a user-defined "main" function.
552 StringRef LinkerDriver::findDefaultEntry() {
553   assert(config->subsystem != IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_UNKNOWN &&
554          "must handle /subsystem before calling this");
556   if (config->mingw)
557     return mangle(config->subsystem == IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI
558                       ? "WinMainCRTStartup"
559                       : "mainCRTStartup");
561   if (config->subsystem == IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI) {
562     if (findUnderscoreMangle("wWinMain")) {
563       if (!findUnderscoreMangle("WinMain"))
564         return mangle("wWinMainCRTStartup");
565       warn("found both wWinMain and WinMain; using latter");
566     }
567     return mangle("WinMainCRTStartup");
568   }
569   if (findUnderscoreMangle("wmain")) {
570     if (!findUnderscoreMangle("main"))
571       return mangle("wmainCRTStartup");
572     warn("found both wmain and main; using latter");
573   }
574   return mangle("mainCRTStartup");
575 }
577 WindowsSubsystem LinkerDriver::inferSubsystem() {
578   if (config->dll)
580   if (config->mingw)
582   // Note that link.exe infers the subsystem from the presence of these
583   // functions even if /entry: or /nodefaultlib are passed which causes them
584   // to not be called.
585   bool haveMain = findUnderscoreMangle("main");
586   bool haveWMain = findUnderscoreMangle("wmain");
587   bool haveWinMain = findUnderscoreMangle("WinMain");
588   bool haveWWinMain = findUnderscoreMangle("wWinMain");
589   if (haveMain || haveWMain) {
590     if (haveWinMain || haveWWinMain) {
591       warn(std::string("found ") + (haveMain ? "main" : "wmain") + " and " +
592            (haveWinMain ? "WinMain" : "wWinMain") +
593            "; defaulting to /subsystem:console");
594     }
596   }
597   if (haveWinMain || haveWWinMain)
600 }
602 static uint64_t getDefaultImageBase() {
603   if (config->is64())
604     return config->dll ? 0x180000000 : 0x140000000;
605   return config->dll ? 0x10000000 : 0x400000;
606 }
608 static std::string rewritePath(StringRef s) {
609   if (fs::exists(s))
610     return relativeToRoot(s);
611   return std::string(s);
612 }
614 // Reconstructs command line arguments so that so that you can re-run
615 // the same command with the same inputs. This is for --reproduce.
616 static std::string createResponseFile(const opt::InputArgList &args,
617                                       ArrayRef<StringRef> filePaths,
618                                       ArrayRef<StringRef> searchPaths) {
619   SmallString<0> data;
620   raw_svector_ostream os(data);
622   for (auto *arg : args) {
623     switch (arg->getOption().getID()) {
624     case OPT_linkrepro:
625     case OPT_reproduce:
626     case OPT_INPUT:
627     case OPT_defaultlib:
628     case OPT_libpath:
629       break;
630     case OPT_call_graph_ordering_file:
631     case OPT_deffile:
632     case OPT_manifestinput:
633     case OPT_natvis:
634       os << arg->getSpelling() << quote(rewritePath(arg->getValue())) << '\n';
635       break;
636     case OPT_order: {
637       StringRef orderFile = arg->getValue();
638       orderFile.consume_front("@");
639       os << arg->getSpelling() << '@' << quote(rewritePath(orderFile)) << '\n';
640       break;
641     }
642     case OPT_pdbstream: {
643       const std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> nameFile =
644           StringRef(arg->getValue()).split("=");
645       os << arg->getSpelling() << nameFile.first << '='
646          << quote(rewritePath(nameFile.second)) << '\n';
647       break;
648     }
649     case OPT_implib:
650     case OPT_manifestfile:
651     case OPT_pdb:
652     case OPT_pdbstripped:
653     case OPT_out:
654       os << arg->getSpelling() << sys::path::filename(arg->getValue()) << "\n";
655       break;
656     default:
657       os << toString(*arg) << "\n";
658     }
659   }
661   for (StringRef path : searchPaths) {
662     std::string relPath = relativeToRoot(path);
663     os << "/libpath:" << quote(relPath) << "\n";
664   }
666   for (StringRef path : filePaths)
667     os << quote(relativeToRoot(path)) << "\n";
669   return std::string(data.str());
670 }
672 enum class DebugKind {
673   Unknown,
674   None,
675   Full,
676   FastLink,
677   GHash,
678   NoGHash,
679   Dwarf,
680   Symtab
681 };
683 static DebugKind parseDebugKind(const opt::InputArgList &args) {
684   auto *a = args.getLastArg(OPT_debug, OPT_debug_opt);
685   if (!a)
686     return DebugKind::None;
687   if (a->getNumValues() == 0)
688     return DebugKind::Full;
690   DebugKind debug = StringSwitch<DebugKind>(a->getValue())
691                         .CaseLower("none", DebugKind::None)
692                         .CaseLower("full", DebugKind::Full)
693                         .CaseLower("fastlink", DebugKind::FastLink)
694                         // LLD extensions
695                         .CaseLower("ghash", DebugKind::GHash)
696                         .CaseLower("noghash", DebugKind::NoGHash)
697                         .CaseLower("dwarf", DebugKind::Dwarf)
698                         .CaseLower("symtab", DebugKind::Symtab)
699                         .Default(DebugKind::Unknown);
701   if (debug == DebugKind::FastLink) {
702     warn("/debug:fastlink unsupported; using /debug:full");
703     return DebugKind::Full;
704   }
705   if (debug == DebugKind::Unknown) {
706     error("/debug: unknown option: " + Twine(a->getValue()));
707     return DebugKind::None;
708   }
709   return debug;
710 }
712 static unsigned parseDebugTypes(const opt::InputArgList &args) {
713   unsigned debugTypes = static_cast<unsigned>(DebugType::None);
715   if (auto *a = args.getLastArg(OPT_debugtype)) {
716     SmallVector<StringRef, 3> types;
717     StringRef(a->getValue())
718         .split(types, ',', /*MaxSplit=*/-1, /*KeepEmpty=*/false);
720     for (StringRef type : types) {
721       unsigned v = StringSwitch<unsigned>(type.lower())
722                        .Case("cv", static_cast<unsigned>(DebugType::CV))
723                        .Case("pdata", static_cast<unsigned>(DebugType::PData))
724                        .Case("fixup", static_cast<unsigned>(DebugType::Fixup))
725                        .Default(0);
726       if (v == 0) {
727         warn("/debugtype: unknown option '" + type + "'");
728         continue;
729       }
730       debugTypes |= v;
731     }
732     return debugTypes;
733   }
735   // Default debug types
736   debugTypes = static_cast<unsigned>(DebugType::CV);
737   if (args.hasArg(OPT_driver))
738     debugTypes |= static_cast<unsigned>(DebugType::PData);
739   if (args.hasArg(OPT_profile))
740     debugTypes |= static_cast<unsigned>(DebugType::Fixup);
742   return debugTypes;
743 }
745 static std::string getMapFile(const opt::InputArgList &args,
746                               opt::OptSpecifier os, opt::OptSpecifier osFile) {
747   auto *arg = args.getLastArg(os, osFile);
748   if (!arg)
749     return "";
750   if (arg->getOption().getID() == osFile.getID())
751     return arg->getValue();
753   assert(arg->getOption().getID() == os.getID());
754   StringRef outFile = config->outputFile;
755   return (outFile.substr(0, outFile.rfind('.')) + ".map").str();
756 }
758 static std::string getImplibPath() {
759   if (!config->implib.empty())
760     return std::string(config->implib);
761   SmallString<128> out = StringRef(config->outputFile);
762   sys::path::replace_extension(out, ".lib");
763   return std::string(out.str());
764 }
766 // The import name is calculated as follows:
767 //
768 //        | LIBRARY w/ ext |   LIBRARY w/o ext   | no LIBRARY
769 //   -----+----------------+---------------------+------------------
770 //   LINK | {value}        | {value}.{.dll/.exe} | {output name}
771 //    LIB | {value}        | {value}.dll         | {output name}.dll
772 //
773 static std::string getImportName(bool asLib) {
774   SmallString<128> out;
776   if (config->importName.empty()) {
777     out.assign(sys::path::filename(config->outputFile));
778     if (asLib)
779       sys::path::replace_extension(out, ".dll");
780   } else {
781     out.assign(config->importName);
782     if (!sys::path::has_extension(out))
783       sys::path::replace_extension(out,
784                                    (config->dll || asLib) ? ".dll" : ".exe");
785   }
787   return std::string(out.str());
788 }
790 static void createImportLibrary(bool asLib) {
791   std::vector<COFFShortExport> exports;
792   for (Export &e1 : config->exports) {
793     COFFShortExport e2;
794     e2.Name = std::string(e1.name);
795     e2.SymbolName = std::string(e1.symbolName);
796     e2.ExtName = std::string(e1.extName);
797     e2.AliasTarget = std::string(e1.aliasTarget);
798     e2.Ordinal = e1.ordinal;
799     e2.Noname = e1.noname;
800     e2.Data = e1.data;
801     e2.Private = e1.isPrivate;
802     e2.Constant = e1.constant;
803     exports.push_back(e2);
804   }
806   std::string libName = getImportName(asLib);
807   std::string path = getImplibPath();
809   if (!config->incremental) {
810     checkError(writeImportLibrary(libName, path, exports, config->machine,
811                                   config->mingw));
812     return;
813   }
815   // If the import library already exists, replace it only if the contents
816   // have changed.
