xref: /freebsd/contrib/llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/hwasan/hwasan_report.cpp (revision 59c8e88e72633afbc47a4ace0d2170d00d51f7dc)
1 //===-- hwasan_report.cpp -------------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file is a part of HWAddressSanitizer.
10 //
11 // Error reporting.
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
14 #include "hwasan_report.h"
16 #include <dlfcn.h>
18 #include "hwasan.h"
19 #include "hwasan_allocator.h"
20 #include "hwasan_globals.h"
21 #include "hwasan_mapping.h"
22 #include "hwasan_thread.h"
23 #include "hwasan_thread_list.h"
24 #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_allocator_internal.h"
25 #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_array_ref.h"
26 #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_common.h"
27 #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_flags.h"
28 #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_mutex.h"
29 #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_report_decorator.h"
30 #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stackdepot.h"
31 #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace_printer.h"
32 #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_symbolizer.h"
34 using namespace __sanitizer;
36 namespace __hwasan {
38 class ScopedReport {
39  public:
40   ScopedReport(bool fatal = false) : error_message_(1), fatal(fatal) {
41     Lock lock(&error_message_lock_);
42     error_message_ptr_ = fatal ? &error_message_ : nullptr;
43     ++hwasan_report_count;
44   }
46   ~ScopedReport() {
47     void (*report_cb)(const char *);
48     {
49       Lock lock(&error_message_lock_);
50       report_cb = error_report_callback_;
51       error_message_ptr_ = nullptr;
52     }
53     if (report_cb)
54       report_cb(error_message_.data());
55     if (fatal)
56       SetAbortMessage(error_message_.data());
57     if (common_flags()->print_module_map >= 2 ||
58         (fatal && common_flags()->print_module_map))
59       DumpProcessMap();
60     if (fatal)
61       Die();
62   }
64   static void MaybeAppendToErrorMessage(const char *msg) {
65     Lock lock(&error_message_lock_);
66     if (!error_message_ptr_)
67       return;
68     uptr len = internal_strlen(msg);
69     uptr old_size = error_message_ptr_->size();
70     error_message_ptr_->resize(old_size + len);
71     // overwrite old trailing '\0', keep new trailing '\0' untouched.
72     internal_memcpy(&(*error_message_ptr_)[old_size - 1], msg, len);
73   }
75   static void SetErrorReportCallback(void (*callback)(const char *)) {
76     Lock lock(&error_message_lock_);
77     error_report_callback_ = callback;
78   }
80  private:
81   ScopedErrorReportLock error_report_lock_;
82   InternalMmapVector<char> error_message_;
83   bool fatal;
85   static InternalMmapVector<char> *error_message_ptr_;
86   static Mutex error_message_lock_;
87   static void (*error_report_callback_)(const char *);
88 };
90 InternalMmapVector<char> *ScopedReport::error_message_ptr_;
91 Mutex ScopedReport::error_message_lock_;
92 void (*ScopedReport::error_report_callback_)(const char *);
94 // If there is an active ScopedReport, append to its error message.
95 void AppendToErrorMessageBuffer(const char *buffer) {
96   ScopedReport::MaybeAppendToErrorMessage(buffer);
97 }
99 static StackTrace GetStackTraceFromId(u32 id) {
100   CHECK(id);
101   StackTrace res = StackDepotGet(id);
102   CHECK(res.trace);
103   return res;
104 }
106 static void MaybePrintAndroidHelpUrl() {
108   Printf(
109       "Learn more about HWASan reports: "
110       "https://source.android.com/docs/security/test/memory-safety/"
111       "hwasan-reports\n");
112 #endif
113 }
115 // A RAII object that holds a copy of the current thread stack ring buffer.
116 // The actual stack buffer may change while we are iterating over it (for
117 // example, Printf may call syslog() which can itself be built with hwasan).
