xref: /freebsd/contrib/llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/tsan/rtl/tsan_report.cpp (revision 6be3386466ab79a84b48429ae66244f21526d3df)
1 //===-- tsan_report.cpp ---------------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file is a part of ThreadSanitizer (TSan), a race detector.
10 //
11 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
12 #include "tsan_report.h"
13 #include "tsan_platform.h"
14 #include "tsan_rtl.h"
15 #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_file.h"
16 #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_placement_new.h"
17 #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_report_decorator.h"
18 #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace_printer.h"
20 namespace __tsan {
22 ReportStack::ReportStack() : frames(nullptr), suppressable(false) {}
24 ReportStack *ReportStack::New() {
25   void *mem = internal_alloc(MBlockReportStack, sizeof(ReportStack));
26   return new(mem) ReportStack();
27 }
29 ReportLocation::ReportLocation(ReportLocationType type)
30     : type(type), global(), heap_chunk_start(0), heap_chunk_size(0), tid(0),
31       fd(0), suppressable(false), stack(nullptr) {}
33 ReportLocation *ReportLocation::New(ReportLocationType type) {
34   void *mem = internal_alloc(MBlockReportStack, sizeof(ReportLocation));
35   return new(mem) ReportLocation(type);
36 }
38 class Decorator: public __sanitizer::SanitizerCommonDecorator {
39  public:
40   Decorator() : SanitizerCommonDecorator() { }
41   const char *Access()     { return Blue(); }
42   const char *ThreadDescription()    { return Cyan(); }
43   const char *Location()   { return Green(); }
44   const char *Sleep()   { return Yellow(); }
45   const char *Mutex()   { return Magenta(); }
46 };
48 ReportDesc::ReportDesc()
49     : tag(kExternalTagNone)
50     , stacks()
51     , mops()
52     , locs()
53     , mutexes()
54     , threads()
55     , unique_tids()
56     , sleep()
57     , count() {
58 }
60 ReportMop::ReportMop()
61     : mset() {
62 }
64 ReportDesc::~ReportDesc() {
65   // FIXME(dvyukov): it must be leaking a lot of memory.
66 }
70 const int kThreadBufSize = 32;
71 const char *thread_name(char *buf, int tid) {
72   if (tid == 0)
73     return "main thread";
74   internal_snprintf(buf, kThreadBufSize, "thread T%d", tid);
75   return buf;
76 }
78 static const char *ReportTypeString(ReportType typ, uptr tag) {
79   switch (typ) {
80     case ReportTypeRace:
81       return "data race";
82     case ReportTypeVptrRace:
83       return "data race on vptr (ctor/dtor vs virtual call)";
84     case ReportTypeUseAfterFree:
85       return "heap-use-after-free";
86     case ReportTypeVptrUseAfterFree:
87       return "heap-use-after-free (virtual call vs free)";
88     case ReportTypeExternalRace: {
89       const char *str = GetReportHeaderFromTag(tag);
90       return str ? str : "race on external object";
91     }
92     case ReportTypeThreadLeak:
93       return "thread leak";
94     case ReportTypeMutexDestroyLocked:
95       return "destroy of a locked mutex";
96     case ReportTypeMutexDoubleLock:
97       return "double lock of a mutex";
98     case ReportTypeMutexInvalidAccess:
99       return "use of an invalid mutex (e.g. uninitialized or destroyed)";
100     case ReportTypeMutexBadUnlock:
101       return "unlock of an unlocked mutex (or by a wrong thread)";
102     case ReportTypeMutexBadReadLock:
103       return "read lock of a write locked mutex";
104     case ReportTypeMutexBadReadUnlock:
105       return "read unlock of a write locked mutex";
106     case ReportTypeSignalUnsafe:
107       return "signal-unsafe call inside of a signal";
108     case ReportTypeErrnoInSignal:
109       return "signal handler spoils errno";
110     case ReportTypeDeadlock:
111       return "lock-order-inversion (potential deadlock)";
112     // No default case so compiler warns us if we miss one
113   }
114   UNREACHABLE("missing case");
115 }
118 static const char *const kInterposedFunctionPrefix = "wrap_";
119 #else
120 static const char *const kInterposedFunctionPrefix = "__interceptor_";
121 #endif
123 void PrintStack(const ReportStack *ent) {
124   if (ent == 0 || ent->frames == 0) {
125     Printf("    [failed to restore the stack]\n\n");
126     return;
127   }
128   SymbolizedStack *frame = ent->frames;
129   for (int i = 0; frame && frame->info.address; frame = frame->next, i++) {
130     InternalScopedString res(2 * GetPageSizeCached());
131     RenderFrame(&res, common_flags()->stack_trace_format, i, frame->info,
132                 common_flags()->symbolize_vs_style,
133                 common_flags()->strip_path_prefix, kInterposedFunctionPrefix);
134     Printf("%s\n", res.data());
135   }
136   Printf("\n");
137 }
139 static void PrintMutexSet(Vector<ReportMopMutex> const& mset) {
140   for (uptr i = 0; i < mset.Size(); i++) {
141     if (i == 0)
142       Printf(" (mutexes:");
143     const ReportMopMutex m = mset[i];
144     Printf(" %s M%llu", m.write ? "write" : "read", m.id);
145     Printf(i == mset.Size() - 1 ? ")" : ",");
146   }
147 }
149 static const char *MopDesc(bool first, bool write, bool atomic) {
150   return atomic ? (first ? (write ? "Atomic write" : "Atomic read")
151                 : (write ? "Previous atomic write" : "Previous atomic read"))
152                 : (first ? (write ? "Write" : "Read")
153                 : (write ? "Previous write" : "Previous read"));
154 }
156 static const char *ExternalMopDesc(bool first, bool write) {
157   return first ? (write ? "Modifying" : "Read-only")
158                : (write ? "Previous modifying" : "Previous read-only");
159 }
161 static void PrintMop(const ReportMop *mop, bool first) {
162   Decorator d;
163   char thrbuf[kThreadBufSize];
164   Printf("%s", d.Access());
165   if (mop->external_tag == kExternalTagNone) {
166     Printf("  %s of size %d at %p by %s",
167            MopDesc(first, mop->write, mop->atomic), mop->size,
168            (void *)mop->addr, thread_name(thrbuf, mop->tid));
169   } else {
170     const char *object_type = GetObjectTypeFromTag(mop->external_tag);
171     if (object_type == nullptr)
172         object_type = "external object";
173     Printf("  %s access of %s at %p by %s",
174            ExternalMopDesc(first, mop->write), object_type,
175            (void *)mop->addr, thread_name(thrbuf, mop->tid));
176   }
177   PrintMutexSet(mop->mset);
178   Printf(":\n");
179   Printf("%s", d.Default());
180   PrintStack(mop->stack);
181 }
183 static void PrintLocation(const ReportLocation *loc) {
184   Decorator d;
185   char thrbuf[kThreadBufSize];
186   bool print_stack = false;
187   Printf("%s", d.Location());
188   if (loc->type == ReportLocationGlobal) {
189     const DataInfo &global = loc->global;
190     if (global.size != 0)
191       Printf("  Location is global '%s' of size %zu at %p (%s+%p)\n\n",
192              global.name, global.size, global.start,
193              StripModuleName(global.module), global.module_offset);