817   ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> oldBuf = MemoryBuffer::getFile(
818       path, /*IsText=*/false, /*RequiresNullTerminator=*/false);
819   if (!oldBuf) {
820     checkError(writeImportLibrary(libName, path, exports, config->machine,
821                                   config->mingw));
822     return;
823   }
825   SmallString<128> tmpName;
826   if (std::error_code ec =
827           sys::fs::createUniqueFile(path + ".tmp-%%%%%%%%.lib", tmpName))
828     fatal("cannot create temporary file for import library " + path + ": " +
829           ec.message());
831   if (Error e = writeImportLibrary(libName, tmpName, exports, config->machine,
832                                    config->mingw)) {
833     checkError(std::move(e));
834     return;
835   }
837   std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> newBuf = check(MemoryBuffer::getFile(
838       tmpName, /*IsText=*/false, /*RequiresNullTerminator=*/false));
839   if ((*oldBuf)->getBuffer() != newBuf->getBuffer()) {
840     oldBuf->reset();
841     checkError(errorCodeToError(sys::fs::rename(tmpName, path)));
842   } else {
843     sys::fs::remove(tmpName);
844   }
845 }
847 static void parseModuleDefs(StringRef path) {
848   std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> mb =
849       CHECK(MemoryBuffer::getFile(path, /*IsText=*/false,
850                                   /*RequiresNullTerminator=*/false,
851                                   /*IsVolatile=*/true),
852             "could not open " + path);
853   COFFModuleDefinition m = check(parseCOFFModuleDefinition(
854       mb->getMemBufferRef(), config->machine, config->mingw));
856   // Include in /reproduce: output if applicable.
857   driver->takeBuffer(std::move(mb));
859   if (config->outputFile.empty())
860     config->outputFile = std::string(saver().save(m.OutputFile));
861   config->importName = std::string(saver().save(m.ImportName));
862   if (m.ImageBase)
863     config->imageBase = m.ImageBase;
864   if (m.StackReserve)
865     config->stackReserve = m.StackReserve;
866   if (m.StackCommit)
867     config->stackCommit = m.StackCommit;
868   if (m.HeapReserve)
869     config->heapReserve = m.HeapReserve;
870   if (m.HeapCommit)
871     config->heapCommit = m.HeapCommit;
872   if (m.MajorImageVersion)
873     config->majorImageVersion = m.MajorImageVersion;
874   if (m.MinorImageVersion)
875     config->minorImageVersion = m.MinorImageVersion;
876   if (m.MajorOSVersion)
877     config->majorOSVersion = m.MajorOSVersion;
878   if (m.MinorOSVersion)
879     config->minorOSVersion = m.MinorOSVersion;
881   for (COFFShortExport e1 : m.Exports) {
882     Export e2;
883     // In simple cases, only Name is set. Renamed exports are parsed
884     // and set as "ExtName = Name". If Name has the form "OtherDll.Func",
885     // it shouldn't be a normal exported function but a forward to another
886     // DLL instead. This is supported by both MS and GNU linkers.
887     if (!e1.ExtName.empty() && e1.ExtName != e1.Name &&
888         StringRef(e1.Name).contains('.')) {
889       e2.name = saver().save(e1.ExtName);
890       e2.forwardTo = saver().save(e1.Name);
891       config->exports.push_back(e2);
892       continue;
893     }
894     e2.name = saver().save(e1.Name);
895     e2.extName = saver().save(e1.ExtName);
896     e2.aliasTarget = saver().save(e1.AliasTarget);
897     e2.ordinal = e1.Ordinal;
898     e2.noname = e1.Noname;
899     e2.data = e1.Data;
900     e2.isPrivate = e1.Private;
901     e2.constant = e1.Constant;
902     config->exports.push_back(e2);
903   }
904 }
906 void LinkerDriver::enqueueTask(std::function<void()> task) {
907   taskQueue.push_back(std::move(task));
908 }
910 bool LinkerDriver::run() {
911   ScopedTimer t(ctx.inputFileTimer);
913   bool didWork = !taskQueue.empty();
914   while (!taskQueue.empty()) {
915     taskQueue.front()();
916     taskQueue.pop_front();
917   }
918   return didWork;
919 }
921 // Parse an /order file. If an option is given, the linker places
922 // COMDAT sections in the same order as their names appear in the
923 // given file.
924 static void parseOrderFile(COFFLinkerContext &ctx, StringRef arg) {
925   // For some reason, the MSVC linker requires a filename to be
926   // preceded by "@".
927   if (!arg.startswith("@")) {
928     error("malformed /order option: '@' missing");
929     return;
930   }
932   // Get a list of all comdat sections for error checking.
933   DenseSet<StringRef> set;
934   for (Chunk *c : ctx.symtab.getChunks())
935     if (auto *sec = dyn_cast<SectionChunk>(c))
936       if (sec->sym)
937         set.insert(sec->sym->getName());
939   // Open a file.
940   StringRef path = arg.substr(1);
941   std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> mb =
942       CHECK(MemoryBuffer::getFile(path, /*IsText=*/false,
943                                   /*RequiresNullTerminator=*/false,
944                                   /*IsVolatile=*/true),
945             "could not open " + path);
947   // Parse a file. An order file contains one symbol per line.
948   // All symbols that were not present in a given order file are
949   // considered to have the lowest priority 0 and are placed at
950   // end of an output section.
951   for (StringRef arg : args::getLines(mb->getMemBufferRef())) {
952     std::string s(arg);
953     if (config->machine == I386 && !isDecorated(s))
954       s = "_" + s;
956     if (set.count(s) == 0) {
957       if (config->warnMissingOrderSymbol)
958         warn("/order:" + arg + ": missing symbol: " + s + " [LNK4037]");
959     }
960     else
961       config->order[s] = INT_MIN + config->order.size();
962   }
964   // Include in /reproduce: output if applicable.
965   driver->takeBuffer(std::move(mb));
966 }
968 static void parseCallGraphFile(COFFLinkerContext &ctx, StringRef path) {
969   std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> mb =
970       CHECK(MemoryBuffer::getFile(path, /*IsText=*/false,
971                                   /*RequiresNullTerminator=*/false,
972                                   /*IsVolatile=*/true),
973             "could not open " + path);
975   // Build a map from symbol name to section.
976   DenseMap<StringRef, Symbol *> map;
977   for (ObjFile *file : ctx.objFileInstances)
978     for (Symbol *sym : file->getSymbols())
979       if (sym)
980         map[sym->getName()] = sym;
982   auto findSection = [&](StringRef name) -> SectionChunk * {
983     Symbol *sym = map.lookup(name);
984     if (!sym) {
985       if (config->warnMissingOrderSymbol)
986         warn(path + ": no such symbol: " + name);
987       return nullptr;
988     }
990     if (DefinedCOFF *dr = dyn_cast_or_null<DefinedCOFF>(sym))
991       return dyn_cast_or_null<SectionChunk>(dr->getChunk());
992     return nullptr;
993   };
995   for (StringRef line : args::getLines(*mb)) {
996     SmallVector<StringRef, 3> fields;
997     line.split(fields, ' ');
998     uint64_t count;
1000     if (fields.size() != 3 || !to_integer(fields[2], count)) {
1001       error(path + ": parse error");
1002       return;
1003     }
1005     if (SectionChunk *from = findSection(fields[0]))
1006       if (SectionChunk *to = findSection(fields[1]))
1007         config->callGraphProfile[{from, to}] += count;
1008   }
1010   // Include in /reproduce: output if applicable.