118 class SavedStackAllocations {
119  public:
120   SavedStackAllocations(StackAllocationsRingBuffer *rb) {
121     uptr size = rb->size() * sizeof(uptr);
122     void *storage =
123         MmapAlignedOrDieOnFatalError(size, size * 2, "saved stack allocations");
124     new (&rb_) StackAllocationsRingBuffer(*rb, storage);
125   }
127   ~SavedStackAllocations() {
128     StackAllocationsRingBuffer *rb = get();
129     UnmapOrDie(rb->StartOfStorage(), rb->size() * sizeof(uptr));
130   }
132   StackAllocationsRingBuffer *get() {
133     return (StackAllocationsRingBuffer *)&rb_;
134   }
136  private:
137   uptr rb_;
138 };
140 class Decorator: public __sanitizer::SanitizerCommonDecorator {
141  public:
142   Decorator() : SanitizerCommonDecorator() { }
143   const char *Access() { return Blue(); }
144   const char *Allocation() const { return Magenta(); }
145   const char *Origin() const { return Magenta(); }
146   const char *Name() const { return Green(); }
147   const char *Location() { return Green(); }
148   const char *Thread() { return Green(); }
149 };
151 static bool FindHeapAllocation(HeapAllocationsRingBuffer *rb, uptr tagged_addr,
152                                HeapAllocationRecord *har, uptr *ring_index,
153                                uptr *num_matching_addrs,
154                                uptr *num_matching_addrs_4b) {
155   if (!rb) return false;
157   *num_matching_addrs = 0;
158   *num_matching_addrs_4b = 0;
159   for (uptr i = 0, size = rb->size(); i < size; i++) {
160     auto h = (*rb)[i];
161     if (h.tagged_addr <= tagged_addr &&
162         h.tagged_addr + h.requested_size > tagged_addr) {
163       *har = h;
164       *ring_index = i;
165       return true;
166     }
168     // Measure the number of heap ring buffer entries that would have matched
169     // if we had only one entry per address (e.g. if the ring buffer data was
170     // stored at the address itself). This will help us tune the allocator
171     // implementation for MTE.
172     if (UntagAddr(h.tagged_addr) <= UntagAddr(tagged_addr) &&
173         UntagAddr(h.tagged_addr) + h.requested_size > UntagAddr(tagged_addr)) {
174       ++*num_matching_addrs;
175     }
177     // Measure the number of heap ring buffer entries that would have matched
178     // if we only had 4 tag bits, which is the case for MTE.
179     auto untag_4b = [](uptr p) {
180       return p & ((1ULL << 60) - 1);
181     };
182     if (untag_4b(h.tagged_addr) <= untag_4b(tagged_addr) &&
183         untag_4b(h.tagged_addr) + h.requested_size > untag_4b(tagged_addr)) {
184       ++*num_matching_addrs_4b;
185     }
186   }
187   return false;
188 }
190 static void PrintStackAllocations(StackAllocationsRingBuffer *sa,
191                                   tag_t addr_tag, uptr untagged_addr) {
192   uptr frames = Min((uptr)flags()->stack_history_size, sa->size());
193   bool found_local = false;
194   for (uptr i = 0; i < frames; i++) {
195     const uptr *record_addr = &(*sa)[i];
196     uptr record = *record_addr;
197     if (!record)
198       break;
199     tag_t base_tag =
200         reinterpret_cast<uptr>(record_addr) >> kRecordAddrBaseTagShift;
201     uptr fp = (record >> kRecordFPShift) << kRecordFPLShift;
202     uptr pc_mask = (1ULL << kRecordFPShift) - 1;
203     uptr pc = record & pc_mask;
204     FrameInfo frame;
205     if (Symbolizer::GetOrInit()->SymbolizeFrame(pc, &frame)) {
206       for (LocalInfo &local : frame.locals) {
207         if (!local.has_frame_offset || !local.has_size || !local.has_tag_offset)
208           continue;
209         tag_t obj_tag = base_tag ^ local.tag_offset;
210         if (obj_tag != addr_tag)
211           continue;
212         // Calculate the offset from the object address to the faulting
213         // address. Because we only store bits 4-19 of FP (bits 0-3 are
214         // guaranteed to be zero), the calculation is performed mod 2^20 and may
215         // harmlessly underflow if the address mod 2^20 is below the object
216         // address.
217         uptr obj_offset =
218             (untagged_addr - fp - local.frame_offset) & (kRecordFPModulus - 1);
219         if (obj_offset >= local.size)
220           continue;
221         if (!found_local) {
222           Printf("Potentially referenced stack objects:\n");
223           found_local = true;
224         }
225         Printf("  %s in %s %s:%d\n", local.name, local.function_name,
226                local.decl_file, local.decl_line);
227       }
228       frame.Clear();
229     }
230   }
232   if (found_local)
233     return;
235   // We didn't find any locals. Most likely we don't have symbols, so dump
236   // the information that we have for offline analysis.
