xref: /freebsd/contrib/llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerDataFlowTrace.cpp (revision a3c35da61bb201168575f1d18f4ca3e96937d35c)
1 //===- FuzzerDataFlowTrace.cpp - DataFlowTrace                ---*- C++ -* ===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 // fuzzer::DataFlowTrace
9 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
11 #include "FuzzerDataFlowTrace.h"
13 #include "FuzzerCommand.h"
14 #include "FuzzerIO.h"
15 #include "FuzzerRandom.h"
16 #include "FuzzerSHA1.h"
17 #include "FuzzerUtil.h"
19 #include <cstdlib>
20 #include <fstream>
21 #include <numeric>
22 #include <queue>
23 #include <sstream>
24 #include <string>
25 #include <unordered_map>
26 #include <unordered_set>
27 #include <vector>
29 namespace fuzzer {
30 static const char *kFunctionsTxt = "functions.txt";
32 bool BlockCoverage::AppendCoverage(const std::string &S) {
33   std::stringstream SS(S);
34   return AppendCoverage(SS);
35 }
37 // Coverage lines have this form:
38 // CN X Y Z T
39 // where N is the number of the function, T is the total number of instrumented
40 // BBs, and X,Y,Z, if present, are the indecies of covered BB.
41 // BB #0, which is the entry block, is not explicitly listed.
42 bool BlockCoverage::AppendCoverage(std::istream &IN) {
43   std::string L;
44   while (std::getline(IN, L, '\n')) {
45     if (L.empty())
46       continue;
47     std::stringstream SS(L.c_str() + 1);
48     size_t FunctionId  = 0;
49     SS >> FunctionId;
50     if (L[0] == 'F') {
51       FunctionsWithDFT.insert(FunctionId);
52       continue;
53     }
54     if (L[0] != 'C') continue;
55     Vector<uint32_t> CoveredBlocks;
56     while (true) {
57       uint32_t BB = 0;
58       SS >> BB;
59       if (!SS) break;
60       CoveredBlocks.push_back(BB);
61     }
62     if (CoveredBlocks.empty()) return false;
63     uint32_t NumBlocks = CoveredBlocks.back();
64     CoveredBlocks.pop_back();
65     for (auto BB : CoveredBlocks)
66       if (BB >= NumBlocks) return false;
67     auto It = Functions.find(FunctionId);
68     auto &Counters =
69         It == Functions.end()
70             ? Functions.insert({FunctionId, Vector<uint32_t>(NumBlocks)})
71                   .first->second
72             : It->second;
74     if (Counters.size() != NumBlocks) return false;  // wrong number of blocks.
76     Counters[0]++;
77     for (auto BB : CoveredBlocks)
78       Counters[BB]++;
79   }
80   return true;
81 }
83 // Assign weights to each function.
84 // General principles:
85 //   * any uncovered function gets weight 0.
86 //   * a function with lots of uncovered blocks gets bigger weight.
87 //   * a function with a less frequently executed code gets bigger weight.
88 Vector<double> BlockCoverage::FunctionWeights(size_t NumFunctions) const {
89   Vector<double> Res(NumFunctions);
90   for (auto It : Functions) {
91     auto FunctionID = It.first;
92     auto Counters = It.second;
93     assert(FunctionID < NumFunctions);
94     auto &Weight = Res[FunctionID];
95     // Give higher weight if the function has a DFT.
96     Weight = FunctionsWithDFT.count(FunctionID) ? 1000. : 1;
97     // Give higher weight to functions with less frequently seen basic blocks.
98     Weight /= SmallestNonZeroCounter(Counters);
99     // Give higher weight to functions with the most uncovered basic blocks.