1011   driver->takeBuffer(std::move(mb));
1012 }
1014 static void readCallGraphsFromObjectFiles(COFFLinkerContext &ctx) {
1015   for (ObjFile *obj : ctx.objFileInstances) {
1016     if (obj->callgraphSec) {
1017       ArrayRef<uint8_t> contents;
1018       cantFail(
1019           obj->getCOFFObj()->getSectionContents(obj->callgraphSec, contents));
1020       BinaryStreamReader reader(contents, support::little);
1021       while (!reader.empty()) {
1022         uint32_t fromIndex, toIndex;
1023         uint64_t count;
1024         if (Error err = reader.readInteger(fromIndex))
1025           fatal(toString(obj) + ": Expected 32-bit integer");
1026         if (Error err = reader.readInteger(toIndex))
1027           fatal(toString(obj) + ": Expected 32-bit integer");
1028         if (Error err = reader.readInteger(count))
1029           fatal(toString(obj) + ": Expected 64-bit integer");
1030         auto *fromSym = dyn_cast_or_null<Defined>(obj->getSymbol(fromIndex));
1031         auto *toSym = dyn_cast_or_null<Defined>(obj->getSymbol(toIndex));
1032         if (!fromSym || !toSym)
1033           continue;
1034         auto *from = dyn_cast_or_null<SectionChunk>(fromSym->getChunk());
1035         auto *to = dyn_cast_or_null<SectionChunk>(toSym->getChunk());
1036         if (from && to)
1037           config->callGraphProfile[{from, to}] += count;
1038       }
1039     }
1040   }
1041 }
1043 static void markAddrsig(Symbol *s) {
1044   if (auto *d = dyn_cast_or_null<Defined>(s))
1045     if (SectionChunk *c = dyn_cast_or_null<SectionChunk>(d->getChunk()))
1046       c->keepUnique = true;
1047 }
1049 static void findKeepUniqueSections(COFFLinkerContext &ctx) {
1050   // Exported symbols could be address-significant in other executables or DSOs,
1051   // so we conservatively mark them as address-significant.
1052   for (Export &r : config->exports)
1053     markAddrsig(r.sym);
1055   // Visit the address-significance table in each object file and mark each
1056   // referenced symbol as address-significant.
1057   for (ObjFile *obj : ctx.objFileInstances) {
1058     ArrayRef<Symbol *> syms = obj->getSymbols();
1059     if (obj->addrsigSec) {
1060       ArrayRef<uint8_t> contents;
1061       cantFail(
1062           obj->getCOFFObj()->getSectionContents(obj->addrsigSec, contents));
1063       const uint8_t *cur = contents.begin();
1064       while (cur != contents.end()) {
1065         unsigned size;
1066         const char *err;
1067         uint64_t symIndex = decodeULEB128(cur, &size, contents.end(), &err);
1068         if (err)
1069           fatal(toString(obj) + ": could not decode addrsig section: " + err);
1070         if (symIndex >= syms.size())
1071           fatal(toString(obj) + ": invalid symbol index in addrsig section");
1072         markAddrsig(syms[symIndex]);
1073         cur += size;
1074       }
1075     } else {
1076       // If an object file does not have an address-significance table,
1077       // conservatively mark all of its symbols as address-significant.
1078       for (Symbol *s : syms)
1079         markAddrsig(s);
1080     }
1081   }
1082 }
1084 // link.exe replaces each %foo% in altPath with the contents of environment
1085 // variable foo, and adds the two magic env vars _PDB (expands to the basename
1086 // of pdb's output path) and _EXT (expands to the extension of the output
1087 // binary).
1088 // lld only supports %_PDB% and %_EXT% and warns on references to all other env
1089 // vars.
1090 static void parsePDBAltPath(StringRef altPath) {
1091   SmallString<128> buf;
1092   StringRef pdbBasename =
1093       sys::path::filename(config->pdbPath, sys::path::Style::windows);
1094   StringRef binaryExtension =
1095       sys::path::extension(config->outputFile, sys::path::Style::windows);
1096   if (!binaryExtension.empty())
1097     binaryExtension = binaryExtension.substr(1); // %_EXT% does not include '.'.
1099   // Invariant:
1100   //   +--------- cursor ('a...' might be the empty string).
1101   //   |   +----- firstMark
1102   //   |   |   +- secondMark
1103   //   v   v   v
1104   //   a...%...%...
1105   size_t cursor = 0;
1106   while (cursor < altPath.size()) {
1107     size_t firstMark, secondMark;
1108     if ((firstMark = altPath.find('%', cursor)) == StringRef::npos ||
1109         (secondMark = altPath.find('%', firstMark + 1)) == StringRef::npos) {
1110       // Didn't find another full fragment, treat rest of string as literal.
1111       buf.append(altPath.substr(cursor));
1112       break;
1113     }
1115     // Found a full fragment. Append text in front of first %, and interpret
1116     // text between first and second % as variable name.
1117     buf.append(altPath.substr(cursor, firstMark - cursor));
1118     StringRef var = altPath.substr(firstMark, secondMark - firstMark + 1);
1119     if (var.equals_insensitive("%_pdb%"))
1120       buf.append(pdbBasename);
1121     else if (var.equals_insensitive("%_ext%"))
1122       buf.append(binaryExtension);
1123     else {
1124       warn("only %_PDB% and %_EXT% supported in /pdbaltpath:, keeping " +
1125            var + " as literal");
1126       buf.append(var);
1127     }
1129     cursor = secondMark + 1;
1130   }
1132   config->pdbAltPath = buf;
1133 }
1135 /// Convert resource files and potentially merge input resource object
1136 /// trees into one resource tree.
1137 /// Call after ObjFile::Instances is complete.
1138 void LinkerDriver::convertResources() {
1139   std::vector<ObjFile *> resourceObjFiles;
1141   for (ObjFile *f : ctx.objFileInstances) {
1142     if (f->isResourceObjFile())
1143       resourceObjFiles.push_back(f);
1144   }
1146   if (!config->mingw &&
1147       (resourceObjFiles.size() > 1 ||
1148        (resourceObjFiles.size() == 1 && !resources.empty()))) {
1149     error((!resources.empty() ? "internal .obj file created from .res files"
1150                               : toString(resourceObjFiles[1])) +
1151           ": more than one resource obj file not allowed, already got " +
1152           toString(resourceObjFiles.front()));
1153     return;
1154   }
1156   if (resources.empty() && resourceObjFiles.size() <= 1) {
1157     // No resources to convert, and max one resource object file in
1158     // the input. Keep that preconverted resource section as is.
1159     for (ObjFile *f : resourceObjFiles)
1160       f->includeResourceChunks();
1161     return;
1162   }
1163   ObjFile *f =
1164       make<ObjFile>(ctx, convertResToCOFF(resources, resourceObjFiles));
1165   ctx.symtab.addFile(f);
1166   f->includeResourceChunks();
1167 }
1169 // In MinGW, if no symbols are chosen to be exported, then all symbols are
1170 // automatically exported by default. This behavior can be forced by the
1171 // -export-all-symbols option, so that it happens even when exports are
1172 // explicitly specified. The automatic behavior can be disabled using the
1173 // -exclude-all-symbols option, so that lld-link behaves like link.exe rather
1174 // than MinGW in the case that nothing is explicitly exported.
1175 void LinkerDriver::maybeExportMinGWSymbols(const opt::InputArgList &args) {
1176   if (!args.hasArg(OPT_export_all_symbols)) {
1177     if (!config->dll)
1178       return;
1180     if (!config->exports.empty())
1181       return;
1182     if (args.hasArg(OPT_exclude_all_symbols))
1183       return;
1184   }
1186   AutoExporter exporter;
1188   for (auto *arg : args.filtered(OPT_wholearchive_file))
1189     if (Optional<StringRef> path = doFindFile(arg->getValue()))
1190       exporter.addWholeArchive(*path);
1192   ctx.symtab.forEachSymbol([&](Symbol *s) {
1193     auto *def = dyn_cast<Defined>(s);
1194     if (!exporter.shouldExport(ctx, def))
1195       return;
1197     if (!def->isGCRoot) {
1198       def->isGCRoot = true;
1199       config->gcroot.push_back(def);
1200     }
1202     Export e;
1203     e.name = def->getName();
1204     e.sym = def;
1205     if (Chunk *c = def->getChunk())
1206       if (!(c->getOutputCharacteristics() & IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE))
1207         e.data = true;
1208     s->isUsedInRegularObj = true;
1209     config->exports.push_back(e);
1210   });
1211 }
1213 // lld has a feature to create a tar file containing all input files as well as
1214 // all command line options, so that other people can run lld again with exactly
1215 // the same inputs. This feature is accessible via /linkrepro and /reproduce.
1216 //
1217 // /linkrepro and /reproduce are very similar, but /linkrepro takes a directory
1218 // name while /reproduce takes a full path. We have /linkrepro for compatibility
1219 // with Microsoft link.exe.
