xref: /freebsd/contrib/llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/scudo/standalone/release.h (revision 77013d11e6483b970af25e13c9b892075742f7e5)
1 //===-- release.h -----------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #ifndef SCUDO_RELEASE_H_
10 #define SCUDO_RELEASE_H_
12 #include "common.h"
13 #include "list.h"
14 #include "mutex.h"
16 namespace scudo {
18 class ReleaseRecorder {
19 public:
20   ReleaseRecorder(uptr BaseAddress, MapPlatformData *Data = nullptr)
21       : BaseAddress(BaseAddress), Data(Data) {}
23   uptr getReleasedRangesCount() const { return ReleasedRangesCount; }
25   uptr getReleasedBytes() const { return ReleasedBytes; }
27   // Releases [From, To) range of pages back to OS.
28   void releasePageRangeToOS(uptr From, uptr To) {
29     const uptr Size = To - From;
30     releasePagesToOS(BaseAddress, From, Size, Data);
31     ReleasedRangesCount++;
32     ReleasedBytes += Size;
33   }
35 private:
36   uptr ReleasedRangesCount = 0;
37   uptr ReleasedBytes = 0;
38   uptr BaseAddress = 0;
39   MapPlatformData *Data = nullptr;
40 };
42 // A packed array of Counters. Each counter occupies 2^N bits, enough to store
43 // counter's MaxValue. Ctor will try to use a static buffer first, and if that
44 // fails (the buffer is too small or already locked), will allocate the
45 // required Buffer via map(). The caller is expected to check whether the
46 // initialization was successful by checking isAllocated() result. For
47 // performance sake, none of the accessors check the validity of the arguments,
48 // It is assumed that Index is always in [0, N) range and the value is not
49 // incremented past MaxValue.
50 class PackedCounterArray {
51 public:
52   PackedCounterArray(uptr NumberOfRegions, uptr CountersPerRegion,
53                      uptr MaxValue)
54       : Regions(NumberOfRegions), NumCounters(CountersPerRegion) {
55     DCHECK_GT(Regions, 0);
56     DCHECK_GT(NumCounters, 0);
57     DCHECK_GT(MaxValue, 0);
58     constexpr uptr MaxCounterBits = sizeof(*Buffer) * 8UL;
59     // Rounding counter storage size up to the power of two allows for using
60     // bit shifts calculating particular counter's Index and offset.
61     const uptr CounterSizeBits =
62         roundUpToPowerOfTwo(getMostSignificantSetBitIndex(MaxValue) + 1);
63     DCHECK_LE(CounterSizeBits, MaxCounterBits);
64     CounterSizeBitsLog = getLog2(CounterSizeBits);
65     CounterMask = ~(static_cast<uptr>(0)) >> (MaxCounterBits - CounterSizeBits);
67     const uptr PackingRatio = MaxCounterBits >> CounterSizeBitsLog;
68     DCHECK_GT(PackingRatio, 0);
69     PackingRatioLog = getLog2(PackingRatio);
70     BitOffsetMask = PackingRatio - 1;
72     SizePerRegion =
73         roundUpTo(NumCounters, static_cast<uptr>(1U) << PackingRatioLog) >>
74         PackingRatioLog;
75     BufferSize = SizePerRegion * sizeof(*Buffer) * Regions;
76     if (BufferSize <= (StaticBufferCount * sizeof(Buffer[0])) &&
77         Mutex.tryLock()) {
78       Buffer = &StaticBuffer[0];
79       memset(Buffer, 0, BufferSize);
80     } else {
81       Buffer = reinterpret_cast<uptr *>(
82           map(nullptr, BufferSize, "scudo:counters", MAP_ALLOWNOMEM));
83     }
84   }
85   ~PackedCounterArray() {
86     if (!isAllocated())
87       return;
88     if (Buffer == &StaticBuffer[0])
89       Mutex.unlock();
90     else
91       unmap(reinterpret_cast<void *>(Buffer), BufferSize);
92   }
94   bool isAllocated() const { return !!Buffer; }
96   uptr getCount() const { return NumCounters; }
98   uptr get(uptr Region, uptr I) const {
99     DCHECK_LT(Region, Regions);
100     DCHECK_LT(I, NumCounters);
101     const uptr Index = I >> PackingRatioLog;
102     const uptr BitOffset = (I & BitOffsetMask) << CounterSizeBitsLog;
103     return (Buffer[Region * SizePerRegion + Index] >> BitOffset) & CounterMask;
104   }
106   void inc(uptr Region, uptr I) const {
107     DCHECK_LT(get(Region, I), CounterMask);
108     const uptr Index = I >> PackingRatioLog;
109     const uptr BitOffset = (I & BitOffsetMask) << CounterSizeBitsLog;
111     Buffer[Region * SizePerRegion + Index] += static_cast<uptr>(1U)
112                                               << BitOffset;