237   InternalScopedString frame_desc;
238   Printf("Previously allocated frames:\n");
239   for (uptr i = 0; i < frames; i++) {
240     const uptr *record_addr = &(*sa)[i];
241     uptr record = *record_addr;
242     if (!record)
243       break;
244     uptr pc_mask = (1ULL << 48) - 1;
245     uptr pc = record & pc_mask;
246     frame_desc.append("  record_addr:0x%zx record:0x%zx",
247                       reinterpret_cast<uptr>(record_addr), record);
248     if (SymbolizedStack *frame = Symbolizer::GetOrInit()->SymbolizePC(pc)) {
249       RenderFrame(&frame_desc, " %F %L", 0, frame->info.address, &frame->info,
250                   common_flags()->symbolize_vs_style,
251                   common_flags()->strip_path_prefix);
252       frame->ClearAll();
253     }
254     Printf("%s\n", frame_desc.data());
255     frame_desc.clear();
256   }
257 }
259 // Returns true if tag == *tag_ptr, reading tags from short granules if
260 // necessary. This may return a false positive if tags 1-15 are used as a
261 // regular tag rather than a short granule marker.
262 static bool TagsEqual(tag_t tag, tag_t *tag_ptr) {
263   if (tag == *tag_ptr)
264     return true;
265   if (*tag_ptr == 0 || *tag_ptr > kShadowAlignment - 1)
266     return false;
267   uptr mem = ShadowToMem(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(tag_ptr));
268   tag_t inline_tag = *reinterpret_cast<tag_t *>(mem + kShadowAlignment - 1);
269   return tag == inline_tag;
270 }
272 // HWASan globals store the size of the global in the descriptor. In cases where
273 // we don't have a binary with symbols, we can't grab the size of the global
274 // from the debug info - but we might be able to retrieve it from the
275 // descriptor. Returns zero if the lookup failed.
276 static uptr GetGlobalSizeFromDescriptor(uptr ptr) {
277   // Find the ELF object that this global resides in.
278   Dl_info info;
279   if (dladdr(reinterpret_cast<void *>(ptr), &info) == 0)
280     return 0;
281   auto *ehdr = reinterpret_cast<const ElfW(Ehdr) *>(info.dli_fbase);
282   auto *phdr_begin = reinterpret_cast<const ElfW(Phdr) *>(
283       reinterpret_cast<const u8 *>(ehdr) + ehdr->e_phoff);
285   // Get the load bias. This is normally the same as the dli_fbase address on
286   // position-independent code, but can be different on non-PIE executables,
287   // binaries using LLD's partitioning feature, or binaries compiled with a
288   // linker script.
289   ElfW(Addr) load_bias = 0;
290   for (const auto &phdr :
291        ArrayRef<const ElfW(Phdr)>(phdr_begin, phdr_begin + ehdr->e_phnum)) {
292     if (phdr.p_type != PT_LOAD || phdr.p_offset != 0)
293       continue;
294     load_bias = reinterpret_cast<ElfW(Addr)>(ehdr) - phdr.p_vaddr;
295     break;
296   }
298   // Walk all globals in this ELF object, looking for the one we're interested
299   // in. Once we find it, we can stop iterating and return the size of the
300   // global we're interested in.
301   for (const hwasan_global &global :
302        HwasanGlobalsFor(load_bias, phdr_begin, ehdr->e_phnum))
303     if (global.addr() <= ptr && ptr < global.addr() + global.size())
304       return global.size();
306   return 0;
307 }
309 static void ShowHeapOrGlobalCandidate(uptr untagged_addr, tag_t *candidate,
310                                       tag_t *left, tag_t *right) {
311   Decorator d;
312   uptr mem = ShadowToMem(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(candidate));
313   HwasanChunkView chunk = FindHeapChunkByAddress(mem);
314   if (chunk.IsAllocated()) {
315     uptr offset;
316     const char *whence;
317     if (untagged_addr < chunk.End() && untagged_addr >= chunk.Beg()) {
318       offset = untagged_addr - chunk.Beg();
319       whence = "inside";
320     } else if (candidate == left) {
321       offset = untagged_addr - chunk.End();
322       whence = "after";
323     } else {
324       offset = chunk.Beg() - untagged_addr;
325       whence = "before";
326     }
327     Printf("%s", d.Error());
328     Printf("\nCause: heap-buffer-overflow\n");
329     Printf("%s", d.Default());
330     Printf("%s", d.Location());
331     Printf("%p is located %zd bytes %s a %zd-byte region [%p,%p)\n",
332            untagged_addr, offset, whence, chunk.UsedSize(), chunk.Beg(),
333            chunk.End());
334     Printf("%s", d.Allocation());
335     Printf("allocated by thread T%u here:\n", chunk.GetAllocThreadId());
336     Printf("%s", d.Default());
337     GetStackTraceFromId(chunk.GetAllocStackId()).Print();
338     return;
339   }
340   // Check whether the address points into a loaded library. If so, this is
341   // most likely a global variable.