1220 Optional<std::string> getReproduceFile(const opt::InputArgList &args) {
1221   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_reproduce))
1222     return std::string(arg->getValue());
1224   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_linkrepro)) {
1225     SmallString<64> path = StringRef(arg->getValue());
1226     sys::path::append(path, "repro.tar");
1227     return std::string(path);
1228   }
1230   // This is intentionally not guarded by OPT_lldignoreenv since writing
1231   // a repro tar file doesn't affect the main output.
1232   if (auto *path = getenv("LLD_REPRODUCE"))
1233     return std::string(path);
1235   return None;
1236 }
1238 void LinkerDriver::linkerMain(ArrayRef<const char *> argsArr) {
1239   ScopedTimer rootTimer(ctx.rootTimer);
1241   // Needed for LTO.
1242   InitializeAllTargetInfos();
1243   InitializeAllTargets();
1244   InitializeAllTargetMCs();
1245   InitializeAllAsmParsers();
1246   InitializeAllAsmPrinters();
1248   // If the first command line argument is "/lib", link.exe acts like lib.exe.
1249   // We call our own implementation of lib.exe that understands bitcode files.
1250   if (argsArr.size() > 1 &&
1251       (StringRef(argsArr[1]).equals_insensitive("/lib") ||
1252        StringRef(argsArr[1]).equals_insensitive("-lib"))) {
1253     if (llvm::libDriverMain(argsArr.slice(1)) != 0)
1254       fatal("lib failed");
1255     return;
1256   }
1258   // Parse command line options.
1259   ArgParser parser;
1260   opt::InputArgList args = parser.parse(argsArr);
1262   // Parse and evaluate -mllvm options.
1263   std::vector<const char *> v;
1264   v.push_back("lld-link (LLVM option parsing)");
1265   for (auto *arg : args.filtered(OPT_mllvm))
1266     v.push_back(arg->getValue());
1267   cl::ResetAllOptionOccurrences();
1268   cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(v.size(), v.data());
1270   // Handle /errorlimit early, because error() depends on it.
1271   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_errorlimit)) {
1272     int n = 20;
1273     StringRef s = arg->getValue();
1274     if (s.getAsInteger(10, n))
1275       error(arg->getSpelling() + " number expected, but got " + s);
1276     errorHandler().errorLimit = n;
1277   }
1279   // Handle /help
1280   if (args.hasArg(OPT_help)) {
1281     printHelp(argsArr[0]);
1282     return;
1283   }
1285   // /threads: takes a positive integer and provides the default value for
1286   // /opt:lldltojobs=.
1287   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_threads)) {
1288     StringRef v(arg->getValue());
1289     unsigned threads = 0;
1290     if (!llvm::to_integer(v, threads, 0) || threads == 0)
1291       error(arg->getSpelling() + ": expected a positive integer, but got '" +
1292             arg->getValue() + "'");
1293     parallel::strategy = hardware_concurrency(threads);
1294     config->thinLTOJobs = v.str();
1295   }
1297   if (args.hasArg(OPT_show_timing))
1298     config->showTiming = true;
1300   config->showSummary = args.hasArg(OPT_summary);
1302   // Handle --version, which is an lld extension. This option is a bit odd
1303   // because it doesn't start with "/", but we deliberately chose "--" to
1304   // avoid conflict with /version and for compatibility with clang-cl.
1305   if (args.hasArg(OPT_dash_dash_version)) {
1306     message(getLLDVersion());
1307     return;
1308   }
1310   // Handle /lldmingw early, since it can potentially affect how other
1311   // options are handled.
1312   config->mingw = args.hasArg(OPT_lldmingw);
1314   // Handle /linkrepro and /reproduce.
1315   if (Optional<std::string> path = getReproduceFile(args)) {
1316     Expected<std::unique_ptr<TarWriter>> errOrWriter =
1317         TarWriter::create(*path, sys::path::stem(*path));
1319     if (errOrWriter) {
1320       tar = std::move(*errOrWriter);
1321     } else {
1322       error("/linkrepro: failed to open " + *path + ": " +
1323             toString(errOrWriter.takeError()));
1324     }
1325   }
1327   if (!args.hasArg(OPT_INPUT, OPT_wholearchive_file)) {
1328     if (args.hasArg(OPT_deffile))
1329       config->noEntry = true;
1330     else
1331       fatal("no input files");
1332   }
1334   // Construct search path list.
1335   searchPaths.push_back("");
1336   for (auto *arg : args.filtered(OPT_libpath))
1337     searchPaths.push_back(arg->getValue());
1338   if (!args.hasArg(OPT_lldignoreenv))
1339     addLibSearchPaths();
1341   // Handle /ignore
1342   for (auto *arg : args.filtered(OPT_ignore)) {
1343     SmallVector<StringRef, 8> vec;
1344     StringRef(arg->getValue()).split(vec, ',');
1345     for (StringRef s : vec) {
1346       if (s == "4037")
1347         config->warnMissingOrderSymbol = false;
1348       else if (s == "4099")
1349         config->warnDebugInfoUnusable = false;
1350       else if (s == "4217")
1351         config->warnLocallyDefinedImported = false;
1352       else if (s == "longsections")
1353         config->warnLongSectionNames = false;
1354       // Other warning numbers are ignored.
1355     }
1356   }
1358   // Handle /out
1359   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_out))
1360     config->outputFile = arg->getValue();
1362   // Handle /verbose
1363   if (args.hasArg(OPT_verbose))
1364     config->verbose = true;
1365   errorHandler().verbose = config->verbose;
1367   // Handle /force or /force:unresolved
1368   if (args.hasArg(OPT_force, OPT_force_unresolved))
1369     config->forceUnresolved = true;
1371   // Handle /force or /force:multiple
1372   if (args.hasArg(OPT_force, OPT_force_multiple))
1373     config->forceMultiple = true;
1375   // Handle /force or /force:multipleres
1376   if (args.hasArg(OPT_force, OPT_force_multipleres))
1377     config->forceMultipleRes = true;
1379   // Handle /debug
1380   DebugKind debug = parseDebugKind(args);
1381   if (debug == DebugKind::Full || debug == DebugKind::Dwarf ||
1382       debug == DebugKind::GHash || debug == DebugKind::NoGHash) {
1383     config->debug = true;
1384     config->incremental = true;
1385   }
1387   // Handle /demangle
1388   config->demangle = args.hasFlag(OPT_demangle, OPT_demangle_no);
1390   // Handle /debugtype
1391   config->debugTypes = parseDebugTypes(args);
1393   // Handle /driver[:uponly|:wdm].
1394   config->driverUponly = args.hasArg(OPT_driver_uponly) ||
1395                          args.hasArg(OPT_driver_uponly_wdm) ||
1396                          args.hasArg(OPT_driver_wdm_uponly);
1397   config->driverWdm = args.hasArg(OPT_driver_wdm) ||
1398                       args.hasArg(OPT_driver_uponly_wdm) ||
1399                       args.hasArg(OPT_driver_wdm_uponly);
1400   config->driver =
1401       config->driverUponly || config->driverWdm || args.hasArg(OPT_driver);
1403   // Handle /pdb
1404   bool shouldCreatePDB =
1405       (debug == DebugKind::Full || debug == DebugKind::GHash ||
1406        debug == DebugKind::NoGHash);
1407   if (shouldCreatePDB) {
1408     if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_pdb))
1409       config->pdbPath = arg->getValue();
1410     if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_pdbaltpath))
1411       config->pdbAltPath = arg->getValue();
1412     if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_pdbpagesize))
1413       parsePDBPageSize(arg->getValue());
1414     if (args.hasArg(OPT_natvis))
1415       config->natvisFiles = args.getAllArgValues(OPT_natvis);
1416     if (args.hasArg(OPT_pdbstream)) {
1417       for (const StringRef value : args.getAllArgValues(OPT_pdbstream)) {
1418         const std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> nameFile = value.split("=");
1419         const StringRef name = nameFile.first;
1420         const std::string file = nameFile.second.str();
1421         config->namedStreams[name] = file;
1422       }
1423     }
1425     if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_pdb_source_path))
1426       config->pdbSourcePath = arg->getValue();
1427   }
1429   // Handle /pdbstripped
1430   if (args.hasArg(OPT_pdbstripped))
1431     warn("ignoring /pdbstripped flag, it is not yet supported");
1433   // Handle /noentry
1434   if (args.hasArg(OPT_noentry)) {
1435     if (args.hasArg(OPT_dll))
1436       config->noEntry = true;
1437     else
1438       error("/noentry must be specified with /dll");
1439   }
1441   // Handle /dll
1442   if (args.hasArg(OPT_dll)) {
1443     config->dll = true;
1444     config->manifestID = 2;
1445   }
1447   // Handle /dynamicbase and /fixed. We can't use hasFlag for /dynamicbase
1448   // because we need to explicitly check whether that option or its inverse was
1449   // present in the argument list in order to handle /fixed.
