xref: /freebsd/contrib/llvm-project/libcxx/include/print (revision 0fca6ea1d4eea4c934cfff25ac9ee8ad6fe95583)
106c3fb27SDimitry Andric// -*- C++ -*-
206c3fb27SDimitry Andric//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
306c3fb27SDimitry Andric//
406c3fb27SDimitry Andric// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
506c3fb27SDimitry Andric// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
606c3fb27SDimitry Andric// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
706c3fb27SDimitry Andric//
806c3fb27SDimitry Andric//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
906c3fb27SDimitry Andric
1006c3fb27SDimitry Andric#ifndef _LIBCPP_PRINT
1106c3fb27SDimitry Andric#define _LIBCPP_PRINT
1206c3fb27SDimitry Andric
1306c3fb27SDimitry Andric/*
1406c3fb27SDimitry Andricnamespace std {
1506c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // [print.fun], print functions
1606c3fb27SDimitry Andric  template<class... Args>
1706c3fb27SDimitry Andric    void print(format_string<Args...> fmt, Args&&... args);
18*0fca6ea1SDimitry Andric  void println();                                                          // Since C++26
1906c3fb27SDimitry Andric  template<class... Args>
2006c3fb27SDimitry Andric    void print(FILE* stream, format_string<Args...> fmt, Args&&... args);
21*0fca6ea1SDimitry Andric  void println(FILE* stream);                                              // Since C++26
2206c3fb27SDimitry Andric
2306c3fb27SDimitry Andric  template<class... Args>
2406c3fb27SDimitry Andric    void println(format_string<Args...> fmt, Args&&... args);
2506c3fb27SDimitry Andric  template<class... Args>
2606c3fb27SDimitry Andric    void println(FILE* stream, format_string<Args...> fmt, Args&&... args);
2706c3fb27SDimitry Andric
2806c3fb27SDimitry Andric  void vprint_unicode(string_view fmt, format_args args);
2906c3fb27SDimitry Andric  void vprint_unicode(FILE* stream, string_view fmt, format_args args);
3006c3fb27SDimitry Andric
3106c3fb27SDimitry Andric  void vprint_nonunicode(string_view fmt, format_args args);
3206c3fb27SDimitry Andric  void vprint_nonunicode(FILE* stream, string_view fmt, format_args args);
3306c3fb27SDimitry Andric}
3406c3fb27SDimitry Andric*/
3506c3fb27SDimitry Andric
36*0fca6ea1SDimitry Andric#include <__assert>
3706c3fb27SDimitry Andric#include <__concepts/same_as.h>
3806c3fb27SDimitry Andric#include <__config>
3906c3fb27SDimitry Andric#include <__system_error/system_error.h>
4006c3fb27SDimitry Andric#include <__utility/forward.h>
4106c3fb27SDimitry Andric#include <cerrno>
4206c3fb27SDimitry Andric#include <cstdio>
437a6dacacSDimitry Andric#include <format>
4406c3fb27SDimitry Andric#include <string>
4506c3fb27SDimitry Andric#include <string_view>
4606c3fb27SDimitry Andric#include <version>
4706c3fb27SDimitry Andric
4806c3fb27SDimitry Andric#if !defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_PRAGMA_SYSTEM_HEADER)
4906c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  pragma GCC system_header
5006c3fb27SDimitry Andric#endif
5106c3fb27SDimitry Andric
5206c3fb27SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_STD
5306c3fb27SDimitry Andric
54cb14a3feSDimitry Andric#ifdef _LIBCPP_WIN32API
5506c3fb27SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_EXPORTED_FROM_ABI bool __is_windows_terminal(FILE* __stream);
5606c3fb27SDimitry Andric
5706c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  ifndef _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_WIDE_CHARACTERS
5806c3fb27SDimitry Andric// A wrapper for WriteConsoleW which is used to write to the Windows
5906c3fb27SDimitry Andric// console. This function is in the dylib to avoid pulling in windows.h
6006c3fb27SDimitry Andric// in the library headers. The function itself uses some private parts
6106c3fb27SDimitry Andric// of the dylib too.
6206c3fb27SDimitry Andric//
6306c3fb27SDimitry Andric// The function does not depend on the language standard used. Guarding
6406c3fb27SDimitry Andric// it with C++23 would fail since the dylib is currently built using C++20.
6506c3fb27SDimitry Andric//
6606c3fb27SDimitry Andric// Note the function is only implemented on the Windows platform.