342   const char *module_name;
343   uptr module_address;
344   Symbolizer *sym = Symbolizer::GetOrInit();
345   if (sym->GetModuleNameAndOffsetForPC(mem, &module_name, &module_address)) {
346     Printf("%s", d.Error());
347     Printf("\nCause: global-overflow\n");
348     Printf("%s", d.Default());
349     DataInfo info;
350     Printf("%s", d.Location());
351     if (sym->SymbolizeData(mem, &info) && info.start) {
352       Printf(
353           "%p is located %zd bytes %s a %zd-byte global variable "
354           "%s [%p,%p) in %s\n",
355           untagged_addr,
356           candidate == left ? untagged_addr - (info.start + info.size)
357                             : info.start - untagged_addr,
358           candidate == left ? "after" : "before", info.size, info.name,
359           info.start, info.start + info.size, module_name);
360     } else {
361       uptr size = GetGlobalSizeFromDescriptor(mem);
362       if (size == 0)
363         // We couldn't find the size of the global from the descriptors.
364         Printf(
365             "%p is located %s a global variable in "
366             "\n    #0 0x%x (%s+0x%x)\n",
367             untagged_addr, candidate == left ? "after" : "before", mem,
368             module_name, module_address);
369       else
370         Printf(
371             "%p is located %s a %zd-byte global variable in "
372             "\n    #0 0x%x (%s+0x%x)\n",
373             untagged_addr, candidate == left ? "after" : "before", size, mem,
374             module_name, module_address);
375     }
376     Printf("%s", d.Default());
377   }
378 }
380 void PrintAddressDescription(
381     uptr tagged_addr, uptr access_size,
382     StackAllocationsRingBuffer *current_stack_allocations) {
383   Decorator d;
384   int num_descriptions_printed = 0;
385   uptr untagged_addr = UntagAddr(tagged_addr);
387   if (MemIsShadow(untagged_addr)) {
388     Printf("%s%p is HWAsan shadow memory.\n%s", d.Location(), untagged_addr,
389            d.Default());
390     return;
391   }
393   // Print some very basic information about the address, if it's a heap.
394   HwasanChunkView chunk = FindHeapChunkByAddress(untagged_addr);
395   if (uptr beg = chunk.Beg()) {
396     uptr size = chunk.ActualSize();
397     Printf("%s[%p,%p) is a %s %s heap chunk; "
398            "size: %zd offset: %zd\n%s",
399            d.Location(),
400            beg, beg + size,
401            chunk.FromSmallHeap() ? "small" : "large",
402            chunk.IsAllocated() ? "allocated" : "unallocated",
403            size, untagged_addr - beg,
404            d.Default());
405   }
407   tag_t addr_tag = GetTagFromPointer(tagged_addr);
409   bool on_stack = false;
410   // Check stack first. If the address is on the stack of a live thread, we
411   // know it cannot be a heap / global overflow.
412   hwasanThreadList().VisitAllLiveThreads([&](Thread *t) {
413     if (t->AddrIsInStack(untagged_addr)) {
414       on_stack = true;
415       // TODO(fmayer): figure out how to distinguish use-after-return and
416       // stack-buffer-overflow.
417       Printf("%s", d.Error());
418       Printf("\nCause: stack tag-mismatch\n");
419       Printf("%s", d.Location());
420       Printf("Address %p is located in stack of thread T%zd\n", untagged_addr,
421              t->unique_id());
422       Printf("%s", d.Default());
423       t->Announce();
425       auto *sa = (t == GetCurrentThread() && current_stack_allocations)
426                      ? current_stack_allocations
427                      : t->stack_allocations();
428       PrintStackAllocations(sa, addr_tag, untagged_addr);
429       num_descriptions_printed++;
430     }
431   });
433   // Check if this looks like a heap buffer overflow by scanning
434   // the shadow left and right and looking for the first adjacent
435   // object with a different memory tag. If that tag matches addr_tag,
436   // check the allocator if it has a live chunk there.