1450   auto *dynamicBaseArg = args.getLastArg(OPT_dynamicbase, OPT_dynamicbase_no);
1451   if (dynamicBaseArg &&
1452       dynamicBaseArg->getOption().getID() == OPT_dynamicbase_no)
1453     config->dynamicBase = false;
1455   // MSDN claims "/FIXED:NO is the default setting for a DLL, and /FIXED is the
1456   // default setting for any other project type.", but link.exe defaults to
1457   // /FIXED:NO for exe outputs as well. Match behavior, not docs.
1458   bool fixed = args.hasFlag(OPT_fixed, OPT_fixed_no, false);
1459   if (fixed) {
1460     if (dynamicBaseArg &&
1461         dynamicBaseArg->getOption().getID() == OPT_dynamicbase) {
1462       error("/fixed must not be specified with /dynamicbase");
1463     } else {
1464       config->relocatable = false;
1465       config->dynamicBase = false;
1466     }
1467   }
1469   // Handle /appcontainer
1470   config->appContainer =
1471       args.hasFlag(OPT_appcontainer, OPT_appcontainer_no, false);
1473   // Handle /machine
1474   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_machine)) {
1475     config->machine = getMachineType(arg->getValue());
1476     if (config->machine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN)
1477       fatal(Twine("unknown /machine argument: ") + arg->getValue());
1478   }
1480   // Handle /nodefaultlib:<filename>
1481   for (auto *arg : args.filtered(OPT_nodefaultlib))
1482     config->noDefaultLibs.insert(doFindLib(arg->getValue()).lower());
1484   // Handle /nodefaultlib
1485   if (args.hasArg(OPT_nodefaultlib_all))
1486     config->noDefaultLibAll = true;
1488   // Handle /base
1489   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_base))
1490     parseNumbers(arg->getValue(), &config->imageBase);
1492   // Handle /filealign
1493   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_filealign)) {
1494     parseNumbers(arg->getValue(), &config->fileAlign);
1495     if (!isPowerOf2_64(config->fileAlign))
1496       error("/filealign: not a power of two: " + Twine(config->fileAlign));
1497   }
1499   // Handle /stack
1500   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_stack))
1501     parseNumbers(arg->getValue(), &config->stackReserve, &config->stackCommit);
1503   // Handle /guard:cf
1504   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_guard))
1505     parseGuard(arg->getValue());
1507   // Handle /heap
1508   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_heap))
1509     parseNumbers(arg->getValue(), &config->heapReserve, &config->heapCommit);
1511   // Handle /version
1512   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_version))
1513     parseVersion(arg->getValue(), &config->majorImageVersion,
1514                  &config->minorImageVersion);
1516   // Handle /subsystem
1517   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_subsystem))
1518     parseSubsystem(arg->getValue(), &config->subsystem,
1519                    &config->majorSubsystemVersion,
1520                    &config->minorSubsystemVersion);
1522   // Handle /osversion
1523   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_osversion)) {
1524     parseVersion(arg->getValue(), &config->majorOSVersion,
1525                  &config->minorOSVersion);
1526   } else {
1527     config->majorOSVersion = config->majorSubsystemVersion;
1528     config->minorOSVersion = config->minorSubsystemVersion;
1529   }
1531   // Handle /timestamp
1532   if (llvm::opt::Arg *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_timestamp, OPT_repro)) {
1533     if (arg->getOption().getID() == OPT_repro) {
1534       config->timestamp = 0;
1535       config->repro = true;
1536     } else {
1537       config->repro = false;
1538       StringRef value(arg->getValue());
1539       if (value.getAsInteger(0, config->timestamp))
1540         fatal(Twine("invalid timestamp: ") + value +
1541               ".  Expected 32-bit integer");
1542     }
1543   } else {
1544     config->repro = false;
1545     config->timestamp = time(nullptr);
1546   }
1548   // Handle /alternatename
1549   for (auto *arg : args.filtered(OPT_alternatename))
1550     parseAlternateName(arg->getValue());
1552   // Handle /include
1553   for (auto *arg : args.filtered(OPT_incl))
1554     addUndefined(arg->getValue());
1556   // Handle /implib
1557   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_implib))
1558     config->implib = arg->getValue();
1560   // Handle /opt.
1561   bool doGC = debug == DebugKind::None || args.hasArg(OPT_profile);
1562   Optional<ICFLevel> icfLevel = None;
1563   if (args.hasArg(OPT_profile))
1564     icfLevel = ICFLevel::None;
1565   unsigned tailMerge = 1;
1567   bool ltoDebugPM = false;
1568   for (auto *arg : args.filtered(OPT_opt)) {
1569     std::string str = StringRef(arg->getValue()).lower();
1570     SmallVector<StringRef, 1> vec;
1571     StringRef(str).split(vec, ',');
1572     for (StringRef s : vec) {
1573       if (s == "ref") {
1574         doGC = true;
1575       } else if (s == "noref") {
1576         doGC = false;
1577       } else if (s == "icf" || s.startswith("icf=")) {
1578         icfLevel = ICFLevel::All;
1579       } else if (s == "safeicf") {
1580         icfLevel = ICFLevel::Safe;
1581       } else if (s == "noicf") {
1582         icfLevel = ICFLevel::None;
1583       } else if (s == "lldtailmerge") {
1584         tailMerge = 2;
1585       } else if (s == "nolldtailmerge") {
1586         tailMerge = 0;
1587       } else if (s == "ltonewpassmanager") {
1588         ltoNewPM = true;
1589       } else if (s == "noltonewpassmanager") {
1590         ltoNewPM = false;
1591       } else if (s == "ltodebugpassmanager") {
1592         ltoDebugPM = true;
1593       } else if (s == "noltodebugpassmanager") {
1594         ltoDebugPM = false;
1595       } else if (s.startswith("lldlto=")) {
1596         StringRef optLevel = s.substr(7);
1597         if (optLevel.getAsInteger(10, config->ltoo) || config->ltoo > 3)
1598           error("/opt:lldlto: invalid optimization level: " + optLevel);
1599       } else if (s.startswith("lldltojobs=")) {
1600         StringRef jobs = s.substr(11);
1601         if (!get_threadpool_strategy(jobs))
1602           error("/opt:lldltojobs: invalid job count: " + jobs);
1603         config->thinLTOJobs = jobs.str();
1604       } else if (s.startswith("lldltopartitions=")) {
1605         StringRef n = s.substr(17);
1606         if (n.getAsInteger(10, config->ltoPartitions) ||
1607             config->ltoPartitions == 0)
1608           error("/opt:lldltopartitions: invalid partition count: " + n);
1609       } else if (s != "lbr" && s != "nolbr")
1610         error("/opt: unknown option: " + s);
1611     }
1612   }
1614   if (!icfLevel)
1615     icfLevel = doGC ? ICFLevel::All : ICFLevel::None;
1616   config->doGC = doGC;
1617   config->doICF = icfLevel.getValue();
1618   config->tailMerge =
1619       (tailMerge == 1 && config->doICF != ICFLevel::None) || tailMerge == 2;
1620   config->ltoNewPassManager = ltoNewPM;
1621   config->ltoDebugPassManager = ltoDebugPM;
1623   // Handle /lldsavetemps
1624   if (args.hasArg(OPT_lldsavetemps))
1625     config->saveTemps = true;
1627   // Handle /kill-at
1628   if (args.hasArg(OPT_kill_at))
1629     config->killAt = true;
1631   // Handle /lldltocache
1632   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_lldltocache))
1633     config->ltoCache = arg->getValue();
1635   // Handle /lldsavecachepolicy
1636   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_lldltocachepolicy))
1637     config->ltoCachePolicy = CHECK(
1638         parseCachePruningPolicy(arg->getValue()),
1639         Twine("/lldltocachepolicy: invalid cache policy: ") + arg->getValue());
1641   // Handle /failifmismatch
1642   for (auto *arg : args.filtered(OPT_failifmismatch))
1643     checkFailIfMismatch(arg->getValue(), nullptr);
1645   // Handle /merge
1646   for (auto *arg : args.filtered(OPT_merge))
1647     parseMerge(arg->getValue());
1649   // Add default section merging rules after user rules. User rules take
1650   // precedence, but we will emit a warning if there is a conflict.