6706c3fb27SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_EXPORTED_FROM_ABI void __write_to_windows_console(FILE* __stream, wstring_view __view);
6806c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  endif // _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_WIDE_CHARACTERS
6974626c16SDimitry Andric#elif __has_include(<unistd.h>)
7074626c16SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_EXPORTED_FROM_ABI bool __is_posix_terminal(FILE* __stream);
71cb14a3feSDimitry Andric#endif // _LIBCPP_WIN32API
7206c3fb27SDimitry Andric
7306c3fb27SDimitry Andric#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 23
7406c3fb27SDimitry Andric
7506c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  ifndef _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_UNICODE
7606c3fb27SDimitry Andric// This is the code to transcode UTF-8 to UTF-16. This is used on
7706c3fb27SDimitry Andric// Windows for the native Unicode API. The code is modeled to make it
7806c3fb27SDimitry Andric// easier to extend to
7906c3fb27SDimitry Andric//
8006c3fb27SDimitry Andric//  P2728R0 Unicode in the Library, Part 1: UTF Transcoding
8106c3fb27SDimitry Andric//
8206c3fb27SDimitry Andric// This paper is still under heavy development so it makes no sense yet
8306c3fb27SDimitry Andric// to strictly follow the paper.
8406c3fb27SDimitry Andricnamespace __unicode {
8506c3fb27SDimitry Andric
8606c3fb27SDimitry Andric// The names of these concepts are modelled after P2728R0, but the
8706c3fb27SDimitry Andric// implementation is not. char16_t may contain 32-bits so depending on the
8806c3fb27SDimitry Andric// number of bits is an issue.
8906c3fb27SDimitry Andric#    ifdef _LIBCPP_SHORT_WCHAR
9006c3fb27SDimitry Andrictemplate <class _Tp>
9106c3fb27SDimitry Andricconcept __utf16_code_unit =
9206c3fb27SDimitry Andric    same_as<_Tp, char16_t>
9306c3fb27SDimitry Andric#      ifndef _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_WIDE_CHARACTERS
9406c3fb27SDimitry Andric    || same_as<_Tp, wchar_t>
9506c3fb27SDimitry Andric#      endif
9606c3fb27SDimitry Andric    ;
9706c3fb27SDimitry Andrictemplate <class _Tp>
9806c3fb27SDimitry Andricconcept __utf32_code_unit = same_as<_Tp, char32_t>;
9906c3fb27SDimitry Andric#    else // _LIBCPP_SHORT_WCHAR
10006c3fb27SDimitry Andrictemplate <class _Tp>
10106c3fb27SDimitry Andricconcept __utf16_code_unit = same_as<_Tp, char16_t>;
10206c3fb27SDimitry Andrictemplate <class _Tp>
10306c3fb27SDimitry Andricconcept __utf32_code_unit =
10406c3fb27SDimitry Andric    same_as<_Tp, char32_t>
10506c3fb27SDimitry Andric#      ifndef _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_WIDE_CHARACTERS
10606c3fb27SDimitry Andric    || same_as<_Tp, wchar_t>
10706c3fb27SDimitry Andric#      endif
10806c3fb27SDimitry Andric    ;
10906c3fb27SDimitry Andric#    endif // _LIBCPP_SHORT_WCHAR
11006c3fb27SDimitry Andric
11106c3fb27SDimitry Andric// Pass by reference since an output_iterator may not be copyable.
11206c3fb27SDimitry Andrictemplate <class _OutIt>
11306c3fb27SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr void __encode(_OutIt&, char32_t) = delete;
11406c3fb27SDimitry Andric
11506c3fb27SDimitry Andrictemplate <class _OutIt>
11606c3fb27SDimitry Andric  requires __utf16_code_unit<iter_value_t<_OutIt>>
11706c3fb27SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr void __encode(_OutIt& __out_it, char32_t __value) {
1181db9f3b2SDimitry Andric  // [print.fun]/7 : "if `out` contains invalid code units, the behavior is undefined and implementations are encouraged
1191db9f3b2SDimitry Andric  // to diagnose it".