100     Weight *= NumberOfUncoveredBlocks(Counters) + 1;
101   }
102   return Res;
103 }
105 void DataFlowTrace::ReadCoverage(const std::string &DirPath) {
106   Vector<SizedFile> Files;
107   GetSizedFilesFromDir(DirPath, &Files);
108   for (auto &SF : Files) {
109     auto Name = Basename(SF.File);
110     if (Name == kFunctionsTxt) continue;
111     if (!CorporaHashes.count(Name)) continue;
112     std::ifstream IF(SF.File);
113     Coverage.AppendCoverage(IF);
114   }
115 }
117 static void DFTStringAppendToVector(Vector<uint8_t> *DFT,
118                                     const std::string &DFTString) {
119   assert(DFT->size() == DFTString.size());
120   for (size_t I = 0, Len = DFT->size(); I < Len; I++)
121     (*DFT)[I] = DFTString[I] == '1';
122 }
124 // converts a string of '0' and '1' into a Vector<uint8_t>
125 static Vector<uint8_t> DFTStringToVector(const std::string &DFTString) {
126   Vector<uint8_t> DFT(DFTString.size());
127   DFTStringAppendToVector(&DFT, DFTString);
128   return DFT;
129 }
131 static bool ParseError(const char *Err, const std::string &Line) {
132   Printf("DataFlowTrace: parse error: %s: Line: %s\n", Err, Line.c_str());
133   return false;
134 }
136 // TODO(metzman): replace std::string with std::string_view for
137 // better performance. Need to figure our how to use string_view on Windows.
138 static bool ParseDFTLine(const std::string &Line, size_t *FunctionNum,
139                          std::string *DFTString) {
140   if (!Line.empty() && Line[0] != 'F')
141     return false; // Ignore coverage.
142   size_t SpacePos = Line.find(' ');
143   if (SpacePos == std::string::npos)
144     return ParseError("no space in the trace line", Line);
145   if (Line.empty() || Line[0] != 'F')
146     return ParseError("the trace line doesn't start with 'F'", Line);
147   *FunctionNum = std::atol(Line.c_str() + 1);
148   const char *Beg = Line.c_str() + SpacePos + 1;
149   const char *End = Line.c_str() + Line.size();
150   assert(Beg < End);
151   size_t Len = End - Beg;
152   for (size_t I = 0; I < Len; I++) {
153     if (Beg[I] != '0' && Beg[I] != '1')
154       return ParseError("the trace should contain only 0 or 1", Line);
155   }
156   *DFTString = Beg;
157   return true;
158 }
160 bool DataFlowTrace::Init(const std::string &DirPath, std::string *FocusFunction,
161                          Vector<SizedFile> &CorporaFiles, Random &Rand) {
162   if (DirPath.empty()) return false;
163   Printf("INFO: DataFlowTrace: reading from '%s'\n", DirPath.c_str());
164   Vector<SizedFile> Files;
165   GetSizedFilesFromDir(DirPath, &Files);
166   std::string L;
167   size_t FocusFuncIdx = SIZE_MAX;
168   Vector<std::string> FunctionNames;
170   // Collect the hashes of the corpus files.
171   for (auto &SF : CorporaFiles)
172     CorporaHashes.insert(Hash(FileToVector(SF.File)));
174   // Read functions.txt
175   std::ifstream IF(DirPlusFile(DirPath, kFunctionsTxt));
176   size_t NumFunctions = 0;
177   while (std::getline(IF, L, '\n')) {
178     FunctionNames.push_back(L);
179     NumFunctions++;
180     if (*FocusFunction == L)
181       FocusFuncIdx = NumFunctions - 1;
182   }
183   if (!NumFunctions)
184     return false;
186   if (*FocusFunction == "auto") {
187     // AUTOFOCUS works like this:
188     // * reads the coverage data from the DFT files.
189     // * assigns weights to functions based on coverage.
190     // * chooses a random function according to the weights.