1651   parseMerge(".idata=.rdata");
1652   parseMerge(".didat=.rdata");
1653   parseMerge(".edata=.rdata");
1654   parseMerge(".xdata=.rdata");
1655   parseMerge(".bss=.data");
1657   if (config->mingw) {
1658     parseMerge(".ctors=.rdata");
1659     parseMerge(".dtors=.rdata");
1660     parseMerge(".CRT=.rdata");
1661   }
1663   // Handle /section
1664   for (auto *arg : args.filtered(OPT_section))
1665     parseSection(arg->getValue());
1667   // Handle /align
1668   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_align)) {
1669     parseNumbers(arg->getValue(), &config->align);
1670     if (!isPowerOf2_64(config->align))
1671       error("/align: not a power of two: " + StringRef(arg->getValue()));
1672     if (!args.hasArg(OPT_driver))
1673       warn("/align specified without /driver; image may not run");
1674   }
1676   // Handle /aligncomm
1677   for (auto *arg : args.filtered(OPT_aligncomm))
1678     parseAligncomm(arg->getValue());
1680   // Handle /manifestdependency.
1681   for (auto *arg : args.filtered(OPT_manifestdependency))
1682     config->manifestDependencies.insert(arg->getValue());
1684   // Handle /manifest and /manifest:
1685   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_manifest, OPT_manifest_colon)) {
1686     if (arg->getOption().getID() == OPT_manifest)
1687       config->manifest = Configuration::SideBySide;
1688     else
1689       parseManifest(arg->getValue());
1690   }
1692   // Handle /manifestuac
1693   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_manifestuac))
1694     parseManifestUAC(arg->getValue());
1696   // Handle /manifestfile
1697   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_manifestfile))
1698     config->manifestFile = arg->getValue();
1700   // Handle /manifestinput
1701   for (auto *arg : args.filtered(OPT_manifestinput))
1702     config->manifestInput.push_back(arg->getValue());
1704   if (!config->manifestInput.empty() &&
1705       config->manifest != Configuration::Embed) {
1706     fatal("/manifestinput: requires /manifest:embed");
1707   }
1709   config->thinLTOEmitImportsFiles = args.hasArg(OPT_thinlto_emit_imports_files);
1710   config->thinLTOIndexOnly = args.hasArg(OPT_thinlto_index_only) ||
1711                              args.hasArg(OPT_thinlto_index_only_arg);
1712   config->thinLTOIndexOnlyArg =
1713       args.getLastArgValue(OPT_thinlto_index_only_arg);
1714   config->thinLTOPrefixReplace =
1715       getOldNewOptions(args, OPT_thinlto_prefix_replace);
1716   config->thinLTOObjectSuffixReplace =
1717       getOldNewOptions(args, OPT_thinlto_object_suffix_replace);
1718   config->ltoObjPath = args.getLastArgValue(OPT_lto_obj_path);
1719   config->ltoCSProfileGenerate = args.hasArg(OPT_lto_cs_profile_generate);
1720   config->ltoCSProfileFile = args.getLastArgValue(OPT_lto_cs_profile_file);
1721   // Handle miscellaneous boolean flags.
1722   config->ltoPGOWarnMismatch = args.hasFlag(OPT_lto_pgo_warn_mismatch,
1723                                             OPT_lto_pgo_warn_mismatch_no, true);
1724   config->allowBind = args.hasFlag(OPT_allowbind, OPT_allowbind_no, true);
1725   config->allowIsolation =
1726       args.hasFlag(OPT_allowisolation, OPT_allowisolation_no, true);
1727   config->incremental =
1728       args.hasFlag(OPT_incremental, OPT_incremental_no,
1729                    !config->doGC && config->doICF == ICFLevel::None &&
1730                        !args.hasArg(OPT_order) && !args.hasArg(OPT_profile));
1731   config->integrityCheck =
1732       args.hasFlag(OPT_integritycheck, OPT_integritycheck_no, false);
1733   config->cetCompat = args.hasFlag(OPT_cetcompat, OPT_cetcompat_no, false);
1734   config->nxCompat = args.hasFlag(OPT_nxcompat, OPT_nxcompat_no, true);
1735   for (auto *arg : args.filtered(OPT_swaprun))
1736     parseSwaprun(arg->getValue());
1737   config->terminalServerAware =
1738       !config->dll && args.hasFlag(OPT_tsaware, OPT_tsaware_no, true);
1739   config->debugDwarf = debug == DebugKind::Dwarf;
1740   config->debugGHashes = debug == DebugKind::GHash || debug == DebugKind::Full;
1741   config->debugSymtab = debug == DebugKind::Symtab;
1742   config->autoImport =
1743       args.hasFlag(OPT_auto_import, OPT_auto_import_no, config->mingw);
1744   config->pseudoRelocs = args.hasFlag(
1745       OPT_runtime_pseudo_reloc, OPT_runtime_pseudo_reloc_no, config->mingw);
1746   config->callGraphProfileSort = args.hasFlag(
1747       OPT_call_graph_profile_sort, OPT_call_graph_profile_sort_no, true);
1748   config->stdcallFixup =
1749       args.hasFlag(OPT_stdcall_fixup, OPT_stdcall_fixup_no, config->mingw);
1750   config->warnStdcallFixup = !args.hasArg(OPT_stdcall_fixup);
1752   // Don't warn about long section names, such as .debug_info, for mingw or
1753   // when -debug:dwarf is requested.
1754   if (config->mingw || config->debugDwarf)
1755     config->warnLongSectionNames = false;
1757   config->lldmapFile = getMapFile(args, OPT_lldmap, OPT_lldmap_file);
1758   config->mapFile = getMapFile(args, OPT_map, OPT_map_file);
1760   if (config->lldmapFile != "" && config->lldmapFile == config->mapFile) {
1761     warn("/lldmap and /map have the same output file '" + config->mapFile +
1762          "'.\n>>> ignoring /lldmap");
1763     config->lldmapFile.clear();
1764   }
1766   if (config->incremental && args.hasArg(OPT_profile)) {
1767     warn("ignoring '/incremental' due to '/profile' specification");
1768     config->incremental = false;
1769   }
1771   if (config->incremental && args.hasArg(OPT_order)) {
1772     warn("ignoring '/incremental' due to '/order' specification");
1773     config->incremental = false;
1774   }
1776   if (config->incremental && config->doGC) {
1777     warn("ignoring '/incremental' because REF is enabled; use '/opt:noref' to "
1778          "disable");
1779     config->incremental = false;
1780   }
1782   if (config->incremental && config->doICF != ICFLevel::None) {
1783     warn("ignoring '/incremental' because ICF is enabled; use '/opt:noicf' to "
1784          "disable");
1785     config->incremental = false;
1786   }
1788   if (errorCount())
1789     return;
1791   std::set<sys::fs::UniqueID> wholeArchives;
1792   for (auto *arg : args.filtered(OPT_wholearchive_file))
1793     if (Optional<StringRef> path = doFindFile(arg->getValue()))
1794       if (Optional<sys::fs::UniqueID> id = getUniqueID(*path))
1795         wholeArchives.insert(*id);
1797   // A predicate returning true if a given path is an argument for
1798   // /wholearchive:, or /wholearchive is enabled globally.
1799   // This function is a bit tricky because "foo.obj /wholearchive:././foo.obj"
1800   // needs to be handled as "/wholearchive:foo.obj foo.obj".
1801   auto isWholeArchive = [&](StringRef path) -> bool {
1802     if (args.hasArg(OPT_wholearchive_flag))
1803       return true;
1804     if (Optional<sys::fs::UniqueID> id = getUniqueID(path))
1805       return wholeArchives.count(*id);
1806     return false;
1807   };
1809   // Create a list of input files. These can be given as OPT_INPUT options
1810   // and OPT_wholearchive_file options, and we also need to track OPT_start_lib
1811   // and OPT_end_lib.
1812   bool inLib = false;
1813   for (auto *arg : args) {
1814     switch (arg->getOption().getID()) {
1815     case OPT_end_lib:
1816       if (!inLib)
1817         error("stray " + arg->getSpelling());
1818       inLib = false;
1819       break;
1820     case OPT_start_lib:
1821       if (inLib)
1822         error("nested " + arg->getSpelling());
1823       inLib = true;
1824       break;
1825     case OPT_wholearchive_file:
1826       if (Optional<StringRef> path = findFile(arg->getValue()))
1827         enqueuePath(*path, true, inLib);
1828       break;
1829     case OPT_INPUT:
1830       if (Optional<StringRef> path = findFile(arg->getValue()))
1831         enqueuePath(*path, isWholeArchive(*path), inLib);
1832       break;
1833     default:
1834       // Ignore other options.
1835       break;
1836     }
1837   }
1839   // Process files specified as /defaultlib. These should be enequeued after
1840   // other files, which is why they are in a separate loop.
1841   for (auto *arg : args.filtered(OPT_defaultlib))
1842     if (Optional<StringRef> path = findLib(arg->getValue()))
1843       enqueuePath(*path, false, false);
1845   // Read all input files given via the command line.