12006c3fb27SDimitry Andric  _LIBCPP_ASSERT_UNCATEGORIZED(__is_scalar_value(__value), "an invalid unicode scalar value results in invalid UTF-16");
12106c3fb27SDimitry Andric
12206c3fb27SDimitry Andric  if (__value < 0x10000) {
12306c3fb27SDimitry Andric    *__out_it++ = __value;
12406c3fb27SDimitry Andric    return;
12506c3fb27SDimitry Andric  }
12606c3fb27SDimitry Andric
12706c3fb27SDimitry Andric  __value -= 0x10000;
12806c3fb27SDimitry Andric  *__out_it++ = 0xd800 + (__value >> 10);
12906c3fb27SDimitry Andric  *__out_it++ = 0xdc00 + (__value & 0x3FF);
13006c3fb27SDimitry Andric}
13106c3fb27SDimitry Andric
13206c3fb27SDimitry Andrictemplate <class _OutIt>
13306c3fb27SDimitry Andric  requires __utf32_code_unit<iter_value_t<_OutIt>>
13406c3fb27SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr void __encode(_OutIt& __out_it, char32_t __value) {
1351db9f3b2SDimitry Andric  // [print.fun]/7 : "if `out` contains invalid code units, the behavior is undefined and implementations are encouraged
1361db9f3b2SDimitry Andric  // to diagnose it".
13706c3fb27SDimitry Andric  _LIBCPP_ASSERT_UNCATEGORIZED(__is_scalar_value(__value), "an invalid unicode scalar value results in invalid UTF-32");
13806c3fb27SDimitry Andric  *__out_it++ = __value;
13906c3fb27SDimitry Andric}
14006c3fb27SDimitry Andric
14106c3fb27SDimitry Andrictemplate <class _OutIt, input_iterator _InIt>
14206c3fb27SDimitry Andric  requires output_iterator<_OutIt, const iter_value_t<_OutIt>&> && (!same_as<iter_value_t<_OutIt>, iter_value_t<_InIt>>)
14306c3fb27SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI constexpr _OutIt __transcode(_InIt __first, _InIt __last, _OutIt __out_it) {
14406c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // The __code_point_view has a basic_string_view interface.
14506c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // When transcoding becomes part of the standard we probably want to
14606c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // look at smarter algorithms.
14706c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // For example, when processing a code point that is encoded in
14806c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // 1 to 3 code units in UTF-8, the result will always be encoded
14906c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // in 1 code unit in UTF-16 (code points that require 4 code
15006c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // units in UTF-8 will require 2 code units in UTF-16).
15106c3fb27SDimitry Andric  //
15206c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // Note if P2728 is accepted types like int may become valid. In that case
15306c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // the __code_point_view should use a span. Libc++ will remove support for
15406c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // char_traits<int>.
15506c3fb27SDimitry Andric
15606c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // TODO PRINT Validate with clang-tidy
15706c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // NOLINTNEXTLINE(bugprone-dangling-handle)
15806c3fb27SDimitry Andric  basic_string_view<iter_value_t<_InIt>> __data{__first, __last};
15906c3fb27SDimitry Andric  __code_point_view<iter_value_t<_InIt>> __view{__data.begin(), __data.end()};
16006c3fb27SDimitry Andric  while (!__view.__at_end())
16106c3fb27SDimitry Andric    __unicode::__encode(__out_it, __view.__consume().__code_point);
16206c3fb27SDimitry Andric  return __out_it;
16306c3fb27SDimitry Andric}
16406c3fb27SDimitry Andric
16506c3fb27SDimitry Andric} // namespace __unicode
16606c3fb27SDimitry Andric
16706c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  endif //  _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_UNICODE
16806c3fb27SDimitry Andric
16906c3fb27SDimitry Andricnamespace __print {
17006c3fb27SDimitry Andric
17106c3fb27SDimitry Andric// [print.fun]/2
17206c3fb27SDimitry Andric//   Effects: If the ordinary literal encoding ([lex.charset]) is UTF-8, equivalent to:
17306c3fb27SDimitry Andric//     vprint_unicode(stream, fmt.str, make_format_args(args...));
17406c3fb27SDimitry Andric//   Otherwise, equivalent to:
17506c3fb27SDimitry Andric//     vprint_nonunicode(stream, fmt.str, make_format_args(args...));
17606c3fb27SDimitry Andric//
17706c3fb27SDimitry Andric// Based on the compiler and its compilation flags this value is or is
17806c3fb27SDimitry Andric// not true. As mentioned in P2093R14 this only affects Windows. The
17906c3fb27SDimitry Andric// test below could also be done for
18006c3fb27SDimitry Andric// - GCC using __GNUC_EXECUTION_CHARSET_NAME
18106c3fb27SDimitry Andric//   https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Common-Predefined-Macros.html
18206c3fb27SDimitry Andric// - Clang using __clang_literal_encoding__
18306c3fb27SDimitry Andric//   https://clang.llvm.org/docs/LanguageExtensions.html#builtin-macros
18406c3fb27SDimitry Andric//   (note at the time of writing Clang is hard-coded to UTF-8.)