194     else
195       Printf("  Location is global '%s' at %p (%s+%p)\n\n", global.name,
196              global.start, StripModuleName(global.module),
197              global.module_offset);
198   } else if (loc->type == ReportLocationHeap) {
199     char thrbuf[kThreadBufSize];
200     const char *object_type = GetObjectTypeFromTag(loc->external_tag);
201     if (!object_type) {
202       Printf("  Location is heap block of size %zu at %p allocated by %s:\n",
203              loc->heap_chunk_size, loc->heap_chunk_start,
204              thread_name(thrbuf, loc->tid));
205     } else {
206       Printf("  Location is %s of size %zu at %p allocated by %s:\n",
207              object_type, loc->heap_chunk_size, loc->heap_chunk_start,
208              thread_name(thrbuf, loc->tid));
209     }
210     print_stack = true;
211   } else if (loc->type == ReportLocationStack) {
212     Printf("  Location is stack of %s.\n\n", thread_name(thrbuf, loc->tid));
213   } else if (loc->type == ReportLocationTLS) {
214     Printf("  Location is TLS of %s.\n\n", thread_name(thrbuf, loc->tid));
215   } else if (loc->type == ReportLocationFD) {
216     Printf("  Location is file descriptor %d created by %s at:\n",
217         loc->fd, thread_name(thrbuf, loc->tid));
218     print_stack = true;
219   }
220   Printf("%s", d.Default());
221   if (print_stack)
222     PrintStack(loc->stack);
223 }
225 static void PrintMutexShort(const ReportMutex *rm, const char *after) {
226   Decorator d;
227   Printf("%sM%zd%s%s", d.Mutex(), rm->id, d.Default(), after);
228 }
230 static void PrintMutexShortWithAddress(const ReportMutex *rm,
231                                        const char *after) {
232   Decorator d;
233   Printf("%sM%zd (%p)%s%s", d.Mutex(), rm->id, rm->addr, d.Default(), after);
234 }
236 static void PrintMutex(const ReportMutex *rm) {
237   Decorator d;
238   if (rm->destroyed) {
239     Printf("%s", d.Mutex());
240     Printf("  Mutex M%llu is already destroyed.\n\n", rm->id);
241     Printf("%s", d.Default());
242   } else {
243     Printf("%s", d.Mutex());
244     Printf("  Mutex M%llu (%p) created at:\n", rm->id, rm->addr);
245     Printf("%s", d.Default());
246     PrintStack(rm->stack);
247   }
248 }
250 static void PrintThread(const ReportThread *rt) {
251   Decorator d;
252   if (rt->id == 0)  // Little sense in describing the main thread.
253     return;
254   Printf("%s", d.ThreadDescription());
255   Printf("  Thread T%d", rt->id);
256   if (rt->name && rt->name[0] != '\0')
257     Printf(" '%s'", rt->name);
258   char thrbuf[kThreadBufSize];
259   const char *thread_status = rt->running ? "running" : "finished";
260   if (rt->thread_type == ThreadType::Worker) {
261     Printf(" (tid=%zu, %s) is a GCD worker thread\n", rt->os_id, thread_status);
262     Printf("\n");
263     Printf("%s", d.Default());
264     return;
265   }
266   Printf(" (tid=%zu, %s) created by %s", rt->os_id, thread_status,
267          thread_name(thrbuf, rt->parent_tid));
268   if (rt->stack)
269     Printf(" at:");
270   Printf("\n");
271   Printf("%s", d.Default());
272   PrintStack(rt->stack);
273 }
275 static void PrintSleep(const ReportStack *s) {
276   Decorator d;
277   Printf("%s", d.Sleep());
278   Printf("  As if synchronized via sleep:\n");
279   Printf("%s", d.Default());
280   PrintStack(s);
281 }
283 static ReportStack *ChooseSummaryStack(const ReportDesc *rep) {
284   if (rep->mops.Size())
285     return rep->mops[0]->stack;