437   tag_t *tag_ptr = reinterpret_cast<tag_t*>(MemToShadow(untagged_addr));
438   tag_t *candidate = nullptr, *left = tag_ptr, *right = tag_ptr;
439   uptr candidate_distance = 0;
440   for (; candidate_distance < 1000; candidate_distance++) {
441     if (MemIsShadow(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(left)) &&
442         TagsEqual(addr_tag, left)) {
443       candidate = left;
444       break;
445     }
446     --left;
447     if (MemIsShadow(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(right)) &&
448         TagsEqual(addr_tag, right)) {
449       candidate = right;
450       break;
451     }
452     ++right;
453   }
455   constexpr auto kCloseCandidateDistance = 1;
457   if (!on_stack && candidate && candidate_distance <= kCloseCandidateDistance) {
458     ShowHeapOrGlobalCandidate(untagged_addr, candidate, left, right);
459     num_descriptions_printed++;
460   }
462   hwasanThreadList().VisitAllLiveThreads([&](Thread *t) {
463     // Scan all threads' ring buffers to find if it's a heap-use-after-free.
464     HeapAllocationRecord har;
465     uptr ring_index, num_matching_addrs, num_matching_addrs_4b;
466     if (FindHeapAllocation(t->heap_allocations(), tagged_addr, &har,
467                            &ring_index, &num_matching_addrs,
468                            &num_matching_addrs_4b)) {
469       Printf("%s", d.Error());
470       Printf("\nCause: use-after-free\n");
471       Printf("%s", d.Location());
472       Printf("%p is located %zd bytes inside a %zd-byte region [%p,%p)\n",
473              untagged_addr, untagged_addr - UntagAddr(har.tagged_addr),
474              har.requested_size, UntagAddr(har.tagged_addr),
475              UntagAddr(har.tagged_addr) + har.requested_size);
476       Printf("%s", d.Allocation());
477       Printf("freed by thread T%u here:\n", t->unique_id());
478       Printf("%s", d.Default());
479       GetStackTraceFromId(har.free_context_id).Print();
481       Printf("%s", d.Allocation());
482       Printf("previously allocated by thread T%u here:\n", har.alloc_thread_id);
483       Printf("%s", d.Default());
484       GetStackTraceFromId(har.alloc_context_id).Print();
486       // Print a developer note: the index of this heap object
487       // in the thread's deallocation ring buffer.
488       Printf("hwasan_dev_note_heap_rb_distance: %zd %zd\n", ring_index + 1,
489              flags()->heap_history_size);
490       Printf("hwasan_dev_note_num_matching_addrs: %zd\n", num_matching_addrs);
491       Printf("hwasan_dev_note_num_matching_addrs_4b: %zd\n",
492              num_matching_addrs_4b);
494       t->Announce();
495       num_descriptions_printed++;
496     }
497   });
499   if (candidate && num_descriptions_printed == 0) {
500     ShowHeapOrGlobalCandidate(untagged_addr, candidate, left, right);
501     num_descriptions_printed++;
502   }
504   // Print the remaining threads, as an extra information, 1 line per thread.
505   if (flags()->print_live_threads_info)
506     hwasanThreadList().VisitAllLiveThreads([&](Thread *t) { t->Announce(); });
508   if (!num_descriptions_printed)
509     // We exhausted our possibilities. Bail out.
510     Printf("HWAddressSanitizer can not describe address in more detail.\n");
511   if (num_descriptions_printed > 1) {
512     Printf(
513         "There are %d potential causes, printed above in order "
514         "of likeliness.\n",
515         num_descriptions_printed);
516   }
517 }
519 void ReportStats() {}
521 static void PrintTagInfoAroundAddr(tag_t *tag_ptr, uptr num_rows,
522                                    void (*print_tag)(InternalScopedString &s,
523                                                      tag_t *tag)) {
524   const uptr row_len = 16;  // better be power of two.