18506c3fb27SDimitry Andric//
18606c3fb27SDimitry Andric
18706c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  ifdef _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_UNICODE
1887a6dacacSDimitry Andricinline constexpr bool __use_unicode_execution_charset = false;
18906c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  elif defined(_MSVC_EXECUTION_CHARACTER_SET)
19006c3fb27SDimitry Andric// This is the same test MSVC STL uses in their implementation of <print>
19106c3fb27SDimitry Andric// See: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/intl/code-page-identifiers
1927a6dacacSDimitry Andricinline constexpr bool __use_unicode_execution_charset = _MSVC_EXECUTION_CHARACTER_SET == 65001;
19306c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  else
1947a6dacacSDimitry Andricinline constexpr bool __use_unicode_execution_charset = true;
19506c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  endif
19606c3fb27SDimitry Andric
19774626c16SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI inline bool __is_terminal([[maybe_unused]] FILE* __stream) {
198cb14a3feSDimitry Andric  // The macro _LIBCPP_TESTING_PRINT_IS_TERMINAL is used to change
199cb14a3feSDimitry Andric  // the behavior in the test. This is not part of the public API.
200cb14a3feSDimitry Andric#  ifdef _LIBCPP_TESTING_PRINT_IS_TERMINAL
201cb14a3feSDimitry Andric  return _LIBCPP_TESTING_PRINT_IS_TERMINAL(__stream);
20274626c16SDimitry Andric#  elif _LIBCPP_AVAILABILITY_HAS_PRINT == 0
20374626c16SDimitry Andric  return false;
204cb14a3feSDimitry Andric#  elif defined(_LIBCPP_WIN32API)
20506c3fb27SDimitry Andric  return std::__is_windows_terminal(__stream);
20606c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  elif __has_include(<unistd.h>)
20774626c16SDimitry Andric  return std::__is_posix_terminal(__stream);
20806c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  else
20906c3fb27SDimitry Andric#    error "Provide a way to determine whether a FILE* is a terminal"
21006c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  endif
21106c3fb27SDimitry Andric}
21206c3fb27SDimitry Andric
21306c3fb27SDimitry Andrictemplate <class = void> // TODO PRINT template or availability markup fires too eagerly (http://llvm.org/PR61563).
21406c3fb27SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI inline void
21506c3fb27SDimitry Andric__vprint_nonunicode(FILE* __stream, string_view __fmt, format_args __args, bool __write_nl) {
2161db9f3b2SDimitry Andric  _LIBCPP_ASSERT_NON_NULL(__stream, "__stream must be a valid pointer to an output C stream");
21706c3fb27SDimitry Andric  string __str = std::vformat(__fmt, __args);
21806c3fb27SDimitry Andric  if (__write_nl)
21906c3fb27SDimitry Andric    __str.push_back('\n');
22006c3fb27SDimitry Andric
22106c3fb27SDimitry Andric  size_t __size = fwrite(__str.data(), 1, __str.size(), __stream);
22206c3fb27SDimitry Andric  if (__size < __str.size()) {
22306c3fb27SDimitry Andric    if (std::feof(__stream))
22406c3fb27SDimitry Andric      std::__throw_system_error(EIO, "EOF while writing the formatted output");
22506c3fb27SDimitry Andric    std::__throw_system_error(std::ferror(__stream), "failed to write formatted output");
22606c3fb27SDimitry Andric  }
22706c3fb27SDimitry Andric}
22806c3fb27SDimitry Andric
22906c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  ifndef _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_UNICODE
23006c3fb27SDimitry Andric
23106c3fb27SDimitry Andric// Note these helper functions are mainly used to aid testing.
23206c3fb27SDimitry Andric// On POSIX systems and Windows the output is no longer considered a
23306c3fb27SDimitry Andric// terminal when the output is redirected. Typically during testing the
23406c3fb27SDimitry Andric// output is redirected to be able to capture it. This makes it hard to
23506c3fb27SDimitry Andric// test this code path.