286   if (rep->stacks.Size())
287     return rep->stacks[0];
288   if (rep->mutexes.Size())
289     return rep->mutexes[0]->stack;
290   if (rep->threads.Size())
291     return rep->threads[0]->stack;
292   return 0;
293 }
295 static bool FrameIsInternal(const SymbolizedStack *frame) {
296   if (frame == 0)
297     return false;
298   const char *file = frame->info.file;
299   const char *module = frame->info.module;
300   if (file != 0 &&
301       (internal_strstr(file, "tsan_interceptors_posix.cpp") ||
302        internal_strstr(file, "sanitizer_common_interceptors.inc") ||
303        internal_strstr(file, "tsan_interface_")))
304     return true;
305   if (module != 0 && (internal_strstr(module, "libclang_rt.tsan_")))
306     return true;
307   return false;
308 }
310 static SymbolizedStack *SkipTsanInternalFrames(SymbolizedStack *frames) {
311   while (FrameIsInternal(frames) && frames->next)
312     frames = frames->next;
313   return frames;
314 }
316 void PrintReport(const ReportDesc *rep) {
317   Decorator d;
318   Printf("==================\n");
319   const char *rep_typ_str = ReportTypeString(rep->typ, rep->tag);
320   Printf("%s", d.Warning());
321   Printf("WARNING: ThreadSanitizer: %s (pid=%d)\n", rep_typ_str,
322          (int)internal_getpid());
323   Printf("%s", d.Default());
325   if (rep->typ == ReportTypeDeadlock) {
326     char thrbuf[kThreadBufSize];
327     Printf("  Cycle in lock order graph: ");
328     for (uptr i = 0; i < rep->mutexes.Size(); i++)
329       PrintMutexShortWithAddress(rep->mutexes[i], " => ");
330     PrintMutexShort(rep->mutexes[0], "\n\n");
331     CHECK_GT(rep->mutexes.Size(), 0U);
332     CHECK_EQ(rep->mutexes.Size() * (flags()->second_deadlock_stack ? 2 : 1),
333              rep->stacks.Size());
334     for (uptr i = 0; i < rep->mutexes.Size(); i++) {
335       Printf("  Mutex ");
336       PrintMutexShort(rep->mutexes[(i + 1) % rep->mutexes.Size()],
337                       " acquired here while holding mutex ");
338       PrintMutexShort(rep->mutexes[i], " in ");
339       Printf("%s", d.ThreadDescription());
340       Printf("%s:\n", thread_name(thrbuf, rep->unique_tids[i]));
341       Printf("%s", d.Default());
342       if (flags()->second_deadlock_stack) {
343         PrintStack(rep->stacks[2*i]);
344         Printf("  Mutex ");
345         PrintMutexShort(rep->mutexes[i],
346                         " previously acquired by the same thread here:\n");
347         PrintStack(rep->stacks[2*i+1]);
348       } else {
349         PrintStack(rep->stacks[i]);
350         if (i == 0)
351           Printf("    Hint: use TSAN_OPTIONS=second_deadlock_stack=1 "
352                  "to get more informative warning message\n\n");
353       }
354     }
355   } else {
356     for (uptr i = 0; i < rep->stacks.Size(); i++) {
357       if (i)
358         Printf("  and:\n");
359       PrintStack(rep->stacks[i]);
360     }
361   }
363   for (uptr i = 0; i < rep->mops.Size(); i++)
364     PrintMop(rep->mops[i], i == 0);
366   if (rep->sleep)
367     PrintSleep(rep->sleep);
369   for (uptr i = 0; i < rep->locs.Size(); i++)
370     PrintLocation(rep->locs[i]);
372   if (rep->typ != ReportTypeDeadlock) {
373     for (uptr i = 0; i < rep->mutexes.Size(); i++)
374       PrintMutex(rep->mutexes[i]);
375   }
377   for (uptr i = 0; i < rep->threads.Size(); i++)
378     PrintThread(rep->threads[i]);
380   if (rep->typ == ReportTypeThreadLeak && rep->count > 1)
