xref: /freebsd/contrib/llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/builtins/comparedf2.c (revision 53071ed1c96db7f89defc99c95b0ad1031d48f45)
1 //===-- lib/comparedf2.c - Double-precision comparisons -----------*- C -*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // // This file implements the following soft-float comparison routines:
10 //
11 //   __eqdf2   __gedf2   __unorddf2
12 //   __ledf2   __gtdf2
13 //   __ltdf2
14 //   __nedf2
15 //
16 // The semantics of the routines grouped in each column are identical, so there
17 // is a single implementation for each, and wrappers to provide the other names.
18 //
19 // The main routines behave as follows:
20 //
21 //   __ledf2(a,b) returns -1 if a < b
22 //                         0 if a == b
23 //                         1 if a > b
24 //                         1 if either a or b is NaN
25 //
26 //   __gedf2(a,b) returns -1 if a < b
27 //                         0 if a == b
28 //                         1 if a > b
29 //                        -1 if either a or b is NaN
30 //
31 //   __unorddf2(a,b) returns 0 if both a and b are numbers
32 //                           1 if either a or b is NaN
33 //
34 // Note that __ledf2( ) and __gedf2( ) are identical except in their handling of
35 // NaN values.
36 //
37 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
40 #include "fp_lib.h"
42 enum LE_RESULT { LE_LESS = -1, LE_EQUAL = 0, LE_GREATER = 1, LE_UNORDERED = 1 };
44 COMPILER_RT_ABI enum LE_RESULT __ledf2(fp_t a, fp_t b) {
46   const srep_t aInt = toRep(a);
47   const srep_t bInt = toRep(b);
48   const rep_t aAbs = aInt & absMask;
49   const rep_t bAbs = bInt & absMask;
51   // If either a or b is NaN, they are unordered.
52   if (aAbs > infRep || bAbs > infRep)
53     return LE_UNORDERED;
55   // If a and b are both zeros, they are equal.
56   if ((aAbs | bAbs) == 0)
57     return LE_EQUAL;
59   // If at least one of a and b is positive, we get the same result comparing
60   // a and b as signed integers as we would with a floating-point compare.
61   if ((aInt & bInt) >= 0) {
62     if (aInt < bInt)
63       return LE_LESS;
64     else if (aInt == bInt)
65       return LE_EQUAL;
66     else
67       return LE_GREATER;
68   }
70   // Otherwise, both are negative, so we need to flip the sense of the
71   // comparison to get the correct result.  (This assumes a twos- or ones-
72   // complement integer representation; if integers are represented in a
73   // sign-magnitude representation, then this flip is incorrect).
74   else {
75     if (aInt > bInt)
76       return LE_LESS;
77     else if (aInt == bInt)
78       return LE_EQUAL;
79     else
80       return LE_GREATER;
81   }
82 }
84 #if defined(__ELF__)
85 // Alias for libgcc compatibility
86 COMPILER_RT_ALIAS(__ledf2, __cmpdf2)
87 #endif
88 COMPILER_RT_ALIAS(__ledf2, __eqdf2)
89 COMPILER_RT_ALIAS(__ledf2, __ltdf2)
90 COMPILER_RT_ALIAS(__ledf2, __nedf2)
92 enum GE_RESULT {
93   GE_LESS = -1,
94   GE_EQUAL = 0,
95   GE_GREATER = 1,
96   GE_UNORDERED = -1 // Note: different from LE_UNORDERED
97 };
99 COMPILER_RT_ABI enum GE_RESULT __gedf2(fp_t a, fp_t b) {
101   const srep_t aInt = toRep(a);
102   const srep_t bInt = toRep(b);
103   const rep_t aAbs = aInt & absMask;
104   const rep_t bAbs = bInt & absMask;
106   if (aAbs > infRep || bAbs > infRep)
107     return GE_UNORDERED;
108   if ((aAbs | bAbs) == 0)
109     return GE_EQUAL;
110   if ((aInt & bInt) >= 0) {
111     if (aInt < bInt)
112       return GE_LESS;
113     else if (aInt == bInt)
114       return GE_EQUAL;
115     else
116       return GE_GREATER;
117   } else {
118     if (aInt > bInt)
119       return GE_LESS;
120     else if (aInt == bInt)
121       return GE_EQUAL;
122     else
123       return GE_GREATER;
124   }
125 }
127 COMPILER_RT_ALIAS(__gedf2, __gtdf2)
130 __unorddf2(fp_t a, fp_t b) {
131     const rep_t aAbs = toRep(a) & absMask;
132     const rep_t bAbs = toRep(b) & absMask;
133     return aAbs > infRep || bAbs > infRep;
134 }
136 #if defined(__ARM_EABI__)
138 AEABI_RTABI int __aeabi_dcmpun(fp_t a, fp_t b) { return __unorddf2(a, b); }
139 #else
140 COMPILER_RT_ALIAS(__unorddf2, __aeabi_dcmpun)
141 #endif
142 #endif
144 #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
145 // The alias mechanism doesn't work on Windows except for MinGW, so emit
146 // wrapper functions.
147 int __eqdf2(fp_t a, fp_t b) { return __ledf2(a, b); }
148 int __ltdf2(fp_t a, fp_t b) { return __ledf2(a, b); }
149 int __nedf2(fp_t a, fp_t b) { return __ledf2(a, b); }
150 int __gtdf2(fp_t a, fp_t b) { return __gedf2(a, b); }
151 #endif