23606c3fb27SDimitry Andrictemplate <class = void> // TODO PRINT template or availability markup fires too eagerly (http://llvm.org/PR61563).
23706c3fb27SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI inline void
23806c3fb27SDimitry Andric__vprint_unicode_posix(FILE* __stream, string_view __fmt, format_args __args, bool __write_nl, bool __is_terminal) {
23906c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // TODO PRINT Should flush errors throw too?
24006c3fb27SDimitry Andric  if (__is_terminal)
24106c3fb27SDimitry Andric    std::fflush(__stream);
24206c3fb27SDimitry Andric
24306c3fb27SDimitry Andric  __print::__vprint_nonunicode(__stream, __fmt, __args, __write_nl);
24406c3fb27SDimitry Andric}
24506c3fb27SDimitry Andric
24606c3fb27SDimitry Andric#    ifndef _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_WIDE_CHARACTERS
24706c3fb27SDimitry Andrictemplate <class = void> // TODO PRINT template or availability markup fires too eagerly (http://llvm.org/PR61563).
24806c3fb27SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI inline void
24906c3fb27SDimitry Andric__vprint_unicode_windows(FILE* __stream, string_view __fmt, format_args __args, bool __write_nl, bool __is_terminal) {
25006c3fb27SDimitry Andric  if (!__is_terminal)
25106c3fb27SDimitry Andric    return __print::__vprint_nonunicode(__stream, __fmt, __args, __write_nl);
25206c3fb27SDimitry Andric
25306c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // TODO PRINT Should flush errors throw too?
25406c3fb27SDimitry Andric  std::fflush(__stream);
25506c3fb27SDimitry Andric
25606c3fb27SDimitry Andric  string __str = std::vformat(__fmt, __args);
25706c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // UTF-16 uses the same number or less code units than UTF-8.
25806c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // However the size of the code unit is 16 bits instead of 8 bits.
25906c3fb27SDimitry Andric  //
26006c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // The buffer uses the worst-case estimate and should never resize.
26106c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // However when the string is large this could lead to OOM. Using a
26206c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // smaller size might work, but since the buffer uses a grow factor
26306c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // the final size might be larger when the estimate is wrong.
26406c3fb27SDimitry Andric  //
26506c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // TODO PRINT profile and improve the speed of this code.
26606c3fb27SDimitry Andric  __format::__retarget_buffer<wchar_t> __buffer{__str.size()};
26706c3fb27SDimitry Andric  __unicode::__transcode(__str.begin(), __str.end(), __buffer.__make_output_iterator());
26806c3fb27SDimitry Andric  if (__write_nl)
26906c3fb27SDimitry Andric    __buffer.push_back(L'\n');
27006c3fb27SDimitry Andric
27106c3fb27SDimitry Andric  [[maybe_unused]] wstring_view __view = __buffer.__view();
27206c3fb27SDimitry Andric
27306c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // The macro _LIBCPP_TESTING_PRINT_WRITE_TO_WINDOWS_CONSOLE_FUNCTION is used to change
27406c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // the behavior in the test. This is not part of the public API.
27606c3fb27SDimitry Andric  _LIBCPP_TESTING_PRINT_WRITE_TO_WINDOWS_CONSOLE_FUNCTION(__stream, __view);
277cb14a3feSDimitry Andric#      elif defined(_LIBCPP_WIN32API)
27806c3fb27SDimitry Andric  std::__write_to_windows_console(__stream, __view);
27906c3fb27SDimitry Andric#      else
28006c3fb27SDimitry Andric  std::__throw_runtime_error("No defintion of _LIBCPP_TESTING_PRINT_WRITE_TO_WINDOWS_CONSOLE_FUNCTION and "
28106c3fb27SDimitry Andric                             "__write_to_windows_console is not available.");
28206c3fb27SDimitry Andric#      endif
28306c3fb27SDimitry Andric}
28406c3fb27SDimitry Andric#    endif // _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_WIDE_CHARACTERS
28506c3fb27SDimitry Andric
28606c3fb27SDimitry Andrictemplate <class = void> // TODO PRINT template or availability markup fires too eagerly (http://llvm.org/PR61563).