381     Printf("  And %d more similar thread leaks.\n\n", rep->count - 1);
383   if (ReportStack *stack = ChooseSummaryStack(rep)) {
384     if (SymbolizedStack *frame = SkipTsanInternalFrames(stack->frames))
385       ReportErrorSummary(rep_typ_str, frame->info);
386   }
388   if (common_flags()->print_module_map == 2) PrintModuleMap();
390   Printf("==================\n");
391 }
393 #else  // #if !SANITIZER_GO
395 const int kMainThreadId = 1;
397 void PrintStack(const ReportStack *ent) {
398   if (ent == 0 || ent->frames == 0) {
399     Printf("  [failed to restore the stack]\n");
400     return;
401   }
402   SymbolizedStack *frame = ent->frames;
403   for (int i = 0; frame; frame = frame->next, i++) {
404     const AddressInfo &info = frame->info;
405     Printf("  %s()\n      %s:%d +0x%zx\n", info.function,
406         StripPathPrefix(info.file, common_flags()->strip_path_prefix),
407         info.line, (void *)info.module_offset);
408   }
409 }
411 static void PrintMop(const ReportMop *mop, bool first) {
412   Printf("\n");
413   Printf("%s at %p by ",
414       (first ? (mop->write ? "Write" : "Read")
415              : (mop->write ? "Previous write" : "Previous read")), mop->addr);
416   if (mop->tid == kMainThreadId)
417     Printf("main goroutine:\n");
418   else
419     Printf("goroutine %d:\n", mop->tid);
420   PrintStack(mop->stack);
421 }
423 static void PrintLocation(const ReportLocation *loc) {
424   switch (loc->type) {
425   case ReportLocationHeap: {
426     Printf("\n");
427     Printf("Heap block of size %zu at %p allocated by ",
428         loc->heap_chunk_size, loc->heap_chunk_start);
429     if (loc->tid == kMainThreadId)
430       Printf("main goroutine:\n");
431     else
432       Printf("goroutine %d:\n", loc->tid);
433     PrintStack(loc->stack);
434     break;
435   }
436   case ReportLocationGlobal: {
437     Printf("\n");
438     Printf("Global var %s of size %zu at %p declared at %s:%zu\n",
439         loc->global.name, loc->global.size, loc->global.start,
440         loc->global.file, loc->global.line);
441     break;
442   }
443   default:
444     break;
445   }
446 }
448 static void PrintThread(const ReportThread *rt) {
449   if (rt->id == kMainThreadId)
450     return;
451   Printf("\n");
452   Printf("Goroutine %d (%s) created at:\n",
453     rt->id, rt->running ? "running" : "finished");
454   PrintStack(rt->stack);
455 }
457 void PrintReport(const ReportDesc *rep) {
458   Printf("==================\n");
459   if (rep->typ == ReportTypeRace) {
460     Printf("WARNING: DATA RACE");
461     for (uptr i = 0; i < rep->mops.Size(); i++)
462       PrintMop(rep->mops[i], i == 0);
463     for (uptr i = 0; i < rep->locs.Size(); i++)
464       PrintLocation(rep->locs[i]);
465     for (uptr i = 0; i < rep->threads.Size(); i++)
466       PrintThread(rep->threads[i]);
467   } else if (rep->typ == ReportTypeDeadlock) {
468     Printf("WARNING: DEADLOCK\n");
469     for (uptr i = 0; i < rep->mutexes.Size(); i++) {
470       Printf("Goroutine %d lock mutex %d while holding mutex %d:\n",
471           999, rep->mutexes[i]->id,
472           rep->mutexes[(i+1) % rep->mutexes.Size()]->id);
473       PrintStack(rep->stacks[2*i]);
474       Printf("\n");
475       Printf("Mutex %d was previously locked here:\n",
476           rep->mutexes[(i+1) % rep->mutexes.Size()]->id);
477       PrintStack(rep->stacks[2*i + 1]);
478       Printf("\n");
479     }
480   }
481   Printf("==================\n");
482 }
484 #endif
486 }  // namespace __tsan