1846   run();
1848   if (errorCount())
1849     return;
1851   // We should have inferred a machine type by now from the input files, but if
1852   // not we assume x64.
1853   if (config->machine == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN) {
1854     warn("/machine is not specified. x64 is assumed");
1855     config->machine = AMD64;
1856   }
1857   config->wordsize = config->is64() ? 8 : 4;
1859   // Handle /safeseh, x86 only, on by default, except for mingw.
1860   if (config->machine == I386) {
1861     config->safeSEH = args.hasFlag(OPT_safeseh, OPT_safeseh_no, !config->mingw);
1862     config->noSEH = args.hasArg(OPT_noseh);
1863   }
1865   // Handle /functionpadmin
1866   for (auto *arg : args.filtered(OPT_functionpadmin, OPT_functionpadmin_opt))
1867     parseFunctionPadMin(arg, config->machine);
1869   if (tar)
1870     tar->append("response.txt",
1871                 createResponseFile(args, filePaths,
1872                                    ArrayRef<StringRef>(searchPaths).slice(1)));
1874   // Handle /largeaddressaware
1875   config->largeAddressAware = args.hasFlag(
1876       OPT_largeaddressaware, OPT_largeaddressaware_no, config->is64());
1878   // Handle /highentropyva
1879   config->highEntropyVA =
1880       config->is64() &&
1881       args.hasFlag(OPT_highentropyva, OPT_highentropyva_no, true);
1883   if (!config->dynamicBase &&
1884       (config->machine == ARMNT || config->machine == ARM64))
1885     error("/dynamicbase:no is not compatible with " +
1886           machineToStr(config->machine));
1888   // Handle /export
1889   for (auto *arg : args.filtered(OPT_export)) {
1890     Export e = parseExport(arg->getValue());
1891     if (config->machine == I386) {
1892       if (!isDecorated(e.name))
1893         e.name = saver().save("_" + e.name);
1894       if (!e.extName.empty() && !isDecorated(e.extName))
1895         e.extName = saver().save("_" + e.extName);
1896     }
1897     config->exports.push_back(e);
1898   }
1900   // Handle /def
1901   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_deffile)) {
1902     // parseModuleDefs mutates Config object.
1903     parseModuleDefs(arg->getValue());
1904   }
1906   // Handle generation of import library from a def file.
1907   if (!args.hasArg(OPT_INPUT, OPT_wholearchive_file)) {
1908     fixupExports();
1909     createImportLibrary(/*asLib=*/true);
1910     return;
1911   }
1913   // Windows specific -- if no /subsystem is given, we need to infer
1914   // that from entry point name.  Must happen before /entry handling,
1915   // and after the early return when just writing an import library.
1916   if (config->subsystem == IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_UNKNOWN) {
1917     config->subsystem = inferSubsystem();
1918     if (config->subsystem == IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_UNKNOWN)
1919       fatal("subsystem must be defined");
1920   }
1922   // Handle /entry and /dll
1923   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_entry)) {
1924     config->entry = addUndefined(mangle(arg->getValue()));
1925   } else if (!config->entry && !config->noEntry) {
1926     if (args.hasArg(OPT_dll)) {
1927       StringRef s = (config->machine == I386) ? "__DllMainCRTStartup@12"
1928                                               : "_DllMainCRTStartup";
1929       config->entry = addUndefined(s);
1930     } else if (config->driverWdm) {
1931       // /driver:wdm implies /entry:_NtProcessStartup
1932       config->entry = addUndefined(mangle("_NtProcessStartup"));
1933     } else {
1934       // Windows specific -- If entry point name is not given, we need to
1935       // infer that from user-defined entry name.
1936       StringRef s = findDefaultEntry();
1937       if (s.empty())
1938         fatal("entry point must be defined");
1939       config->entry = addUndefined(s);
1940       log("Entry name inferred: " + s);
1941     }
1942   }
1944   // Handle /delayload
1945   for (auto *arg : args.filtered(OPT_delayload)) {
1946     config->delayLoads.insert(StringRef(arg->getValue()).lower());
1947     if (config->machine == I386) {
1948       config->delayLoadHelper = addUndefined("___delayLoadHelper2@8");
1949     } else {
1950       config->delayLoadHelper = addUndefined("__delayLoadHelper2");
1951     }
1952   }
1954   // Set default image name if neither /out or /def set it.
1955   if (config->outputFile.empty()) {
1956     config->outputFile = getOutputPath(
1957         (*args.filtered(OPT_INPUT, OPT_wholearchive_file).begin())->getValue());
1958   }
1960   // Fail early if an output file is not writable.
1961   if (auto e = tryCreateFile(config->outputFile)) {
1962     error("cannot open output file " + config->outputFile + ": " + e.message());
1963     return;
1964   }
1966   if (shouldCreatePDB) {
1967     // Put the PDB next to the image if no /pdb flag was passed.
1968     if (config->pdbPath.empty()) {
1969       config->pdbPath = config->outputFile;
1970       sys::path::replace_extension(config->pdbPath, ".pdb");
1971     }
1973     // The embedded PDB path should be the absolute path to the PDB if no
1974     // /pdbaltpath flag was passed.
1975     if (config->pdbAltPath.empty()) {
1976       config->pdbAltPath = config->pdbPath;
1978       // It's important to make the path absolute and remove dots.  This path
1979       // will eventually be written into the PE header, and certain Microsoft
1980       // tools won't work correctly if these assumptions are not held.
1981       sys::fs::make_absolute(config->pdbAltPath);
1982       sys::path::remove_dots(config->pdbAltPath);
1983     } else {
1984       // Don't do this earlier, so that Config->OutputFile is ready.
1985       parsePDBAltPath(config->pdbAltPath);
1986     }
1987   }
1989   // Set default image base if /base is not given.
1990   if (config->imageBase == uint64_t(-1))
1991     config->imageBase = getDefaultImageBase();
1993   ctx.symtab.addSynthetic(mangle("__ImageBase"), nullptr);
1994   if (config->machine == I386) {
1995     ctx.symtab.addAbsolute("___safe_se_handler_table", 0);
1996     ctx.symtab.addAbsolute("___safe_se_handler_count", 0);
1997   }
1999   ctx.symtab.addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_fids_count"), 0);
2000   ctx.symtab.addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_fids_table"), 0);
2001   ctx.symtab.addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_flags"), 0);
2002   ctx.symtab.addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_iat_count"), 0);
2003   ctx.symtab.addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_iat_table"), 0);
2004   ctx.symtab.addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_longjmp_count"), 0);
2005   ctx.symtab.addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_longjmp_table"), 0);
2006   // Needed for MSVC 2017 15.5 CRT.
2007   ctx.symtab.addAbsolute(mangle("__enclave_config"), 0);
2008   // Needed for MSVC 2019 16.8 CRT.
2009   ctx.symtab.addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_eh_cont_count"), 0);
2010   ctx.symtab.addAbsolute(mangle("__guard_eh_cont_table"), 0);
2012   if (config->pseudoRelocs) {
2013     ctx.symtab.addAbsolute(mangle("__RUNTIME_PSEUDO_RELOC_LIST__"), 0);
2014     ctx.symtab.addAbsolute(mangle("__RUNTIME_PSEUDO_RELOC_LIST_END__"), 0);
2015   }
2016   if (config->mingw) {
2017     ctx.symtab.addAbsolute(mangle("__CTOR_LIST__"), 0);
2018     ctx.symtab.addAbsolute(mangle("__DTOR_LIST__"), 0);
2019   }
2021   // This code may add new undefined symbols to the link, which may enqueue more
2022   // symbol resolution tasks, so we need to continue executing tasks until we
2023   // converge.
2024   do {
2025     // Windows specific -- if entry point is not found,
2026     // search for its mangled names.
2027     if (config->entry)
2028       mangleMaybe(config->entry);
2030     // Windows specific -- Make sure we resolve all dllexported symbols.
2031     for (Export &e : config->exports) {
2032       if (!e.forwardTo.empty())
2033         continue;
2034       e.sym = addUndefined(e.name);
2035       if (!e.directives)
2036         e.symbolName = mangleMaybe(e.sym);
2037     }
2039     // Add weak aliases. Weak aliases is a mechanism to give remaining
2040     // undefined symbols final chance to be resolved successfully.
2041     for (auto pair : config->alternateNames) {
2042       StringRef from = pair.first;
2043       StringRef to = pair.second;
2044       Symbol *sym = ctx.symtab.find(from);
2045       if (!sym)
2046         continue;
2047       if (auto *u = dyn_cast<Undefined>(sym))
2048         if (!u->weakAlias)
2049           u->weakAlias = ctx.symtab.addUndefined(to);
2050     }
2052     // If any inputs are bitcode files, the LTO code generator may create
2053     // references to library functions that are not explicit in the bitcode
2054     // file's symbol table. If any of those library functions are defined in a
2055     // bitcode file in an archive member, we need to arrange to use LTO to
2056     // compile those archive members by adding them to the link beforehand.