28706c3fb27SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI inline void
28806c3fb27SDimitry Andric__vprint_unicode([[maybe_unused]] FILE* __stream,
28906c3fb27SDimitry Andric                 [[maybe_unused]] string_view __fmt,
29006c3fb27SDimitry Andric                 [[maybe_unused]] format_args __args,
29106c3fb27SDimitry Andric                 [[maybe_unused]] bool __write_nl) {
2921db9f3b2SDimitry Andric  _LIBCPP_ASSERT_NON_NULL(__stream, "__stream must be a valid pointer to an output C stream");
29306c3fb27SDimitry Andric
29406c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // [print.fun]
29506c3fb27SDimitry Andric  //   7 - Effects: If stream refers to a terminal capable of displaying
29606c3fb27SDimitry Andric  //       Unicode, writes out to the terminal using the native Unicode
29706c3fb27SDimitry Andric  //       API; if out contains invalid code units, the behavior is
29806c3fb27SDimitry Andric  //       undefined and implementations are encouraged to diagnose it.
29906c3fb27SDimitry Andric  //       Otherwise writes out to stream unchanged. If the native
30006c3fb27SDimitry Andric  //       Unicode API is used, the function flushes stream before
30106c3fb27SDimitry Andric  //       writing out.
30206c3fb27SDimitry Andric  //   8 - Throws: Any exception thrown by the call to vformat
30306c3fb27SDimitry Andric  //       ([format.err.report]). system_error if writing to the terminal
30406c3fb27SDimitry Andric  //       or stream fails. May throw bad_alloc.
30506c3fb27SDimitry Andric  //   9 - Recommended practice: If invoking the native Unicode API
30606c3fb27SDimitry Andric  //       requires transcoding, implementations should substitute
30706c3fb27SDimitry Andric  //       invalid code units with U+FFFD replacement character per the
30806c3fb27SDimitry Andric  //       Unicode Standard, Chapter 3.9 U+FFFD Substitution in
30906c3fb27SDimitry Andric  //       Conversion.
31006c3fb27SDimitry Andric
31106c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // On non-Windows platforms the Unicode API is the normal file I/O API
31206c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // so there the call can be forwarded to the non_unicode API. On
31306c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // Windows there is a different API. This API requires transcoding.
31406c3fb27SDimitry Andric
315cb14a3feSDimitry Andric#    ifndef _LIBCPP_WIN32API
31606c3fb27SDimitry Andric  __print::__vprint_unicode_posix(__stream, __fmt, __args, __write_nl, __print::__is_terminal(__stream));
31706c3fb27SDimitry Andric#    elif !defined(_LIBCPP_HAS_NO_WIDE_CHARACTERS)
31806c3fb27SDimitry Andric  __print::__vprint_unicode_windows(__stream, __fmt, __args, __write_nl, __print::__is_terminal(__stream));
31906c3fb27SDimitry Andric#    else
32006c3fb27SDimitry Andric#      error "Windows builds with wchar_t disabled are not supported."
32106c3fb27SDimitry Andric#    endif
32206c3fb27SDimitry Andric}
32306c3fb27SDimitry Andric
32406c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  endif // _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_UNICODE
32506c3fb27SDimitry Andric
32606c3fb27SDimitry Andric} // namespace __print
32706c3fb27SDimitry Andric
32806c3fb27SDimitry Andrictemplate <class... _Args>
32906c3fb27SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void print(FILE* __stream, format_string<_Args...> __fmt, _Args&&... __args) {
33006c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  ifndef _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_UNICODE
3317a6dacacSDimitry Andric  if constexpr (__print::__use_unicode_execution_charset)
33206c3fb27SDimitry Andric    __print::__vprint_unicode(__stream, __fmt.get(), std::make_format_args(__args...), false);
33306c3fb27SDimitry Andric  else
33406c3fb27SDimitry Andric    __print::__vprint_nonunicode(__stream, __fmt.get(), std::make_format_args(__args...), false);
33506c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  else  // _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_UNICODE
33606c3fb27SDimitry Andric  __print::__vprint_nonunicode(__stream, __fmt.get(), std::make_format_args(__args...), false);
33706c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  endif // _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_UNICODE
33806c3fb27SDimitry Andric}
33906c3fb27SDimitry Andric
34006c3fb27SDimitry Andrictemplate <class... _Args>
34106c3fb27SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void print(format_string<_Args...> __fmt, _Args&&... __args) {
34206c3fb27SDimitry Andric  std::print(stdout, __fmt, std::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
34306c3fb27SDimitry Andric}
34406c3fb27SDimitry Andric
34506c3fb27SDimitry Andrictemplate <class... _Args>
34606c3fb27SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void println(FILE* __stream, format_string<_Args...> __fmt, _Args&&... __args) {
34706c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  ifndef _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_UNICODE
34806c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // Note the wording in the Standard is inefficient. The output of
34906c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // std::format is a std::string which is then copied. This solution
35006c3fb27SDimitry Andric  // just appends a newline at the end of the output.