113   }
115   void incRange(uptr Region, uptr From, uptr To) const {
116     DCHECK_LE(From, To);
117     const uptr Top = Min(To + 1, NumCounters);
118     for (uptr I = From; I < Top; I++)
119       inc(Region, I);
120   }
122   uptr getBufferSize() const { return BufferSize; }
124   static const uptr StaticBufferCount = 2048U;
126 private:
127   const uptr Regions;
128   const uptr NumCounters;
129   uptr CounterSizeBitsLog;
130   uptr CounterMask;
131   uptr PackingRatioLog;
132   uptr BitOffsetMask;
134   uptr SizePerRegion;
135   uptr BufferSize;
136   uptr *Buffer;
138   static HybridMutex Mutex;
139   static uptr StaticBuffer[StaticBufferCount];
140 };
142 template <class ReleaseRecorderT> class FreePagesRangeTracker {
143 public:
144   explicit FreePagesRangeTracker(ReleaseRecorderT *Recorder)
145       : Recorder(Recorder), PageSizeLog(getLog2(getPageSizeCached())) {}
147   void processNextPage(bool Freed) {
148     if (Freed) {
149       if (!InRange) {
150         CurrentRangeStatePage = CurrentPage;
151         InRange = true;
152       }
153     } else {
154       closeOpenedRange();
155     }
156     CurrentPage++;
157   }
159   void skipPages(uptr N) {
160     closeOpenedRange();
161     CurrentPage += N;
162   }
164   void finish() { closeOpenedRange(); }
166 private:
167   void closeOpenedRange() {
168     if (InRange) {
169       Recorder->releasePageRangeToOS((CurrentRangeStatePage << PageSizeLog),
170                                      (CurrentPage << PageSizeLog));
171       InRange = false;
172     }
173   }
175   ReleaseRecorderT *const Recorder;
176   const uptr PageSizeLog;
177   bool InRange = false;
178   uptr CurrentPage = 0;
179   uptr CurrentRangeStatePage = 0;
180 };
182 template <class TransferBatchT, class ReleaseRecorderT, typename SkipRegionT>
183 NOINLINE void
184 releaseFreeMemoryToOS(const IntrusiveList<TransferBatchT> &FreeList, uptr Base,
185                       uptr RegionSize, uptr NumberOfRegions, uptr BlockSize,
186                       ReleaseRecorderT *Recorder, SkipRegionT SkipRegion) {
187   const uptr PageSize = getPageSizeCached();
189   // Figure out the number of chunks per page and whether we can take a fast
190   // path (the number of chunks per page is the same for all pages).
191   uptr FullPagesBlockCountMax;
192   bool SameBlockCountPerPage;
193   if (BlockSize <= PageSize) {
194     if (PageSize % BlockSize == 0) {
195       // Same number of chunks per page, no cross overs.
196       FullPagesBlockCountMax = PageSize / BlockSize;
197       SameBlockCountPerPage = true;
198     } else if (BlockSize % (PageSize % BlockSize) == 0) {
199       // Some chunks are crossing page boundaries, which means that the page
200       // contains one or two partial chunks, but all pages contain the same
201       // number of chunks.
202       FullPagesBlockCountMax = PageSize / BlockSize + 1;
203       SameBlockCountPerPage = true;
204     } else {
205       // Some chunks are crossing page boundaries, which means that the page
206       // contains one or two partial chunks.
207       FullPagesBlockCountMax = PageSize / BlockSize + 2;
208       SameBlockCountPerPage = false;
209     }
210   } else {
211     if (BlockSize % PageSize == 0) {
212       // One chunk covers multiple pages, no cross overs.
213       FullPagesBlockCountMax = 1;
214       SameBlockCountPerPage = true;
215     } else {
216       // One chunk covers multiple pages, Some chunks are crossing page
217       // boundaries. Some pages contain one chunk, some contain two.
218       FullPagesBlockCountMax = 2;
219       SameBlockCountPerPage = false;
220     }
221   }
223   const uptr PagesCount = roundUpTo(RegionSize, PageSize) / PageSize;
224   PackedCounterArray Counters(NumberOfRegions, PagesCount,
225                               FullPagesBlockCountMax);
226   if (!Counters.isAllocated())
227     return;
229   const uptr PageSizeLog = getLog2(PageSize);
230   const uptr RoundedRegionSize = PagesCount << PageSizeLog;
231   const uptr RoundedSize = NumberOfRegions * RoundedRegionSize;
233   // Iterate over free chunks and count how many free chunks affect each
234   // allocated page.