525   tag_t *center_row_beg = reinterpret_cast<tag_t *>(
526       RoundDownTo(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(tag_ptr), row_len));
527   tag_t *beg_row = center_row_beg - row_len * (num_rows / 2);
528   tag_t *end_row = center_row_beg + row_len * ((num_rows + 1) / 2);
529   InternalScopedString s;
530   for (tag_t *row = beg_row; row < end_row; row += row_len) {
531     s.append("%s", row == center_row_beg ? "=>" : "  ");
532     s.append("%p:", (void *)ShadowToMem(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(row)));
533     for (uptr i = 0; i < row_len; i++) {
534       s.append("%s", row + i == tag_ptr ? "[" : " ");
535       print_tag(s, &row[i]);
536       s.append("%s", row + i == tag_ptr ? "]" : " ");
537     }
538     s.append("\n");
539   }
540   Printf("%s", s.data());
541 }
543 static void PrintTagsAroundAddr(tag_t *tag_ptr) {
544   Printf(
545       "Memory tags around the buggy address (one tag corresponds to %zd "
546       "bytes):\n", kShadowAlignment);
547   PrintTagInfoAroundAddr(tag_ptr, 17, [](InternalScopedString &s, tag_t *tag) {
548     s.append("%02x", *tag);
549   });
551   Printf(
552       "Tags for short granules around the buggy address (one tag corresponds "
553       "to %zd bytes):\n",
554       kShadowAlignment);
555   PrintTagInfoAroundAddr(tag_ptr, 3, [](InternalScopedString &s, tag_t *tag) {
556     if (*tag >= 1 && *tag <= kShadowAlignment) {
557       uptr granule_addr = ShadowToMem(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(tag));
558       s.append("%02x",
559                *reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(granule_addr + kShadowAlignment - 1));
560     } else {
561       s.append("..");
562     }
563   });
564   Printf(
565       "See "
566       "https://clang.llvm.org/docs/"
567       "HardwareAssistedAddressSanitizerDesign.html#short-granules for a "
568       "description of short granule tags\n");
569 }
571 uptr GetTopPc(StackTrace *stack) {
572   return stack->size ? StackTrace::GetPreviousInstructionPc(stack->trace[0])
573                      : 0;
574 }
576 void ReportInvalidFree(StackTrace *stack, uptr tagged_addr) {
577   ScopedReport R(flags()->halt_on_error);
579   uptr untagged_addr = UntagAddr(tagged_addr);
580   tag_t ptr_tag = GetTagFromPointer(tagged_addr);
581   tag_t *tag_ptr = nullptr;
582   tag_t mem_tag = 0;
583   if (MemIsApp(untagged_addr)) {
584     tag_ptr = reinterpret_cast<tag_t *>(MemToShadow(untagged_addr));
585     if (MemIsShadow(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(tag_ptr)))
586       mem_tag = *tag_ptr;
587     else
588       tag_ptr = nullptr;
589   }
590   Decorator d;
591   Printf("%s", d.Error());
592   uptr pc = GetTopPc(stack);
593   const char *bug_type = "invalid-free";
594   const Thread *thread = GetCurrentThread();
595   if (thread) {
596     Report("ERROR: %s: %s on address %p at pc %p on thread T%zd\n",
597            SanitizerToolName, bug_type, untagged_addr, pc, thread->unique_id());
598   } else {
599     Report("ERROR: %s: %s on address %p at pc %p on unknown thread\n",
600            SanitizerToolName, bug_type, untagged_addr, pc);
601   }
602   Printf("%s", d.Access());
603   if (tag_ptr)
604     Printf("tags: %02x/%02x (ptr/mem)\n", ptr_tag, mem_tag);
605   Printf("%s", d.Default());
607   stack->Print();
609   PrintAddressDescription(tagged_addr, 0, nullptr);
611   if (tag_ptr)
612     PrintTagsAroundAddr(tag_ptr);
614   MaybePrintAndroidHelpUrl();
615   ReportErrorSummary(bug_type, stack);
616 }
618 void ReportTailOverwritten(StackTrace *stack, uptr tagged_addr, uptr orig_size,
619                            const u8 *expected) {
620   uptr tail_size = kShadowAlignment - (orig_size % kShadowAlignment);
621   u8 actual_expected[kShadowAlignment];
622   internal_memcpy(actual_expected, expected, tail_size);
623   tag_t ptr_tag = GetTagFromPointer(tagged_addr);
624   // Short granule is stashed in the last byte of the magic string. To avoid
625   // confusion, make the expected magic string contain the short granule tag.