3517a6dacacSDimitry Andric  if constexpr (__print::__use_unicode_execution_charset)
35206c3fb27SDimitry Andric    __print::__vprint_unicode(__stream, __fmt.get(), std::make_format_args(__args...), true);
35306c3fb27SDimitry Andric  else
35406c3fb27SDimitry Andric    __print::__vprint_nonunicode(__stream, __fmt.get(), std::make_format_args(__args...), true);
35506c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  else  // _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_UNICODE
35606c3fb27SDimitry Andric  __print::__vprint_nonunicode(__stream, __fmt.get(), std::make_format_args(__args...), true);
35706c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  endif // _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_UNICODE
35806c3fb27SDimitry Andric}
35906c3fb27SDimitry Andric
360*0fca6ea1SDimitry Andrictemplate <class = void> // TODO PRINT template or availability markup fires too eagerly (http://llvm.org/PR61563).
361*0fca6ea1SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI inline void println(FILE* __stream) {
362*0fca6ea1SDimitry Andric  std::print(__stream, "\n");
363*0fca6ea1SDimitry Andric}
364*0fca6ea1SDimitry Andric
365*0fca6ea1SDimitry Andrictemplate <class = void> // TODO PRINT template or availability markup fires too eagerly (http://llvm.org/PR61563).
366*0fca6ea1SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI inline void println() {
367*0fca6ea1SDimitry Andric  println(stdout);
368*0fca6ea1SDimitry Andric}
369*0fca6ea1SDimitry Andric
37006c3fb27SDimitry Andrictemplate <class... _Args>
37106c3fb27SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI void println(format_string<_Args...> __fmt, _Args&&... __args) {
37206c3fb27SDimitry Andric  std::println(stdout, __fmt, std::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
37306c3fb27SDimitry Andric}
37406c3fb27SDimitry Andric
37506c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  ifndef _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_UNICODE
37606c3fb27SDimitry Andrictemplate <class = void> // TODO PRINT template or availability markup fires too eagerly (http://llvm.org/PR61563).
37706c3fb27SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI inline void vprint_unicode(FILE* __stream, string_view __fmt, format_args __args) {
37806c3fb27SDimitry Andric  __print::__vprint_unicode(__stream, __fmt, __args, false);
37906c3fb27SDimitry Andric}
38006c3fb27SDimitry Andric
38106c3fb27SDimitry Andrictemplate <class = void> // TODO PRINT template or availability markup fires too eagerly (http://llvm.org/PR61563).
38206c3fb27SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI inline void vprint_unicode(string_view __fmt, format_args __args) {
38306c3fb27SDimitry Andric  std::vprint_unicode(stdout, __fmt, __args);
38406c3fb27SDimitry Andric}
38506c3fb27SDimitry Andric
38606c3fb27SDimitry Andric#  endif // _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_UNICODE
38706c3fb27SDimitry Andric
38806c3fb27SDimitry Andrictemplate <class = void> // TODO PRINT template or availability markup fires too eagerly (http://llvm.org/PR61563).
38906c3fb27SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI inline void vprint_nonunicode(FILE* __stream, string_view __fmt, format_args __args) {
39006c3fb27SDimitry Andric  __print::__vprint_nonunicode(__stream, __fmt, __args, false);
39106c3fb27SDimitry Andric}
39206c3fb27SDimitry Andric
39306c3fb27SDimitry Andrictemplate <class = void> // TODO PRINT template or availability markup fires too eagerly (http://llvm.org/PR61563).
39406c3fb27SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_HIDE_FROM_ABI inline void vprint_nonunicode(string_view __fmt, format_args __args) {
39506c3fb27SDimitry Andric  std::vprint_nonunicode(stdout, __fmt, __args);
39606c3fb27SDimitry Andric}
39706c3fb27SDimitry Andric
39806c3fb27SDimitry Andric#endif // _LIBCPP_STD_VER >= 23
39906c3fb27SDimitry Andric
40006c3fb27SDimitry Andric_LIBCPP_END_NAMESPACE_STD
40106c3fb27SDimitry Andric
40206c3fb27SDimitry Andric#endif // _LIBCPP_PRINT