2057     if (!ctx.bitcodeFileInstances.empty())
2058       for (auto *s : lto::LTO::getRuntimeLibcallSymbols())
2059         ctx.symtab.addLibcall(s);
2061     // Windows specific -- if __load_config_used can be resolved, resolve it.
2062     if (ctx.symtab.findUnderscore("_load_config_used"))
2063       addUndefined(mangle("_load_config_used"));
2064   } while (run());
2066   if (args.hasArg(OPT_include_optional)) {
2067     // Handle /includeoptional
2068     for (auto *arg : args.filtered(OPT_include_optional))
2069       if (isa_and_nonnull<LazyArchive>(ctx.symtab.find(arg->getValue())))
2070         addUndefined(arg->getValue());
2071     while (run());
2072   }
2074   // Create wrapped symbols for -wrap option.
2075   std::vector<WrappedSymbol> wrapped = addWrappedSymbols(ctx, args);
2076   // Load more object files that might be needed for wrapped symbols.
2077   if (!wrapped.empty())
2078     while (run());
2080   if (config->autoImport || config->stdcallFixup) {
2081     // MinGW specific.
2082     // Load any further object files that might be needed for doing automatic
2083     // imports, and do stdcall fixups.
2084     //
2085     // For cases with no automatically imported symbols, this iterates once
2086     // over the symbol table and doesn't do anything.
2087     //
2088     // For the normal case with a few automatically imported symbols, this
2089     // should only need to be run once, since each new object file imported
2090     // is an import library and wouldn't add any new undefined references,
2091     // but there's nothing stopping the __imp_ symbols from coming from a
2092     // normal object file as well (although that won't be used for the
2093     // actual autoimport later on). If this pass adds new undefined references,
2094     // we won't iterate further to resolve them.
2095     //
2096     // If stdcall fixups only are needed for loading import entries from
2097     // a DLL without import library, this also just needs running once.
2098     // If it ends up pulling in more object files from static libraries,
2099     // (and maybe doing more stdcall fixups along the way), this would need
2100     // to loop these two calls.
2101     ctx.symtab.loadMinGWSymbols();
2102     run();
2103   }
2105   // At this point, we should not have any symbols that cannot be resolved.
2106   // If we are going to do codegen for link-time optimization, check for
2107   // unresolvable symbols first, so we don't spend time generating code that
2108   // will fail to link anyway.
2109   if (!ctx.bitcodeFileInstances.empty() && !config->forceUnresolved)
2110     ctx.symtab.reportUnresolvable();
2111   if (errorCount())
2112     return;
2114   config->hadExplicitExports = !config->exports.empty();
2115   if (config->mingw) {
2116     // In MinGW, all symbols are automatically exported if no symbols
2117     // are chosen to be exported.
2118     maybeExportMinGWSymbols(args);
2119   }
2121   // Do LTO by compiling bitcode input files to a set of native COFF files then
2122   // link those files (unless -thinlto-index-only was given, in which case we
2123   // resolve symbols and write indices, but don't generate native code or link).
2124   ctx.symtab.compileBitcodeFiles();
2126   // If -thinlto-index-only is given, we should create only "index
2127   // files" and not object files. Index file creation is already done
2128   // in compileBitcodeFiles, so we are done if that's the case.
2129   if (config->thinLTOIndexOnly)
2130     return;
2132   // If we generated native object files from bitcode files, this resolves
2133   // references to the symbols we use from them.
2134   run();
2136   // Apply symbol renames for -wrap.
2137   if (!wrapped.empty())
2138     wrapSymbols(ctx, wrapped);
2140   // Resolve remaining undefined symbols and warn about imported locals.
2141   ctx.symtab.resolveRemainingUndefines();
2142   if (errorCount())
2143     return;
2145   if (config->mingw) {
2146     // Make sure the crtend.o object is the last object file. This object
2147     // file can contain terminating section chunks that need to be placed
2148     // last. GNU ld processes files and static libraries explicitly in the
2149     // order provided on the command line, while lld will pull in needed
2150     // files from static libraries only after the last object file on the
2151     // command line.
2152     for (auto i = ctx.objFileInstances.begin(), e = ctx.objFileInstances.end();
2153          i != e; i++) {
2154       ObjFile *file = *i;
2155       if (isCrtend(file->getName())) {
2156         ctx.objFileInstances.erase(i);
2157         ctx.objFileInstances.push_back(file);
2158         break;
2159       }
2160     }
2161   }
2163   // Windows specific -- when we are creating a .dll file, we also
2164   // need to create a .lib file. In MinGW mode, we only do that when the
2165   // -implib option is given explicitly, for compatibility with GNU ld.
2166   if (!config->exports.empty() || config->dll) {
2167     fixupExports();
2168     if (!config->mingw || !config->implib.empty())
2169       createImportLibrary(/*asLib=*/false);
2170     assignExportOrdinals();
2171   }
2173   // Handle /output-def (MinGW specific).
2174   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_output_def))
2175     writeDefFile(arg->getValue());
2177   // Set extra alignment for .comm symbols
2178   for (auto pair : config->alignComm) {
2179     StringRef name = pair.first;
2180     uint32_t alignment = pair.second;
2182     Symbol *sym = ctx.symtab.find(name);
2183     if (!sym) {
2184       warn("/aligncomm symbol " + name + " not found");
2185       continue;
2186     }
2188     // If the symbol isn't common, it must have been replaced with a regular
2189     // symbol, which will carry its own alignment.
2190     auto *dc = dyn_cast<DefinedCommon>(sym);
2191     if (!dc)
2192       continue;
2194     CommonChunk *c = dc->getChunk();
2195     c->setAlignment(std::max(c->getAlignment(), alignment));
2196   }
2198   // Windows specific -- Create an embedded or side-by-side manifest.
2199   // /manifestdependency: enables /manifest unless an explicit /manifest:no is
2200   // also passed.
2201   if (config->manifest == Configuration::Embed)
2202     addBuffer(createManifestRes(), false, false);
2203   else if (config->manifest == Configuration::SideBySide ||
2204            (config->manifest == Configuration::Default &&
2205             !config->manifestDependencies.empty()))
2206     createSideBySideManifest();
2208   // Handle /order. We want to do this at this moment because we
2209   // need a complete list of comdat sections to warn on nonexistent
2210   // functions.
2211   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_order)) {
2212     if (args.hasArg(OPT_call_graph_ordering_file))
2213       error("/order and /call-graph-order-file may not be used together");
2214     parseOrderFile(ctx, arg->getValue());
2215     config->callGraphProfileSort = false;
2216   }
2218   // Handle /call-graph-ordering-file and /call-graph-profile-sort (default on).
2219   if (config->callGraphProfileSort) {
2220     if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_call_graph_ordering_file)) {
2221       parseCallGraphFile(ctx, arg->getValue());
2222     }
2223     readCallGraphsFromObjectFiles(ctx);
2224   }
2226   // Handle /print-symbol-order.
2227   if (auto *arg = args.getLastArg(OPT_print_symbol_order))
2228     config->printSymbolOrder = arg->getValue();
2230   // Identify unreferenced COMDAT sections.
2231   if (config->doGC) {
2232     if (config->mingw) {
2233       // markLive doesn't traverse .eh_frame, but the personality function is
2234       // only reached that way. The proper solution would be to parse and
2235       // traverse the .eh_frame section, like the ELF linker does.
2236       // For now, just manually try to retain the known possible personality
2237       // functions. This doesn't bring in more object files, but only marks
2238       // functions that already have been included to be retained.
2239       for (const char *n : {"__gxx_personality_v0", "__gcc_personality_v0"}) {
2240         Defined *d = dyn_cast_or_null<Defined>(ctx.symtab.findUnderscore(n));
2241         if (d && !d->isGCRoot) {
2242           d->isGCRoot = true;
2243           config->gcroot.push_back(d);
2244         }
2245       }
2246     }
2248     markLive(ctx);
2249   }
2251   // Needs to happen after the last call to addFile().
2252   convertResources();
2254   // Identify identical COMDAT sections to merge them.
2255   if (config->doICF != ICFLevel::None) {
2256     findKeepUniqueSections(ctx);
2257     doICF(ctx, config->doICF);
2258   }
2260   // Write the result.
2261   writeResult(ctx);
2263   // Stop early so we can print the results.
2264   rootTimer.stop();
2265   if (config->showTiming)
2266     ctx.rootTimer.print();
2267 }
2269 } // namespace coff
2270 } // namespace lld