235   if (BlockSize <= PageSize && PageSize % BlockSize == 0) {
236     // Each chunk affects one page only.
237     for (const auto &It : FreeList) {
238       for (u32 I = 0; I < It.getCount(); I++) {
239         const uptr P = reinterpret_cast<uptr>(It.get(I)) - Base;
240         // This takes care of P < Base and P >= Base + RoundedSize.
241         if (UNLIKELY(P >= RoundedSize))
242           continue;
243         const uptr RegionIndex = NumberOfRegions == 1U ? 0 : P / RegionSize;
244         const uptr PInRegion = P - RegionIndex * RegionSize;
245         Counters.inc(RegionIndex, PInRegion >> PageSizeLog);
246       }
247     }
248   } else {
249     // In all other cases chunks might affect more than one page.
250     DCHECK_GE(RegionSize, BlockSize);
251     const uptr LastBlockInRegion = ((RegionSize / BlockSize) - 1U) * BlockSize;
252     for (const auto &It : FreeList) {
253       for (u32 I = 0; I < It.getCount(); I++) {
254         const uptr P = reinterpret_cast<uptr>(It.get(I)) - Base;
255         // This takes care of P < Base and P >= Base + RoundedSize.
256         if (UNLIKELY(P >= RoundedSize))
257           continue;
258         const uptr RegionIndex = NumberOfRegions == 1U ? 0 : P / RegionSize;
259         uptr PInRegion = P - RegionIndex * RegionSize;
260         Counters.incRange(RegionIndex, PInRegion >> PageSizeLog,
261                           (PInRegion + BlockSize - 1) >> PageSizeLog);
262         // The last block in a region might straddle a page, so if it's
263         // free, we mark the following "pretend" memory block(s) as free.
264         if (PInRegion == LastBlockInRegion) {
265           PInRegion += BlockSize;
266           while (PInRegion < RoundedRegionSize) {
267             Counters.incRange(RegionIndex, PInRegion >> PageSizeLog,
268                               (PInRegion + BlockSize - 1) >> PageSizeLog);
269             PInRegion += BlockSize;
270           }
271         }
272       }
273     }
274   }
276   // Iterate over pages detecting ranges of pages with chunk Counters equal
277   // to the expected number of chunks for the particular page.
278   FreePagesRangeTracker<ReleaseRecorderT> RangeTracker(Recorder);
279   if (SameBlockCountPerPage) {
280     // Fast path, every page has the same number of chunks affecting it.
281     for (uptr I = 0; I < NumberOfRegions; I++) {
282       if (SkipRegion(I)) {
283         RangeTracker.skipPages(PagesCount);
284         continue;
285       }
286       for (uptr J = 0; J < PagesCount; J++)
287         RangeTracker.processNextPage(Counters.get(I, J) ==
288                                      FullPagesBlockCountMax);
289     }
290   } else {
291     // Slow path, go through the pages keeping count how many chunks affect
292     // each page.
293     const uptr Pn = BlockSize < PageSize ? PageSize / BlockSize : 1;
294     const uptr Pnc = Pn * BlockSize;
295     // The idea is to increment the current page pointer by the first chunk
296     // size, middle portion size (the portion of the page covered by chunks
297     // except the first and the last one) and then the last chunk size, adding
298     // up the number of chunks on the current page and checking on every step
299     // whether the page boundary was crossed.
300     for (uptr I = 0; I < NumberOfRegions; I++) {
301       if (SkipRegion(I)) {
302         RangeTracker.skipPages(PagesCount);
303         continue;
304       }
305       uptr PrevPageBoundary = 0;
306       uptr CurrentBoundary = 0;
307       for (uptr J = 0; J < PagesCount; J++) {
308         const uptr PageBoundary = PrevPageBoundary + PageSize;
309         uptr BlocksPerPage = Pn;
310         if (CurrentBoundary < PageBoundary) {
311           if (CurrentBoundary > PrevPageBoundary)
312             BlocksPerPage++;
313           CurrentBoundary += Pnc;
314           if (CurrentBoundary < PageBoundary) {
315             BlocksPerPage++;
316             CurrentBoundary += BlockSize;
317           }
318         }
319         PrevPageBoundary = PageBoundary;
320         RangeTracker.processNextPage(Counters.get(I, J) == BlocksPerPage);
321       }
322     }
323   }
324   RangeTracker.finish();
325 }
327 } // namespace scudo
329 #endif // SCUDO_RELEASE_H_