191     ReadCoverage(DirPath);
192     auto Weights = Coverage.FunctionWeights(NumFunctions);
193     Vector<double> Intervals(NumFunctions + 1);
194     std::iota(Intervals.begin(), Intervals.end(), 0);
195     auto Distribution = std::piecewise_constant_distribution<double>(
196         Intervals.begin(), Intervals.end(), Weights.begin());
197     FocusFuncIdx = static_cast<size_t>(Distribution(Rand));
198     *FocusFunction = FunctionNames[FocusFuncIdx];
199     assert(FocusFuncIdx < NumFunctions);
200     Printf("INFO: AUTOFOCUS: %zd %s\n", FocusFuncIdx,
201            FunctionNames[FocusFuncIdx].c_str());
202     for (size_t i = 0; i < NumFunctions; i++) {
203       if (!Weights[i]) continue;
204       Printf("  [%zd] W %g\tBB-tot %u\tBB-cov %u\tEntryFreq %u:\t%s\n", i,
205              Weights[i], Coverage.GetNumberOfBlocks(i),
206              Coverage.GetNumberOfCoveredBlocks(i), Coverage.GetCounter(i, 0),
207              FunctionNames[i].c_str());
208     }
209   }
211   if (!NumFunctions || FocusFuncIdx == SIZE_MAX || Files.size() <= 1)
212     return false;
214   // Read traces.
215   size_t NumTraceFiles = 0;
216   size_t NumTracesWithFocusFunction = 0;
217   for (auto &SF : Files) {
218     auto Name = Basename(SF.File);
219     if (Name == kFunctionsTxt) continue;
220     if (!CorporaHashes.count(Name)) continue;  // not in the corpus.
221     NumTraceFiles++;
222     // Printf("=== %s\n", Name.c_str());
223     std::ifstream IF(SF.File);
224     while (std::getline(IF, L, '\n')) {
225       size_t FunctionNum = 0;
226       std::string DFTString;
227       if (ParseDFTLine(L, &FunctionNum, &DFTString) &&
228           FunctionNum == FocusFuncIdx) {
229         NumTracesWithFocusFunction++;
231         if (FunctionNum >= NumFunctions)
232           return ParseError("N is greater than the number of functions", L);
233         Traces[Name] = DFTStringToVector(DFTString);
234         // Print just a few small traces.
235         if (NumTracesWithFocusFunction <= 3 && DFTString.size() <= 16)
236           Printf("%s => |%s|\n", Name.c_str(), std::string(DFTString).c_str());
237         break; // No need to parse the following lines.
238       }
239     }
240   }
241   Printf("INFO: DataFlowTrace: %zd trace files, %zd functions, "
242          "%zd traces with focus function\n",
243          NumTraceFiles, NumFunctions, NumTracesWithFocusFunction);
244   return NumTraceFiles > 0;
245 }
247 int CollectDataFlow(const std::string &DFTBinary, const std::string &DirPath,
248                     const Vector<SizedFile> &CorporaFiles) {
249   Printf("INFO: collecting data flow: bin: %s dir: %s files: %zd\n",
250          DFTBinary.c_str(), DirPath.c_str(), CorporaFiles.size());
251   static char DFSanEnv[] = "DFSAN_OPTIONS=fast16labels=1:warn_unimplemented=0";
252   putenv(DFSanEnv);
253   MkDir(DirPath);
254   for (auto &F : CorporaFiles) {
255     // For every input F we need to collect the data flow and the coverage.
256     // Data flow collection may fail if we request too many DFSan tags at once.
257     // So, we start from requesting all tags in range [0,Size) and if that fails
258     // we then request tags in [0,Size/2) and [Size/2, Size), and so on.
259     // Function number => DFT.
260     auto OutPath = DirPlusFile(DirPath, Hash(FileToVector(F.File)));
261     std::unordered_map<size_t, Vector<uint8_t>> DFTMap;
262     std::unordered_set<std::string> Cov;
263     Command Cmd;
264     Cmd.addArgument(DFTBinary);
265     Cmd.addArgument(F.File);
266     Cmd.addArgument(OutPath);
267     Printf("CMD: %s\n", Cmd.toString().c_str());
268     ExecuteCommand(Cmd);
269   }
270   // Write functions.txt if it's currently empty or doesn't exist.
271   auto FunctionsTxtPath = DirPlusFile(DirPath, kFunctionsTxt);
272   if (FileToString(FunctionsTxtPath).empty()) {
273     Command Cmd;
274     Cmd.addArgument(DFTBinary);
275     Cmd.setOutputFile(FunctionsTxtPath);
276     ExecuteCommand(Cmd);
277   }
278   return 0;
279 }
281 }  // namespace fuzzer