xref: /freebsd/contrib/llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/ubsan_minimal/ubsan_minimal_handlers.cpp (revision 7ef62cebc2f965b0f640263e179276928885e33d)
1 #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_atomic.h"
3 #include <stdlib.h>
4 #include <stdint.h>
5 #include <string.h>
6 #include <unistd.h>
8 #ifdef KERNEL_USE
9 extern "C" void ubsan_message(const char *msg);
10 static void message(const char *msg) { ubsan_message(msg); }
11 #else
12 static void message(const char *msg) {
13   (void)write(2, msg, strlen(msg));
14 }
15 #endif
17 static const int kMaxCallerPcs = 20;
18 static __sanitizer::atomic_uintptr_t caller_pcs[kMaxCallerPcs];
19 // Number of elements in caller_pcs. A special value of kMaxCallerPcs + 1 means
20 // that "too many errors" has already been reported.
21 static __sanitizer::atomic_uint32_t caller_pcs_sz;
23 __attribute__((noinline)) static bool report_this_error(uintptr_t caller) {
24   if (caller == 0)
25     return false;
26   while (true) {
27     unsigned sz = __sanitizer::atomic_load_relaxed(&caller_pcs_sz);
28     if (sz > kMaxCallerPcs) return false;  // early exit
29     // when sz==kMaxCallerPcs print "too many errors", but only when cmpxchg
30     // succeeds in order to not print it multiple times.
31     if (sz > 0 && sz < kMaxCallerPcs) {
32       uintptr_t p;
33       for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
34         p = __sanitizer::atomic_load_relaxed(&caller_pcs[i]);
35         if (p == 0) break;  // Concurrent update.
36         if (p == caller) return false;
37       }
38       if (p == 0) continue;  // FIXME: yield?
39     }
41     if (!__sanitizer::atomic_compare_exchange_strong(
42             &caller_pcs_sz, &sz, sz + 1, __sanitizer::memory_order_seq_cst))
43       continue;  // Concurrent update! Try again from the start.
45     if (sz == kMaxCallerPcs) {
46       message("ubsan: too many errors\n");
47       return false;
48     }
49     __sanitizer::atomic_store_relaxed(&caller_pcs[sz], caller);
50     return true;
51   }
52 }
54 __attribute__((noinline)) static void decorate_msg(char *buf,
55                                                    uintptr_t caller) {
56   // print the address by nibbles
57   for (unsigned shift = sizeof(uintptr_t) * 8; shift;) {
58     shift -= 4;
59     unsigned nibble = (caller >> shift) & 0xf;
60     *(buf++) = nibble < 10 ? nibble + '0' : nibble - 10 + 'a';
61   }
62   // finish the message
63   buf[0] = '\n';
64   buf[1] = '\0';
65 }
67 #if defined(__ANDROID__)
68 extern "C" __attribute__((weak)) void android_set_abort_message(const char *);
69 static void abort_with_message(const char *msg) {
70   if (&android_set_abort_message) android_set_abort_message(msg);
71   abort();
72 }
73 #else
74 static void abort_with_message(const char *) { abort(); }
75 #endif
78 namespace __sanitizer {
79 // The DCHECK macro needs this symbol to be defined.
80 void NORETURN CheckFailed(const char *file, int, const char *cond, u64, u64) {
81   message("Sanitizer CHECK failed: ");
82   message(file);
83   message(":?? : "); // FIXME: Show line number.
84   message(cond);
85   abort();
86 }
87 } // namespace __sanitizer
88 #endif
90 #define INTERFACE extern "C" __attribute__((visibility("default")))
92 // How many chars we need to reserve to print an address.
93 constexpr unsigned kAddrBuf = SANITIZER_WORDSIZE / 4;
94 #define MSG_TMPL(msg) "ubsan: " msg " by 0x"
95 #define MSG_TMPL_END(buf, msg) (buf + sizeof(MSG_TMPL(msg)) - 1)
96 // Reserve an additional byte for '\n'.
97 #define MSG_BUF_LEN(msg) (sizeof(MSG_TMPL(msg)) + kAddrBuf + 1)
99 #define HANDLER_RECOVER(name, msg)                               \
100   INTERFACE void __ubsan_handle_##name##_minimal() {             \
101     uintptr_t caller = GET_CALLER_PC();                  \
102     if (!report_this_error(caller)) return;                      \
103     char msg_buf[MSG_BUF_LEN(msg)] = MSG_TMPL(msg);              \
104     decorate_msg(MSG_TMPL_END(msg_buf, msg), caller);            \
105     message(msg_buf);                                            \
106   }
108 #define HANDLER_NORECOVER(name, msg)                             \
109   INTERFACE void __ubsan_handle_##name##_minimal_abort() {       \
110     char msg_buf[MSG_BUF_LEN(msg)] = MSG_TMPL(msg);              \
111     decorate_msg(MSG_TMPL_END(msg_buf, msg), GET_CALLER_PC());   \
112     message(msg_buf);                                            \
113     abort_with_message(msg_buf);                                 \
114   }
116 #define HANDLER(name, msg)                                       \
117   HANDLER_RECOVER(name, msg)                                     \
118   HANDLER_NORECOVER(name, msg)
120 HANDLER(type_mismatch, "type-mismatch")
121 HANDLER(alignment_assumption, "alignment-assumption")
122 HANDLER(add_overflow, "add-overflow")
123 HANDLER(sub_overflow, "sub-overflow")
124 HANDLER(mul_overflow, "mul-overflow")
125 HANDLER(negate_overflow, "negate-overflow")
126 HANDLER(divrem_overflow, "divrem-overflow")
127 HANDLER(shift_out_of_bounds, "shift-out-of-bounds")
128 HANDLER(out_of_bounds, "out-of-bounds")
129 HANDLER_RECOVER(builtin_unreachable, "builtin-unreachable")
130 HANDLER_RECOVER(missing_return, "missing-return")
131 HANDLER(vla_bound_not_positive, "vla-bound-not-positive")
132 HANDLER(float_cast_overflow, "float-cast-overflow")
133 HANDLER(load_invalid_value, "load-invalid-value")
134 HANDLER(invalid_builtin, "invalid-builtin")
135 HANDLER(invalid_objc_cast, "invalid-objc-cast")
136 HANDLER(function_type_mismatch, "function-type-mismatch")
137 HANDLER(implicit_conversion, "implicit-conversion")
138 HANDLER(nonnull_arg, "nonnull-arg")
139 HANDLER(nonnull_return, "nonnull-return")
140 HANDLER(nullability_arg, "nullability-arg")
141 HANDLER(nullability_return, "nullability-return")
142 HANDLER(pointer_overflow, "pointer-overflow")
143 HANDLER(cfi_check_fail, "cfi-check-fail")