626   if (orig_size % kShadowAlignment != 0) {
627     actual_expected[tail_size - 1] = ptr_tag;
628   }
630   ScopedReport R(flags()->halt_on_error);
631   Decorator d;
632   uptr untagged_addr = UntagAddr(tagged_addr);
633   Printf("%s", d.Error());
634   const char *bug_type = "allocation-tail-overwritten";
635   Report("ERROR: %s: %s; heap object [%p,%p) of size %zd\n", SanitizerToolName,
636          bug_type, untagged_addr, untagged_addr + orig_size, orig_size);
637   Printf("\n%s", d.Default());
638   Printf(
639       "Stack of invalid access unknown. Issue detected at deallocation "
640       "time.\n");
641   Printf("%s", d.Allocation());
642   Printf("deallocated here:\n");
643   Printf("%s", d.Default());
644   stack->Print();
645   HwasanChunkView chunk = FindHeapChunkByAddress(untagged_addr);
646   if (chunk.Beg()) {
647     Printf("%s", d.Allocation());
648     Printf("allocated here:\n");
649     Printf("%s", d.Default());
650     GetStackTraceFromId(chunk.GetAllocStackId()).Print();
651   }
653   InternalScopedString s;
654   CHECK_GT(tail_size, 0U);
655   CHECK_LT(tail_size, kShadowAlignment);
656   u8 *tail = reinterpret_cast<u8*>(untagged_addr + orig_size);
657   s.append("Tail contains: ");
658   for (uptr i = 0; i < kShadowAlignment - tail_size; i++)
659     s.append(".. ");
660   for (uptr i = 0; i < tail_size; i++)
661     s.append("%02x ", tail[i]);
662   s.append("\n");
663   s.append("Expected:      ");
664   for (uptr i = 0; i < kShadowAlignment - tail_size; i++)
665     s.append(".. ");
666   for (uptr i = 0; i < tail_size; i++) s.append("%02x ", actual_expected[i]);
667   s.append("\n");
668   s.append("               ");
669   for (uptr i = 0; i < kShadowAlignment - tail_size; i++)
670     s.append("   ");
671   for (uptr i = 0; i < tail_size; i++)
672     s.append("%s ", actual_expected[i] != tail[i] ? "^^" : "  ");
674   s.append("\nThis error occurs when a buffer overflow overwrites memory\n"
675     "after a heap object, but within the %zd-byte granule, e.g.\n"
676     "   char *x = new char[20];\n"
677     "   x[25] = 42;\n"
678     "%s does not detect such bugs in uninstrumented code at the time of write,"
679     "\nbut can detect them at the time of free/delete.\n"
680     "To disable this feature set HWASAN_OPTIONS=free_checks_tail_magic=0\n",
681     kShadowAlignment, SanitizerToolName);
682   Printf("%s", s.data());
683   GetCurrentThread()->Announce();
685   tag_t *tag_ptr = reinterpret_cast<tag_t*>(MemToShadow(untagged_addr));
686   PrintTagsAroundAddr(tag_ptr);
688   MaybePrintAndroidHelpUrl();
689   ReportErrorSummary(bug_type, stack);
690 }
692 void ReportTagMismatch(StackTrace *stack, uptr tagged_addr, uptr access_size,
693                        bool is_store, bool fatal, uptr *registers_frame) {
694   ScopedReport R(fatal);
695   SavedStackAllocations current_stack_allocations(
696       GetCurrentThread()->stack_allocations());
698   Decorator d;
699   uptr untagged_addr = UntagAddr(tagged_addr);
700   // TODO: when possible, try to print heap-use-after-free, etc.
701   const char *bug_type = "tag-mismatch";
702   uptr pc = GetTopPc(stack);
703   Printf("%s", d.Error());
704   Report("ERROR: %s: %s on address %p at pc %p\n", SanitizerToolName, bug_type,
705          untagged_addr, pc);
707   Thread *t = GetCurrentThread();
709   sptr offset =
710       __hwasan_test_shadow(reinterpret_cast<void *>(tagged_addr), access_size);
711   CHECK_GE(offset, 0);
712   CHECK_LT(offset, static_cast<sptr>(access_size));
713   tag_t ptr_tag = GetTagFromPointer(tagged_addr);
714   tag_t *tag_ptr =
715       reinterpret_cast<tag_t *>(MemToShadow(untagged_addr + offset));
716   tag_t mem_tag = *tag_ptr;
718   Printf("%s", d.Access());
719   if (mem_tag && mem_tag < kShadowAlignment) {
720     tag_t *granule_ptr = reinterpret_cast<tag_t *>((untagged_addr + offset) &
721                                                    ~(kShadowAlignment - 1));
722     // If offset is 0, (untagged_addr + offset) is not aligned to granules.
723     // This is the offset of the leftmost accessed byte within the bad granule.
724     u8 in_granule_offset = (untagged_addr + offset) & (kShadowAlignment - 1);
725     tag_t short_tag = granule_ptr[kShadowAlignment - 1];
726     // The first mismatch was a short granule that matched the ptr_tag.
727     if (short_tag == ptr_tag) {
728       // If the access starts after the end of the short granule, then the first
729       // bad byte is the first byte of the access; otherwise it is the first
730       // byte past the end of the short granule
731       if (mem_tag > in_granule_offset) {
732         offset += mem_tag - in_granule_offset;
733       }
734     }
735     Printf(
736         "%s of size %zu at %p tags: %02x/%02x(%02x) (ptr/mem) in thread T%zd\n",
737         is_store ? "WRITE" : "READ", access_size, untagged_addr, ptr_tag,
738         mem_tag, short_tag, t->unique_id());
739   } else {
740     Printf("%s of size %zu at %p tags: %02x/%02x (ptr/mem) in thread T%zd\n",
741            is_store ? "WRITE" : "READ", access_size, untagged_addr, ptr_tag,
742            mem_tag, t->unique_id());
743   }
744   if (offset != 0)
745     Printf("Invalid access starting at offset %zu\n", offset);
746   Printf("%s", d.Default());
748   stack->Print();
750   PrintAddressDescription(tagged_addr, access_size,
751                           current_stack_allocations.get());
752   t->Announce();
754   PrintTagsAroundAddr(tag_ptr);
756   if (registers_frame)
757     ReportRegisters(registers_frame, pc);
759   MaybePrintAndroidHelpUrl();
760   ReportErrorSummary(bug_type, stack);
761 }
763 // See the frame breakdown defined in __hwasan_tag_mismatch (from
764 // hwasan_tag_mismatch_{aarch64,riscv64}.S).
765 void ReportRegisters(uptr *frame, uptr pc) {
766   Printf("Registers where the failure occurred (pc %p):\n", pc);
768   // We explicitly print a single line (4 registers/line) each iteration to
769   // reduce the amount of logcat error messages printed. Each Printf() will
770   // result in a new logcat line, irrespective of whether a newline is present,
771   // and so we wish to reduce the number of Printf() calls we have to make.
772 #if defined(__aarch64__)
773   Printf("    x0  %016llx  x1  %016llx  x2  %016llx  x3  %016llx\n",
774        frame[0], frame[1], frame[2], frame[3]);
776   Printf("    sp  %016llx  x1  %016llx  x2  %016llx  x3  %016llx\n",
777          reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(frame) + 256, frame[1], frame[2], frame[3]);
778 #endif
779   Printf("    x4  %016llx  x5  %016llx  x6  %016llx  x7  %016llx\n",
780        frame[4], frame[5], frame[6], frame[7]);
781   Printf("    x8  %016llx  x9  %016llx  x10 %016llx  x11 %016llx\n",
782        frame[8], frame[9], frame[10], frame[11]);
783   Printf("    x12 %016llx  x13 %016llx  x14 %016llx  x15 %016llx\n",
784        frame[12], frame[13], frame[14], frame[15]);
785   Printf("    x16 %016llx  x17 %016llx  x18 %016llx  x19 %016llx\n",
786        frame[16], frame[17], frame[18], frame[19]);
787   Printf("    x20 %016llx  x21 %016llx  x22 %016llx  x23 %016llx\n",
788        frame[20], frame[21], frame[22], frame[23]);
789   Printf("    x24 %016llx  x25 %016llx  x26 %016llx  x27 %016llx\n",
790        frame[24], frame[25], frame[26], frame[27]);
791   // hwasan_check* reduces the stack pointer by 256, then __hwasan_tag_mismatch
792   // passes it to this function.
793 #if defined(__aarch64__)
794   Printf("    x28 %016llx  x29 %016llx  x30 %016llx   sp %016llx\n", frame[28],
795          frame[29], frame[30], reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(frame) + 256);
797   Printf("    x28 %016llx  x29 %016llx  x30 %016llx  x31 %016llx\n", frame[28],
798          frame[29], frame[30], frame[31]);
799 #else
800 #endif
801 }
803 }  // namespace __hwasan
805 void __hwasan_set_error_report_callback(void (*callback)(const char *)) {
806   __hwasan::ScopedReport::SetErrorReportCallback(callback);
807 }